The Unicorn Fraternity

Published on Aug 27, 2022


The Unicorn Fraternity Part 2 (Revised) by Chaim

This is a series about the Brothers and their boys at the Unicorn Fraternity. The Brothers run a special school in which they commit themself in training the boys with gay sex. The chapters will include hardcore sex, group sex, S&M. The series is set in an open society where the boys can develop themself without restraint.

This is fiction.

Your feedback is very welcome. You can write to me in English or Dutch at Thank you for reading, and thank you for supporting Nifty to keep this site open and free.


Jonah had received his first practical lessons and Jonah had been shocked to discover that everything done to him had aroused him. The flogging, the silver cock-ring and the piercing of his boy nipples. Jonah was confused, but could not deny the physical evidence: he was rock hard. So he walked, head bowed in shame at the open display of his excitement. Brother Adam praised him and sent him to the milking to get rid of his erection and by the time Jonah came to the Brother's study, his boner was gone and his boy cock was hanging over his smooth boy balls.

Jonah's Milking

All boys loved the milking, so Jonah didn't resist as Brother Jerome, dressed in white robe strapped him onto the milking device. Jonah, whose balls were so full and ached so badly that they were drawn tight up against his groin was eager for the relief that the device would provide him. Brother Jerome led him to the device, and his engorged boy cock was already dripping pre-cum. Jonah's mind was totally focused on his orgasm and the relief the milking would bring. So, there was no resistance on his part as the Brother Jerome seated him astride the leather horse and began the process of attaching him. The milking device itself, had puzzled Jonah the first time he saw it, as it had all the other boys, when they had been led into the milking room for the first time.

Brother Jerome had told Jonah, "Jonah, this is your first time, so I will explain it to you. With this device your boy cum will be collected from your balls to be placed in the Holy cup. As soon as your balls are empty, your cum will join the semen of the other boys to be used at the communion. This way you share and exchange with the Fraternity the most intimate thing your young body can produce, your boy cum."

Jonah didn't understand this fully but got along with it and mumbled, "Yes Brother."

Brother Jerome inspected Jonah's boy cock, "That's a good one, you got there. I figured a boy as hot as you would have a nice piece of meat, but I hit the jackpot today! You are something else. You're boy cock was made for milking. You're cock knows it even if you don't. That's why Brother Adam send you here, to let me do this. I'm gonna milk you dry, milking every single drop of jism out of your balls."

The brother smiled, "Just relax and enjoy the ride. You will have several times an orgasm and it will leave you exhausted in the end. But whatever it takes, be proud to be able to share your boy cum with us."

Over the years, Brother Jerome had become an expert, he had milked many boys and enjoyed it. Young postulates got always his special attention, because their boy milk was essential to celebrate the communion. Brother Jerome liked it to get the boys horny, to make them shake and twitch, as they experienced their first orgasms on the milking device. The new boys were always curious and fascinated by their gushing semen and Brother Jerome loved to taste and enjoy their ejaculations. The Brother judged their young cum on his tongue, what was necessary to get a good judgment. The brother was a firm believer that young cum flavor was affected by the nature of the treatment which produced it, that's why he designed this very special milking device. He could control everything mercilessly to get a rich, satisfying amount of boy cum with a sophisticated blend of flavors.

The first time Jonah was milked, his cum went out his boy cock like a fountain and got directly into the waiting collection beaker. The taste of a new boy's cum was always incredible and Jonah's cum had been no exception. Tasting it, Jonah's creamy, salty, cum swirled around on the Brother's tongue and he nodded to Brother Adam. "Adam, savor it, enjoy the young flavor and the warmth of it, it's excellent."

Yes, they made sure Jonah's cum soon got where it belonged, in the Holy cup available to all the Brothers. At times Brother Jerome needed more which was never a problem. Jonah was a decent shooter, wanking his boy cock he seldom failed to make it shoot to at least his chest. The Milking was on a whole different scale, but the Brother couldn't tell Brother Adam how many shots followed after his first climax. He told Brother Adam Jonah loved to be milked dry. The boy screamed in pleasure and agony till his orgasms finally wracked him. The Brother knew that the submissive Jonah was hooked to deliver everything he had, so Brother Adam was glad to send him over on a regular basis.

