The Untold Story


Published on Dec 27, 2010


Okay, so here's the general disclaimer... this story is entirely FICTIONAL. If you're not old enough to read this, or if you do NOT like this type of erotic fiction, then do NOT read. This story is my own and please give me an email at if you wish to redistribute or copy it.

Otherwise, read on. I'm not an author (but one day hope to be). Please send me some feedback on what you thought.

I present to you....

College: The Untold Story, Part 1


My stomach was in a knot as a drove up the winding road leading to the campus. My parents swore to me they would be here for me, but of course... they weren't. It was no surprise. I had been prepared. Everything I owned was cramped into the backseat. A box of books rattled uneasily in the floorboard.

The hot August sun filtered in through my windows. The heat was almost unbearable. I cranked up my air conditioner. It whirred and spluttered, kicking out dust and other debris. I cursed under my breath. That piece of shit car never worked right. Not even from the day I got it.

My story isn't that different from any 18-year-old growing up in northern Mississippi. I never did good in high school. I didn't have the motivation to succeed. My parents' were both wealthy enough to where I didn't have to worry about where my future was going. My dad had a construction business he promised to let me in on one day. My life was set.

I was only 18. Black hair was scattered across my body; on my arms, legs, chest, stomach, and... you know - "down there". I was about 6'3" and weighed close to 220lbs. I was a big guy. I played linebacker on the high school football team. Most of the weight on me was muscle.

Anyway, enough about me. Let's get back to the whole college thing. I didn't originally plan on going. I was just going to work with my dad the day after graduation. He said a college education would look better on a resume when I got involved in the "real world". I didn't like that idea, but my mother agreed with him.

So, there I was. On my way to the University of Memphis. It was over a six hour drive. I left at 8 o'clock that morning. The clock on my dashboard console read a few minutes after 2.

I turned the corner and carefully managed to park my car under a shade tree. The place wasn't as packed as I was fearing. Move-In Day was tomorrow. I got there a day early, seeing as I had such a long drive. I got out of the car and grabbed a duffel bag full of odds-and-ends. I marched into the registrar building and got my dorm number. It was in the next building over. Thank God! I didn't have to walk that far. Sweat was pouring down my face.

I stepped back out into the sun, feeling the back of my shirt cling to my shoulders. I could only imagine how nice I smelled. A shower was calling my name. As I passed my car, still clutching my box, two girls rushed past me, going in the opposite direction. One turned to catch my stare. She winked. I winked. An instant connection was made.

I turned back around, smiling. I gripped the cardboard box tightly between my fingers. I didn't even think about my roommate or my classes. Only that girl with the big smile.

Eventually I made it to my building. Franklin Hall. This is where I would spend the next nine months of my life. The only thing I was concerned about at the time was getting to my room and getting some cold air. I checked my number; "503". Damn! On the fifth floor. I turned back and forth, searching for an elevator.

'Ding!' I could hear the doors open somewhere down a nearby hall. My feet picked up. I was running through the carpeted lobby. I turned a corner, and sure enough, the open elevator was right before me. A young man was already inside, preparing to close it.

"Hey, wait!" I shouted, scrambling as fast as I could towards the door. The young man pushed a button to allow me to slip through. I slammed back against the wall and exhaled sharply. He stared me up and down, slightly grinning. My haphazard appearance must have been humorous to anyone.

"First day, huh?" the young man asked awkwardly. I nodded my head up and down. The elevator slowly made it to the second floor, then third. "My name is Tim. I'm in room 405."

Tim extended out a hand. I shook it. The door to the elevator opened. He stepped out, waving as he turned a corner. "Bye, Tim." The words barely escaped my lips before the door cut them in half.

And that was it. I had made my first friend in college. Maybe not by the best means, but it was a start. The elevator doors suddenly opened again. I realized this was my floor. I backpedaled, searching for the proper room. "515,...543,....502..." I stopped, coming to the door.

"503." The numbers appeared to be freshly attached to the thin wooden frame. I placed my key into the door, but instead of working to open it, the door swung open. It was already unlocked! Surprised, I slowly peeked inside.

