The Untold Story


Published on Jan 5, 2011


Okay, so here's the general disclaimer... this story is entirely FICTIONAL. If you're not old enough to read this, or if you do NOT like this type of erotic fiction, then do NOT read. This story is my own and please give me an email at if you wish to redistribute or copy it.

Otherwise, read on. I'm not an author (but one day hope to be). Please send me some feedback on what you thought.

I present to you....

College: The Untold Story, Part 2

*Note: As the second installment, I will pick up without reintroducing the returning characters. That's point of having a series – you have to read them one at a time, in sequence.



An intense wave of color rippled against the sky. I counted the fireworks one by one. Each bringing a new light into the world.

It was New Year's. The clock read 12:02a.m. A new year had begun.

"Happy New Year!" a young girl shouted at me. I felt her arms wrap around my waist. The heat of her body was close to mine. I recoiled, slipping deeper into the crowd.

My parents were throwing a party at our house, which was a modest two-story structure situated right in the middle of comfortable suburbia. There was plenty of room, but I didn't know anyone there. So many strangers. It wasn't my sort of thing. I made a b-line for the stairs.

I opened the door to my bedroom and locked it behind me. Alone at last. Quickly, I pulled off my jacket and kicked off my shoes. I laid sprawled on the bed and picked up my phone. The background was a picture of Shelby and I. She had came down for Christmas. I smiled at the captured moment, just as an icon flashed upon the screen.

"New Message from David."

From somewhere deep in my chest, my heart fluttered. It had been two weeks since I last saw him or even spoke to him. This was the first text I had ever gotten from him. I quickly opened it.

"Hey, John. How has your holidays been? I'm back at the University now. In our room, bored. Hope to hear from you soon."

I reread the message a few more times, contemplating what to say. My pulse was hammering. The blood was singing in my ears! I typed back a short "That's cool. Glad to hear from you. Will be back soon."

David didn't reply. I felt stupid, like I should have said something else. Maybe he thought I was mad at him, or maybe he was mad at me. Either way, things just hadn't been the same.

I laid there for a few more minutes, my mind reeling, until I was overtaken by sleep. The distant thumping of the stereo downstairs faded into obscurity. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I awoke to the sizzling of bacon in a frying pan. I was still fully dressed. My cell phone was clutched tightly in my hand. I rolled over, realizing it was half past noon. With a groan, I rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. I stared at my haggard reflection in the mirror.

Almost a full-grown beard occupied the bottom portion of my face. I also was developing a treasure trail the ran into the waistband of my jeans. A lot had changed since I had started college. Myself included.

Anyway, I did my business and flushed. I hurriedly went downstairs. My mom and dad were eating quietly. I grabbed a plate and swallowed my breakfast. They didn't even look up.

"I'm going back to school today," I blurted out, almost by accident.

"Alright. Be careful," my mom said from her morning paper.

My dad didn't even say anything. He was too busy typing something onto his laptop. Probably work stuff. As usual.

"I'll be back in a couple of weeks," I managed to get out.

"Love you, sweetie." My mom rose from her chair and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Dad still sat quietly in his chair.

Upstairs, I grabbed my duffel bag and threw what clothes I had into it. I sent a text to David, telling him I was on my way back to campus. Still no reply. I quickly bolted from the house and jumped into my car. The engine roared to life as I peeled out of the driveway and down the deserted neighborhood streets. The sun was hot on my back.


Six hours worth of driving, minus a few restroom stops. The light of day had faded into the glow of twilight. I finally made it to campus. I scanned my ID to the security pad and the gates flew open. I pulled into the parking lot and parked. I switched the ignition off. I realized my palms were sweaty with anticipation.

What would David do when he saw me? Would he be mad? So many questions I considered silently to myself.

I forcefully stepped out of the car, dragging my duffel bag behind me. I took a few short steps forward, testing the strength of my weak legs. Slowly, I made it across campus. The soft, buzzing sign reading "Franklin Hall" appeared over a grove of trees.

In a strange way, I felt at home.

Again, I scanned my ID and opened the door into the building. The night security guard looked up and waved at me. I called him Carl, which was short for Carlos.

"Did you have a nice Christmas, Carl?" I inquired, heading toward the elevators.

"Pretty good. Got my kids a new playhouse," he replied silently.

"That's great. See you in the morning, Carl." The elevator doors closed. My words were cut off. I pressed the "5" on the panel next to me and felt the small space rise.

The doors opened. I pushed myself out and down the hallway until I came to my room. I took a shaking breath and glanced at my reflection in a nearby window. What was I getting so worked up about?

I turned the handle and the door swung open. Instantly, I was greeted to the sound of a laugh track pouring forth from the television. I walked inside, smiling to myself.

And there he was. On the bed, eyes glued to the television. I stepped in front of his field of vision. His face jerked with surprise.

"Holy shit!" David called out, scrambling to stand up. "You scared me."

"You should learn to lock the door," I said with a vicious smile.

"True," he said in defeat. "I've missed you."

