The Unwritten Handbook

By Justin Balancier

Published on Aug 9, 2021


The Unwritten Handbook"

Part 7

Someone once wrote – "There are no best of times" but Kyle assumed that was nonsense. He knew that people made choices between inexperience and wisdom. Even though material things can be mediocre, that did not apply here.

"I am going to spring for lunch today," said Kyle

"Then we better go back to the bushes," said Otto laughing

"I'm impressed," mumbled Kyle seeing a side of somebody better than average.

Whoever said – "There are no best of times," is an idiot he thought quietly to himself in a moment of moral emotion. Being with Otto was the best time ever.

Otto got off the swings and started towards the clubhouse. – "Are you coming?" he said to Kyle looking back over his shoulder.

"What's in there," asked Kyle

"The toilets and I have to take a wicked piss, and then I'll feel better than good."

"I still can't believe you took that load. It makes you kinda special," said Kyle

"It makes me kinda queer"

"Nah, only a little sultry," remarked Kyle

"Otto laughed as Kyle caught up to him and they went into the men's rest room together.

"You come up with the nuttiest damn things...ME, a sultry queer – hardly"

"Just a little one," giggled Kyle pinching Otto on his ass cheeks

"Otto jumped and said with a terrible hood accent, – "Wait `till I gets you under dem sheets, fuckin you dumb ass."

A couple of men, who were playing tennis, came into the men's room and the silly talk and gay comments stopped completely.

Otto and Kyle liked who they were as people, but felt foolish camping in front of men foreign to gay expressions, So like a couple of decent dudes, they acted like men (not sissy's) around strangers which is the mature thing to do.

"How you men doing," asked the sandy haired man with the name Andrew embroidered on his pull over shirt. He looked young probably mid-twenties.

"Not bad," answered Kyle. Otto washing his hands ignored the conversation.

"There is a free court now, if you are waiting to play," said the older one with the name `Duncan' embroidered on his shirt. He was not much older probably early thirties.

His hair was brownish red and he was wearing shorts, with nice looking legs. Tuffs of reddish sandy hair rested in tight little curls on his thighs. Against his white tennis shorts, he looked yummy to Kyle. Otto barely noticed, and typical Otto.

When he pulled up his shirt, to wipe his sweaty forehead, Kyle took notice, big time. Whew, he was sweet as honey. Duncan was a fuzzy little reddish ball of hot sexy flesh.

"Are you two fellow's brothers?" asked Kyle. They had similar features and standing close to one another, they certainly appeared related.

"I am Andrew and this is Duncan," said the shorter of the two men while washing his hands. Yup it is written on our shirts.

We are half- brothers, with the same dad. We resemble each other, with different moms explained Duncan. "Our dad has the red hair and we take after him."

The shirts are from our grandmother; she did not want us to get lost. Ha ha-ha," howled Andrew.

He seemed to be the friendlier of the two, thinking the shirt story was funny – it was not; it was dumb.

Then Duncan using a paper towel wiped the sweaty chest of his brother Andrew. There was nothing wrong doing that, but it caused a raised eyebrow from Otto as he looked through the mirror at Kyle who was next to him. The brothers acted so loving together.

Hey men, before you think I am a queer, I am not. I am gay however, (that doesn't mean queer) and we were brought up in the Scottish tradition of looking out for one another," said Duncan who up to this point had seemed quiet.

"I wasn't thinking any such thing," admitted Otto

"Just saying" replied Duncan / when I see raised eyebrows, I lay it on the line and tell it how it is."

"Are you from Scotland," asked Kyle detecting a Scottish accent.

"No from Ireland, to a Scottish family with old world customs." "So you are kissing brothers," concluded Kyle.

"Most definitely, we are kissing brothers," jutted in Andrew "We fool around, have beautiful sex and slept together, but we are not talking about that."

The two brothers finished washing their sweaty face and neck barely talking any longer. They were both gay, but one would never guess based only on looking.

"C'mon" said Otto to Kyle. "Let's get the hell out of here. I'll buy the cold beer whatya u say?" he declared

"I'm set, let's spin." Agreed Kyle

Duncan was drying his face and overheard Otto talking about cold beer.

"By God speed, that sounds good" he said but not directed at anyone special

"What's that?" questioned Andrew – "What sounds good?"

"Humm, little brother, an icy mug of golden brew with a foamy top"

"That does sound grand," chimed in Andrew speaking like an old timer.

"Say, why don't you come with is," said Otto, "We are going to the `Town Tavern' just down the street."

"Aren't you going to play tennis now that the court is free?" asked Andrew.

"Nah, next time, Kyle is a little worn out. We just had sex in the bushes," said Otto

"You did? I mean in the bushes...," declared Duncan suddenly interested in the conversation. "Just where might these bushes be?"

