The turkish urologist.

By hans wurst

Published on Apr 27, 2010



Copyright 2010 by All Rights Reserved.

I've been living in Berlin for a short while. I started my studies here and I enjoyed the city a lot. I made a lot of good friends and had a decent apartment. I'm 19, white, and I'm about 5'10" and I'm pretty skinny. Always been. In the last couple of years I actually grew some hair on my chest. First I always shaved because everbody did. But in the last couple of months I kind of left it. Some of my sexdates liked it more and i got used to it too.

Anyway, in the last couple of days I had some problems with my bladder and I thought I should get that checked. But I didn't want to go to the regular doctor. I wasn't really comfortable with him. So I looked up the closest urologist on the internet. I got an appointment quickly.

It was a sunny day in mid-summer and I walked to the doctor. I was a little bit concered but I didn't care too much. To my surprise the nurse at the front desk was a male man. I have never seen a man in that position. Than I realized that he had turkish roots. Well I thought that is common in the area where I lived. He spoke perfect german and sent me to the waiting room. I waited a couple of minutes between old men who were coughing at random times. After reading some magazines it was my turn. It looked like I was the last patient. The nurse called me into a small changing room. He just said:"Please strip and than go through the door on your left." Than he closed the door. The small room had only one chair and two doors. I stripped down to my underwear and waited shortly. In that moment the nurse knocked on the door and said:"Please take off all of your cloth." "Ok", I mumbled and I was surprised over my reaction of following that order. So I took of my red American Apparel slip. I knocked at the door where I was supposed to go through. A short "come in" came through the door. I opened it and stepped into the doctors room.

My feet got a little bit cold from the floor and from my agitation. The room was pretty wide. The blinds of the windows were shut. `At least nobody can see me from outside' I thought. There was a bed and a stand with a couple of instruments. The doctor was facing me behind his big almost empty desk. He was in his fifties and was a little bit chubby. He had the typical turkish moustache. He talked on the phone in turkish. I couldn't understand a word. He waved me to come to him. There was no chair to sit down. I coverd my penis with my hands but I still felt pretty naked. The only thing I was wearing were my glasses. I walked to the table on my toes. He was still chatting on the phone. He waved with his hand and pointed to a colored round spot on the floor next to his chair. I walked there and waited. I was facing him while he was sitting relaxed on his chair moving back and forth deeply in his conversation.

After a couple of moments of me standing naked two feets away from him I got nervous. What the hell is going on here?' he just kept talking. Than suddenly he turned to me grabbed my hands gently und pushed them to the side. I was shocked a little. My dick was now exposed and moved a little bit from the motion. My face turned red instantly and my hands and feet got cold sweat. I felt even more naked. Ususally I love to be naked. At home or at the beach but this here was diferent. The doctor gave me a short look but I couldn't figure out what that meant. While talking on his phone he picked up a long pen and turned to me. Than he used the pen to push my dick slightly to the side. He gave a concentrated look on my balls and kept my dick to the side. Than he did the same from the other side. My dick got a little blood rush. It started to get hard. Please not now' I thought.

He turned of his phone and let my dick go. That did not change much and it still got hard.

"Ok what is your name?" he asked without apologizing for being on the phone. Kind of rude.

"Dane Mucaly" I said.

"How old are you?"

"Just turned 19"

"What brings you here?"

"I have some problems with my bladder." answering his sharp questions.

"OK." he said an got up from his seat. He came really close to me. He was a little bit shorter than me and had a belly sticking out. He pushed around my stomache.

"Any pain here?"


"Here?" he asked while squezzing my belly.

"No." My hardon actually got back to normal. He started moving to my upper body. Than he checked my lymph knots on my neck. He moved really close and his medical white cloth were tickeling my belly and the tip of my dick.

