The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 3 The Ball and a New Woman

Late in the afternoon, Sir Gray is sitting in his chambers thinking about all the things that have happened to him over the last two weeks. He wonders if really being Sir Gray the man during the day and the Queen at night was the right decision.

The question he asks himself, "Is this the way I want to live the rest of my life"?

Of course, he knows that it's too late to turn back because the spell cannot be reversed. He should have asked for more time to think about his decision to before the spell was cast upon him. Maybe the emotion from the first time the spell was cast caused his judgment to be impaired.

Well, it's done and now Sir Gray will have to go on living like this.

Deep down even as a man right now Sir Gray has feelings for Sir Troy. Maybe that's why he is hurting even though he knows that Sir Troy was commanded to spend the night with another woman.

Of course, he cannot just be upset with Sir Troy. He was also ordered to be with the King at the Ball and afterward to be brought to the King's Chambers. Could he really take the Queen's place and nobody notice at all?

Well, it is certainly a challenge or maybe a quest which all Knights love to be the best at. Does it matter if he is the Queen while trying to win at this?

Certainly, he fooled Duke Keel and all his henchmen. Maybe tonight will allow me to see the power a beautiful woman has over men.

Suddenly Sir Gray notices that it is becoming late in the day. As he leaves his chambers and passes by Sir Troy's chambers he stops for a moment. After a minute at Sir Troy's chamber door, he then turns and starts making his way to the Queen's Chambers.

As he walks down the King and Queens Chamber corridor, he notices there are no guards posted at the Queen's Chamber. Sir Gray then opens the door to chambers and notices he is alone.

On the Queen's bed, he sees a beautiful Dark blue silk dress and matching undergarments laid out across it.

With the sun moments from setting, he removes his clothes. Now naked and waiting to transform he looks at the dress on the bed. In his mind, he starts fantasizing how every man will want him while wearing this dress at the Ball. All of sudden his cock starts becoming hard. "Could I cum twice in one day as a man thinking about when I'm the Queen", he asks himself out loud?

Sir Gray then makes a decision before the sun completely sets. He grabs his cock and starts stroking it and within seconds he shoots cum all over the Queen's bed covers just missing the dress.

A sense of pride comes upon Sir Gray for shooting that much cum twice in the same day. Suddenly he realizes the sun has set and his body starts transforming into the Queen.

After a minute and fully transformed he looks at himself in the Queen's large mirror. He admires the way he looks naked with her body. It seems that all his regrets about the spell go away when he becomes the Queen.

"This feels so good to caress her soft and smooth body. To touch her breast and watch her nipples get hard what a sensation", Sir Gray says out loud.

As he turns from the mirror he notices his cum still on the Queen's bed sheets. Suddenly he has an idea.

Still naked Sir Gray looks back in the mirror and says, "I'll never be able to put my cock in the Queen's pussy but that's not true about my cum."

Then Sir Gray scoops up all of his cum which was still warm and puts in the Queens pussy!

In a very seductive tone, he faces the mirror and says in the Queen's voice, "Oh My King your seed is not the only one in the Queen's pussy tonight!"

After this, he put on the Queen's silk undergarments while still watching himself in the mirror.

Suddenly a knock at the Queen's door and a soft voice of one of the many handmaidens asks to come in to help him dress for the ball.

At the Ballroom, the attendants start receiving guest and their dates.

Sir Troy arrives with a lovely red-headed lass named Miss Greta Wilks his assigned date from the King.

The King already seated wonders why Sir Gray has not made his grand entrance as the Queen. He mumbles to himself, "Still like a woman, late as usual no matter if he is a man on the inside".

Then suddenly the Ball Room large entry doors come open. Everyone stands up straight and looks towards the Ball Room entrance.

Sir Gray starts walking in with all the guest and their dates making way for the Queen.

Sir Gray knows that every eye in the ballroom is looking upon him. His beautiful blue silk dress displays the Queen's wonderful plump breast, whispering curves, and of course the most womanly ass in the whole kingdom.

As Sir Gray is almost to the King he notices Sir Troy and raises his right eyebrow to acknowledge him.

Greta who is standing next to Sir Troy says, "The queen is the most beautiful woman in the land". "Yes he is", Sir Troy says quietly to himself.

