The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on Apr 29, 2023


`You lied to me.'


`Mom what? You said you were sick. I know damn well that you two were here having sex.'

I sat silently.


I nodded. `Yes.'

`Look Alan, I'm not mad about you wanting to be with Peter. He clearly loves you as much as you love him. And I know teenagers think about sex all day every day. I'm not ignorant. But don't you dare ever lie to me again.'

With that, Mom got up and went upstairs to her bedroom. `And clean up your clothes!'

I felt like I was about to puke when she said that. Idiot! I left my cum-soaked turtleneck, my skirt and my slouch socks all over the bathroom floor. And it was not going to take a nurse to recognize why my turtleneck was wet and how it got that way.

I made my way up the stairs and mom was leaning against the door jam of the bathroom. `I looks like you two had fun. You may as well start your laundry now. Goodnight.'

I think my face might have gone a deeper red than my turtleneck and socks. I picked up my cum-covered pink turtleneck and skirt and then my pink slouch socks. I took them to my room and dropped them into my hamper with my clothes from the week and started my laundry.

The thing was, I wasn't really all that embarrassed about having been caught having sex. Why shouldn't we? We love each other and sex is part of that isn't it? I wasn't embarrassed for the way I dressed, it was natural for me to dress up now, and bonus for making Peter happy. was actually embarrassed for lying and I swore I would not do that again. Mom knows we're having sex, Mrs. Walker knows. Funnily enough it seemed that Peter's parents were more bothered about us having sex than mom.

The next morning mom walked down in her robe. I was up already, wearing my outfit from last night: my maroon turtleneck, light gray leggings and dark red slouch socks. I slouched my socks down like Peter had done because he liked them that way. I was going to change before wer went out but still, what Peter likes is what I like. I was reading my book and eating cereal when she came down.

Good morning, honey,' said mom, kissing me on top of my head. Sleep well?'

I nodded. After she went to bed I played online with Peter. The game was secondary for us as our joking and talking quickly turned into a mutual masturbation session talking about how we were touching ourselves and our turtlenecks and Peter telling me what he would do to me if he was there. That was just the trick to make me sleep like a baby. I was a little sore from sex but it wasn't as bad as our first time. Practice makes perfect, I thought.

`So, what are you two up to today?'

Flashes of sex with Peter zipped through my mind. `I dunno, we'll go somewhere for lunch and hang out a little I guess.'

`That sounds fun. Did he like your outfit yesterday?' She sat down with me with her oversized coffee cup.

I blushed and kind of laughed. `Yes, a lot.'

`Are you dressing for him or for you?'

`Both I guess. I mean, I like it and he likes it.' I started to squirm because I never expected mom to be so invested into our relationship at all!

`Are you going to dress at school?'

I shook my head. `No, its just for home.'

Mom nodded. `Good, though I think you can get away with a little makeup if you wanted. You actually have a talent for it. Funny isn't it?'

I laughed and agreed. I am not really overly apt to think highly of myself and to be honest, all I do is mimic what the girls on YouTube do, so its not like I'm being super creative or whatever. And I think I look good in eye shadow and a bit of lipstick.

`Okay, well, I'm going to go lie down for a bit and read a book. Why don't you and Peter come for dinner. Then you can dress up for him.'

`Um, okay. I only have the skirt but I think I can come up with something.'

Well, Ill let you have a little money for your date day. But no more till your birthday, okay? Speaking of that, what do you want?'

`Oh, I don't know,' I answered truthfully. Actually there were a lot of ideas but nothing I could say I definitely would ask for. My birthday was in a couple of weeks, right at the start of spring break. Turtlenecks and more socks were definitely on the list but also there was a new Witcher game that looked really exciting. I could also use some new shoes as my Vans were starting to get stretched out.

`Well, think about what shoes you want because yours are falling apart.'

`Sure mom.'

After breakfast I did a little homework and cleaned my room. Then I showered and went through my body hair routine. I figured that if I was consistent with it, I should be able to remove all my body hair more or less permanently by the end of summer. Then it was time to dress.

I suddenly felt kind of, I don't want to say depressed but I wasn't super excited about my outfit, turtleneck and socks aside of course. I had to dress like a boy, which was not exciting for me. I wanted to dress in girls' clothes, like my skirt with leggings. And makeup and nail polish and styling my hair as feminine as possible.

