The Unwanted Boy

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 30, 2014


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hours of erotic and entertaining reading. HWB

(College students over 18 and adults)

The Unwanted Boy

Part One

The night I had my first dinner at Mr. Carson's house, my mother and John Justiss were having a discussion about me and him. Let me introduce you to the cast of characters in my little tale.

I'll start with my mom, or rather with my father. I never knew my old man. He ran off when Mom told him she was pregnant. My surname and my mom's maiden name are the same, so I surmised early on that I am a bastard. My mom, Loretta, nee Baker, has had four husbands since I, Franklin Baker, was born eighteen years ago. John is the latest. You would think I would suffer from separation anxiety, but none of those husbands ever got close to me, or treated me like a son, so I don't miss any of them. John has been different. He has tried to ingratiate himself a little with me. He even started taking me to his gym to build me up a little.

John and I have nothing in common. He's built like a brick shit house and he was a football hero in high school and college. He now owns one of the biggest sporting goods stores in town. Even Sports Authority cancelled plans to open a store at the mall. Nobody can compete with John. Everybody in town is his personal friend.

I, on the other hand, am a complete nerd, skinny and short next to him, five feet, ten inches. If I'm lucky I might grow another inch before I fully mature, but I really believe I've had it in the growth department. John is six feet, two inches, and he towers over me.

I purposely left Mr. Carson for last. You see, he's my coach. Now don't get any silly ideas. He doesn't coach any sports. I'm the lead member of our high school math team, and Mr. Carson is our coach. Fortunately he's not the nerd I am. He was an athlete in college. He works out regularly, and is quite muscular. He's twenty-eight years old, six feet even, brown hair, worn in a crew cut, a well-trimmed beard, and the brightest, straightest teeth I have ever seen. When He smiles, he dazzles me. Mostly I love the smell of him. His after shave lotion, or whatever it is, intoxicates me.

From the day I made the cut two years ago, and he put me on the team, Mr. Carson took me under his wing. It was obvious to me that he treated me differently than the other boys and girls on his team. The difference was subtle, but I was aware of it. For the first time in my life, he made me feel important, and a vital member of a group. He never ignored me, as I was always ignored at home.

We practiced every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. After the practice session, he took the team down to the malt shop for a treat. The tables only sat four people, and Mr. Carson always made sure to sit at my table. He engaged me in conversation, wanting to know about my classes, and how I was doing.

Most people would think that I saw Mr. Carson as a substitute father, but most people would be wrong. You see, I am fully convinced that I am a homosexual, a queer, a pansy, or whatever you want to call me. I see Mr. Carson as a lover. I fantasize making love with him all the time, especially when I jack off. Sometimes I picture him fucking me in the mouth or in the ass, and other times our activities are reversed. I wonder what he would think if he knew that I always have a boner, when I sit with him at our table in the malt shop. I wonder what he would think if he knew that the greatest enigma in my life is conjecturing on the size and appearance of his cock.

In my senior year, on the very occasion of my eighteenth birthday, our team miraculously advanced to the State Champion Match to be held in the state capitol. It gave me the opportunity I had been dreaming of for almost two years. I told Mr. Carson that as captain of the team I knew that everyone was depending on me, and that was making me very nervous and insecure. I asked him if he had any extra time for some private practice sessions with me.

"Absolutely," he said. "Why don't you come around later, and I'll make us dinner. When practice is over, I'll drive you home."

Now I had something else to worry about. Could I keep my hands off him, and remain sane, when we would be alone together in his house? I was extremely excited, and very frightened at the same time.

John and Mom had married over a year earlier, and when he came home that night, he asked where I was. Mom told him that I was having dinner with my coach at his home. Big macho John arched his eyebrows. "No coach of mine ever invited me to his house for dinner. Something doesn't seem right about it."

My mother laughed. "All I know is that the boy has never been happier since he met Mr. Carson. He's actually stopped sulking around all the time. I'd be kidding if I thought it was your influence. I attribute it to his coach."

Then she smiled, sat down next to John, put her head on his shoulder, and her hand on his knee. She put her lips to his ear, and whispered, "Besides, we are all alone in the house."

