The Underwear Models

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 28, 2021


NOTE: This is a work of fiction and although I might wish otherwise is not a depiction of actual events nor is it reflective of the sexualities or preferences of anyone involved. Nor do I own any copyrights or trademarks referenced or used in this work of fiction. With that said I hope you enjoy this piece of fiction. If you did enjoy it please feel free to get in touch. Feedback, requests and good chat are welcomed!

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The Underwear Models II

The room smelt of sex.

Usually he found the smell, an imperfect mix of cum and sweat, to be intoxicating but not this morning. This morning his joints ached, his head was pounding and the smell was making his stomach turn. The hangover had hit him even before he'd opened his eyes and become fully conscious. It was as if a train hit him while he was still sleeping and the force of it dragged him out of whatever dream he'd been having and now there was just pain. He couldn't remember the last time he was this hungover. Then again he couldn't remember the last time he'd had that much to drink.

The night was a blur.

Had there been shots? He thought there had and the bitter burning taste in his mouth seemed to confirm it but he couldn't remember for sure. He couldn't remember much of anything. There had been a parade of press interviews at the start of the night. All of them filled with the same questions about how he'd prepared for the shoot and whether he was ready for the world to see him mostly naked on billboards, in magazines and on screens. But what about after that? The club, the party, the dancing, the drinks. It was all a blur of colour and sounds. And then-

"I take you home..."

He remembered the accent and the broken English. Stumbling out of the club and into the bracing cold of the night. A strong powerful base holding him up as they awkwardly made their way to this room. Not home but a hotel. His hotel? His eyes were beginning to focus and the shapes of the room become clearer. He hadn't recognised it last night but this was indeed his room. The suite he'd been put up in ahead of a day of publicity and press.

As the room came into focus so did the rest of the world. His head was still pounding and the world still spinning at an uncomfortable speed but the dim light of the room no longer caused his eyes to burn and water. That was progress.

Liam Payne looked down at himself and for the first time since regaining consciousness and processed that he was in his underwear. The same white Hugo boxer briefs that the world would now have the chance to ogle him in. That wasn't all though he was vaguely aware of the tidy organised pile of clothes at the far end of the sofa. His clothes carefully folded and stored at the end of the day. That was unlike him when he was sober let alone drunk. He could see just a flash of someone else folding them. Dark hair and tanned skin but not much beyond that.

The smell of the room once again flooded his senses and distracted him from the vaguely pleasing but blurred figure that had apparently spent the night with him. It really was intense. Much stronger and more potent than usual. Perhaps that was just the hangover though dialling up his senses or at least the sensitivity to the smell. Or maybe, even blackout drunk, he was just that good in bed and capable of delivering a performance that lingered in the air for hours after. As much as his ego may have wanted that to be true another possibility was beginning to present itself to him. It wasn't the room that smelt of sex it was him.

Dried sticky stains covered his upper body. His tight well defined abs marked by multiple dried puddles and his strong chest smeared with a sticky residue. Knowing his prodigious cumshots as he did Liam also suspected that his neck and face might also bear these stains. It had been sometime since he'd covered himself like this. Years in fact. Usually that was because he had a more than willing partner ready to be covered instead but in his alone time or the shared time with his former bandmates Liam had always been careful to have something or somewhere else to shoot. But not last night it seems.

His head spinning and every defined muscle in his body yelling in protest Liam pulled himself up off the sofa of his hotel suit and staggered toward the bathroom. He needed to shower. To clean up.

"I clean up now!"

Again that thick accent and broken English echoed through his memories. He'd been half asleep when it was said. Or maybe he was remembering a particularly vivid drunken dream. But he could see the broad powerful figure striding through the hotel suit. Taking the same path Liam was on now to the bathroom albeit with much more confidence. That tanned skin and dark hair. It made no sense though. That stride was not the stride of one of the beautiful dancers that would have been throwing themselves at him all night. And the build was too large and powerful to be female. There was too much size and definition in the muscled back and legs.

As he finally stumbled into the bathroom Liam was faced with the reality that he was not remembering a particularly vivid or strange dream. There had been another man here last night. A set of boxer briefs, identical to the ones he was wearing, hung from a towel warmer in the room. Clearly they'd been worn a small sticky stain was visible in the front. A stain not dissimilar to the ones that covered Liam's body. Whoever else had been here last night had apparently abandoned them after taking a shower.

Liam wasn't particularly panicked by the idea that another man had been in the room last night. Nor was he concerned that this male partner would have been involved in some shared sexual experience. It would not have been his first threesome with another man and he was sure it wouldn't be his last. In truth he'd discovered during his time in One Direction that he rather enjoyed sharing a woman with another man. The unspoken competition between them was an incredible turn on. More than that though he treasured the look of defeat and disappointment on the other man's face when they, inevitably, realised their own sexual prowess paled in comparison to his. He'd loved repeatedly proving himself the true alpha of One Direction particularly with Harry. Harry was always so proud of his cock and happy to boast of its size but watching his confusion and disappointment as Liam had brought the women they shared to screaming orgasms was intoxicating. He only wished he could remember more about the latest man he'd proven himself superior to.

"Very nice..."

Another echoed fragment of the night before this time stirring as he made to pull down his underwear. He couldn't quite fit the pieces of the evening together. But he could remember this man complimenting him. More than that he could remember admiring and complimenting this man as well. His body had been spectacular unlike anything Liam had seen in person before. All muscle and definition. It must have felt incredible to prove himself superior to this man. To have brought the woman they shared to the best orgasm of her life as he looked on. Liam wondered if the man and woman had perhaps been a couple. That might explain why there was no sign of either of them the next morning. They would have left together. He'd always been fascinated by the idea of being with a couple. To cuckold the man with his superior performance and then send them on their way. To leave the man with the knowledge that he'd never be able to satisfy his girlfriend or wife as well as Liam had. It would be a crushing disappointment to have finally had that experience last night but not be able to remember it.

