The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on Apr 19, 2023


`Peter! Peter! We're home! Is Alan still here? Peter are you here?'

We were jerked awake by Mrs. Walker's sudden announcement. We were laying in Peter's bed. Peter was sleeping on his back, the way his jaw pushed down his thick turtleneck collar was so erotic to me. I was snuggled into him, my arm and leg draped over him. Unfortunately we didn't have time to recognize and enjoy our nap and have more sex.

`Shit, get up!' Peter's whisper was more like a quiet shout. I jumped out of bed, immediately followed by Peter.

I moaned with discomfort as I moved to the bathroom to get my jeans and panties on. I heard Peter calling out that we'd be out in just a minute and the sounds of him pulling his chinos on. I gathered my panties and slipped them on, tore off my slouch socks and struggled with my jeans. I need to get better jeans! My hole was so sore though, it made everything more difficult. The warmth of our sex stayed with me though, so whatever this was was surely temporary and so worth it! The primal part of my brain was screaming for more sex!

Peter was in the living room, Mrs. Walker standing in front of him with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. She was dressed in a gray pantsuit. `...two doing,' she was asking Peter rhetorically.

Peter mumbled something but that clearly did not satisfy Mrs. Walker.

I was in such a good mood and felt so light on my feet from the sex I had with Peter. I thought I had gotten to being very accepting of being gay but now I felt incredible thankful to be a homosexual. I didn't think it was physically possible at this exact moment, but I craved Peter's penis in my hole again. The pleasure from our sex was still radiating through me and I didn't want that feeling to go away.

`Hi Mrs. Walker!'

`Alan, I need you two to sit down on the sofa. That is a very cute outfit, by the way,' she said, sternly at first but she couldn't help but smile. I was wearing my jeans tucked into my slouch socks gain.

`Peter thinks so too. I think this is going to be a more permanent look for me.'

Peter winked at me with a sly smile. I just can't get over the fact that my boyfriend has such a big turtleneck fetish like me and how incredible he looks in his turtleneck sweaters. I could totally blow him right now in front of his mom and the world and I woiuldn't care! Get it control Alan.

We sat down on the sofa, and I made sure I was leaning into my boyfriend, possively. Mrs .Walker sat the armchair adjacent.

`Listen, you two, and this is the last time I'm going to say this. I just so glad our guest hasn't arrived yet and neither has your father. I know you were having sex. I'm quite sure our neighbors, if they were home, could hear you two. We know you are sexually active but we don't want to know when you are doing it, understand?'

Peter and I nodded in understanding.

`And you will not do it again when me or your father are home.'

We nodded again.

`Good. Alan, your mother will be here any minute. You two need to clean the bedroom.'

Mom came for dinner and our parents together our coming out at school. I think my mom was the most relieved when I told her how much of a little deal it actually was. I didn't tell her about Jessica Barlow and the scene at lunch because it really didn't bother me. We laughed at Peter's stories of two girls who are really mad at him now for being gay as they had planned to ask him out. I don't know why but that made me even more attracted to my boyfriend.

I love saying that: my boyfriend, no one else's. I was excited about going to school on Monday, holding his hand and everyone knowing that he's mine, my beautiful, masculine turtleneck-loving boyfriend.

Dinner passed, then desert and coffee for the adults. We hadn't yet acquired the taste of it. Mom and the Walkers seemed to get on very well. I was a little surprised in a way to be honest, considering the Walkers are atheists. Mom is a real Christian I always felt, and the way she was okay with her only child being a homosexual kind of proved that. I think its because we go to a universalist church.

At the end of dinner Mom and I left. I didn't feel awkward in the slightest kissing my boyfriend goodbye in front of everyone. I think Peter did but I can't help being physically affectionate to him. If I could, I would have stayed the night with him or had him come home with us so we could hold each other and kiss and everything. And sex of course, lots of more sex! Alas, I had to be content with masturbation. I was still sore, not as much, but I didn't want to mess with a sex toy.

Unfortunately the rest of the weekend was a bit of a bust. Peter called and said that his parents thought we should cool it for a little while and I couldn't come over. I still wasn't super comfortable with him coming to my house. We met each other for lunch at an Italian place not too far from home. Peter picked me up in his new (well, new to us anyway) Volvo and it was our first drive together.

Peter wore his light gray cableknit turtleneck sweater, stonewashed blue jeans and his usual brown boots. I was in my new normal outfit, which meant I would need to do more shopping in order to keep it up. I wore my white turtleneck underneath a light gray sweatshirt, my skinny jeans tucked into my white slouch socks. I felt so good dressing like this and I knew Peter thought it was cute and I would do anything to make him happy.

