The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on May 1, 2013


Hey everyone, I hope that you're all doing alright. Here a great Halloween chapter to enjoy ;-)


I really thought I had moved on from it, I really did. Having this happen to me again gave me slight anxiety, which didn't help too much that it was also midterm season. For those who were close to me, they knew what was going on even though I tried my best to mask the symptoms.

Whenever I could I stayed at Kyle's room but with us going to different schools, I wasn't able to always be there with him. Even though I tried to plead with Kyle not to tell anyone I was having the nervous shakedown, he told Ally, who out of concern for me, told Pike. Pike kept a watchful eye on me but didn't intervene too much, instead staying hands off and letting me be. I was grateful for him of that.

For the following two weeks I had the hardest time sleeping ever. For the first few nights after my nightmare, something changed in me. I didn't know what it was but I couldn't handle going out at night. Every time I stepped outside with Bryan or Zach, I would let them take a few steps before I would step out with them. Half the time it was unconscious the other half I knew it was going on but I didn't want to fight it, my sudden return on fear of the dark paralyzing me.

As the weeks got closer to Halloween it only seemed to get worse. I mean come on how ironic was this? I was frustrated that I was freaking out but I was freaking out because of something that I had no control over. Every morning it seemed like I had to assure myself that it was going to be a good day and that nothing was going to happen. Which nothing ever did. But I still couldn't shake that fear that something was going to happen again, as if the anniversary of it all was going to repeat history.

Walking through campus I noticed how many of the offices and buildings had set up Halloween decorations, their festive beautifications doing a decent job of changing the atmosphere of the campus. Even the dorms were decked out; students dorms having cobwebs hanging over their doorways, scream sensors crying out whenever a door would open, and black light being installed into the rooms, which weren't allowed actually.

Two days before Halloween, I knew I needed to face this head on. After my classes had ended on Monday, I went back to my dorm and pulled out my boxes. Placing what ones I had still with me, I tore them all open and pulled out each object looking for something particular. I didn't know if I still had it but if my memory served me right, I kept it as part of my patient costume.

Pulling my sling out from some random rubbish, I raise it into the air and look at it spitefully. Was this stupid thing the object tying me back to the attack? Pulling it closer to me, I look at it closer and try to see what all made it so special. It was a stupid sling, that's all it was. But in my mind, for some traumatic reason, I couldn't look beyond the reminder of what it meant to me.

It meant my attack. It meant that the anger towards the LGBT community is still out there. It meant that life was fragile and that at any moment, I could die. Getting furious with thinking of the depression it was giving me, I looked to my trash can and tossed the reminder into it. Getting back to my feet, I walked over to it hesitantly and picked up the liner. Tying the bag, I grabbed my things and headed out.

I was kind of glad that Bryan and Zach weren't home because I really didn't want them seeing me so vulnerable. Visibly I was still kind of shaken, even though I was trying to clear my mind. After locking up the dorm, I walked briskly down the hallway and down the stairs. I could have waited for the elevator but I didn't have the patience at the moment.

Tossing the sling away felt so liberating, its enclosure furthering my satisfaction that I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Hopefully I could move on. I wanted to move on. But what was I going to wear for Halloween? Last year I was a patient because I was injured. This year, well I didn't know what I wanted to be. Heading to the car, I drove around looking for the closest Halloween Superstore.

It didn't take long but as I entered I realized how out of luck I was going to be. Granted two days before Halloween everything was going to be gone but this place was empty. All that remained was the cliche vampire costumes, the makeup kits, and random assortments of accessories.

Groaning, I pulled out my phone and texted Kyle, "Hey what were your plans for Halloween?" I wanted to know if it was even going to be worth it to find something here. Wandering around, I tried to find some inspiration but it was severely lacking.

Kyle responded quickly, making me feel happy that I hopefully didn't have to stay here. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out hoping we were just going to watch horror movies all night. Nope, we weren't. "Darren invited you and I to his house for a Halloween Party. I've been meaning to tell you for a while. Sorry it's lastt minute. If you don't want to go, we don't have to."