He scooped her up in his big arms, and ran all the way up the stairs to their bedroom.

When Mr. Carson let me into his house, I immediately felt overdressed. He was wearing, a V-necked tee shirt, jeans that were obscenely tight, and bedroom slippers. I was wearing a dress shirt with a tie, my Sunday-go-to-church blue trousers, socks, and a pair of black loafers.

He said immediately, "Why don't you take off your tie, and open the collar of your shirt Franklin? Make yourself comfortable. Take off your shoes also if you'd like. The carpeting in my apartment is very plush."

I was happy to do so, so I said, "Yes sir, Mr. Carson. By the way, everybody calls me Frank."

"OK, Frank, and when we're alone like this, please call me Dave. We don't have to be so formal with each other outside of school."

Even though I had finally topped out at five feet, ten inches, and had muscled up considerably under John's tutelage, I was still an insecure nerd. When the coach asked me to call him Dave, I became tongue-tied.

"Let's do some practice problems on the kitchen table, and I can prepare dinner at the same time," Dave said as he took my hand and led me into the kitchen. When he took my hand in his I wanted so desperately to kiss him.

By the time dinner was ready, we had knocked off five practice problems with relative ease. "I'm proud of you," Dave said. We cleared the table and Dave set it up for dinner. We ate dinner in relative silence and then Dave said the strangest thing to me. "You remind me so much of me, when I was a kid, Frank. I had a terrible childhood. Both my parents were alcoholics. I was at my Grandma's more often than not, but she was a hard working widow, who had precious little time for me. It wasn't a happy time for me. Somehow I sense that your home life could be better also. Do you care to talk about it?" As he asked me to open up to him, he took my hand again. It was the warmest, most comforting moment I had ever had in my life up to then.

"You're very perceptive," I answered him. "I've had a difficult childhood. Right now, I'm on my fourth stepfather. The first three ignored me entirely. It was like I didn't exist. John, my current stepfather au jour, has been the best so far. He's trying to help me get by in the world, but I can sense that he would prefer that I wasn't in the picture. Well, I'll be leaving the household soon, so maybe this marriage will last."

Dave squeezed my hand, which he had been holding all through my narrative. "It sounds like you blame yourself for all those failed marriages. None of it was your fault, so give up that falsehood," he tried to reassure me.

He was squeezing my hand so tightly, that I put my other hand on his and we were in a real hand clasp, a very tight one at that. Fire was burning through me, and I became bold. I wasn't sure how to let Dave know my real feelings for him, so I said very simply and very quietly, "I love you, Dave. I have loved you since the first day we met."

Dave stared at me. I could see the confusion in his face. His eyes were searching my eyes, but he didn't say anything so I continued. "I'm eighteen, Dave. I'm legal. I want to make love to you so badly, my whole body aches."

Dave continued to stare at me, speechless, motionless, and confused. I could feel all the emotions that were running through him. Still he remained silent.

"Please," I said in a meek voice. "I need so badly for someone to love me."

He finally spoke. "What makes you think I'm gay?" He asked his question kindly with a Mona Lisa grin on his lips.

"I didn't think about that at all," I answered. "I just know that I love you. I need to feel your arms around me. I need to feel your lips on mine. I do so need to be loved. If you don't want to make love to me physically, then please just love me in whatever way you can. Please!"

Dave stood up from the table. He was still holding my hand and he pulled me up off my chair. We stood still for a moment, facing each other. He smiled at me, leaned down, and began to kiss me. It was a very chaste kiss, and when he pulled away, I could see that his eyes were teary.

"I love you too," he said. "At first, I could sense that you were hurting, and I felt very fatherly to you, but one day I began to fantasize making love to you, and everything changed. It was very hard for me to resist touching a minor boy, but now I can touch you, and I want to so much."

I started to sob like a baby, and Dave continued. "I didn't know if you were gay, and how you would receive my advances, so I held myself in check. But then I would see how you looked at me, and I realized that you weren't dating any girls, not even the ones on our team. I began to hope that you were indeed gay."

I looked up at him and smiled. "Did you know that if I hadn't met you, I had often contemplated suicide?"

"Oh God," he cried. "I would have died with you."

