The Two Sides Of Oral Sex Between Men

Published on Mar 16, 2011



This is a description of the author's thoughts and feelings about what a man experiencing the delights of giving oral sex to a man thinks and feels about it, and what the man receiving oral sex also thinks and feels. It is written by an author who has given a good many blow-jobs, starting with the one herin described.

Three years ago, at 68 years of age, I had my first adult male-to-male sexual experience. I was then beginning my bi-sexual side of life's experiences, unbeknownst to everyone I knew. It consisted of meeting a man on line, in a "dating" site called Silverdaddies, and arranging to pick him up near his home after which we drove nearby to a secluded street where he allowed me to enjoy bringing him to sexual climax in my mouth.

Bob, his name on the dating site, was in his early 50s, married, and bi-sexual for several years. He told me that he practically never has sex with his wife because she no longer wants it, so he obtains sexual pleasure from meeting men like me........mainly for blow-jobs along with intimate mutual fondling. I had e-mailed and exchanged messages with Bob on the dating site for a day or two before we spoke via cell phones during which I explictly told him that he would be my first man to suck off, and that I intended to swallow his semen. I also asked him to please not jerk off until we could meet because I wanted to experience a man ejaculating passionately and with a lot of cum so that I could really feel, taste, and swallow it with the greatest possible experience and thrill.

Being married, and in the "closet" with everyone, it was a matter of his getting free late one night to meet me. As for me, being a nightly walker for exercise, I had a ready excuse to get away, although I was going to sneak away in my car, which I didn't use to go walking. In the future I would be walking and only have the man who I would suck off come to pick me up in his car. This would prove to be much more convenient and discreet for me at home for all of my future m/m late night blow-job activities.

I drove the three miles to where I was to pick up Bob, all the while with a nice hard erection. When I got to the parking lot he recognized the car that I'd earlier described and my personal description as well, so he immediately opened my car door while greeting me by name as I also greeted him by name. We then shook hands, he sat in the passenger seat, unzipped his jeans, and I drove him to a side street where it was dark and secluded, unlike the parking lot where I'd picked him up. When I parked he already had his zipper undone and jeans pulled open revealing a cut 6" erection. I immediately began to fondle it and felt its precum wetness. That really excited first adult male contact with a hard cock other than my own. I then bent down after he'd reclined his seat back, and I began to lick and mouth the head of his penis. It was such a thrill! It felt warm....even hot, soft and silky smooth yet firm, and it was an alive intimate part of a virile man.....a man to whom I was going to give the ultimate pleasure.......the pleasure of ejaculating and spurting his semen.........his seed inside of my mouth for me to feel, taste, and swallow.....literally to drink it from him.

I was ecstatic. I said his name several times..."Bob, oh Bob," as I began working him with both a hand jacking and bobbing head motion with my lips tightly holding and sliding up and down his hard shaft all the way to the ridge of his crown. I used my tongue to caress the head, the piss-slit, and just underneath the head. Precum was flowing and easily tasted, which excited me even more. I continued for about a minute, and Bob began to breath faster, squirm, move his hands over my back and shoulders and finally utter "I'm getting close, close now, jack it some, yes, yes, I'ts cumming, I'm cumming, ohhhh, aaahhhhh, aaaarrrggghhhh, aaaahhhhhhh, aaahhhhh." It was finally happening for me. I was making a man ejaculate, and it was inside my mouth. This was such an ubelievably intimate thing that was happening...that I was doing for another man. I kept up my motions until I could no longer feel the spasms and spurts of warm liquid, about four in all, and felt his cock start to soften.

In less than a minute Bob began to come down from his orgasmic high, breath more normally, and relax some. As he did I asked him if I could squeeze his penis to get out the remaining residual semen drops that were oozing from its piss-slit. He said it was ok, and I licked and sucked him dry, even though I could feel a slight flinch from the sensitivity of his cock head after his orgasm. I asked him if it was good...especially for a first timer like me. He smiled or even laughed and said it was very good, and he thanked me. I commented that he should now sleep well, to which he heartily agreed, and upon his getting out of my car when we drove back to the pickup point, I thanked him and told him how much I enjoyed it, and how good I thought his semen tasted. I think he also thanked me once more, and we said goodbye. When I arrived home I promptly e-mailed this man with whom I now felt so intimately connected...having drunk his sperm, and told him how much I enjoyed the experience and felt it an honor and privilege to have taken his seed. He thanked me in return, and in subsequent days we exchanged messages on the Silverdaddies site concerning possible meetings in a better place than a vehicle.

