The Underwear Models

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 7, 2021


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The Underwear Models

He didn't recognise the music that was blaring from the speakers as he finally made his way into the crowded club. This was a relief. On the journey over he'd been struck by the fear that his own songs would be on a constant loop and combined with the giant inflated images of himself hanging from walls and cycling across screens that would have been too much. The whole event was too much. He hadn't wanted to come. When he'd agreed to become the face, or perhaps body was more accurate, of a brand he hadn't really anticipated being in a room surrounded by people he didn't know and larger than life near naked images of himself.

Still the images had turned out great at least that's what a steady parade of people, some he knew and some he didn't, had been telling him all day. He'd barely glanced at them himself trusting the people around him to make final decisions on what images should be included in the campaign and those that shouldn't. Their judgement, it turned out had been good. Despite promising himself that he wouldn't he'd spent almost the entire day scrolling through Twitter gauging reaction to the image. That had been quite the ego boost he had to admit but now, as he looked up at the giant images of himself surrounding him on all sides, he'd never felt more self conscious.

"Congratulations man it all looks great!"

He had no idea who the man yelling that in his general direction was and he had no time to respond before he was swept away into the crowd of people attending the launch party. A launch party his agent and management had made clear he had to attend despite his protests and declarations that he'd rather do anything else.

"Mr Payne!" A woman was hurrying toward him with an iPad in hand and some kind of communication device hooked over her head. "You're here, fantastic! Just this way there's some people waiting to meet you."

Liam had been introduced to the woman earlier in the week but as he followed her as she weaved through crowds of people he couldn't remember her name. This, he'd discovered, had been one of the downsides of going solo. As part of One Direction at least one of the other boys, probably Harry, would have remembered her name and he'd be able to use it now. He'd be able to question her on who he was about to meet and how long he had to stay at this event for exactly.

Not that Liam made a habit of ducking out of events early. Usually he was happy to hang around for the night. Downing drinks, finding someone to flirt with and maybe even indulging in a dance or two. Tonight was different though. Tonight everywhere he looked he saw himself stripped down to his underwear and it was weird. For the first time in years he felt truly uncomfortable.

" don't worry this is our little VIP area." He realised that she must have been talking this whole time but he hadn't heard a word of it over the music blasting from the club speakers. The noise was reduced here though. Probably something to do with the drapes and glass dividers that separated it from the rest of the club. "There are drinks. Obviously. And the hostesses can get you anything you might want. Enjoy yourself. Mingle. I'll be back with some press and other invited guests in a little bit."

Liam surveyed the VIP area as the nameless woman marched back out again. Thankfully he didn't catch sight of any images of himself draped or framed in here. An almost identical group of women hovered around the edges of the room. The hostesses Liam assumed given the way they nervously glanced toward the guests congregating in the middle of the room around tables and lounging on sofas. Liam himself surveyed the guests in the room searching for familiar and friendly faces. Anyone that might be able to ease his growing anxiety and self consciousness about this event.


Liam didn't recognise the accented voice that was congratulating him and was somewhat unprepared for the hearty but presumably well meaning slaps on his shoulder. He'd been listening to congratulations and well dones all morning but this one was more enthusiastic and excited than most of those. As he turned to face the man so enthusiastically congratulating him Liam was taken aback. The beaming white smile, bronze tanned skin and slick dark hair were unmistakable and yet it made no sense that he was here.

"The pictures they look great... " Cristiano Ronaldo gestured vaguely toward the main body of the club where Liam's debut underwear shoot covered the walls. "... you look great!"

"Wow! Thanks! I mean really thanks. That means a lot coming from you!"

Liam very quickly realised that he was in danger of babbling which was exactly what had happened the last time he'd met Ronaldo as part of some PR event or something for One Direction. The footballer had been the ultimate picture of cool and calm while Liam and the rest of the boys had become starstruck idiots. Not that this was particularly surprising, why would Ronaldo have cared about meeting the members of the boyband of the moment? They however had been overwhelmed by meeting him, maybe the greatest footballer on the planet.