Liam pulled down his boxers and kicked them free of his feet. The flashes of memory from the previous night and the story he was piecing together for himself were helping to stop the world from spinning. His head wasn't pounding quite as hard and as he stepped under the powerful refreshing stream of water from the shower he could feel the worst of his hangover washing away. He was sure there'd still be a pounding headache to contend with but his muscles and joints were no longer aching and as he washed himself clean of his dried cum the nausea was fading.

Still he wished he could remember the exact events of the night before. He had just fleeting visions of the tanned skin and ripped muscular body of the man with no recollection of the woman. He couldn't picture her reaction as he revealed his cock to her.

"Oh big boy!"

His reaction, the man's, hit him like a flash. His surprise and appreciation for the length and girth of it. Liam felt like he could see the man licking his lips at the sight of it. Soft wet lips that had almost been hungry for it. This man had wanted him. He could see a flash of desire in dark eyes so clearly now. A look of repressed hunger. Liam had seen it once before. Zayn had looked at him with that hunger and greed on the one occasion they'd shared a woman. The woman, a receptionist or maid Liam thought, had been beautiful but Zayn barely registered her instead his attention was almost exclusively on Liam. This was before he'd developed the defined muscle he possessed now. He was rounder and softer but still Zayn had watched him intently. Greedily.

Liam had become aware sometime after that Zayn's sexuality was more flexible than his own. He'd discovered Zayn on his knees for Harry attempting to devour his oversized cock. Neither of his bandmates had seen him and he silently retreated from the room. He'd known from that point on, probably before then in fact, that had he wanted to he could have had Zayn's soft plump lips wrapped around his cock. He never did though. He'd thought about it. He'd wondered about the superiority he'd have felt having his pretty boy bandmate on his knees but it had done nothing for him. It was already clear that he was the alpha to Zayn's beta and the thought of another man's mouth held no appeal to him.

And yet as he stood in the shower water cascading over him Liam became aware that his hand was wrapped around his impressive cock and he was stroking himself. His cock was rapidly hardening; growing longer and thicker with every slow move of his hand up or down the shaft. He was being fuelled by that man's lips. By how soft and delicate they'd look. And by that look of desire in his eyes. There had been no desire to further prove his superiority over Zayn all those years ago but the man last night was different. It had not been obvious that Liam was the alpha to this man's beta. His body had been superior to Liam's. He had the rich tanned rippling muscles of a God. To have that man on his knees would be different.

"You should go faster..."

He could hear the man now as if he were in the shower with him. Whispering in his ear. Desperate for Liam to stroke faster. Willing Liam to shoot his load. This is how it had been the night before. The man had already cum. Liam had barely begun to tease and play with his cock but this man had cum. Unable to control himself he'd shot his load within minutes. Now he wished for Liam to do the same. For him to jerk harder and faster. To shoot his load like some horny virgin teenager.

" this!"

Liam's breath caught as he remembered the man's hand on his cock. The way his fingers wrapped around the shaft. How he'd gripped the cock tightly and stroked. Fast confident strokes up and down his shaft. Liam could remember the pleasure of it. He could remember how good it had felt to have this man's wrapped tightly around his cock. He could remember the way it had brought him ever closer to orgasm. Pushing him closer and closer to the edge. He could remember trying to hold back. Trying to stay in control. And then-

"Cum for me big boy..."

The words whispered directly into his ear. The heat of breath on his skin. The pleading tone. This man had wanted it so badly. Wanted him so badly.

"Oh fuck!"

Liam was back in the shower as the orgasm rolled through his body. He felt his muscles tighten and strain and then he was cumming. Pleasure filled every inch of him as his cum exploded from his cock. Multiple spurts landing on the walls of the shower to be washed away by the pouring water. Slowly the release of the orgasm passed and he could feel his breathing changing from deep panting breaths to a normal silent steady rhythm. He could see his cum mixing with the water of the shower as it disappeared down the drain. But more than that he could see what had happened last night. He had clear pictures of it in his mind.

There had been no woman. Just him and the man. The man that had wanted his cock. The man that had wrapped his hand around his cock so tightly and confidently. He could remember it all now. He could remember Cristiano Ronaldo bringing him to orgasm.

"Oh God! That was amazing!"

Liam barely registered the woman's words as he rolled out of the bed. It was nothing that he hadn't heard before. He'd soon discovered that the women he slept with couldn't help but tell him how good it had been afterward as if their screams and their gushing squirting wetness hadn't been clear enough. On the occasions when another man had been present Liam enjoyed these overwhelmed proclamations but when it was just him he found it tiresome.

"Seriously I don't think I've every cum like that."

Liam grabbed his phone from the nightstand next to the bed and, still naked, made his way to the bathroom. He was vaguely aware that the woman was still talking. Babbling about how she'd enjoyed a particular position probably. He'd begun to completely zone out for this post-sex review particularly in recent weeks.

Since his Hugo Boss campaign had launched Liam had found an even higher number of women throwing themselves at him. It had almost been a return to the height of the mania surrounding One Direction only this had been better. It wasn't desperate inexperienced teens or their equally desperate but more experienced mothers throwing themselves at him but a different calibre of woman altogether. He was careful to weed out the obvious kiss and tell girls who would run to a tabloid with tales of their night of passion together but he'd been more than happy to take advantage of this increased interest in him.