"Looks good here," he said "but I will need an urin sample." with that he gave me little cup. I took it and wanted to go to the restroom. He looked at me wondering and said: "Just do it right here." His tone didn't leave anything to discuss. He started writing on my file while I pointed my penis to the cup. I always have a hard time peeing in front of a strange people. I pushed but nothing came out. He finished writing and said: "Come on little girl. Just pee in the cup." The -little girl- got me a little bit angry. After a couple of seconds I was able to start peeing. I filled the little cup fast. I handed it over. There were a couple of drops on the tip of my glans. He put the cup on the table and labled it. Than he turned over and slowly catched the the drop. I was stunned. It looked almost as he enjoyed it.

"Ok I now will do some further checking." With that he pulled back my foreskin and gave it a deep look.

"How long is you penis, dane?"

"Ummm. I don't know." Of course I knew but I was to shy at that moment.

"Let's me measure it." He took out a ruler and started to adjust it on my penis.

"I'm going to need a stiff penis for accurate measurement. I know you turn hard quickly." He said with a smile. He than grabbed my penis in his palm and started to move back and forth. While doing so he starred into my eyes with a little grin. I felt so lost. Here I was totally naked and this old turkish guy was masturbating me. My dick got hard instantly but he kept moving.

"Here we go. 7.5 inches. Not bad young man. And its nice and thick." he moved my penis around like a piece of vegetable he likes to buy on the market. He weighed my balls with his hands and seperated them. He kept touching all over my privates. It couldn't get any worse but still it felt good too. He had small fat hairy fingers. They were all over the place. My dick stayed at full attention.

"Good. Now please turn over and put your hands on the seat of that chair." I obeyed instantly. His deep voice had something of a teacher. I didn't question his action in the moment. I turned around and bent forward my hands touched the seat. I stayed like that for a while. I heard some squezzing noises from the lubricant tube. A moment later he spreaded the lube over my ass. My first thought was if I'm clean back there. There would be nothing more embarrising. He massaged the lube all over my crack. It was cold but turned warm after a while. He went over to get his cloves and left me with my wet crack standing there. This is so humiliating. He came and spreaded my ass cheeks. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear.

"Relax now." he said.

Than he pushed his finger into my ass.

"Awww" i said in surprise.

"You are really tight." `yeah my last fuck was a couple of weeks ago' I thought.

He kept pushing his index finger inside and out. But he couldn't really get deep inside. He tried to spread my ass but wasn't able to get a second finger in my ass.

"You are really tight. I'm going to need some help." he said and went to the stand with instrument. He came back but I couldn't see what he had in his hands.

"This is a anal-retractor" and while saying that he pushed that thing into me.

"Oooooow" I said gasping for air.

"Come on. This thing is not even open yet. I just pushed it in." he said kind of disappointed.

"Aaaaaah..... ooooooh" He slowly opened the retractor. My ass was forcly spread apart.

"Yes thats my boy!" he said adjusting the retractor. The pain was intense. I got fucked before but this situation just led my ass to close tightly.

"Ooooooh....." he kept screwing the instrument.

"This will do. I'm going to leave it in for a moment so you will get used to it. During that moment the doctor started playing with my cock. He started masturbating it from behind. He pulled my cock towards him. Probably to check out how far it would go.

"Ahhhhh.... ooooh." this is to much. Getting your ass spread and someone playing with your dick. He pushed my legs apart without saying a word. It felt impossible to move. My privates were on full display from behind. My dick was raging hard. I kept gasping whe suddenly the door was opened.

The nurse came in and he had a full display of my dick and ass spread apart. I felt so out of this world. There two strange turkish men looking at my ass and dick. The doctor got up and left me leg spreaded in the middle of the room. He started talking in turkish to the nurse. After a while he said: "This is my son. He will become a doctor like me soon. I hope you don't mind if he stays for a while and watches." "It's ok." I mumbled to my own surprise. They spoke turkish again. Than they both came to me. The young nurse, probably a little older than me, started laying his hands on my butt. Like he was in a relaxed conversation and my butt was the table. He slowly moved his hand back and forth. Than he touched the retractor and pushed a little more apart.

"Uuuuuhh oooooooooooh. Hmmmmm slowly" I said. The nurse laughed a little bit. The doctor went back to his table and talked on the phone for a while. The nurse than touched my penis and stroked it like the doctor did before.

"Aaaaaah mmmmh. No please stop I said." but he didn't care.