Babbling or not it was true that the complaints from Ronaldo on the campaign pictures meant a lot to him. Ronaldo had been the star of his own underwear campaign for Armani, a campaign that Liam wasn't ashamed to admit had prompted him to purchase some Armani underwear. That campaign had been followed by the launch of his own underwear line, CR7, and again Liam wasn't ashamed to admit that he'd purchased more than a few pairs of those. Not that he'd ever wear them again. Hugo Boss had bombarded him with underwear and clothes in the months since he'd sign to be the face and body of their brand. He was fairly sure he'd never need to buy underwear again.

"And thanks for coming man!"

Liam just blurted the final part out. Concerned that the chat had come to a standstill and not sure what else to do. He suddenly had a strange appreciation and sympathy for the countless young fans who had met him over the years and become hyperventilating wrecks.

"No... no... you are part of the..." Ronaldo seemed to struggle momentarily for the word. His accented English was undeniably good but still a second language to him. "! We support each other now!"

This declaration of support and illusion to a club was accompanied by a playful wink

"You have interviews?"

"Yeah..." Liam gave a quick glance around the room wondering if the woman who had led him to this VIP area had returned.

"Ok... Ok... " Ronaldo smiled at Liam and the singer was struck by the madness of all of this. "You find me after. We drink!"


Liam had never been more keen to do a round of interviews in his life. The sooner that was over the sooner he'd apparently be having drinks with Ronaldo. The Ronaldo. Again he couldn't help but think of how insane the situation was. The world's greatest footballer, a man he idolised was going to have drinks with him.

"I see you later!"

There was another hearty slap on the shoulder and Ronaldo disappeared into the mingling group of VIP's in the room although not quite blending into it. Now that he knew was here Liam was sure he'd be able to pick the footballer out of the crowd for the rest of the night and easily find him again when this round of interviews was over..

Of course this was not the first time his newly earned membership in an exclusive club had been mentioned today. Alongside the whirlwind of congratulations and compliments had been references to the club he was joining and the company he was now keeping. The club of famous men who had agreed to be the face and body of an underwear brand. Not that, that had been Liam's intent when he agreed to work with Hugo Boss. He thought he'd be modelling some clothes and sending out sponsored Tweets and Instagram posts but then the talk about him possibly modelling their new underwear line had started. And it hadn't stopped. Before he'd fully comprehended what he'd signed up for he was in a studio stripped down to a pair of boxer shorts being told to look less panicked and more sexy.

It was crazy that Cristiano Ronaldo was here though.

"Mr Payne are you ready?" The woman, he really did feel bad that he didn't remember her name, was back.


Liam didn't really know what was happening or where exactly he was as he was gently guided into an elevator but he did know that the last round of shots had been a mistake. Probably the ones before that too.

The elevator was spinning and it definitely shouldn't be doing that.

Still he was celebrating. It wasn't everyday that he was launched as the body of an underwear line. And after weeks of half starving himself and swearing off alcohol to get into `shoot condition', as that devil of a trainer had called it, he deserved to cut loose a little. This was probably more than a little though if the spinning was any kind of indicator.

He was aware of stumbling out of the elevator now. His arm was draped over a strong set of broad shoulders the owner of which didn't seem to be struggling to support his drunken weight. The dark slick hair and deep dark tan of the man, it was definitely a man, guiding him down the corridor stubbornly refused to stay in focus but Liam felt safe and secure enough. And clearly the event staff, which was filled with his management and security, had been comfortable enough to let whoever this was take him to wherever they were going. In fact it was probably a member of the security team taking him back to his hotel room or whether he was supposed to be staying for the night.

"You know what?" To his own ear his words sound clear but he felt confident that he was slurring. "I really shouldn't have had that last shot!"

