The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on Apr 15, 2023


I cycled onto Peter's driveway. I had his present in my backpack. I rang the bell and Mrs. Walker opened the door for me. `Hi Alan, come on in. Peter's trying on his new present. I think you might like it.'

The living room was full of balloons and a birthday banner with rainbow motifs. The cake was on the coffee table, a tennis-.themed one with green icing and an candles that were a one and an eight where the players would have stood for the serve.

Peter came out of his bedroom as I was fishing his present and cards out of my bag. I looked up and was stunned by Peter's turtleneck sweater. He had a thick white turtleneck sweater with a tall ribbed collar and red and blue detailing Fair Isle style. His turtleneck looked very expensive and Peter looked absolutely glorious in it. I barely noticed his khaki chinos and red wool socks.

I dropped my bag and walked up to my lover and took him into my arms. His sweater was so incredibly soft and was not like his wool turtlenecks. This was so much more luxurious and soft. We kissed deeply and I felt his hard shaft press against mine and we moaned ever so softly to not bring attention to each other. `You look absolutely amazing Peter!'

Thanks babe,' he smiled, still holding me. I love this sweater, its mohair. Mom and Dad gave me another one if you want to see it.'

I love you so much Peter,' I whispered as I drew in closer to him. I felt so close to him and my desire for him was unsatiable now with this turtleneck sweater. My fetish was in overdrive and I could tell his was too. Too bad your parents are home.'

I know,' he whispered. I love you too Alan. Maybe we can do something anyway if we're quiet, this turtleneck is making me so horny!'

We were both laughing when Mr. and Mrs. Walker walked into the livening room from the kitchen. `So, I know you boys want to go into Peter's room as soon as you can so let's do the cake now and then we'll have dinner about six if that's okay with everyone,' announced Mrs. Walker.

The cake was fine and we sang Happy Birthday for Peter. After cake I reached down next to me and gave Peter his present. It was a in gift back and my mom had tied with a rainbow ribbon. The size of the bag made it awkward to get out of my backpack.

`Oh, thank you babe,' bubbled Peter as he untied the ribbon. First he pulled out mom's card which was a pretty generIc Hallmark card. I hadn't read it but Peter showed it to me with a bright smile as he pulled my card out. Mom had written:

To Peter, I am so happy seeing my son for who he really is and I have you to thank for it. Have a wonderful birthday!

With love, Barbara (not Mrs. Robeson!)

I read that a few times and felt a pit of emotion in my stomach seeing how genuine mom was, and that she really was fine with me being gay and not trying to appease me.

My card read:

For my love, happy birthday and I hope to say that to you many many more times! I love you so much!

XoXo, Alan

Peter smiled at me again, but a more romantic smile if there ever is such a thing. WIth a bit of effort he pulled our the camel-colored turtleneck sweater. It had thick wide ribs on the turtleneck collar and cuffs and the body of the sweater was a thick cable knit. Peter pulled the turtleneck out with a wide smile on his face and then reached in and pulled out the matching, well almost-matching, ribbed wool socks. `Oh wow, Alan, this is really nice! Thank you so much!'

Mr. and Mrs. Walker chuckled at their son's enthusiasm and our use of `babe' with each other. I know he wanted to kiss me as badly as I wanted to kiss him, but we kept our cool in that regard. Still, I felt hardened penis rage with torment and excitement for my love.

Then the barrage began.

`Have you come out to anyone yet, Alan'

`Yes, Mrs. Walker. I told Coach Sampson, my track coach. She's the only one I've told at school so far. And l told my friends, you know, from the neighborhood.'

`But no one else?' Mrs. Walker sounded a little disappointed it was just Coach Sampson, Mark and Ricardo. I called Tom, and he had a similar reaction to the other guys: he thought I was.

`Well, no has really asked or said anything.'

`I see. And when are you going to come out as a couple?'

Peter scooted in and leaned his body into me. I just cannot get enough physical contact from him! And being out now, I don't mind it in front of others now like before. `I think that's something we're going to talk about today, Mom,' answered Peter for us.

`Good. I don't want you to be hiding away in Peter's room or here thinking this the only place you can be yourselves together. I would love to see you go on dates and the prom together. Besides, you two look very cute together. Smile!' Mrs. Walker snapped a sudden photo of us cuddled up together.

