The Turtleneck Tales

By queerturtleneck

Published on Apr 8, 2023


The usual disclaimer here, this is, broadly speaking, a completely fictional story of two completely fictional high schoool students who enter into a consensual romantic and homosexual relationship. There are several sections in this story that are sexually explicit and intentionally pornographic. If that is not your cup of tea or not legal in your country of residence, please stop reading here.

Still here? Wonderful! This story writing is an outlet for me to explore and derive pleasure from my main fetishes: turtlenecks and turtleneck sweaters (especially!!) as well as slouch socks and wool socks. I understand these are niche fetishes and they accentuate the pleasure I get from sexual encounters with men. Even if you don't like turtlenecks I do hope you continue reading and enjoy the journey Alan and Peter take in exploring and engaging in their homosexuality and of how their relationship will affect their life choices.

Finally, as a gay man I have had a life long fascination of the male penis. I believe this is the case for just about all homosexual men. It is the most wonderful organ and a creation of perfection. Long and short, big and small, thick and thin, bent and straight, and everything in between, I believe I've had the wonderful fortune to explore all their beautiful shapes and sizes; both orally and anally. It is my love and adoration of the penis that prevents me from using words like cock' or dick.' Such words are too vulgar for the object that has given me so much sexual and emotional pleasure thoughout my life.

Finally, I do appreciate constructive feedback to improve my skill as writer. Positive and words of encouragement are also appreciated! You can send me either or both to:

Enough with the boring introduction, enjoy!!

`Um, hi, is this physics?'

Mr. Latham looked up from his computer where he was taking roll and peered though his rimless reading glasses. `Are you Mr. Walker?'


`Try that again.' Mr. Latham was famous in Southbridge High. He was pretty old school, which made sense since he was in his mid-60's. But his classes were very popular and, if you got him, you generally got a pretty good grade if you did your homework.

`Yes, I'm Peter Walker.' There was a slight snicker through the class. It never failed to be funny despite just about everyone having gone through the experience. Except for Angela Meyers. She was also the biggest teacher's pet on the planet.

Welcome to Southbridge. Why don't you take a seat next to Alan over there. There, in the green turtleneck. Mr. Latham waved in my general direction. I perked up when I heard that. Great.

I am self aware enough to know that I am painfully shy, introverted and socially awkward. It wasn't uncommon for me to be sitting on my own in classes or lunch or whatever. I was no stranger to the counsellors offices because my teachers were worried about me being lonely or excluded. I know they didn't fully believe me when I told them I was fine and preferred things this way. My grades were always good, I didn't get in trouble in school and my mother was never concerned about it so it was usually dropped around Halloween. Still, it was tiresome to have through the process every year.

Besides, I wasn't completely friendless. Its just that my friends lived in my neighborhood and went to a different school. It was a weird districting thing and half the neighborhood went to Southbridge and the other half went to Woodson. Mark, Tom and Ricardo all lived on the other side of the invisible line. We're all proud nerds and like to play role playing games, critique movies and go hiking in the woods. Its all I need and I'm genuinely happy about it.

Obviously I don't have a girlfriend and never have. I mean, there are girls I like but I never felt like I wanted to be with them really. I'm not ugly or anything. I'm average, maybe a little above I'd say, and I've been told by a lot of girls that I have a nice smile and eyes. I'm 5'8 and I'm a bit scrawny at 130 pounds. I have brown hair that I part to the side and bright green eyes and my face is pretty angular. Body hair wise, I don't have a lot and its kind of patchy at best so I shave everything except my legs. I did that once and got teased mercilessly for looking like a girl.

I'm in my usual kind of school outfit for January: a green turtleneck, jeans, white crew socks and Vans. I had a navy sweatshirt hoody on earlier, but I took it off after first period because the heat in the school is unpredictable. Some classrooms are freezing and others are on fire.

I wear turtlenecks a lot. I really like them and always have. Ever since I was a little boy I loved wearing turtlenecks. I have a lot of them. Actually I have eight turtlenecks: white, black, grey, green, red, brown, maroon and yellow. My turtlenecks are all cotton that I wear alone or under sweatshirts or whatever. I really want to get some turtleneck sweaters but I never found any that were affordable or local. I don't know why I like turtlenecks so much; my mother made me wear them regularly when I was little and it became kind of a habit. When I started school, a lot my teachers, particularly my favorite ones, seemed to wear turtlenecks a lot and I kind of mimicked them I guess. Obviously there wasn't anything sexual about turtlenecks then, but they were my signature style. I remember Ms. Wood, my fourth grade teacher, say `Alan, I'm surprised your not wearing a turtleneck today!' It was probably the case of all my turtlenecks being in the laundry.

At first there was nothing sexual about them. They were, well, still are, very comfortable and I think they look really good on me. But since I turned 12 or so, I get a bit of a thrill when I wear turtlenecks. At first I would get raging hard ons and get really horny. I quickly learned how to pleasure myself and loved watching myself in a turtleneck as I stroked my penis. On my laptop at home, I've collected a fairly large collection of pictures of women wearing turtlenecks and turtleneck sweaters I've found on the `net that I like to browse though while I wear a turtleneck and slowly please myself till I orgasm. I kind of think its funny that I get so excited by women and girls at school wearing turtlenecks. It's kind of paradoxical I guess.

