The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on May 6, 2023


After church the next morning I went back upstairs and stripped off my dreaded boy clothes, made even worse by the fact it wasn't a turtleneck outfit, and went through my hair removal routine. I could see some results, especially on my hands which was exciting. Soon I will be quite hairless, which is exactly what I want.

After than I decided to wear my olive green corduroy overalls. I put on my yellow turtleneck, which was probably my favorite turtleneck aside from my pink one, and my yellow slouch socks. I then stepped into my overalls and clipped the straps. There was a pleasant, almost sensual, feeling of pressure against my perinium from the overalls. Looking in my mirror I was very pleased! The legs of the overalls stopped a good three inches above my ankles, which showed off a lot of the thick ribbing of my slouch socks. I looked very turtleneck-girly, well, turtleneck-gay girly which was perfect.

After putting on my makeup, again a light application of foundation, blush, green eye shadow and a neutral lipstick, I went back downstairs carrying my nail polish.

Mom wasn't working today and we decided to have a movie marathon of Lord of the Rings. It was mom's favorite growing up before she discovered Sue Grafton's alphabet series. I love the books too and it was nice to have something like that in common. I really wanted to be with Peter of course and snuggle with him, among other things, but I figured I owed mom a little time. Next Sunday I had arranged to go to Mark's house for a D&D day. That was really going to suck in a way because Peter and I would only have Friday and Saturday night as he had a tennis tournament and I had a track meet. But I owed them and I was curious how they would react by me showing up wearing makeup and being the new me. The old new me, or old new me? Either way, the real me: gay and effeminate

Mom had been busy setting everything up. A big bowl of popcorn, two sodas each for us and her fluffy blacket she liked to lay under while watching a movie. Sometimes I think mom needs another hobby but she works hard for us and she is busy with church so its not like she's a cat lady or anything.

Well, don't you look like a 70's flashback,' she giggled as I came into the living room. She was tidying up the room with a dusting rag as I came in.

I like it,' I said, smiling. I think these will go with everything.'

Mom looked me up and down and nodded. `Well, you and Peter certainly have your own fashion. I will say that. Painting your nails?'

`Yeah, I thought I'd do it while we watched.'

As the The Fellowship of the Ring I started painting my nails in the pattern of the rainbow flag. We were about how halfway when I turned to mom.

`Are you sure you're okay with everything, mom?'

`Okay with what? That you're gay? Like I said before, Alan, I was suspecting you were since you were little. I couldn't really put my finger on it but the way you played when you were little and I have seen how you look at other boys. But then again you'd look at girls sometimes too, so I wasn't entirely sure. But I guess I'm pretty sure you are now,' she laughed.

`I mean, like, with everything else I guess,' I fumbled, not really sure how to ask if she was okay with my effeminate expression of my homosexuality.

Mom paused the movie. `Are you talking about your clothes? Your makeup?'

I nodded.

Mom took a deep breath. `Look Alan, I am not sure. I'm not going to say no to you in these things because I know how shy you are and how hard it was for you to come out. I probably didn't help with that and I hope you forgive me. So, I suppose I am saying Jesus commands us to love one another and be charitable. And I love you Alan. Being gay isn't a sin. Your dressing, I mean the turtleneck thing I guess is something you like and Peter I suppose likes them too. But I am being honest with you Alan, I am trying to be comfortable with the dressing. And how good you look in women's clothing. Have you given any thoughts you might be transgender?'

The idea of dressing full time in girls' clothes was certainly appealing to me, and looking as femme as possible. But at the same time, I love being gay. So I answered a bit obliquely.

`A little I guess but I don't want to be a girl. I like how the clothes make me feel and I don't like my boy clothes anymore. I guess I'm not really sure, but I really like being gay so I don't want to change that either.'

`Okay, I don't really understand but okay. Is there anything particular that is brining up this line of questioning?'

I shrugged my shoulders and traced the fold of my yellow turtleneck collar. `I guess I just want to make sure everything is okay because, like, I guess I'm really changing. Or being myself I guess.'