Fuck. He wanted to go. I knew he did. Even though he was trying to deflect it, I KNEW he wanted to go to the party. "Nah, let's go. What are you dressing as?" I gave in not just for him but because I knew it was probably the best thing for me to do at the moment.

Kyle sent back a quick text, "It's a surprise. ;-)" Really Kyle? Come on, some sort of hint please? I tried pestering him for more information but he didn't budge at all. I hope it's good then.

Looking around, I dropped my shoulders in anguish. What the hell was I going to go as? Moving to one of the bins, I started to rummage through it, hoping to find something useful. The only thing that caught my eye was a plastic ax, it's bottom slightly bent in but still usable.

Pulling out my phone, I went to Reddit for inspiration, their crude humor at times helping ease my worries. Scrolling through the endless memes, I finally found what I was looking. Yea I could pull it off. I had a blue shirt and khaki pants. All I needed was a little blood to put on the shirt and ax and I would be fine. Good thing was there was plenty of fake blood to use. Taking it all to the counter, I paid for the merchandise and walked out slightly amused at my creativity. To make it even better, I had dark hair as well, so it complimented the person I was copying.

When Halloween came around, my mindset was in a much healthier state, the thought of the sling and attack anniversary slipping further and further into my past. I was happy too as I looked myself over the mirror, the slight smear of blood on the ax dribbling down the fake blade. I fashioned a little spray onto my shirt to add the effect of the killer I resembled, the final touch finishing it all off.

Around 8 at night, Kyle texted me that he was outside my dorm. Since I didn't know where Darren lived, and I didn't want to show up alone, I asked if I could carpool with Kyle. He was actually insistent on it, the eagerness in his voice adorable, my thoughts running wild on what all he could be.

Exiting out my dorm, the hallway was already busting with people flowing left and right, several different rooms hosting parties and socials. The RA's were going to have a blast regulating these tonight, provided they didn't join in as well. Getting into the elevator, I pressed the button with my ax and waited. A slight shrill called for me to hold the doors.

Extending my blade out to stop the closing doors, two skimpy dressed students joined me, one a naughty cop, the other a seductive nurse. I had to give them props on their uniforms, both of them having the perfect breast sizes for their costumes. The nurse had her blond hair in ponytails and the cop was baring her midriff, the belly button ring glimmering under the dull white light. "Hey sexy." They purred out to me as I brought back my ax. They were obviously drunk as they stumbled in.

Putting on the most mischievous smile I could, I replied, "How is your night going?" They were comical as they shifted when the elevator lurched down. It was times like these that I was glad I was gay, allowing me to hit on them without actually having any feelings behind it.

The cop mewed out as she played with her baton. "It's going well, just patrolling to make sure all boys be good." Her speech slightly slurred but she got the point out. "Jennifer is providing free health checks if you want one."Jennifer winked at me as she played with her fake stethoscope.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, allowing me to sidestep them into the lobby. "As much as that would be fun, I am actually late for a party myself. You two have a blast tonight and don't work too hard." With a wink, I turned and headed out the doors, looking for Kyle in the parking lot. His car wasn't too hard to find; though seeing him against the sheet metal made me stop for a good few seconds.

Kyle was dressed up in a sexy copy outfit but not like the girl's. This was familiar, I just couldn't place it. He wore short short black leather pants, the material defining his bulge eloquently. Since he didn't have a real belt on, the plastic replica did a good enough job holding his fake gun and cuffs. The shirt was just as super tight, outlining his chest and arms. Moving up to him, I surprise him from his texting. Pressing my ax against his button up shirt, I playfully press it into him. "So who are you supposed to be?"

Kyle wiggled the phone into his pants, its bulge just as noticeable as the outline of his cock. Pulling out his baton, he twirled it in the air and made several poses. My mind was drawing a blank look upon my face as he looked at me amused. "You don't know? I'm Lieutenant Dangle from Reno 911." It all made sense to me now. I really need to stay up to date on pop culture. I had not seen Reno 911 short of the movie they made. Kyle looked at me slightly confused, poking his baton at my ax.