It had been a parade of different women in a multitude of different hotel rooms in the weeks since the campaign had gone live. He was aware, of course, that he was attempting to use these women as a distraction. He wanted them to be a way to forget what had happened the night the Hugo campaign had launched. In this they were entirely unsuccessful. Almost all he could think about was that night. These women were no distraction. If anything they just made the situation worse because after he'd finished with them he'd excuse himself, usually to the bathroom as he had tonight, and open up a Google search and be greeted by hundreds of thousands of images of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Originally he'd scrolled through Ronaldo's Instagram taking in various posed and supposedly candid photos of the footballer but he'd quickly grown paranoid that he'd accidentally like an old image by mistake and so had instead switched to Google. He wasn't even sure why he did it. He didn't touch himself as he looked at the images nor did he use them to get hard again. He'd had no trouble performing with any of the women he'd taken to hotel rooms and felt sexually satisfied after he was done with them and yet he couldn't stop himself. Every night he'd just sit and scroll through photos of Ronaldo. The chiseled jaw, the remarkable body and those delicate pouting lips. He had become obsessed.

He was about to lock his phone back up and rejoin the dull post-sex chat with tonight's woman of choice when a message notification flashed across the screen. Excitement flooded his system as he read the message. It was just three words from one of the members or assistants or something on his management team. But they were three glorious words.

Tickets secured. Enjoy.

The Legends Club, that was how the VIP treatment had been described to him upon arrival and he had to admit that it lived up to its billing. The constant yet subtle service had kept his drink topped up and a wide selection of snacks and food within arms reach at all times. The views from the cushioned and comfortable seats of the sky box were undoubtedly impressive as well although he'd paid little attention to the game he was ostensibly there to watch. He cared little for the performance of Juventus that, or any other, night and just mere minutes after the game had concluded he wouldn't have been able to recount the score or really a single event from the game. Surveying the celebratory atmosphere in the expansive bar he now occupied he supposed the result must have been a good one for the Italian team.

Liam's interest however did not lie in the ups and downs of the Juventus performance but rather the events that would be unfolding in the bar in the immediate future. There was, he'd been assured on multiple occasions, a meet and greet to come. The victorious Juventus squad would be mingling with the VIP's of the Legends Club. Mostly, Liam supposed, the other VIP's would be made up of sponsors or businesspeople. As he cast his eye around the room there was no one present he immediately recognised a fact for which he'd found himself surprisingly relieved. He had, however, found others in the room recognising him. Some whispered chatter along with some discreet, and not so discreet, stares. The handful of women in the bar in particular had noticed him. No doubt they were wives and girlfriends dragged to the event by their partners. Under other circumstances Liam might have returned their stares and matched their smiles. Not tonight though. Tonight he had other intentions.

As the first players, freshly showered and suited, began to file into the room Liam was able to retreat into the background. The wandering attention of the VIP's desperate for some kind of celebrity interaction drifted away from him to the real reason they were here, the Juventus players. Liam wasn't sure he recognised any of the players that floated into the bar and engaged with awkward small talk with the ranks of anonymous VIPs. Some of them seemed vaguely familiar and under normal circumstances he was sure he'd be able to name at least a handful of them but for right now these men weren't important. Their names and faces could be disregarded. He wasn't here to mix with them.

Applause and light cheers greeted the arrival of the evening's main attraction. Cristiano Ronaldo, the shining star of the Juventus team, was happy to accept his celebratory greeting as he entered the room even as he made a show of feigning modesty waving it off. It was clear from the shift in tone and energy in the room that Ronaldo was the guest of honour. All eyes and attention had shifted to him the moment he'd entered the bar. The women that had been appreciatively, and even lustfully, watching Liam had fully turned their attention to Ronaldo and as much as it pained his ego to admit it Liam could understand why.

The Portugese superstar was quite the sight to behold. As his teammates milled around the room uncomfortable in their suits and ties Ronaldo seemed to be in his element. The dark suit he wore seemed to be subtly different to those worn by the rest of the team. Cut differently. Just ever so slightly more form fitting. It clung to his impressive physique highlighting the curves and bulges of his muscular build. Liam's focus however was not on the way Ronaldo's suit seemed to struggle to contain his muscular form but on the player's face. The strong jawline and those dark eyes he'd once seen fill with lust and desire. And those delicate lips that looked so soft and perfectly moist. He was going to have this man's mouth.

After a minute or two of mingling with the assorted guests that occupied the Legends Club bar Ronaldo finally caught sight of Liam. A momentary look of surprise was replaced by a broad smile that flashed dazzlingly white teeth. Liam returned the smile with one of his own. For a moment the two men communicated wordlessly across the room. Ronaldo gesturing to the groups of people crowded around him and Liam nodding his understanding. Before they could speak Ronaldo would need to complete his obligation of greeting and exchanging awkward small talk with the sea of people club officials pushed in his direction.

"So... are you a fan?"

Liam hadn't noticed the woman sidle over to the corner of the room he occupied. His attention had been elsewhere. Still he recognised her from earlier in the evening. She was hard to forget. The woman was entirely over, or perhaps more accurately under, dressed for attending a football match. Her skirt would have been just a fraction too short, her top just a little too low cut and her heels just a bit too high for a night out let alone the VIP confines of the Juventus Legends Club. She was all bright blonde hair and giant tits. No doubt some piece of young arm candy for one of the older richer men in the room.

Liam had noticed her not so subtly checking him out at various points throughout the evening. She wasn't really his type, he preferred brunettes and had always considered himself more of an arse man than tits, but under normal circumstances he supposed he would have thought about taking her back to his hotel. It would have been a decision as to whether to do it publicly, ensuring the man who'd brought her to the function knew she was leaving with him, or privately so her partner was left wondering where she'd gone at the end of the night.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said I didn't know you were a fan..."

