The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Jun 5, 2012


Well last chapter's ending was a bit explosive right? Or at least unexpected? Now to continue on with it, I hope you enjoy it.

God his lips felt great. Registration of it being Skyler had not entered my mind at the moment, the impact registering first on my mind that lips were pressed against mine. He had pulled me in close to him, our bodies rubbing against each other. I had been helpless before but this... this was unexpected.

Then it hit me- this was not Michael, not Kyle, not Pike. This was Skyler. This was a soccer player. `Oh shit!' The instant my hand press against his toned chest is the same moment he comes to, releasing his grip on my face, his eyes flying wide. For a second we don't say anything, the moment of what happened stunning up both. Skyler lets loose first, blurting out a quite loud, "Fuck!"

Turning and running down the aisle, his backpack knocks me back a little, the shock still registering into my mind. `Who was this guy?' Seeing him turn the corner knocked me out of my daze, the apprehension that I need to chase after him taking hold. "Hey wait! What the hell was that?" I shout out to him as I run down the stack of DVD's.

He had already gone down the corridor, heading towards the stairs in his urgency to escape. This guy could run, every step he takes is double mine. I almost catch him at the stairs though he manages to reach the first floor right as I enter the steps. Realizing I am leaving my books and stuff on the table, I look back then up to him and call off the chase. Skyler looks back down at me, fright in his eyes before sprinting off.

My journey back to the studies is a short one but it felt heavy with every step taken. Falling into my hair, I rub my temples as it sets in. Skyler, a soccer player, had come to apologize to me on behalf of the team. I had pressed too hard against him, forcing him out of the closet. And he KISSED me.

I want to shake my head in disgust but it was such a good kiss that the image keeps replaying in my mind. Clearly his team doesn't know he is gay. I don't know what to do. Unlike Michael who had came to me for help coming out, Skyler didn't look like he wanted the help, or at least it didn't look like he wanted it at the moment. He will need it but how? I can't exactly go up to him and say "Hey, you're gay get over it."

Moving to my phone I call the only guy who I know can help: Tay. Reaching his voicemail, I urgently leave the message, "Hey Tay, call me when you get the chance. Or better yet, Skype later when you are out of class. I have a problem that I need your help with. One of the soccer players just kissed me and I don't know what to do. I have a feeling he is gay but I can't exactly call him out on it. That would ruin him. Need your help on the situation. Let me know. Thanks."

Ending the call, I gather my stuff up. I needed to get out of the library and gather my thoughts. Something needed to be done and while I didn't know what, I felt it was better to start somewhere than just wander mindlessly. Shutting my laptop down, I move it into my backpack, and then gather my books together, sorting out the ones I need to keep and one's I don't.

The trek out was taken along the same path that Skyler took, hoping that maybe I might run into him again and talk about what happened. Glancing over the rows of students and books, I was not able to see him, either because him seeing me and hiding or him already left, not wanting to stay any longer. Slightly sad that he was not there, I left, making my way back to the room.

Reaching my room, I entered to see Bryan and Zach studying. Being close to finals I would not have given much thought to it but the fact that they were both in at the same time kind of surprised me. "What are you guys doing here?"

Bryan, being the humorous one as usual, replies without looking up, "Looking up how to make good porn." Lifting up his book to me, he shows that it is actually a history book, covering the pre-1800's to present.

"Make sure you stick to the sixties cause that was the revolution, but I am more of a fan of the 1800's because of the ruggedness. Good book though." I laugh at him as I move into the room, cutting a direct line to my desk. Our room, given as small as it is, doesn't leave much room for clothes lying around, so when I come across one of Zach's boxers I fling it over to his side with my shoe.

"Thanks." Zach utters out softly, barely looking up from his own book, what looks to be a statistics book.

"Yea, just don't make it a habit. We have managed to make it this far without spreading ourselves onto each other's areas." I make a small grin at him, showing him that I mean it caringly.

Dropping my stuff onto my desk, I unpacked my laptop and books. Opening up my communication's book, I tried my best to study like the other two but it was hard. My mind kept traveling back to Skyler and his kiss. Normally any kiss would have been nice and enjoyable but this was different, a scared kiss, nervous and rushed but cute in a way.

Apparently my thoughts showed through onto my actions, me shifting around on my chair every few minutes. Bryan and Zach both noticed and for a few minutes neither of them asked any questions but apparently my alterations began to nag on them, Zach being the first to quiz me.

Dropping his book onto the desk, I hear him turn around to me, "Something up Chris?"