"I'm Christian Bale from American Psycho." I try my best to make the face that is commonly seen on the meme, waving the ax in the air menacingly. Kyle laughed as he watched me dance around.

After a few demonstrations, Kyle grabbed me out of the parking lot and pulled me in for a romantic kiss. Lying my ax on the roof of his car, I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back, enveloping my tongue into his mouth. As much as I tried, I couldn't help but feel him up a little, the biceps almost screaming out to be caressed. After a few seconds of groping, Kyle pulled back and asked, "So you ready for the party?"

Kissing him again quickly, I gleefully state, "Yea". Pulling out of his wrapping, I step back so he can go start the car. I open my door and hop in, grabbing my ax off the top of the roof in the process.

I was a bit nervous about going to this party, given that the last one I was at I made out with my sister's boyfriend, my captain, and my friend; Pike. Thankfully Kyle was with me this time so hopefully if I did anything wrong, he would catch me before I acted it out. Pulling up to Darren's house, I was not surprised to see the door open but I was glad that the party was not spilling out onto the lawn. This was a simple kickback, nothing more.

Walking behind Kyle, I took in the scenery, admiring the Halloween decorations that were put up. On the outside there were tombstones in the grass, a witch flying into a tree, and the annoying plastic cobwebs everywhere. I did not pity them at all for when they were to take them down. As we entered, the immediate smell of alcohol filled my nostrils, the bitter sting of beer searing the senses. I wasn't surprised to be honest, and as I looked around for what all they were drinking, I saw I was given the choice of Bud Light, Coors Light, Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat, and Samuel Adam's Harvest Pumpkin Ale.

Looking at Kyle, I pull him close and whisper into his ear, "If you are driving back, please don't drink. At least not too much." I really didn't want Kyle to have to deal with the chance of getting pulled over for DUI. Also with it being Halloween, I had a feeling the cops were going to be out in full force.

Kyle grabbed a beer and opened it up, saying comfortably, "We'll share every beer ok?" He took the first sip, not chugging like the party goers around us. Taking the beer from him, I took a sip as well and walked with him around the house till we found his friends. Well, at least friends I knew like Monty, Darren and Leon. The beer was a new and interesting flavor; its pumpkin taste leaving a nice change of zest to my mouth each time I swallowed. Everyone here seemed to know Kyle, or at least knew someone who knew him. I kinda felt like the third wheel as I walked behind him, holding his hand in the process.

Monty and Leon were behind a beer pong table facing off against another team, the balls flying left and right as we watched. During their wait time, Leon watched and swatted as Monty walked over and shook hands with Kyle and I. "Glad you two could make it. We're going against you two in the next game." It was more of a challenge than a statement but after watching the opposing sink two of their cups, I felt we could take them, especially since Monty had to return to help Leon with the game. Both of them were dressed up as cowboys, Monty's dress a little more realistic than Leon's but Leon's more appealing as his was tighter and sexier.

It didn't take long for the two of them to lose though, both of them holding their heads in shame as they slunk away from the table towards us. Monty tried to put on a smile, the challenge of redemption appealing to him. "Your turn." Kyle and I looked at each other and smiled. This could be fun.

Playing with Kyle was an experience. I knew I had crappy skills but it was sexy the way he moved up behind me to show me how to effectively throw. He apparently had played it numerous times before as he made cup after cup, slowly getting on fire. And here I was trying to just make one stupid cup. Each time I threw, the ball would either overshoot the table or bounce then get swatted.

Monty and Leon were not doing much better, their intake of alcohol impairing their ability to shoot straight. Where we, and I more mean Kyle, had made five cups out of the nine, they had only made two. I did take pleasuring in scrambling for the balls as they rolled back from time to time.

