The Undiscovered Country

By Angora Email

Published on Apr 4, 1998



This is my gift in recognition of all the pleasure given by the stories submitted by others.

This story is titled "The Undiscovered Country". It involves gay sex, bondage and first time encounter.

I hope you all enjoy it. Should you feel the need to send me your comments, I can be reached at:

Well, here goes...

The Undiscovered Country

by Angora

This story is a fantasy which presently feeds my sexual drive. It is about a discovery I make when I visit a friend, Daniel. I have never done anything like this and I wish I could meet Daniel. __________________

Daniel met me at the airport and explained that John, the guy with whom he shared the house, was out of town and wouldn't be back until the next day. We drove up to their house in the country and had some dinner. While enjoying our second bottle of sake, our conversation eventually turned to sex. Daniel admitted to me that he and John were lovers. He asked me if that shocked me. I answered that I had always suspected that he was gay and that it did not bother me.

Being curious about the gay lifestyle, I questioned him at length about his sex life. He explained that he discovered that only men could sexually fulfill him and that feeling a lover come in his ass gratified him immensely. He then asked me whether I had ever done it with a man before. I told him I hadn't. In fact, what I didn't tell him was that I had thought about it but had always been afraid . . .

Daniel got up and put a tape in the VCR. The movie was about a guy who is taken to a private club to be initiated. He was undressed, blindfolded and given an extensive enema by the club staff. Once his bowels were emptied, they installed a restraining device on his genitals and tied him to a cross at the entrance of the club for viewing. After the arrival of the members, he was led on a leash around the club to be exhibited and fondled at each table. When the activities got under way, he was guided onto the stage and secured to a love-swing where he was made to suck some of the members' cocks while others lined up to fuck his ass. By the end of the initiation, the guy had semen oozing out of his gaping ass hole and covering his entire body.

As the movie concluded, my cock was embarrassingly and quite visibly hard. Daniel asked how I liked it. I nodded my head slightly. Then I felt his hand on my crotch. I pretended not to notice and he tightened the pressure and quietly asked whether imagining myself as the guy in the movie excited me. I didn't answer.

As I was taking another sip of sake, Daniel unzipped my jeans and he started to gently stroke my cock through my underwear. I thought that I should stop him, but his touch was arousing me and I slowly opened my legs. He then gently turned my head toward his, looked me straight in the eyes and lightly kissed me on the lips. My lips met his, almost mechanically, and then he kissed me more passionately. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue parting my lips and entering the warmth of my willing mouth.

As we kissed, he continued to stroke my cock and a passionate desire began to stir inside me. Then, when he started to gently caress my nipples with the tip of his fingers an unexpected moan escaped from my throat. At that moment, I dropped all inhibitions about what was happening and abandoned myself to the extreme pleasures that were coursing through my body.

At some point, Daniel pulled away and asked me to remove my clothes. I hesitated for a moment. This was my crossing of the Rubicon. There would be no turning back if I did as he wanted. I was frightened, the time had come for me to decide and acknowledge my desires. I got up and shyly undressed.

He got down on his knees and pulled me down. His hands were quickly back on my cock and I found myself squirming over the thick bear skin rug I was lying on. Every nerve ending seemed to stand at attention; my whole body was poised for pleasure.

I gasped in a spasm of delight when Daniel placed one of my toes in his mouth. The novelty of the sensation had me transfixed. I splayed my toes to encourage his tongue's exploration. Daniel probed the sensitive hollow between each toe, sending shivers along the length of my body. Then, one by one, he took each toe into his mouth sucking on it with a deep drawing action. I arched my foot to extend the sharp tingling sensations Daniel set in motion. His eyes were closed and he seemed transported in pleasure as his mouth enveloped each toe. His low murmuring sounds echoed my own. My foot pushed deeper into his mouth in eager response to his frenzied sucking.