"Everything is fine" he said. My penis was again rock hard and my ass started to relax.

"I think you are well relaxed now. Please come over to the table." he removed the instrument slowly. He massaged my anus a little after he got the thing out. I got up and looked at the nurse. He had black hair and looked well trained. His chest hair was sticking out from his his shirt. He was wearing the typical white scrubs. I glanzed down a little and saw that he had an erection.

When I reached the table he said to bend down and lay my upper body on the table. The surface was cold and my nipples started to shrink. My penis was pushing at the side of the old table. The nurse was pushing my back with one hand and the other and started to poke around my hole. The doctor was sitting right next to it talking on the phone while spreading my ass with one hand. `What is going on here??' I thought.

"Now you are loose. The nurse said." He inserted two fingers. Than three.

"Good boy. I guess you have been fucked before."

"Yes" I have no idea why i said that. It is true but still why did I say that?

"A little queer!" the doctor finished his phone call.

"Yeah thats what I thought too." he said.

Than they kept speaking in turkish.

All the sudden they both got rough on me. The nurse stepped to my site and bot of my arms on the back.

"Keep quiet. Nobody will here you anyway" he just said. Than the doctor removed his shirt fast. His hairy chest was visible. He had a big belly and niples were haning low on his man boobs. He undid his pants and was fully naked. His penis wasn't that long but fat. He had a hardon. Some precum was leaking from his tip.

"That's going to be fun and you will it enjoy it too, dane" he just said while pushing his penis towards my face.

"Suck, queer!" I couldn't resist for some reason. All this playing around with my dick and ass got me horny. And I haven't had sex for a while. He pulled my had towards him. His hairy belly was over my face. My lips touched his penis. I tasted the salty precum.

"Open up little slut!" the nurse said. "My dad wants some dick blown!" he emphasized by pushing one of his fingers in my has.

"Aaaaaah mmmm" I mumbled in short pain. The doctor pushed his dick into my mouth and started face fucking me. The fat cock was hitting my throat. I had a hard time to breath. The nurse managed to bind my arms with some velcro band behind my back. I couldn't move my arms even a little. The doctor was slapping the dick on my face.

"Stick out your tounge, you little whore!" I did like he said. I was totally under control now. A dick slapping my face, my arms behind my back, me totally naked and a finger in my ass proping me.

"We going to fuck you little slut!" the nurse said.

"Relax son, it's always dads first turn." he said while fucking my face more. I gagged from time to time but that didn't stop him at all.

"Suck my dick, you little cocksucker!"

"Mmbmmbmh..." I replied.

All the sudden he pulled his dick with a plop out of my mouth. His little fat penis was coverd in salive. His pubic hairs were all wet. He stroked his dick in front of my face. I gasped for air.

"Oooooh...." the nurse removed the finger from my hole. It was all tense from the action.

The doctor moved behind me and slapped my ass.



"Shut up and take it like a man."

The doctors son was undressing next to me. He was probably going to the gym a lot. His body was all muscle. He also was all hairy. The thick black on his chest still didn't leave much for the imagination. He removed his pants and a long dick came to my view. It was not as fat as his dads but much longer.

Suddenly I had to close my eyes. The doctor pushed his dick in my ass.


"Shut up!"

SLAP - on my ass.

He pushed his dick in. The pain was intense. He spreaded my hole big time. My body started to shake. I tried to get away but the fat belly of the doctor pushed me against the table. The nurse pulled my hair and pushed my head on his dick. My mouth was dry from all the raping. He slapped me in the face.


"Ooouuuh" The dick entered my mouth. The taste of piss was in my mouth. He started face fucking me. On the other end I heard the slapping noice of the doctor fucking my tight hole.

"He is tight like a virgin. Haven't had a tight hole like this in a long time!"

He pushed in and out. Sometimes his small dick would fall out. Than he just pushed it in again. My hole was all loose from the fat dick. The nurse was enjoying the forced blow job. He pushed my had all the way down his dick until I gagged. But he kept pushing.

"Yeah you little fag. Don't you like my dick!"