"Hello," I questioned, padding across the soft carpet. My shoes made no sound. I ventured in further, seeing that one bed had already been made. Posters of models and movies were plastered to that side of the room. I picked up a magazine that was lying on the bed. It was a TIME edition from 2010. I threw it back and sat my box on the bed.

"Is anyone here?" I asked again. I stopped, realizing that the room was freezing! I tilted my head back and sighed. The sweat on my forehead began to dry immediately. I was used to keeping my bedroom at home cold as could be. I had a feeling my roommate and I would be great friends....hopefully.

From the other side of the room, I could hear the running shower head. I decided to wait, not daring to peek, in fear that he may think I was a perv. So, I began to make my bed. It was a slow process flipping the mattress and rising it to a satisfactory height. But I eventually got it. I carefully unlatched the lid of my box and took out some old Stephen King books I'd been planning to read for years. I sat back on my freshly made bed and began to relax.

I grabbed a book from my pile and began to read. Distantly, I heard a 'click', followed by light humming. A door opened. My eyes were still focused on the book. I had no time to react.

There was a sharp scream, as fast as lightning, then slow laughter. I turned to see a guy, my age, wrapped in a black bath towel. Instead of being skinny and hairless (like I expected all guys here to be) he was beefy and hairy, like me. Soft brown hair covered his body. He looked at me, still laughing.

"Dude, you scared the shit outta me."

I managed to sit up, smiling politely. "Sorry about that. The door was open, so I just came in."

"It's fine, man! Glad to finally have some company. My name is David."

His extroverted presence reminded me of Tim, the guy from the elevator. I could see his hand outstretched. I took it in mine and he jolted my arm up and down. Shocked, I pulled away. David laughed, loping over to his bed.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm John." I rubbed my wrist where David had violently shaken it.

"Sorry, just goofing around. Don't mean to turn you off your first day here." He went to his bed and pulled out some clothes. In a quick instance, I could see a classic Playboy magazine in his drawer. "Good thing I decided to take a towel with me. I have been wandering around here naked for the past two days. That would have been a welcoming surprise."

David turned, arms full of clothes. He studied me, then spotted the book in my hand. His mouth dropped open.

"Stephen King? Shit, dude. I love him! My girlfriend back home got me addicted to his stories." He began to move towards the bathroom. I stood up, feeling less awkward now.

"Where'd you move from?" I asked. David stopped in the bathroom doorway.

"New York. What about you?"

Immediately I was self-conscious about my deep Southern accent. I had tried to hide it numerous times. He saw the moment of hesitation on my face. "What? Are you embarrassed? This isn't high school. I'm not a bully or something. I don't care where you come from."

He stepped into the bathroom, the door slightly parted. I turned around so I wouldn't see him change. "I'm from Mississippi." I heard him laugh from the other side. I wanted rolled my eyes at the wall.

"God, Mississippi? You acted like you were from the Moon or something." He stepped out of the bathroom, freshly dressed. A line of stubble was at the bottom of his face. "Nice to have you here. Now maybe I can stop talking to myself and start talking to you."

David padded to his bed and sat down. I silently followed him and sat atop my own bed. He picked up a pair of reading glasses from a small nightstand and put them on.

"I still have stuff in my car," I groaned, "I'd rather take a bullet than go out there right now." David sat back on his bed, the issue of TIME magazine in front of his face. He was decked out in a form-fitting t-shirt and faded jeans. It was obvious he wasn't from the South.

"Don't worry about it right now. I'll help you get it inside later tonight. It's way too hot outside to do anything at the moment," he said. I agreed.

The afternoon slowly faded into the evening. David and I talked briefly about our respective family's. He moved to Memphis with his mother after his father died in September 11th. They had lived here for ten years. He had a girlfriend and a sister, but his sister moved back to New York the previous summer. His life seemed so much more interesting. I told him how I didn't really like school, and my major was "undecided". He just nodded and listened.

David soon revealed that he was on a full-paid scholarship and was studying journalism. He impressed me with his long list of accomplishments. The only thing I could say was that I played football in high school. He seemed genuinely impressed.