At first I was taken aback by the sudden photo attack, but then I asked, `Can you send me that picture, Mrs. Walker? I really want one of us on my phone.

`Sure Alan,' she said as she sent me the photo. She was right, we are a cute couple, I thought. Really cute actually.

`So, I know you boys are itching to go to Peter's room and look at his other present and talk about how you are going to announce yourselves at school,' laughed Mr. Walker. He seemed to be somewhat tolerant of family sit down times but I got the feeling he liked being by himself.

`Come on dad,' groaned Peter, who nevertheless stood up and took my hand and we walked into the back to fhe house to Peter's room. Over his arm Peter carried the turtleneck and socks I gave him. As he led us, I kind of realized I liked being led by him. I looked at him intentionally, and just was infatuated with his masculinity. The way he wears his turtlenecks is so masculine and he was just oozed sexuality and I was in awe that he loves me as much as Iove him. It was so natural for two boys to love each other both emotionally and physically.

Peter closed the door and quietly pushed in the door lock. `Take off your pants, I need you so bad,' Peter hoarse-whispered to me as he started unbuttoning his chinos. He was quick to rip them and his briefs off and stood in front of me. I was mesmerized by his gorgeous white mohair Fair Isle turtleneck sweater, his hairy legs and his thick red wool socks. He long penis was staring straight at me and I could not control myself.

I dove down on my knees in front of Peter and took his delicious penis into my mouth. Feeling how full my mouth was delights me so much and feeling Peter's hairy legs with my hands is such a turn on! Feeling my turtleneck collar around my jaw as I pleasure my lover puts me into another level of sexual ecstasy! I ran my hands over Peter's legs as I sucked on him with reckless abandon. I felt his fingers toying with my turtleneck collar and feeling the collar getting pushed and pulled as I took him deep into my mouth. I ran my hands over his turtleneck sweater, feeling the luxurious fibers of the mohair.

I looked up at Peter and moaned quietly as I saw the divine pleasure I was giving him in his face. He was rubbing his turtleneck collar with one hand, and I get so hot when I see him do that.

My sexual pleasure was too much to handle now. I know it was his incredible turtleneck sweater, it had to be. My own rock hard penis was leaking precum as I sucked on my boyfriend's hard shaft. I felt Peter getting closer and closer. I knew he was going to cum any second now.

I felt the first drip of hot cum on my tongue and quick pulled back. Peter breathed heavily and deeply as shots of hot cum exploded all over me. My face was hit first with his cum and I leaned up on my knees and let him spray his cum all over my red turtleneck. Oh wow, this is so hot, I screamed in my head! Feeling Peter's hot sticky cum all over my turtleneck was so incredibly erotic!

I scrambled my chinos and briefs off, intentionally making sure that my red slouch socks got pushed down my calves because I know Peter likes that. I laid on my back, enjoying the wetness of Peters cum on my chest as I stroked my rock hard penis furiously. I then felt Peter lay next to me and he began kissing me deeply, our tongues dancing with each other. He laid his hand on my shaft and took over masturbating me. My body began shaking and I grabbed his turtlenecked sleeve with one hand and cupped his turtleneck collar with my other.

A stream of my own warm cum erupted from me, further staining my red turtleneck with cum. Peter kept stroking me as cum poured out, and I held him tightly as my orgasm grew into a crecendo and ebbed warmly through the rest of my body.

Oh baby, oh baby,' I moaned cutely, rubbing Peter's turtleneck collar some more. It was so incredibly soft and thick. Oh wow.'

Yeah, that was so hot! But your turtleneck,' Peter whispered. That was so hot cumming all over it. But that's going to stain!'

`I don't care right now,' I breathed. And truthfully, I couldn't have cared less if Peter's parents walked in and saw us laying on the floor, half naked in our turtlenecks and all the evidence of our sex soaking into my turtleneck. I was with the boy I loved and in complete sexual satisfaction.

I did start caring a little bit more after a few minutes of us just laying on the floor, enjoying the afterglow of our orgasms. The wetnes was less sexy and more uncomfortable and my skin was getting sticky from Peter's thick cum. At the same time, I thought, it really doesn't get any better than this: being in love, being gay, being in a turtleneck, and having made my hot boyfriend cum all over me.