I guess, in way, it was our first actual date. We talked and laughed and I had a wonderful time with him. We walked around the neighborhood the restaurant was in, holding hands and being in love generally. Aside from a hot make out session in the car when he picked me up, it was not a sexual day for us. And,strangely, it was fine. It was really fine until he dropped me off at home. Then it was much less fine because I missed him. I asked if he could stay but he had to be home by five, so he was already running late.

I was sitting with mom watching TV after dinner with her when I paused the DVR. I had been thinking about this for a little while and I don't know why I didn't feel weird about it. Clearly I was not the same person I was just a few months ago. Coming out and having a someone that I knew loves me and accepts me for who I am made me feel confident in myself and what I wanted.

`Mom, I'm going to start crossdressing.'

Mom took her reading glasses off and rubbed the lenses on her fluffy pink robe sleeve. `Okay, wait, what?'

`I'm going to crossdress.'

`Alan, this is, just give me a minute. Where is this coming from? Do you want to be a girl?' Mom looked flustered and fidgeted with her glasses.

I shook my head. `No, I'm not, like, wanting to be a girl or anything like that. I mean, look how I'm dressed, Mom. I like this look, and so does Peter. And, I just don't think it looks good enough without, you know, more.'

Mom stared at me for a full minute. I got suddenly worried that I may have overstepped. I mean, maybe it was a little quick after telling her I'm gay, I have a boyfriend and that I'm having sex.

`I'm really confused about this Alan. I understand you and Peter, and I can see why you like him. But, this, this is too much right now. I mean, are trying to look like a woman?'

No mom,' I said, trying hard to keep the exasperation I felt out of my voice. I'm, like, I want to wear a little bit of make up I think, you know, like nail polish and stuff. I mean, I've kind of started already. My socks are girls' socks, my turtlenecks are basically unisex.'

`Is this what you want or what Peter wants?' Mom was getting upset, I could tell but I was already into it and I couldn't just back off now. If I did, then I'd have to sneak around and I didn't want to do that.

`No mom, I want to.'

`I guess I had to suspect when you bought your socks and how you were dressed at the Walkers. I don't like it Alan. I don't know if I'll get used to it or not but I am not happy with this at all. It's not about you being gay, Alan. I've suspected that for a long time. Maybe I'm an old lady and not with the times but, what's the use? I know your going to to do it any way. I'll think about it tonight and tell you tomorrow morning.'


`Alan, I'm tired and I don't want to talk about it anymore tonight. I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow.'

That night Peter and I sexted with each other, talking about he was going to fuck me again like we did on Friday and that I better be ready. That brought a satisfying result of cum all over man white turtleneck. I licked it, imagining it was Peter's cum in my mouth. The idea of him penetrating me was intoxicating! I needed a dildo something bad because, while the butt plug felt good, it wasn't enough at all. I needed that sensation of pushing and pulling. I just need to figure out how to get one without mom knowing. I looked them up and was dismayed, thinking how my meager allowance would not afford me to get a good one.

I woke up the next morning and started getting ready for church. I usually don't wear a turtleneck, its a chinos and tie day, or at least morning for there. The idea of wearing a turtleneck, and my slouch socks tucked into my skinny jeans turned me on so bad though. I love that look so much! It was so erotic, so gay and so me. And the smile that it gave Peter made it just perfect. I would do anything he wanted me to do just for that kind of smile from him.

Mom was drinking her coffee when I came down from my bedroom. She was in her typical church attire: a dark colored dress with matching tights. Her hair was pulled back into a bun. In the chair next to her was her duffle bag with her scrubs and nursing shoes.

`Good morning, honey. Do you want me to make you scrambled eggs or an omelette?'

Okay, good, she seems to be a good mood. That or the hammer is going to come down and she's lulling me into safety.

`An omelelte would be great,* I said, getting orange juice from the refrigerator.

Mom started making my omelette as I opened my book. I really do like reading, I just have a habit of forgetting to stop. I had fallen very much out of the habit since Peter and I got together.

`So I thought about what you told me last night Alan. I'm going to let you spend $200. But it stays home, okay? I don't want you going out like that and if this gets serious, like you start thinking you might be a transsexual, you will tell me.'

I couldn't stop myself from feeling and nodded. `I will mom, but I'm not confused or anything. I definitely a boy.' A gay boy that is, I added in my head.

After church, mom dropped me off at home and i practically raced upstairs to change. Since mom was out for the day and I couldn't see Peter due to restriction because we had the gall to have sex with each other. The thoughts of Peter in his white mohair turtleneck sweater and his long, hard penis excited me ever so much!

I stripped off my church clothes and got into the shower. It took a while to shave but I shaved my body hair clean: chest, hands, legs, my feet and around my penis and balls and my anus.