As Sir Gray approaches the seat for him King Alex whispers to himself, "Sir Gray is going to sit on me with my Queen's womanly ass later tonight". Then Sir Gray is seated in the Queen's chair by the King.

With a loud shout, King Alex declares, "Let the Ball begin".

After the King's declaration, a tradition of the first dance of the Ball is performed by the King and Queen.

Suddenly Sir Gray realizes this and whispers in the King's ear, "My King I have never danced as a woman before".

Then King Alex replied, "My Queen just follow my lead". Sir Gray did and the dance was very beautiful.

The King stares into Sir Gray's blue eyes and tells Sir Gray, "My Queen I have never seen you look so beautiful as you do tonight. Our time tonight will be very special."

After saying this Sir Gray wonders if the King knows that he is really not the Queen.

While the King and Queen were dancing Sir Troy felt a little jealous that the King was holding Sir Gray close to him. After their dance was over he felt better after they went back to their seats. Sir Troy danced with Miss Greta for most of the night.

After the dancing portion of the Ball was done. Before each quest leaves the Ball they must introduce their self and date to the King and Queen. Of course, the first Knight to introduce himself and his date was Sir Troy.

"My King and Queen this is my date Miss Greta Wilks", says Sir Troy. After he introduces them they both lower themselves towards the King and Queen.

"Sir Troy I understand Sir Gray could not make it to the ball tonight", Sir Gray says in the Queen's soft voice.

"No my majesty he is ill and taking a well earn rest for tonight", says Sir Troy to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray then tells Sir Troy, "Give my regards to Sir Gray and thank you and your beautiful date for coming tonight. May you both enjoy the remaining evening".

Sir Troy and Greta turn and leave the ballroom.

The King leans over to Sir Gray's ear and says, "That was very good of you to ask about Sir Gray. I personally know he will feel a lot better tonight in my bed".

Sir Gray then smiles at the King after he says this.

Sir Troy and his date Miss Greta arrive at his chambers. At first Sir Troy pauses to open his door.

Then Miss Greta asks, "My Knight are you nervous? Don't worry I'm a little nervous too".

As he opens the door and they both enter in and Sir Troy says to Miss Greta, "Sweet Girl its not you that I'm nervous about but for the one, I have given my heart to. You see tonight I have been commanded to share my bed with you. You look young and very beautiful and I have no doubt that you can please any man. But what troubles me is that the person I love was also commanded to lie with another for the good of the Kingdom. If you mind me asking how old are you, Miss Greta"?

"Sir Troy I just had my 18th birthday last month. I'm sorry about your love having to sacrifice for the Kingdom. Sir Troy it will be a great honor to share your bed with you", Greta says while slipping out of her dress. In a few moments, she was naked in front of Sir Troy.

Miss Greta certainly was very beautiful with her long flowing reddish hair on her head and a small patch of it just above her pussy. She then turns around to let him see her backside.

Right away Sir Troy quickly notices the most delicate tight little ass he has ever seen on a woman! The more he gazed upon her the more his cock got harder and harder.

Of course, he is a man and his body was reacting seeing this delicate young beautiful naked woman right before him.

Miss Greta moves to Sir Troy's bed. She bends over it laying flat on her stomach. Sir Troy then notices her little pussy was shining with fluid coming from it. Also, her tight little ass was perched up to give him access to her pussy.

Sir Troy then quickly removes his clothes and now is naked. Miss Greta immediately notices that Sir Troy's cock and that it was largest one she has ever seen!

"Please, my Knight I have been waiting all night for you to put your large cock in my little pussy. I've never been with someone with a cock as big as yours. I'm ready for you now. Please be gentle with me. I hope you enjoy my pussy. Please put it in me now"!

Sir Troy then slowly put his cock into her tight little pussy. Miss Greta was able to take all of Sir Troy's cock in her pussy.

He never felt a pussy so tight as Miss Greta's! Within seconds of Sir Troy putting it in her pussy he felt Miss Greta begin to orgasm. Right then he felt the vibrations of her orgasm around his cock and Sir Troy's cock started spurting his seed within her.

A few moments go by and Miss Greta notices Sir Troy's cock is still hard.

