The Try Guys

By Chubbyboy

Published on Feb 6, 2023


The Try Guys part 3

This is pure fiction, I don't know these people or anything about their personal lives. I welcome your comments.

Zach and Keith's second encounter in the car had opened the flood gates. The car seemed to be the best place for similar encounters. It was only two days before Keith had texted Zach with some flimsy pretext of a place they needed to go alone in the car. Zach suspected that Keith had an ulterior motive. And when Zach drove to a remote spot out of view of the street and parked, Zach was not surprised to find Keith wordlessly reaching for the fly of Zach's jeans. Keith looked at Zach and smiled. His face all teeth. Zach smiled back. And any apprehension he had about letting a man (this man at least) suck his cock, disappeared as the tip of Zach's dick gently brushed against the back of Keith's throat.

And so began their new routine. Every two days or so (sometimes every day), the two would find themselves in a parked car, or the vacant office, or one of their vacant homes. They would exchange smiles, they wouldn't talk about it, and Keith would end up with a belly full of Zach's DNA. And both couldn't have been happier with this arrangement. Until the day that the ground moved beneath them.

They were at Zach's empty apartment. Keith had pulled Zach's pants down as Zach had sat on the edge of the dining room table. Zach had pulled his shirt up as hey lay back flat on the table, so that only his hairy legs dangled over the table. Zach writhed gently with pleasure as Keith put his mouth to good use. Zach was so enjoying himself that he almost didn't notice when his smart watch chimed, indicating a new text message. He wouldn't have checked it except that in the back of his mind, he wanted to make sure that it wasn't his girlfriend (who was out of town) saying that actually, she had to cancel her trip and was on her way home right now. There was always a part of Zach that was terrified that they were going to get caught. Maybe that made it better.

But it wasn't his girlfriend that was texting him. It was much worse. It was a co-worker. And the message read simply: "911 at work. Need you back here now." This co-worker, the way they usually communicated. This wasn't a bit. Wasn't a joke. Something serious. Had someone gotten hurt? Where they being raided by the FBI? A million questions raced through his head. He absent-mindedly started to speak, "Keith, did you get...." And just then, Zach was cut off by the sensation of his own climax. He had been so taken aback by the message that he had not realized how close he had been to cumming. Keith's huge, talented mouth had continued working expertly, pushing Zach over the edge. He could only groan as his semen shot forcefully down Keith's eager throat. Keith eagerly swallowed while Zach finally stopped shuddering, his little ass lurching gently up and down on the table.

Once Keith had taken care of all the cleanup, he reluctantly pulled Zach's thickness out of his mouth and wiped his own mouth on the back of his hand. Just his own spit, not cum. Keith had swallowed every drop of that. Keith leaned back and said, "What were you asking me?" in a casual tone that didn't reflect the expert bajowski he had just given Zach.

Zach was still recovering, but laughed and grunted as he waived his phone at Keith. Keith read the message and let his big mouth hang open in surprise and the serious nature of the message. Had Zach's face been just a little closer to Keith's open mouth, he would have smelled his own jizz on Keith's breathe. They never talked about what they did, but if they had, Keith might have been too ashamed to admit that one of his favorite things was how he could still taste Zach for a while after he swallowed him. But they didn't talk about it. They quickly dressed, with Keith having to help Zach to sit up and get off the table, his knees suddenly weak from his orgasm. Minutes later they were in the car speeding back to the office. Each tried to return calls to their coworker only to get sent to voice mail. This didn't bode well.

Along the short drive to the office, Zach had a terrible thought. He spoke without taking his eyes off the road, "Do you think they know about us?" His voice was calm, but he wasn't really. Keith was quiet for a moment but then stammered. "I....I don't see how anyone could know." He sounded a little terrified. "Besides, I don't think we would get `911' texts about it if that was it." Keith made sense. But Zach thought he didn't really sound like he believed what he was saying. They sat in silence for the last few minutes before arriving at the office.

When they arrived, the few people in the office were all on telephones or talking into their laptops to unseen Zoom callers. The co-worker that had sent the urgent text was talking with Eugene into a laptop. When they saw Zach and Keith approached, Eugene saw them and told the unseen Zoom caller that they would have to call them back as he slammed the laptop shut without waiting for a reply. The look Eugene gave them made Zach immediately think that everyone in the office knew that Keith had been gobbling Zach's knob in secret.

