The Unwritten Handbook

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jul 19, 2021


"The Unwritten Handbook"

Part 2

The leaves fell daily from the trees that had turned yellow, red and orange. The autumn color is always spectacular in October, nevertheless in Vermont winter is soon to follow.

Kyle had just raked a high pile of leaves and was pulling them away on a tarp to dump into the wooded area behind his house. Otto pulled into the driveway with his white pickup and stopped just as Kyle was lugging the tarp.

"Hey, pal, looks like you could use some help." Shouted Otto from the open window of his truck

"Nah, it's under control," shouted back Kyle still walking and pulling.

"Don't want you to chip your nails," said Otto laughing

"If you think that is gonna piss me off – you're right. And stop calling me `pal' you sound like a mafia hit man" exclaimed Kyle

Otto laughed and jumped out of his truck. From the bed of the truck, he picked up a large lawn leaf blower. "I am going to give you the best blow job on the street," Otto yelled to him

"Does that come with a movie and a kiss, Kyle yelled back

"Hey this is genuine work, not some John Lather's Festival play," Otto blurted out sounding serious.

"Just kidding, don't get your junk in masculine discomfort." said Kyle this time laughing at Otto.

Since doing the gay play for John Lathers, they have been tossing around sexual remarks. It was fun at first, but now Kyle was finding it rather annoying.

"I better blow you – (your lawn) right now," said Otto." In the morning, Amanda and I are going to NYC and staying over. Be back on Sunday."

Before Kyle could reply, Otto had the leaf blower turned on and the remaining leaves tumbled to the back of the property and into the woods.

"There," said Otto; "doesn't that deserve a little praise?"

"Fuck the praise, I'll give you a beer; unless it was not a favor and I owe you something," said Kyle expecting some nutty reaction

"Nope, just doing you a favor," said Otto

Otto followed Kyle into the house and leaned against a kitchen counter as Kyle pulled a couple of brews from the refrigerator. When he handed Otto the beer, he planted one of the silly peck kisses from the play on his cheek.

Otto set the beer down and put his arms around Kyle's waist pulling him into his chest. "Let's do this the right way, for a change," he said giving Kyle a full warm kiss nibbling on his lips and sucking his mouth.

It was a long way from a peck on the cheek. It was serious business lasting for a couple of minutes, maybe longer. "You are stabbing me brother with that cannon on your pants,' said Otto holding Kyle and staring into his eyes.

Kyle did not question it; he locked his glance on to Otto's sexy blue eyes and his cock continued to press against him. They both could feel it.

"I'm not gay," said Otto, "I just like doing this with you. Maybe all the rehearsals we went through, is the answer. I figured there was more to kissing than a pretend play"

"A-huh," mumbled Kyle inches from his face.

"Does that mean you agree?

"A-huh" whispered Kyle gently licking Otto's lips – You are not gay and we should catch the moment and kiss like we mean it; besides, gay is only a cool word."

"That's it.," mumbled Otto using both of his hands; he held Kyles face asking him something direct. It was only one word in the form of a question.

"Hungry" he asked

"All the time" replied Kyle as Otto pulled him even closer being stabbed by Kyle's cock. It was in his pants but tented out like a rock hard cucumber.

Otto unsnapped his own khaki pants (no belt) and they dropped to the floor. He was commando without underwear; his crotch was on full display.

Kyle looked at him ever so slightly, then very closely, lifting Otto's dick in his hand as to examine it.

"Nice dick," he said – real nice.

There was a slight pause then he spoke again.

"Damn, that is a good looking dick"

"I know," replied Otto.

"Fuckin beautiful," continued Kyle, "can I kiss it?"

"You can put it in your mouth if you are hungry," said Otto getting bigger and stiffer with Kyle stroking it back and forth...

Kyle could feel his heart flutter, which was something new for him. This had never happened before with anybody. It was always a quickie blowjob or a raw fuck, but never with heart flutters. He could not wait to get to the party between Otto's thighs covered with little curls of dark growing hair.

Kyle slid to the floor like "waterslide world" kneeling in front of the man he once called a jerk. He kissed his cock and ran his nose along the length, turning on Otto in a way new to him.

"Fuckin nice dick," Kyle mumbled again like a broken record

"Yeah – yeah, we already did the "nice" thing. Just suck it Kyle and stop fooling around," commanded Otto in his sexiest voice.