"My Knight please I want to feel your cock move back and forth inside me again." Miss Greta says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy starts moving slowing and then begins going faster. Once again she experiences another orgasm. This went on for a few hours until both were satisfied and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the King and Sir Gray have left the ball and are walking back to his and the Queen's chambers. As they're walking King Alex places his right hand on the Queen's ass and his left is holding Sir Gray's hand.

"My Queen please come to my chambers and will begin this night of pleasure if you know what I mean", The King says to Sir Gray.

They both enter the King's chambers and he closes the door. Immediately the King starts to take off his clothes. Sir Gray hesitates at first and then starts removing the Queen's beautiful dress. He slides it down to his beautiful feet and steps out of it.

Then Sir Gray feels a little dampness from his bottom undergarment and remembers he still had some of his cum in him from this afternoon. Suddenly he has to think of how to clean the Queen's pussy before the King gets to it. Then an idea comes to him.

"My King this is so embarrassing but right now I have to take care of the Queen's business if you know what I mean", says Sir Gray with a look of embarrassment.

The King replies, "Why of course with all the food and drink during the Ball I understand fully. Look to your right and there is a small door which leads to my Queen's chambers. Inside her chambers to the left is her latrine room. Go and take of her needs and come back once your done".

"Thank you my King", Sir Gray responds back.

Sir Gray exits the King's chambers and enters the Queen's. Just like he said the latrine room was there. Sir Gray enters it and locks the door. He slides the Queen's bottom undergarments down and sits on the latrine pot.

Sir Gray then wonders how many times that Queen Sonia has sat here doing the exact same thing?

Knowing that he did not have a long time he grabs a towel which is neatly folded next to the latrine pot. Since he knows the Queen's body very well now it did not take long for the Queen's liquid and cum to flow out of her pussy. Once he was done he used to towel to wipe up all of his remaining cum in her pussy.

He exits the latrine and removes the remaining undergarments. Sir Troy then grabs one of the Queen's silk robes and puts it on him. He looks in the mirror and says, "Now my Queen you're ready for the King"!

Sir Gray opens the King's interconnecting door between Queen's chambers and sees King Alex laying in bed on his back naked with his cock standing at full attention!

"Ah my Queen please remove your robe and come take care my hardness of my cock for me", King Alex asks very softly.

Sir Gray removes the Queen's robe and straddles over the King and places his cock in the Queen's pussy. "Oh Sir Gray you have my Queen's pussy already so wet and warm", The King says!

Sir Gray starts riding King Alex with movements the King has never felt before from his Queen. Within moments the King says to Sir Gray, "My Queen here comes my seed". As soon as he said that the King's cock throbbed and spurted his seed into the Queen's pussy.

The King now coming down from his pleasure realizes that Sir Gray is still on top of him and that his cock is started to shrink. Sir Gray then removes the King's cock out of the Queen's pussy and all of his seed is running down Sir Gray's leg. Sir Gray then asks the King, "My King did that please you"? King Alex then responds, "Yes, my Queen it greatly pleases me. Give me a little while to recover and I'll please you."

Sir Gray then decides to take matters into his own hands and mouth. He slowly rubs the King's cock to bring it back to life.

Within a minute the King's cock becomes hard again and Sir Gray places it into the Queen's mouth and uses his tongue like the King had never felt the Queen do to him before.

Now with his cock fully hard again Sir Gray asks the King, "My King take me from behind and give me all you have".

Sir Gray lays over on the bed facing down and the King enters Queen's pussy and starts grinding into him like he was a 20 year again. Surprisingly to the King's amazement, Sir Gray starts to shake and has an orgasm within a minute of the King grinding into him. The King thinks to himself, "Wow Queen Sonia never orgasm that quick before"!

With King Alex still grinding into him, Sir Gray asks in the Queen's seductive voice, "Oh my King I need some more of your seed please give it to me"!

As soon as Sir Gray finished speaking King Alex unloaded his seed into him a second time within the same hour.

By this time the King's age and his overweight condition were starting to catch up with him. He rolled off of Sir Gray and began rubbing his soft and smooth arms laying on the side by him. He became tired very quickly and in no time was asleep and snoring away!

Sir Gray thinking the King was done for the night gets up from the bed. He grabs the Queen's dress and robe and goes into the Queen's chambers through the King's interconnecting door. He closes the door behind him and moves to the Queen's bed and lays down on it.

