The Two Princes

By Raydiantstar

Published on Jun 11, 2017


The Two Princes: Part 1 - The Beginnings of an Arabic and Nordic Love Story

All of 25 years old, he stood majestic at a height of six feet and three inches with his pure white Arabic robes and head dress flowing gently in the cool evening desert breeze. A perfectly trimmed designer beard and smouldering dark eyes adorned a face with evenly tanned skin and a brilliant smile. He was strong and toned but not overly muscular. He was a truly beautiful sight to behold in the hues of the evening sun. The Crown Prince Ashraf Al Hubani of Sharifah. By him stood his companion and best friend from his days at Oxford University, a cherubic 24 year old Nordic prince from the Kingdom of Eskarnia. Prince Philip Aleksander Rekavij was just over six feet tall with soft blond curls framing a perfectly proportioned smooth shaven face with rosy hues and sparkling sapphire blue eyes. He was lean and athletic with a swimmer's physique. The two friends embraced lightly and shook hands near their dune buggies and strolled together over the undulating sand towards the royal tent and its paraphernalia, like a microcosm of oasis amidst miles of emptiness, apart from a ring of makeshift outposts comprising 50 armed guards at a radius of half a mile. The tent was disarmed but a scout helicopter had swept the area and was on standby at a nearby base.

This was not just a reunion after the three intense and magical years that both princes had spent reading politics at Oxford but it was an important meeting of two powerful minds that could shape the future of several nations. Sharifah had become one of the most influential nations in the Gulf alliance whilst Eskarnia boasted the most wealthy and stable economy in the European region. The two future leaders had been sent to meet together to possibly begin to broker a way forward following the recent stalemate over oil exports between the Gulf and Europe. But they had till the early hours of the morning to lay out various blueprints. Before that the evening beckoned to share a few moments of carmaderie over a majestic platter of sumptuous sweetmeats, fruit, nuts, labaan and freshly prepared mezies.

As Ashraf and Philip ate, drank and watched the sun set in a thousand shades against the backdrop of gentle Arabic fusion music on Ashraf's playlist, they recollected their days at Oxford and how quickly the past three years had gone by. Another common bond that drew the two together was the fact that both were engaged to be married to their future wives later that year. Philip's fiancé Sophie-Anne was a childhood friend as well as the daughter of a grand duke and it had always been expected that they would marry one day. He had proposed at the last royal ball held in honour of the Queen's birthday. Ashraf made fun of Philip's predictable move and made him blush slightly. On the other hand Ashraf himself had chosen his bride to be as the American educated daughter of Sharifah's leading industrialist. The pursuit had taken all of three years, a challenge that Ashraf had thoroughly enjoyed until his father put an end to the suspense by asking Humdaran Bin Fayez for his daughter Ella Noor's hand in marriage for his firstborn son. It was now Philip's turn to poke fun which was met by a jestful scowl and a growl - typical of Ashraf!

The time was now 11pm and after the initial hour and a half of banter both had been at work for almost three hours skilfully drawing a mind map of the issues surrounding the stalemate and they were convinced that there could be a number of viable scenarios. Who would have thought that their study group techniques developed at Balifiol College Oxford would one day help to broker international political and economic solutions! Both had been part of the same study group at College but were a year apart which prevented them from ever becoming competitors. Ashraf finished a year before Philip but stayed on to do a Masters in International Relations, so both left Oxford at the same time.

After a short stroll in the crisp night air of the desert they were both ready to retire and Ashraf showed Phillip to his sleeping quarters at the opposite end to his own in the tent. Both then parted bidding each other a good night's rest as they would be picked up by separate private helicopters at 6.30am in the morning. Soon both were asleep in the cocoon of silent serenity and sand that surrounded them.

Philip woke up with a start and saw from the corner of his eye that his watch was 2.31am but he was unable to move, weighed down by his section of the tent which had collapsed in the night. Trying to gather his senses and wondering what could have caused this, he started to wiggle his way towards the edge where he could see the night sky through a gap. Just as he was making progress a strong pair of hands lifted the side of the tent and to Philip's relief, Ashraf was there to rescue him, just as he always did back in College. Philip was glad for the help and was soon standing out in the open with Ashraf looking dishevelled and disoriented. Ashraf was extremely apologetic and repeated asked Philip if he was okay. Thankfully Philip had escaped without a graze but was obviously quite startled. Ashraf's apologies soon turned to anger as he swore to take the engineers who had set up the tent to task and offered to call the standby helicopter immediately if Philip would rather rest the remainder of the night in the city. Philip didn't want to make a fuss and insisted that Ashraf should just keep to the original plans.

Both decided to wash and freshen up a little and by the time Philip was done Ashraf had set up a luxurious looking set of bedding in his section of the tent, next to his own. He then let Philip settle in whilst he enjoyed the mobile shower unit that had earlier been set up by the engineers. By the time Ashraf returned Philip was sound asleep and curled up under a soft Persian blanket. As he watched his friend sleep like an angel once again Ashraf found his thoughts straying back to his years in Oxford and how every day he put on the most impenetrable act of being one of the 'lads' and chasing after girls whilst his heart had secretly been taken by Philip from the very moment they met. Nobody could ever know of this and of course Philip never had a clue, but the truth was that Ashraf had spent an extra year in Oxford just to spend more time with Philip. Ashraf sighed and told himself that three years was enough time to get over his forbidden crush and that he would soon be a married man. Ashraf turned onto his side facing away from Philip, realising that he didn't have a blanket for himself. Philip opened his eyes, adjusting to the dim light and surroundings. He had been lying down with eyes shut and pretending to be asleep just as he used to do back in the Oxford common room sofa late at night where Ashraf would often watch the sports channel and occasionally throw a cushion at the 'sleeping' Philip who would mumble and turn the other way. But of course he would be awake, simply dreaming that one day he might have the courage to tell Ashraf how he felt and how crushed his heart was whenever he saw Ashraf taking out a new girl on a date. But of course Philip guarded the secret of his feelings with incredible skill.