When Kyle was almost finished demolishing them, Darren and his girlfriend came up and congratulated us on our near win. He looked over to Monty and Leon and mocked them a little before focusing back on us. Unlike Darren who seemed to not trust me, his girlfriend, Ashley, seemed to like me right off the bat. It was probably because how well she knew Kyle but either way, I was happy that she was cool. Darren moved over to my side and inquired about my costume, it standing in opposition to his zombie husband outfit, perfectly matching his girlfriend's costume. He then moved to Kyle and found out the reason for Kyle's dress. "It's for Chris later, should he do anything bad." He gave me a small wink and ruffled with my hair.

Brushing him off, I retorted, "Oh really?" Pulling my ax out from under the table, I rest it on my shoulders and seductively state, "Well, should anything happen, I am sure that I will labor to make up for my transgressions. Even if it comes to cutting wood." The sex talk made the surrounding table roll their eyes, those who got it knowing what was coming later and those who didn't asking for more information, only to roll their eyes as well.

The party flowed well into the late hours of the night, multiple games of dealing with alcohol being performed around the house. I got to meet a few of Kyle's friends, some of them knowing him well and others mere acquaintances. Either way I was glad to see that my boyfriend was well liked and in many aspects, respected.

We left around midnight, the drive back to his dorms short. Thankfully we were able to avoid all checkpoints and get back safely. The dorms had died down a little as Kyle parked the car, shifting it into gear as he turned it off. Looking at me with a twinkle in his eye, he murmured out, "So would it be cruel and unusual punishment to handcuff you to my bed while I suck you off tonight?"

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I let the question linger in the air as I emerge from the car. Moving around to him, I walk with him towards the dorm and state my compromise, "Maybe... but I might struggle a little. Think you can tame my beast?" If it were the weekend the dorms would have been much more lively but since it was in the middle of the week, a good majority of the parties had died down, many of the door shut.

Pressing the button for the elevator, I waited till it opened holding Kyle's hand in the process. When the doors opened, Kyle got me by surprise by pushing me inside quickly, slamming me up against the wall with a little force. Caught off guard by his actions, I stood there stunned as he clicked my right hand to the handrail. With his other free hand, he held my head firm, kissing me in the process.

The pressure of his kisses was invigorating, every time he would stop for air, a popping sound radiating in the box. Leaning off to press the button to our floor, he "accidentally" presses every other button as well, making sure to take his sweet time with me attached to the rail. Moving back to peck my lips, he loosens my tie as well, slowly unbuttoning my shirt in the process. Moaning out in pleasure, I lean my body back against the wall; the plastic cover of a safe sex ad flexing in under the weight my head.

Kyle was having a good time frisking me, groping my body all over the place to make sure I had no sharp objects to poke him with. When he came across my hardening cock, he reached inside my pants to stroke it, purring out, "Well look what we have here, a sharp object to poke me." The lust was flowing through his eyes as he pulled out my shirt, revealing my bare chest to him.

Before he could go much further, the final floor rang, the doors opening to reveal an empty hallway. Forcing me against the wall, he undid the cuffs only to place them on my other hand, making me cuffed behind the back. With my shirt undone and my tie loosened, it was clear that I had been "roughed up" a bit. Grabbing my ax and stuffing it in his belt, he walked me down the hallway, hands holding the plastic cuffs.

When we reached his door, he pressed me up against the wall, then went to unlock it. Playing along with him, I stay cuffed. Though as a sign of retaliation, I turn around and moan out to him, "Oh officer, please make me a good boy. I'm sorry for breaking the law." Kyle was trying his best to not laugh as he opened up his door, leading to a dark and empty room.

Grabbing my shoulder, he gripped me tight and tossed me inside, my punishment coming shortly. "Oh trust me, I'll make you a good boy. I'll make you a very obedient boy." The slamming of the door was only the start of the slamming that was going to happen that night.


Don't think I am cockblocking you guys that easily.... You all should know what chapter will be coming after this ;-) Stay tuned cause it will be hot and raunchy Squeals with joy

Next: Chapter 69: The Ultimate Challenge 13

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