Suddenly he feels the King's cum running down his leg from out of the Queen's pussy. He gets up and goes back to the Queen's latrine and cleans himself up. He then puts the Queen's robe back on and lays back in her bed. Sir Gray starts pondering over the events of the night that happened to him.

Sir Gray says to himself, "Being the Queen at the Ball was very delightful but sleeping with King was not so much".

His thoughts then began to wonder what Sir Troy was doing with the lovely red-haired lass Miss Greta.

Sir Gray thinking to himself, "How can this Miss Greta really please Sir Troy? She's so small in stature and may not have a big enough pussy to please him. I have shared many things together with Sir Troy while in battle as Knight and as a woman".

Sir Gray then closes his eyes and drifts into a much needed restful sleep.

As the light peaks through the Queen's chambers stain glass, Sir Gray opens his eyes slowly. Suddenly he realizes where he is. He looks down at himself and he is still the Queen.

Rising from the bed he removes the Queen's robe and turns and faces her image in the mirror naked. With the Sun fully risen he starts transforming back to Sir Gray.

Fully transformed back to a man again he says to himself, "I'm living two lifetimes with one at night and the other during the day. Somehow I don't feel tired or exhausted. It seems that each time I transform I'm refreshed and full of energy. It must be the spell".

Sir Gray puts his clothes back on and leaves the Queen's chambers without anybody seeing him. He sees no sign of the King as well which is fine by him.

Almost to his chambers, Sir Gray stops by Sir Troy's chamber door and wonders if he should knock on it or not. Of course, curiosity gets the better of him and he knocks on Sir Troy's door.

Sir Troy opens the door and is surprised to see Sir Gray standing there. In the background, a soft female voice asks "Sir Troy who is at door"?

Sir Troy says, "Miss Greta why its Sir Gray. Please, Sir Gray will you come in".

Sir Gray comes in and immediately he smells the aroma of sex that happened in the room last night. He also sees Miss Greta laying in Sir Troy's bed with the covers over her naked body so she would be decent in front of him.

Sir Gray turns his back to her out of respect for Miss Greta and says, "I'm sorry Miss Greta I did not know you were not decent and I don't want to intrude on you and Sir Troy. He should have stopped me from coming in while you're in this condition. " "Sir Gray don't worry. Sir Troy is more of a gentleman than you think. He has been very kind to me. So I don't take offense of you seeing me like this", Miss Greta talking to Sir Gray.

"I'll leave you two doing what you were doing before I knocked on your door. I'm heading to the tavern. If you both want to join me you're welcome to", Sir Gray telling both Sir Troy and Miss Greta. Sir Troy says, "I'm already dressed and I'll go with you now. Miss Greta, I've already fetched some hot water and drawn it into the tub for you. Feel free to spend as much time in the tub as you want. Also, if you want to go ahead and rest after your bath or come meet us at the tavern after wards."

"You see Sir Gray this man is the perfect gentleman", Miss Greta says with a smile.

Sir Gray looks at Sir Troy with a smile on his face and they both leave his chambers.

While walking to the tavern Sir Gray says, "Well it appears Miss Greta is infatuated with you. Well, you have a certain way ladies don't you".

"Sir Gray you know it's not like that. Miss Greta is a sweet girl and just like me, and you she was put in an awkward position to obey the King. So don't worry my love you have nothing to worry about", Sir Troy commenting back to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray answers back, "I know I'm just fooling around with you into thinking that I'm jealous of Miss Greta. She knows what kind of man you are Sir Troy and that makes me love you even more".

As they walk into the Tavern they stop talking about their feelings about one another. Once in the Tavern, they start telling tales of their adventures as Knights to the patrons around them.

About an hour later Miss Greta walks into the tavern. Immediately the men in the tavern start wanting to fondle her.

"Stop you swine. Miss Greta is with us. She is our guest and you'll show this lady respect or I'll teach it to you! Now sit down and act like decent and respectable men", Sir Troy says in a forceful tone.

Right then the men sat down and became quiet. Almost all the men in the tavern were commoners. They knew Sir Troy the Knight was not fooling around and Sir Gray was with him in case anyone got out of hand.

"Thank you, Sir Troy. Every time I come in here that is what I have to deal with. I can't just come and get a drink and relax without being fondled", Miss Greta telling Sir Troy.