"So you're on of the jocks, huh? Hopefully you don't steal my lunch money." He laughed, standing up and looking at the clock. "Maybe we should go ahead and bring in the rest of your stuff. Campus Security forces us to be in our dorms by 2a.m. I followed his gaze to the small digital numbers above his bed. It was 1:30 in the morning! We had wasted the entire day talking.

Quickly, we ran back and forth from the parking lot, carrying in my belongings. It took us about twenty minutes, just barely sliding in before the beginning of the curfew. David helped me put up my posters and change out my bedspread. He admired the Lynard Skynard album covers I brought with me. It turns out, we shared a lot of common interests. He liked old school rock, so did I. He read Stephen King – me, too. Small similarities that began to lead to a budding friendship.

"We still have two weeks until classes start. What are we gonna do?" David thought out loud. He flipped on the television that he had brought. It was a flat screen, big enough to fill up an entire wall. I silently wondered how he got it into the elevator.

"I don't know. Maybe we could just watch TV the entire time," I said jokingly.

David grinned, flashing all of his teeth. "That's true."

"What have you been doing the two days while you were alone?"

"Nothing at all. Just pigging out of food and cruising the Internet. Occasionally I would go down to the campus library and check out a few books, but other than that... nothing."

For the two weeks leading up to classes, David and I had the best time. It was like an extended sleepover. We rented a few movies from the local Blockbuster and made lame jokes all throughout the movie. We attempted to make popcorn with some burning candles, but it didn't work. We laughed at everything for awhile.

One day while coming over from the campus library, I spotted the same girl from my first day. This time, she was alone. I waved at her. She bit her lip like a small child and slowly approached.

"Hey," she said.


"I've seen you around. Are you in Franklin Hall?" Her hair was like an auburn waterfall, streaking down to her shoulders. I stared for a moment too long. All I could do was nod.

"I'm in University Commons. We should hang out sometime. I'm Shelby, by the way."

"I'm John." My mouth was painfully dry. The words were like sandpaper against my throat.

Shelby began to back away, falling into the waning sunlight. Her small hand raised to wave me goodbye. I returned the gesture. In an instant, she was gone.

Suddenly, a large hand clasped me on the back. I jolted around with a start. It was David, laughing devilishly under his breath. "Good going, Champ," he wheezed, "totally reminiscent of Nicholas Sparks!" I shoved him away, failing to keep my own laughs quiet. We slowly made our way back to the dorms.

After that day, David and I rarely spoke as much as we did. Schoolwork was such a burden on us. He was taking more advanced classes, having gotten most of the ones I was taking out of the way in high school. I struggled, but managed to pull out all A's. I was surprised with myself. All of the effort I put into college seemed to make up for what I didn't in high school.

Shelby and I began to date. We slowly worked our way to a serious couple. Every Wednesday we would meet in her dorm and fuck until the next morning. I would be spent, but she would always want more. I never failed to deliver.

And that's how life went for the entire first semester of college. When I would come in, David would tilt his head back at me, signaling a silent 'hey'. I would return it and immediately begin studying. I missed our late night conversations and movie marathons. Everything was different now.

One afternoon I came in early from a class. It was right before the holiday break. I found David sitting in the floor, staring at the screen of his cell phone. Silent tears were tracking down his face. I knelt beside him.

"David? David! Are you alright?" The urgency of my voice snapped him aware. He quickly wiped his face and stood up.

"No. My girlfriend broke up with me. After five fucking years. She just wants to move on." David was holding back a sob. His words grew heavy with emotion. I took his head in my hands and suddenly pressed it against my face in compassion. He gripped my back tightly, as a small child would his father.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. I silently rocked him back and forth, amazed that I was doing this for him. He continued to cling to my arm, sobs causing him to tremble. "I'm so sorry you have to be here," he kept repeating. I just told him it was nothing.

I don't know what it was, maybe I was just tired, but I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I awoke, I was laying in my bed. My backpack was still on my shoulder. The evening stars glittered through the main window.

I looked over at David's bed. He was fast asleep. I slowly began to peel my clothes off and headed to the bathroom in only my boxers. I turned the shower on, finding the proper warmth, and stepped inside.