I was shaking as I pulled out my pink turtleneck and pink slouch socks. Matching this were my gold panties. That was my outfit for the day, at least until mom came back from work tonight. I felt so cute and I loved seeing my hard penis straining against the faux-satin of my panties. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror behind my door and posed in different ways, loving how I looked in my pink turtleneck and socks. I decided not ot slouch my socks, That was not my place. They would slouch themselves as I wore them. But really, it was Peter's place to play with my socks if he wanted to, or the result of me on my knees sucking on his penis or being penetrated by him.

These thoughts made a bit of precum leak through the front of my panties. Oh Alan, you are such a naughty gay boy,' I giggled. A naughty gay turtleneck boy.'

Now it was time for serious business. To my dismay, between the clothes I wanted, the shoes and the make up, $200 was not going to go very far. I spent a large part of the day alternating between researching the best budget brand make up, sexting with Peter and watching make out tutorials on YouTube.

My Amazon basket was less than I hoped but I was able to get a fair amount for just under $200. I thought mom was being as supportive as she could and two hundred was very generous of her. That probably meant reduced allowance or something but I'll take it.

I bought a three pack of leggings, which had black, navy and light gray leggings. I bought a makeup kit that wasn't so expensive. I bought a pair of black loafers which had a chunky sole that a lot of girls were wearing at school. I also bought a denim skirt. Adding to that was the most expensive item, a laser hair remover. I watched several videos and if I was going to have the look I wanted, the extreme manscaping I was going to have to go through was going to be tiresome and take too long.

I was so giddy about my purchases and my excitement for dressing, with permission, how I wanted. All I really needed was to do something about my hair. I looked online to see styles but I figured this would have to wait. But, i wet my hair down and brushed it forward and added a little of mom's hairspray. White I was at it, I took mom's nail polish bag and I added some of her more neutral lipstick. I then painted my nails a pink that was close to my turtleneck and socks' color.

Between my turtleneck outfit, chats with Peter, doing my hair and makeup, my shopping and walking around in a bit of feminine way around the house my sexual arousal was out of control! I went back to my room to watching myself in the full length mirror. I looked so cute in turtleneck, my slouch socks and my panties, my penís so hard and straining against the satin and the wet spots from my precum turned me on so much! I reached down and stroked my hard penis against the satin of my panties and shuddered and moaned loudly with sexual delight as my hot creamy cum stained and leaked through my panties, dropping onto the carpet.

I stumbled and collapsed on my bed, panting from the rush of sexual excitement. My panties were warm and sticky from my cum. I spread my legs and carressed my shrinking penis, feeling the cum. With my other hand I wsa rubbing my pink turtleneck collar. I reached up with my hand and licked my cum, pretending it was Peter's. I love the taste and texture of cum now, it is so sensuous even after my orgasm! I quietly dozed for a good hour.

Eventually I did get up, washed myself and put on a fresh pari of panties. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening playing World of Warcraft with Ricky, Tom and Mark. It was fun playing with them again, and I felt so natural now. It was a crazy revelation that I was still me in so many ways and so new in others. Only when mom was about to come home from work did I put on my pajama pants, but I kept my pink turtleneck and socks on (though I slouched them down for pajamas) and my makeup.

Huh, okay, you got into my makeup, Alan,' said mom as she came in as I was cleaning my dinner. She took my hand and looked it over and looked more closely at my lips. I would prefer that you not in the future, but you didn't do too badly.'

I didn't blush and I wasn't embarrassed at all. In fact I was thrilled by the compliment! `Thanks mom, I got my own so don't worry.'

Mom nodded and kissed me on my cheek. `I know. I'm tired and I'm going to bed now. Good night sweetie, and pink looks good on you.'

I spent the night talking on the phone video chatting with Peter as best we could. I sent him pictures of me in my cute turtleneck, socks and panties, my lipsticked lips and nails. He responded with pictures of him in his light blue cableknit turtleneck stroking himself and a video of him cumming. I watched it over and over before falling asleep.

Monday I toned it down for mom's sake, though I had plans of going to school all made up and feminine. Instead, it was my green turtleneck, skinning jeans tucked into my green slouch socks and a white hoodie over my turtleneck. March was still winter and we wouldn't get warm really until May. Cleveland isn't the worst place in the world but I can't see myself living here for the rest of my life at all. That being said, turtleneck season is eight months long so that is not too bad at all. Maybe when we finish school Peter and I can find a job that keeps us in winter in the northern hemisphere and go somewhere cold for the winter in the southern hemisphere!

Peter wasn't wearing a turtleneck, which was disappointing. But he is still super hot and I love him so much. We walked into school holding hands and gave each other a kiss as we parted for classes. The school has a pretty strict PDA policy unfortunately.