Since that time I have sucked off Bob some 10 or more times, but all of the subsequent meetings have been at his home while his wife was away. However, in addition to a number of meetings with men, in my home and theirs, I have provided oral service in vehicles, both during daylight and night, for many men successfully. All total I've been with 110, mostly all married men, and I've sucked almost all of them to completion and "beyond," as some are fond of saying. Those I could not bring to an orgasm just took an inordinate time to finish for me, or were the few men who I let top me anally......but that's another story. Also, many of them have been repeats, as well.

Why do I do this with men...often men who are almost complete strangers? Why am I doing these most intimate possible acts with men? Well, I actually know the answer to my question, but I'm still nearly in disbelief about the whole scenario each time, and about the tremendous sexual and emotional thrills and pleasure I receive each time I pour my whole being into, into loving a man with my hands, lips, mouth, and tongue so that he loses control and gives up himself to me by ejaculating inside my mouth. When he does so he's revealed the most intimate side of himself to me, and he's also given me his most intimate and sacred bodily fluid.......his semen to take into my body.

I just love making a man cum by bringing him to sexual orgasm. I love the control over him that pleasuring his body represents. A lot of men think that they are in control of a man who's giving them oral service, but in my view, the truth is quite the opposite. It's the receiver of semen who is in control. He is the most needed one for the man being pleasured. This has been evidenced to me by how on occasion a man i'm pleasuring becomes irritated by an interruption during the building up toward his climax. An unexepected pause, a mistaken move, etc., can make for an uncomfortable moment in the countenance of the man being sucked to completion. He so needs me.....he so depends on my continuing my loving craft upon his testicles and penis....and the general intimate treatment of his virile masculine body.

When I see a man who I find desirable to me, I am mesmerized by his masculine legs......the hair and rough texture of a man's legs, the muscles....excite me beyond words. During the summer when I see men walking for exercise or out and about generally, and they're wearing short pants, I quickly glance at their legs and get turned on by their sexiness . A man's hairy rough and masculine legs sexually arouse me. I just want to kneel down in front of them and begin kissing and licking their shins, calves, knees...especially knees, and thighs...especially inner thighs. I want to stroke and caress their lower body and feel them tremble with sexual arousal from my touch, and hear them sigh. I also wish to touch, fondle, caress and explore my man's give him whatever pleasure he needs and desires. Massage, kissing, verbal communication of appreciation for the honor of the intimacies my man allows me to experience, and close embraces are experiences I wish to give and share with a man.

When i'm finally with such men, at last I'm able to satisfy those most intimate desires, and experience the excitement I get from hearing the man that I service express his passion verbally and physically. I get to know what he's like when he climaxes. I get to hear him say what comes to his call out my name, to tell me how good he is feeling, to tell me he loves me ...if he is having those feelings for me, as I lovingly bring him such intimate pleasure. I love to see and feel his legs tremble....see and feel the goosebumps rise on his skin. I love to feel him thrusting toward my face as he releases his sperm deep inside my mouth. I always thank him sincerely for such a received gift as his semen.

I experience thrills beyond words when the man I'm pleasuring finally ejaculates. When his semen is released into my waiting mouth he instantly makes me fall in love with him. I'm never able to keep from having such feelings. I have no ability to resist giving my heart to him...along with my body for him to do with as he pleases. The act of receiving and swallowing the seed of a virile pleasured man is sacred to me. I feel that the man i'm servicing in so intimate a manner and I have become as one. His sperm...the fluid of life...that man's essence, is flowing in my blood...becoming an intimate part of me. I'm not able to resist feeling a loving bond with him.

