The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 28, 2012


Route 5 in California is one of the most endless freeways ever to exist. Ally and I had left at around 9 in the morning on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving from Long Beach and while we did manage to catch the back end of the LA morning traffic, we were still making good time on our drive up. Being such a boring ride, I let my mind wander, looking out over the hills and mountains of the Angeles National Forest.

The past week had been full of mixed emotions. The Monday after the beach party was slow, the main highlight being Michael and I grabbing coffee prior to English. While we still sat in different sections of the class (me in the front, him in the back) we still would pass glances at each other. I was doing my best not to fall for him, my heart still mending from what Kyle had done. As it was Kyle did send me a text, one of those "Hey, I am sorry about what I did. Can we talk about it?" I brushed it off, not really caring to deal with him.

Practice was fun, the group coming together in preparation of a tournament in early December. With Thanksgiving break taking up pretty much an entire week of November we had all decided not to participate in the annual monthly competition. While I was starting to get good at throwing left handed, my right had improved enough for me to get the cast off on Tuesday.

Breaking my train of thought, I rub my right arm, taking pleasure in not having to deal with the ceramic cast anymore. Besides the mental wounds, which had mostly healed, that was the only reminder of my attack. With it gone, I could finally move back to my life. Ally was singing along with her iPod, belting out tones that actually matched the songs. Drifting back into the blue clouds overhead, I think back to Tuesday.

I had gotten my cast of after my communication class. It felt weird at first when the doctor cut through the plaster, the fresh air interacting with my skin, my arm hair standing on end. It was surreal at first, finally being free but soon after began to feel light. My arm had gotten used to the added weight of the brace and taking it off made it easier to move. Bryan and Zach were the first to see me without the brace, throwing the crude humor that I could finally use my good hand at jacking off again. Thinking of it, the only time that I had really worked the wood was when the night I kissed Michael. Ever since then, I really had not felt the urge to splurge. My libido must be shot...

Wednesday was prep in History and English for tests of Friday. In English we had finally finished the love section and were to be tested on it. History was no different, being quizzed on what happened when and who shot or won over whom. Being that we covered most of what was taught in History back in high school, it was easy to remember everything. Michael was busy the morning before English so we didn't catch coffee. Instead we just made small talk on the way to our next classes. His next class was psychology which happened to be near my history class.

Thursday was a test in biology, the lab occurring first in the day then the actual class. Having the lab first was a godsend, allowing for me to absorb the information. Communication was just prep for the test on Tuesday, us going over how to effectively talk with a group, what points to cover in certain situations, etc.

Practice was great, everyone commenting on me having access to my arm back. Regaining use of my arm was great but I had to learn how to re-throw the disk. Pike and I, while still talking with each other, didn't talk as much as we had normally. While I was still nice to him, it was hard to not think of him and my sister having sex. I didn't need to have asked him, or her for that fact, tell me that they were doing the dirty for me to know. His actions said it all, him not getting as close to me when showing me how to toss the disk, him averting his eyes from mine when my sister did come up in conversations (which were very few times).

Friday came and passed, having the English and History tests be obnoxiously easy. Michael and I did a little pre-study prior but when I saw the test, I knew there was little to be worried over. History was a little more complicated, asking date sensitive questions, throwing in a few trick questions as well. The highlight of the weekend was me gathering my clothes together, placing all the dirty ones in one pile and clean in another. I had contemplated just doing wash before heading home but to save money, figured it might just be easier taking it all home.

Statistics on Monday was a boring class, having most of them already left for home. Frisbee was an unofficial practice, many of the players already left. Bryan and Zach only waited till after the game to leave, wanting to say their goodbyes and all. The team had been getting close over the semester so this wasn't too surprising. That night I had the room to myself so I got in a good beat off. Hell I even slept nude, which I had not done on my own for the longest time.

Finally reaching back today, I let out a heavy sigh. A lot had happened in the last week but nothing really special. My test in communication was short and simple, Ally waiting out in the lot once I was done. She helped me move my bags into her car and off we went.

The barren fields of the California central valley roll by: towns here and there with water towers proudly displaying their names. Ally and I have been quiet throughout the trip to each other, she focusing on her driving and singing and me daydreaming. Out of the blue though I move my hand over to the radio and pose the question: "Did you know about Kyle?"

