The Underwear Models

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 6, 2022


NOTE: This is a work of fiction and although I might wish otherwise is not a depiction of actual events nor is it reflective of the sexualities or preferences of anyone involved. Nor do I own any copyrights or trademarks referenced or used in this work of fiction. With that said I hope you enjoy this piece of fiction. If you did enjoy it please feel free to get in touch. Feedback, requests and good chat are welcomed!

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The Underwear Models IV

Cristiano Roandlo was not accustomed to feeling uncomfortable. For his entire adult life, and most of his adolescence, teams of people had made it their mission in life to ensure that he was comfortable. His unrivaled skill on the football pitch and his good looks had made million, and billion, dollar companies move heaven and earth to accommodate his every whim and desire. Feeling uncomfortable was not something that Cristiano Ronaldo did.

And yet, stretched out in the luxurious seat of the team bus, Ronaldo could feel a strange and unfamiliar knot in the pit of his stomach. The music blaring through his expensive headphones was capable of blocking out the sound of his teammates but was doing little to silence the dark little voice in his head. A voice that was only tightening the knot in his stomach and adding to his level of discomfort.

Ronaldo understood the source of this discomfort, Nicolo Fagioli.

The cute blonde boy had seemed so innocent. He had seemed like easy prey for the great Cristiano Ronaldo. He'd have been one of an ever increasing number of men, and women, happy to serve him. Honoured to do it even. But Ronaldo had misjudged the boy. His youthful, lustful worship had turned so quickly in the showers of the training ground. Ronaldo had found himself subservient to this boy. This nobody. And now here he was, this boy, riding on the first team bus. It was as if his experience in the showers with Ronaldo had super charged him. There was a new found confidence, almost arrogance that Ronaldo recognised from himself, radiating from the boy. He was somewhere in the back of the bus holding court with players far more senior than him while Ronaldo was hidden away and forgotten at the front of the bus. This was not the natural order.

This upending of the way things should be was not what had Ronaldo so unsettled. In truth he cared little for the other players of this team and their fawning over this new youth player. The ever tightening knot in his stomach was caused by the way Fagioli would look at him. It was as if Ronaldo were the prey. As the boy's eyes burned into him Ronaldo couldn't help but remember the promise that ended their last encounter - La prossima volta mi scopo quel culo, I'll fuck that ass next time.

Ronaldo tried to banish these thoughts from his mind and let the steady rhythmic beats of the music filling his ears wash over him. This provided a distraction for just a moment. As one song faded out to be replaced by another Ronaldo felt as if the universe were conspiring against him. Liam Payne's voice was filling his head.

He'd almost forgotten the feverish enthusiasm with which he downloaded Liam's singles. He'd been happy to consume any part of the young singer even if the songs themselves weren't exactly to his taste. Although he'd found more enjoyment in the accompanying music videos even if he'd found himself wishing the singer would show more flesh.

It was Liam that was the true problem here. Ronaldo was convinced of it.

In the days after his encounter with Fagioli, Ronaldo had turned back to women. In his youth Ronaldo's exploits with women had been prolific. His team-mates at both the junior and senior level had marvelled at the parade of models and starlets he'd taken to bed. In more recent times Ronaldo had found women held little interest to him. They still clamoured for his attention of course but it did nothing for him. There was, Ronaldo decided, no challenge there. There was no sense of satisfaction to be found in bedding the latest model begging for his attention. With men he'd found a sense of accomplishment. It was another way to establish his dominance and be secure in his superiority. Or at least it had been.

Liam had changed things. He'd lost his swaggering confidence in the wake of his time with Liam. He had become almost obsessed with the popstar. He craved him in a way that he'd never experienced before. It was this that had led to him being so weak and allowing the boy to take advantage of him. And so he had sought out a quick way to reassert himself and his superiority. A pretty young model. Ronaldo didn't even remember her name, wasn't even sure he knew it to begin with. He'd barely had to say anything to get her back to his hotel room where she'd been so eager to please. But he'd taken no pleasure from her sad attempts to worship and please him. He'd found himself willing her to take control of him. To use him. Even with some desperate woman he'd doubted his superiority.

The solution to all of this was clear and it was the same as the problem, Liam Payne.

Ronaldo needed the singer to complete his domination of him. He needed to be fucked by the former boybander. Maybe then he'd be able to get this out of his system and the natural order could return. He'd be able to take the Fagioli boy back into the showers and the boy would treat him like the God he so clearly was.

It was with this in mind that Ronaldo had finally insisted on a trip to the UK. He'd found some unimportant sponsor event held in London and insisted he should attend. In truth he wasn't even sure what he'd signed himself up to do but it didn't matter. In just a few short days he'd once again be alone in a hotel room with Liam and he'd already begun preparing. He'd been using small toys at first but each night they'd grown bigger. Still none quite matched the length and girth he remembered of Liam's cock but he did not want to relive the burning aching pain of his experiences with Rooney. He'd felt sore for days after the last time he'd allowed the English brute to use him. In the moment the way he'd been bent over with nothing but spit for lube had been somehow exhilarating but the pain that followed had been less so.

Ronaldo had been so lost in his thoughts that he barely registered someone sliding into the seat next to him. It was only upon feeling a hand close around his wrist that Ronaldo truly became aware of the presence next to him. He turned and came face-to-face with the smiling face of Nicolo Fagioli. The boy had apparently finished regaling the other senior players and was now forcefully guiding Ronaldo's hand to his groin.

"Sono arrapato..."