Daniel's tongue alternated between clenching and releasing each toe. His lips tugged at my big toe and painted it with his tongue. I pinched my nipples and began to caress them so aroused was I by Daniel's ardent licking. My legs were spread wide and my cock hard. Abruptly, Daniel released my foot and stood up to remove his clothes. At last, I got to see his cock and its large plump head that stood provocatively erect. Daniel squatted at my left foot and I marvelled at what he did next. He placed my big toe up his ass hole, pulling on my leg for me to thrust it deeper into his ass. My toe wiggled and prodded in his tight pink pucker. His chest arched forward and I yearned to take his cock in my mouth but it was out of reach.

I thought I would burst, so hot was I watching Daniel fucking my toe. Holding my foot tightly, he continued to press it into his ass with shorter and shorter staccato jabs as he stroked his unveiled organ. Then I saw his entire body go rigid as the rapture of orgasm flashed through his body. His mouth opened in a low moan and his jism exploded in a wide arch and landed on my chest.

Beside myself with excitement, I revelled in Daniel's orgasm. But there was more in store for me than my joy at his pleasure. Daniel disengaged my foot and knelt between my legs. He proceeded to kiss my chest and stomach, gently licking his come off. Then he leaned over me and kissed me full on the lips sharing with me the salty taste of his come. Feeling his limp cock resting against my hard one was incredibly erotic. He pulled back slowly and his lips gently glided down my chest as I felt my body go taut in anticipation.

Daniel's tongue investigated the head of my dick. Gently sucking and pulling on the sensitive skin with tiny love bites until he took the whole length into his mouth. He played my dick like a musical instrument. I raised my head off the fur to watch Daniel's knowing ministrations. His eyes were closed, he was totally absorbed in feeding on my gorging cock.

Again I found myself toying with my own nipples, aroused by their sensuality. Then I felt Daniel's hands spreading the cheeks of my ass and gently probing my private cave. At first I clenched but relaxed under his insistent probing. With deep repetitive motions, he unfurled his tongue and rolled it back making my dick contract. Spasms of pleasure coursed through my body.

His fingers inched away from my ass and proceeded to caress my scrotum and the length of my cock. His mouth pounced on my pleasure point, sucking, licking, stroking it with relentless intensity. With each tug on my glistening head my body convulsed and stretched across the fur rug. I squirmed uncontrollably, gasping for breath as my feverish rod pulsed in readiness. Daniel sucked the tip of my cock faster and harder, until I exploded. I raised my back off the rug, my legs tightened and extended, my whole body heaved as Daniel's tongue brought me across the threshold of ecstasy. The sensuous waves swept over me again and again, ebbing and surging, retreating momentarily only to advance again. It went on for the longest time.

Afterward, I lay quivering on the rug, my legs twitching and my cock contracting in the wake of this hurricane of pleasure. I had never had such an orgasm before and being with a man for the first time, I felt uncomfortable and somewhat embarrassed. Daniel seemed to read my thoughts. He put his arm around my chest to comfort me and we quietly discussed my feelings until I dozed off.

I woke up when I felt Daniel rolling me over on my stomach. His lips were soon working their magic on the back of my thighs and I felt the warmth spreading through my body again. He placed his face on the smooth cheeks of my ass. He pulled each side apart and brought his tongue to the top of my private seam. He inched his way down to my anus with long sweeping licks. I let out a low groan and pushed my behind into his face to allow his tongue to probe deeper.

Daniel's tongue plowed into the pink tightness of my anus and I felt it open wider and wider to greet this welcome intruder. He reached under me and sought out my dick. I found myself pressing down and thrusting my cock slightly against his hand while pushing my backside into his face, reaching for more tonguing. I abandoned myself to smoldering sensations. Suddenly I felt his lips withdraw from me and his other hand fondled my buttocks. A finger gently and insistently probed my ass hole.

He slipped his finger in. As it went deeper, I opened more until finally it was all the way in. I gasped as he hit the prostrate, feeling an ecstatic rush. As his finger moved in and out, I writhed back and forth and felt my body begin to shake. A moan escaped my lips and, as my orgasm began, I cried out to Daniel to fuck me harder. Every nerve in my body was awake and tingling. I collapsed and writhed about in an absolute frenzy. Daniel was upon me immediately, kissing me and telling me how beautiful I looked in the heat of passion. I thought my tremors would never end. Gradually, though, calm returned to me and I fell into a very deep sleep cuddling in Daniel's arms. The next thing I remember is Daniel awakening me and telling me it was time to leave for the airport to pick up John.