Ally, at first flustered that I stopped her music, grips her hands around the wheel. Popping her lips, she works her words as best she could. "There was always the, what is the best way to put this, feeling, but I didn't want to believe it. I was hoping that he was more mature than that but when looking at some of the other freshmen out there... well Chris I am not surprised. There were even a few times that I caught him drinking."

Looking out the window, my eyes water up a little. "Sometimes it sucks being raised by the General." Looking back at Ally, she notices my eyes. A small smirk breaks my lips and a chuckle off my chest, "I haven't drunk at all since college started. Bryan and Zach both have, both of them having their drunken nights stumbling in late. I guess I have been too focused on school."

Ally doesn't say much in response, just nodding her head. The rest of the trip was a mix of me dozing on and off followed by us switching in the middle so she could sleep a little and I drive. Ally wanted to take back over driving when we got close to Sacramento so I had pulled over to switch. We arrived into Sacramento around 4 in the afternoon, just barely catching the tips of early people leaving. We lived in Granite Bay, a wealthier part of the Sacramento County. While it isn't technically in Sacramento, it doesn't seem that far away, taking only 30 to 40 minutes to really get there. Plus being close to Folsom Lake, it made for a great way to cool off during the unbearably hot summers. After departing off the interstate 80, it only took us around 15 minutes to get to the house.

Pulling up the house brought back many memories. It was nice to live in the wealthier side, not going to lie, but at times it got a little lonely. Our house was a huge two story crème colored complex, complete with the guest house off to the side for any visitor's that the General had coming into town. Ally left the car running in the roundabout driveway for a few seconds after shifting into park, taking in the sights of trees lining up yard, the shrubbery outlining a path up to the front door. It felt great to be back home, the long semester dragging me down.

Moving first, I open the door and stretch my legs, placing the jell-o sticks into the gravel and attempting to stand. Regaining my footing, I reach for the sky, attempting to loosen my arms and back muscles. Ally moves out of her side of the car, copying my movements before heading towards the rear of the car. We both pull out our suitcases, me two her one, and start to head towards the door.

Before I can get to the pathway however, I am tackled, both suitcases flying out to the side of me. "Chris! You're back!" Lying face down, I attempt to roll the body off me by pushing up off the ground, but the attacker starts tickling my lower ribs, forcing me back down to the ground.

Ally stands at the door, looking at me then the attacker, a smile spreading over her face. Making no effort to help me, she only laughs out, "Hey Tay, glad to see you're doing alright."

Grumbling, I make for a second defensive attack, lifting one leg and pushing over Tay as I fall over onto my back, him flattening underneath me. Instead of tickling me, he now has shifted his charge to a grip, his arms wrapped around me. Shimming around, I am able to look at Tay for the first time since returning.

Like me, he too has blue eyes but more aqua colored. He has a bit of facial hair, nothing more than scruff but enough to make it look sexy on him. His dirty blonde hair could use a cut, hanging over his ears. Lifting his head up to me, he puckers his lips. Playing around with him, I move my index finger to his mouth, cutting off the kiss. "I just got home Tay. Think you could give a guy some rest before you jump him?"

Smirking back at me, he retorts, "Now where would the fun be in that?" He releases his grip on me, allowing for me to move away. Playfully pressing my hands on his chest, I push off him and move back to my feet. Tay moves to his feet as well, dusting off his legs and shaking his head. "Need help with your bags?"

Knowing that I wanted to catch up with my oldest friend, as well as former boyfriend, I smiled and nodded. "I'll take the larger one. It has all my dirty clothes in it and I don't need you stealing any more of my clothes. I still think you have my blue briefs somewhere in your room." We start heading down the footpath, us rock hopping off the larger footstones to reach the mahogany door.

"Nah I left those in San Francisco. Though if it makes you feel any better: I do have a gift for you." Tay lifts a paper bag into my view. I make a swipe for the bag but he moves it back to his other hand, pulling the suitcase and carrying the bag in one hand.

Stepping into the house flooded me with emotions. The smooth marble floors which I used to slide around on in my socks; the wooden staircase wrapping around the entrance, a slight half circle bend to the stairs that I used to slide down on. Before I head up the stairs, the General walks into the entryway holding a phone, "I thought I heard commotion. Hey Tay. When you and your sister are done unpacking, come down to the kitchen ok?"

