The Unwanted Boy

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 5, 2014


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hours of erotic and entertaining reading. HWB

The Unwanted Boy II

(Jeff Karlin)

During the week before I left for college, I was busy packing all my must have things. I had stopped working at John's store a week earlier, and I saw precious little of him. On the evening before my departure, as I was packing one of my suitcases, he came up behind me. He grabbed me around the waist and engulfed my cock, scaring the hell out of me. He started to laugh.

"I've got good news," he whispered in my ear. "Your mom has agreed to let me drive you to the university, and she wants to stay behind. She said she has too many things to attend to. Between you and me, she's glad to have some free time with one of her lovers, or maybe more than one. The school is about five hundred miles away, so I told her I'd stay at a motel overnight, and make the round trip in two days. She was delighted."

He kissed my ear to let me know that he was happy about that also. "We'll have one more night together," he sighed.

I twisted my body around and planted a kiss on his lips. "Promise to make it a night to remember," I requested. "Who knows when our next time together will be?"

"I promise," he murmured, and let me loose. We heard my mother coming up the stairs.

"Aren't you two ready yet?" she asked as she entered my room. "Look at the time. We have reservations in half an hour for Frankie's farewell dinner. Put a move on. You can finish packing after dinner, and then we'll load the van before going to bed."

During the dinner, my mom made two rather lengthy trips to the ladies' room. "I'll bet she's lining up her fuck buddies," John sneered. There was a time I would have been distressed by that remark, but these days, I could care less.

While she was away, John said, "I figure we'll arrive at the university in mid-afternoon. We'll get you settled in your room. Then we'll go over to the motel I made reservations at, and check in there. We can freshen up, maybe even have a quickie, go out to dinner, and then make love all night," he promised.

"I can't wait, but I don't know about an all-night session," I quipped. "Are you sure an old man like you can keep up with me?" John is younger than my mother. At the time he was only thirty-two.

He punched me lightly on the arm. "Listen buddy," he smiled at me. "Your job is to keep up with me." We both started to laugh, and didn't see my mother approaching the table. "What's so funny?" she wanted to know.

"Nothing. Just some man talk," John explained. She smiled at us, happy in the knowledge that at least one of her husbands had bonded with me. If she only knew.

When we got home, John and I loaded his van. Back in the house, Mom had made cocktails for the three of us. I was shocked. It was the first time she had ever done anything like that, and it was a clear sign that she finally admitted to herself that she had a son who was a grown man, and not a little boy anymore.

"Let's drink to Frank's success," she said, as she raised her glass. She even called me Frank, not Frankie. I did indeed feel all grown up.

We sipped our drinks, lingered awhile, just making small talk, and we went off to bed. John and I were leaving before dawn, so I kissed my mom goodbye, and she made me promise to call home often, and not just for money.

We left the house as quietly as we could so as not to disturb my sleeping mother, or as John put it: "My sleeping beauty." We stopped for breakfast at the first rest station on the turnpike. It was there that John dropped his bomb.

I was happily sopping up the yolk of my sunny side eggs with a piece of toast, when John said, "Frank, I want to thank you again for introducing me to Dave. Since that first night when we three were together, Dave and I have not been with anyone else, except you of course. I don't mind telling you that we have fallen in love. It's the first time for both of us."

He stopped to let that monumental confession sink in, then he continued speaking. Someone had to. I was speechless. "I'm going to divorce your mother as soon as I get back. Dave and I intend to live together, hopefully forever"

"Where does that leave me?" I sobbed, as the gravity of his statement hit me. "I'll lose both of you. I'll never see you again. I couldn't bear that."

John took my hand. "Did you think we would just abandon you, and let you slip away out of our lives? You don't know us very well. Dave and I have discussed you at length, so listen to me.

"Shortly after I married your mother, I was filled with pity for you. I realized that you had never been loved, and I sensed how much you craved it. Little by little, my pity turned to love. I never wanted to lose you. Knowing how tenuous my marriage was, I told your mother that I wanted to adopt you. She was delighted, but she wanted me to do it secretly so we could surprise you. You officially became my son on your seventeenth birthday. We were going to tell you before you went away, but your mother felt I should tell you when we were alone together."

I stared at him in disbelief. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so he continued. "I took the liberty of informing the university that your name had been changed by adoption. You are registered as Franklin Baker Prentiss, so remember that. When I ask your mother for a divorce, I'll tell her that I fully intend to see to your education and other needs. It's my duty as your father." He was still holding my hand and smiling at me.

"So see, my precious one, Dave and I will never be out of your life. We'll always be there for you, in whatever way you want us to be."

By now the tears were flowing hard, and I could see people at other tables staring at us. I tried to control myself.

"Dave and I have one wish for you, Son (music to my ears). We want you to be as happy as we are. Our prayer is that you meet Mr. Right and soon. In the meantime, whenever you come home for a visit, our bed is your bed. We love you, Son."