After that night I was very nervous about meeting John. The three of us went out to dinner and afterward Daniel suggested that we go home for our nightcaps. We all had a couple of drinks and soon John pulled out a joint. They took a few drags and then held the joint toward me. As I puffed, I knew at once that it was the strongest marijuana I'd ever smoked. We passed the joint back and forth and at the end of it my brain was buzzing, my thighs tingling, my belly beginning to boil and my chest heavy. At one point I wasn't sure I was still sitting on the couch or had slid to the floor.

John then ordered Daniel to get up and undress. Daniel did as he was told and stood naked before us with eyes downcast. He was then told to turn around, bend forward and spread his ass cheeks. I soon found myself staring at his tightly wrinkled pucker inches from my face. The insides of his cheeks were inviting, the smell earthy, pungent and strangely compelling.

John turned and leaned toward me. He ran the fingers of one hand through my hair and with the other hand reached down between my legs cradling and fondling my genitals. My body was so primed for touch that I was erect within seconds, straining painfully against the crotch of my jeans. In that instant I was lost. My will and inhibitions were paralysed with lust.

As he was squeezing my cock, John shoved the fingers of his other hand between my lips and into my mouth. I'd never had that done before and it elicited an unexpected response. I found myself licking his fingers as though they were coated with honey. I felt mindless, a current of perfect pleasure coursing through my body and all guardians of my self-image running off to watch the erotic movie now beginning.

When John withdrew his fingers, Daniel turned to face me and pulled me up. He brought his lips to mine, his tongue liquid flame as it probed my mouth. His full lips sought as they surrendered. We clung to each other, our bodies locked together full-length. I felt the bulge in my pants answered equally by the throb of his erection. The kiss seemed to last hours, alternating between greed and gentleness. We licked, nibbled and sucked at each others lips, our bodies grinding together with twining thrusts.

He forced his knee between my legs and I rubbed my aching cock against his belly. He unbuttoned my shirt, lowering his mouth to lick my nipples in slow lapping circles, then bit gently as I shuddered in response. I stroked his hair. He moved lower, his tongue in the tangled edge of my pubic hair. I moaned and fully surrendered to pure sensation as he unzipped my jeans and pulled down my briefs. I felt completely aroused. His warm and hard body held mine, he bit my lips as I felt our cocks grinding intimately together. When he suddenly pushed himself away, I felt abandoned and embarrassed at John's presence.

I stood there, realizing that I was totally exposed to him, my cock vulnerably erect. John told me that I had a terrific ass and that Daniel had told him all about the night before. I felt betrayed that he would have told John about my intimate initiation to gay sex. Daniel reached his hand out to caress my ass and told me not to be embarrassed because he shared everything with John. I stood there listening to Daniel as he described to John every detail of our night together. When he finished, I was in turmoil, a mixture of humiliation and lust.

Daniel leaned over to embrace me. We kissed, our tongues lashing, saliva dripping from our lips. He tried forcing his tongue down my throat and I sucked on it, inhaling his heat and swallowing his sweet saliva. We were moaning loudly our gorging cocks rubbing together as our fingers groped each others ass. "Do you want to let go and find out?" he whispered in my ear. "Do you want to go where you've never gone before?" Without hesitation, I said yes.

He broke our kiss and John handed him soft fur-lined leather manacles which Daniel gently strapped to my wrists and ankles. He then secured the wrist-cuffs together with a short chain and blindfolded me. He told me not to worry that I was going to have the greatest sexual experience in my life. At this point I didn't care, I was mindless and totally absorbed by the sexual intensity of the situation.

I stood there before them with my cock jutting proudly straight up, wearing only the cuffs and the blindfold. Another joint was lit up and Daniel held it up for me. As I inhaled, he caressed my nipples. My body trembled and then Daniel gently grabbed my cock to guide me to another room.

