The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on Apr 12, 2023


The usual disclaimer here, this is, broadly speaking, a completely fictional story of two completely fictional college students who enter into a consensual romantic and homosexual relationship. There are several sections in this story that are sexually explicit and intentionally pornographic. If that is not your cup of tea or not legal in your country of residence, please stop reading here.

Still here? Wonderful! This story writing is an outlet for me to explore and derive pleasure from my main fetishes: turtlenecks and turtleneck sweaters (especially!!) as well as slouch socks and wool socks. I understand these are niche fetishes and they accentuate the pleasure I get from sexual encounters with men. Even if you don't like turtlenecks I do hope you continue reading and enjoy the journey Alan and Peter take in exploring and engaging in their homosexuality and of how their relationship will affect their life choices.

Finally, as a gay man I have had a life long fascination of the male penis. I believe this is the case for just about all homosexual men. It is the most wonderful organ and a creation of perfection. Long and short, big and small, thick and thin, bent and straight, and everything in between, I believe I've had the wonderful fortune to explore all their beautiful shapes and sizes; both orally and anally. It is my love and adoration of the penis that prevents me from using words like cock' or dick.' Such words are too vulgar for the object that has given me so much sexual and emotional pleasure thoughout my life.

Finally, I do appreciate constructive feedback to improve my skill as writer. Positive and words of encouragement are also appreciated! You can send me either or both to:

Enough with the boring introduction, enjoy!!

Friday finally came around and I was organising my locker for next week when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was wearing my brown turtleneck and navy chinos, white crew socks and my black vans. I turned around and Peter was there in his UCLA hoodie. Over one arm he had his blue North Face coat. He ran his hand through his hair, letting his fall across his forehead. I don't why I liked seeing that.

`Can we talk?'

`I guess,' I mumbled.

`Are you walking home?'

Yeah, I can walk my bike.' I put on my red REI down jacket and my black beanie and gloves. Let's go.'

We walked in silence for about 10 minutes, just long enough to get away from the school's main crowd and no one could hear us. It was a pretty typical February Cleveland day. Windy, cold and the air was so moist you got wet just by standing there. The snow wasn't so bad this year, but there was a nice blanket covering the ground.

`Look, Alan, I'm really sorry about last weekend, okay?'

`It's...I mean, are you gay, Peter?'

Peter put his finger to his lips and smiled. `Shhh, don't tell anyone! But yeah, I'm gay.'

`Huh. Okay.' Now I really felt like an ass. I never had anyone come on to me before. I'm I brave enough to tell him? I mean, its stupid. I'm crazy for him, he's so nice and he's gay!

`And, I kind of thought you were too,' said Peter sheepishly.

`I mean, um, do your parents know?' I guess I'm just determined to deny myself aren't I?

`Oh yeah, I came out when I was twelve. But Alan, I'm really sorry about this weekend. I mean, I figured you liked me the way I like you and I guess I was trying too hard.'

My throat choked up a little bit when Peter said that, and I tried my absolute best to keep my cool. I felt incredibly connected to Peter at that moment, and I liked the way it felt but it was kind of upsetting at the same time. I was going to have to openly admit to someone else who I was and I suddenly felt so embarrassed and ashamed of my behavior with Peter.

`Um, so why did you think I was, um, gay, I guess.'

Peter laughed a little. `You were really friendly to me and you kept looking at me the first day we met. And you kept doing it when you came over the first time so I thought maybe you were a little shy. I mean, you know?'

I blushed deeply. I just knew this turtleneck thing I have would get me into trouble one day. `I, I can't believe I'm telling this to you. I kind of like turtlenecks, you know? And I liked seeing you in them.'

`I know. I mean, I thought maybe you I were into me, the way you were looking at me. But then I see you every day wearing a turtleneck and I think you are really cute and I got really attracted to you. Can we stop for a minute please?'

We stopped in front of a small playground near my turn. We walked over and I set my bike then we sat on one of the benches. Peter looked different to me now. Like, all of his features seemed to stand out more and I was noticing so many little details about his hair, his eyebrows, the crinkle his cheeks made when he smiled. I had feelings of desire for him and I couldn't stop or ignore them.