The boy was speaking in growled Italian just as he had in the shower. Declaring to Ronaldo that he was horny as Ronaldo looked around the team bus in alarm. He was scanning the faces of his teammates and the coaching staff but no one seemed to be looking in their direction. No one would have noticed the boy dragging Ronaldo's hand to his cock nor would they have noticed the way Ronaldo's hand instinctively squeezed at it.

Ronaldo had been doing his best to avoid the boy since their encounter in the shower. He had made efforts not to be alone with him. He had been unsure of his resolve to resist him. Even that thought had disgusted Ronaldo. The idea that he would struggle to resist. But he was even more disgusted to learn that he'd been right to avoid the boy. On a bus surrounded by his teammates he was squeezing and grabbing at the boy's cock. Beginning to stroke it and feel it growing hard to his touch.

The boy let out a low satisfied moan as Ronaldo took a firm grip of his hardening cock through his tracksuit trousers and stroked at it. Ronaldo hated how much he enjoyed that sound. He hated how sexy the boy looked leaning back in his seat, a look of satisfaction spreading across his features. The cock felt bigger in his hand than he remembered from the shower. Surely it couldn't just be the light thin material of the boy's tracksuit and underwear adding this much weight to it.

"Tiralo fuori..."

Ronaldo looked at the boy in panic but he did not register the look. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the attention of Ronaldo's hand. He couldn't possibly think Ronaldo was going to pull his cock out in the middle of the team bus. Anyone could see them.

"Ho detto di toglierlo!"

The boy was more insistent this time. Ronaldo felt an anger rising in him. He wanted to withdraw his hand and to tell the boy to leave. He needed to reassert himself and remind this boy exactly who he was. And yet his hand continued to stroke at the boy's cock as another louder part of his brain told him to do as he was instructed. To take the boy's cock out.

Feeling a strange mix of anger, shame and arousal coursing through him Ronaldo did as he'd been told. He slipped his hand beneath the waistband of the boy's tracksuit and his unseen underwear and wrapped it around the warm hardness of his cock. Slowly, taking one last look around the bus to make sure no one was paying them any attention, he pulled the boy's cock free of the confines of his clothes.

Ronaldo stared down at the cock as his hand continued to stroke it. A small amount of precum was leaking from the dark purple head. He resisted the overwhelming urge to lean down and lick it up with his tongue instead allowing it to run down the smooth shaft of the boy's cock. Removed from the boy's clothes the cock definitely seemed larger than Ronaldo remembered. Longer, thicker, heavier. It was as if the cock had grown alongside the boy's stature and confidence.


The whispered Italian again caused Ronaldo to look at the boy with alarm. This time his eyes were open and he was smiling at Ronaldo. A smile that made it clear the boy knew without doubt that Ronaldo would do as he was told. That the great Cristiano Ronaldo would take this boy's cock into his mouth and suck him right here in the middle of the team bus.

"Sii una brava puttana..." That filthy mouth that Ronaldo remembered from the showers. The jolt of excited electricity at being referred to as a whore by this boy. "...e succhia!"

Whatever will Ronaldo had to resist faded away. He hated himself for it but he couldn't stop himself from leaning down toward the boy's cock. Before he could stop himself his lips were wrapped around the head and he was swallowing it. Taking as much as he dared into his mouth and throat. He wanted to slurp and choke on it. To devour this boy's cock just as he'd done in the showers but knew that he couldn't. Knew that he had to be quiet. He couldn't afford to attract attention to them.

The boy let out another low satisfied moan. Ronaldo didn't need to look up at him to know that he'd once again be leaning back in the chair, eyes closed, enjoying the great Cristiano Ronaldo worshipping his cock.

If the boy's cock had seemed bigger than Ronaldo remembered it tasted just as good as he remembered. There was a sweet freshness to his taste and Ronaldo savoured it as his lips moved up and down the shaft of the boy's cock. He felt a hand resting on the back of his head and slowly fingers began to entangle themselves in his hair. Even now the boy wanted to take control of the blowjob. To guide Ronaldo's lips up and down his cock at the speed and to the depth he desired.

The boy forced him down deeper and deeper. He was sputtering and choking and sure that someone would have heard what was happening but the boy didn't seem to care. The boy tightened his grip and used his surprising strength to ensure that Ronaldo remained in place on his cock and obediently Ronaldo continued to worship it. His lips continued to glide up and down the shaft.

"Una così buona puttana affamata di cazzo!"

Ronaldo felt his own cock straining and throbbing as the boy whispered dirty encouragement to him. He wanted to prove himself as a cock hungry whore and moved at greater speed up and down the shaft. Going just a little deeper and allowing himself to choke just a little. While he sucked, Ronaldo's hand gently cupped and squeezed at the boy's heavy balls. He wanted to empty those balls, to drain them dry.

As he worked Ronaldo could feel the boy tensing and straining. He was getting close, Ronaldo knew. He'd lasted much longer in the showers but the combination of the danger and excitement of using Ronaldo's mouth on the team bus must be pushing him over the edge sooner.

"Vado a sborrare puttana!"

The boy confirmed what Ronaldo already knew as he once again tightened his grip on Ronaldo's head. Holding him in place as his cock prepared to erupt. The boy let out a barely contained groan of pleasure and the cum began to flow.

"Prendilo puttana! Prendilo!"

Ronaldo greedily swallowed and slurped up the cum as it shot from the boy's cock. It was just as sweet and delicious as it had been in the showers. Maybe even more so. He wanted every drop. He was sucking on the boy's cock like a straw yearning to have every last drop in his mouth.