He gave me a high five, then pulled me into a strong hug. I brought my hand to his back, caressing him gently. We pulled away. David took my bag and threw it onto my bed. My pulse quickened. He pulled out a small box from under a mound of blankets.

"My second gift to you," he chimed.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

I tore the box open and pulled out a t-shirt, which read "I Love NY". I grinned, poking him in the shoulder.

"Thanks, bud," I teased.

All night David and I sat up talking about what we did over our break and what we got for Christmas. David stayed in New York for two weeks with his sister. It turns out, she had gotten engaged over the course of the two years David hadn't seen her. He revealed that she wanted little to do with him. I tried to offer comfort, but he shrugged it off.

Then it was my turn to reveal my boring break. I told him of how my parents got me an iPhone and a new laptop. Then I told him of Shelby coming down and staying for a few days. Nothing too extraordinary happened. David, being himself, took interest in every detail.

"So, you and Shelby are getting serious, aren't you?" David playfully interrogated.

I thought the question over, absently twisting the shirt David had given me in my hands. "I really like her."

David nodded, sitting back onto his bed. His face seemed to deflate a bit. Or maybe it was just my imagination. I threw a pillow at him, just for a hell of it.

"Let's go rent some movies. We still have an entire week until classes start back." I stood up, realizing that it was 2a.m. Everywhere was closed. David shrugged, pulling out a few DVDs from his bedside table.

"I have these old crappy movies from the 90s."


"Hey, don't knock 'em until you try 'em," he said through a sharp smile.

So we popped in the movie and I sat in the floor. David sat beside me. Eventually, we both dozed off. I awoke with David's head on my shoulder and his hand tightly intertwined with my own. His heavy breathing told me he was still asleep.

Slowly, I pulled my hand back and stood up. Through a crack in the window I could see the tiniest traces of sunlight. I knew then that it was morning.

"What time is it?" David quietly mumbled, still in a deep state of sleep.

"Early," I replied. David seemed to doze back off. My mind was racing from the most recent episode with him.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I was supposed to meet Shelby at her dorm. When I came out of the bathroom, David was quietly undressing. He looked at me as I walked through the room.

"Where are you off to?"

"Shelby's. She's coming back today."

David nodded, then walked into the shower. I could hear the water running. Then, almost as if it he wasn't, I could hear David humming a sweet tune that he usually did. My smile was so wide that my face hurt.

I turned the handle and headed out into the hallway.

Eventually, I made it over to Shelby's dorm. She had just arrived. I helped her move her stuff up to her room. This semester, her roommate had dropped out, so she was alone. She was said to get a new girl in there within the next week. She seemed oddly excited.

We shared stories about what we did over the break. Shelby talked about her brothers and how they went to Colorado with some friends and she stayed home. After we finished unloading her stuff, I followed her up to her dorm and we fucked as we usually did. Afterward, I got dressed and prepared to leave. Shelby just watched me.

"Are you alright?" she pressed, eyes trained hard on me.

"I'm fine. Why?"

Shelby shrugged and pulled the covers up under her chin. I quickly left, my mind only on one thing: David.

The weeks seemed to fly by after that day. David and I seemed to grow closer, even though I wasn't trying for us to. He became involved with a girl. Her name was Lisa. She often came over and watched movies with us. She wasn't a sexual girl; very artsy and creative. They complimented each other well. I liked her.

School started back up. David and I fell back into our old routine of not talking, only signaling at each others entrance into the dorm. I began to bring a buddy of mine up on Thursdays after our Chemistry class to study, seeing as he was my lab partner. His name was Paul.

Paul was a very defined man. He was my height, about a few pounds heavier, but he was all muscle. Not to mention hairy. He was a very attractive guy.

Paul wasn't the brightest in Chemistry, though. Everything else he excelled at. But not Chemistry. I helped him through what I could. I wasn't the best teacher.

On one particular day, we came to my dorm and David was out for a late class. Paul made himself at home and sat on my bed, while I sat on David's bed, which was opposite mine. We started reading the chapters and filling out a study guide. Paul began to struggle, so I moved over to help him.

The first thing I noticed was his smell. He had some cologne on that made my nose burn, but it was mixed with his musky scent of perspiration. It made me feel aroused somewhat, but I shook the feeling.

I quickly told him the answer and moved to leave. Paul stopped me by putting his hand on my upper leg.

"Thank you," he said, "for doing all this. I know no one else would."

"It's no problem," I shot back to him.

Paul's hand was still on my leg. I could feel the heat pulsing through my jeans. I stared at him. A thin smile was present on his lips. He opened his mouth to speak...

Then, keys began to jingle at the door. Paul's hand left mine. David stepped in, carrying an armload of books, smiling wider than I had ever seen him.

"Class was canceled!" he called out.

Paul returned to studying. I moved back over to my spot on David's bed without saying a word. He sensed the tension, but kept quiet.

Paul left a few hours later. After he was gone, I simply crawled into bed. Even with my clothes on. David emerged from the bathroom, but I didn't look up.

"Was something going on earlier?"