"Please," I begged, "Make love to me. I don't want to be a virgin anymore, and I want you to make me into a real man."

He led me into his bedroom and stripped off his meager clothing. He stood before me in his nakedness, and allowed me to drink him up with my eyes. He did not disappoint. His cut cock was erect, and eight hefty inches. I guessed I'd find out what it looked like flaccid when "it" was over. I didn't want to contemplate that now. The love making hadn't even begun.

I was roused from my reverie when I heard him say, "Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to get naked, so I can get to that lovely cock of yours? I've been dreaming about this for a long time."

I undressed rapidly, and now his eyes soaked me up. Although my sessions with my stepfather at the gym had built me up some, I was sort of ashamed at how skinny I was. Fortunately, my torso was all that was skinny about me. I am exceptionally well endowed. I was very hard at this moment in time, and Dave gawked at my nine uncut inches. My rod is not too thin either, but not fat; just right for fucking.

He took my hand and laid me gently down on his bed. I was flat on my back, and instinctively I spread my legs. He lay down on top of me, and I was amazed. He's a big guy, but he felt as light as a feather. He laid his lips on mine, and pushed my lips open with his tongue. I hardly remember anything after that. I was not on this earth, nor was I functioning on all cylinders. The rapture I felt surpassed all emotions I had ever felt in my eighteen years on this planet. p I had rare moments when I was lucid. I remember that Dave moved down my body and started gently tweaking my tits with his teeth. I know I was moaning in deep pleasure, but I never heard myself. I was even aware when he began to suck my innie, trying to pull it out of the hole it had buried itself in. I was aware when he ran his tongue up and down my inner thighs, and bathed each of my toes in his mouth. I was also aware that he never touched my cock or balls.

I left outer space for a moment, when Dave told me to roll over. I got comfortably settled on my stomach, and I felt him kneading my ass cheeks. After a moment or two of deliciously massaging them, he spread them apart, and buried his face in my ass. He began to rim my crack, and made some effort to enter me with his tongue, but he was not successful.

After a short while, he inserted a finger up my hole. I don't know which finger. It was all gooey, and I realized he must have lubricated it, but I was unaware of how or when. He reamed me like he was cleaning out a pipe. It wasn't long after that I believe, that he was reaming me with two or three fingers. From somewhere beyond reality, I heard a voice say, "Fuck me, fuck me, please." It was my voice of course, but it sounded so distant from this bed, even from this room.

I heard a mumbled yes, and felt Dave maneuver his body on top of mine once more. Again, I don't know when he had managed to ready himself. He was running his cock up and down my crack, and I knew it was gooey and he was wearing a condom.

"Fuck me," I begged again, and he started his entry. From all the porn that I had read, I was prepared to scream out in pain, to feel as if my ass was on fire, to imagine a hot poker reaming my ass. I felt none of those things. He entered me so smoothly, so effortlessly, I was totally without pain. When he started to stroke, he began with short, slow jabs, and I felt nothing but extreme pleasure. I was enjoying every second and I screamed out to him, that I loved what he was doing. This encouraged him to give me more. He increased the length and speed of his strokes. I know he tried to delay his orgasm, but he was failing. His balls had been slapping against my buttocks, but now I felt them shrinking until I could no longer feel them at all. His breathing became labored and he was working hard at simply breathing. At last he screamed. I knew it was a scream of pleasure, but it could easily have been mistaken for a screech of pure fear.

His body collapsed over mine and I felt like he had enshrouded me in a cocoon of his own making. He lay still for a long while, and I realized that he was weeping. All the while his cock was still inside of me. I regretted that he had worn protection. I wondered what it felt like to have a man's seed spurt into your bowels.

Eventually he fell out of me, ripping off the condom and throwing it on the floor. I smiled to myself. That was exactly how they did it in the male porn films I had watched. He asked me to turn on to my back.

"I'm going to blow you now he said. You can fuck me next time."

I was elated; there would be a next time. I could only nod, but I managed to ask him if I could taste his cock for just a few strokes. "I've never tasted a man's privates," I informed him. I was still too shy to use more common language.

"Sure you can," he said, and I went down on him. He stopped me after several strokes.