"Fanculo! Fanculo! Puttana avida!"

The boy seemed to be struggling to cope as Ronaldo worked for every drop of his cum. Continuing to suck and slurp on his sensitive post-orgasm cock. He was forced to pull Ronaldo from him although as Ronaldo looked up he could see the boy wasn't angry. His face was filled with another satisfied smile. Clearly he was happy to see Ronaldo be such a greedy whore for his cum.

Ronaldo, free of the boy's cock, sunk back into his own chair and swallowed the lost drops of cum still in his mouth. Already he was beginning to steam with anger at allowing himself to be used in such a way. And he was painfully aware of his own throbbing and unattended erection. The boy meanwhile was tucking his cock back into his tracksuit with an undeniably cocky smile on his face. A smile that caused Ronaldo's cock to throb even harder.

"La puttana ha ancora bisogno di essere scopata!"

And as suddenly as he'd appeared the boy was gone. Gliding back up the bus to the other members of the senior team. Ronaldo supposed he should be worried he'd be back there telling them how he'd made Ronaldo his whore but those parting words were still ringing in his ears. The whore still needs to be fucked. Truer words, thought Ronaldo, had never been spoken.

He moved through the expansive hotel lobby with his head down. While it wouldn't be difficult to explain his presence in the hotel he'd rather no one spotted him and he'd really rather no one further delayed his trip up to the suite.

A nervous excitement had been growing in Liam Payne for days now.

It had been less than a week since Cristiano Ronaldo had excitedly informed him of his plan to visit London. Liam still replayed the way he had casually mentioned he'd have a hotel suite to himself for the night. The way the invite had lingered between them unsaid but unmissable. Liam had had to cancel plans of his own for the night but he'd never had any doubt about where he wanted to be.

The elevator taking him up to the suite Ronaldo had booked was, thankfully, empty. There was no one who might make awkward small talk with him or worse yet a hyperventilating fangirl who would need calming down. Instead he could ride up to Ronaldo in peace. Enjoy the last moments of calm before what was to come. Not that he felt calm. His whole body seemed to be tingling and his stomach kept lurching at the most unexpected times. It was like he was getting ready to go on stage and perform. And in a way he supposed he was.

Silently Liam cast a critical eye over himself in the full length mirrors that lined the walls of the elevator. His dark hair and stubble had been freshly trimmed and styled for the occasion. He'd opted for a casual t-shirt and jeans combination. Not wanting anything too cumbersome to remove although as he examined his reflection he decided that perhaps the t-shirt was just a little too tight. But he couldn't help himself. Ever since he'd developed his carefully sculpted body he'd been unable to resist wearing his shirts just a little too tight. What good was all this work in the gym if he didn't get to show it off at least a little?

As Liam eyed his gently flexed biceps the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. He was just a hallway away now. Over his time with One Direction and beyond Liam had felt confident that he'd amassed just about every sexual experience he could. Women, often multiple women at a time, had practically lined up to be with him or any of them really. But tonight he would once again be breaking new sexual ground. Tonight would be a rare new first for him.

With more confidence than he felt Liam marched down the softly carpeted hallway and came to a halt outside the door to the suite he knew belonged to Ronaldo. He took a breath and knocked.

The door opened within seconds and whatever nerves Liam might have been feeling seemed to fade away as he once again came face-to-face with Ronaldo. The Portuguese footballer was as tanned and handsome as he'd ever been. His dark black hair was as carefully and meticulously styled as it always was. He had forgone wearing a shirt entirely, opening the door in nothing but a pair of his own brand underwear. A pair of fitted white briefs that seemed too small to contain what was clearly a growing erection although Liam's attention was largely focused on his upper body. It was still a remarkable sight to see in person. The way it seemed to have been carved from dark tanned marble with each muscle carefully and clearly defined and swelling.

Liam was pulled into the room by his too tight shirt and as the door closed behind him he was pushed against it. Ronaldo's lips were suddenly pressed against his own. Instinctively Liam parted his own lips and felt Ronaldo's tongue snake its way inside his mouth. For a moment he was lost. Beyond a playful peck Liam had never kissed another man but now here he was with Cristiano Ronaldo's impossibly solid body pressed against him having a kiss pushed upon him.

After a moment Liam's instincts kicked in and he was returning the kiss. It was like muscle memory. His tongue began to twist and turn around Ronaldo's as their lips continued to press against one another. Liam's hands grabbed at a broad powerful back and slowly slid down it to a perfectly formed and rounded arse. He squeezed and grabbed at the checks as the kiss seemed to stretch on for an eternity. When it finally broke both men were panting.

They stared at one another. Still pressed together, Liam's hands still resting on Ronaldo's impressively muscled backside. And then Ronaldo began to nuzzle, kiss and suck on Liam's neck. Liam closed his eyes and let the pleasure of it wash over him as Ronaldo kissed and licked at his neck, his chin, his jaw, his cheek, his ear. Just any part of him he could reach.

"I want you..." The words were whispered into his ear and Liam felt his cock, already hard, throb in response. "...please!"

The pleading pushed him over the edge. He needed to take Ronaldo now. Liam took hold of the back of Ronaldo's head and pulled his lips away from his flesh before pushing a kiss onto him this time. This one rougher and harder than the first.