Not wanting to tell them about Skyler, I lie outright, something I don't normally like to do. "No, I am just having trouble getting back into the studying mentality." It was a pathetic lie, and to be honest it would have been easy for them to see through it.

Bryan did as he lean over his desk, his football form imposing upon me. Raising his eyebrow, "Yea sure; you think that we wouldn't have picked up each other's cues after a few months together? Something's itching you." Their inquests, normally breaking through me, don't work well this time, this secret something that can't be spread outside to the campus. After spilling about taking Michael's virginity, I had realized too late it was a mistake to talk about sensitive issues like this. I didn't want Skyler to end up a mistake as well.

Turning to them, I stare at them, keeping as best of a poker face as I can, "It's alright. Nothing big is eating me. I swear. If I needed to talk about it to you guys I would."

Strangely, both of them dropped it, Zach pulling back, "Well, if you could stop squeaking that would be great. It's making it hard to study." I know we had grown as roommates, us respecting each other's space enough to back off, but the sudden drop of conversation felt weird. I did want to tell them but it would not have been right.

Thankfully Tay jingled my phone, his text coming over the screen, "Hey just got ur message. LOL. Wanna hear more. Talk in 10?"

Happily able to talk with my best friend, I texted back, "Make it 15, need to head to library for privacy, in room w roommates. K?" Grabbing my laptop only, I pack up to head back out again. Making a phony excuse to the guys, "Hey I forgot a book there, I'll be back shortly," (yea it was that bad) I head out.

The two didn't say anything as I went out. I was not looking forward to dealing with the California chill again. Granted it was warmer than up north, it was still annoying to deal with the cold snap, the off short breeze sapping all energy out. What should have taken only 5 minutes to get there took 10, me having to stick to the sidewalk and streetlights as the sun has already set. It is only 5...

Pulling into the library, I quickly find an empty room to sit in, a very hard task to do the week before finals. I had to traverse all floors of the building, finally finding one on my second go of the second floor. It was off in the corner, which was nice, making it more secluded. Powering back up my laptop, I quickly logged onto Skype and was happy to see Tay online.

Knowing that it showed me logging on on his computer, I knew it was going to be a race to see who could call each other first. I immediately hit video chat, and was happy to see the call go through.

Tay's face popped up on the screen, his hall room in the background. His grin was wide, the amusing smile still infectious as it is in person. His hair has grown a bit since I saw him over Thanksgiving break, a slight band covering his forehead. He knows I am not a fan of his hair but since we are no longer boyfriends, it kind of allows him to grow it out. That, though, is the first thing I point out in our conversation, "Looks like your getting a little long up on your head." I grin right back at him, my smile happy that he is happy with it.

Tay laughs immediately, knowing I would have said something sooner or later. "I was going to wondering when you would comment on it. What do you think of it?" He does a little brush, sliding his fingers through the scruff.

Snorting slightly, I laugh at his motion. "You know what I think of you and long hair. I think you're cuter with it short. But depending on what you wear, you can pull it off. Speaking of which," I scan over his clothing choice, noting the button V-neck, "are you going for an artsy look?"

Giggling, Tay responds, "Nah, it was something I picked out at a market up here. I guess if it does make me look artsy, it will work well for the Furry Convention next month. Before we talk about that, tell me about the soccer player. I have wanted to hear more ever since I got your message." He moves in closer to the screen, as if that will help him hear my troubles.

Relaxing into my seat, I open up, "I'm torn on what to do. I am pissed at the soccer team for the way they have been treating me and this feels like a great way to get back at them but to use him as the means to the end doesn't feel right. Especially to out him to him to not only his team but to the school, it wouldn't be right." A troubled look shows on my face, the tension of the situation clear.

Tay avoids the entire problem, focusing on something else completely about Skyler, "How was he as a kisser though? I mean yea, I understand where you are but I wanna know about that kiss, how was it?"

His interest in the kiss annoys me but I answer, hoping to somehow get over it and back to me dealing with how to take care of Skyler. "It was" pausing to take it in again, "I don't know, interesting. I was his first kiss, I can tell you that. Well at least his first gay kiss. It was nice and passionate but scared and frightened. Now can we focus back on me, please? What do I do?"

Tay leans back in his chair, showing a little more of his room. The posters lining it are simple ones, some of them gay pride ones others pictures of furries. "Hmm, well you do seem to be getting the best of them at college. More than I am getting here, which sucks cause this is San Francisco. What I would do is talk with the guy. As much as you hate the team, this has nothing to do with them. He outted himself to you by kissing you. If you out him to his team, that might be the ultimate betrayal, and from what I have seen from other guys who have been outted before they wanted to, some tried to commit suicide."