`Look Alan, I thought my life was over when my dad said we were moving to Cleveland and leaving LA. Like, I wanted so badly to hate this place. I mean, I did at first and I managed to drag my heels so that I wouldn't have to start school right away. But then I met you and I felt like I could be okay here.'

I nodded. I looked at the ground hard, and tried to make my mouth say the words that needed to come out.

Peter continued. `I want to be your friend, Alan. I'm really sorry I did that to you, and I hope we can be friends.'

I impulsively reached over and took Peter's hand with mine. `I would like that. I've been thinking about you a lot and...and dammit I have to say something and I'm really sucking at it right now.'

Peter nodded, looking at me empathetically, but also with what looked like some hope.

I, ha,' I felt I was about to chicken out. It felt too wild, to weird and too scary to tell Peter, to tell him how much I was into him and the hard on that had grown in my pants. I really like the way you look in turtlenecks. And, I really like you too, Peter'.

Peter smiled and nodded. He placed his hand on top of mine and leaned in and kissed me.

Electric shocks shot through my spine again and I returned his kiss. I loved the way his lips felt against mine and how my turtleneck collar felt around my neck as we kissed. My erection felt like it was going to explode in my chinos as I let his tongue into my mouth. I felt his fingers hook onto the top of my turtleneck collar and squeeze it.

After a moment we broke our kiss and looked around to make sure no one was looking. `You want to come over tomorrow? You can stay for dinner if you want. I don't have tennis, so we can, you know, fool around a little if you want.'

`Yeah, I really would,' I breathed. My hard on was pratically vibrating and I thought I could see Peter's hard on. That made me feel really good.

`Okay, okay. Look Alan, we'll take it slow. But, I'm so relieved! I was really scared that I went too far.'

I shook my head. `I've never done this before. I'm, I mean, no one knows and I got so scared. But, I really like you and I think about you all the time.'

Peter took me in his arms and hugged me affectionately. It felt so comforting to be held like that, by him. It felt like 1000 pounds had just been lifted off my neck and I didn't know what to do with myself.

We parted ways and I rushed home as quickly as I could. My mom worked four 12- hour shifts at the hospital Mondays to Thursdays which gave her three day weekends. When I was younger it was great to have mom around every weekend and all when I got home on Fridays. Sometimes I think she wishes I was still 10 years old, not 17. She was in the kitchen when I got in making her usual Friday night calzones for me and her. We usually had a movie night together. I kept it up because I know she wants to spend time with me and I'm either in my room half the weekend or at Mark's. Now I guess I'll spend more time with Peter. Thinking about him made me smile. Does that mean I have a boyfriend?

`Hi honey, how was school?'

`Fine mom, I'll be right there,' I called as I dashed to the bathroom. I couldn't resist the urge any more. I closed and quietly locked the bathroom door before pulling my chinos down and I stroked myself to an almost instant orgasm thinking about kissing Peter. It felt so good cumming to thinking about him wearing his turtlenecks. Not quite as good as when Peter made me cum, but almost. I quickly wiped the cum drops from the toilet seat and flushed the toilet.

Mom was in her usual house clothes: pajamas, her big terry cloth robe and her colorful fuzzy house socks. She was getting skinnier and skinnier it seemed to me. She needed to get out more, but I never say anything. I do worry about her. The only social life she has are her friends at the hospital and at church.

`School was okay. I'm going to go over to Peter's house tomorrow. I'll probably stay there for dinner if that's okay with you.'

It's fine,' she said, though I could tell she was disappointed. You seem to like this Peter. When do I get to meet him?'

`I don't know, maybe on Sunday.'

`That'll be nice. You could invite him to services if you want.'

`I don't know. Maybe after.'

`Okay, just let me know.'

After lunch the next day I took my shower and got dressed. The morning seemed to drag on because I didnt have much homework and it wasnt like I could concentrate on it anyway. I watched a little TV in the morning with mom and did my weekend chores to get them out of the way. After lunch I took a shower and got dressed. Today I`m wearing my yellow turtleneck, dark blue jeans, white crew socks and my black vans.

I nearly crashed my bike twice on my way to Peters house from going too fast. I couldnt believe my excitement because I`d never felt this way about anything much less anyone. Last night, after watching the second Pirates of the Caribbean with mom, I went to my bedroom and laid on my bed and let my mind go. I was surprised at how calm it was and how liberated I felt from myself. I kind of felt new in a way.