As the kiss broke Liam strode past Ronaldo and into the suite proper. He pulled his shirt off over his head as he walked and discarded it on the floor. The suite appeared to be broken up into three rooms. A bedroom to the back with a bathroom next to it and a large lounge area where he was stood now. Sofas, various chairs and a table occupied the room but Liam's eye was drawn toward the large bed that dominated the bedroom.

Ronaldo was on him before he could make it to the bedroom. They were kissing once again as their hard upper bodies pressed against each other. As this third kiss broke Liam tumbled backwards onto the sofa. Before Liam even had time to adjust to his new position Ronaldo was straddling him and once again nuzzling at his neck. This time though, Ronaldo's lips and tongue were moving down his neck and onto his chest.

Ronaldo kissed and licked at Liam's smooth muscular chest. It was as if he couldn't get enough of Liam's flesh. It took just seconds for him to arrive at Liam's left nipple. His tongue circled and flicked at it before he placed it between his lips and sucked. Liam couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure which only served to make Ronaldo suck harder.

Liam was almost disappointed when Ronaldo's lips left his chest and more specifically his nipple. But as Ronaldo's tongue traced the outline of his abs and the footballing icon dropped down to his knees between Liam's legs the disappointment faded. Liam helped Ronaldo's fumbling fingers unbutton his jeans and lifted himself off the sofa so that they could be slid down his legs. Like Ronaldo, Liam was wearing a pair of his own underwear, dark Hugo boxer briefs although Ronaldo hardly seemed to notice them as he pawed and clawed at them forcing them down to Liam's ankles as well.


Ronaldo breathed the compliment as he once again took in the sight of Liam's erect cock. He admired it only briefly though. He had not come here to look at Liam's cock after all.

"Oh God!"

Liam had forgotten how good Ronaldo's lips felt wrapped around his cock. He'd forgotten the feeling of looking down to see Cristiano Ronaldo happily and greedily devouring his cock. He'd forgotten the wet slurping sounds Ronaldo made as he moved up and down his shaft and the way he contendally moaned with his mouth full. It was a magical combination of things and Liam wondered how he'd gone without it for so long.

"Suck it deep"

Liam pressed a hand down on the back of Ronaldo's head. His fingers entwined with Ronaldo's thick dark hair. Ronaldo didn't need the encouragement or help but Liam gave it anyway. Pushing the footballing legend down the length of his cock. Moaning as he felt Ronaldo's lips slide further and further down the shaft. Taking it into his mouth and eager throat inch by inch. He wanted to feel Ronaldo's lips at the base of his cock once again. To feel his nose pressed against him. Ronaldo's gagging and choking as he struggled against Liam's length and girth meant nothing. All that mattered was the pleasure of it.

Finally Liam felt what he wanted. What he needed. Ronaldo's lips wrapped around the base of his cock. He could feel Ronaldo's throat almost dilating around the head and shaft of his cock. The choking and sputtering was covering his cock in a thin layer of spit but the pleasure was intense. He held Ronaldo in place for as long as he dared. The seconds felt like hours of glorious pleasure. And finally he released his grip.

Ronaldo withdrew from Liam's large cock panting and heaving for breath. But as Liam looked down at him the smile, and those perfect gleamingly white teeth, gave away just how much Ronaldo had enjoyed choking on Liam. His eyes were alive with wonder and excitement. And there was an unmistakable hunger there too.


Liam had been entirely unprepared for Ronaldo's mouth to dive onto his balls. For his tongue to circle and lap at them as he sucked and nuzzled on them. It felt amazing. The pleasure only increased as Ronaldo's hands worked their way up his body. Pressing against his abs and chest before settling on his nipples.

"Fuck yes! That's it!"

Ronaldo was gently pinching and twisting at Liam's nipples as he continued to greedily suck on his heavy cum filled balls. Liam had never experienced anything quite like this before. The hunger and desire in Ronaldo was incredible. Ronaldo demonstrated it further as he dived back down onto Liam's cock. Greedily choking himself on the cock as he forced as much down his throat as he could. Liam simply lay back and let the pleasure wash over him. The pleasure of Cristiano Ronaldo hungrily worshipping and devouring him.

There was a considerable part of Liam that would have allowed this to continue. That would have welcomed Ronaldo's continued worshipping of his cock and balls. He wanted to let the pleasure of it all to continue to wash over him. He wanted to keep looking down and seeing Cristiano Ronaldo on his knees between his legs. He wanted for Ronaldo to keep looking up at him with that intoxicating mix of pleasure, hunger and desire in his eyes. But there was a larger part of Liam that knew that wasn't why he was here. There was more planned for tonight.

Reluctantly Liam pulled Ronaldo from his cock. He noted, with a strange sense of pride, the surprising amount of strength he needed to detach Ronaldo from his cock and the way that Ronaldo's tongue dagged and lingered on the shaft and then head of his cock. The footballing star couldn't seem to get enough of him.

Slowly Liam leant forward and met Ronaldo with another kiss. Softer and more passionate than their last kiss. Their tongues seemed to glide over one another as their lips met. Liam could taste himself in Ronaldo's mouth. A strange sweet taste. Usually this would prompt him to pull away from the kiss. With women he'd never cared to taste himself on their lips or tongue but with Ronaldo it was different. Liam dove deeper into the kiss. He pulled Ronaldo closer to him.

When the kiss finally broke, Ronaldo was once again stradling Liam. Liam could feel his cock pressed against Ronaldo's muscled arse, still enclosed in his briefs. He could also feel Ronaldo's own hard cock pressing against him straining to be released. Slowly, and without really thinking, Liam ran a single hand down the impossibly muscled and defined physique before him and then gently squeezed at Ronaldo's cock through the briefs that kept it trapped.

