The Underwear Models

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 27, 2022


NOTE: This is a work of fiction and although I might wish otherwise is not a depiction of actual events nor is it reflective of the sexualities or preferences of anyone involved. Nor do I own any copyrights or trademarks referenced or used in this work of fiction. With that said I hope you enjoy this piece of fiction. If you did enjoy it please feel free to get in touch. Feedback, requests and good chat are welcomed!

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The Underwear Models V

The hotel room was dark. There was just a hint of light at the heavy blinds covering the large window that ran alongside one wall of the room. That was the only indication that the sun had come up and a new day had dawned. Cristiano Ronaldo was not paying attention to the beams of sunlight fighting to gain entry to the room, his attention was focused on the man laying next to him.

Liam Payne was still asleep. His chest rising and falling ever so slightly with each deep breath. Ronaldo wasn't entirely sure how long had passed since he'd awoken so he wasn't sure exactly how long he'd been watching Liam sleep. He'd found the sight fascinating though. The way Liam's eyelids fluttered slightly every now and then. The steady rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. The relaxed half smile that had settled on his stubble covered face.

Over the years Ronaldo had allowed himself to indulge and explore his sexual desires with a wide variety of people. Men, women and on a handful of memorable occasions people that sat somewhere between the two. He remembered the thrill he'd felt upon discovering large round tits and a hard throbbing cock on the same body. Watching both bounce as he thrust into the only hole available to him. But this morning felt like entirely uncharted territory for him.

It was not the sexual encounter with Liam that had been unique. He'd been with men and he'd even allowed them to fuck him before, although he couldn't remembered ever enjoying it quite so much before. Had he ever enjoyed his rough, nasty and dirty encounters with Wayne Rooney? The rushed and unspoken nature of them. The pain and shame he'd felt in their immediate aftermath. With Liam he'd not only enjoyed himself in the moment but he felt his body still alive to the pleasure and excitement of it now. There was no ugly feeling of shame building in the pit of his stomach.

Ronaldo tried to remember the last time he'd awoken to find someone else sharing his bed. Had it ever happened before? Even the women he could charitably refer to as girlfriends had not been permitted to share his bed overnight. They'd been banished to their own rooms and their own beds. He needed his space and the freedom to rise early for training without waking them he'd explained. And there was truth to this he supposed but the greater truth was that he simply did not want them there. After he had cum he'd gotten everything he needed from them. They had no more use to him that night.

Even his previous encounters with Liam had gone this way. He'd left Liam alone and retired to his own private suite after their first alcohol fuelled encounter. They'd slept in separate rooms when he'd invited Liam to stay at his home. Liam had occupied a guest room while Ronaldo had slept in his own room in a different wing of the house. But this time Liam had slept next to him. Ronaldo had not forced him to leave, they'd shared the same bed. And when Ronaldo had awoken he had not been filled with horror to see Liam sleeping next to him but rather a palpable sense of relief that the younger man had not slipped out during the night.

That feeling of relief had been followed by Ronaldo simply watching Liam sleep. He'd been sitting up in the large hotel bed looking down at the younger man and just watching him. More than that he'd been enjoying him. Enjoying the way Liam's chest would rise and fall in a steady rhythm and examining the complicated web of tattoos that covered his arms. He'd even found himself wondering what the singer might be dreaming about, what was it that was making his eyes flutter like that and kept his lips fixed in that relaxed smile?

Ronaldo wanted to blame the afterglow of last nights sex for this. It had undoubtedly been the best sex of his life. The release of so much built up tension that had been contained for so very long but it had been more than just anticipation finally giving way to reality. Liam had been incredible. The pleasure had run through his body, it was still running through him and making him tingle in odd and unexpected ways. As remarkable as the sex had been Ronaldo could not escape the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that it did not fully explain how he felt this morning.

Determined to shake free of whatever this fog of feeling was Ronaldo forced himself to look away from Liam. Silently he slipped out from under the covers and gracefully lifted himself out of bed. As he moved toward the bathroom just off the bedroom of the suite Ronaldo became aware of how sticky his skin felt. He had vague memories of collapsing onto a damp puddle of his own cum the night before and was acutely aware of the prickly feeling of sweat having dried on his skin.