On second thoughts this woman, with an accent Liam couldn't quite place, probably wouldn't have ended up back at his hotel. She seemed a little more than tipsy and emboldened by it. This woman seemed more like a quick trip to the toilet kind of woman. She'd sloppily and drunkenly slobber on his cock for a few minutes and then he'd have her against the wall of the cubicle. Covering her mouth to stifle the screams as she came. And then they'd return to the party. Her slightly dazed and fulfilled and him frustrated and hunting for a better conquest.


Liam's years of media training wouldn't allow him to be outright rude to the woman and tell her to leave him alone but he couldn't quite bring himself to actively engage either. Half hearted and uninterested responses seemed like the quickest way to end the interaction.

"Do you come a lot? I'm here quite a lot now with..."

She just trailed off here seemingly remembering that she'd come to this event with someone. Her eyes cast around the room presumably attempting to locate the sugar daddy who'd granted her access to the room. When she seemed unable to locate him her attention shifted back to Liam.

"... Well it doesn't matter. I wasn't really watching the game though."


"I couldn't take my eyes off you!"

The woman winked at him as she said this. Her eyes and body language filled with an ugly sort of desperation.

"Look. I'm sure you're lovely and everything but I'm really not interested."

It seemed to take the woman a few seconds to fully process what she'd heard. It was like watching someone operate on a satellite delay. Her face slowly filling with surprise if not outright shock at this preemptive rejection. He supposed that for most men, particularly most men in this room, this woman would have appeared an almost unattainable dream. Her body was impressive and obscured though it was underneath too much make-up, extensions and God knows what else Liam suspected she was pretty. For Liam though she wasn't some unattainable once in a lifetime prize. She was a dime a dozen.

"I... Well... You don't know what you're missing out on. I'd have drained you dry!"

"I bet."

The woman tried her best to storm off without actually storming off but even the most casual of observers would have been able to notice her unhappily stomping away.

"A real ladies man, huh!"

Liam recognised the accented voice instantly. Ronaldo, it seemed, had finished with his commitments elsewhere in the room and was ready to join Liam at his small isolated table in the corner of the bar. He was all smiles. Seemingly amused by his own observation.

"You watched the game?"

"Yeah..." Liam understood the eyes of the room were on the pair. Curious and furtive glances likely wondering what this unlikely pairing could be discussing. "You played well."

Liam had no idea if this was actually true. The details of the game, even Ronaldo's performance, escaped him but it seemed a safe assumption to make. And even if it weren't true he had no doubt that Ronaldo would have no trouble accepting the complement.

A strange silence settled between the two of them. An unspoken and strange tension existed between them but in the bar surrounded by other people neither dared name it. Liam just watched as Ronaldo nervously licked at those inviting lips. He needed to find a way to get them out of this bar. This was all so much easier with women. With Ronaldo he seemed to lack his usual self assured confidence. Only that wasn't quite right. He could still feel the confidence in his gut. He understood the way Ronaldo was looking at him now and vividly remembered the way he'd looked at him back in that hotel room all those weeks ago. He could still sense the lust and desire in the footballer's eyes. He was still confident he'd have no trouble getting what he desired from Ronaldo. It was the public setting that made the situation so difficult.

"How long are you here?"

"Just tonight. Just passing through."

Liam picked up on the flash of disappointment and excitement that danced across Ronaldo's features. Disappointed that they'd only be reunited for tonight but excited at the prospect and possibilities of it.

"You have a hotel?"

Liam smiled at this question. He had spent almost everyday since remembering the last time they'd ended up in a hotel room together. The way they'd admired one another from a distance. And then the way Ronaldo had taken hold of his cock. His hand bringing Liam to a powerful climax but wanting to do so much more.



Ronaldo's response confused him. Was the footballing God suddenly getting cold feet? He'd pursued Liam last time. Had wanted him badly. Liam had seen that in his eyes but maybe now it was all just a little too real. Maybe this ripped Mediterean God wasn't quite ready to accept his position beneath Liam. Not that it mattered. Liam was the alpha and he was confident that Ronaldo would fall in line like every good beta was destined to. The same way his former bandmates had learned to listen to his judgement and prioritise his desires.

"No hotel. You stay with me!"

This proclamation caught Liam off guard. He'd been anticipating another illicit night in a hotel room with the footballer locked away from the world. Ronaldo's house seemed more open somehow. It was more than though. He could tell that Ronaldo was attempting to assert some control over the situation. He desired Liam of that there was no question but he was Cristiano Ronaldo. A God among men. Liam could already feel his cock responding to the idea of taking his place above this God.

"You don't need to do that man."

"No. No. I want you..." Ronaldo let those three words hang in the air for just a second before he continued. " stay with me. My friends don't stay in hotels. And we are friends, yes?"

"Yes we're friends!"

"Excellent. Come! Come! We go now."

With this Ronaldo was off and marching toward the same doors through which he'd entered the bar. He made time to wave and smile at a handful of guests, even stopping to shake hands with one or two but his determination to leave was obvious. Liam was happy to follow him across the bar and through the Juventus stadium. He was happy to give Ronaldo this control. To watch as his confidence in the situation swelled. It made the thought of what Liam knew was to come so much sweeter.

"So this is your room!"

The drive to the sleek, spacious piece of modern architecture that Ronaldo called home had passed in silence save for the roar of the car's engine as Ronaldo sped down quiet Italian streets. Liam wasn't sure how far out of the city they were but as they'd driven through the gates of the property and down an extended drive it had seemed as if there wasn't another building or person for miles.