The man, whoever it was, seemed in good spirit or he was being paid enough to laugh at Liam's drunken attempts at jokes because as he bundled Liam through a doorway he was chuckling.

"Of course! It was your night!"

Liam was suddenly aware of standing on his own power now. The man that had been guiding him down the hallway had slipped free of him and was struggling with something at the door of what Liam was now positive was a hotel room. It had that unmistakable hotel smell and feel to it and as he stumbled forward the lights of a full suite powered on.

"You like?" The accented voice was familiar but as he tried to take in the suite he now occupied Liam couldn't quite place it. "I have a surprise for you. But first..."

The man was back supporting and guiding him now as he spoke. Leading Liam into the main body of the suit and gently guiding him down onto a large and impossibly soft sofa. For a moment Liam felt sure would fall asleep on the sofa. His eyes suddenly felt heavy and his brain was ready to just shut down and prepare itself for the hangover that would be present in the morning.

"What the holy fuck!"

Liam was suddenly wide awake and feeling remarkably sober. His face and shirt were covered in water and as he wiped the water from his eyes the room and the man that had guided him up to it came into focus. Cristiano Ronaldo was stood before him, an almost empty bottle of water in his hand and a ridiculous grin on his face.

"I told you. I have surprise."

"Yeah? Well, well done I'm surprised!"

Ronaldo was laughing again now as Liam continued to try and wipe the water from his face.

"This is not the surprise!" Its job done Ronaldo threw the almost empty bottle of water to the floor. The last dribbles of water leaking out onto the floor of the hotel. "This is..."

As Liam watched slack jawed Ronaldo pulled his shirt off over his head exposing what anyone, Liam included, could recognise as an astonishing body. Even in his inebriated state Liam could see the ridiculous definition of muscle in the footballers upper body. Liam had spent hours sweating in the gym and so long depriving himself of food and drink that he loved but still he knew his own body didn't compare to the man standing before him.

For his part Ronaldo barely seemed to register Liam's appreciation of the work of art that was his body. Instead he was carefully folding his shirt before gently placing it to one side. As he finally turned his attention back to Liam he ran just a single finger over the lowest of his numerous abs.

"You see...?" It took a moment for Liam's eyes to focus but when they did he realised Ronaldo had not been looking to draw attention to his precisely sculpted abdominals but rather the hint of a red waistband ever so slightly visible above his trousers. "No?"

Without missing another beat Ronaldo unbuckled his belt and pulled open the buttons holding his trousers closed. For a normal man this would likely have been enough for the trousers to easily slide down to his ankles but Ronaldo was no ordinary man. His large powerful thighs had stopped the trousers from falling and so he was forced to pull and tug at them before stepping out of them. He must have kicked his shows off when they arrived in the hotel room because Liam couldn't locate them as Ronaldo carefully folded his trousers and placed them with his shirt.

"What do you think?"

The footballing legend had once again turned toward Liam who couldn't quite believe his eyes. Ronaldo was standing before him in a pair of fitted bright white boxer shorts the red waistband of which was emblazoned with HUGO in bold black letters. This was the underwear Liam had been forced to catch sight of himself in all night. Or at least the style that was most prominently featured in his campaign.

"Wow... fucking hot!"

"You like?"

"Yes. You look amazing!"

Liam was suddenly very aware of the alcohol flowing through him. He was secure enough to be able to compliment and appreciate another man's appearance but this was something else. The alcohol had lowered his inhibitions and removed any filter. Not that Ronaldo cared. He was obviously something of an exhibitionist and seemed to be enjoying the effect he was having on Liam. at least he was judging by the smile on his face.

"Show me you..." Ronaldo gestured in Liam's direction to make sure that his meaning was clear.

"I... don't..."

"Come on. I see the pictures already."

Ronaldo's imperfect and slightly broken accented English was oddly endearing. It made this otherwise perfect specimen seem at least a little human.