There have been several boys I had crushes on in school, or at least found attractive. With Peter its all different. I get both physically and emotionally excited when I think about him. And I know its not just when he wears a turtleneck sometimes because I feel this way even when he's not wearing one. And, for the first time ever, my homosexuality didn't bother me, surprisingly, not at all. In fact, it kind of feels really good being gay.

Mrs. Walker greeted me at the door as per usual. After some pleasantries she let me go off to Peter's bedroom where he was sitting on his bed playing a video game. He was wearing his gray cable knit turtleneck sweater, a pair of navy sweatpants and his usual gray ribbed wool socks. My body shook with excitement seeing him in a turtleneck. How many does he have?

`Hey Alan, close the door okay.' Peter hopped off his bed and speed-walked to me and wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a passionate kiss. I dropped my jacket and did the same with him. It felt so good to feel his sweatered body press against me and our tongues danced in our mouths as we kissed. I could feel his hard on press against me and my penis engorged for him.

We slowly relaxed our kiss and embrace and Peter leaned back a bit and looked me over. God he is so hot in turtlenecks!

`Wow that feels good,' I breathed, feeling my face flush from the physical rush and a bit of embarrassment to be so open with him.

Somebody's a little excited,' giggled Peter as he rubbed his hand up and down my shaft over my jeans. I shuddered from his touch. I really like that color of turtleneck on you.'

Thanks,' I said shakily. Mmm, that feels really good.'

I'm glad you like it,' Peter said with a naughty smile. Rub mine.'

I did, I reached out with my right hand and felt his long and rock hard penis. I must admit it felt very strange to rub another boy's penis, but I was fascinated by how it felt in my hand. I reached out with my left hand and placed on Peter's thick ribbed turtleneck collar and my body spammed with excitement!

`Yeah, that's good babe, you want to play with my turtleneck?' Peter reached up and also started to the fold of my turtleneck. I gasped with erotic pleasure and rubbed his turtleneck collar more aggressively. I leaned in and started kissing Peter again. Oh it felt so amazing to make love like this with Peter! I started kissing Peter's turtleneck when I felt him pull away a bit.

Peter dropped his hand from my turtleneck and started fumbling with the button of my jeans. Before I could register what was happening, Peter was on his knees and had yanked my jeans and briefs down and exposed my throbbing penis. I watched with enthralled fascination, feeling the light pressure of my turtleneck collar against my face as I looked down.

I fell against the door lightly when Peter put my penis into his mouth and began to suck on it. I gasped as I felt his tongue slide up and down my shaft and the soft, wet slurping sounds Peter made as his head moved up and down. I clawed at my turtleneck collar from the irresistible erotic sensations of his blowjob.

I became vaguely aware of one his hands waving blindly at me as he used his other to rub between my legs, pressing up which felt incredible. I reached down and Peter guided my hand down to his turtleneck collar. I leaned over and grabbed hold of the soft wool which caused me to spasm in excitement even more so. I was starting to shake as Peter sucked on my shaft even harder and as I used my other hand to feel my own turtleneck collar.

`Ohhhh, oh Peter I think I'm gonna cum,' I breathed huskily as my whole body suddenly started to shake and my legs quivered. My whole body suddenly locked up as an unbelievable wave of warm pleasure radiated through my body and I shot an enormous load of cum into Peter's waiting mouth. I opened my eyes to watch him, sitting on his knees with my penis half way in his mouth. His eyes were looking up at me and I could see his jaw moving slightly as he sucked in and swallowed my hot creamy cum.

He is so beautiful, I thought with absolute clarity. I loved the way his dirty blond hair was swept back, how his nose was not quite straight as there was a ever so subtle tilt to the right. How his blue eyes were just so perfectly shaped and perfectly colored. How his turtleneck collar fit around his beautiful face. How his hands were clearly strong but elegant.

As the wave of pleasure started to subside, I leaned back against the door and my hands dropped to my sides. I was breathing heavily, like I had just run a mile in gym class. Everything about me felt amazing. Wow,' I murmured. That was incredible.'

`Do you want to try,' asked Peter as he stood up and leaned into me, his hands on the door by my head. I could see droplets of my cum had sliped through his lips and had made little wet spots on his gray turtleneck sweater. I don't know why but I found that incredibly erotic. I wanted him so badly!