Afterward, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I headed back out into the rooms. You could imagine I was shocked to see David sitting up in bed, a small light on beside him.

"Oh, shit. Did I wake you up?"

David just shrugged, his eyes swollen from the episode earlier. "No. I can't really sleep."

I quickly threw on a t-shirt and slid some shorts on, turning so David couldn't see everything. I lied down on my bed, facing him. The clock read 4a.m.

"Do you feel any better?" What a stupid question for me to ask. Of course he wasn't!

"A little," he whispered, "but it's going to take some time."

I nodded, trying to understand his situation. The longest I had ever been with a girl was with Shelby. I was afraid I couldn't relate. David got up and crossed the room, making it over to my bed. He sat down, throwing me a copy of Stephen King's new book. My face lit up instantly.

"Consider it an early Christmas gift," he joked, moving to stand up.

I was floored. Quickly, I opened the front cover of the book and found two words simply scrawled in David's handwriting: 'Thank you.'

After his shower, David stepped back into the room. This closely resembled the first time I met him. The same black towel, the same body. I had never, ever had an attraction to a man before, but David was the first time when I began to see him differently. From where I come from, two guys liking each other was a sin with the equivalent of burning the Bible. I had never allowed myself to actually wonder.

David slid on some white basketball shorts and sat back on his bed. I tried to focus on my book, but the words swam before me. Exhaustion was beginning to take over. My head started to dip. I'd resurface every now and again, catching David's amused stare.

"Just go to sleep, man."

"I'm not really tired," I said, but my eyes began to close before the thought even escaped my brain.

I slept through my alarm clock. I woke up at 10a.m on the dot. I scrambled around for a few minutes, until I realized that it was Saturday. David staggered in from the bathroom, stroking his now full-on beard. I was beginning to grow one, too. He raised a curious eyebrow in my direction.

"I thought I had class," I lamely shrugged. David grinned and jumped on my bed. He playfully jabbed me in the stomach. I doubled over in laughter. I had told him about my super-secret tickle spots long ago. Apparently he remembered.

"Shit! Don't!" My voice was high with laughter. David continue to tickle me in various spots, until his hand grazed against my crotch. I was electrified. David didn't seem to notice. I pushed him away.

"John, have you ever wanted something so bad that you can't think of anything else but that thing you want?" David asked, staring up at me. I mulled the question over. My thoughts strayed to New York Cheesecake and making an A on my Chemistry final. Petty images compared to David's.

"I guess," was my answer.

David slowly straightened himself up and stared at me. He placed his hand on my knee. Chills ricocheted throughout my body. His smile only grew. His warm, brown eyes seemed to look so much more inviting than they ever had before.

"I want you, John. I want to be with you. I've wanted to be with you since I first saw you. It's killed me inside." His words came out quickly. I was at a loss. My mind thought back to Shelby, then to the first day I saw David, the towel at his waist. The smile on his face. What the fuck? I only lived once.

I jumped forward, grabbing David's head in my hands (much as I did the day before). Only this time, I brought his head to mine. Our lips touched. I kissed him softly. He pressed harder. I opened my mouth and allowed him to enter. His tongue found mine. We were one being for a moment. Over and over, his tongue fought with mine. His hot breath flushed my face. I could feel the sweat building.

My hands wandered to his shorts. I raised up one leg and let my fingers slide through, feeling his soft leg hair. We continued to kiss. Harder and more passionately than I've ever kissed Shelby. The feeling was euphoric. I was blinded. For a moment, my hand remained stationary on David's leg, then I let it travel a few more inches until I felt a fleshy lump. David moaned. I began to stroke his cock.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked, pulling back.

David only nodded. He rolled onto his back. I pulled his shorts down, feeling my own cock strain against my boxers.

David's cock was perfect. Everything about it. The magnificent amount of pubic hair, the girth, the length. He was maybe eight inches cut. A deep vein ran along the side of it. I took it in my hand. David licked his lips. I brought the shining head of his dick to my face, inhaling his scent. He smelt wonderful.