"Yeah... I guess you have..."

Liam wasn't usually self conscious about his body especially not now. He'd maintained his gym regime after his shoot and so his body was just as defined and muscled as it had been then. Maybe even more so. But compared to the God-like figure in the room with him now his body wouldn't compare. In all the years he'd spent in One Direction he'd grown used to being the most muscular and defined of the group so this sense of inferiority was new. But while he was no Cristiano Ronaldo he was still Liam Payne and he was proud of his body and so he jumped to his feet.

He instantly regretted the speed with which he'd risen from the sofa. The moment his body left the comfort and support of the pillows the alcohol crashed over his senses. He felt dizzy and unsteady. For a second he thought he might fall but thankfully he managed to steady himself and the feeling of nausea quickly passed. When it did he pulled his own shirt over his head and off. Unlike Ronaldo he didn't take the time to fold and carefully place it somewhere instead throwing it to one side.

A strange feeling hit him as he stood in front of Ronaldo with shirt off. It was as if he could feel the footballer's eyes on his skin. He could feel them travelling over his defined abs and chest and taking in the tattoos that covered his arms. He was being appraised and evaluated and Ronaldo's expression was giving nothing away.

Liam's unbuckling of his belt was not as smooth or graceful as Ronaldo's had been. He fumbled and struggled with it before finally pulling it open and it was this success that knocked him off balance and sent him collapsing back onto the sofa. He was sure he'd heard Ronaldo chuckle at this but he couldn't be sure.

"I help you...?"

Ronaldo didn't immediately move toward Liam but instead hung back earnestly watching him. Eventually Liam nodded his approval for the idea and Ronaldo, with the speed and grace he displayed on the pitch, moved to Liam. He was on his knees quickly tugging at Liam's shoes pulling them off and discarding them to one side. Ronaldo's fingers were at the buttons holding his trousers closed next. Liam could almost feel electricity as Ronaldo pulled the buttons and his trousers open. Ronaldo began tugging at the trousers but they stubbornly stayed in place. It took a few seconds but Liam eventually realised why and raised himself from the sofa for a moment so that Ronaldo could successfully remove his trousers.

Liam watched as Ronaldo folded his trousers. It was strange to see a man he idolised folding his trousers for him. Somehow stranger still to see them placed next to Ronaldo's own trousers. Now that he was stopping to think about it this whole situation was strange. What, exactly, was happening here?


Ronaldo's voice broke that particular train of thought before it could leave the station and Liam, slowly this time, climbed up to his feet.

Again he could feel those eyes on him. Taking in every inch of him and evaluating what they saw. For his part Liam found himself beginning to compare his own physique to the one on display before him. His skin was paler. While tanned Liam couldn't hope to match the dark bronzed Mediterean skin of Ronaldo. Ronaldo's chest and shoulders were bigger than his own but he didn't hate the mental comparison he was making between them. His own chest and shoulders were defined and tightly muscled and he was proud of how they looked even when compared to Ronaldo's. When it came to the abs there was no comparison. Liam had worked overtime to produce a defined six pack but it didn't compare to the cut defined torso of Ronaldo. In his current state Liam wasn't even sure he could count each clearly deeply defined ab.

"Very nice..." Liam felt some heat in his checks at this assessment from Ronaldo. " fill them well!"

Ronaldo had gestured toward Liam's underwear. The same tight white boxers with red waistband that Ronaldo was wearing. Liam hadn't considered a comparison between how each of them filled the matching underwear. This was not driven by a sense of modesty or a concern for examining Ronaldo's lower body. The boys of One Direction had quickly grown accustomed to and comfortable with stripping off in front of one another. Liam was confident in his endowment. He'd originally rejected the cup handed to him on his underwear shoot. He didn't need help filling or shaping his boxers and the first batch of pictures they'd taken had made that clear. Perhaps a little too clear.