Well that wasn't really going to happen so I made the best I could out of it. First I pulled on a pair of blue boy panties. I need to get women's panties. These are cute but I think real panties would be even more sexy, with my hard penis popping out of them. Then I put on my orange turtleneck and my skinny jeans. I then rolled my orange slouch socks over my jeans and was very close to putting on my Mary Janes but slipped my Vans on. Today was a little warm, relatively speaking and wasn't too windy, so I slipped on my brown Browns sweatshirt. It wasn't the cutest, a pair of leggings would look better but at least I looked pretty gay. To ensure there was no question about it I slipped the rainbow silicone bracelet Peter gave me on my wrist.

I went back to the bathroom and put a light layer of foundation on and the most delicate amount of brown eyeshadow I could manage. Its so funny how this year has gone so far. Senior year, virgin, totally in the closet and avoiding any thoughts about being gay to being completely out with a boyfriend I'm madly in love with, having lots of amazing gay sex and now I am sad I can't wearing girly clothes on my date. What an incredible year.

These thoughts cheered me up because, on the whole, I was really happy. I was happy with Peter. I was happy with my mom's acceptance of my homosexuality and my need to dress. I was really happy to be openly gay.

I went downstairs and looked form my keys and stuck my wallet in my pocket. A purse, I definitely need a purse. Mom was in the living room reading. `There's fifty dollars on the table for you. Call me when you are on your way home, okay? Have fun!'

`Thanks, bye mom!'

My day with Peter went by way too quickly. We drove to the Edgewater area of Cleveland, which is the most LGBT friendly area of the city that wasn't crazy expensive like Detroit Shoreway. It was wonderful eating lunch and going around the streets knowing that just about everybody was like us, accepted us or frankly and happily didn't care about two gay boys holding hands or walking arm in arm and being cute together. After lunch, we went to one of the gay bookstores and laughed as we browsed through some of the gay Kama Sutra books and talked about the vacations we could take in the travel section. I browsed through the toys, and noted some of the ones that looked especially useful for my self-pleasure.

Peter's outfit was absolutely perfect for our day out together. Last night he wore his blue mohair Fair Isle turlteneck sweater and today he wore his white one. As much as I love turtlenecks, I can honestly without any bias whatsoever say Peter looks absolutely perfect in turtleneck sweaters. He wears them so well and I could barely keep my eyes or desires off of him. At times in the day I was glad we were sitting or could move to a more private area because my penis was so engorged with desire for my boyfriend it was a bit embarrassing. That would be the downside of leggings in public. I get can keep my own arousal from wearing turtlenecks under control most of the time but sometimes baggier pants are an advantage. The rest of his outfit was so sexy too.

In addition to his thick white mohair Fair Isle turtleneck sweater with red and blue patterning, Peter wore brown chinos and his brown boots. This time, however, he had tucked his chinos into his thick ribbed gray wool socks. While my turtleneck and sock look was definitely feminine, the way he wore his thick turtleneck sweater and his socks was so masculine and so erotic! And I made sure to tell him so.

`So, Mr. Copycat,' I giggled when I got into his car when he picked me up.

Peter smiled and said that he really loved how I wore my socks like that and wanted to try it. I told him looked amazing and gave his hard penis a long rub to let him know how much I loved him and the way he was dressed.

That was our only sexual activity of the day and even though my desire for him definitely spiked, and I thinks his for me, we actually kept it under control and had a really fun time between lunch, the bookstore, and an antique shop. Apparently Peter has a soft-spot for all things retro, which I found cute and endearing.

As we were walking back to where his car was parked a noticed a thrift shop that I hadn't seen when we arrived. `Peter, can we stop by there for a minute?'

`Yeah, sure babe.'

The shop was not the most amazingly tidy store I'd ever been to. The girl working the register barely acknowledged us as we strolled through the aisles and circlular racks. We headed, or I headed and Peter followed, to the women's section. We looked through and I told Peter I wanted to dress up for him when we got back home.

`Your skirt and turtleneck was really hot, you know,' he whispered as he nibbled on my earlobe as I pushed through different skirts.

I shivered from the attention my boyfriend gave me. Peter, stop,' I protested playfully. And yes, I know it was but I want to see if we can find something else too.'