I think we need to get up babe,' whispered Peter. We might get a knock if we are too quiet.'

`Yeah, good idea. Um, I think they're going to know what we've been doing though,' I teased, pointing at the cum stains on my turtleneck.

Peter chucked. `I think you'll need to wear one of mine, or a T-shirt if you want.'

`Turtleneck defitinely.'

`Yeah, you look so hot in turtlenecks babe. You know, I still haven't seen you naked yet.'

We both laughed at this because I also haven't see Peter naked either. `I hope you won't be disappointed,' I joked as I got up. I stripped my cum-stained red turtleneck to expose my bony and lanky upper body to my boyfriend. I kept my socks on, which had gotten slouched at some point of our sex.

Peter smiled and stood up. He brought me close and wrapped his sweatered arm around me. He traced over my chest with his other hand and hummed with satisfaction. He then leaned in and licked my pecs and kissed them. `Mmm, sexy.'

I was enjoying his touch so much I could barely hear him.

`Alan, hello!'

`Oh, sorry babe, that was so nice!'

`What are we going to do about this little predicament we're in? I don't think the walk of shame is the way to go. There's cum all over your turtleneck's collar.'

I laughed. `Yeah, I know. That was so hot how you came all over me. I guess I could borrow a T-shirt or something.'

`You could but that's not very 'you at all is it? You want to wear one of my turtlenecks?'

`Oh yeah! I mean, it'd be weird if I didn't wear one, right?'

Peter laughed and went to his dresser. `I don't know who's got the bigger turtleneck fetish, you or me babe. Here, I want to see this on you.'

He handed me a royal blue mohair Icelandic-patterned turtleneck sweater. The body of the sweater and the ribbed turtleneck collar was royal blue and the Icelandic patterned chest was a creamy white. The sweater was so incredible soft and erotic to touch.

`Wow,' was all I could murmur as I took the turtleneck in my hands. I wanted desperately to actually rub it all over my body but it wasn't mine to do that.

`I bet it'll look amazing on you babe. Go wash your chest off in the bathroom and put it on!'

I nearly hopped into Peter's en-suite bathroom and rubbed the cum off my chest and belly and dried off as well as I could. I took the mohair sweater back in my hands and with exihileraiton started to put it on. I saw my boyfriend leaning against his bed in his white mohair Shetland mohair turtleneck sweater and red ribbed wool socks. He was rubbing himself watching me dress. Needless to say I loved that and decided to make a show of putting the turtleneck on.

I slowly pulled the turtleneck sweater over my head and pulled my arms through the holes. Then I slowly, very slowly pulled my head through the tall turtleneck collar material. One reason I don't wear wool turtlenecks is they make me itchy all over but this was not like that at all. The mohair was so incredible smooth, almost silky on my skin. I was entranced by it and how the turtleneck collar fit on me. It was pure heaven, and I got quite excited by wearing it. The fit was a little too large for me, the sleeves hung below my fingers and the hem of the sweater when past my hips and covered my penis. It felt amazing to wear!

`Come here babe,' whispered Peter hoarsely, excitedly. I walked up to him and we kissed and held each other with reckless abandon. I know he wanted to get it up as badly as I did but our orgasms from before were so complete we had nothing left.

After a few minutes of expressing our passion for each other we broke off our kiss. I love you Alan,' said Peter. I can't believe how much I love you.'

`I feel the same way Peter. And it feels so good. I mean, its not just the turtleneck think either,' I chided.

Peter laughed. Yeah, you look so hot in turtlenecks. My parents were pretty surprised when I said I wanted turtleneck sweaters for my birthday.

I laughed and asked, `How could they be surprised. They must have clued in that you wear a turtleneck every time I come over.'

`You want to see my other present? Dad said I can't use it just yet but come on, you'll like it for sure!'

We reluctantly put our chinos and briefs back on. I felt like a blueberry with the blue turtleneck sweater and navy chinos. At least my red slouch socks added a splash of color.

`What are we going to tell your parents about me wearing this turtleneck?'

Should we tell them the truth,' giggled Peter. I'll just tell them I insisted, and you're playing along. We'll sneak you out today, and you can give it back to me on Monday, okay?'