Jonah became quite intimate with the relentless and unremitting working of the milking device. The milking horse was of soft leather and there were adjustable metal rings on the far side in front of the boy into which Brother Jerome fastened Jonah's wrists now, snugly securing them. There where the stirrups, into which the Brother inserted Jonah's feet and securely fastened them. Well secured, Jonah was now strapped onto the leather milking horse, as a naked young jockey, his butt high in the air and exposed, astride on the device for a very fast ride.

Jonah only grunted, as the semi-flexible vacuum pump, which protruded from the leather seat beneath him went to him. The sheath encased his engorged boy cock and adjusted itself to the boy cock's dimensions. Likewise, there was only the slightest groan from him as the electrodes were attached to his silver nipple rings and cock ring. There were five components of the milking device which included the vacuum pump or sheath, the pulsation system, the boy milk transport system, and boy milker unit or bucket.

But there was more to it, Jonah gasped as Brother Jerome adjusted the cone shaped anal probe, located just behind Jonah's vulnerable butt. The brother placed the tip against his sphincter. Of course, later there would be more than a gasp from Jonah as the cone shaped device moved inward to do its work. The cone was spreading his sphincter wide as it went inside. Jonah had no warning of the approaching cone until it was pushing straight at his trembling sphincter. The boy jumped forward only to be slapped by Brother Jerome, his swift control seemed to calm Jonah as he immediately tried to accommodate the slowly advancing cone. Jonah tried to relax his ass muscles to allow the tip access to his bowels. Soon the tip popped past the straining ring and headed deeper into Jonah's guts, causing an involuntary moan to escape his mouth. Jonah's puckered hole stretched almost obscenely to accommodate the big invader.

Jonah let out almost boyish whimpers and moans, "Oh Brother, it hurts!"

Jonah's face was contorting as he felt cone painfully invading his tight sphincter. Brother Jerome ignored his outcry and checked Jonah's hairless, quivering erection which was clearly leaking some pre-cum. Jonah shivered, he felt ashamed for being so horny while having his ass ripped open by the huge cone. He felt his lust rising and his whimpering was getting louder. Tears of shame and pain were flowing down his cheeks and by the time the cone nearly bottomed out, there was no stopping. Jonah shuddered and moaned loudly and a small amount of cum shot from his rigid boy cock.

Knowing his duties, the boy kept on lowering himself until he bottomed out. Crying softly, Jonah sat there following his instinct, he started to slowly fuck himself on the cone although his boy cock was by now limp from the recent orgasm.

What Jonah could not see but was rapidly finding out was that the cone expanded in girth in distinct steps, sliding inside it stretched him further. It was really straining, it brought tears to his eyes and groans to his lips, even though it was beginning to become obviously painful, his boy cock got hard again and as always twitched and strained in pleasure.

Now he was used to it and his sphincter trained to open up. He was well secured to the horse, and almost melded to it as one, Jonah trembled slightly. The Brother attached the last electrodes and he was ready.

Jonah wondered how long it would be this time before he passed out from the ordeal that would soon begin. Sweat began to form on Jonah's brow, as he winced slightly as he heard the muffled cries from the other boys for he knew that his own cries would soon join those outbursts of joy and relieve.

"Oh!" Jonah exclaimed, as the sheath encasing his engorged boy cock came to life and gave him his first ripples of pleasure. "Ohhh!" he panted, feeling his climax building up and Jonah knew soon he would spray his cream in sheath. "Aw, oh!" he shrieked and tried to throw his head back in orgasmic delight. His balls were packed up tight against his body and his boner spasmed and constricted. Inside the semi-flexible sheath, thousands of tiny cushions, had gone to work. Stroking, flicking, and playing along Jonah's boy cock from its tip to the base.

Brother Jerome watched him, "Get ready! Get ready and feel it. Empty your balls, shoot your load of boy-cum, squirt your cum, boy."