Kyle took an inviting lick with his tongue then swept over his dick with his warm mouth almost reaching his balls. It was quite a feat to get that far down in the first try, but he did it with only a slight choke. Maybe it was a gag – doesn't matter, he was there.

"Ohh shit...oh my god, I never felt anything so great. Geezus Kyle you are a beast, who would ever think you had that kind of talent," said Otto.

His legs quivering just slightly and completely into what Kyle was doing to him. He rested back against the kitchen counter and just let Kyle work on him like a command performance.

He wasn't sure what to expect having only a blowjob from Amanda, which was always lousy but wet. Memories flashed through his mind like a newsreel remembering how unwilling and terrible Amanda was at sucking cock.

By comparison, Kyle was devouring, eating him alive making his body spark with untold fireworks. OMG this was hotter than getting pussy and Otto was dumb stricken making sense of it all.

He bubbled up a load that was about ready to erupt and told Kyle he had better stop. He remembered Amanda would suck a little, then stop and check his cock looking for leakage. If it leaked precum, the party was over and she wouldn't put it back in her mouth.

Kyle was just the opposite. He was working diligently getting it to erupt. Otto was wise asking him the best question to turn him into a man-eater. He was `hungry' all right, pleading for a load from a willing dude.

He didn't have to do much pleading however; Otto was deliberately commando, something he saw watching porn. He did not realize that sexy briefs covering a package bulge could be very hot looking for a gay nibbler.

Otto with his impressive cock fucked a lot of pussy. Pussy was becoming humdrum still he liked it. However, Kyle's blowjob showed him a new perspective on sex.

"Damn, he thought – This gay shit is all right"

Kyle continued to suck effortlessly controlling every throbbing twitch of manhood going from his lips to the back of his throat and often even deeper.

"Better stop Kyle – better stop," moaned Otto turning his body over to Kyle knowing he would be filling his mouth with cum at any second now.

He didn't really want him to stop. It was Amanda's comment about getting leakage in her mouth that crowded his mind. She meant nothing to Otto romantically, only a hole to fuck.

Otto wanted what Kyle was giving him as his cock spewed gobs following more gobs of milky soft white jizz into Kyle's mouth that he swallowed like nourishment.

"Ohhh fuck, Kyle – take it – take it, said Otto half moaning and half screaming. He continued fucking Kyle's face until it stopped dripping and losing firmness.

"Holy shit man – you ate that stuff. That's what I call big time," he mumbled breathlessly.

Otto didn't move away from the counter that he was leaning against. His pants were still resting on his shoes. His cock went limp and his balls hung like plums – gorgeous plump plums. There was no getting around the fact that he was a different man with is pants down.

Kyle pulled them up and Otto tucked in his shirt and made himself presentable again.

"Are you driving to New York in the morning," asked Kyle getting off the subject of sex.

"No, taking the train. I would get lost driving in that zoo. And so many streets are one way with crazy drivers that Amanda would never shut her mouth telling me how to drive.

"Does she do that a lot, Asked Kyle?

"Ohh, all the time, with just about anything," admitted Otto

"I suppose." Replied Kyle

"What does, - `I suppose' mean?" asked Otto

"I suppose you like it,"

"I like to fuck. That is what I like; and she wants it all the time. I wish she were a little tighter. She was a teen-age whore who fucked a lot of boys and men, but not into sucking cock – that is something she calls being a pig - go figure. Who the hell cares, she can't do it right anyway"

"If you want a tight fuck, you should be doing me," said Kyle like it was just that simple.

"Damn Kyle, don't tell me that. I can fuck like a bull and now I have something else to think about when you are not around"

"It's not that you don't know where to find me,"

"I know and it's people who count; however I feel you want a relationship with my dick, more than you want with me."

"You thinks so – huh?"

"Of course" said Otto placing Kyle's hand on the front of his pants. It's a two way street and we have come a long way understanding each other.

"Folks do what comes naturally and there are, no menus or handbooks" added Kyle

"That sounds about right to me," replied Otto. "The things you wait for are unwritten. He was twitching like a whore in church with a nervous flicker in his gaze and not one to put his business on Front Street, so he twitched in silence.

"Kyle will get no argument from me," he thought. "This is one of those times, when I want to relive that feeling." with him.

"Am I right or am I right." - He wondered (much appreciated)

Next: Chapter 3

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