I found two things I wanted and managed a third piece for good measure. I found an ivory ribbed turtleneck sweater dress made of thin wool. It was a 3/4 sleeve turtleneck and the skirt of the dress came down to below my hips so that it would cover my middle in a way that looked sexy but not slutty. The dress' turtleneck collar was nice and tall, though not as close fitting as I would have liked but for $15, I would make it work.

The second piece was a pair of olive green corduroy overalls. I really liked these because the flared legs of the overalls were designed to be worn with boots so they were cut high, only about 3/4 length. I thought they would be perfect with a turtleneck and to show off my matching slouch socks. The only downside I could see to them was not allowing Peter easy access to my penis or my what I had read on crossdressing forums, amusingly at first but now seriously, as my boypussy.

Finally I bought a pair of light brown suede low Chelsea boots. They weren't quite my size so they would be a squeeze but for around the house and in bed, I thought they would be perfect with my turtleneck dress and overalls. The suede was pretty worn on the heels but $5 is a steal!

I refused to let Peter see as I tried the turtleneck dress and overalls on. He begged but I wanted to surprise him at dinner time. The girl at the register kind of smirked a little bit as she rang me up because the clothes were obviously for me and we were obviously a couple.

As we left the store, Peter suddenly grabbed my arm and steered me further down the street away from our Volvo. `Where are we going?'

You'll see, and I think you'll like it,' he chided me, stroking my cheek and resting his fingers on my orange turtleneck collar. I love it when he touches my turtleneck, almost as much I love touching his. But don't worry, its not a tattoo.'

The shop he was taking us was a tattoo and piercing place with a large and conspicuous rainbow pride flag. The guy working at the counter, a rail thin but heavily tattooed man with a thin mustache eyed us up and down. `You two look adorable. What can we do for you hun?'

`Hi, my boyfriend wants his ears pierced.'

`Sure hun. Have a seat over there. It's one ear for $20 or we can do both for thirty five.'

`He wants two in his right ear and one on his left.' I felt warm inside. I was sitting in the piercing chair and my boyfriend was telling me what I want. And I wanted them, I wanted my ears pierced in a way that made it clear that I'm gay.

`Well, if we put studs in, I'll charge you for the pair, unless you already have rings you want me to put in. Otherwise, I'll have to charge you more for hoops or whatever you want.'

Studs are fine,' said Peter, who had put his hand on the back of my turtleneck collar. Don't you think babe?'

I looked up at Peter with a loving smile, I couldn't help it. He looks so incredible in his turtleneck sweaters, and I would do anything for him!

`I think so too.'

The piercing was surprisingly quick and much less painful than I expected. Peter rubbed my back and gave my turtleneck collar a little squeeze as we admired my new jewelry. Whereas Peter thought it was sexy because it marked my sexuality, I loved it because of that yes, but it was also feminine looking. I was really excited about what I was going to wear to dinner for my darling Peter!

We walked hand in hand back to the car, lost in our own little world. When we got in the car we both suddenly took each other in each other's arms and kissed passionately. My penis was raging as I put my hand on Peter's luxuriously soft white mohair turtleneck collar and felt the slight stubble on his cheek. Our tongues danced wildly as our kissing moved from passion to sexual desire.

`Let's go find a place, babe,' moaned Peter hoarsely.

We drove in the most wildly inappropriate manner around Cleveland with me resting my hand and gently massaging Peter's hard bulge. I guided him to the old Feiss factory, one of the sad remenants of Cleveland. It was overgrown with trees and grass and no one was ever around. It was easy to guide the car into a inconspicuous spot and we scrambled out of the car and found a clump of trees that would be perfect for us.

Peter took my arm and pressed me against a tree and we kissed madly and ravenously! His hands were around my turtlenecked throat and he was kneading my turtleneck collar and grinding his stiff manhood against mine and we moaned with delight and sexual gratification.

`Turn around, Alan,' Peter commanded as he released me from his sweatered pressure.

I obeyed and I followed suit when I saw Peter begin to fumble with his chinos button and fly. I shimmied my jeans and panties down and I knew what Peter wanted. Oh how I wanted it too, so incredibly badly! I was ready for him, no matter what.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around the trunk of the tree. Peter had grabbed some lube from somewhere and prepared my hole for him. I moaned with expectation and reached up to massage my turtleneck collar. The excitement from the anticipation of Peter was overwhelming me!