`Yeah,' I whispered. I can't believe this! I'm having sex with him! And I really want it! Oh I'm so happy I'm gay, this is amazing!

`Good, take off your jeans,' Peter said as he slid his sweatpants and pastel green briefs down his legs.

`Can you keep your socks on,' I asked suddenly. The mental image of Peter with his turtleneck and wool socks was very sexy to me.

Peter smiled and nodded and said `I wasn't planning on taking them off anyway.'

I got down on my knees like Peter did and looked him over. He stood before me, and all I could think was how gorgeous he was. He had wasn't especially hairy but he wasn't practically hairless like I am. His legs were well sculpted with solid musculature from years of tennis. His penis was about the same size as mine and was rock hard. His balls looked bigger than mine and more hairy and I was absolutely mesmerized by the fact that Peter and I were here, and I was going to give my first blowjob to this gorgeous turtleneck boy.

I opened my mouth and was pleasantly surprised how natural it felt to have him in my mouth. He didn't have a taste really, but the feeling of having him in my mouth was a sensation that felt...right for lack of a better word. I closed my lips around his shaft and gently started to mimick how Peter blew me. He wasn't so long that it was uncomfortable but I was a little nervous about how to do it. I've watched porn before but I wasn't sure about the actual technique.

Use your tongue, Alan,' moaned Peter. Oh yeah, that's right, oh yeah that's really good, keep doing that.'

I was overwhelmed by everything! The whole situation was mind-blowing to me and it was at this moment I knew that I was definitely homosexual. The feeling of my turtleneck around my face as I gave Peter his blowjob, the feeling of his penis in my mouth, the sensuality of using my tongue to pleasure him and how much I loved the feeling of the head of his penis on my tongue was proof positive that I found myself. And even more, I felt like I was the sole source of his pleasure and that role felt so completing for me. Even though I'd just cum my penis responded as best it could with the sensations I was feeling.

I looked up at Peter, as he had to me and this was incredible! I watched Peter rubbing his turtlenecked chest and the collar of his turtleneck as I pleasured him. I heard him moan softly from the sensations that I was giving him. I felt like I was in control of our sex even while I felt submissive at the same time.

I took my hands off the floor and placed them on his wool socks. I loved the feeling of wool on my fingers and I ran my hands over his wool socks. Gingerly, I then put my hands on his thighs like I've seen in porn and feeling his leg hair. My semi hard-on felt so warm and wonderful from that, and i rubbed his legs more, his leg hair felt so sexy to me!

`Rub my balls Alan,' gasped Peter in a hoarse whisper. He was breathing haltingly from the excitement I was creating in him. I took one hand off his leg and cupped his hairy balls and loved how warm and masculine they felt in my hand. Everything was coming together for me but the best feeling that I had was feeling my turtleneck collar as I sucked on his hard penis!

In my mouth a new sensation came as his precum leaked from the head of his penis. It tasted so natural to me and I sucked on him faster and with more pressure around his shaft.

`Oh God, oh God yes! Oh baby, I'm close, I'm clo...' Peter's voice trailed off and was replaced by a stifled grunt as his body shook violently.

Hot, sticky and creamy cum flooded my mouth suddenly. I was so surprised I instinctly pulled back and was hit by another shot of cum on my face and then another! Most of the cum in my mouth fell down my throat and I almost choked on it. I grabbed onto Peter's socked calves so that I wouldn't fall backwards.

We both stayed motionless for a minute composing ourselves. I was dimly aware that cum drops from Peter dripped onto my turtleneck but that was also so erotic to me. Everything I felt was the most genuine physical and emotional pleasure I have ever experienced in my life. The only thing that was a little weird was the feeling of cum in my stomach.

Eventually I became aware of the stickiness of Peter's cum on my cheeks and the gentle pressure of his hands on my shoulders to stand back up. I gingerly got off my knees and stood shakily. Peter took my hand and walked me to his desk where he handed me a couple of tissues to clean my face off with. Thanks, I whispered.

Peter nodded and, taking me by the hand again, we crawled into his bed. Peter pulled the covers down and we laid in the bed together. Without having to say anything, we held each other and spent the next several minutes kissing each other lovingly. I could not believe how wonderful it felt to be held by Peter and kiss him. Feeling his soft wool turtleneck sweater made everything that much better. He just looks so hot in turtlenecks and I was having a sensation of completeness wearing my turtleneck with him.