"That's enough. Now I want to get you off with my tongue. Next time you can suck me and fuck me. OK?"

"OK," I repeated.

I was so worked up, that the moment his tongue started to run up and down my shaft, I felt an orgasm coming on. Dave knew it too. He took as much of me into his mouth as he could, and I came down his gullet. He swallowed everything, leaving nothing for me.

We lay quite still for a long time. Then Dave leaned over and kissed me gently. Let's get dressed, and I'll drive you home," he said. "I don't want you to get home too late, and have your parents wondering."

"I'm legal," I reminded him.

"Just the same. Let's do the right thing."

Part Two

I let myself into the house, and found John sitting alone watching TV in the den. I was not surprised that all he was wearing were his boxers. I suspected that he and my mom had a go at it that night since I wasn't home. His boxers were not snapped shut in the crotch and I caught a glimpse of heavy black pubic hair. I looked away quickly.

"How was your dinner?" he asked.

"Great," I answered, "and how was your evening?"

"Fantastic," he grinned, and winked at me. I suppose that was meant to let me know that he had fucked my mom. Didn't he suspect that the information he was trying to convey with that wink, was TMI as far as I was concerned?

"You look pretty happy," he smiled at me. "Did something special happen, that you would like to tell me about?"

I totally panicked. Could John tell that I had fantastic gay sex, and he was trying to get me to admit to it?

"Nothing special," I mumbled.

John lost his smile and put on a serious face. "We're buddies," he announced proudly. "I want you to feel that you can confide anything to me. I swear I won't make any judgments. All I'll try to do is offer some advice if I'm able. You can take the advice or leave it. I won't be offended either way."

"Thanks," I said. "I appreciate that, and I'll take you up on it should the occasion arise."

I started to leave to go to my room, when he said, "Your mother is going to a spa with some lady friends this weekend. Is there something special you'd like to do? They're leaving Friday right after work."

"My high school football team is playing at home Friday night. It's for the regional championship. Would you like to go with me?"

"Super. I'd love to go. The coach is a good friend of mine."

"Great," I said. "I'm pretty sure that Mr. Carson, my math team coach will be at the game. I'll look for him and introduce you two." "I'd like that," he said.

John wasn't exactly telling the truth. He was sure that Dave would be a wimpy little nerd, and he wasn't looking forward to their meeting. I appreciated that he was being nice for my sake. I realized that he was really trying hard to be a good father to me. For a moment, I almost felt like giving him a good-night hug. What was I thinking of?

We did meet Dave at the game, and the three of us sat together. I could tell that the two athletes liked each other a lot, and I was full of jealousy. How stupid is that? To his credit, Dave acted like I was just another member of his math team, and nothing more.

Our team won, so after the game, the three of us went to a malt shop to celebrate. I met a few of my fellow students there, and some of them recognized Dave. They came over to say hello.

"This takes me back to my high school days," John said wistfully.

"Me too," Dave added. The two men smiled at each other, and I thought the smiles were flirtatious. Maybe I was going mad with my lust for Dave. They certainly couldn't be flirting with each other.

I had a sundae, and the two men had ice cream sodas. John and Dave shook hands cordially as we said our goodbyes.

In the car driving home, John said, "He's very nice. I didn't expect it. I was sure he would be a nerd."

"Like me?" I asked. I couldn't resist it.

"Of course not," John said quickly. He realized his faux pas. "You're not a nerd. I just figured the coach of the math team might possibly be a twerp. I apologize. I was very wrong."

"Proving once again that it's a mistake to make assumptions."

"Right," John laughed. "I'll have to think of some way to make it up to you."

"Like what?" I laughed.

"I don't know. I'll think of something."

We arrived home, and as soon as we were in the house, John locked the door and secured the house for the night. He put on several night lights in the hallways, so we could see our way in case we woke during the night.

We said our goodnights, and turned in. With just the two of us in the house, it was so quiet that I fell asleep quickly and dreamed about fucking Dave. I had to wonder what John was thinking. He didn't have my mother to cuddle up to. His room was right next to mine, and I actually listened for sounds of jerking off. That convinced me I was going mad. Fortunately I fell asleep so quickly, my carnal thoughts were gone.