I always find a man's semen very desirable to swallow. It doesn't matter how thick or thin it is, or of what color. When I find it to be fairly thick and sticky, i'm particularly pleased. But that's not anecessity. It's unusually exciting when it has some unevenness or lumpiness to it so that i'm able to squeeze it against my palate with my tongue and savor it and sort of use my teeth to "chew" the lumps and then feel them go down my throat as broken up as I swallow them down. If such a description is somewhat unromantic or too clinical, I apologize for it, but these things often occur to me when my man shoots his load into my mouth. If a man's semen is off-white....grayish, yellowish or even greenish, as mine was when I was in my teens and always horny, I find it especially desirable and somewhat exciting to receive. Thick yellow or greenish tinted semen is probably from a man who's not climaxed for some time and may be congested, although I realize that a man's diet of certain foods does influence the color and taste of his semen. When I was in my late teens and early 20s my semen was a yellow-green and also very thick. I always feel fortunate to be taking a man's congested semen ...a man who's very horny and needy to get his "rocks" off. I'm especially honored when I bring such a man the sexual release he needs and so deserves. I just know that the hornier a man is, the more appreciative he is of the oral service he's receiving from awilling lover of his body.

But what does a man wanting and needing a blow job think and feel about it all? When he feels the urge to meet a man for sex he tingles all over and I starts to get hard. It is then that he begins his quest of searching Craigslist, or another "dating" site to which he might belong. When he finds a potential partner with whom he's in contact via e-mail, he's then in a state of perpetual arousal. The exchange of photos, physical stats, thoughts, and expressed feelings for what he and the man want from and for each other continue to heighten the excitement and desire for them to meet and consummate the act of intimacy. If he wants to give the oral sex that is sought, then they begin to e-mail the details of where to meet, when, how he wants to give oral pleasure, and the pledge of his being willing to allow cumming inside his mouth for him to swallow semen. The man's desire to swallow cum is what the receiver of a blow-job values most, because it signifies his complete acceptance of a man's masculinity and manhood, and it's an acknowledgement that he is willing and needing to, to bond, with another man in that most special and deeply personal pleasurable way, whether of not he's even truly aware of it.

The photos sent to the cock sucker are face or hard or semi-hard cock pics. It's important for him to see the face of the man who is going to be using his mouth for that very special ultimate sexual pleasure that a man truly relishes.......the joyful act of cumming. It's also wished that he see the cock that he's going to be making "love" to....stroking, kissing, caressing, licking, tasting and getting to know so very well as it's placed inside his warm wet willing mouth so that the receiver can find joy and the thrill of connecting with another man who he wants so much to "know" in such a special, intimate and personal way.......knowing what he's like when he cums. He's also hoping that the face pic will allow him to think of him as an object of desire....maybe even lust. The feeder wants him to want him to give him the gift of his seed, and for him to feel that he's going to become a part of him when he swallows his semen. The bond that must exist when men give up and accept each other's semen is very deeply special and maybe even sacred. Atleast that's what the man getting sucked off, and perhaps all men, think and feel about such an intimate experience.

Often the next step is to talk via phone. It's often very comforting to hear the voice of the man who wants to suck on a man's cock to receive his sperm. Sometimes they're very aroused by just being in voice contact with the cocksucker, and he's also excited by the knowledge that an actual man is going to allow him to penetrate him in such a personal and upfront manner......inside his face literally. They will then talk about themselves and reveal details that have thus far remained secret, and by doing that they will soon feel like friends......friends that are going to become very personal and special to one another.

When meeting a man for the first time who wishes to perform oral give service, the feeder looks closely at him and immediately begins to develop sexual feelings for him. He looks at his face and into his eyes and he'll almost always perceive in him a lust for intimacy with men that transcends the usual friendship lines. It's a need to feel a depth of intimacy that no other act of contact with another man can provide. A handshake, pat on the back, a hug and not even a kiss can match what a man must feel when he receives a penis into his mouth with the intention of providing the stimulus that will cause it to ejaculate a man's warm semen as that man is in the grips of one of the most pleasurable physical and emotional experiences any man can have. When they first begin talking to each other the feeder is wanting to find out what the man thinks about him from his first sight and impressions of him, and if he thinks he's going to be liked. He'll tell the cocksucker that he already likes him.....just because he's wanted in such an intimate manner. The feeder will admit to him that his giving him oral sex isn't just a physical experience for him, but that it's emotional as well.....a bonding experience of m/m intimacy that he's going to remember, value, and treasure, regardless of whether or not the giver feels the same about their union. The feeder holds back telling him that he'll be falling in love with him as he nears his orgasm, and that when he actually cums that he will be in love with him....even though it's for the short period of ecstatic time that he'll be experiencing him. Some men are scared off or made uncomfortable with a man expressing such deep emotions about sex with another man.......especially married men.

