The Two Princes

By Raydiantstar

Published on Jun 11, 2017


The Two Princes: Part 2 - The Cottage

Three months had passed in the blink of an eyelid since that fateful night in the desert camp as both Ash and Phil had returned to a cornucopia of official duties in both Eskarnia and Sharifah. Whilst they both spoke every night without fail via a private messenger app, strangely neither one brought up any of the happenings of those lustfully magical few hours in the sands of Sharifa under the blanket of the night. But the forbidden fruit, once tasted, had changed things forever.

In reality there wasn't an hour that passed when they didn't think about it at least once. Phil would catch himself daydreaming in the middle of council meetings at the palace whilst Ash's mother, the Shiehka of Sharifah, noticed him grinning away to himself and assumed that her son was full of anticipation for his wedding just six months away. It was easy for Ash not to arouse suspicion with his fiancé as she was far too self absorbed with various achievements that she wanted to tick off before her marriage. His father the Shiekh was also preoccupied in matters of government and moreover he never interfered in Ash's social and personal movements. Whilst Phil's widowed mother, Queen of Eskarnia, had a fairly formal relationship with her son, his fiancé Sophie-Anne knew that something was different and could feel the emotional distance with Phil despite his considerate and chivalrous gestures when they were together. She had decided to try and have a frank talk with him on a long walk down by the river as she didn't want him to marry her out of a sense of duty rather than love. Though she had always had her heart set on Phil for as long as she could remember.

Eskarnia was to host the 5th Europe-Gulf Oil and Gas Summit in less than a week. This would bring the fruits of carefully negotiated background strategies to the table to solve a number of economic, environmental and political issues. Although each of the 12 nations at this summit were represented by their heads of state, Phil and Ash had worked tirelessly in the background including travelling and advocating wishing their regions, to try and make this work. Neither were nervous about the discussions and outcomes of the summit but both were wildly excited as well as deeply frightened of what their next encounter might bring. Ash was to arrive a day ahead of the summit to 'prepare' with Phil but both knew that their next meeting would be far far more than that.

As Phil stood with his aides on the tarmac of their private airport waiting for Ash and his small entourage to make a landing in his personal bombardier jet, his heart did backward somersaults though his face showed once a gracious smile, something that his mother had insisted in training him on. This was a low key reception as the red carpet pomp was reserved for the series of official arrivals the next day amidst some of the toughest security measures in the world. As the aircraft made a perfectly smooth landing and the gangway opened onto the royal blue carpet with an Eskarnian seal embellished into it, seven of Ash's aides came out of the aircraft - all strapping young men of course and Phil wondered idly whether Ash had enjoyed any of them, feeling both pangs of jealousy and the heat of crimson in his cheeks at the same time, a shade that complemented his off white summer suit and Eskarnian blue tie - his straying thoughts were interrupted by the head of security who pointed out that all passengers except the pilots seem to have disembarked but Phil couldn't see Ash and for a moment he began to panic.

But how could he have forgotten, of course Ash wasn't being piloted on the journey as he was the pilot! Ash had learned to fly over his summers in England as he tended not to go home for the summer break. As with everything else of a sporting and physical nature, Ash excelled at flying and had his pilot's licence in no time. Phil remembered the time Ash had surprised him and a few other friends by inviting them to his 21st birthday party at the RAF base where he flew them round for 2 hours in a small aircraft full of party tricks and treats... no alcohol but other than that all the works!

Ash strode onto the tarmac looking immaculate and radiant in his pilots gear and any woman (or man, even!) would go slightly weak in the knees at the sight of him. Next to him was a stunning blond Dutch woman in her late twenties who towered to just over 6 feet and was not only his copilot but also the head of his security detail. When she had been appointed there had been much speculation as to whether there might be a torrid affair between her and Ash but she conducted herself with the utmost professionalism and Ash had great respect. This had been a great example for women's rights in Sharifah and Ash had become something of a champion for gender equality in the region.