The house itself was surprisingly warm and homely. Among the pictures of Ronaldo that hung from walls and occupied frames on different surfaces were pictures of dogs and people Liam assumed were friends and family. A giant portrait of Ronaldo with a brood of kids dominated the entrance hall. As Liam had stood entranced by it Ronaldo, reading his mind, had explained that the kids stayed in the other wing. There would be no one to disturb them. He wondered how many times Ronaldo had done this, brought someone back to his home like this. How many women had spent the night here? How many men? Their last encounter may have been Liam's first sexual contact with a man but it hadn't been Ronaldo's. The ease and confidence with which he'd set it up was practiced.

In no time at all Ronaldo had led Liam to the upper floors of this private wing of his mansion of a home to a glass fronted room dominated by a giant bed. This, Ronaldo had proudly proclaimed, was to be his room.

"You like? Better than a hotel, yes?"


Liam wasn't paying much attention to the room. His focus was on Ronaldo. He'd loosened his tie before the journey to the house but otherwise he was still in his tight form fitting suit with his hair precisely styled. He looked every inch the male model rather than the world's greatest footballer. He looked stunning and those lips, he kept licking them as if to tease Liam, were calling out to be used.

"You know, I have a surprise for you..."

A flash of recognition passed over Ronaldo's face at these words. The same words he'd used in a hotel room not that long ago. It was the first thing that even came close to either man acknowledging the events that had taken place that night.

"A surprise?"

"Yeah. Why don't you sit down."

Liam gestured toward the end of the bed at the centre of the room. Slowly, his eyes never leaving Liam, Ronaldo made his way across the room and dropped down onto the end of the bed. Liam moved so he was stood before the foot of the bed. Planted firmly in Ronaldo's eyeline but just out of reach of him.

"Do you like surprises?"

As he spoke Liam casually maneuvered his jacket off of his shoulders and let it slide down his lightly toned arms to the floor. The t-shirt he wore underneath was carefully selected for this evening. It was just a little too small and so a little too tight. It clung to his muscular upper body. Highlighting the growing size and definition of his arms and chest. Ronaldo was once again licking those lips.


"Good. So do I."

Liam punctuated the statement with a wink hoping to make clear his reference to their previous encounter. Ronaldo hardly seemed to hear the words though. His eyes were fixed on Liam. Taking in the size and shape of him. Liam could see that familiar look of lust beginning to enter his eyes. A look that only grew as Liam pulled his too tight shirt up and over his head exposing his upper body. Liam had continued his twice daily workouts since completing his underwear shoot and perhaps even redoubled his efforts since he'd last seen Ronaldo. The result was that his body was more toned and defined than before. His chest muscles more pronounced and the cut of his abs just a little deeper.

Ronaldo seemed to notice and appreciate the effort. He raised his hand as if to run the tips of fingers down Liam's ripped stomach but felt nothing but air. Liam was just out of reach. Tantalisingly close but not close enough.

Without saying more Liam unbuckled the belt looped around his jeans and kicked off his shoes. Both joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor next to him. Without the belt his jeans dropped slightly from his waist exposing the waistband of his underwear. It wasn't the bright red band of the pair they'd both been wearing during their last meeting but if Ronaldo noticed the band he didn't seem to recognise it. His attention still seemed focused on Liam's upper body. Liam was appreciative but surprised by that fixation. While his body was undoubtedly impressive by any normal standard compared to the definition and muscle of Ronaldo he knew it paled in comparison. Not wishing to linger on this thought pulled open the buttons of his jeans and let them drop to the floor.

"Oh... wow..."

As the jeans hit the floor Ronaldo had finally caught sight of the underwear Liam was wearing. The dark black boxer shorts seemed to shine a little as they clung to Liam's thighs and highlighted his impressive package. But it was the waistband, dark and embossed with CR7, that had most caught Ronaldo's attention. Liam Payne was stood not in underwear from his own Hugo Boss range but rather in a pair from Cristiano Ronaldo's collection. Liam had been paranoid the moment he'd slipped the boxers on in his hotel room earlier that night that someone would snap a photo of the waistband showing and share it online. He was only supposed to be wearing Hugo branded underwear but as he took in Ronaldo's awestruck reaction to them he knew the risk had been worth it.

"You like?"

Again Liam was echoing the words he remembered Ronaldo saying to him that night. It was clear from the unmistakable look of lust and desire in his eyes what his answer was and once again Liam could feel his cock twitching into life as Ronaldo's eyes drank him in and he licked those incredible lips.

"Yes! You look surpreendente..." So lost in the moment Ronaldo had slipped into Portugese as he had that night in the hotel. Just as he reached orgasm. "...ah... amazing!"

"Show me..."

Back to echoing Ronaldo's words from their last encounter. Gesturing at the footballer in the way he'd gestured at him back in that hotel room. But while Ronaldo had been speaking softly, almost requesting, Liam's tone was harsher. More demanding. Not that it seemed to bother Ronaldo in any way. He was on his feet the moment Liam's words left his mouth. His shoes kicked off and suit jacket discarded on the bed.

"Slower." Another simple command.

Ronaldo obeyed. His hands that had been roughly yanking at the dark tie loosely wrapped around his neck slowed and became less frantic. Carefully he untangled the knot and pulled the tie loose, dropping it down onto the floor. The buttons of his shirt were next. Slowly and carefully opening each one revealing more of his dark tanned skin with each button. His muscled and defined flesh coming ever more into view until the shirt was fully open and slipped off. Discarded on the bed like the jacket. There was no careful folding of the clothes this time.