Peter's reassuring hand on my back pressed down as he guided himself into me. He was so patient and gentle with entering me. The pressure of his engorged penis made me gasp as my muscles resisted at first and relax allowing Peter to push a bit further. Massaging and stroking my turtleneck collar as well as imagining my Peter in his turtleneck sweater made the it easier to let him in.

Finally he was all the way in and a primal moan of pleasure erupted from as he began to pump me. There was something different about this time. The pleasure and and carnal delight of his fullness was there but it was more. Peter was going faster now and pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust of his hips, driving his penis far into me. Every breath I took was a noise of some kind, I had no control of anything now. It was all I could do to lean into the tree and present my boypussy to Peter! I grabbed my orange turtleneck collar and pushed the collar up my face as he absolutely pounded me, slapping his hair balls with every powerful thrust.

A warmth was growing inside of me, it was growing hotter and spreading from my boypussy through my whole body it felt. Somewhere in the distance I could kind of hear myself...'Yeah, baby, oh, bab, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder daddy...'

Even farther was the slapping of Peter's hairy balls slapping my cheeks as he pounded me. He was going faster and faster and groaning with the delight and pleasure I was giving him.

Suddenly my vision went blurred and my entire body burst into a oozing warmth that radiated from my boypussy to my head, my fingers, my socked toes. My penis, usually only semi-hard during our anal sex, stood up and poured hot, sticky and creamy cum after cum after cum. But now the radiating kept growing, then it relaxed and come on strongly again. It was amazing how it incredible it felt, it was nothing I had ever experienced before and I ididn't care if it ever ended. Touching my turtleneck collar with my fingers made it happen again as Peter railed me

`Don't stop, don't stop, ohhhh, yeah baby, oh fuck me so hard in my turtleneck baby...'

Oh yeah,' Peter replied, huskily. Oh yeah, you look so hot in turtlenecks baby, I wanna fuck you all day!'

Peter suddenly grabbed my hips and pressed himself fully inside of me and let out a long and shuddering moan and I felt his penis twitch inside. Little thrusts came and I knew Peter was cumming inside of me. His fingers were clamped hard of my hips as he poured his manliness into my boypussy and he kept cumming. I could feel his body quivering from his balls and his abs and his arms.

Don't pull out,' I whispered. I felt his penis slacken and slowly it slipped out of me. Mmm, I love that feeling.'

Peter panted as he stepped back and started pulling his white briefs and chinos back up. `Oh wow, that was so good, Alan. How did it feel when you came?'

I leaned back against the tree. I felt really unsteady on my feet and my legs were still quivering. I don't know, it was, it was amazing. I can still feel it,' I cooed, rubbing my turtleneck collar, feeling the warmth of my orgasm pulsing through my body. You need to try this!'

Peter cupped my face with his hands and kissed me warmly. I reached up myself and slipped my fingers underneath Peter's turtleneck collar to massage his neck and feel the soft wool of his mohair turtleneck sweater. `I love you, baby,' I moaned as we kissed.

`I love you too, Alan.'

I was starting to get back to normal after my orgasm. I had no desire to ever penetrate Peter, it felt like my role to pleasure him and he was so dominate in our sex that topping him felt a bit wrong. We held hands walking back to the car and we drove, very relaxed, to my house. Actually, there was something not so relaxing as we drove because Peter's cum started to leak out of me, leaving me sitting in his wet cum. It was sensual to hold his seed inside of me, but I never thought of it leaking out.

We pulled into one of the visitor's spaces and walked into the house. Mom was watching TV as we came in. `Oh, hi! Have fun?'

Yes mom, it was great,' I beamed. Then I turned to Peter. I'm going to take a shower, and then I'll be right down for dinner.'

Okay,' mom said slowly. I suppose then Peter will have to help me set the table. I hope you two didn't eat already.'

`No...Barbara, I caught myself there. I'm happy to help, what do you need?'

I ran upstairs and quickly undresses and tossed my orange socks, my jeans, my cum-soaked panties and my orange turtleneck into my hamper. My Browns sweatshirt was thrown on the bed. I went the bathroom and moved as quickly as I could. I used cold cream on my face because I wanted to redo my make up. I took a quick shower and then shaved what little growth had sprouted on my face over the day. I didn't bother with my body, it was fine.