"Not far, it's the bushes by the swings. It just happened;" Added Kyle "Otto took a load."

"Sweet" said Duncan "I know exactly the spot where you be whoring,"

"For sure, but we are not whores," exclaimed Kyle, tucking his shirt into his shorts.

"Then what are you calling such a gay deed?" quizzed Duncan never letting up on the questions.

"Helping a friend out with a bubbling need to be set free," piped in Otto

Splendid, we Scots appreciate the great outdoors and sex in in the foliage is grand. I love hearing such an ambitious story."

"Now you have heard, so drop it," declared Otto not liking the questions coming from Duncan.

Andrew was cherry pop with shapely tanned legs and a good physique. He like talking about sex as the cock in his shorts began swelling and moved around.

"You know, Andrew is right. A cold beer does sound good. Sure, we will join you for a short one," concluded Duncan. "Is that invite for us, still a go?"

"Of course" answered Otto, who seemed to be doing all the talking. It was odd because he was usually the quiet one, so you never know what rattles one cage...

Kyle liked the idea also. Making gay friends got everybody charged up and energized. The four of them walked over Livingston Ave.

The Town Tavern was on the corner of Livingston and S. Pine. It was a neighborhood bar with a ball game playing on TV and mostly older men sitting at the bar sipping beer and talking nonsense. Otto went there often to watch a Yankee game on TV.

There was one vacant spot at the bar, so they sat at a table near the exit door. The other available spot was near the window in the sun and Andrew did not like doing that. He said that red heads got freckles in the sun. They all laughed except Otto.

Otto brought four mugs of cold beer to the table after paying for them... "There you go gentlemen, drink up, I suspect this place has more where that came from."

The bartender recognized Otto and brought over complimentary table baskets of pretzels and potato chips for munching.

The next hour and a couple of beers later, they had talked about Vermont, tennis, hooking up, hanging out and sex

"Are you telling me that Otto has a girlfriend and he gave you a blowjob in the bushes?" said Duncan talking directly to Kyle. "You must be a delicious dude"

"Otto gulped his beer and coughed slightly" "Yeah, I did but, I am gay only sometimes, so stuff happens. As for the girlfriend, that is in the past."

"I shouldn't have said anything about the bushes," admitted Kyle "It's the beer talking."

"That's cool. I don't care if the guys know." said Otto.

"I had a girlfriend but it has weakened. I get along so much better with Kyle, than I do with women." He admitted

"A-hah, I get it," declared Duncan - `Kyle has something that you like better," His hand brushed up against Kyle's leg under the table.

"What do you have that Otto likes?" he whispered so only Kyle heard what he asked.

"I make him feel like an oil slick out of control. You know how it is – hot people find each other just by looking." Replied Kyle

I am looking and you are hot," Duncan whispered

Duncan had tuffs of reddish sandy hair in tight little curls on his thighs. He was a trophy trick and sexy looking as hell.

Kyle moved his leg as Duncan pushed harder into him. Finally, when Duncan put his hand on Kyle's crotch under the table; Kyle repositioned himself and broke free from the touching but never said a word to anybody.

Otto was a breathtaking alpha prince moving daily into his own brand of stud. Kyle rejected a quickie with a knee-grabbing outsider like Duncan. He belonged it Otto.

Otto shortly was at the bar talking to Jack the bartender, about the game.

With Andrew on one side of Kyle and Duncan on the other side, they talked fast propositioning him into a three way after ditching Otto.

"Come with us, we can have so much fun," said Duncan grabbing Kyle's cock"

"Nah," replied Kyle. "Your idea is unattractive to me – gotta pass men– gotta pass,"

"You are passing up hot creamy cock and some big balls; you don't want to do something like that," said Andrew

"Some folks like one kind of hookup and some like another. I like another," said Kyle

"Are you nuts – nobody passes with us," added Duncan

"Now you have a story to tell," said Kyle

Kyle left the bar with Otto saying nothing to him about being hit on.

"What do you think about the two weird brothers?" asked Otto as they paused at the corner waiting for the stop light.

"Ahh, they weren't so wired; just poor performers with lousy judgement." "It's obvious you have put some thought into it," said Otto taking Kyle's hand.

Maybe a little but nothing except us, is importin to me in real time."

"Not a word is written in a handbook, that's for sure," Mumbled Otto. "Hell, there isn't even a book, everything is either crotch envy or fluff; one just has to recognize the difference." He continued

"There is a bunch of truth in that; we have to endure the crap, just to get through it."

The light turned green and the two of them walked Livingston Avenue.

They were going home.

Thanks for reading Handbook – Nifty made it all possible, please remember them, Justin

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