Sir Gray then says to Miss Greta, "I understand sometimes more than you know. But don't worry we're here and tonight you can enjoy taking in a brew or two and relax".

Sir Gray and Sir Troy started sharing their tales of adventures and quests with Miss Greta. She sat and listened with much interest. Every once in a while she would ask how did you two escape out of that battle or almost being captured. She did not seem like other young lasses of her day. The women of her age worry about the way they look and what they can get from men. Her heart loved adventure even though she was a woman she could still dream of being in those situations.

Many times Miss Greta would say to them, "Wow I wish I could have been there to help you two. You could have used a woman to distract your enemy in that situation".

After a few hours, it was now time for Sir Gray and Sir Troy to head back to the Knight's Hall and check in with the other Knights. It was custom to see if everyone was accounted for especially after last night's ball.

"Well, Miss Greta it was really a pleasure getting to know you. Unfortunately Sir Gray and I have to leave and take care of some our duties. Do you need anything from me to help you in any way", Sir Troy asking Miss Greta.

"No Sir Troy, I don't need a thing. The King's nobleman compensated me really well for our night together. I do hope to see you again as well as you Sir Gray. You, two Knights, seem so close to one another. I guess its true that Knights are closer than brothers. Maybe in the future, I can come with you on your next adventure. It would be wonderful for a woman to rescue you Knights for a change.", Miss Greta says to Sir Troy and Sir Gray.

"Miss Greta Sir Gray and I wouldn't want to put you in harm's way. A lady such as yourself is certainly more than capable of helping us but we do not know if we'll make it back every time. Its a risk we take as Knights to protect you and others in the Kingdom", Sir Troy telling Miss Greta.

They say their goodbyes to Miss Greta and start walking back to the Knight's hall.

"You know Sir Troy you convince me more and more every day that I have made the right choice about the spell. This makes it more than worth it to be the Queen at night to give you what is well deserved for being a great Knight and man, Sir Gray saying to Sir Troy.

"Sir Gray you are the Greatest of Great Knights", Sir Troy tells Sir Gray.

As soon as Sir Troy stop talking a dispatcher from the King hands Sir Gray a scroll and then leaves.

Looking concern for Sir Gray, Sir Troy asks, "Is everything fine"?

"Yes, the King request a meeting with me only in his council chambers.", Sir Gray tells Sir Troy. . Sir Troy then asks, "Do you think he wants another night with the Queen?"

"I hope not but I'll find out. Don't worry Sir Troy we'll be together soon I promise", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy while firmly shaking his hand.

They both came up with a way to show their affection of love while Sir Gray is a man during the day. A firm long handshake during the day would be affection equivalent as a long passionate kiss at night. It means a lot to them to show each other love no matter if its day or night and man or woman.

Sir Gray leaves and heads to the King's Council chambers. Sir Troy turns and goes to the Knight's Hall.

As Sir Gray walks through the large double doors of the King's council chambers he notices King Alex is already sitting in his large chair.

"My King what can I do for you", Sir Gray asks the King.

"Sir Gray, as your King I have made lots of decisions. Some good and some bad. Having you take my Queen's place last night was not a good decision. I awoke this morning feeling guilty that I made you perform and please me like my wife Queen Sonia would do. At that time you looked like, smell liked, and even felt like my wife the Queen but inside I know you're not. I know this had to be very hard for you to see your King take advantage of you. Myself as a man I can't imagine being a Great Knight commanded to do such a thing if fear of displeasing me. From this day forward I release you of your obligation to spend time with me in the absence of my Queen Sonia", King Alex declares with remorse.

Sir Gray stunned says, "My King don't worry about what happened last night. I was happy to serve you and thank you for releasing me from my obligation to you. Sir Troy will be very happy to hear this. Is this all you need my King?"

"No Sir Gray. There are problems of unrest and fractions of resistance still causing havoc near the castle. I need you to come up with a plan to wipe out these traitors once and for all. I would like yourself, and Sir Troy to lead this quest. Of course Sir Gray this might be a problem since at night you become my Queen. We need to resolve this as well. Go see the wizard and ask him if anything can be done to modify the spell to allow you to change into another woman instead of my Queen. When you and Sir Troy rid the Kingdom of these traitors you can become the Queen again if you like. I trust that you'll figure out a way to execute this quest", King Alex tells Sir Gray.