"No." was all I said.

"You sure?"

"Yes, David, I'm fucking sure!" I leaned up from my pillow and stared at him. He shook his head, understanding.

"Alright, alright. Just making sure." He sounded wounded, but I couldn't help it. There was too much going on in my head to process that.

The days and weeks flew by after that. Paul continued to come over and more advances were made from him, which I did nothing to stop. At one point he touched my crotch. I simply stared at him the whole time.

Valentine's Day came and went. Shelby bought me some small gifts, I did the same for her. The semester was passing by in a blur. David and I kept our usual schedules, but he was taking less classes than I was, so he was always around to talk to when I needed him.

On the day that Paul was over, we had just finished studying, and he began to make another advance on me. This time he unbuttoned my jeans. I continued to be as still as a statue. My pulse was racing harder and harder. I could feel his fingers sink down and touch the waistband of my boxers. His eyes were hard on me.

His hand suddenly clenched onto my cock. I shuddered at the feeling. Paul moved over in front of me and pulled my jeans down. He had obviously been waiting on this a long time. He didn't say a word. He just pulled my pants down, and then pulled my dick through the flap in my boxers.

Slowly, Paul inserted the head of my cock into his wet mouth. I exhaled sharply. My body tensed. His head started to bob. Up and down.

Something suddenly hit me. A thought.

I jumped up. Paul was startled. I quickly pulled on my pants and buttoned them.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." I said. Paul, obviously discouraged, left in a huff. I didn't hear from him anymore after that day.

I sat on my bed, thinking about everything. About Paul and David. About what my parents would think. I thought about Shelby and how I loved her.

Quickly, I started out into the hallway. I ran across campus to the main building. I slipped into the classroom where I knew I could find David.

And sure enough, he was there. By himself. Copying down some notes. Everyone had gone. Even the professor. He was alone.

I marched down the aisles of desks. He looked up at me, smiling. I didn't stop. He saw this, his face instantly contorting into a concerned expression.

I reached his desk and threw all of his books into the floor. He opened his mouth to speak, but I pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and brought his head close to mine. My lips found his and I kissed him.

I forced my tongue between his lips. I found his own tongue and tried to taste it. I wanted him. I wanted everything about him. And nothing was going to stop me.

I pushed him over onto the desk and quickly unbuttoned his pants. His hard cock sprang up, almost hitting me in the face. I wrapped my mouth around it and gagged myself. I went all over it, savoring the taste. I licked his balls, sucking and swirling them in my mouth. He put a hand on the back of my head and forced me down. I took it all.

Then, I leaned up and unbuttoned my own pants. I leaned over a nearby desk.

"Fuck me, David. I want it."

"You sure?"


Despite this being similar to the first time, David was more aggressive. He stood over me and rammed his big cock into my ass. I screamed into the sleeve of my jacket. The pressure was unbearable. But slowly, it became almost too much pleasure to handle. I felt his dick slide in and out. The feeling was blissful.

He leaned over to kiss me. I pushed myself onto him. I wanted him. So bad. He began to thrust harder and harder. I could feel his cock swell multiple times, but he would pull out and have me suck him.

Eventually we moved to a desk and I straddled David. I took his dick up my ass and rode it. Each thrust I could feel his orgasm getting closer. Sweat was pouring down his face. I kissed him.

"I'm gonna cum," he whispered in my ear.

And I didn't say anything. I sat on his thick cock and felt the explosion of his juices warm my ass. I cried out in pleasure. David screamed behind clenched teeth, pumping his thick legs against my hairy ass.

Harder and harder he pounded, until he couldn't stand it anymore. I stood up and pushed him down onto my dick. He sucked and slurped. It wasn't long until I came in his mouth. He swallowed every drop.

And there we were, in the the classroom, sweaty, naked, and covered with cum. We both dressed quickly and headed back to our dorm.

Before class the next day, we had sex again.

The months came and went. Soon, school was over. It was summer. David and I had to pack and get ready to move out of the dorm. Shelby had already left and I was supposed to meet her, but little did she know I wasn't going to.

David and Lisa had broken up somewhere over the Spring. I never knew they were an item. It was sad to move out of the place.

David and I planned a road trip to New York. I told him I had always wanted to go, so we loaded up the car and just drove one day. At 3a.m.

That's what I love about David. He's spontaneous and he's fun.

We drove along the dark interstate and I let my hand rest on his lap. He brought a hand down and clutched mine.

"So what are we?" I asked him, trying to be serious.

"What do you mean?" he retorted.

"Are we together?"

He thought about this, then looked over at me.

"What do you want?"

"I want you," I said quietly. He smiled.

We continued to drive until the sun began to creep up along the horizon. Later that day, Shelby would call me and tell me that she wanted to break up. Later that day, I would make love to David again.

Later that day, I would be truly happy.

The new sun ripped across our faces as we sped down the interstate. David pulled me into a long kiss.

I wasn't sure of where we were going. I didn't know if we would even come back. The only thing I did know is that I had David.

And that was all that mattered to me.


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