The next morning was Saturday. No school! Like all teen agers, I slept late. When I did get up, I was once again impressed by how quiet the house was. I wondered if John was sleeping also. He had a big staff at his store and sometimes he didn't go in on weekends. With my mother gone, I thought he might go to work.

I was curious so I looked out into the hallway. His door was ajar so I peeked in to see if he was there. He too was enjoying a sleep-in. I wasn't surprised. He had told me that he wanted to spend the weekend with me, and hopefully we would bond.

He looked so handsome lying there. The bottom part of his body was covered by the bed sheet, but it was obvious to me that he was naked. Damn, I so wanted to see what he had there, and what went into my mother whenever they had sex.

I stood in the hallway transfixed. All of a sudden, I had the greatest desire to suck his cock. That was so wrong on so many different levels, I shook my head to erase the vision, and ran to the bathroom.

I hadn't showered after Dave and I had sex, and I didn't shower last night. I wanted to take a long, and hopefully therapeutic shower. I knew I would probably whack off in the shower, and I got hard immediately.

I was standing in the shower. My eyes were closed, and I was blissfully stroking myself ever so gently, when I heard a noise. I opened my eyes. John was opening the shower door as if to enter. He had a private bathroom so what was this all about?

I immediately checked him out. After all, this was my first chance to find out, and I might never have another. His cock was shorter than mine, but much, much thicker. Poor Mom! He was not cut, and I was not sorry that I wasn't cut either.

I was stunned, but I managed to say, "I'll be out in a minute, John." I realized that he had seen me whacking off, and he knew damn well that I hadn't planned on being out in a minute.

"Don't leave on my account," he smiled at me. It was the same seductive, flirtatious smile he had beamed at Dave. "In fact, I'll join you. It'll be fun. I haven't jerked off with another guy since middle school. You take me back to my youth, Frankie. For that, I thank you."

He stepped into the shower, and closed the door. Immediately he soaped up his cock, and started to stroke. Once again he smiled at me, and I relaxed. We went at it for a minute or so, and he said, "I'll do your back, and then you can do mine."

I was really nervous. I had every reason to believe that my stepfather was straight. I knew I had to control myself, because right now, I wanted to grab him and suck him to glory. He made me turn around and I felt him soaping my back with a wash cloth. I was so scared I lost my erection.

He soaped lower and lower and soon he was soaping my crack, and I began to mewl. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. My erection had returned full force. I was fantasizing that he was Dave.

John leaned up against me and wrapped an arm around my waist. His hard cock was probing my ass. He reached down, took my cock in his hand and started to stroke me. "You're so big," he said. "I really like that."

I half-heartedly tried to pull away, but he held me tight. "What's going on here?" I demanded to know.

"Shh, just follow my lead and we'll have a very fun weekend. Your mother doesn't have to know."

"Wh..Wh..What are you going to do?" I stuttered.

"Just what you and Dave did last night, only we can go slow. We have all day. Without the need to rush, I'll do a much better job."

"How did you know? Did he tell you?"

"Of course not. I saw it in both your eyes. I'm pretty good about those things. I can tell every time your mother cheats on me. In fact, she's probably with a man this weekend. I knew what your mother was when I married her."

"Why don't you leave her?"

"What for? I'm cheating on her with men, and she knows it. It doesn't bother her, as long as I make her happy in bed."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing," I muttered.

"Besides, he went on, "I would never leave now. I'm in love with you, Frankie, and you are so fucking handy. I also got the hots for Dave last night, and while you were talking to some friends, I invited him to have dinner with us tonight at Reynaldo's Restaurant.

I was so speechless (a first time for me) that I just stared and stared at John. As I did, his face got handsomer and handsomer. I couldn't resist. I stood up on my toes and kissed him. I didn't expect to get so passionate a kiss in return.

Long story short. We fucked each other in the shower. First we tasted our delights, but refrained from cumming. When we were sated, John turned off the water. We dried ourselves, and fell into my bed together.

John wrapped his arms around me, and whispered in my ear, "Do you think we bonded this weekend?"

"We sure did," I stated emphatically, "but not as father and son."