I started to cry worse than ever.

That night in the hotel, we made love slowly, and sensuously. We lusted after each other, but there was more than lust in the bed. There was love also. John never sucked my cock so slowly, so lovingly. He did all he could do to delay my orgasm, and I did the same for him. Later, during the night, we fucked each other hard, the way we both love it, but still, it was with love.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, and slept soundly until the telephone woke us at 6 AM. John had left a wake-up call. We had breakfast in the motel, and John drove me back to the dorm. We kissed goodbye in the car. My parting words were, "I can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving, Dad." When I called John, Dad, it was he who burst out crying.

"Get out of the car, quick," he said, "before your old man whoops you." He stuffed a wad of money into my hand as I left the car. As soon as he was gone I counted out $500 in different denominations."

When I entered my room I could see that my roomie's bed had been slept in, but he wasn't in the room. I didn't have to wonder long. A few minutes later he returned from the shower. I was so glad to see him. He was an inch shorter than I am, and skinny as a rail. Thanks to my father, I had begun to bulk up, and I was as proud of my body as ever I had been. My roommate had a lot of adolescent acne, and it marred his potentially good looks.

He reached out to shake my hand and introduce himself. As he did so, his towel slipped off, and he was fully exposed to me. He pulled his hand back and tried to retrieve his towel.

"Don't sweat it," I reassured him. We'll probably see each other naked a lot."

"I guess," he said, and extended his hand once again. Of course, all I could do was stare at his three inch uncut cock. I wondered how big it grew. Maybe I'd get to see his morning woodie. I wondered what he would think when he saw my monster.

We gripped each other's hands firmly. "I'm Kenny Ross," he said.

"Frank Baker," I hesitated and added, "Prentiss." I hoped he didn't notice the hesitation much.

"Well, if we're throwing middle names around," Kenny said, "my middle name is Fenton. That was my mother's maiden name. It struck him so funny, he broke out laughing. With that laugh, his face lit up, and all my reserves broke down. I liked him a lot.

"Well," I said, "we have that in common. My mother's maiden name was Baker." That got us both laughing like hyenas.

Kenny started to dress as I watched him. We asked each other a lot of questions. He lived in a small neighboring town to mine. He knew Prentiss Sporting Goods well, and was impressed when I told him that it was my dad's place. Honestly, I swelled with pride when I told him that also. It was all so new to me.

"Do you think you could get me a discount next time I have my tennis rackets re-strung, or buy some tennis equipment?"

"You're a tennis player?" I asked. That was a dumb question. It was obvious.

"Yeah, he said. It's my thing. I'm going to try out for the team. My high school coach, told me I was good enough to go pro, but I want to get an education. I'm pre-law," he said proudly.

"I'm majoring in electrical engineering," I added, trying to sound as proud as he.

"Where were you last night?" he asked. "All your stuff was here, and I kept expecting you to show up."

I lied a little. "My folks wanted to cling to me until the last moment, so they got me a room at their motel. They're on their way home now."

Kenny was fully dressed now. He removed a picture from his wallet. "These are my parents," he said proudly. I couldn't believe what a handsome couple they were. Where did Kenny come from? I had never met my birth father, so I didn't know where I came from either.

"I guess we'll meet our folks on Parents' Day, the first Saturday in October. I already know what your dad looks like, Frank. I've been in his store often."

"Come in over the Thanksgiving holiday, and I'll get you that discount," I said rather smugly. I hadn't meant to be smug, but having a successful father, who loved me, was rather new to me. I was basking in my happiness.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Kenny asked me.

"Yes, I ate with my folks before they left, but I'd like to check out the cafeteria, so I'll have a cup of coffee with you."

Kenny smiled that smile at me, and I knew we were going to be great friends. We started off to the cafeteria, and little did I know that I was about to enter into my destiny. It was Sunday, and classes were not due to start until the next day. Most of the students had arrived on Friday and Saturday, so consequently the cafeteria was packed. Kenny and I were lucky enough to find a table for six which had three empty seats. We grabbed two of them, and before we even sat down, I heard a voice ask, "Is that seat taken?"

I looked up, and my heart beat quickened. A young god stood before me. He was six feet tall, straight black hair and sky blue eyes. His skin was pale and his blue eyes sparkled. He was athletic and muscular. He was wearing a tank top shirt, and I began to erect. I could smell the soap from his morning shower, which lingered on his body.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked again.

"Yes," I answered. "By you."

He laughed at my feeble attempt at a joke. As soon as he was seated, and his tray was solidly on the table, he held out his hand, first to Kenny and then to me.

"I'm Jeff Karlin," he offered.

"Ken Ross," Kenny said. In the presence of this he-man, Kenny decided to be Ken.