"I know, I know. I remember the wave that we had a few years ago. What was it, like 7 or 8 in a row that killed themselves in the series of a few months?" The memories of the news covering the gay suicides back east come back to me. Tay and I were watching them closely, our parents watching us even closer making sure that everything was alright.

"I wanna say it was around that but yea. Don't confront him in front of his team but you will need to talk with him. I am sure that since he kissed you, he most likely wants to talk as well." A concerned look shows on Tay's face, not for me but for Skyler. Even though Tay has never met the guy, he still cares for Skyler, something that he does for most gay men that he encounters that are just coming out.

"Ok, thanks. I'll see what I can do. Main thing is not to out him. Check." I say, happy now to have a sense of direction on how to deal with Skyler. "So what is this Furry Convention you have been talking about?"

Tay's face flashes alight, an instant change. "It's in January in San Jose. Tickets are relatively cheap, only about 20 dollars or so. The best part though, HuskRy will be there." Tay pulls up the painting that he got done by HuskRy, a bunny edging itself in a meadow under the blue sky. "I wana go so I can get him to sign this."

"Soo, why do you want me to go?" I play coy with him, knowing that this is his first furry convention to attend, especially since he turned 18 before school started.

"Come on, you know you enjoy the pictures as well. Plus, I don't want to go alone. It would be fun if you were there, less daunting on my part. PLEASE." Tay pleads with me, or at least the best that he can through the video stream. I am sure that if I was there next to him he would give me a blowjob as an added incentive.

"I'll think about it. Go ahead and buy my ticket and if I back out, which I am not saying I am at the moment, I am just saying... I will pay you back." I smile at him, the excitement flashing across his eyes like lightning bolts.

"Thank you! I love you! You have no idea how much this means to me!" Tay screams out in excitement. "I'll do it right now."

`Oh dear what have I gotten myself into?' I think to myself as I look at him scan across the screen. "Hey Tay, it's getting late here. I need to head back for dinner. I'll talk with you later k?"

Tay, involved now with his task at hand, looks over to me, "Yea, ok, wish we could talk more. I'll talk with you later." With that, he ended the call, moving on to what I can guess is buying the tickets and possibly furry related issues.

That night I was conflicted. Tay had provided a bit of guidance to me, not wanting me to out Skyler but to still talk with him. He, like me, didn't want this to be something that could just be brushed off. Both Skyler and I needed to talk about what happened, and what it might mean for the future of the soccer team.

The following morning was just as torturous, me having not gotten much sleep thinking of all possible solutions and issues that might come up from every route I take. Thankfully I was able to meet with Michael for coffee, our usual routine before English, and talk it over with him. The coffee was great, doing its best to comfort me as well.

"You look like shit, everything ok?" Michael asks, taking a sip from his mocha as we move to an open table. We have about 30 minutes before class starts, a little longer than normal but it is enough for me to talk about what is on my mind.

"Yes and no. I'm doing alright, just trying to figure out how to best deal with a situation." Looking down at my coffee, then over across the table to him, I continue, "What would you have done if I had outted you to your team? Or, like" pausing to best think over my words, "how would you have reacted?"

Michael places his coffee on the table and looks at me, "You know someone who is closeted? I mean, yea I still am in a way but someone else?"

Not wanting to connect eyes with him, mostly because of Skyler's kiss, I proceed cautiously. "Yea, worst part is, as much as I want to tell you who it is, there is a strong possibility you know him." After I said that, I knew I couldn't tell him who kissed me. The kiss would have made him want to know immediately.

"Ok, well I have to respect that, as you kept my secret for a little while. To be honest, if you had gone around telling people, I would have been pissed. I am still kind of working my way through the scene, trying to figure out what is what, and who are who. I mean I was watching porn last night, something that is hard to do with Bryson there, and I came across some BDSM shit. It was very trippy watching some of it but in a way oddly erotic." Michael reveals to me, something new that I had not known, but interesting none the less.

Raising my eye at him, I inquire more, "You got turned on watching BDSM? I normally stick to jocks/ surfers. I occasionally devil into the older stuff but still... I keep it tame."

Michael, keeping his voice hushed because of the surrounding companies, explains, "No, trust me, I am not into BDSM, I just stumbled into it and thought it was... interesting. Especially some of the things that guys will do to each other just to get off."