Under the gentle hum of the bathroom lighting Ronaldo could hear the shower calling to him. He wanted to wash the sweat and sex from his muscular frame. Maybe that would help clear his head as well. Maybe the warm water of the shower would help wash the thoughts of Liam from his mind. Last night was supposed to have cleared Liam from his system. It was supposed to have returned him to normal but it had not worked. If anything he felt even stranger than he had in the days, weeks and months leading to last night.


The low sleepy rumble almost caused him to jump. Apparently he hadn't been quite stealthy enough on his journey to the bathroom. Liam Payne was standing in the doorway naked a sleepy grin on his face. Ronaldo did not turn to face Liam but instead took in the sight of him framed by the doorway in the mirror that ran the length of one of the bathroom walls.

Liam's cock, impressive even when soft, was resting against his lightly muscled thigh. His abs seemed particularly defined this morning as if they were perfectly illuminated by the mixture of light and shadow caused by standing between the darkness of the bedroom and the bright lighting of the bathroom. His eyes were still sleepy, much like his grin, but his stubble covered jawline was still striking and his lips inviting. Ronaldo couldn't help but remember the way they'd kissed the night before. The surprising passion of it.

While taking in Liam, Ronaldo also caught sight of his own reflection for the first time. His eyes looked almost as sleepy as Liam's and his usually slick and perfectly styled hair was messy and sticking out at wild angles. He was sure he could see sticky tactile marks on his golden muscled skin. The remnants of his cum from the night before.

"What you creeping around for?"

Ronaldo was surprised to feel his heart begin to race as Liam stepped toward him. He watched the other man's progress in the mirror. His eyes caught between Liam's handsome face, muscled upper body and the gently swinging cock between his legs.

"You not talking this morning?"

If his heart had begun to race as Liam stepped toward him it almost exploded out of his chest when he felt Liam's arms wrap themselves around his waist. Soft lips pressing against the skin of his neck caused a second explosion. A third explosion erupted when he felt Liam's cock pressing against him.

"I... just want... shower..."

Ronaldo struggled to get the words out as Liam's lips pressed against his neck and shoulder. Soft gentle kisses to match the arms loosely wrapped around his waist. As he examined their combined reflections in the mirror Ronaldo became aware, for the first time, of the height difference between the two of them. He was a good couple of inches taller than Liam not to mention broader and more muscled. And yet even as Liam struggled slightly to plant those delicious soft kisses on his neck Ronaldo felt that despite its slightly odd appearance this was entirely right. He just felt good.

"How about..." Liam was still planting those soft kisses on Ronaldo's flesh as he spoke. "...we work up another sweat first?"

As if to punctuate the point Ronaldo felt Liam's cock twitch as it stirred into life.

"Assuming I didn't wear you out last night..."

Liam's cock twitched again as a rush of blood ran to it. Apparently the idea that he may have worn Ronaldo out excited him. Ronaldo was not worn out though. In truth he wanted nothing more than to feel Liam inside him again and yet there was part of him that wanted to resist. To push Liam off of him in the hopes that that would be what it took to break this spell.

"Did I wear you out?"

Those kisses were still pecking at his neck and shoulder. Liam's grip around his waist had become a little tighter too. Liam's arms pressing just a little closer to his solid muscled flesh. His tattooed forearms pressed against Ronaldo's defined abs.



Ronaldo couldn't help himself, he was turning to finally face Liam. As soon as their eyes locked both men were leaning in toward one another. Their lips met in another explosion of passion. Ronaldo's lips parted and allowed Liam's tongue to slide into his mouth. Ronaldo remembered the kiss they'd shared the night before. Ronaldo's own cum passing between them. Liam had almost been greedily lapping it up. And then the kiss broke.


Liam motioned toward the counter which housed the sink and that Ronaldo's back was now pressed against. Understanding what was being requested of him, Ronaldo perched himself on the edge of the counter wrapping his legs around Liam's waist and drawing him into him. Their lips met for another kiss.

This time as their tongues tangled and danced with one another Ronaldo became aware of Liam's hands upon him. Fingers pressing against his solid muscled body. Feeling his strong chest and rippling abs. And then wrapping themselves around his cock. Ronaldo had not even realised that he was hard but as he felt Liam's hand wrap around his shaft there could be no mistaking he was fully erect.