By the time his friend is ready to receive the feeder orally, both are already aroused.....and the feeder is almost weak-kneed, and he eagerly gives the cock sucker control of the situation and of himself. The feeder asks him where and how he wants access to his cock to enjoy with his mouth in any way he desires. From then on the excitement arrives in many flavors. Some cocksuckers want to make out and begin to kiss the feeder passionately....some without first asking if it's ok, and some who've politely asked permission. Many feeders consent or submit to any kind of kissing by their newfound friend that he wants......the kissing of his chest, nipples, neck, shoulders, face, mouth, French kisses, very wet kisses, and sometimes very passionate embraces as well. Some men enjoyed kissing a feederslegs...knees, thighs, inner thighs, stomach, and of course kissing and licking his testicles and all around his genitals and penis. This making love arouses a feeder to the point that he'll usually eagerly return each act of favor in kind to the lover. While knowing that he's most likely going to swallow his semen, The feeder will have the urge to swallow his saliva......take an intimate part of him into his body..... during their wet passionate deep kisses with dancing tongues meeting to ring in their time of intimacy.

When the cock sucker takes the feeder into his mouth the feeder begins to feel the warmth and moistness of his friend's tongue, cheeks and palate, He's then brought to the next level of passion and excitement. This intimate connection with a willing man who wants to experience him in so deeply personal a way is overwhelming to any man being sucked off, and and he can't help but caress his cocksucker's face, ears, head, while running his fingers through his friend's hair. The feeder might well be falling in love with his friend! The cocksucker will often look up at the feeder and they may both make eye contact and realize that they're meeting each other's needs in this special way. The cock sucker wants him to climax and release his semen into his mouth for the pleasure it brings him as a man who is desired by the feeder, and the feeder will then be stimulated to the point of loosing control and becoming the cock sucker's love amidst the flooding of his mouth with the feeder's seed. The feeder, on the other hand, is seeing and feeling a masculine lover who desires him enough to want his sperm so that the feeder will become a part of him.......which is such an intimate personally bonding shared experience between them that a feeder can scarcely put into words.

The experience usually involves a feeder being brought to the point of precumming from his passion as his friend is working him inside his mouth, with his hands, and with occasional utterances of pleasure and desire for his penis. The feeder then begins to get tingly, and goosebumps might start to rise on his thighs and legs. He then know it's about to happen. He's now fallen in love with his cocksucker, and the man who's bringing him this exquiste pleasure is a lover on whom he's now totally dependent. The feeder so needs him and wants him to keep wanting him. The feeder will often call out his name....over and over again, and he may even tell him that he loves him. Such is the pleasure and passion of being sucked off by a willing man just as he begins to feel his ejaculation start. Then it happens. He's in a heavenly ecstasy. His legs are trembling and his knees go weak from my loss of control as the love between him and his masculine oral lover consumes him.......consumes both of them.

The feeder is now spurting semen into his friend's mouth, and his cocksucker is skillfully milking and manipulating the feeder's penis to get all that he has to give him. The feeder is usually squirming, bucking, and bellowing his pleasure loudly as the cocksucker's one hand massages his testicles and his other hand deftly moves from the base of the feeder's cock up to the rim squeezing sperm into his mouth with each pulse of the feeder's orgasm. The cocksucker holds him in his mouth when the feeder is finished....usually four spurts later, and he gently sucks him to a softness as he feels a deep gratitude for his lover for letting him reveal himself to him in so sacred a manner. The cocksucker then finally withdraws from holding the feeder's penis in his mouth, looks up at him, and then swallows. They are now one......deeply bonded together. The cocksucker will often hold his friend's cock inside his mouth as it softens and dribbles the remaining drops of semen to be eagerly swalloed by him as his final act of love. If the cocksucker wants the feeder to perform oral sex on him he's often eager and desirous of doing so, and he can fall in love all over again as he becomes the giver of oral pleasure.


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