And while that wasn't it, it wasn't too far off. The big urgent matter was sex amongst co-workers. But not Zach and Keith. Their fellow Try Guy, trusted (and married) friend, had been having an affair with an employee. And while they suddenly had to deal with this news the threat to their livelihoods that went with it, they both were secretly grateful that their secret was safe. The rest of that day was a long one. Talking to Ned, to witnesses, to other employees, to lawyers. It was a trying day. But finally, around 2am, everyone had headed home, knowing that there was only so much damage control to be done in a day.

Zach had barely made it home and put his keys on the hook when he heard a knock at his door. He knew who it would be. Keith smiled, but it was clear that he was troubled. Zach was nervous to have the conversation they were about to have, but he knew he would be more nervous if they didn't have it. They sat at the table and had tea. It was the same table that Zach's bare ass had bounced on hours earlier as he painted Keith's tonsils white. Zach thought to himself that he should probably wipe the table down after having sex on it.

The conversation was slow and measured and quiet. But they were both surprisingly candid. This stuff with Ned was obviously going to dominate their lives for a while. They knew that what they had been doing was very different from what Ned had been doing. Zach and Keith were business partners. Equals. Ned had an affair with an employee. A subordinate. Someone that owing to their position in the company (and Ned's), Ned could conceivably exert pressure and duress. But while Zach and Keith didn't have to worry about a power dynamic in that way, they also both knew that dipping your pen in any company ink, wasn't the best idea. And especially since Ned had decided to blow up their lives doing just that.

"And I guess technically it is cheating," Zach had said. He looked sadly at Keith. Keith looked sad too, then looked away. "You have a wife. I have a girlfriend," Zach said, also looking down at his rapidly cooling cup of tea.

"Well, actually..." Keith said, not looking up. Zach looked up at Keith who reluctantly med his eyes. Zach didn't speak, but rather waited for Keith to continue. "My wife...," Keith started. Zach thought it was a little strange for Keith to say "my wife" as opposed to saying her name. Perhaps he didn't like saying her name when talking about this. "She doesn't know it's you, but she knows I've been doing stuff with a guy."

Zach couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What do you mean?" Zach said softly. "Well....", again Keith paused. Even before we got married...she knew that....I liked to do this stuff with guys sometimes....and she....she it ok with it because she doesn't think of that the same as what she and I she doesn't think that is cheating." Keith looked up and finally met Zach's eyes. "If it's with a's not cheating". Zach was surprised, but a weight was also instantly lifted. He smiled. Keith smiled back. The universe might not be upside down completely after all.

Zach then met Keith's revelation with one of his own. Zach and his girlfriend had a similar situation. Theirs was an open relationship. They had even brought others (always a woman so far) in their bed. Zach had always thought it very modern and progressive. But no, Zach had to admit, his girlfriend did not know that he had been fooling around with another guy. And no, she didn't know it was Keith. But technically, neither of them had broken the rules of their respective relationships. And while this made each feel better, like less of an asshole, it didn't change the storm of shit that Ned had brought down on them.

They talked longer. And ultimately agreed that they had to stop getting together while all this shit was going on with Ned. If their company was to survive, they certainly couldn't have two scandals. They certainly couldn't have rumors of them fucking around compounding their Ned problem. They agreed that they would stop, act like it had never happened, and move forward just as they had been before. Friends. And no more. They stood, hugged, and Zach noticed a twinge in his crotch at Keith's touch, but he ignored it. He thought about jokingly asking Keith for one last blow for the road, but then didn't, as he was afraid he wasn't actually joking.