Brother Adam entered the room in silence and hugged his fellow brother. He nodded his head and Brother Jerome turned up the intensity just slightly. "Oh, yes, yes!" Jonah immediately responded, as the thousands tiny cushions flicked at his boy cock with even greater intensity.

Brother Adam stood there next to Brother Jerome and they smiled with satisfaction, noticing that the collection beaker was already beginning to have pre-cum drip into it. Brother Adam looked over at the collection beaker for all the Milking Rooms just in time to see a huge glob of white, teen cum plop into the mass that was already accumulating there, and smiled. "Go ahead Jonah and shoot whenever you're ready. We are here with you to collect it."

Brother Adam knew Jonah was about to cum so hard that he thought his balls would explode. Jonah nodded, his breath catching in his throat when his cock-head was tickled. Jonah was very, very close but only producing pre-cum. The Brother nodded, the Abbot could be proud of his young boys, as they produced enough boy milk to celebrate the communion with his Brothers. Quickly Brother Adam noted that everything seemed in order, looked again at the collection beaker for Jonah's personal output, which now was receiving a steady flow of pre-cum, and satisfied that all was normal Brother Jerome set the controls on extended milking.

"Oh God! Oh!" Jonah cried out, as he felt the cone insert itself ever so slightly just inside his ass hole. Like the sheath that encased his boy cock, the cone in Jonah's butt would flagellate the walls of his ass hole, while the whole leather horse began to vibrate gently. The first time it had happened, Jonah had screamed at the top of his lungs, and he had tried to escape from the horse. In vain of course, but it felt as a thousand worms were crawling inside his bowels and working their way slowly upward into his insides. Now, he just groaned loudly, for he knew the intensity would increase and there was nothing he could do about it. Jonah's acceptance was always a thrilling sight. Brother Adam loved to watch his surrender. Of course it was all inevitable and Jonah really had no choice but he was his boy and did it every time without complaining.

"Uh!!" Jonah moaned loudly, as the cone penetrated him a little more and the tiny filaments began to play along the walls of his insides. Jonah's body trembled slightly, as the sensations from his boy cock and bowels began to meld and blend. He knew it wouldn't be long, he was so close. It never took long the first time. The first cum was always a relief. In fact, even the first orgasms were extraordinary in their pleasure. Jonah longed for that moment. However, the next ones would be different, as they wanted all. They wanted his balls empty and our collection beaker full. Each time it would take longer and longer to reach an orgasm and the stimulation to Jonah's boy cock and ass would have to intensify more in order to achieve the desired result.

"Oh god!" Jonah moaned, as he began to feel the first stirrings of his impending cum. "Oh!" Jonah cried out, as the electrodes attached to his nipple rings and cock ring began to emit the tingly current that only heightened his pleasure. Suddenly he saw Brother Adam and he exclaimed, "Oh my god" in a crescendo, as the sheath that enclosed his boy cock began to ripple and suck his boner, while the soft little pillows within the sheath concentrated all their efforts on his sensitive cock-head. Seconds later, there was another yelp from Jonah, as the cone moved a few more inches into him. Jonah had already begun to pant and his nostrils had begun to flare, while deep within him his load had begun to boil and burn like fire. Jonah was on his own ride up the hill of pleasure. The boy forgot anything around him, covered with sweat, and his cries of need became louder and louder.

"Oh yes! Yessssssssssssss!"

Jonah hissed loudly, as he began to feel his first cum load began its journey toward the shaft of his boy cock. The Brother laughed happy and immediately increased the electrical impulses to the cock ring that encircled the base of Jonah's boy cock and balls, and since the ring was now impossibly tight, the effect was instantaneous. "Ah!" he yelled, he panicked. "Stop it! Please!" he combated, swinging and swaying, desperately attempting to make it stop. "Oh boy, shoot your cum, shoot the sweet nectar from your balls."

"Oh God! Oh Fuck!" Jonah shouted, and began to hunch his hips, as much as the straps allowed him. After a loud shriek, Jonah came so hard that it actually felt like fire was shooting from his boy cock.

Bother looked over at the collection beaker and was very pleased at the sight of the huge blobs of teen spunk that began to splat around.