I nodded and we padded our way quietly out of his room. We could hear the TV in the living room on and Mr. and Mrs. Walker were watching basketball. We walked past them, in through the kitchen and into the garage.

Inside was a dark green Volvo, not a new one but not a boxy thing from the 90's. My new ride,' exclaimed Peter, proudly. I never asked, do you have a license?'

I nodded. `Sure. We only have one car though.'

Cool. Dad said the as soon as my name is on his insurance here he'll let me drive it. Maybe we can actually do something besides hang out in my room and have sex,' Peter laughed. Although, turtleneck sex is really good.'

He held my hand as we walked around the car. I loved it. We sat in the car. It was a bit old fashioned but, as Peter pointed out in his way, if it works it works. I just love how unpretentious he is, despite the fact that his family is obviously quite wealthy.

`So, how are we going to do this,' he asked after sitting in the car with me for a few minutes just enjoying each other's presence.

`Do what?'

`Look Alan, I love you. We are amazing together but we can't just be here together. I want to go out and you be okay with people knowing we are a couple. I know you are just coming out but you, know what I mean?'

I nodded. `I know, but I don't want to, kind of like, make a big deal out of it.'

`We won't. We just meet up Monday morning before school, walk in together. Easy, you know.'

`Yeah, okay. You have to wear a turtleneck though, okay. And we'll hold hands.' The thought of coming out like this was quite exciting to me actually. Walking, hand in hand, into school in our turtlenecks: two gay turtleneck boys.

`Oh definitely. Do you want me to wear this one? No, actually I'm going to wear the one you gave me.'

We spent the next several minutes making out in the Peter's car and we were starting to get really into it when Mrs. Walker called us for dinner. I think most people might be embarrassed to some extent for having been interrupted in an intimate moment like that but for me, it kind of excited me. I think it might be the repression that I had built up in myself over the years, I don't know. Wearing this incredible mohair turtleneck didn't help either. It was a good thing it fit big on me and hid my major hard on that I had from my sexy boyfriend and his turtlenecks.

Fortunately the question of why I was wearing Peter's turtleneck was quickly answered by Peter, saying that I thought it was really cool and wanted to try it on. It was a bad lie and I didn't like having to do it but I suppose it was better than the alternative of explaining how my red turtleneck got Peter's cum all over it from having sex under his parent's noses.

After dinner I left while Mr. and Mrs. Walker were doing the dishes. I told Peter I'd give him his turtleneck back on Monday. I got home and immediately relieved the tension that had built up from wearing this gorgeous turtleneck sweater and thinking of my boyfriend and I having sex in these sweaters. My sexual fantasies had progressed from just blowjobs to him fucking now. I quickly changed afterward to my green turtleneck to make sure I didn't get any cum on his sweater.

I was so excited about Monday that I was overly giddy and probably annoying at home. Mom is usually really patient with me but at some point she said that she was going to her room for peace and quiet. She thought it was a good idea to come out at school in a more open way though. In my excitement and, if I'm being honest, horniness about being out for everyone to see,I went back on to Amazon and bought a few things. Unfortunately they wouldn't be here until Tuesday or Wednesday but still, better then than never. I bought two new turtlenecks: a pink one and a purple one and I added matching slouch socks to the basket. Without hesitation I bought them.

As much as I loved Peter's mohair turtleneck, the fact of the matter was I felt that that kind of turtleneck was too masculine for me. I was starting to come to the idea, excitedly I have to say, that I wanted to be a femboy for my boyfriend. As much as I loved cumming when he had sex, the actual thrill I got from sex was his excitement and his satisfaction. I thought it was a natural fit for me to want to wear more feminine colors for my turtlenecks and socks. And underwear! I forgot underwear!

I quickly went back onto Amazon and found the perfect ones after a few minutes of looking for panty briefs. I don't know where the inspiration for that search came from but I found a multipack of silk-looking bikini-style panties. I was pretty sure for the price they were not real silk but they looked really cute and I thought Peter would love them too. I bought two packs of four: a royal blue, purple, crimson and gold. Pretty gay, Alan, pretty gay, I thought with deep pleasure. I also tossed a pair of cheap skinny jeans in. I know Mom is going to be annoyed by this but I didn't care.

Next: Chapter 7

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