Ronaldo seemed to shudder and let out a yearning moan as Liam felt his hardness. Instinctively Liam stroked at the throbbing cock in the briefs and Ronaldo's moan grew louder and more desperate. Liam wasn't sure how it happened, or who did it, but the front of Ronaldo's briefs were tugged down and the cock within sprang free. It was as tanned and impossibly solid as the rest of Ronaldo. Carefully, almost as if he were afraid he might break it, Liam wrapped his hand around the shaft.

It felt strange. Another man's cock in his hand. The weight and feel was so different to his own. There was a warmness that Liam couldn't remember from his own cock and it wasn't as long or as thick. But his hand slid up and down the shaft just as easily as it did with his own cock. Each move of his hand brought forth a moan from the lips of Ronaldo who was nuzzled into Liam's neck now. His back strangely arched to allow Liam to continue his slow strokes.

"Faster. Please."

As instructed Liam began to stroke faster and instinctively tightening his grip as he did. Ronaldo's moans pushed him on. His hand moving up and down the solid shaft faster still. He could feel Ronaldo's entire body tensing and squirming against him. He understood that Ronaldo was close. He heard a voice in the back of his head telling him to stop. To deny Ronaldo this orgasm but as he heard Ronaldo's almost pleading moans of pleasure and felt the way the larger man's muscles tensed and strained against him he found himself unable to stop. He pushed on. He stroked and stroked.

Ronaldo's cries filled the room. Liam didn't understand the words that tumbled from his mouth in, he assumed, Portuguese but he could guess what they meant.

It took a moment for Liam to register the warm wetness on his hand, chest and stomach. He understood what it was instantly and marvelled at how different this felt to the load that Zayn had spilled over his body. Zayn's had felt thicker somehow. He could feel Ronaldo's running down his hand and body in a way that Zayn's hadn't. The smell that floated to his nostrils was subtly different as well. He thought that maybe he preferred the smell and feel of Ronldo's cum.

Carefully Liam released his grip on Ronaldo's still surprisingly solid cock and raised his hand up. For a moment Ronaldo simply stared at Liam's cum stained hand. He took it in as if it were some alien object he'd never seen before and then his tongue ran across the flesh scooping up the warm white liquid. And then Liam was kissing him!

Liam couldn't quite believe what was happening. It was as if he was witnessing this from outside his own body. Except he could still feel and taste Ronaldo's cum as it trickled into his mouth. The sweetness with just a hint of salt. He couldn't quite believe it but it was delicious. He pulled Ronaldo deeper into the kiss. His tongue pushing deeper into Ronaldo's mouth searching out more traces of the cum.

When the kiss broke, Ronaldo's lips and tongue dived onto Liam's chest, lapping up the traces of cum there. And then they were kissing again. This time though Liam knew that Ronaldo had not swallowed any of the cum. It was still warm and thick in his mouth and Liam's tongue found it. He felt it drop into his own mouth and down his throat.

Again the kiss broke and Liam found himself looking into Ronaldo's eyes. They seemed even more alive than before, almost wired. It was as if this new and unexpected twist had gotten him high.

"Fuck me!"

Liam could feel the smile on his own face as he processed these words from Ronaldo. They'd both understood that this is why they were in this hotel suite but this was the first time either man had said it aloud.


Liam was surprised by his own strength as he climbed to his feet lifting Ronaldo with him. He felt Ronaldo's powerful legs wrap themselves around his waist and he made his way toward the bedroom carrying Ronaldo with him. Liam's trousers and underwear were still tangled around his ankles which made progress to the bedroom and the giant bed that dominated it slower than was ideal. But Ronaldo felt strangely light in his arms despite being a giant slab of muscle.

Finally Liam staggered into the bedroom and threw Ronaldo down onto the bed. As Ronaldo sank down into the giant bed Liam kicked himself free of his remaining clothes. Shoes, socks, jeans and underwear flying to different corners of the room. When he looked back up at Ronaldo he too was naked, having discarded the tight briefs he had been wearing, and on all fours in the middle of the bed. That delicious and golden arse was aimed directly at Liam. He could still remember how it tasted but tonight he would do more than just taste it.

However, thought Liam, it would be rude not to taste it!

Climbing onto the bed it was Liam's turn to dive onto Ronaldo with hunger in his eyes. His face buried itself between Ronaldo's firm powerful glutes and he heard let out a delighted squeal. Liam's tongue went quickly to work. Twisting, turning, diving and withdrawing. Each move of the tongue seemed to send a bolt of electricity through Ronaldo who found it impossible to refrain from crying out in pleasure. More than that he was pushing back onto Liam's face. Willing Liam's tongue to push deeper inside of him. Willing Liam to taste more and more of him.

Liam happily obliged with this desire. Darting his tongue deeper into Ronaldo as his lips sucked and kissed at him. Ronaldo tasted every bit as good and moreish as he remembered. He wanted more. He wanted to feel Ronaldo's hard muscular frame tensing and squirming as his tongue probed him. But Liam's cock was throbbing now as it cried out for attention and release. The time had come.

Very reluctantly Liam withdrew from Ronaldo's arse. There was an almost disappointed sigh from Ronaldo and Liam couldn't help but smile to himself. He always enjoyed having his skills with his tongue re-confirmed and he knew that he was mere minutes away from having his skills with another appendage confirmed as well.