Assuring him I will stop by, I move towards my room upstairs. Tay follows behind me, pinching me in the butt a few times. Walking down the hallway, I glance at the photo's that line the walls and stands. Here and there are family pictures of the three of us hiking, out in the snow, the General in his uniform with the president, etc. Finally making it into my room, I toss the luggage to the bed and collapse back first onto the bed. Tay moves my other suitcase to the bay window seat.

Tay sits silently for about a minute then opens his mouth, speaking rapid fire about his semester, "Dude you have no idea how awesome San Francisco is. The art institute there is amazing, perfect location and all. Not to mention the shopping district just south of it." Tay rambles on for a few minutes about his professors, his classes, and the hot guys he has been seeing around the city.

I lean up at the part about the guys, causing him to think I was suddenly interested in his love life. "Don't worry Chris, it's not like I am whoring around. I don't want to get AIDS from doing some random guy. To be honest, after we both went our separate ways, I have only been with 3 guys. Though I bet you, being down in LA, have gotten way more ass than me."

Walking over to him, I stay silent, my face telling him that I don't want to talk about it. I open up my suitcase and shift through the clothes, pulling out the more needed attire that I will be wearing.

Tay takes my left hand and wraps his hands over it. "I warned you against falling in love so quickly." His careful compassion breaks me down, sitting right next to him and opening up to him.

Tears drip down my face, finally having someone to talk with who knows what to say. "It wasn't me just falling in love with him; it was also my stupidity for thinking we could work it out. He goes to Fullerton University and I caught him with his roommate."

Tay pulls his hands away from mine quickly, startled to hear that he went to a different university. That is what I told Tay when we knew we were going to different colleges; that is wouldn't work, that it would be best if we saw other guys, etc. Here I broke my own promise; while not with Tay, it was still something I should have seen coming. Rubbing my hair, Tay attempts to calm me down.

"Besides your screw up," I give Tay a slight glare for those words, "How was the rest of your semester?"

Groaning as I move back upright, "Well where should I begin? I had a massive crush on my team captain who turned out to be straight, then I find out he is dating my sister. I was attacked a week before Halloween, breaking my arm and fracturing two ribs." Tay attempts to interrupt me, but I continue on with my rant. "One of my roommates initially was weird around me because I was gay. The soccer team on campus knows I am the resident gay sports man so they bash me whenever they see me. Frankly, my first semester has been shit." Moving to my bed, I start taking out the dirty clothes and separating them into each different piles.

Tay remains at the window seat, moving his arms over his chest and crossing them. "Sorry to hear about the attack. Do you want to talk about it?"

Shaking my head in disagreement, I just utter, "I'd rather talk about it later. I don't want to ruin the mood too soon."

Tay expresses amusement, "Think it's a little late for that. There must have been at least one or two bright moments for you then."

Laughing, I scoff, "My highlight was when I was with Kyle. Though after what happened, whenever I think of him, I only imagine him with his roommate." Finished with sorting, I move the suitcase to the wall.

Tay moves up and pulls me in. It was almost romantic when he looked into my eyes, the same burning desire as when we were first together. He knew me backwards and forwards, inside and out. Literally. "Come on, there has to be one thing that you enjoyed over the semester."

Breaking his persuasive grip, I move towards the door, him in tow. "Fine, I am happy that I found the Frisbee team. There are you happy?" I say sarcastically.

Tay moves up behind me, binding me with his arms... again. "I'm content. Like you are with saying that your Frisbee team makes you happy."

We move to the stairs where he lets go, making me spill about what really made me happy. "I am happy over the Frisbee team, trust me. But if you really want to know, I helped a guy come to terms with being gay. The same way you helped me."

Tay playfully shoves me as we move down the stairs. "Did you have sex with him? Cause I remember that's what we did after I "helped" you." Tay moves his fingers to "help", winking at me at the same time.

Bringing my finger to my lips, his eyes widen as I head into the kitchen. The General is still there, though now working on some papers. He is relaxed in some baggy old t-shirt, hanging loose over his bulking arms. He may be in his late 40's but he is still built. We exchange our hellos, hugging each other and making small talk. It isn't long though before Tay and I are heading out the door to grab some food.