Liam reached out this time and let his fingertips gently brush against the skin of Ronaldo's stomach. They were close enough to touch now and as his fingers ran down the solid ridges of the footballers abs Liam heard the other man's breath catch slightly. He felt him physically react to the touch. His whole body seemed to tighten. Somehow the already impossibly solid muscle became harder.

"Keep going..."

Liam nodded to Ronaldo's dark suit trousers as he withdrew his hand. Ronaldo dutifully did as instructed unbuckling his leather belt before releasing the button and zip of the fly. Liam was now getting his first glimpse of the bright white underwear Ronaldo was wearing, it too was embossed with CR7 but as Ronaldo pulled his trousers down and kicked them free of his ankles Liam saw that he was not in boxers but briefs. Tiny white briefs. There barely seemed enough material to cover him and the way his powerful muscled thighs seemed to explode from the underwear was almost obscene. Once again Liam couldn't help but be in awe of the God-like physique before him. Ronaldo seemed to be nothing but muscle. Every inch of him solid and defined.

"Can I...?"

Ronaldo's hand was hovering in the air between them. His request was clear. He wanted to touch Liam and it sent a jolt of excitement through him that Ronaldo had known to ask permission. In response Liam took hold of Ronaldo's wrist and guided him upward to the top of his chest and then down onto the flesh.

Ronaldo almost seemed to sigh as his fingers pressed against the flesh of Liam's chest. Testing the solid muscle he found there. And then sliding down. A finger brushing against a nipple before moving to the top of Liam's abs. They weren't as pronounced or even as many as Ronaldo's and yet he seemed obsessed with them. His fingers tracing the cut lines of each defined abdominal. Feeling the solid stomach and biting his bottom lip as he did so.

When Ronaldo's fingers brushed against the waistband of his underwear Liam once again took hold of his wrist. This time he was pulling the fingers away from his flesh. Moving the hand back to the air between them.

"What do you want?"

The question hung in the air unanswered for a moment. Ronaldo's eyes moving over Liam as he seemed to contemplate the answer to the question he was being asked. Liam could tell that Ronaldo was hard already. His tiny briefs strained and fought against his erection. They both knew the answer to the question.

"You..." Liam continued to stare at Ronaldo. Waiting him out. "... Your cock"

Liam smiled. This was the answer he had wanted. He released Ronaldo's wrist and moved around and half jumped onto the bed. Allowing himself to lounge with his back and shoulders propped up by pillows. Ronaldo spun and scrambled to follow. All the grace he displayed on the field was gone as he climbed onto the bed hurrying toward Liam's cock.


Ronaldo's hands had been about to grab at the waistband of his underwear. To pull it down and release his prize. The thing he'd no doubt been craving since they'd last met. But Liam's words stopped him in his tracks. He looked panicked and worried as if he'd misread the situation and was about to have his ultimate prize taken away from him.

"Start down there..." Liam nodded down to the end of the bed. "...with my feet!"

Liam had never really been into feet. A woman had once sucked on his toes, assuring him beforehand he'd love it, but it had done nothing for me. There was however something incredibly enticing about the idea of Ronaldo, the world's greatest footballer so celebrated for what he could do with his feet, being willing to kiss his feet. And Ronaldo was willing. Without hesitation he slithered back down and off the bed so that he was kneeling on the floor his mouth level with Liam's socked feet.

Cautiously, as if preparing to be denied again, Ronaldo's hands moved toward Liam this time toward his feet. When Liam said nothing he moved faster with more confidence. Pulling the dark cotton socks off Liam's feet. Ronaldo stared at the feet before him for a moment as if unsure what to do next. Liam though was sure he knew exactly what to do. He was sure that Ronaldo had had many partners perform this exact service for him. The ultimate footballing God having his feet worshipped just seemed right and that was what Liam so enjoyed about the thought of what was to come. The complete role reversal of it.

After just a few moments of hesitation Ronaldo dove forward and onto Liam's left foot. His lips pressing against the top of the foot with a gentle kiss. His lips pecking their way from the ankle to the toes. When he reached the toes there was another moment of hesitation. Liam could feel Ronaldo's hot breath on each of his toes as he contemplated what to do next. And then the footballer's tongue was circling, rolling over and between his toes. His perfect lips greedily closing around them and sucking.

This felt so different to the last time he'd tried it. The greed and hunger with which Ronaldo was devouring and worshipping each of his feet and toes in turn was incredible. Each deliberate move of his tongue sent thrilling waves of pleasure through his body. And everytime those soft lips closed around a toe it was magical. Liam allowed the pleasure to take over. He made no attempt to stop Ronaldo as he began to climb back onto and up the bed. His tongue and lips snaking their way up his legs and thighs. Jumping from left to right greedily trying to taste all of him. And then finally he arrived at Liam's cock. A cock that was already harder than Liam could ever remember it being.

Ronaldo's mouth passed over Liam's cock hovering just above. His lips and tongue never quite making contact but Liam could feel the breath on his cock even through the material of the boxer shorts. And then Ronaldo's hands were on the waistband of the boxers. Tugging and yanking them down. Pulling them over Liam's throbbing erection which smacked against his abs. After a brief struggle Ronaldo had managed to pull the shorts free of Liam entirely and thrown them somewhere into the room.

"So big..."

Ronaldo seemed fascinated by Liam's cock. Staring at it from different angles before slowly running a single finger up the length of the solid 9 inch shaft. All the way from the base at the top of his lightly haired balls to the very tip of his uncut head. And then it was Ronaldo's tongue completing this journey. Twisting and turning its way from the base of Liam's cock to the head. As that tongue moved over his cock Liam couldn't help but release a deep satisfied moan. It felt good.

"My balls... suck my balls..."