You're really good at that,' said Peter softly as lay back on his bed after relaxing from our making out. He rollled onto his side, facing me. He reached over and traced the side of my face and rested his fingers on my turtleneck collar, massaging it gently. I'm really glad we're together Alan. I mean, I really like you and I think you look so cute in turtlenecks. I love that you wear them every day!'

I practically hummed before I could speak. I was in such a euphoric state that everything and anything Peter said to me sounded sensual and erotic. My penis was in a permanent semi hard-on and I couldn't wait to cum again for him. `I'm really glad too, Peter. I think I, I think you should wear turtlenecks more often. You look amazing in them! Why don't you wear them more?'

Peter laughed a little. `I don't know. I mean, I just got these before we moved here. I always thought guys looked so hot in them. But, you know, LA is not a great place to wear them.'

Yeah, turtlenecks are sexy,' I purred. I felt so free to talk with Peter and it felt amazing, and liberating. I think you are too. I guess I'm coming out to you, Peter.' Finally!

Peter pulled me in close and we embraced tightly for a some time, feeling each other passionately. We kissed again for a long time and I was lost in his mouth and his turlteneck. We started kissing each other's turtlenecks again and I could feel both of our penises get rock hard again.

Peter reached down to stroke my hard shaft and I started to do the same. It felt so good to hold his hard penis in my hand, so natural to be here with him. We started stroking each other, getting excited by each other. Our breathing became rapid and halting from the intensity of the passion between us. We looked at each other, and I was entranced by his thick turtleneck collar. He looked so beautiful to me in his turtleneck. Again, like when i gave him his blowjob, I could also intensley feel my own turtleneck collar which grew my own excitement!

`This feels so good,' I moaned as I reached out and massaged Peter's turtleneck and ran my hand down his sweatered chest.

Peter moaned too and pushed the sheets and covers down and I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too. I rolled over and crawled to his standing shaft. Giving another blowjob was just magical for me!! I loved how his hard penis felt in my mouth now. I loved its tast, the texture, the way his skin moved as I suck on him. I loved feeling his hairy balls in my hand as I blew him.

I kept stroking him with my hand as I blew him, and I could feel him getting closer. I laid my head on his turtlenecked belly and could feel his hard abdominal muscles and I felt Peter's fingers stroke my turtleneck collar. I shivered violently from the excitement! I loved the feeling of his penis in my mouth and him playing with my turtleneck.

His orgasm was soft, his cum flooded my mouth gently and I was able to keep it in my mouth and swallowed. I took my hand off his shaft and cuddled his hairy balls. It was so hot! I loved they felt in my hand. Curiously, I kept his penis in my mouth and kept blowing him because I loved how it felt in my mouth even though my jaw was a little sore now. His penis shrank pretty quickly despite my efforts but Peter was still moaning softly with pleasure.

`Let's switch,' he moaned as he rolled down to where I was and I clambered back to the pillows. I laid on my back while Peter went to town on my hard penis and he was so wonderful at pleasing me. Like him, I reached down to massage his turtleneck collar which sent shivers of excitement down my spine as I keenly felt my own turtleneck collar around my face. He was massaging my practically hairless balls and then his fingers went between my legs again. He started to massage there and it felt insanely good. He was aggressively sucking on my penis still and then his fingers went and started massaging my hole.

My body arched and froze when he did that. I couldn't breath but I was feeling everything: the building pressure on my hole, his wet mouth on my penis, the soft wool of his turtleneck collar and my own turlteneck collar. His finger slipped into my hole and I made a sound like a whoosh as I spewed my cum in Peter's mouth. My body was positvely vibrating as I grunted with the pure pleasure.

Peter crawled back up to me as I was trying to catch my breath and he held me in his arms. I reached up and rested my hands on his sweatered arm, and pressed myself against his body. He gently kissed me on my cheek and my turtleneck collar and I got extremely emotional. I felt tears rolling down from the corners of my eyes and I had no idea why. I wasn't sad, completely the opposite in fact. I had never felt so good in my life up unto this point.

Peter wiped a tear and kissed me again. `Are you okay, Alan?'