Getting outside, we both notice that Ally has run off with her car, leaving us with taking Tay's dad's car. Walking across the street, we pass by Tay's house. Unlike mine which has shrubbery out in front, Tay's parents decided to go for more a desert theme, using cacti around what would be the lawn. There are themed dirt mounds here and there, a little waterway flowing in a lazy Z. The footpath leading to the front door has an old wooden bridge jetting over the middle of the waterway.

Tay pulls out the keys to his dad's Audi, unlocking the doors. While our parents are both pretty well off, they do trust us enough to drive their cars. Tay didn't have a car, mostly because with him in San Francisco he had no need for one. Between BART and his bike, he told me that he was actually able to get around faster.

Tay pulled out of the driveway, but right before he was to take off, he stopped. "Wait here, I forgot your gift." Opening his door, he ran out of the car and into my house. Normally I would have been worried over it but we were a close knit community, many of the residents knowing each other enough to watch over the houses.

Tay ran back out of my house, the brown paper bag gripped firmly in his hand. Jumping back into the Audi, he tosses me the bag and buckles up. As he starts heading towards the gate to get out, he motions for me to open it up. Feeling around the bag, it quickly crumples up into a cylinder, ribbed. Having a strong idea of what it is, I pull it out, a firm dildo being wrapped around by my fingers.

Holding it up to him, "What are the chances this has already been used?"

Tay, concentrating on driving towards the restaurant (which is unknown to me as to which one exactly) laughs out, "Sadly I have not had a chance to use that puppy. Best part is look at the base."

I turn over the black dong, taking note of the ribs and buttons that form patterns. Looking at the three inch wide base, I notice that there is a screw. Next to it is a button, which I proceed to push. The toy comes to life, literally jumping out of my hand had I not been gripping it. Turning it on turns me on a little, my cock becoming hard at the thought of this vibrating around my prostate.

"Tay you didn't have to get me this. I thought we both agreed that after breaking up, there would be no more gift giving." Quickly shutting it off to avoid growing my boner any more, I place it back in the bag.

"I know, I know. It was something that I picked up in Castro District. I was running around with a few of the gay friends and saw it. Even though we are not "boyfriends" anymore, consider this my way of always being able to turn you on." Tay smiles over to me as he drives on.

Pulling into the local Denny's, I notice a few other cars around that look familiar. "We're not eating alone are we?"

Tay mischievously comments, "Maybe, it depends on who all sits down with us to eat." Without saying another word, he jumped out and started heading in. Not wanting to be left out, I ran out after him, catching him at the door.

He pulls me inside, throwing me right in front of the greeter. "Um, two please." I go, blushing about almost running into him.

Tay interrupts before the greeter can respond, "Um, it's ok, we have a reservation."

The greeter, looking confused, simply responds, "We don't do reservations. But there are plenty of seats open anyways." He waves his hands around the open restaurant, seats spotted here and there.

Tay looks out over the tables, spotting one in the rear. Not even letting the guy catch up, Tay breaks off, forcing me to run after him. "Tay what are you doing?" Looking back at the greeter, I simply apologize. As I get back to Tay, I notice where he has gone. A group of old friends are scattered around the table, a girl and a guy.

The girl, a brunette at shoulder length, beams up at me. "Chris, Tay told us you were back but we didn't believe him at first." Her eyes captivate me, the golden green color wrapping me in. I move in to hug her, then move to the guy, shaking his hand.

"Hey Wendy. Hey Sean nice to see you two again. How's the college life for you two?" I ask, taking the seat next to Tay and Wendy. Grabbing a menu, Tay and I share it as we look through the options.

Sean starts off, talking about life at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. His golden brown hair matches his tan body, showing that while he was attending SLO, he was spending just as much time at Pismo Beach. Sean and I were great friends back in high school, both of us on the cross country team. After Tay and I came out as boyfriends, he was one of our biggest supporters, having been like a brother to Tay and a teammate to me. He was more of the popular jock, built body and all. During the off season of running he played basketball, a point man for the team.

Wendy came into the picture when Sean started dating. They first got together sophomore year of high school, sticking it through till graduation when they went separate ways, her going to UC Santa Cruz. Whenever the two of them had problems, Tay would work out the issues from Sean's end and I would work with Wendy.