You see, the main reason I don't have or never had a girlfriend is that I don't like girls that way. Like, at all. I've known for sometime, I guess since I was fourteen or so that I am gay. There are several boys in school that I like a lot, at least like looking at. I have dreams about some of them. I don't watch a lot of porn because it makes me uncomfortable. I guess that was another clue that I'm gay because every time I would watch porn, I always invariably, or maybe instinctively perhaps, watch gay porn which excites me very much.

Needless to say, I'm very much in the closet. I guess you could say I'm on Stage Two but skipping Stage Three and moving into Stage Four of acceptance. I don't know, maybe I'm angry about being gay. My friend Ricardo has a girlfriend, so he's hanging out with us less. Mark had one, and when I saw them together they seemed so happy. Till they broke up anyways. My mom and I go to church weekly and, even though there are gay people in our congregation, I just don't know. There is an LGBT club in school, but I never liked any of those kids and the club president, Jessica Barlow, is so self-righteous it's nauseating to be around her. Besides, I didn't really want to do this where my mom might find out I'm gay before I tell her and I'm not anywhere close to ready yet.

I looked up at Peter as he walked to my table. Then I tried not to stare because he was very attractive. He had longish curly blond hair and a warm tan from spending a lot of time in the sun. Clearly he wasn't a local of Cleveland because the sun basically disappears from October to April, sometimes May. That and the wind from Lake Michigan can cut to the bone in winter.

What really caught my eye was his outfit. Peter had a cable knit grey turtleneck sweater on, which fit him really well. I kind of registered his khaki chinos. `Hi, I'm Peter,' he said, smiling, as he sat down and extended his hand.

Alan, I replied, awkwardly and keeping my eyes down at my notebook as I shook his hand. He kept the handshake a little longer than expected. `Where are you from?'

`We just moved here from Los...'

Before he could finish Mr. Latham called the class to attention and began his lecture on fluid dynamics or some such thing. I love science and I want to be a biologist but physics just does not hold my interest no matter how good Mr. Latham is.

Through the class, I couldn't help but to steal glances at Peter as we took notes and drew diagrams. I was weirdly drawn by the way his turtleneck collar traced along his angular chin and his jawline. I think I might have caught him doing the same to me.

The bell rang and we started gathering our things into our backpacks. I noticed we both had the same black Jansport. `Nice bag,' I awkwardly joked.

`Oh yeah, weird. Its like they wanted to make a profit or something,' laughed Peter. I was really relieved by that. I knew it was a terrible joke but I have a hard time making conversation and Peter seemed like a nice guy. I don't know, maybe because he was new and didn't know me that it made me comfortable to try and talk with him.

`Hey, Alan, what's your next class?'

`English, yours?'

`Do you have Johnson?'

`Yeah, come on, I'll show you the way. She's an easy A, at least she was last semester. We hardly do anything except talk about movies based on books.'

`Cool, thanks man.'

We walked down the hall to English and chatted some more. Peter was from Los Angeles but just moved to Cleveland a couple of weeks ago. This was his first new school ever, his last school was a private school that went from kindergarten to twelfth grade. When he moved, the only private schools in Cleveland that had openings were some of the Christian or Catholic schools and he and his parents didn't want to go that route. All in all, I liked our three minute talk as we got to English.

Unfortunately those were the only two classes we had together. Even our lunch breaks were off, he had the A lunch and I have C, so there was no chance to meet up there. But he did make physics and English much more enjoyable. The only downer is that I hadn't seen him in a turtleneck since that first day. I don't know why, but kept hoping.

After a couple of weeks, we finally exchanged phone numbers and a week before our first physics test, Peter asked if I could come over to his house and help him study. His house was about a 10 minute walk from school, actually, just in the opposite direction than mine. I liked Peter a lot, but he was not really into school. He liked hanging out with people and was definitely a lot more social. But he was always friendly with me and voluntarily sat next to me in physics and English. He was definitely the first person I enjoyed the constant company of in school, maybe ever.

Peter and I were walking together to English class. I was wearing a red turtleneck under a grey plain sweatshirt, my usual jeans, white crew socks and my black Vans. Unfortunately, as per usual, Peter was not wearing a turtleneck, opting for a black hoodie. He hadn't worn a turtleneck since his first day at school but each day I was hoping. Still, he is very cute and I like him a lot. `Hey, Alan, do you think you could come over to my house and help me with the physics test? I'm kind of lost.'

`Yeah, I think I can. I have Spanish club after school, but I can come right after that. About quarter past four?'

`Hey, that's be great. Here, give me your number. I finally got my new SIM card.' He pulled out his iPhone and I told him my phone number. He then sent me a smiley emoji for his. I laughed a little.

`I'll call my mom and let her know. It'll be no problem. Can you send me your address?'

`Yeah, here you go. I've got gym next, but send me a text as soon as you know, okay?'

I called my mom during lunch and told her I was going to a friend's house and I would be home between seven and seven thirty. She was very surprised and told me to text her the address and it was no problem. I texted Peter immediately after hanging up with her and got a thumbs up in reply. I don't know why that made me feel so good.

Next: Chapter 2

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