Mom sighed. `Look Alan, I think you are wondering why I'm not making a big deal out of the fact that you and Peter are sexually active with each other and you are probably thinking I'm a bit of a prude being a church lady and all that. Well I had sex before I met your father and we had sex before we got married. I'm not going to the holier-than-thou thing about it with you. I know you and Peter are having sex and I don't really want to know the details but I would rather you two do it here and be safe than try and sneak off somewhere and get into trouble.'

I nodded. What could I say, really? `So, um, speaking of church, you know Peter's an atheist right?'

`I know Alan, and I pray that you stay strong with your faith. Now, can we enjoy our Sunday afternoon of Lord of the Rings?'

I laughed and pushed play.

Two weeks later my birthday came, on a Wednesday. Mom was pretty upset missing my 18th but she got called in on a cover shift. We agreed that we'd go out for dinner over the weekend. She left my present and card on the dining table when I came down to get ready for school. It was a short week, so we just had school till Thursday. I was wearing my black turtleneck, skinny jeans tucked into my black slouch socks and my usual black vans; my new signature look.

Mom's card apologized again for not being home but wished me a happy birthday and to say hello for her when I go to Peter's house after school. I eagerly unwrapped the two boxes and a slim packet looking present. Mom is the best, really. She got me two pairs of shoes and it was clear she bought girls' shoes for me. The first pair were a pair of Vans, but lace up this time. They were the checkerboard pattern but instead of black and white they were rainbow squares and white, clearly a pride product. I loved them! I quickly ditched my old black Vans and put these on. They were so cute and I loved the pattern and colors!

The second pair of shoes were a pair of white Keds canvas sneakers with a thick sole. These were clearly feminine because each shoe had a cute bow fastened to the heel of the shoes. Tucked inside the shoes were ivory colored knee socks and a little note from mom that read:

These will look much better with your dress and skirt. Love, mom.

Finally the smaller package was the new Witcher game, which was awesome. I had hoped for another turtleneck but this would do just fine after school tomorrow.

Over the last couple of weeks, Peter and I had been kind of on a routine of meeting up after school of blowjobs in the little forest of the playground between his house and school. It was risky for sure but added to the excitement of sex! Last weekend Peter took us back to the Feiss factory for anal sex, which felt amazing but I couldn't quite get to where I orgasmed from him only. While it was exciting to have sex like that, it was kind of annoying to not do it in a bed or whatever and without the risk of someone finding us. Ohio's laws on homosexuality were equal, but public sex was not particularly acceptable.

School dragged on and on as it had been since becoming Peter's boyfriend. I had a lot of looks still about my earrings but I got so many compliments, not the least of which from Peter, about my new shoes. I was a little bashful about it and turned on at the same time, amusingly.

Practice was the only place I was in fully boy mode between our practice uniforms and everything. Coach Sampson was big on the team mentality so pretty much no personality was allowed. Just to keep too much attention off of me, I put my earrings in my bag. Coach Sampson was also the middle-distance coach and she was especially strict with us. It made sense since the running strategies for us were a lot more team-based than the sprinters or field athletes.

I wasn't all that tired after practice which was good for two reasons. One, I was fully in running shape so next weekend's meet should be pretty good for me. I finished tenth last week, not my best effort really. My seasons always start slow though and I think I should get a district slot again. Everybody was pretty quick to get out, as usual and I usually am too. I feigned a cramp to be the last one to shower, which should be enough time for everyone else to leave. This was a risk but I didn't care. In a weird way I didn't think it would be too big a deal if I got caught in fact.

I showered like the other guys did, wearing my running shorts. I never thought it was homophobic it was for guys to not shower nude but rather embarrassment and insecurity. I felt that way too and I still do around a bunch of straight guys because I don't want to make them uncomfortable if I accidentally stare.

After showering I wrapped my towel around my middle and took my backpack to the bathroom area. I was pretty sure everyone had cleared out but just in case. I dug around my black turtleneck, jeans and socks and pulled out my outfit for my birthday celebration at Peter's house. I first put on a fresh pair of navy panties and then my pink turtleneck. I pulled my pink turtleneck over my head and felt so fresh and delighted to wear such a feminine turtleneck, finally. I then pulled on my pink slouch socks and rolled them up to just below my knees. I figured my bike ride to Peter`s house would slouch them perfectly.