"Anyways, moving back to coming out..." I move back to the topic, as interesting as porn is, I want to more talk about Skyler, "So you would not like, be suicidal or anything? Cause that is what I am afraid of with this guy, is that he is going to go about dealing with it in bad ways."

"Fuck no; I was never even contemplating that." Michael shows a face of disgust at the thought, making me happy that he would never reach that point. Looking down at his phone, he mentions over to me, "We need to get off to class, wanna talk about this on the way?"

Gathering my stuff, I nod my head, allowing for us to head off. Michael continues talking as we cross the quad, "I am sure that if you were to talk with him, it would at least let him know that someone cares for him. I mean you guided me in a way, heck you still do."

"It's not like I go out trying to help people, you tend to gravitate to me." I let loose a small chuckle, thinking of how Tay said that I seem to get the interesting guys. Michael laughs as well, but for different reasons, probably more for the gravitation issue.

"Well with the sex appeal that you have, it's hard not to." Michael wraps his arm around me, pulling me in close as we cross the middle of the campus. His body warmth feels nice, the touch of his hand to my chest even nicer. A few people look at us but most don't really care, my status kind of known as the resident gay and Michael as the rugby player.

The three classes that passed today were short; given that they were the day before Dead Days it was no surprise. Mrs. Steiner informed us that our final was only 20 questions and a short essay, my statistics class 50 questions each worth 2 points and my history class 100 questions. I really wasn't worried about any of them but given that they were all question exams, it meant that I needed to purchase scantrons. The answer sheets came in various sizes but the common one that my teachers (thankfully) all used were the 882 type. Something simple and easy to grade; just toss it into a machine and it grades it automatically.

The shop was pretty busy, a vast majority of the students purchasing scantrons as well or returning their books. It didn't help that it was around 3 in the afternoon. I literally had to fight my way through the stream of students, working my way to the corner where they had just recently moved the forms, a stupid move in my opinion.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the flash dark hair, the slick gel shining under the lights. Knowing immediately it was Skyler, I increased my pace to catch him before he saw me and ran off. Heading in the direction of the lesser flow, I move in for the strike, catching him at the same area that I was heading to.

Being a grade up, he needed a different scantron, possibly for a more intense class. Leaning down to him, I motion over to the ones I needed, calmly asking, "Could you hand me the 882 packets, it's next to the `Be Calm' forms." My tone inflicts what I am meaning, hoping he doesn't freak out and make a scene in the shop.

Not even reaching for my forms, he immediately stops, registering my voice into my brain, then looks over to me; his eyes confirming his hearing abilities. Eyes flashing with panic, he starts to bolt but sadly into the wrong direction, running right into a large group and a corner. "What do you want?" Pleading quietly, he looks around at the group, hoping no one is listening in.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to help. You are seriously fucked up." I hush to him, pointing my finger in his chest. "I'm not going to out you, so don't worry. Unlike you guys, I am not an ass. I respect people."

A flash of relief passes his eyes, but is quickly replaced as he looks beyond me. A voice growls from behind me, "What do you want butt muncher?"

Turning around, I notice it's another soccer player, this guy slightly more imposing than Skyler. The guy is tall, broad shouldered, and a crew cut hair style that almost reeks of army brat. Standing my ground in between the two of them, I state bluntly, "I was just chatting with Skyler here about your team. He was trying to get me to understand how `sorry' your team is." I put a very sarcastic tone in my voice, my enthusiasm not at all there. Turning back to Skyler, I stare into him, hoping to silently get my point across to him.

Leaving the two of them, I grab my forms and head out, standing in the long line to pay before heading back to my room. I was surprised to see that Bryan and Zach had already left, finding a note on my bed informing me that they were going home for Dead Days. Happy to finally have the room to myself for a few days, I quickly shoot off a text to Michael asking him if he wants to watch a movie tonight.

Michael came over around 8, as he had said in his text. Having not really left since getting dinner, I was pretty comfortable just lying around the room. I had recently purchased `I Love You Phillip Morris' from iTunes, of course in HD (not just for the scenes, I swear), and had been looking forward to watching it. Seeing it in the theaters was amazing but getting to watch it with Michael would be even better.

Hearing his knock on the door, I hopped out of bed and worked my way over, slightly opening it for him. Making sure that it was him, I allowed him to enter, hiding slightly behind the plank. He wasn't carrying anything, no pajamas, nothing. That was good because right when he was in, I closed the door, revealing that I was nude, waiting for him to enter. Moving up to him, I kiss him softly on the lips. "The movie special tonight is `I Love You Phillip Morris, but the audience, as required by the movie, is to be nude during its showing."