After showering I went to my bedroom and put on a fresh pair gold satin panties. Then I took the ivory turtleneck dress out of the bag. Putting it on was exhilarating. While my pink and purple turtlenecks and slouch socks were feminine, this was different. This turtleneck was designed specifically for women. The wide ribbing of the dress, the thee-quarter sleeves and the elegant turtleneck collar were soft and I loved how it felt on me! The dress went down to about mid-thigh which was a classy, sensual length I thought. I was thinking about getting another turtleneck dress later, maybe something that was a bit more revealing, a bit more slutty for Peter.

After putting on my turtleneck dress, I took out my white slouch socks and rolled them up all the way. The tops of my socks came to just below my knees. I was so hard wearing my turtleneck dress and my slouch socks like knee socks, I was afraid I might have an orgasm putting my low Chelseas on. I hoped that things might calm down a bit while I put my make up on.

It did not, my penis stayed stubbornly erect and full of desire for Peter. The solution was simple and quick. I was so horny and still feeling the sex from this afternoon in addition to wearing my ivory turtleneck dress so it was very little effort pleasure myself. I took a bit of paper to make sure that there we no leaks of cum on my panties and possibly on my dress.

I gave myself a final look in the mirror. I kept my makeup minimal, I liked that how it accentuated my eyes and my cheekbones and filled my lips a bit. With my new earrings I looked perfectly feminine. My turtleneck dress fit perfectly, though the ivory didn't match my white slouch socks as well as I thought it would. Oh, well, I love wearing slouch socks with my turtlenecks now so there was no way I was going to take them off.

The one modification I had to make was the bulge of my penis that presented against the skirt of my turtleneck dress. I loved how it stretched the ribbed of the wool. If it was just me and Peter, well, one I wouldn't have masturbated I would have let Peter take care of me. But even still, I think keeping my penis' bulge would have been cute and gay. Definitely a Peter-pleaser. But with mom in the room, I had to made some considerations. So I tucked my penis between my legs, which was not that comfortable but it looked much more presentable.

Mom and Peter were sitting at the table. Mom had made salmon with roasted potatoes and green beans, one of my favorites. I walked up and sat down across from Peter so that we could admire each other's turtlenecks: Peters masculine white mohair Fair Isle turtleneck sweater with red and blue patterning and my feminine wool ribbed ivory turtleneck dress. Both mom and Peter stared as I sat down. I think mom was of surprise and Peter of sexual desire.

`Wow, that turtleneck looks great on you,' said Peter, smiling brightly. I just love his smile!

`Oh, thank you sweetie,' I answered. I don't know where this abandon-all-inhibitions has come from. Before meeting Peter and coming out I was such a shy person, easily embarrassed and avoided attention at all costs. Now I'm an openly gay crossdresser who has no shyness about being affectionate with my boyfriend in front of anyone.

Can you two stop being cute with each other for five minutes,' chided mom. But, I have to admit that dress suits you Alan, remarkably so. Though, if you want to wear socks with a dress they really should be knee socks or stockings. And, did you pierce your ears?'

`That was my idea, Barbara,' said Peter.

Okay,' said mom. Well, I suppose if you are going to dress and wear makeup, earrings make sense. Let's say Grace.'

Dinner was wonderful and I felt natural wearing a turtleneck dress and kind of, in Peter's words, acting all feminine. After we ate Peter and I cleaned the dishes. We unintentionally at first, and then ver intentionally, rubbed our hips together. I just love physical contact with him. After the dishes we played cards with mom. The game itself wasn't super fun. Mom is a real cardshark and Euchre is not the easiest game to explain to a brand new player. But it was so nice for me and Peter and mom. She seemed to be totally unfazed by everything. By me being gay, by my very openly gay boyfriend, me dressing and expressing my unsaid turtleneck fetish so openly.

Peter left around nine. Mom left us after the card game and went to change and give us a little privacy. After she left I went around and sat on Peter's lap. I wrapped my arms around Peter's thick mohair turtleneck collar and wrapped his strong sweatered arms around my waist. I crossed my socked ankles femininely and we spent several moments kissing each other and feeling each other's sweaters. I felt Peter's penis grow under me which gave me that warm feeling again. I was convinced that if he had put his penis inside of me again, I would have another orgasm like I did by the factory. My penis strained from between my legs!

It was good that he left. I walked him to the door, holding his arm. We kissed by the door for another few minutes before I helped him put his black North Face parka on. `I can't wait to see you on Monday,' I cooed, rubbing his back as he opened the door.

`Me too. I love you, babe.'

`I love you too, sweetie.'

Next: Chapter 12

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