As Ash strode confidently towards Phil, inside he had a moment of uncertainty - would Phil still want him that way? why hadn't they talked about 'operation desert' in these 3 months? would anyone notice anything odd? - but as they shook hands and hugged lightly like two platonic friends, it took just a momentary touch and a glance for both to realise that their feelings and loyalty to each other were just as intense as that heavy hearted moment when they parted from the desert camp. It took all their willpower to stop them both from tearing each other's clothes off there and then to make love on the tarmac. There was a photographer there from Page 3 of the local paper and what a sensation that would have caused! But of course no one must know and so the show had to go on unblemished.

It was mid morning and they were already half way to the first night's destination which was Phil's private cottage on the mountains. A place where he retreated, usually alone, to think or reminisce especially when he missed his father, the former King, who had died in a somewhat mysterious and fatal plane crash during his final year at Oxford. A year when Ash was by his side as a world's most solid friend and supporter through all the pain. One of the reasons why Ash remained in Oxford for his master's year. As their SUV rolled to a stop in front of the rustic stone cottage nested in the hills, Phil and Ash thanked their security staff who retreated to their own section of the cottage - they had purposefully sat quite far across from one another in the back of the car to avoid temptation and their hearts and hormones had calmed down somewhat - the two friends made their way to the sun room where lunch was laid out by Marissa the homely cottage keeper who fussed about them both and exclaimed at how thin they were both becoming and insisted they must eat their fill. They laughed and joked with Marissa, recollecting Ash's first visit to the cottage a few years ago, whilst they ate a light lunch and then retreated to the indoor pool and jacuzzi area in the upper cottage which was locked away from the rest of the world and where they would be alone.

Soon they were both in the thermal water jacuzzi and although it was a sunny day outside, the indoor water area featured soothing pipe in music and mood lighting with calming LED beams coloured to resemble the Northern aurora. Under the bubbling water Phil made the first move as his foot 'accidentally' touched Ash's leg and moved slowly up to feel a rock hard piston packed into his crotch. After just a minute or so of such teasing Ash could take it no more and literally pounced on Phil kissing him on the mouth deeply as both removed their trunks with great urgency. 'I've missed you man, it's been a long three months', said Ash as Phil echoed his own pining for Ash over the long weeks since their encounter.

It was mid afternoon and the initially frenzied fire play had turned to tender loving. Phil was sitting on Ash's lap facing him with his legs wrapped round and his love passage completely impaled by Ash's massive pillar of a manhood, taking it in to the hilt. Both were in a tight embrace and kissed deeply whilst lost in each other's eyes. They were very still for a long time as Ash's tool adjusted to being inside Phil's pincer tight passage. 'I'm all yours Ash, do whatever you please with me,' said Phil. This drove Ash wild and he stood up with Phil clinging tightly to him and with his nine inches still buried deep inside. Like that Ash walked, with Phil joined to him, to the dry sauna which wasn't too hot but dried them both off and gave Ash a strong surface to place Phil on his back to then plough his tender hole like there would be no tomorrow. They both came together and explosively in the sauna and after a little clean up and a cold shower both dried each other with soft Turkish towels and moved to the adjacent room which sported a soft and lush carpet and a log fire that had been lit beforehand as it was sunny but still quite chilly in the mountains. And there by the log fire they made gentle love on the Persian rug whilst Eskarnian philharmonic music played in the background. It was 5.30pm and they had been at it for hours and both had climaxed thrice already. They spooned each other and drifted off together covered by a large pashmina shawl. They had snoozed a little but Phil was awakened by the most exquisite sensation at the core of his being and without even opening his eyes he knew that Ash had entered him gently but firmly from behind. This time they moved with a slow but rhythmic pace whilst Ash nibbled on Phil's neck and ears, and their fingers were intertwined as they held hands like true lovers do. They gathered momentum and Ash's man-seed was once again deep inside Phil as he spilt his own into Ash's gently cupped hand. They lay blissfully together in the twilight knowing that their connection wasn't just physical but that their hearts and souls were truly one. But just then the pipe dream was interrupted by the sounds of what was unmistakably gun fire outside.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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