Liam's reluctance to compare his lower body with Ronaldo's was instead driven by their legs. His upper body had become muscled and defined in relatively short order but his legs remained a work in progress. They didn't quite fill out in the way he would have liked and given his professional Ronaldo's legs would be pure muscle and power. But Liam didn't look lower and once he'd taken in the size and definition of Ronaldo's muscled thighs and calves he allowed his eyes to linger on the package within the Hugo Boss underwear. He looked down at his own too. He thought his was bigger but it was difficult to tell.

"Thanks... You too!"


Liam dropped back down onto the sofa and to his surprise Ronaldo dropped right next to him. The two of them sat in a strange silence for a moment. Both in matching underwear and black socks.

"Shall we..."

Liam glanced over at Ronaldo who's hand was making a universally recognised gesture. His fingers bent into circles as he shook it back and forth.

"Oh..." To his slight surprise Liam realised that he was surprisingly turned on. He wasn't hard but he could feel the blood beginning to pump and the juices beginning to flow. "...sure!"

This wouldn't be the first time that Liam had jerked off with another guy. He had shared hotel rooms and tour buses with the other One Direction boys for years and hormones had quickly overridden any shyness or reluctance. He'd jerked side-by-side or in paired beds with every member of the band. He'd even shared an excited fan or two with most of them. Liam could also tell from the casual and relaxed way in which he'd proposed the idea that this would not be Ronaldo's first time jerking off with another guy. He supposed years spent training and living away from home as a teenage footballer wasn't all that different to his time touring as a boyband.

"You want porn?"


Ronaldo fumbled with remotes and devices for a moment and then the large TV that until now Liam had failed to notice lit up. A few seconds later some randomly selected porn was playing. A big titted blonde slobbering on a large cock and generally being an over the top slut. Not Liam's usual choice of porn, he found he gravitated more toward amatuer and homemade collections than the overproduced professional content but Ronaldo seemed happy with the selection. And, if he were being honest, Liam was fairly sure he didn't really need the porn anyway. He was feeling extremely horny.

As the porn played and the woman's exaggerated moans and screams filled the hotel room Liam and Ronaldo both began to stroke and play with their cocks through their matching boxers. Liam could feel himself getting hard immediately. His cock straining and pushing against the material of his underwear. He wondered if Ronaldo was already hard as well and decided to chance a quick glance at the footballer. He was pleasantly surprised to see that not only was Ronaldo hard but he'd already pulled his cock out tucking the waistband of his underwear under his smooth hairless balls.

Liam was also pleased to discover that his confidence that he would be bigger than Ronaldo was not misplaced. Although smaller than his own, Ronaldo's cock was not small. Liam only had his fellow One Direction members to use as a guide for approximate size. In the early days of the band they had, had a literal dick measuring contest. Liam had finished second to Harry's monstrous cock, but he had later taken comfort in how poorly and awkwardly Harry would wield that cock during their shared sexual experiences. The women they'd shared had always preferred Liam inside them much to Harry's annoyance. Ronaldo's dick, Liam supposed, was bigger than Louis and Zayn's cocks but around the same size as Niall's putting it at roughly 7.5 inches.

"Take it out!"

Liam was happy to fulfil this particular request. He reached into his boxers and pulled his cock out before mirroring Ronaldo and tucking the red waistband under his balls. Unlike Ronaldo's, his balls still had a light coating of hair and there was still a neatly trimmed growth of hair around the base of his cock. Ronaldo's cock, like the rest of his body as far as Liam could tell, was hairless.

"Oh big boy!"

He couldn't resist feeling a swell of pride at this acknowledgement from Ronaldo. Liam's own cock stood at a proud hard thick 9 inches. As if to highlight the size of it Liam wrapped both of his hands around his cock. One at the base and the other at the head and stroked. Liam's strokes were slow and deliberate allowing pre-cum to leak from the head of his cock down the shaft and over his hands. In contrast Ronaldo was stroking with more speed his balls bouncing in time with his hard and fast hand movements.