"Uh! Uh!" Jonah panted, with each volley of hot, teen cum, his boy cock shot into the sheath, only to be quickly sucked up and taken away. "Oh no!" Jonah moaned, as he came down from his orgasm, knowing well that his ride on the horse was just beginning. Brother Adam fully understood all the boys called it the edging torture.

In fact, it would be almost two hours before the roller coaster ride of orgasms would be over. Minutes would seem like hours, and hours, seem like an eternity, as Jonah would have orgasm after orgasm. He would pass out just before the end. In fact, most of the boys did and they didn't care. Yet, it would be awhile before Jonah's balls were empty and there was no more of his cum to be sucked up. This time, Jonah hoped he wouldn't cry and squeal like a little kid.

This time it went differently, as the cone eventually worked its way inward to the point that it felt as though it was directly under his belly button. By the time the cone was burrowed into his gut that deeply, his ass hole was stretched wide enough to easily accommodate a little boy's fist. As the cone began to fuck him, and start to emit its own electrical impulses, Jonah had to carry on, no matter how much he tried to refrain from doing so. There was no need for him to be ashamed. None of the boys were able to do more than squeal and babble at this point. The collection beaker showed there was much more to be collected.

That had now undivided attention of the Brothers. Jonah couldn't know, had no way of knowing, what lay ahead for him. At this moment he was just terribly glad to be having orgasm after orgasm, he just went for it till his balls felt empty. The Brothers didn't stop and continued. For almost twenty minutes, Jonah hung at the peak; his body covered in sweat, every muscle taut, just on the edge of an impossible orgasm, while cone began to vibrate

more and his boy cock hurt. Then there was blessed relief as the cone in his butt began to pump cum into him, an ingenious little feature Brother Jerome had devised as a way of getting rid of the unusable cum from the other milking.

Jonah shrieked to the top of his lungs, as he blew again. It was some watery teen spunk, but it went straight into the collection beaker. Jonah groaned and passed out.

Jonah woke up in the chapel. We had tied him naked to a pillar, it looked like he was hugging it. He was in a sort of panic, but he was tied so he could do nothing. Not surprisingly Jonah's boy cock was fully erect. Now we knew he was fully recovered and started to enjoy his afterglow. He felt at home and safe. "Jonah be proud that your boy seed contributed to the fraternity."

Jonah beamed with joy hearing my words of praise. Brother Adam left him with the milking Brother, who wanted his reward of course.

Brother Jerome's reward

The Brother began to stroke and feel Jona's firm young body from head to toe, his fingers were stroking his smooth skin, scratching over his abs, sliding over his stiff nipples, poking into his ears, tickling under his arms and into his navel, and he ended by stroking his boy cock. In the midst of these delicious sensations, Jonah's boy cock started to drip. The incredible feeling of the brother's strong fingers probing his body, tickling and caressing him, made him recall the sexual excitement that he had being milked. Jonah accepted it as duty to please the Milking Brother and liked being touched and felt horny. Brother Jerome gently stroke his trembling boner and said,

"You belong to the Fraternity," he said to him, "you've been good today. Better than I expected."

With that, the Brother's hand came down. Slap! on his ass. Jonah was so startled he yelped. "Quiet," the Brother ordered and began to spank him harder. This, of course, made Jonah moaning and the Brother repeated, "be quiet!" He stopped and Jonah kept quiet as the Brother's hand was sliding over his cock-head, thumbing the sticky drool that had leaked from the wide piss lips. Jonah's legs stretched his toes curled, and he groaned low, unable to keep completely quiet. It took all his strength to keep from groaning out loud, making him grit his teeth from the excruciating sensation. Brother Jerome gripped his shaft under the bloated glans, and he sped up the flicking of his thumb on Jonah's throbbing erection. Jonah gritted his teeth even more, as his toes curled tight, and he gasped from the amazing sensation of the Brother's thumb grazing back and forth on his now captive crown. Jonah was helpless and vulnerable, it felt as if his boy cock no longer belonged to him. Brother Jerome was in charge of it, and as his thumb tortured his cock Jonah simply surrendered to whatever Brother Jerome wanted to do. The Brother untied him but continued his manipulations.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh fuck...ooooooooh shit...aaaaaaagggghhhhhhh" Jonah groaned as low and quietly as he could, his eyes squeezed shut and the Brother milked him with his fist. For this part, Jonah loved it, just drove his boy cock into the Brother's milking fist. Brother Jerome laughed took him and sat him on the dildo stool. This was exactly what it was. It was a stool placed in the middle of the Chapel that could be rigged with various sizes of