After school and practice we walked to Peter's house, arm in arm. It was my idea and it felt so good to walk with him that way. Peter's dad was home sick so getting busy was not possible, in the house anyway. We snuck into the garage where we started making out like crazy! Oh it felt so good to have Peter's lips on mine, feeling his muscular body press against me and feeling his sexual excitement rub against mine. Feeling his fingers knead and massage my turtleneck collar made me shake with excitement!

`Mmmm, suck me baby,' breathed Peter into my ear. Like I needed to be told!

I kissed Peter's neck, then his chest through his navy sweatshirt, down to his abs and finally kissing his straining bulge through his jeans as I worked the button loose and pulling them off his hips. I continued making out with his hard and now twitching penis through the white cotton of his briefs. I loved the masculine smell of him, it was so ntoxicating!

Peter gasped with pleasure as I freed his gorgeous hard penis from his briefs. I licked the length of his shaft before taking his hairy balls into my mouth. I love how my turtleneck feels when I am pleasuring Peter, and I love how his pubic hair feels on my face and in my mouth. I strokied his shaft as I sucked on his balls, my free hand resting on his hairy, muscular thigh.

After a bit I took my mouth off I his balls and took him into my mouth. I knew it wouldn't be long before I got my reward. I was so excited by the feeling my turtleneck collar as I opened my mouth to take him in mouth mouth and I sucked him passionately, taking him completely in my mouth and pleasuring his tip with my tongue. I had my hand on his shaft, stroking him with my mouth and the other hand resting on his balls.

Peter was leaning against the wall, thrusting his hips forward. He was holding his mouth with one hand, trying to keep quiet as I blew him. Suddenly he grunted deeply and his body started to shake and buck.

His cum filled my mouth; hot, creamy and so yummy! He kept cumming and cumming as he thrusted his pens into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, trying to enjoy the sensation before a new flood of cum came in. I moaned as I swallowed, keeping him in my mouth like a good boyfriend.

Finally Peter was spent and he leaned heavily against the wall, catching his breath. I gently pulled his briefs back up before kissing his limp penis as a thank you. I then pulled his jeans up to his hips and re-buttoned them and gently and cafefully zipping them up. I pulled myself up Peter, using his thighs and arms as a ladder. I pressed my lips on to him and kissed him wildly, and opening my mouth to give him some of my treasure, sharing his cum on our mouths as we kissed.

Peter wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me and pulling me into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and massaged his hair as continued kissing. My hips were grinding on him now, my straining penis humping his crotch.

`Turn around, Alan,' commanded Peter in a stage whisper.

I obeyed, and Peter pulled me back into him and I leaned my body into his chest. Peter's hand, shaking, reached down and unbutton my jeans and, with some effort, shimmied them down my hips along with my panties. He grabbed my penis and started stroking me, slowly a couple of times and then with reckless abandon! He had his other arm around my chest which I held onto as my body shook and quivered from excitement. Peter started kissing my turtleneck collar wetly and passionately. It was so erotic and turned me on like crazy my orgasm exploded out of me!

Tell me when you're about to cum,' mumbled Peter between kisses. I could smell the cum on his breath. Let me know when you're gonna cum...'

`I'm cumming Peter, Ohhhhhh,' I moaned, keeping my lips tight to not be too loud.

Peter's hand came off my penis and grabbed and jerked up my crimson panties just in time to catch my orgasm. He rubbed the satin of my panties all over my tip which made me make a high pitched noise from don't where from the insane erotic sensation!

If I wasn't leaning against Peter I would have fallen on the floor, my body was that lax and limp. I fell into my boyfriend who wrapped his strong arms around my chest. I looked up at him and he kissed me, not out of carnal erotic passion this time but it was a loving kiss.

`I love you Alan,* he said, and I love how he says those simple four words.

`I love you Peter, I love you so much!'

I think that must have been quite a sight of me leaning fully into Peter, in my green turtleneck andmy jeans tucked into my cute slouch socks, jeans at my thighs and my crimson panties stained dark with my cum.

I reluctantly struggled to get up but I wasn't supposed to be there and mom was probably going to ask where I'd been. I wasn't going to tell her the whole truth, just that Peter and I hung out after practice for al title while. I figured I'd omit the fact that I gave my boyfriend the blow job he deserved and he pleasured me into oblivion with a handjob. Oh, and that I think I might be addicted to gay sex! Gay turtleneck sex that is.

`Come home with me on Friday. Mom has a late shift so we can be alone. I need you to fuck me again.'

Peter smiled and nodded eagerly. `Yeah, okay. Hey, if mom and dad are out late I'll let you know. I've been thinking about that all weekend, and yesterday, watching you in that pink turtleneck, man all I could think of was fucking you all day!'

`Mmm, you naughty boy,* I laughed!

When I got home mom was annoyed but understood me wantíng to hand out with Peter. I couldn't wait till Friday! I already knew what I was going to wear.

Next: Chapter 9

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