On top of my pink turtleneck and sock ensemble came my olive corduroy overalls. I was, by now, quite excited by my outfit and my bulge was only slightly hidden by the corduroy material of my overalls. I thought it was so sexy and cute to be wearing such feminine clothes and have my penis harden and show the full nature of my effeminate homosexuality.

I took my black Mary Janes and slipped them on and buckled the straps securely. After that I took a little bag with my makeup and stood at the sink trying not to take too long but not rush it either. I was a little annoyed that I could only wear a clear coat on my nails and there was no time to actually paint them a pink or maybe redo the rainbow design I did. Well, not everything can be perfect.

Makeup applied and hair brushed as most effeminately as I could, I slipped my pride bracket on, clumsily put my earrings back in and slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked the long way around the school to the bike shed. It had not occurred to me in the slightest with my plan that I would be walking so publicly in my feminine attire.

That was thrilling, and I actually walked like my normal self, not especially concerned if anyone saw me or not. If it was just to go home, I think I would have been trying to wait till it was pitch black and move like Jason Bourne or something to avoid anyone seeing me. My mind was way too preoccupied by seeing Peter and excitement to think rationally. So I walked down the sidewalk, across the road and around the corner to the bike shed in my pink turtleneck, womens olive corduroy overalls, pink slouch socks and black womens Mary Jane shoes. And I loved every step of the way.

Lady Luck was still with me when I got to the bike shed. There were a few still there but I was alone. I unlocked it from the rack and stepped on the pedal and coasted out of the campus and down the street to Peter`s house.

Mrs. Walker was surprised, to say the least, when she opened the door to welcome me in. She had just gotten home from work herself it seemed, as she was still wearing her navy pant suit with a white turtleneck. `Oh, Alan, Peter's said you've gotten a new look and that seems to be the case. I like it!'

`Thanks, Mrs. Walker. I love it,' I laughed as I walked it. I am still getting used to the Mary Janes and taking them off standing up was awkward. Mrs. Walker caught my arm before I tumbled over.

`Happy birthday, Alan. Peter's in his room, he should be out in a minute. How have you been, its been quite some time since you've been over here.'

`Oh, its been great really. Track season's going pretty well and its more fun than I thought it would be.'

`Well your mother has been saying pretty much the same thing. She's very proud of you.'

I blushed and thanked Mrs. Walker. Thankfully Mr. Sexy, Peter, came of his bedroom and was freshly showered by the look of his slicked back wet hair. He's gorgeous of course but when he wears a turtleneck sweater I just melt for him. He was wearing the cableknit camel colored turtleneck sweater that I gave him for his birthday, his gray sweatpants and his ribbed camel colored wool socks. I hoped my excitement was noticed by him and not so much by his mother!

`Alan, wow, you look amazing!' Peter took me into his arms as I walked into the living room to meet him. We kissed each other and we subconsciously rubbed our hardened shafts against each other. It felt so good to be with him, there is something about it that reached deep into my soul when I am with my Peter. Feeling the soft wool of his turtleneck sweater and the masculine energy he gave thrilled me to no end. I had a sudden craving for his hard shaft in me. It had only been four days since he fucked me but I needed him so badly. THat would have been a present enough: Peter spending a couple of hours railing my boypussy, playing with my turtleneck.

Mmm, thank you baby,' I stage-whispered. I love that turtleneck on you. Haven't I ever said you just look amazing in turtlenecks?'

Peter laughed. `Maybe once or twice. Hey, here's your present. Well, presents I guess. Happy birthday, babe.'

On the sofa were six individually wrapped presents making the pride flag rainbow. `Oh, wow, thank you! That's really cute how you wrapped them!'

I wrapped them,' interjected Mrs. Walker. Peter's great with ideas but no so much with follow through, right?'

`Oh come on mom, you insisted!'

I laughed and sat on the sofa. I loved how the short legs of my overalls showed all of my slouched sock and my hairless calf when I sat down. Very feminine and quite sensual for Peter I hoped.