Ronaldo couldn't stop the moan from escaping his mouth as Liam began to stroke his cock. He'd been so surprised when Liam's hand had found his cock the night before. Until that moment Liam had steadfastly avoided contact with his cock but last night completely unbidden he had wrapped his hand around it and brought Ronaldo to climax. And now this morning that hand was once again stroking his cock. Gliding up and down the shaft. Ronaldo had experienced innumerable pleasures in his life and yet Liam's hand wrapped around his cock like this produced a different kind of ecstasy in him. It was just a handjob and yet Ronaldo could already feel himself getting close.

"Don't stop... please..."

But Liam did stop. His hand lingered on Ronaldo's cock for a moment. The fingers seemingly reluctant to let it go. The tips almost stretched out to stay in contact with the hard throbbing shaft and then they were gone.

"Not yet!"

Liam winked as he said this and Ronaldo could not decipher the expression on his lover's face. The smile and fire in his eyes. Apparently Liam had a plan of some description and it did not involve Ronaldo cumming just yet. Thoughts of what this plan might be rushed from Ronaldo's head as Liam's lips once again pressed against his own. That forceful and insistent tongue worked its way into his mouth again.

Ronaldo was aware that his own hands were grabbing at Liam now. Grabbing and clawing at his back. Trying to pull him ever close to him. Trying to push their muscular bodies together. Liam was pulling away though. He would not be combined with Ronaldo and was instead eding him forward slightly. Ronaldo felt himself no longer perching on the countertop but hanging off of it.

As the kiss finally broke Ronaldo understood what was happening. He felt the weight and girth of Liam's cock pressing against the crack of his arse. He tensed his arse at this feeling. Squeezing the hard long member between his glutes. A moan escaped Liam's mouth this time and so Ronaldo squeezed just a little harder.

"You want it, don't you?"

"I want it!"

It was true. He did want it. He wanted to feel the length of Liam's cock inside of him again. He wanted to feel the head pressing against his prostate. He wanted to feel those long smooth thrusts. He wanted the intense and unmatched pleasure he'd felt last night. He wanted to be fucked.

"Are you gonna be my fuck toy?"


"Say it..."

"I'm gonna be your fuck toy!"

Ronaldo meant the words as he spoke them. Right here in this moment he wanted nothing more than to be Liam's fuck toy. To feel Liam's cock inside of him day and night. Whenever Liam wanted.

"Good boy!"

Ronaldo felt his heart explode again at these words. He wanted to pull Liam toward him again. To kiss him and feel that tongue in his mouth again. Liam would not be pulled in though. Ronaldo was once again caught off guard by and impressed by Liam's strength. He was smaller than Ronaldo and yet he seemed to have no trouble overpowering him. He didn't even seem to be straining his muscular frame to resist Ronaldo's attempts to tug him closer. And last night he had carried Ronaldo like it was nothing. Ronaldo could still vividly remember the eruption of excitement in him at being manhandled in this way by Liam.

Memories of last night were once again pushed from his head as Liam spat into his hand. The hand disappeared from Ronaldo's view and he understood that Liam was slicking up his large powerful cock. Preparing it to enter Ronaldo. Ronaldo felt a rush of excitement at the thought.

The rush only grew when he felt the head of Liam's cock resting against his hole. The two men were both locked in place. Staring into each other's eyes. Ronaldo desperately waiting to feel the head push into him. He could feel his hole twitching against the head of Liam's cock. Silently begging him to do it already.

"Fuck me!"

The words had escaped his mouth in a desperate rush. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed Liam inside of him again.

It was as if this was exactly what Liam had been waiting for. With a satisfied smile etched on his face he pushed forward and the head of his cock pressed against Ronaldo's hole before sliding through it.

"Oh god!"

Ronaldo was clawing at Liam's back once again as that giant cock began to push its way inside of him. An intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure pulsing through his body. The pleasure only growing as Liam's cock moved deeper inside of him. Ronaldo wanted to focus on the expression on Liam's face. He wanted to take in the look of pleasure as Liam worked his way in and out of him with steady rhythmic thrusts but he couldn't focus. His eyes kept rolling back in his head and his vision refused to stay focused on Liam. He had to make do with snatches of pleasure etched onto Liam's features.