My arms were secured above my head and my legs were spread wide open and fastened to a bar. Hands proceeded to caress my body and a mouth closed over my cock. The feeling of helplessness was incredibly erotic. A tongue gently nibbled my nipples as my body swooned from the overhead chains. I trembled when I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart. Then, as instructed, Daniel bent down and began licking up and down the crack of my ass. His tongue tapped against my anus a few times as if wanting to intrude. I relaxed, allowing his tongue to enter my ass. Daniel's tongue began slithering in and out of my ass hole, licking it as vigorously as he could. I moaned and longed for the feel of flesh. I pushed my ass back against his tongue and suddenly cried out to be fucked.

John then started toying with my nipples. Again, I begged to be fucked. Suddenly clamps were put on my nipples and he started to tug on them. The pain gradually subsided and was replaced by an intense wave of warm pleasure as he gently ran his fingers over the tips of the nipples. Daniel was instructed to stop his ministrations. John then asked me if I wanted to get strapped. The question elicited images in my mind that I had never thought possible, I was in turmoil. I meekly said yes.

With slow and tantalizing efficiency, John proceeded to strap me on my ass and thighs. The strokes were light but the humiliation intensified my sexual desires. I begged to be hit harder. John complied and soon my ass was burning with a sensual warmth I had never experienced.

Eventually, the chains were untied and the blindfold removed. John was now naked and Daniel was wearing a luxurious white fox fur coat. I was hungry for him, I wanted to caress and explore his body, suck his cock and feel it in my ass. My inhibitions had been subdued and I was ready to submit to my desires.

A soft and sensuous white angora sweater was slipped over my head. Daniel said I looked beautiful. I reached out for him and hungrily kissed him, tightly hugging his fur clad body to mine. He stroked the curves of my flesh and gently removed the nipple clamps. He then guided me onto the waterbed where I was told to kneel.

John approached and slipped his wonderfully thick cock in my mouth. I sucked him hungrily. I took the entire length of his manhood in my mouth until my nose was pressed against his pubic curls.

Daniel took a tube of K-Y jelly and greased up my sensitive ass. John told him to make sure that he got the jelly deep inside me. Spreading my cheeks further apart, he worked his fingers into my virgin hole. John pulled his cock out of my mouth and positioned himself behind me. He spread my offered cheeks as far apart as he could and told me to get ready for the fuck of my life. The pressure of John's throbbing manhood at the threshold of my virgin ass hole frightened me but I was dying in sexual anticipation.

Daniel slid under me, the beautiful and sensuous fur softly caressing my skin. I found myself staring at his crotch. He spread his legs wide and I took his dick in my mouth excited by the novel scents and touch that were deluging my senses. My fingers slipped inside his ass and he groaned as I sucked fervently on his cock in rhythm with his movements.

The tension built until finally I couldn't stand the anticipation and I pushed my ass back, feeling the welcome thrust as John entered me at last. There was a fiery surge as he inched his dick deeper and deeper inside my upturned ass.

At first, I felt he would split me wide open, but as I relaxed he entered more easily, driving deeper until I felt his pubic hair against the cheeks of my ass. The pain gradually subsided as I grew accustomed to his throbbing cock.

I had abandoned all principals and viewpoints concerning what was happening. Nothing could stand against the sheer insistence of my desires. John lifted my middle, holding me snugged into the curve of his body. Moving his hand downward, he found my cock and gripped it gently . . . not stroking, simply holding it. He very slowly began pumping into me, sawing his tool in and out. My tongue and fingers went fervently back to work on Daniel.

It took several minutes for the next thing to happen. Somewhere inside me, a long-held tension relaxed. A tremendous wave of sensuousness moved through me, like a tide coming in and my ass began to soften and warm and make him feel welcome.

"Yes, that's it" John said and with that he began to fuck me more swiftly, with an increasing thrust, and my ass was rising back rhythmically against the sweet cock, cherishing gratefully each separate inch. When the first orgasm hit me, I feel forward, but John pulled me back and started to really pound away at my ass. At that moment Daniel climaxed with a throaty, endless moan, his body taut. I felt the eruption of his juices in my mouth sucking into myself the salty excess of his pleasure. As the speed of John's fucking increased, my body slowly undulated in answer to the pelvis slapping against the cheeks of my ass. Suddenly, John shoved as hard as he could and I felt his hot come flooding into me, filling me with rivers of surging pleasure. I moaned with the sheer joy of what had been wrought inside my body and I came again.