Sir Gray says to the King, "My King I will do my best to do as you request. Sir Troy and I will lead the Knights even when I'm a woman at night."

"Sir Gray you have two days to come up with a plan for me to approve. I do not want to put my Queen's reputation in question. Once again I'm sorry for the bad decision I made by requesting the spell cast upon you. You're my Greatest Knight day or night and whether you're a man or woman", The King says.

Sir Gray leaves the King's Council Chambers and heads to the Wizard Vincent's chambers. He knocks on the door and Vincent shouts, "Who is it?" "It's me, Sir Gray. I have a request from the King." Sir Grays says to Vincent.

Vincent tells Sir Gray, "Come in the King Alex's Mighty Knight."

"The King has a special request. The King wants to know if there is a spell you can cast upon me to make me transform into a different woman other than the Queen? I know you told me that the last spell made me a man by day and woman by night cannot be reversed. What about modifying it?" Sir Gray asks Vincent the Wizard.

Vincent pauses for a moment and says, "Yes, I do remember a certain spell that may work. Just be patient and I'll check my spell books."

A short time later and many spell books open all over the floor the wizard shouts to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray come see. I have found a spell that will do what the King asks."

"Vincent I'm here!" Sir Gray says to the wizard.

"Sorry, Sir Gray. I guess I'm excited about what I found. This spell is unique ll in that it will allow you to transform into any woman that you want. All that is required is a strain of hair from the woman you want to transform into." Vincent says Sir Gray.

Sir Gray asks, "You mean I can become a different woman every night if I want too? Also, can I transform back into a woman I was before?"

"Yes, you can do both. The way the spell works is that right before sunset you must have the woman's strain of hair in your hand and say this enchantment. You will become this woman every night until you use another woman's strain of hair and do the same thing. I believe this will help you cope with the burden of the previous spell that was cast upon you. Just think you could be the Queen one night and a young lass the next night. I would recommend keeping Sir Troy's knowledge about this limited. You don't want this to be a routine thing. So tell him that this is only for the quest that you and him are embarking on." Vincent tells Sir Gray with a careful tone.

"Vincent, can I use this spell tonight and make sure it works?" Sir Gray asking Vincent.

"Yes, but remember what I told you to tell Sir Troy. You know that this could make even good men have fantasies about being with a different woman every night!" Vincent says to Sir Gray.

Now I just need to think of a woman to become." , Sir Gray says.

Vincent gives him the enchantment and Sir Gray leaves the wizard's chambers.

As Sir Gray is walking the idea comes to him about what woman he could transform into besides the Queen. On his way he makes a stop at Sir Troy's chambers and enters into it without Sir Troy there. Immediately he sees what he needs on Sir Troy's night stand and takes it.

Sir Gray leaves Sir Troy's chambers with what he needs and makes his way to the council chambers.

Immediately he sees Sir Troy and walks up to him and whispers in his ear, "Sir Troy I need to talk to you in your chambers in a little while. Go ahead and leave now and I'll meet you there after sunset. And we can talk all night if you know what I mean!"

Sir Troy with a smile on his face gets up and quickly leaves and makes his way to his chambers.

Sir Gray leaves the council chambers as well and goes to his chambers as well.

Once inside and moments before sunset he looks over the enchantment that Vincent gave him and the item he took from Sir Troy's chambers.

He begins the enchantment and holds tightly to a strain of woman's hair. Now that the sun has set Sir Gray begins the man to woman transformation. This time however the transformation was a lot more drastic and enlightening.

After transforming in a new woman Sir Gray looks in his mirror. He is pleased that it worked. Sir Gray decides it's time to share his plan and his body with Sir Troy.

He grabs his large robe which swallows him up and heads out the door to Sir Troy's chambers.

He walks very quietly so no one will hear him. Sir Gray says to himself in his new female voice, " I must ask the King to give Sir Troy the chambers that belongs to Sir Randall. This way his would be next to mine. Maybe we could have an interconnecting door installed between our chambers like the King and Queen has."

Finally he arrives at Sir Troy's door. He reaches out and begins to knock.

Next: Chapter 4

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