I dived in, sucking the head of his dick for all it was worth. The warm piece of meat throbbed in my mouth. David moaned through clenched teeth. Up and down my head went. I managed to cram the monster down my throat, my nose nestled in his pubic hair. He was going absolutely nuts at this! He pulled me up.

"Don't! I'm close. I don't want to cum just yet," he said suddenly. I nodded and sat back.

David felt me through my shorts and kissed me again, tasting his own juices in my mouth. He took my shorts off and threw them across the room. I was naked. He looked at my cock. It was around the same size as his, maybe a half inch longer. His eyes widened.

David began to suck me. He crammed my dick in his mouth, sucking me and licking every inch of my manhood. We were both overcome by waves of passion. He took my balls and licked them clean. He licked my stomach, up to my chest, then my nipples. My mind was reeling. I had never felt so good in my life.

He continued to work my dick over, until pulling up quickly. "I want you to fuck me," was all he said, then he rolled over.

"Are you sure?" I was cautious to continue.


That's all he had to say. I straddled him and slowly took my dick between my fingers. David began to relax. I slowly put the head of my dick into his hairy ass. David moaned instantly. Not out of pain, but pleasure. I started to put the rest of it in. He was smiling with his eyes clenched shut.

"Fuck yes. Fuck me, John. Fuck me please."

His words were jolted as I released the last few inches of my dick into his ass. Never had I ever felt anything so tight before in my life! I was in ecstasy. The feeling was blissful in a way that I couldn't begin to comprehend. I slowly thrust my dick back and forth. David groaned into the bed.

And then I sped up. My balls began to slap against his ass. Sweat poured down my back. I looked up, eyes closed. My fingers dug into the skin around David's hip. He looked at me. I leaned over and kissed him again, then moved down t to kiss his back.

Our bodies were connected that way for what seemed like hours. It wasn't just sex, but a mutual connection. The revelation of our love.

My cock thrust deeper inside David with every move. I could feel his body tense. He was close to cumming. I could feel my own orgasm brewing. I moved to pull out. David's legs created a barrier to stop me.

"Don't. I want it in me. Cum in me, man." His words were desperate. Sweat was dripping from his head. I nodded, making each thrust stronger than the last. I balled up my fists as I felt myself begin to loosen.

"Fuck, dude. I'm gonna cum. Are you sure you want this?" I cried out.

David pulled me forward and kissed me. I fucked him harder and harder, my orgasm beginning in my toes and slowly working to my balls. His breath filled me up. I felt the climax in the head of my dick. I whimpered as David continued to kiss me.

I suddenly began to feel my dick erupt inside of David. I groaned, pounding at his ass harder. The cum continued to surge forward. It was as if the dam had broken. I could feel my body shake with each release. David pulled back. I gave him one last hard thrust, then pulled back.

My cum oozed from his asshole. I was breathless. David was smiling. I noticed his dick was still standing at attention. I moved to take care of that.

"You don't have to," he said.

I looked up at him. "I want to."

I sucked him. Each time he got close, I pulled up and kissed him. This continued for hours. I edged him closer, until he couldn't take it anymore. My hot mouth went all the way down. His dick glistened. His body tightened. I massaged his balls.

"Fuck! Shit! I'm going to cum! I'm gonna cum! Please.....stop...." he was breathing hard. He tried to pull me off, but I kept my mouth firm. He screamed out into a pillow as the first spurt of his cum landed in my throat. I swallowed it all. Each wave. David pressed my head down further. He suddenly sat up, pulling me off.

"Damn, man. I can't take it! I'm sensitive."

I quickly licked the last few drops of cum from his balls and then sat against the wall. David eyed me, then slowly moved under the covers. We stayed that way for the rest of the night, sweating and drained of all our juices.

We never spoke about that moment. We never even hinted that it happened. A part of me wanted so badly to tell David everything I was thinking.

I never did.

The next week was Christmas break. I prepared to to pack. David had already left to New York to visit his sister. My last day there, a box came in the mail. I opened it up, finding a classic book of Stephen King's that I had been searching for for over a year. I grinned, realizing it was from David.

With delicacy, I opened the front cover. My eyes poured over the page.

Written in soft black lettering were three simple words:

'I love you.'

Next: Chapter 2

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