dildos that the boy would be require to sit on. In the stool's more usual role as a punishment tool, it would be fitted with a dildo ten inches long and almost two inches wide at its thickest point. Now it was fitted with a much tamer four inch by one inch dildo. It was enough to provide plenty of stimulation with only a modest amount of pain.

Jonah knew Brother Jerome's desire to see his orgasm. The brother smiled at Jonah,

"I want to see another climax from your boy cock. I want a cum shot that flies well clear of the stool."

He was pumping Jonah's boy cock which naturally caused movements on the dildo. Jonah got quite a bit of stimulation of his prostate. This is the second time in short order he was milked. The dildo had to do most of the work while Brother Jerome nearly stopped stimulating his boy cock. Once Jonah got fully hard, some focused attention on his cock-head went on and it didn't take long.

"Empty those little balls so I can enjoy your shooting. I fucking love to edge you when your balls are empty. You whimper a hell of a lot more."

Jonah groaned and produced a nice hard initial spray of boy cum. He shot his boy load all over the place. Jonah's balls were empty and he was ready to see me. Brother Jerome hugged him and Jonah went straight to my study.

Born to serve other men

Brother Adam answered his knock by "Enter." The Brother's study was dark, the windows were covered by shutters which blocked the sunlight. Instead, several candles gave some light. Shelves lined the walls to left and right of the door and beneath the window was my large oak desk. Brother Adam sat behind his desk and said, "Jonah, it is my duty now to teach you the ways in which you offer yourself for the pleasure of others,"

Brother Adam smiled and Jonah nodded. "It is clear you go around naked, and I expect you to be fully available for any and all duties at any time by anybody in the Fraternity."

Jonah asked, "What kind of duties, Brother?"

"You will offer for the sexual pleasure of others, and are not only going to do this properly, but are going to offer your availability at every opportunity. Yes Jonah, you will make yourself available. Not only to me but to the other Brothers too. Some novices will use you as well sexually when they desire that as a form of learning. At first, you will feel some resistance, but being a their submissive bottom boy has pleasures of its own, and your resistance will just flow away. My sex training will mainly teaching you to enjoy being used for sex! It takes time of getting used to it, but you will love it."

Jonah nodded again and said, "Yes Brother, I do understand." Brother Adam looked at him, "Your duty will be to get fucked."

He didn't expect this and was shocked. Brother Adam looked at Jonah's face, but ignored his present emotions. "Come to my desk, place your hands on it and stand back so that your body is bent at right angles, keeping your legs apart."

Jonah obeyed while Brother Adam stood and walked around his desk. He stroked his firm young butt cheeks and touched his most private part, his little boy hole. Jonah felt totally exposed.

"Now, let's have a look." Brother Adam said very calmly. With one finger he started to rub up and down Jonah's crack. It felt so soft. "Looks normal to me. Hold still while I check inside."

He pushed slowly a finger into his hole. "Ohhhh..." Jonah moaned. "Does that hurt, boy?"

Brother Adam put his finger in his mouth and coated it with saliva and reinserted it into his hole. "Is that better?"

"Yes, Brother," he responded. "You like that, Jonah? It feels like this boy cock of yours is getting harder in my hand." It was true, his boy cock was getting harder.

"This hole of yours is just too small, boy" I said, "There is no way a Brother can get his cock in there easily." Jonah mumbled, "Brother, I was streched during my milking, the cone stretched my sphincter wider and wider."

Brother Adam smiled knowingly, "I know, but you have to understand Jonah, but this is different," he said, "you have this, your boy pussy to offer. You have to open up yourself."