The four of us ordered our food, talking over the highlights of our semester, me avoiding all the bad issues that I had opened up to Tay earlier about. Instead I focused more on English and Com, the joy of Frisbee and how my roommates and I had gotten along. While it was only a semester, it felt like the longest time since we had all seen each other. Hanging out with your old friends always seems to bring comfort, especially knowing that they will have your back.

After finishing our dinner, it must have been around 8, the sun already long gone. Not wanting to call it a night so early, we moved over to the cheap theater. It was retro night, playing Ferris Bueller's Day Off. We managed to catch the last showing, pigging out on popcorn as we watched the commercials. It almost felt as if we were back in high school again, Sean and Wendy sitting arms wrapped and Tay wrapping his arms around me. While I had seen the movie multiple times over, seeing Matthew Broderick dance and sing on the big screen was amazing. Especially when hearing his voice over the speakers, it was amazing.

When we were done we didn't want to call it a night but knew that we had to. Sean and Wendy both went off together, each of them taking their own cars but leaving and driving down the street, caravan style. Tay and I walked over to the Audi, settling in and relaxing before heading off ourselves. What would have taken a normal twenty minute drive took only ten as the drive was all green lights. Even though it was only 10:15 at night, it was strange not to see any other cars driving around.

Arriving back into the community, Tay crept up to his house and shut off the engine. Neither of us made the first move to get out, trying to extend the time we had with each other. Tay broke the silence, not by silence though. Having reached back to the rear seat, he grabbed the paper bag and pulled out the vibrator. Giggling slightly, he turned it on and held it in his hands as it shook back and forth.

I pulled my lips in, trying my best not to laugh at how funny he looked wrestling with the toy. It was almost as if he was trying to hold onto a fish, it wiggling in a futile attempt to escape. Somehow though, I was getting slightly turned on by it, seeing him hold it as it pulsated.

Tay caught sight of my rising pride then looked up at me, a sigh bursting out of his mouth. "Look, I know we are no longer in a relationship but screw this. What about friends with benefits? You are horny and I am horny."

Smirking at his comment, all I could do is work at my wood. Turning to look out the window, I begin to ponder it over. My thoughts are interrupted as Tay moves his hand over to me and rubs my leg, moving up to my crotch. Sliding his hand down my pants, he moves my grip off and begins pumping himself. "Looks like you have answered your own question. Help yourself."

Tay leans over, resting his head in my lap, unbuckles my seatbelt and then my jeans. I help him out by sliding my pants and briefs down my legs, exposing my groin to his face. Looking around to make sure no one walks up on us; I gently push his head down into my cock.

Wrapping his lips around the crown, he licks around it with his tongue, flicking the slit. Cupping my balls, he starts playing with them as he moves further down my penis. Taking the full girth in, he bobs for a few seconds, all in before moving back up.

I lean back, closing my eyes as my former lover works all the pleasure zones. His knowledge of my body never ceases to amaze me, the wrapping of tongue around the base of the cock then licking the underside all the way up.

Bliss is interrupted as we both hearing a knock on the fogged window. Opening my eyes in fright, I see an elderly man standing outside the driver's side of the Audi. He is wearing a blue robe, wrapping his arms in his pits to keep them warm. Tay jumps back up, looking over at the guy. The guy becomes more visible as he rises up a key and unlocks the Audi. Opening the door, his simple command echoing to the both of us, "Hi Chris, glad you are enjoying yourself. Tay I need this car for tomorrow morning so please move this inside. Also I don't need any of the neighbors seeing this."

Tay wipes his lips and sheepishly responds "Umm... sorry about that Dad." Not saying another word, I haul my pants up. It was awkward being caught by Ally but this was just weird. Tay and I both stumbled out of the Audi as Tay's dad just stood there, arms still crossed. Tay hands the key back to his dad, allowing him full possession of both keys. His dad went in, leaving us to talk alone outside.

Grinning like little kids, we both stand out in the cold for a few seconds before moving in towards Tay's house. It was dark when we got inside but having spent a lot of time there, not much hand changed. Tay led the way, me wrapping my arms around his waist before slowly moving down to his groin. We slow our pace as I start working his wood to proper stiffness, taking the steps slowly up his staircase.