Ronaldo's lips had gently pressed against the base of his cock with a single kiss as Liam spoke these words. He'd been sure Ronaldo had intended to gently kiss his way up the shaft next but that wasn't what he wanted. Like a good boy Ronaldo reversed course and instead gently kissed on Liam's balls. And then as commanded he wrapped his soft little lips around them and sucked.

"Oh fuck yes!"

Liam adored having his balls sucked and Ronaldo's lips felt so good wrapped around his balls. His mouth was so warm and wet. And as he sucked Ronaldo's tongue tickled back and forth on Liam's large cum filled balls. Ronaldo's mouth and tongue greedily licked and sucked at Liam's balls as they had his feet. The pleasure of it was intense and Liam could feel a warm wetness on his stomach as cock began to leak pre-cum.

"Can I suck? Please can I suck?"

Ronaldo was looking up at Liam with desperation in his eyes now. It looked like more than anything else in the world Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to suck his cock and Liam simply couldn't deny him. Wordlessly he took hold of Ronaldo via his still perfectly styled hair and guided those incredible lips up 9 inches to the head of his cock.

Without waiting another second Ronaldo's lips closed around the head of Liam's cock and he felt as if he might be in heaven. Those perfect moist lips wrapped around his shaft and sliding down. Letting more of Liam's cock work its way into his warm wet mouth. Ronaldo took just a couple of inches before working his way back up to the head of Liam's cock. And then Ronaldo's hand closed around the base of Liam's cock and began to stroke in time with the confident steady movement of his lips as he bobbed up and down on the first few inches of the big cock.

But Liam wanted more. Ronaldo was savouring every moment on Liam's cock but Liam wanted that greed and hunger with which he'd devoured his feet and balls. He wanted to feel the head of his cock pushing against Ronaldo's throat and forcing its way into and down it. He wanted to hear and feel this God of a man choking and spluttering on his cock and loving every second of it.

"No hands!"

The order was barked and Ronaldo obeyed, releasing his grip on the base of Liam's cock. This wasn't enough though and Liam once again gripped at Ronaldo's thick dark hair. Grabbing a tight handful as he began to dictate Ronaldo's speed on his cock. Forcing him to move faster and deeper onto it. With each move down Liam would push just a little harder and feel his cock move just a little deeper into Ronaldo's mouth. Testing his throat with a splutter and then a choke.

"That's it!"

Ronaldo was beginning to move by himself now with less guidance from Liam. He understood what Liam wanted and seemed determined to give it to him. He was diving deeper and deeper onto the cock. Forcing it deeper and deeper into his throat. Choking and gagging himself before breaking free for air and then diving back down onto it. The greed and hunger had returned. His lips tightly gripping Liam's cock as they moved up and down the shaft.

Ronaldo's mouth felt like nothing Liam had experienced before. The pleasure of it was intense and overwhelming and he allowed himself to get lost in it. To get lost in the greed and hunger with which Ronaldo was devouring his cock. He looked down at the God-like man worshipping his cock. Hearing him gag and choke himself on its length. This ultimate male specimen reduced to servicing him like a greedy little whore. He'd enjoyed humiliating his former bandmates by showing up their incompetent and mediocre sexual performances but this was another level. The way this stud had and was continuing to debase himself for Liam's pleasure was indescribable.

Once again Liam grabbed hold of a handful of Ronaldo's hair. He wanted to push things further. He wanted to know how badly Ronaldo wanted to please him. Liam bucked his hips as he forced Ronaldo's head down. The combined force of the two actions was enough for Liam's cock to slide deep into Ronaldo's throat. He felt his lips reach the base of his cock.

"Oh fuck yes!"

The pleasure was intense and heightened further by hearing Ronaldo choking and spluttering as he struggled for breath. Liam held him there at the base of his cock. He was struggling and fighting trying to break free but not really. Liam had no doubt that if this mountain of muscle wanted to be free from this he would be. But he wanted Liam's cock. He wanted it all buried deep into the back of his throat.

Finally Liam released Ronaldo and immediately he sprang free of the cock taking in deep gulping breaths. Liam's cock covered in spit now glistened in the light of the room as Ronaldo continued to take in deep breaths. Liam could see that Ronaldo's eyes were watery and a tear or two had escaped and rolled down his check. Liam's cock had done that. He felt himself swell with pride. And then Ronaldo still taking deep breaths dived back onto Liam's cock. Proving himself to be a true cock hungry whore he was once again devouring Liam's cock.

Liam allowed the pleasure to overwhelm him once again. He allowed himself to get lost in the euphoria of Cristiano Ronaldo worshipping his cock. Watching that muscled back tense and twist as he moved his mouth up and down Liam's cock. The man who had probably bedded countless models in this very bed now reduced to nothing more than a cock whore. Liam allowed his superiority to wash over himself and confirm his status as alpha. He could feel that his orgasm was approaching by the way his balls had tightened and his body was beginning to tingle. He knew that he could hold it back but he didn't want to. He was ready. Ready for the final stage. He was ready to mark his territory.

In one quick movement Liam flipped himself and Ronaldo over. Ronaldo was on his back now with Liam towering over him powerfully thrusting his cock into his mouth. Ronaldo made no move to stop or control it. He simply opened wide and allowed Liam to fuck his mouth and throat. To push his cock deep into his throat. Choking him with every thrust of his hips.

Liam knew that just a few more thrusts and he'd be past the point of no return. Reluctantly he withdrew from Ronaldo's all to willing mouth and closed his fist around his own cock. Just a few fast tight strokes was all it took.

"Yes fucking fuck!"