"I'm Frank Ba...Prentiss," I said. "Prentiss," I repeated proudly.

"Are you both freshmen?" Jeff asked. We both nodded.

"Great. You guys are the first classmates I've met. I didn't get here until midnight last night. What are you guy's majoring in?" We told him and he said, "I'm pre-med. Have you any plans for today?"

Ken and I looked at each other. "Actually we just met a half hour ago," I explained. "We're roommates, and we haven't discussed that yet."

"I was thinking of exploring the campus today, and going into the city this evening to see what it has to offer. Wanna join me.?"

"Sure," we said together.

"Have you checked out the bus schedule yet, especially on Sunday?" Ken asked. I could see that Ken had a more practical mind than I, even though I was the math genius.

"No need," Jeff laughed. "My folks got me an old heap to tool around in. We can ride in air conditioned comfort."

We all laughed, and Jeff and Ken started on their breakfasts, and I started to sip my coffee. It only took a minute into our conversation to realize that even when Jeff spoke to Ken, he was looking at me. I began to wonder impossible things, and I got stiff again under the table.

We were attending a state university, and Jeff lived in a large city about one hundred miles from Ken and me. Looking straight at me, he said, "I'll be driving home for Thanksgiving. I could drop you guys off on my way. All I'd ask is a little help with the gas money.

"I'm in," I blurted out almost before Jeff had finished making the offer.

"Me too," Ken almost whispered.

"What's your dorm number?" Jeff asked. When we told him, he said, "Shit, I'm right next door. I'll knock on your door when I'm ready to go this evening, say about seven."

Promptly at seven, Jeff knocked on our door. "C'mon," he said, and we followed him to the student parking lot. As I left the room, Jeff brushed up against me, and I felt him push something into my pocket. He came awfully close to my cock, and I started to get hard again. I had to will it away.

An old heap indeed. Ken was driving a two year old Thunderbird convertible. This handsome young guy came from money. I quickly claimed the passenger seat, and Ken climbed into the back.

We parked the car in a parking ramp, which I insisted on paying for. We started to walk the streets, and quickly spotted the pubs which were already filled with evening revelers, probably all townies. We chose a likely looking bar and went in. The bar was crowded, and we had to push our way through the milling crowd.

The bar tender was too harried to card us, and we all ordered an alcoholic drink. Jeff told us we could have all we wanted. It was on him, but he would just have this one, because he was driving. We edged away from the bar, but the place was so crowded that the three of us were crushed together.

At first I thought I was imagining it, but then it became more persistent, and I knew for a fact that someone was fondling my cock. The damn thing was growing, and the fondling was feeling better and better. The problem is, I didn't know if it was Ken or Jeff, or possibly a perfect stranger.

"I have to go to the men's room," I announced and started pushing through the crowd. I found a stall, and entered it. I immediately pulled Jeff's note out of my pocket, and read it.

My roomie has the flu. He called to tell me that he won't arrive until next weekend at the earliest. Dump your roommate, and come over to my room tonight. I have big plans for us.

I was in disbelief. Sure, I wanted to spend the night with Jeff, but I thought it was very presumptuous of him to assume that I was gay. I had no idea about him. I really thought that he was straight. I guessed it was he who had fondled me in the crowded bar. I stuffed the note back in my pocket, and left the stall.

Jeff was standing in front of the stall grinning at me.

His eyebrows arched up, as if to ask, "Well?" I just nodded and we grinned at each other. Now he and I were anxious to get back to the dorm, and as soon as we rejoined Ken, Jeff said, "It's too noisy here, and tomorrow is a big day for us, first day of school and all that. I'd like to get back to the dorm." Ken and I agreed that it was a good idea.

As soon as we were in the car and on our way back, I turned to Ken and said, "Ken, Jeff and I are both gay, and we'd like to hook up tonight, so I'll be sleeping in his room. You might as well know about me right up front."

I don't know who was more shocked at my bluntness, Ken or Jeff.

"You're both gay?" Ken stuttered. "Not in a million years would I have guessed it....about either of you. That's kind of cool. Now if I get lucky, I won't be afraid to bring the lucky lady back to our room."

"Anytime," I said graciously.

"You guys can use our room anytime you want, and I'll make myself scarce." Ken was being just as magnanimous. "Mind if I watch, sometime. I've never seen two guys going at it."

Jeff finally found his voice. "I don't mind if you watch," he said. "You can even film it or join in, but aren't you afraid you might want to switch teams?" "That'll never happen," Ken said decisively. "Anyway, not tonight. Tonight belongs to you two lovebirds."

When we got back to the dorm, I retrieved a few things from my room, and ran next door. By the time I got there, Jeff was already naked, smiling, and striking a provocative pose on his bed. His cock was erect. It was cut and throbbing and at least seven inches of hefty girth. I shut and locked the door, and stripped in record time. I gave Jeff a nanosecond to check me out. His smile broadened.