Pulling himself up onto his knees behind Ronaldo Liam began to cast his eyes around the hotel bedroom. He wished he'd been more careful when freeing himself from the restraints of his jeans. He knew from experience that what was to come would be much easier, and more enjoyable, with lube and had brought a bottle with him in preparation. One of the small ways in which Liam had acknowledged what would be happening in this hotel room tonight without saying it out loud.

He could sense that Ronaldo was becoming impatient. Perhaps fearing that Liam was having second thoughts he began to push back almost as if he were searching for Liam's hard cock with his arse. When he found it Ronaldo began to grind on it. Letting it slide between the firm cheeks of his arse.


Liam suspected that had he been having second thoughts then this particular trick from Ronaldo would have won him back round. The length of his shaft was being gripped between the smooth muscled checks of Ronaldo's arse. It was as if Ronaldo were wanking him off with his perfect tanned arse checks.


It was about all Liam could manage to say so caught in the pleasure of the moment. He needed Ronaldo to know that he wasn't having second thoughts but rather trying to heighten the pleasure of what was to come. To Liam's surprise Ronaldo's response was to wave his hand. At first Liam had thought that he was dismissing the need for lube but as the gesture continued he understood. Ronaldo was gesturing toward one of the bedside tables. It seemed that Ronaldo and Liam had had the same thought. A small bottle of lube was resting on the table.

Liam let out a low deep sigh as he felt the cold slick liquid coat the head of his cock and begin to flow down the shaft. With a practised ease Liam ran his hand over the shaft of his cock fully coating his shaft in the slick yet tactile liquid. A thin coating of the lube now rested over his fingers and as he always had before Liam brushed his fingers against the hole he was about to enter. What was different to all the times he'd done this before however was that Ronaldo responded to Liam's touch. He pushed back and onto Liam's finger and slick with lube it slipped into Ronaldo's hold.

Ronaldo's moan was loaded with pleasure and what sounded distinctly like relief. Liam meanwhile was unprepared for the warmth and tightness of the hole around his finger. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling he decided, just unexpected. It lacked the wetness of the pussy's his digits had slid into before but it was tighter. It didn't stretch to meet his fingers in the same way. Slowly he withdrew his finger from the hole.

"Fuck me!"

There was a desperate begging tone to Roanldo's voice. He seemed ready to explode with the desire to finally feel Liam inside of him.

"Flip over. On your back."

Liam desperately wanted to feel himself inside of Ronaldo as well but he was struck by another overwhelming desire. He wanted to see Ronaldo's face as his cock slid into his hole. He wanted to see those gorgeous and perfect features as his long thick cock opened up Ronaldo's tight little hole.

Ronaldo did as instructed and flipped over onto his back lifting his legs into the air to expose his arse to Liam.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Liam rested Ronaldo's legs on his chest and shoulders and carefully lined the head of his cock up with Ronaldo's begging little hole. With their eyes locked together Liam pushed forward with his hips and finally felt the head of his cock force its way inside of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Ronaldo's eyes were wide and Liam couldn't quite read his expression. A thousand different emotions seemed to be playing out on his incredible features all at once. Pain and shock mixing with relief and pleasure mixing with flashes of anger and everything else in between. Liam pushed in deeper. One and then two inches of his cock making its way inside of Ronaldo. He knew at this moment that flipping Ronaldo onto his back had been the right call. Pure unadulterated pleasure was beginning to play out on Ronaldo's face. A smile unlike any Liam had ever seen before. Eyes wide and on fire with delight.

"Oh my fucking God yes!"

The accented voice seemed to echo in Liam's head. It was mixing with his own deep guttural moans and grunts as he pushed deeper into Ronaldo. That tight little hole was slowly expanding to accommodate his girth more comfortably and Ronaldo seemed to be hitting an ever higher grade of pleasure with every inch of Liam's considerable length that slid inside of him.

Ronaldo's face was ablaze with pleasure and Liam drank it all in. The intensity of that gleaming smile that seemed to spread to every corner of the tanned face be it the high defined cheekbones or the deep dark eyes. Liam wondered if his own face was as alive with pleasure as Ronaldo's. Did his own smile and eyes tell the story of the pleasure that was pulsing through his body? He hoped so because he felt every bit of pleasure that was etched onto the gorgeous face before him.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Liam's hips had finally pressed against the firm muscle of Ronaldo's arse. Ronaldo's words spoke for them both. Liam had never felt anything or anyone grip his cock quite like this. He'd never felt electric bolts of pleasure shooting through his body like this either. It was truly incredible.

Ronaldo's hands, which had been gripping at the sheets of the bed, were now grabbing and clutching at Liam's body. Understanding what was desired Liam leaned forward and the two men were kissing once more. It was a slower and more soft kiss than before. Their tongues dancing around one another. When it broke Liam kept his forehead pressed against Ronaldo's.

"I'm going to fuck you now"

Impossibly, Ronaldo's eyes seemed to blaze even brighter at this declaration.

Liam pulled himself back up and slowly he began to withdraw from Ronaldo's arse. The base and shaft of his cock slowly leaving the tight warmth of the hole. And then he was sliding back in. Ronaldo let out a satisfied cry as he felt the cock bury itself deep within him again. Liam repeated this process again and again. Picking up speed and power with each repetition. It took a minute or two but Liam was starting to hit his rhythm. His hips rocking back and forth as his cock moved in and out of Ronaldo. Judging by the delighted cries and the look of pure contentment on the face of the footballing God Liam's cock worked just as well for men as it did women.