Liam was cumming. An intense and enduring orgasm. Wave after wave of it rolled through his body. He could feel every muscle in his body contract and then loosen. And contract once more. He was sure that with each wave of the orgasm that hit he was shaking. And his cum was like a shower. He continued to stroke as shot after shot erupted from his cock. His loads had always been big but this was something else. The cum just seemed to keep coming and coming. Until finally it stopped. The pleasure subsided and he dropped onto the bed.


That was about all he could manage as he tried to regain his breath and his composure. In his life Liam had never cum quite like that. It wasn't just the amount of cum but the intensity of the orgasm. It had been incredible. More incredible still when he looked over at Ronaldo. That perfect bronze skin was covered in white. Ronaldo had been drenched in cum. His chest and abs held small puddles of cum and smears of it were in his dark hair but it was his face that had taken the brunt of it. His checks, his forehead, his chin, his nose and even those incredible lips not a single feature had been spared. Liam had well and truly marked his territory.

"That was... fuck..."

Liam's breathing was still slightly off. He couldn't quite believe that it had only been a blowjob that had brought him that much pleasure. Usually bowjobs were so disappointing. The woman struggling against the length and girth of his cock. But Ronaldo had been the perfect greedy cock whore. Always ready for more. Fully devouring all of his thick 9 inches. It had been incredible. And now to see him so well and truly covered in cum was just the cherry on top.

Slowly Ronaldo began to stir. For the moments after Liam's orgasm he had been still but now slowly and cautiously he was moving.

"I... I need to clean up..."

"Yes you do!"

Liam couldn't help but enjoy this. Ronaldo, the perfect male specimen, covered in his cum and trying to maneuver himself off the bed without covering the sheets in the sticky white liquid. As Ronaldo slowly managed to work his way off the bed Liam became aware that the footballers cock was still rock hard in his tight little briefs. A large pooling wet spot indicated that Ronaldo had been leaking copious amounts of precum but it seemed as if his dick had remained untouched this whole time. His cock must be throbbing but still he paid it no attention so consumed was he with pleasuring Liam.

Ronaldo was up on his feet again and carefully making his way to what Liam assumed must be a bathroom attached to the bedroom. He supposed that Ronaldo would finally get around to finishing himself off in the shower and that seemed right. And yet as he watched the footballer make his way to the bathroom something seemed off. Liam's eyes were glued to Ronaldo's as he walked. Taking in that broad powerful back which led down to a tight rounded arse barely contained by those tiny white briefs. Liam had always prided himself on his skills in bed. On the way he would bring every woman he was with to climax whether they satisfied him or not. And there was Ronaldo, a perfect greedy little cock whore, who had given him the most incredible orgasm not yet satisfied.

The thought stayed with him until he heard the shower power on in the bathroom and made his decision.

Liam rolled off the bed and marched toward the bathroom. It was a surprisingly large and spacious room the centrepiece of which was a large waterfall shower. Ronaldo was under that shower. His back to Liam water cascading down over him and washing away the ocean of cum that Liam had covered him in.

"We're not done yet..."

Liam joined Ronaldo in the shower as he spoke. The footballer had turned to face him but Liam gently turned him back.He pressed his lips on the back of Cristiano's neck. A soft gentle kiss before his tongue ran down his spine. Liam dropped down to his knees as his tongue moved to the base of Ronaldo's back and the top of his butt.


It was a surprised gasp as Liam's tongue ran down the crack between his cheeks. Gently Liam placed a hand on each of Ronaldo's tight firm cheeks, even his arse was solid muscle, and pulled them apart. Again he ran his tongue between the two cheeks only this time he was able to do deeper and to taste more. To feel the tip of his tongue brush against Ronaldo's hole.

"Oh wow!"

Another surprised gasp from Cristiano as Liam's tongue once again ran down the crack this time slower. Savouring the feeling and the taste of it. Liam had to admit that Ronaldo was delicious. And as he felt his tongue brush over Ronaldo's hole once again he returned to it. He let his tongue circle it, push at it and tease it. Each twisting turning move produced gasps and moans from Ronaldo.

Liam became aware that Ronaldo was stroking his own cock. He could feel the movement of it in Ronaldo's body. So he pushed on. Letting the tip of his tongue playfully test Ronaldo's hole. Teasingly pushing against it. As he felt Ronaldo's pace quicken and heard his moans get louder Liam allowed his tongue to just a little harder. To twist and turn in the entrance of the hole.

"Please... don't stop... please..."

The pleasure filled whimper was all the encouragement Liam needed. He pushed his tongue into the hole. Twisting, turning and lapping up the taste of it. Burying his face deeper into Ronaldo's arse as his tongue explored deep. Savouring the delicious taste of it. He could hear Ronaldo moaning with pleasure and the sound pushed him in further. His tongue twisting and lapping in and around Ronaldo's hole as his lips kissed and sucked at it.

"I'm gonna... don't stop... I'm gonna..."

There was a pleasure filled cry as Liam's tongue pushed into the hole one last time and he felt the force of Ronaldo's orgasm. Heard the pleasure of it. He kept his face buried in the perfect muscled arse for a moment longer. Letting the taste linger on his tongue and lips and then slowly withdrew. Ronaldo was leaning against the wall of the shower sucking in air.


Cristiano Ronaldo's exclamation seemed to perfectly sum up the evening. It had been unlike anything Liam had ever experienced before. The pure sexual ecstasy of it. Suddenly he more fully understood the babbling women he dealt with after sex. This complete satisfaction was how he left them. Exhausted but entirely fulfilled. God it felt amazing. No wonder they always came back for me. As he watched Ronaldo slowly begin to regain his composure he knew he would too.

Next: Chapter 3

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