At that moment a low swooping desert bird startled them both by brushing against the roof of the tent and as they both sat up in the velvety darkness of the tent Philip could just about make out that Ashraf was sitting up hugging his knees - something he always used to do back in England but only when feeling cold - Philip then realised that Ashraf was without a blanket as he had been given the last remaining one. Philip called out softly to his friend offering him the blanket whilst Ashraf insisted he was fine. As Philip got up to walk three steps across to pass the blanket he stepped on a stray pillow, stumbled and began to fall, only to be caught by the unmistakably strong arms of Ashraf. As the moonlight shone through a slit in the roof of the tent, there they were with Philip's head and upper body cradled in his friend's arms whilst Ashraf kneeled on the mattress - both looked into each other's eyes for an eternal moment that neither wanted to end - Ashraf then broke the silence to ask Philip if he was okay but his voice was choked with emotion and cracking up. It was in that moment as both were lost in the depths of each other's eyes - hazel brown and deep blue - that it suddenly dawned on them what they felt for each other and Ashraf did the unthinkable as he firmly pulled Philip's exquisite face towards his own handsome lips and tenderly kissed his friend on his perfectly rosy lips. Philip's whole being was on fire as he kissed back without a care in the world. It had finally happened after six long years of speculation, anticipation and some of the best thought out hide and seek. They had just cast aside all their doubts and fears. Ashraf broke the kiss as he took a good look at Philip who beamed back at him through floods of tears - he fought back his own tears of joy and relief - then the words were spoken... 'Ash...' said Phil softly and somewhat hesitantly, 'Yes my friend, tell me...' said Ash... 'Ash, I love you...' said Phil as he looked down blushing a deep shade of scarlet... 'We are such fools...' said Ash, 'Phil I've always loved you from the moment I set eyes on you...' both friends embraced each other like there was no tomorrow and having triumphed at long last, over their emotions pent up for so many years, neither wanted to face the reality of what would inevitably come with the crack of dawn. But dawn was still a little way off. Just long enough for their worlds to change forever.

It was 3.15am and still three hours till dawn break. Inside the tent nestled between some of the world's softest blankets, two stunningly attractive young men were discovering each other's bodies for the first time, as if guided by some natural ritual and rhythm. Both had completely disrobed. Phil lay on his back with Ash straddled between his thighs whilst both locked in an embrace with their lips as one and their rock hard manhoods gently rubbing against one another producing new and overwhelming sensations. Phil's uncut seven inches with a rosy pink head was dwarfed by Ash's nine inches of thick, cut and slightly curved endowment. Ash moved his attention from kissing Phil on the lips to gently sucking, biting and pinching his friends soft pink nipples on his flawless and hairless but lithe body. Phil felt he would go insane and changed positions to take Ash's steel-like tool into the warm cocoon of his mouth as his friend squirmed with pure pleasure.

It was 4am and all about to happen. Make love to me Ash whispered Phil as he lay on his back with his legs spread and his tight pink rosebud hole, oiled and ready to be deflowered as his perfectly rounded buttocks were supported by a downy pillow. Ash was like a man possessed with his beautifully chiselled body adorned by his monstrous manhood also oiled and pointed straight at its target. Phil felt the head of Ash's rock hard instrument push steadily against his entrance and for a moment he felt a searing pain as the shaft went in one inch at a time till all nine inches were buried deep inside him. The pain soon turned to an exquisite feeling of being fulfilled and truly complete as their bodies were joined as one with Phil's delectable legs wrapped tightly around Ash's Adonis like buttocks whilst they were both locked in an inextricable embrace and their sounds of pure pleasure muffled by their passionate mutual kiss. They stayed interlocked as Ash grew and throbbed inside Phil so that his chute grew comfortable with its massive invader. Ash began to gently move inside Phil and began to gradually glide slowly in and out with long sensuous strokes and filling Phil completely before withdrawing and starting the delicious routine again and again. All the time both lovers looked into each other's eyes with tender affection that soon turned to an insatiable passion as Ash's began to plough an ecstatic Phil at a ferocious pace that grew harder and faster until both reached a tremendous climax, one planting his royal seed deep inside the other whilst the other spilt copious amounts of pearly cream all over Ash's manly chest. Both lay spent in each other's loving arms in a peaceful oasis of overflowing joy and Ash was still snugly inside Phil, fast becoming hard again. In the next hour they made love gently first and then with a rough and kinky edge bringing each other to deep orgasm once again. Ash and Phil had both made love to a man for the very first time ever and yet it felt like the most natural thing in the world as their bodies coupled into one again and again until the light of dawn began to illuminate the tent. They reluctantly got up and went to have a shower where Ash took Phil once again, this time quickly and with measured force leading to Phil reaching his tipping point without even touching himself.

Soon they were washed, dressed and as the helicopter drew near there was no evidence of everything that had just happened and as their aides began to arrive they were just having breakfast outside the tent like two good friends and nothing more. But in reality their lives would never be the same again.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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