"Fuck me!"



His hands continued to claw at Liam's powerful back as Liam's thrusts became harder and faster. That long thick cock pushing ever deeper inside of him. Ronaldo could feel his cock throbbing. He wanted to stroke it but couldn't pull his hands away from Liam's body. From that strong broad back and his solid shoulders. He was even grabbing at his muscled upper arms and chest. Every fibre of Liam's body seemed to be solid and working overtime as his cock plunged deeper and deeper, harder and harder.

The pleasure was screaming inside of him. Or maybe he himself was screaming. It was difficult to say for sure. The room was spinning and Ronaldo couldn't keep track of the world around him. He was lost to the pleasure. Lost to the feeling of Liam inside of him. Of that glorious magnificent cock pushing deeper and harder into him. He thought he could hear Liam grunting and moaning with each thrust.

"Oh fuck! Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

There was no mistaking that he'd spoken those words allowed. They echoed in his brian alongside moaning and cries of pleasure. He thought maybe he was saying those out loud too. But the pleasure was too much now. He felt intense waves of it crash over him again and again. Each powerful thrust of Liam's hips brought a new overwhelming wave of pleasure. He was crying out from it, he knew that he was. He could hear it in the distance somewhere but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the intense powerful sensation rolling through every last part of his body.

"You want my cum?"

Ronaldo heard the words but he couldn't respond. He was too lost in the haze and whirl of the pleasure overloading his system. He wanted to scream that he wanted it. That he wanted Liam to breed him again but he couldn't find the words. He was just indecipherably crying out now. Words had no meaning. He needed Liam to cum. He didn't know if he could take more of this. It was almost too much.

"You want my cum slut?"

The words were harsher now. Clearer as if the aggression of them had broken through the storm overwhelming Ronaldo's system. And yet at the same time the words only added to the storm. They sent new bolts of lightning burning through his body. He was Liam's slut. He wanted his cum. Needed it. He had to master himself if only for a second. He needed to say the words.

"Please... please... cum... please... please..."

He did not recognise his own voice.

The needy desperate tone of the broken sentences sounded alien to him. But he knew that it was his voice and those were his words. They were all that he could manage. The pleasure was still rolling through him. He couldn't keep his bearings. He grabbed and clawed at Liam for support. His strong powerful body wasn't enough though. He still felt unmoored.

"Fuck! Take it! Fuck!"

The words broke through. They punctuated the familiar warm wet feeling inside of him.

Slowly, very slowly, the world was coming back into view. The storm was subsiding and Ronaldo understood where he was again.

Liam was finally pressed against him now. His head was resting against Ronaldo's shoulder as he took in deep heaving breaths. Ronaldo was matching those gasping breaths as well. And as he came back to himself he could feel warm wetness not just inside but on his skin. He had cum. At some point his cock had erupted. He could feel the warm liquid on his chest and abs. It was on his neck and chin too. He had cum hard.

It took a moment but Liam seemed to be slowly recovering himself too. His breathing slowly started to return to normal. A steady rumbling sound. Ronaldo let it wash over him and felt a strange disappointment as Liam's softening cock carefully withdrew from him. He felt empty.

He was distracted from this emptiness by Liam's lips once again pressing against his skin. Gentle kisses on his shoulder and neck. And then a tongue snaking across his neck and jawline. A gentle sucking on his chin. Liam was lapping and sucking up his cum. His mouth greedily moved down to Ronaldo's chest next. Licking up warm puddles of the liquid and flicking excitedly at his nipples. Then further down. Licking at his abs. The tip of Liam's tongue running along the deep defined lines of his muscles. Searching out the cum trapped between them.

Ronaldo's breath caught as Liam's tongue travelled further south. Past his hips to the base of his cock. Ronaldo was no longer hard. His cock hung limply just out of reach of Liam's tongue. For a tantalising second he thought that Liam's tongue would search it out. That it would wrap and snake itself around his shaft. That those lips would close around his cock. But it was not to be. Liam withdrew and stepped back from Ronaldo.