Once we got into his room, our clothes flew off faster than a tornado rips open a dildo factory. Kicking off our shoes, I push Tay against the bed and pull off his pants. Kissing up the side of his legs, I move over his briefs, outlining his meat with my tongue. My saliva sketches the tip in, then the veins of his roll, down to the balls. Moving up his chest, it was great to see his rocking body again. The first semester of college had been great to him, leaning him out a bit to a more average body. There was slight muscle tone to his chest, enough to take notice of when he lifted his head up.

Resting my body on his solid stick, the full 7 inches pressing against my jeans, I lean over to help him take off his shirt. There is a little nipple hair cutely outlining each breast as I kiss each one. Moving up to his lips, I connect with a passion that Kyle could never match. The first love is one that always is most connected to you; the way they move, the way they kiss.

Tay streams his fingers though my curls, wrapping a few of them into his fingers as we make out. Our tongues greet each other, long lost friends welcoming one another back into their playground. The nerves of my tongue are excited as Tay presses his mouth against me.

Pulling away from Tay, I pull my shirt over my head, revealing my toned body, not quite washboard abs but definitely toned. Tay works to unzip my pants, me having not buttoned them back up since getting out of the car. Pushing me onto my back, Tay pulls my pants off me, following with my briefs. I rest nude on his body, my back on his chest, ass in his face.

Not even moving towards my cock, he starts licking my ass, flicking his tongue around the hole, opening it up. He moves his hand onto my cock pumping it with every flick he lashes out. Moving my arms over my head, I slide down his boxers, exposing the beast that was hiding. Turning over, I still rest my ass above his mouth, allowing for him to eat me up.

I return to favor to his snake, eyeing me for pleasure. Not even touching the skin as I envelope the cock, I envelope the entire thing before applying pressure. The initial humidity had caused Tay to shudder a bit, but when I applied the force of sucking, he immediately shot his groin into the air, his ass a good three to four inches off the bed. Falling back down, he breaks the strain of my mouth, allowing for the air to wrap back around.

Content with rimming me, he begins to move down to my balls, hanging like warheads to be sucked. While he sucks both of them into my mouth, he continues to finger me, opening my ass up even more. Soon two fingers are able to smoothly slide in and out, his middle finger massaging my prostate with every motion.

I turn around on him, moving our lips back into harmony. My ass sits open over his cock; almost welcoming it in. Not even needing to ask where he keeps the lube and condoms, I reach over to his nightstand, opening up the first drawer. Unwrapping the Trojan, I slide it down his cock, looking at Tay the entire time. Tay opens the lube, pouring a little into his hands then pulsing his cock. He polishes my hole a little, sliding some of the lube inside as well, then moves to the front working my cock.

Easing back over his cock, I slowly begin to take him in. Being the only guy ever to fuck me, it feels great. It has been a long six months since we last had sex, us missing each other greatly. The pain, the pleasure, the ecstasy, the burning, it all comes to a head as his peak pops in, followed by long hard pole. I finally reach his base, camping there while he siphons pre-cum out of me.

Moving back up, my tight hole having relaxed a little, it brings stars to my eyes as his cock releases its weight against my prostate. I repeat the motion, sliding down then up again, taking each drop with pleasure. Tay has stopped working me, knowing that I am really close to cumming. He too is close, his cum warming up my insides as I slide up, sucking it with me.

Pulling out, I roll over him and turn onto my back, allowing for him to top me. He takes the cue, lifting my legs up and moving his cock into my ass again. This time he moves at his pace, proceeding faster than expected. Granted I was open for him, my muscles still had tightened slightly, so when he pushed in, all the cum in my cock flew out over my chest. That didn't stop him though as he continued to pound.

Wrapping my legs around him, he worked my cock, dripping out all the cum that was in me. His pace hastened, the slapping of his balls against my ass ringing louder with every clap. Moving in to kiss me, we wrapped our tongues together, him only pulling off to nibble my lip as he blew.

Even though he had a condom on, the initial burst of his juices gave me a small secondary orgasm. Pulling out, he took off the condom, wrapped it and tossed it in the trashcan. Moving back to me, we pressed our bodies together, him still leaking out cum. Our fluid mixed together, the stickiness not wanting us to leave each other again.

Hey guys, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. After everything that has been happening, Chris needed a little R&R to feel good. Send in any comments, concerns, questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Next: Chapter 13

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