Yes,' I whispered. I guess I'm just realizing how much I like you and that I'm finally okay with being gay.'

Peter smiled and held me tighter. `It's okay babe. You are really good at sex!'

You too,' I moaned. That was amazing! I, I love your penis,' I said blushing.

That's when the door of his bedroom popped open and Mrs. Walker was standing at the door. `Oh, sorry boys, I didn't mean to interrupt but I made popcorn for you if you wanted any.'

`Thanks, Mom,' called Peter.

`I thought you two would make for a cute couple. If you want it, come to the living room.'

I was stunned by the complete nonchalance of her intrusion. Mrs. Walker closed the door and Peter kissed me again and I returned it.

`Do you think she knows?' I asked in a brief moment of panic.

`About what?'

About us, you know,' I stammered, and I know how deeply I was blushing. Doing it.'

`That we were having sex? Yeah, probably. It's okay though.'

That was unreal to me. Peter got out of bed and started putting on his underwear and his sweatpants. `Come on, Mom wants to meet you, like for real.'

I nodded. I didn't know how I was going to look at her without feeling guilty, like her knowing I was giving Peter blowjobs and sucking down his cum. That sort of stuff was supposed to be private wasn't it? And it was amazing!

I followed Peter out of his bedroom after putting on my underwear and my jeans. I felt incredibly embarrassed by everything. I wasn't ashamed about having sex with Peter at all, that was amazing. I actually wanted to do it again! But having been walked in on by his mom while we were in bed together, half naked and kissing was not on my top 10 moments I'd want company. And the fact that she probably knew we were having sex together made it that much worse.

We sat in the living room which was well furnished with was probably very expensive furniture. The large TV was on and there was a pile of DVD's on the entertainment center. I'm guessing Mrs. Walker was going to expect Peter and I to watch a movie together or something. I sat on the sofa next to Peter, looking down like I'd been called to the principal's office or something like that. Mrs. Walker placed a large bowl of popcorn with two sodas on the coffee table in front of us and sat down on the recliner next to the sofa.

`So, Alan, your my son's new boyfriend right?'


`Oh, please Peter. I'm just teasing you Alan. No, I'm actually quite surprised and pleased that Peter met you and that things between you two have gone so well so far. It was such a difficult decision to move him from LA with such a short time before he finishes high school. But I have to say, Peter's been quite happy with everything since we've arrived, haven't you honey?'

The knots in my stomach eased a bit, though I felt like the other shoe was about to drop. But something was different for me. I can't explain but being with Peter made me feel like I could be me and I had a lot more self confidence with him than ever before. I realized that, as Mrs. Walker was talking, Peter had slid closer so that he and I were sitting touching each other's shoulders on the sofa.

`Thanks, Mrs. Walker. I'm really glad you moved too, but, like, I've never had a boyfriend before so this is all kind of new for me.'

`Oh, so...'

`Alan's still in the closet, Mom.'

`I see. Now this is concerning for me Alan. Not about you, I think you are a perfectly wonderful young man for Peter. But I'm concerned about the school culture with the gay students.'

`It's not the school, Mrs. Walker, really. I mean, there's an LGBT club and there are are open kids in school. Its just that, I mean, I don't know. I guess I didn't want to be gay. But with Peter, I feel like I'm okay with it now. But I'm really introverted and shy. Well, I mean, at least I was but Peter makes me feel different.' I squeezed Peter's hand as I said the last part, and surprised myself with how open I was being with him and his mother. Peter held it and put his other hand on top of mine. I love the feeling of Peter's touch now.

`I see. But your mother doesn't know? Your father?'

`My dad died a long time ago. When I was a baby and my mom's stayed single since then. But she doesn't know. At least I don't think she does.'

`Oh, I'm sorry to hear that about your father. You know you'll have to tell her at some point Alan.'

`I know Mrs. Walker. I mean, I've for a while now but I just never felt like it was the right time.'

Peter told us when he was, what Peter, thirteen or fourteen?. But, here's a little secret Alan: Mother's know everything,' Mr. Walker said with a sly smile and a wink. This was actually the first time I saw her smile. We both knew Peter was gay before he told us. Then he introduced his boyfriend to us.'

I turned my head to Peter, and, despite having worn turtlenecks so often, when I'm with him the sensuousness of my tall and snug collar is maginified. `I didn't know you had a boyfriend.'