"Mhhhh ouu mmmh"

The doctor started moaning and sped up his fucking. He push fucked me into the table. My body was entirly moving under his weight.

"Yeeeaaah. Thats better than some cunt. Aaaaahh....."

He took up speed. I felt like fucked by a machine.

"Yaaaaaaahhhhh....... yeaaaaahhh" his cum filled my ass up. It was so much that I acutally could feel it.

"Wooooow..." he said.

He slowly fucked me little bit more. His moves got slower though. Then he pulled back. Cum was dripping out of my spread hole. My anus was totally loose. He sticked a finger into my hole. Than he walked to my face and showed me his finger. The nurse got behind my back.

"Here you little fag. Wanne try?" the doctor said. I shook my head. He slapped me in the face. His dick was still hard and dripping. His chest and face was all sweaty. His skin was shining in the light.

"I said: do you want to try?"


I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.

"That's my boy!" he pushed his finger full with his cum into my mouth.

"Lick it!" I sucked his finger. The taste of cum and shit was in my mouth. I coughed.

"Need something to drink aye?" I nodded. With that he pulled my head and pushed his penis in my mouth. Now his cum was all over my face and mouth.

"Drink little fag!" he demanded. He started pissing in my mouth. I chocked shortly but he he forced my head in position.

"I said drink. I don't want to have any piss on my desk!" I started drinking his warm piss slowly. My mouth was full and I almost bursted. I sucked all the piss down my throat.

"Good girl!" he said.

A sting at my ass reminded me that it was the nurse turn to fuck me. His long dick pushed all they way in.

"Yes son, show him how to get fucked well" the doctor said to his son nurse.

The son pushed his whole dick into my ass.

"Ouuuu ahhhhh." the doctor slapped my ass.


"Let me help you." the doctor said to his son and spreaded my ass cheecks wide apart. The dick fucked me hard like I have never been fucked before. I was out of my mind. My mouth was full of piss and my ass full of cum and dick. My nose was covered in cum too. My dick was throbbing hard. The doctor noticed that.

"I think I'll check down there." he said. He started to masturbate my dick.

"Yeah you little queer. Don't you guys like to get fucked by us?" I moaned, probably in agreement. With the dick in my ass fucking me like hell it didn't long until I came.

"Mmmmuuuuuuuh aaaaaahhhh...." I shot the biggest load of all times.

"I milked the little queer." the doctor said. He catched all my cum with his hand and showed it to his son who was still fucking my ass well. The doctor came to my face and I knew what would come next.

"Open up. I don't want you to forget anything here." he grinned. I opened my mouth and he layed his hairy hand with my cum on my mouth. I never tasted my own cum. It's always hard to do sexual related actions after I came.

"Eat your cum little slut!" "Do it little whore" the nurse added. I licked all the cum of his hand. He enjoyed the sight. My mouth and lips were all sticky from the cum.

"Mooooaaaah...." the nurse moaned. He speeded up his fucking motions. My ass was wrecked. It has been open for an hour now. The doctor helped his son by again pulling my ass cheecks apart.

"I going to cuuuummmm..." he gasped. "... fucking slut ass....." I was totally unable to move. The hairy muscle dude nailed me against the table. His dick pushed in and out.

"Oooooh yeaaaaaah.....!" he filled my ass with more cum while slapping my ass really hard.


He was catching for air.

"Very good son!" his dad said. The nurse removed his dick from my ass. It gave plopping sound. Cum was dripping down my legs. The doctor saw that and showed me a black plastic thing.

"This is a butt plug. You will keep that inside until you are at home. I don't want to have you mess around here. Literaly." He pushed the plugged into my sore ass. The cum stopped dripping. I was now closed up.

The nurse released my arms.

"Get dressed." he said and went out naked. I had to admit his ass was nice and smooth. I guess i got horny again. The doctor had his cloth on in no time. So I was the only naked again.

"Get dressed. And than I will see you next week for the results on your urin."

I nodded still not realizing what just happen.

"By the way my brother is also a doctor. Maybe he can consult you next week too along with my other son......"

to be continued... maybe?

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