I collapsed on top of Daniel, twitching with convulsive release still penetrated by John's jolting joystick. He slowly withdrew his cock, my buttocks followed it as far as it could and then clenched involuntarily as though grabbing for it. I felt an aching emptiness where he'd been as his come started to run between my legs. Totally exhausted and spent, I fell asleep with my head resting on Daniel's crotch.

When I awoke later that night, I was alone and naked save for the angora sweater. I got up and found Daniel lying blindfolded on his back on the fur-draped dining room table with his arms tied to the sides. I approached him quietly and, on impulse, I gently cupped his limp cock in my hand. His body twitched slightly and slowly his manhood began to grow in my grasp. I just stood there mesmerized and deeply aroused.

I sensed John come up behind me. He slipped his arms under the sweater and his hands came around to caress my nipples. I turned around and knelt before him. His hands gently massaged my shoulders as I nervously moved to unzip him and let my hand linger on the warm bulge beneath his jeans. Slowly, I pulled down his jeans and underpants. But before I could pleasure him, John climbed on top of the table and stuck his tool in Daniel's mouth.

John then ordered me to lick his ass. I walked over to them, knelt between Daniel's legs and pushed John's cheeks apart, getting a perfect view of the dark purple skin that puckered around his ass hole.

My tongue dove in, getting a taste of the man smell that waited there for me. Licking furiously, I forced my tongue up into his most private space. John let out a load moan of pure pleasure. His hips began an involuntary pulsing, sliding his dick back and forth across Daniel's lips until, with a deep groan, he plunged against his face letting his come flow down his throat.

When John got up, I stretched out on top of Daniel's naked body furiously kissing him, licking the come which had dribbled from the corner of his mouth. I held him tightly, our swelling cocks embracing, trapped between our warm bodies. A wave of intense desire surged through my body. I was burning with lust.

As a reward for pleasing him, John ordered me to untie Daniel and switch positions with him on the table. I was trembling with increased excitement as I laid down and allowed Daniel to secure my arms. "Please, I want you" I softly moaned in his ear. His mouth closed over my parted lips and without hesitation, I surrendered to his kiss.

His hands roamed over my offered body, lightly skimming the surface and making me even more anxious. Then he was over me, and I felt his weight descend on me. I looked at his swollen cock and lifted my ass to help him mount me. Then, suddenly, his dick pushed and splayed my sphincter, riding up inside me and plunging deep. My mouth opened in an involuntary gasp as he sank home, totally filling me; he felt enormous. His cock seemed to be everywhere at once in me.

Once I had grown accustomed to his pulsating cock, he began to fuck me with long deep strokes as my bowels stretched bulging with his length. "It's perfect" I groaned, writhing and twisting beneath him. The room was filled by the sounds of our gasps and moans as I took his manhood to the core of my being. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and began to pound into me. I felt my butt borne upward and then I came, screaming, bucking and gasping for breath.

Daniel grabbed my waist, pulling me tight against him, forcing his swelling cock to the deepest point yet. Then, I felt him explode in my belly causing me to attain another and much deeper climax that reached the core of my being. He collapsed on top of me, his head resting on my chest and his arms around my body. I felt his chest and belly heaving with the deep breaths spurred by his exertion. I was content. With my lover's hard cock still throbbing gently in my ass, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I laid there. It was totally dark when I opened my eyes. A fur hood was covering my eyes and the top of my head. My arms and legs were secured in such a way that I was lying spreadeagle. I was still wearing the angora sweater and something else which felt like a woman's silk teddy. Any thought I may have had that this was just a dream was quickly dispelled by the wetness and the slight soreness I felt in my ass. The mental picture I drew of myself caused my dick to harden but I was unable to stroke it. Eventually, my mind drifted back to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a moan, my own. Fingers were gently caressing my nipples. My body quivered and my cock strained against its silk confine. Lips came down to meet mine and I hungrily kissed my anonymous benefactor allowing his tongue to slip in my mouth. The kiss stirred my unbridled desires. Lacking physical contact, my body ached for the feel of flesh and convulsed uncontrollably against the restraints.