As much as he tried not to, Liam couldn't help but watch Ronaldo as he stroked his cock. The Portugese stud's head was thrown back on the sofa with his eyes closed as gentle moans and whimpers of delight escaped his mouth. As his right hand stroked in a fast hard rhythm Ronaldo's left was cupping and squeezing at his balls as they bounced. Liam watched as that left hand slid up Ronaldo's body, he heard the sound of the fingers running over the defined ridges and cuts of Ronaldo's abs, before it stopped at his chest. At his nipple. Ronaldo's fingers pinched, pulled and twisted at his nipple. Each move of those producing a satisfied moan from Ronaldo.

While Liam continued to watch, Ronaldo's breathing grew deeper and more jagged. His muscles tensed and tightened and seem to grow even larger. Liam couldn't quite believe the ways the footballer's veins seemed to expand in his arms and chest or the way his abs seemed to grow deeper and even more defined and then...

"Estou chegando!" Liam didn't speak Portugese but he was sure he knew what this meant.

As soon as the words left Ronaldo's lips his muscles convulsed as a wave of pleasure seemed to pass through him. As he continued the frantic stroking of his cock his cum shot from the expanding head of his cock coating his abs in thick white liquid.

Almost as quickly as it had started the orgasm was over. Ronaldo's breathing returned to normal and his eyes opened. He glanced down at his slowly softening cock and cum covered stomach and seemed satisfied with his work. His attention then turned to Liam.

Liam had just one hand wrapped tightly around his cock now and he was stroking at a steady almost calm pace. Seemingly unlike Ronaldo he liked to savour this and make it last. He was sure this was one of the many skills that made him such a good lay. His desire to delay and draw out his own orgasm, sometimes for hours, would invariably lead to the women he was with reaching orgasm multiple times. To this day almost all of the exes would still send him late night booty calls and occasionally he'd even respond.

"You should go faster..." Ronaldo was critically watching Liam now. Taking in the full sight of his large thick cock as he stroked it. " this!"

Before he could stop it Ronaldo's hand was wrapped around Liam's cock and quickly moving up and down the shaft. And as the grip tightened and Ronaldo's hand moved faster Liam was happy not to stop it. For all the shared women and group jerk off sessions that Liam had partaken in during his time in One Direction this was a first. Another man's hand wrapped around his cock and not just wrapped around it but stroking it. That tight grip moving up and down his shaft.

"You like?"


Liam couldn't lie, it felt incredible. Ronaldo's hand felt nothing like he would have imagined another man's hand to feel. The skin was soft and light just like a girls but the grip was much tighter. The strokes so much more confident. Liam could already feel the load building in his balls but he held it back and pushed it down. He wanted this to last. He wanted to enjoy every second he could of Ronaldo's hand wrapped around his cock.

"Cum for me big boy..."

Ronaldo had whispered this directly into his ear. Liam could feel his hot breath on the skin of his ear and neck and that was all it took. As much as he wanted this to last he couldn't hold back.

"I'm gonna..."

The rest of the sentence was lost to Liam giving into the pleasure. A loud moaning cry filled the room even overshadowing the porn. Liam's cock erupted. Shot after shot firing out coating his stomach, chest, neck and hitting the sofa. Some he was sure fired over the sofa to the floor behind them.


Liam just about managed to get the word out between deep gasping breaths. He hadn't cum like that in a long time and Ronaldo seemed suitably impressed. He was still slowly stroking Liam's cock milking the very last drops of cum from it. He felt like he should say something, but what was the right response to the world's greatest footballer wanking you off? Besides he felt suddenly exhausted a combination of the alcohol and orgasm. His eyes were heavy again and the darkness was coming. As he slipped off to sleep he felt Ronaldo tucking his cock back into his boxers and then sleep came.

Next: Chapter 2

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