I work my hands to his jeans, unbuckling it and letting gravity work the rest. Michael takes off his shirt and comments as we both work to undress him, "The movie says that? Interesting." Playing along, he kicks off his jeans, then his briefs, allowing his cock to move freely, meeting mine as we connect our bodies.

Allowing for a quick make out session before the movie, we grind our bodies together, the skin rubbing together in unison. He pushes me back against the ladder, my shoulders rubbing against the cold wood, his hard wood counteracting the chill with it's warm precum sipping out the top.

Not wanting to cum too soon, I move up the ladder, backwards, which is harder than it looks, especially when you are having sex, even more when you have to stop half way to let your boyfriend give you a hot fellatio. "Woo there cowboy. As much as my steed loves a workout, lets watch the movie first ok?"

Removing his lips from the cusp of my cock, he looks up at me, a sexy glint in his eyes that he will do anything I say. Turning around to get up easier, I make my way up the ladder, not before Michael tosses a playful slap on my right cheek. He crawls up next, lying out in front of me, his nude body pressing perfectly up against mine; his ass opening up for my dick to enter.

Pulling the laptop over to us, my arm moves under his, setting the movie up to play. It was a great movie, and I have to admit, even though Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor are way older than me, watching the two of them in certain sex scenes was very hot. My cock had died down a few times but at every sex scene, especially when Jim Carrey fucks a guy, like full on fucks, I got hard and almost entered into Michael myself.

Though it was not like it took much fighting to get it in once the movie was over anyways. Once it was over, Michael wasted no time turning over to kiss me, making me hard again. He rolled me over onto my back, my hard cock flying high. Moving onto my hips, he starts grinding me, making the movements of the cowboy. "Looks like you still want to ride the horse." I wink up to him as he leans down to kiss me on the lips. "Condoms and lube are right above you."

Reaching into the flag, Michael grins at me, "Fuck yea I want to ride the rodeo. Bet you I can stay on for more than 8 seconds." Applying lube to his ass and unraveling the condom over my cock, he gently rides it down, taking a good minute to reach the base. I simply lay there, allowing him to take in the full pleasure of my beast.

"Let me know when you're ready for the bronco to buck." I move my hands behind my head, positioning my body for a better tossing motion. "Just watch your head ok?"

"I'll be alright. Go when you are ready." Michael purrs at me, flexing his ass muscles around my hose, the grip turning me on just as much him.

I immediately go into a thrust, driving my hips off the bed into the air. I almost get the cock out but not before Michael's body presses it back down. Not allowing him to cheat, I move my hands out from my head and grab his, pressing them to my chest. Keeping up with the thrusts, he erupts a huge moan, the cock driving itself through him in its desperation to get out.

I do manage to get it out briefly but not before his wide open hole slips it back in perfectly. Laughing out to him, I cry out as his body slams my groin, "I did it, got you off!"

Huffing slightly he counters, "I don't think so, I'm still on." His cock is dripping steady streams of cum, signs that he is about to blow.

Flying up again, I increase my speed, while also hoping that my bed can handle the beats. It is groaning intensely, almost matching the blasts made from Michael's sweet ass crashing into my cock. He blows his load onto my chest as I fly down, his ass tightening around my cock with his convulsions. The sudden tightness, returning after I had worked it out, sends me over the edge as well, my cock spewing it into the condom, sending the plastic wrap even further up his ass.

Leaning down to kiss me, he nibbles on my ear, "I think I won." He slides his ass off my cock, then lies of top of me, the friends down south relaxing after their hard work out, though I think mine had the harder job.

Michael slides down my body, cleaning his mess in certain areas, and then takes off the condom. Tying it up, he moves off the bed to toss it in the trash. Turning out the light, the room goes dark, but the bed squeaks with him climbing up. Returning up to me, it was sexy feeling him crawl up me, kissing my legs in the process, then my cock, my belly, both nipples, then finally my mouth, a bit of cum still fresh on his lips.

Hey guys, I know I just returned from my trip but after chapter 22, I will be taking a short two week break to work on the winter break chapters as well as a little surprise I have in store for you.

Chapter 21 will be posted on June 9th, and then Chapter 22 on June 13th. After that Winter Break will continue on June 27th. I know it pains you to have to wait the two weeks but from what I have planned out, I think you all will enjoy it.

Next: Chapter 21

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