Brother Adam didn't wait for a reaction, "I will teach you to do so. I will train your boy pussy so that it will give perfect satisfaction to a Brother's cock. Your rewards will be the joy of giving pleasure to others, and the joy of receiving a man's cock inside your little ass." Jonah was still shocked and the Brother promised him, "On top of that some Brothers will fill you up with their cum. Your boy pussy will be bred and your bowels loaded. "

Jonah looked at the Brother and gulped, "But Brother, I'm a healthy boy. My Daddy want me to be a Brother. He told me I would be trained to become a man. That being a bottom was only a phase to become a better top."

Brother Adam laughed. "You know better and there is no other way. You will giving yourself for the pleasure of the Brothers and will love it."

Jonah looked like he could cry at the thought never being able to a real man. In his young mind bottom boys were less than girl, any progress in thinking in that area had passed him by. There was still a lot of work to do.

"Now, accept the fact you will be a bottom boy, there is no other away. I'm gonna make you a man, a man born to serve other men!"

Jonah looked defeated but nodded. Brother Adam warned him, "Your training will be tough. Your boy pussy will be painfully stretched, but you have already got your share during the milking, that's true. But more important, you have learned how to turn the pain in your ass into pleasure."

Brother Adam looked at his face the boy's mind was in turmoil. He had always been taught that he was here to become a man and in his little innocent world, a man, a real man could never enjoy to be fucked. Jonah accepted, he had enjoyed the ass play during the milking and the Brother touching him there, but Jonah never thought that his duty would be to be a willing bottom boy.

If Jonah had not already had a week of rigorous indoctrination, he would have rebelled instantly. Instead he hesitated, accepted Brother Adam's authority. One part of his initial training had already been shown to be true, it was strange and exciting to have the cone in his ass, he knew that pain could become pleasure. So it could well be that this was true too. Deep inside Jonah knew what was coming, but waited respectfully.

"You just a boy and will be used as a bottom boy for the Brothers living here. You have potential, Jonah, you will love it. Our program will help you to build up more muscle, and you will receive a daily training that will culminated in joy and a lot of cum. Some postulates turn out to be real alpha men, some will be eager bottom boys and you are a bottom boy. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with that! After all, the giving of yourself for the sake of others is fundamental for all of us."


Jonah nodded, and without a word Brother Adam brought him to the Chapel ot he Unicorn. The Brother made him stand in front of him as they watched the ceremony. A handsome novice, David, got his initiation as a novice.

A boy's march to manhood, strength and honor was judged not by his muscles or skills or abilities. Any boy who was a success as a postulate proved nothing but that he could do what he was supposed to do, nothing more and nothing less. It was how he faced failure that counted the most and especially how he faced the consequences of that failure. Postulate boys learned how to grow up from failure to failure, not success to success. Young inexperienced boys faced their failures and endured the Brothers corrections with no recompense of any kind. Novices, not yet fully grown and ready for their next step, could at least serve the Fraternity. An older experienced Brother would send them out to gain experience, and they had a chance to prove their worth. The boys would still shed a lot of tears as a novice, but their faces would filled od pride and they would fight hard to show it and the worth of their early adolescent growth.

David was no exception he was send to Brother Adam. They had an intensive training session and his boy cock was at least half hard during the whipping that the Brother gave him and right after the ordeal, fully hard. When David seemed close to the next step towards manhood, and Brother Adam let him stand facing the whipping post and manually loosen his own cum onto it as a reward for taking his whipping well. David knew that he was close to his initiation, and no longer be counted as boy, but more like a Brother. He strutted proudly away from the whipping post, but waddled a bit of the strong afterglow on his ass. As postulates the boys were selected in two groups. Most of them were submissive and would become bottom boys, a few became top. David was certainly a bottom boy.

They watched as the Abbot pointed towards David and said, "During this ceremony you will experience the pure delight and contentment of your true surrender to the Fraternity. You will experience the gratification and pleasure of receiving the seed a Brother. You will not experience the true ecstasy and thrill of knowing that you become a novice.

Looking at David's face he experience the happiness and tranquility of knowing that he would be seeded and would become a real novice. The Abbot smiled at him,

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