Then I felt the breath of my captor in my ear. It was Daniel. He quietly asked how I felt. I told him that I was completely at peace with myself and that I was grateful to him. Then, he revealed to me that the tape we had watched on the first night of my visit had actually been recorded at a club he frequented with John. He explained that under the rules of the club each member was allowed to sponsor an initiate as his "Pet". He said that John had granted him permission to be my handler and sponsor. Before he could say anything else, I asked Daniel to be my handler and I promised to always please him.

With that, Daniel straddled me and we kissed with a passion that I had yet experienced. Reaching between my legs, he unfastened the teddy to release my cock and teasingly brushed it up and down the crack of his ass to tease me. Then, panting with excitement, I felt his sphincter pushing against my bulging cock-head and he slowly lowered himself on me until his ass completely engulfed my cock. Once I found myself buried deep within the furnace heat of his body, I felt him work the internal muscles of his tight ass on my throbbing dick until we both groaned from the delicious tension of it and Daniel leaned over to embrace me and murmured: "This is great. You feel so good in me, so big. I want all of it!" Then he started a slow rocking and swaying motion with his buttocks on my groin which quickly became a frantic bucking and humping motion. With my arms and legs still in restraints, I began to jerk my hips upward in rhythm with his movements and erupted deep within his ass as he convulsed and collapsed on my chest in his own orgasm. I lost track of time and began to drift. I realized that this is what I wanted and Daniel had made it all possible.

When I woke up, I could see sunlight filtering through the window curtains. The hood had been removed and, though I was still wearing the wrist and ankle cuffs, I had been untied. I heard a familiar sound and turned my head in its direction. To my surprise, I found that John and Daniel were sitting at the Dining Room table I was lying on and eating breakfast . As I made a move to get off, John immediately told me to stop and kneel in front of Daniel's place setting so that I could be fed. I did as instructed and Daniel shared his food with me. At the end of the meal, John ordered me to clear the table.

Once my task accomplished, John had me kneel on the floor between Daniel and him so that they could speak to me. In a matter of fact tone, he said: "Henceforth, you are a Pet, a Servant, a Bottom and Daniel is your Master, your Dom and Top. Do you know what that means?" "Yes", I said, "it means that I am devoted to his complete pleasure" "Correct", he said, "but since Daniel is my Pet, you also belong to me. Do you still agree to this arrangement?" "Yes" I answered without hesitation. "Good. I think Daniel made an excellent selection. Now, to become a member of our club and to govern our activities, we have to fill out a form. For your own sake, answer all the questions truthfully but do not take the past forty eight hours into consideration" And so, I spent the next hour answering John's and Daniel's embarrassingly intimate questions while they filled out the form (see last pages).

Once completed, Daniel told me to stand and undress. I did as told and removed the angora sweater and the silk teddy I had been given to wear. Daniel unlocked the cuffs and instructed me to undress my Masters. So, I stepped in front of John to undo the knot of his bathrobe and slipped it off his naked body. Next, I turned to face Daniel and unbuttoned his shirt and removed it allowing my hand to brush his bare chess. Then, I knelt down and removed his slip uncovering his glorious nakedness. Bearing in mind that I had not been permitted, I resisted the urge to touch him.

"Now," Daniel said, "how do you suggest we show John our appreciation?" Spontaneously, I stood up and laid down on my back at the end of the Dining room table. My nipples hardened at the touch of the cool surface against my skin. I spread my legs and raised them so that my feet were resting on the edge of the table thus giving my Masters a perfect view of my ass hole.

Daniel knelt in front of John and took his entire cock in his mouth. I could see Daniel swirling his tongue around John's gradually hardening manhood until he could no longer hold it all in his mouth. Having succeeded in arousing John, Daniel stood back and offered my ass to him. So John positioned himself between my legs and pushed my knees further apart. I felt the head of his hard dick closing in and, when it found its target, he pushed against my sphincter and burrowed his way up my colon.