I opened the first present in order, wrapped in red. Inside was a red ribbed sleeveless turtleneck sweater. The turtleneck was definitely a woman's turtleneck and the collar looked like it would be nice and tall. When I lifted the turtleneck out of the wrapping a pair of red ribbed turn-cuff socks fell out. `Oh, I love this, these! Thank you!'

The next five packages followed suit: orange, yellow, green, light blue and purple sleeveless ribbed turtleneck sweaters with matching turn-cuff socks. `These are so great, I love them,

I gushed, holding each turtleneck up to my chest. `They're perfect for summer!'

That's why I got them for you,' said Peter, smiling. I figured you'd like them.'

`Thank you baby,' I blabbered and gave Peter a hug and kiss. Mrs. Walker snapped a picture with her phone and feigned exhasperation at our affection for each other.

`I have to say, Alan, you are not nearly the wallflower you were when we first met you,' she exclaimed.

Oh, well I think Peter has a lot to do with it,' I said, rubbing Peter's sweatered arm. And I guess mom being okay with everything helps too.'

`Well Mr. Walker and I think its great and its wonderful to see the real you. So Barbara has accepted your dressing?'

`I think so, I mean, she gave me girls' shoes for my birthday and she said I look good in the clothes I have.'

`Well we don't have a problem with it, you should express yourself how you need to. Just be careful, okay Alan. And Peter, you look out for your boyfriend too, because there are ignorant people out there who are just plain bigoted to know anything different.'

We made our promises and then Mrs. Walker brought cake out. It was a small round cake with white icing and big 1 and 8 candles on top. When she cut it the cake were pride colored layers. We ate, gossiped about school and so on. As we finished eating, I picked up my light blue sleeveless turtleneck sweater and cuff socks. `Do mind if I try this on? I'm so curious!'

Peter laughed and Mrs. Walker took our plates and said reminded us it was a school night and wished me a happy birthday again.

I took the turtleneck sweater and socks and went into Peter's bedroom. I really hoped he got the hint, I was ravenous for him! I desperately needed his hard shaft deep inside me. I'm constantly horny, especially now that I'm out and dressing but my level of carnal desire was off the charts.

I went into his bathroom and unhooked my overall straps, letting them fall to the floor. I stepped out of them and took off my pink slouch socks, sexily slouched all the way down from pedaling here. I sat on the toilet and put my dainty ribbed turn-cuff socks. They weren't slouch socks but they were so cute and I couldn't wait to wear them with my Keds with the super feminine bows. The thought of that made my hard penis twitch with excitement.

Next I took my pink turtleneck off. I pulled the collar out carefully to not stretch the collar material and to avoid smearing my makeup. I picked up the ribbed sleeveless turtleneck sweater and marveled at the thin soft material. I didn't want to do this for the first wear of a new turtleneck but a gay boy in makeup has to do what a gay boy in makeup has to do. I folded the ribbed turtleneck collar and carefully pulled my head through the collar to avoid smearing. I put my arms through the arm holes and rolled the body of the sweater down my smooth torso.

I stood in front of the mirror and was mesmerized by how feminine I looked. I subconsciously started to stroke my penis through my satin panties. I ran my fingers over the light blue turtleneck collar. It was almost a crop top, the bottom of the sweater was just above my hips and wasn't hugging my body. Oh wow, I imagined wearing these turtleneck and socks with my denim skirt and my feminine Keds, walking with my masculine boyfriend and holding hands.

`Hey babe,' Peter's voice came drifting over, full of desire and sexuality. He was standing at the door of the bathroom. His sweatpants and briefs hitched down. He looked so hot in his camel cableknit turtleneck sweater, those sweatpants and his camel colored ribbed wool socks. His penis is so beautiful, i had to have it! I needed him! I needed him and his turtleneck to fuck me in my turtleneck more than anything in the world!

I walked up to him, as sultry as I could. I opened the drawer by the door and pulled it open, taking out his bottle of lube. I need you,' I whispered. I need you now.'

Peter held his hands to the door jams and looked up with the pleasure of me stroking his long hard powerful penis with lube, preparing hill. He started to reach down to take his sweatpants off but I took his hand and shook my head. `Fuck me like this baby,' I breathed in his ear as I began to kiss his turtleneck collar.