"Ready for that shower now?"

Ronaldo felt himself nuzle closer to the warm solid flesh as if he was trying to bury himself in it.

He'd lost track of time but it felt like he'd been resting with his head pressed to Liam's chest for hours. Liam's fingers had been alternating between gently tangling themselves in Ronaldo's dark hair and lightly rubbing his back. Their legs were twisted and locked together.

Ronaldo was fully dressed while Liam remained in just his underwear. Ronaldo was dressed because he was supposed to have been leaving. In fact he was supposed to have left. He was sure that he'd missed his flight home by now. Not that it mattered he could easily get another or just charter a plane to take him home. Or maybe he wouldn't leave. Maybe he'd just stayed wrapped around Liam like this. That seemed like the best idea in the world right now.

Never before had Ronaldo experienced anything quite like this. Countless women and a handful of his male conquests had tried to cuddle up to him like this but he had always shrugged them off. He could easily understand why they'd been drawn toward his towering powerful physique and the allure of being close to it but he had no desire to feel them pressed against him. But now the idea of untangling himself from Liam seemed insane. He wanted to stay wrapped around him for as long as possible.

He wanted to pretend that he was just exhausted and that was why he couldn't muster the strength to pull away from Liam. Their early morning sex had continued in the shower. Liam's tongue and fingers had found his hole and Ronaldo had found himself unable to stop another orgasm rolling through his body. As they'd tumbled out of the shower the sex had continued. Ronaldo had given up trying to keep track of the orgasms that had overwhelmed him time and time again. Every time he'd felt sure that Liam was finally done and finally satisfied they had begun again. The day had been lost in a blur of sex and pleasure like Ronaldo had never known.

Finally Liam had seemed to be exhausted. Another trip to the shower had seen the two men soaping each other up. Their hands all over each other. Feeling and massaging their tired and spent muscles but neither had the energy for more. And then they'd collapsed onto the bed again and Ronaldo had found himself wrapped around Liam. He wasn't sure who had instigated it. Had he crawled toward Liam or had he been pulled into him? The memory was hazy and hard to pin down.

Ronaldo had made a failed break for freedom. He'd gotten dressed in preparation to leave for the airport and home. That had not worked out though. There could be no mistaking who had started this second round of relaxed and content spooning. Ronaldo had emerged from gathering his various beauty products from the bathroom and Liam had been lounging back on the bed. He was in underwear now, a pair of white Hugo Boss boxer briefs that hugged his impressive cock. Ronaldo had found himself unable to resist. He had climbed back onto the bed and onto Liam and his head had been gently resting on Liam's chest ever since.

He was exhausted, that was true. But more than that he wanted to be close to Liam.

"You have to go..."

Liam's voice broke the silence of the room. There was a palpable sense of reluctance and unhappiness in his tone. Ronaldo was sure that Liam did not want him to leave anymore than he wanted to go.


He had half hoped that Liam would release him. Remove the arm that was wrapped around him or begin to untangle their legs but he didn't. He stayed locked in position. Savouring these last moments together just as Ronaldo was.

And then they pulled apart. Seemingly a mutual decision. They both just disentangled from one another.

Heavily, Ronaldo climbed to his feet and looked back at Liam. He wanted to say something but he couldn't find the words. He just watched as Liam slowly dragged himself out of the bed as well and cast around the room for his own clothes. He didn't seem to know what to say either. Ronaldo wondered if all of this was as alien and strange to Liam as it was to him. Did Liam make a habit of spooning with his conquests? Did he wake up with them in his bed? Did he find his every thought consumed by them?

Without saying another word Ronaldo gathered up the last of his things and slowly wheeled his case out of the bedroom and then out of the suite. He felt an almost magnetic pull dragging him back toward the hotel room. Back toward Liam. He needed one last kiss. Or five more minutes of his pressed against Liam's chest. But he fought against this pull and continued down the hallway. After what seemed like an eternity he reached the elevator at the end of the corridor and while he waited for the doors to slide open he felt his phone vibrate. Pulling the device from his pocket he stared down at the screen and smiled. A simple message from Liam

See you soon...

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