"Fuck me!"

"You want it harder?"


"Tell me! Say it!"

"Harder. Fuck me harder!"

As soon as the words hit his ears Liam thrust harder and deeper. He felt Ronaldo's hands grabbing at his body once again but he ignored it and focused instead on forcing his way deeper and harder into Ronaldo. He could feel the hole opening for him now. Fully welcoming him in. He could hear Ronaldo's delighted squeals as his thrusts became harder. Rougher.

Liam was lifting Ronaldo's powerful lower body now. Pinning his shoulders down to the bed and almost folding him in half. He was stood above Ronaldo driving his cock deep into that perfect hole. His hands grasping at the hard smooth arse and pulling it further apart. Trying to make it easier for his cock to drill deeper and harder into Ronaldo.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"Take it! Fucking take it!"

Ronaldo's cries had raised in pitch as Liam continued to drill deep and hard into him. His hands grabbing at Liam's legs and abs. Feeling the hard defined muscles as they worked. Liam couldn't tell if he was trying to make him stop or begging for more but it didn't matter. Instinctively he felt himself going harder. Thrusting his cock with increased speed and power into Ronaldo's hole. He could feel his load building. He could feel his balls beginning to tighten. He was going to cum. The deep breathes and loud low rumbling moans were dead giveaways. He looked down and could see that Ronaldo wanted it. Was practically begging for him to cum.

No! This is not how he was going to cum tonight.

Liam withdrew from Ronaldo and took in some deep panting breaths. He saw Ronaldo collapse back onto the bed beneath him. He was aware that both of them were now covered in a light shining layer of sweat. He wondered if his own body and muscles glistened and pulsed in the same way Ronaldo's were now. Were his abs popping oiled in sweat?

"Ride me!"

Liam dropped down onto the bed himself now. He was sitting at the top with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out before him. His hands fumbled round and quickly found the lube once more. He drizzled it over the head of his cock so that his long hard dick was once again glistening in lube.

Ronaldo scrambled up to his feet and for a brief moment was towering above Liam. He looked an imposing sight. His large impossibly defined body glowing and rippling in ways Liam had never seen. And, Liam noticed, Ronaldo's cock was once again rock hard. For a fraction of second Liam was struck by the idea of stroking it once more. Maybe even tasting it. This thought passed as soon as it occurred though and Ronaldo was slowly lowering himself into a squat. Liam watched as those insanely powerful leg muscles worked. Ronaldo's thighs bulging as the footballer lowered himself onto Liam's cock.

Both men released satisfied moans as the head of Liam's cock once again worked its way into Ronaldo's hole.

Ronaldo continued to lower himself. Sitting lower and lower on Liam's cock. Taking inch after inch back inside of himself. As Ronaldo continued to drop deepier into his squat Liam found his hands grabbing at those thighs. He seemed magnetically drawn to the powerful defined muscles. He pushed and rubbed at them. They were so large and solid. Honed and defined by a lifetime of football. Each move up and down Liam's cock seemed to work a slightly different part of Ronaldo's thighs and legs. Liam could feel the muscles shifting and straining as Ronaldo began to bounce on his cock.

"So... fucking... good..."

Ronaldo panted the words between breaths. His head was thrown back in pleasure with a single hand resting on the bed behind him to steady himself as he worked Liam's cock. Liam was sure that Ronaldo was alternating between squeezing and losing his arse and hole. He could feel the varying pressures on his cock and it felt amazing.

Just as amazing was being able to sit back and watch Ronaldo ride him. It seemed like some kind of impossible dream. A tanned muscled God come to life on his cock. Ronaldo's incredible muscular body rippling and tensing in new and impressive ways. His pecs lightly bouncing with each move up and down Liam's cock and his abs popping in ways Liam had never seen before. Ronaldo had never looked more amazing than he did now. This was how Ronaldo's marble carved work of art of a body was supposed to be witnessed. It seemed so entirely insane that Cristiano Ronaldo would be riding his cock and yet as he watched it happening it seemed so entirely right. This, and not football, is what Ronaldo was made for.

As perfect as this moment was and as intense as the pleasure was, Liam wanted more. He wanted to make this God come to life his. He needed to truly fuck Ronaldo once again. To drive his cock deeper and hard into his hole. To hear the way Ronaldo had squealed rather than just moaned in pleasure and delight. He wanted to assert his dominance over Cristiano Ronaldo and show him exactly who the alpha was.

"Off. Bend over."

Liam motioned toward the end of the bed as he spoke. He was going to take Ronaldo from behind. Hard and rough.

Once again Ronaldo scrambled into position. Within seconds he had lifted himself off of Liam with a reluctant and mournful sigh and bent himself over the end of the bed. His smiling face was looking up at Liam from between his feet and Liam couldn't stop himself, he moved his big toe toward Ronaldo. He still remembered the greedy way Ronaldo had licked, kissed and sucked on his feet and toes. The way this footballing God had debased himself on his feet. Without hesitation Ronaldo popped the toe into his mouth and sucked on it. His tongue licking and circling it as he did.

"Oh... that's nice..."

Liam absentmindedly stroked on his cock as Ronaldo's tongue and lips once again explored his feet. Ronaldo seemed keen to discover every inch of them. To taste every piece of flesh. Each toe found its way into his mouth and Liam let the pleasure wash over him amazed at just how eager Ronaldo was to please him. So cocky and confident in public and on the football pitch but here he was in private, an eager little bitch begging to be used.