Part Three

We met Dave at a great, upscale steak house. John told us that dinner was on him. He didn't think teachers made enough salary. It was obvious to me all during dinner that Dave and John were flirting with each other, and that something would happen between them before my mother returned. In fact, I was so sure of it, that I would bet something would go on between the two of them after my mother got back.

I was insanely jealous. Both men had told me they loved me, yet at dinner they practically ignored me. I grew sullen and quiet, adding nothing to the conversation. When I was at my lowest, Dave excused himself to go to the men's room. I half expected John to follow him so they could check each other out. It didn't happen. Instead John whispered in my ear, "Dave is coming home with us. He's spending the night, and we are going to have a threesome."

I smiled broadly at my stepfather to show him how pleased I was. I went from the pit of despair to heavenly joy. In fact, when Dave returned and sat at the table, he took my hand and squeezed it. I reckoned that he figured that John had told me about our upcoming tryst.

I was so excited, I wanted to rush right home, but my two mentors insisted on dessert. I thought the meal would never end. John drove home by himself, and I went with Dave so he wouldn't get lost. Every time we stopped for a light, we fondled each other. I was glad Dave was driving. I was too excited to have driven home safely.

When we got home, we all stood in the front hall for a few moments, and enjoyed a group hug. John and Dave planted wet kisses on my cheeks, and then began to kiss each other. They were being very passionate, and even though they were including me tonight, I realized I was very jealous.

Finally we separated and ran to the master bedroom. I guess the older men were as excited as I was, because we all undressed rapidly, and just left our clothes on the floor. There was enough room on John's king-sized bed that we easily formed a daisy chain. We sucked each other for a very short while. We kept changing positions. I was enjoying both cocks immensely. They smelled and tasted so different. I decided that the old expression "if you've seen one, you've seen them all" was totally irrelevant.

Finally, it was Dave who separated from us. "Let's give Frankie the honor of being in the middle tonight," he suggested to John.

"Yes, to start with. We have all night. We can keep switching positions like we did before."

John removed some condoms and a tube of lube from his night table. We were all good and hard, so he placed a condom on himself and then he did the honors for Dave and me. I found that what he was doing was incredibly sensual. I guess John wanted to do all the work, because then he began to lube our cocks and asses generously.

Dave lay prone on the bed, and John guided me into him. I slipped right in. Obviously Dave was an old war horse. John mounted me, and worked his way delicately in. At first none of us moved, but finally John kept pumping inside of me, so I started pumping inside of Dave.

I was not a virgin, and the minimal pain I felt was so mixed with pleasure, I almost passed out. Little by little there was no pain at all, and I was moaning with pleasure. I heard Dave whisper to me, "Stop before you cum, Frankie, and we'll switch positions. Let's keep it going as long as possible. Dave figured that he and John could delay their orgasms longer than I could.

We only switched one more time, and I couldn't control myself. John was on the bottom; Dave was middle man, and I was fucking Dave. After I came, we switched again. I was on the bottom; John was in the middle, and Dave mounted both of us. The two mature men took forever to cum, and I didn't mind at all. In fact I was very grateful.

After we all came, we lay holding each other and fondling our cocks. I was in the middle of course. Intermittently one of us would lean over and suck one of the other men's cocks. Finally we fell asleep.

We repeated our glorious love making early the next morning. John made us breakfast; we showered separately, and Dave left us, because we weren't sure what time my mother would get home.

Over the next few weeks, I continued to have sex with both men, together and separately. John gave me a summer job in his store, and more often than not, we went into his private office and locked the door. Sometimes Dave came to the store and joined us. On nights when my folks went out, I went over to Dave's.

At the end of the summer, I went off to college, seven hundred miles away. After my first night away from home, I never had sex with either of them again. I would bet all I have, that the two of them had sex together as often as they could manage. I often wondered what student Dave might be bedding, and if he shared him with John.

As for me, I met Jeff, the love of my life, and my partner for life, the first week of my freshman year. We slept together the first night we dated, and I never slept with another person ever again. I hope my partner has been as faithful as I. If he hasn't been, I'd forgive him anyway. I love him too much to make a scene and risk losing him.

But my lifelong love affair with Jeff Karlin is a story for another time.

Next: Chapter 2

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