I jumped into his bed and immediately we were wrapped up in each other's arms. Our cocks rubbed together, and I began to feel an orgasm coming on. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before, not with John and not even with Dave.

I pulled away quickly and let my passion subside. Before Jeff could ask me what was wrong, I said, "I felt myself cumming. I didn't want it to happen so fast."

"Yes, yes," he whispered in my ear. "It was happening to me too. Do you think it's some kind of an omen?"

"Yes, I do. Get me off Jeff, and I'll get you off. Something tells me it's going to be the most fantastic thing that ever happened to both of us."

Immediately, Jeff bent over me and took the entire length of my cock into his mouth. I couldn't feel any teeth, only a soft, wet tongue licking all around, and up and down, swirling around my head, and down the shaft, then travelling to my balls. I felt his lips pumping my cock, as his tongue travelled all around it. I couldn't help myself. I screamed loudly as I gushed into his mouth. My prediction was right on the money. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had.

I lay back panting, as I felt Jeff's body turn and lie on top of me. He seemed weightless to me as he started to kiss me, sharing what precious little of his cum remained in my mouth. I could hardly breathe. He hadn't given me time to catch my breath. We lay that way, wrapped up in each other's arms, fondling, kissing moaning, groaning, professing our love, until finally I could breathe again.

I rolled him off me, and went down on his fat, luscious cock. I got it good and wet, and Jeff was writhing. Before he could object, I jumped up, straddled him, positioned my ass over his cock, and sat down on him. I gave no thought to using protection. I was too obsessed with lust. With so little lubrication, it hurt like hell, so I sat still for a moment, allowing him to process what I had just done to him (for him), and for the pain to pass.

We smiled at each other. I mouthed the words, "I love you," and started to pump. Jeff knew just what to do. He began to thrust up as I came down, and to relax as I went up. I could feel his balls shrinking and hardening below me, and I knew he was near. I pumped faster, and his orgasmic scream was even louder than mine. I remember wondering if Ken could hear us next door. If he did, he never admitted it.

We fell asleep after that, but Jeff woke me at about 4 AM, and begged me to please fuck him. I gladly obliged, but this time Jeff produced some lube from somewhere. I wanted to do something special for Jeff, very special. I made him lie on his stomach. I spread his ass cheeks, and began to rim him. We hadn't showered, and he smelled slightly of shit. I could care less. I loved him so much, I would have eaten shit for him.

He turned over for me and raised his legs. I applied the lube to my cock and his asshole, and entered him with ease. We began our dance of love, and suddenly Jeff let me know that he was cumming. He spurted between us, and his asshole constricted and I came soon thereafter. When my cock fell out, it was covered with shit.

We both laughed and ran to the showers. At that hour there was nobody there, so we washed our ass holes thoroughly, and I washed under my foreskin. We actually rimmed and sucked each other in the shower. We finally went back to get dressed for breakfast. On the way back to Jeff's room, we awakened Ken, and he joined us for breakfast. At breakfast, Ken graciously offered to switch beds with Jeff. We both kissed him right then and there. He looked around and nearly died of embarrassment.

As Parents' Weekend approached, John called and let me know that he and Dave were coming up to visit me. My mother didn't want to come with the two of them here, so she left word that she would wait to see me at Thanksgiving. I had told John that I had met someone, and we were serious about each other. But still, I wondered if my father and his partner expected to sleep with me. I knew in my heart that it would not be possible. I was so in love with Jeff, that for me, he was the only man in the world. I was happy to find put that Dave and John felt the same way about each other. They had met through me, and that somehow made me very happy.

It was with great pride that I introduced Jeff to my father and his partner. He was equally as proud to introduce me to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Karlin, Sr. His liberal, loving parents, embraced me and took me into their hearts. I had never been so loved by so many people in my life. I didn't know if I could survive such happiness and contentment, after having suffered a childhood of constant neglect.

My happiness was magnified when my mother called to tell me that she was getting married again and moving to Tulsa. She told me that she would pack my personal belongings and leave them with my father. She barely apologized that she would not be home for Thanksgiving. For the rest of our college days, Jeff and I split our holidays between his parents and my two dads.

During summer vacations, we were separated all week but Jeff came over to be with me every weekend. He was working in his father's medical office during the week, and I was working for John, but I had to work on Saturdays and half a day Sunday. Jeff and I spent what time we could together during the weekend.

We knew that there would be separations while Jeff attended medical school, but we were more than positive that all our waiting would be worth it. We looked forward to a lifetime together. Or should I say, "The journey of a lifetime"?

The little boy who was unloved and unwanted, was now loved by his boyfriend's parents, his father and his partner, and most of all, he was loved by the most wonderful man in the world. The happiness which had always eluded him, was planted firmly in his being.

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