My kissing suddenly became ravenaous and I buried my face into the thick wool of his turtleneck collar. I wanted pure fetish sex, I wanted him in his camel turtleneck sweater to fuck me so hard, I wanted his hairy balls to slap me as he drove his penis deep into my boypussy! I barely remembered preparing my hole for him.

Peter took me to the bed and he lifted my knee onto the bed and he stood behind me. I grabbed the ball decoration on the corner of the bed leaned forward, waiting for him to enter.

I gasped quietly as Peter pressed the heads of his penis into me. He wasn't as patient as he usually was, he wanted the same thing as I did: raw fetishistic primal sex. I wanted it so badly my body accepted him without much pain. He was so lubed up he slipped in after a few pushes. I held my mouth from the shock of his penetration and his rapid rhythm of his thrusts.

Peter took me by my turtlenecked throat and began to squeeze gently, he wanted my turtleneck collar to feel and drive his sex. I leaned back into him and I began to nuzzle into his turtleneck collar as his hand massaged mine. He was driving his hips hard into me. His other hand reached around me and rubbed all over my turtlenecked body, occasionally stroking my near flaccid penis as he railed my boypussy.

Peter suddenly gasped and pushed me down on the bed and started fucking me with aggressive hard strokes. There was no masking the sound of our lovemaking now, his hair balls were slapping me good with each powerful stroke. He kept on hand on the back of my turtleneck collar, pressing me down hard on the bed as he fucked me with pure animalistic needs.

`Oh baby, oh daddy, fuck me hard in my turtleneck baby...oh daddy, oh daddy, fuck me harder, harder daddy, fuck me harder in my turtleneck baby,' I moaned as Peter did exactly that. Then that warm feeling started and it started hot.

Peter was biting back his moans of pleasure as he drove his penis into me hard. I looked back at my lover in his turtleneck collar and the warmth, the heat building inside of me exploded and I saw stars and I came from inside of me and my orgasm screamed through my body, sending jets of cum all over Peter's bed. `Oh baby oh baby, yes,' I groaned as my orgasm pulsated throughout my body. I grabbed my light blue ribbed turtleneck collar and rubbed my turtleneck, keeping the orgasm pulsing.

Peter fell on top of my, his body heaving as he was trying to catch his breath. His lips reached for mine and we kissed softly. I was so enraptured with my orgasm I had not even notice that my darling Peter had cum too, deep inside of me. He pressed his camel turtleneck sweatered body into mine and I smiled with the comfort and strength of my boyfriend.

Don't pull out darling,' I whispered sweetly. Mmmm, that feels so good,' I hummed as his penis fell out of my boypussy as he lost rigidity. `Oh baby, oh Peter, that was so good!'

`Mmmm, you are so fucking hot Alan. I want to fuck you all day in turtlenecks! Happy birthday!'

`Mmmm, thank you baby. I want you to fuck me all day in our turtlenecks. Kiss me more, Peter....mmmm I love you so much baby.'

Unfortunately laying across the bed as I was with one leg high on it was getting uncomfortable. Peter helped me up and we held each other, our hands resting on our turtleneck collars and kissing with so much love and emotion. I never wanted it to end.

We slowed and then I went to the bathroom and let Peter's seed out of me. I could let him fuck me all day every day I mused. But I was sore now, very sore from our raw sex. But I had no regrets, the orgasm he gives me makes any form of pain or soreness well worth it. And I figured the more we did it, the less discomfort I would get.

I changed back into my pink turtleneck and my pink slouch socks.

You know baby, when we finally have our own place, you are never wearing underwear,' I laughed. I want this avaialble every minute,' I laughed as I ran my fingers over his resting penis.

Peter laughed. `You got it babe. Yeah, totally when we live together.'

There was a finality in the was Peter said that that absolutely thrilled me. My boyfriend claimed me, and said we are going to live together. Maybe we can be husbands? Thoughts of living with Peter in our turtlenecks and our turtleneck lovemaking whirred through my head as I took my bag, which Peter had packed my new turtlenecks and socks, and went home.

Next: Chapter 13

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