Liam pulled his feet free from Ronaldo's mouth and climbed off the bed to his feet. He stalked to the foot of the bed and took in the glorious sight of Ronaldo bent over before him. That now fully opened up pink hole exposed to him. It was pulsating. Almost begging to be filled once more. Liam resisted the temptation to immediately drive his cock back into Ronaldo. He knew this was the endgame now. He would be cumming soon and he wanted to commit every last detail of this to his memory. His fingertips ran down the smooth tight flesh of Ronaldo's arse and then without warning his hand smacked down across it.

Ronaldo gave a surprised shout as the smacking sound echoed in the room.

"You like that?"

There was no response so Liam slapped his hand across the cheek again. Another surprised shout from Ronaldo.

"I asked you a question, did you like that?"


Liam was surprised by the eagerness of Ronaldo's response. If it was an act it was a convincing one.

"Do you like being my bitch?"

Another smack across Ronaldo's arse before he even had time to answer. But as the slapping sound died away the response came.

"Yes... I love being your bitch!"

"Good boy!"

And then Liam was thrusting back into Ronaldo. His cock sliding back into the willing hole. This time there was no slowly and steady build up. Liam's cock was buried deep within Ronaldo in seconds. The footballer crying out before Liam fully withdrew his cock. A second cry from Ronaldo as Liam's cock once again dived balls deep inside him. Liam repeated the process for a third time and got a third cry from Ronaldo.

There was no fourth however. Instead Liam withdrew just half of his cock before powering back to the base.

"Yes! Fuck me like a bitch!"

Liam grabbed at Ronaldo's strong hips and began to thrust back and forwards with increasing speed. He could hear himself grunting, moaning and almost roaring with each thrust. Ronaldo was meeting these noises with cries of his own. Liam's hands moved up Ronaldo's back to his shoulders as pushed faster and harder into Ronaldo. His long powerful cock moving in and out of Ronaldo's hole with strong confident strokes.

"Take my cock!"

"Yes! Give me it!"

"Are you my bitch?"

"I'm your bitch! I'm your bitch!"

As Liam continued to pound hard deep and rough he could once again feel his balls beginning to tighten. He could feel his body beginning to tense and his breathing was becoming more laboured. He knew that he was close but he fought it. He wanted just a little longer inside of Ronaldo. Just a little more of Ronaldo's hole contracting around his cock. He wanted to be in control of this God of a man for just a little longer. To feel those powerful muscles submit to him.

Liam fought against his orgasm as he continued to drive his cock into Ronaldo. The muscles of his body tightened and contracted in ways that he'd never felt before. He was sure now that his abs would be popping as Ronaldo's had. That his biceps would be bulging in obscene new ways. He would look like the muscled God he was fucking. The muscled God he had made his willing bitch.

"I'm gonna... fuck I'm gonna..."

Liam let out a roar as the orgasm finally overpowered him.

Wave after wave after wave of pleasure hit him. He felt like he was floating. His head was spinning and the room suddenly seemed brighter than the sun. He became instantly aware that his whole body was shaking. Waves of pleasure were quite literally rolling through him. He'd never felt anything like it. His hands and fingers were gripping and squeezing at Ronaldo's powerful muscles as the orgasm just kept hitting him.

Slowly the world stopped spinning. He felt the weight of his body again and he could hear himself taking deep gulping breaths like he never had before. For the first time he realised that his cock was still buried deep inside Ronaldo. There was an extra layer of warmth and wetness gripping his cock. He had cum inside Ronaldo. He had bred his bitch. He could feel his cum slowly seeping out and running down his balls. He was sure it would also be running down Ronaldo's legs and those incredible thighs. He wondered just how big the load had been. The orgasm had been unlike anything he'd felt before, had he been cumming the whole time?

Carefully, almost as if he were afraid he might now break him, Liam withdrew his slowly deflating cock from Ronaldo. The small trickle of cum that Liam had felt dripping from Ronaldo's used hole became a waterfall. A steady flow of his cum streamed from Ronaldo's hole. It was running down the footballers legs and dripping onto the carpeted hotel floor. Liam didn't need to look to know that his cum had joined the thin layer of lube coating his cock.

Ronaldo, apparently as spent and exhausted as Liam, crawled up onto the bed as Liam took a step back from him. Liam noticed the wet patch on the end of the bed and for a moment wondered how he'd managed to cum on the bed. Had he cum so much and so hard that he'd somehow coated the end of the bed as well? His mind soon caught up to reality though, Ronaldo must have cum again. It was Ronaldo's cum and not Liam's that had stained the bed. Although Liam's cum was beginning to stain the bed now as it continued to flow from Ronaldo.

If Ronaldo noticed the cum staining the bed he didn't seem to care. He seemed heavy, like a deadweight stretched out on the bed.


It had been mumbled but Liam had still caught it. There were other words too. More Portuguese that Liam couldn't understand but could tell from the tone and look etched onto Ronaldo's face were of a similar meaning.

Liam's own body suddenly felt heavy as well. The empty space on the bed next to Ronaldo suddenly looked too inviting to refuse. He half climbed and half collapsed onto the bed. He was lying next to Ronaldo. Their eyes were locked together again. Both men just staring at each other and taking in the utter satisfaction on the other man's face. Liam had a fleeting thought, was this what the women he'd fucked had felt like afterward? No wonder they were such rambling messes! That thought passed those as his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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