Peter reddened, which I thought was so cute. `Yes, thanks Mom. Finn was my first boyfriend in LA. Then I was with Jamey, until I told him we were moving. Then he became my ex-boyfriend.'

`Was that just before you moved?'

`No, dad told me around Halloween. Then I was mad and I told Jamey. Then Jamey got mad and told me there wasn't any point of dating any more. So then I got mad at everyone.'

I think you handled it very well, honey,' said Mrs. Walker gently. Anyway, water under the bridge. I think you and Alan match much better than you and Jamey if I do say so myself. Okay, interrogation is over. I'm going to leave you two boys to it. But I would prefer if you stayed in the living room.'

`Sure Mom.'

Mrs. Walker stood up and readjusted her jeans. I had to say something. I stood up and said, `Mrs. Walker? Thank you for listening.'

She smiled warmly and nodded. `Your welcome, sweetie. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. No, that's not true but I think Mr. Walker will figure it out on his own anyway. But this is a safe place for you, we promise.'

She turned and headed for a room off the kitchen. It was meant to be a dining room but had been converted into an office space for Peter's parents.

I sat back down into Peter's arms and we held each other and kissed lovingly for some time. We were both too spent from our sex to be able to get hard again but I was very happy with being held by him and kissing him. I think I'm in love! Oh I do love him!

`You're like, totally different,' said Peter. We were sitting sideways into the sofa facing each other now. I was resting my head against the sofa's back, Peter had his elbow into the sofa and his head laying on his hand. I was holding his other hand, massaging it gently. We both sat with our legs were crossed under.

`I feel different.'

`I think it's totally hot.'

I smiled, and didn't blush. `Thank you. I feel like I'm me I guess. The me that was hiding.'

Peter nodded. `I get it, I was like that too before I told my parents. And then, I felt, I don't know, normal I guess.'

I kissed him again. `You need to wear turtlenecks more often.'

`I know. Mom bought me this one before we moved, and a bunch of sweatshirts. But then I asked her to get me a couple of other turtlenecks after the first week of school. I thought it was so hot you wear a turtleneck like every day.'

I smiled. Peter freed his hand and fingered my white sock. `But these are not sexy.'

I laughed out loud at that. `Okay, what would be sexy?'

`I think it'd be really cute if you wore socks that matched your turtleneck.'

The idea of that excited me very much. I looked down at my white socks and I had to agree with Peter. `I think your right. But I love your wool socks. Especially with the sweatpants. Hang on, let me get my phone!'

I half-ran to Peter's bedroom to my jacket. `It's just me in here, Mrs. Walker,' I called out when I noticed her looking up from her computer. I fished my phone out of my jacket and jogged back to Peter.

`So, let's see what we can find...' I said as I snuggled into Peter, who massaged my shoulders, and I'm pretty sure rubbing my turtleneck collar on purpose.

I opened the Amazon app and typed in colored socks. `I think we're kind of stuck with women's socks to get all the colors,' I said.

`I think your right. Oh, I like those,' Peter said, pointing at a set of slouch socks. It was a pack of white, but I clicked on it anyway.

`Oh, here we go. Let's, this set has white, black, green, blue, yellow and red. Let me add it to the cart. Ok, I can get a brown pair, here's orange and, well, dark red will be okay with my maroon turtleneck.'

`Your seriously going to buy them?'

I answered his question by pressing Buy Now and getting a notification that they'd be delivered on Wednesday.

We spent the rest of the afternoon eating pizza, watching TV and cuddling on the sofa. I didn't stay for dinner though. I felt like I owed to my mom. But before I left I had to make the invitation.

I was zipping my coat up and said, `So my mom's invited you to come with us to church one Sunday.'

Mrs. Walker and Peter hummed simultaneously which made them laugh. `That is very kind of her but we're not very religious,' said Peter diplomatically.

`I know, but I had to ask. Maybe you can come after.'

`I think that would be alright. But, having seen you two canoodling all afternoon, I think you should wait until you're ready to tell your mother,' said Mrs. Walker.

Peter and I both laughed at that, and I knew she was right. Peter and I hugged and I left. I really wanted to kiss him but I wasn't sure about doing that in front of his mother.

Next: Chapter 4

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