The sudden intrusion of John's cock in my ass made me yelp involuntarily. I felt my whole body dissolve into an ocean of pain. I closed my eyes and saw a glowing spot inside my eyelids. I don't know how long I was gone, but I knew I had been transported elsewhere when I realized the groans I was hearing were coming from me. As I felt John moving in my bowels with a slow steady circular rhythm, I opened my eyes to see Daniel standing next to me with a concerned look on his face. I smiled reassuringly at him and reached out for him to take his beautiful cock in my mouth.

John pulled out the tip of his dick and then plunged back into me. There was an explosion of heat and a very welcomed sense of being overpowered as I actually felt my sphincter muscle relaxing, my colon stretching and my prostrate throbbing. "You like that, don't you boy?" John said. "Yes", I mumbled, swallowing Daniel's engorged penis. John began grinding into me, first slow and deep, and, after a few minutes, changing into a fast shallow motion.

Then, just as I thought there was nothing more for me to give, John went into some kind of orgasmic spasm , pumping into me spastically and then suddenly slumping to a halt on top of me as Daniel exploded and gushed in my expectant mouth. I laid there like a beached whale while Daniel's cock softened between my closed lips and, after a few minutes, John pulled back and ordered Daniel and me to go shower.

When we got into the bathroom, Daniel instructed me to lie flat on my stomach with my hands in my back and to close my eyes. I heard him moving around and opening the water faucet. I was curious, I knew that he had something planned for me but I kept my eyes shut and waited. I felt a thin hard object being inserted in my anus and soon felt a flood of warm water passing my rectum and filling my bowels. After a few minutes, I began to get uncomfortably full but he restricted the water flow and reached underneath me to massage my cock while the enema bag emptied itself. Pulling the nozzle out of my ass hole, he squeezed my ass cheeks together to prevent me from losing a drop of water, and quickly inserted an anal plug. Then, he told me to hold it in for ten minutes.

After a few minutes had passed, I thought that this scene was easy enough and that I could have gone on indefinitely if so instructed. But then, after about five minutes, my stomach emitted a loud gurgling sound and, suddenly, the pressure of the water pushed against the anal plug causing it to start slipping out. Quickly, I contracted my sphincter grabbing the anal plug before it could slide out completely. After this sudden crisis, the pressure started to build inexorably in my bowels as I concentrated all of my efforts to prevent it from escaping. I lost track of time as my anal muscles strained painfully and twitched involuntarily to hold the plug. I knew that the water would gush out of my ass if I allowed the plug to escape. I begged him to release me but he simply told me that I had two more minutes left. My body broke into a cold sweat and every inch of my being was concentrated on my anus, picturing it in my mind to help me fight the unrelenting pressure. "Thirty seconds", I heard him say. I made a final effort and squeezed the anal plug even harder. Then, quite unexpectedly, I felt the stinging blow of a strap on the cheeks of my ass and I groaned, more by surprise than by the pain. But, in any event, this caused me to break my concentration and I felt the anal plug pop out. I tried to regain control and tighten my muscles, but it was too late. The plug was gone and I felt a small trickle of water running on my balls.

"You may rise and relieve yourself, now" Quickly I stood up and sat down on the toilet and the water immediately erupted from my ass hole. Having penetrated deeply, it must have taken a good ten minutes for me to expel all of the water. Then, he refilled the enema bag, handed me the nozzle and ordered me to reinsert it in my ass hole. While remaining seated with the tube in my rectum, he held the bag over me and released the water. Once the bag had emptied itself, he immediately instructed me to pull out the nozzle and to relieve myself. Again I complied. Then, to make certain my bowels were well cleansed, the whole process was repeated until the discharged water was clear.

He then explained that for hygienic reasons, the enema was to become a daily ritual. I was to administer it to myself every morning, after every bowel movement or whenever instructed.

_____________________ To be continued someday when I feel inspired or someone inspires me...

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