And for a few weeks, they were fine. They were dealing with the fallout from Ned's behavior. His quick departure from the company. His public statements. The ground moving beneath the entire team was uncomfortable. But in the back of his mind, Zach kept thinking about Keith. Keith would tell a bad joke and smile at a meeting, and Zach would think about Keith's huge mouth expertly moving up and down the shaft of his cock. Keith would took at him across a table in a meeting, and Zach could swear that there was a look in his eyes that said Keith was thinking about him too. And Zach couldn't stop thinking about what Keith had said. That Becky and he had an arrangement. That Becky knew Keith liked "doing stuff" with guys and that was ok with her. Not a guy. Guys. Plural. Zach had assumed that Keith's experience with men was limited to just Zach, just as Zach had only been with Keith. But apparently that wasn't the case. Thinking of this made Zach's dick hard. And more than once, Zach had to steal away to the men's room and furiously beat his meat in the toilet stall. As he came into a wad of toilet paper, he would think of Keith's big mouth.

But they didn't talk about it. Ever. They had plenty of conversations. And for the most part, it was just as it had been before. The only thing different was that often their conversations were forced to be serious owing to the company's current woes. But as time passed, the situation got a little better. Ned left. Releases were made. Conversations had. Legal teams consulted. And slowly, things started to return to normal.

A month or so later, Keith and Zach found themselves on a work trip to Chicago. It was just going to be the two of them, and Zach could not stop thinking of the possibilities. The reality was that Zach found himself thinking about Keith's mouth all the time. He had never thought about being attracted to a man, but he found he couldn't get Keith off his mind. But as is often the case, Zach wasn't thinking with his brain, so a bad idea didn't seem so bad. Zach had waited until an assistant had made all the travel plans before surreptitiously called the hotel and asked that they make the two rooms adjacent.

They had talked and laughed on the plane. They had talked and laughed in the taxi. But now, as Zach sat alone on the bed in his hotel room, his bag still unopened, his coat and shoes still on, he had lost his nerve. What if Keith didn't feel the same way? Zach didn't want to admit to having thought of Keith so much. Especially if it wasn't reciprocated. Keith had said he had done stuff with other guys. Maybe Zach was just another guy to him. And just as Zach had resigned himself that he wasn't going to knock on Keith's door, he heard a knock from Keith's side of the door instead. Zach felt suddenly very nervous. He felt the way he had felt when he was a teenager. When a girl he knew had childishly suggested that she would show him hers if he showed her his.

He had seen nude pictures of women online. But this was a living, breathing girl. A girl he knew. And he had longed to see her privacy. And any uncertainty over his own body (which he was never super confident in) had not occurred to him until after she had revealed her nakedness to him. She had unfastened her jeans and pulled them down, showing her clean, gently sloped womanhood to him. It was glorious, mysterious, and frankly, not so much to see. He knew the anatomy from watching porn, but the reality was that most of the attraction was to what she held inside, the promise of getting to touch, to taste, to penetrate. But still, she was glorious. And then she had said, "your turn."

Suddenly Zach had realized that he would have to show himself to her. Like every boy who ever lived, he didn't think he was large enough. Surely not as large as other men. She would see him and laugh at him, and tell others what he was lacking. But a deal was a deal. He didn't look her as he unbuckled his own jeans and slipped down the elastic of his boxer briefs. But she didn't laugh. She didn't speak at all. She just took him in. Zach was a scrawny kid. His dick hadn't grown to its full adult size. But he was respectable for his age. While he didn't know it, he was slightly above average, and the excitement of the moment had given him perhaps half an erection. She looked for a moment, and Zach finally looked at her eyes, expecting to seem mockery and scorn, but no. She clearly liked what she saw. She looked for a few moments more before they heard the sound of her mother's care pulling into the driveway outside. They quickly dressed and were seated on opposite sides of the kitchen table pretending to do homework by the time her mom came into the garage.

Why that memory had popped into his head, Zach didn't know. But Keith's second knock brought him back to the present. Zach rose, nervous. He crossed to the door that separated the two rooms and turned the deadbolt before the knob. Keith was standing on the other side, totally naked. Zach had seen Keith naked or nearly naked on multiple shoots before. But in all the times that they had fooled around, Keith had not so much as taken out his own cock. It hadn't occurred to Zach, but now that he thought about it, all their encounters seemed to be all about Zach. Once Zach had ejaculated (each time his cum disappearing into Keith's giant mouth), that is where the encounter had ended.

Keith was tall, with broad shoulders and wide hips. He had toned up a little since they had first met years ago, with only the hint of a belly at his midsection. His cock was soft, maybe 4 inches or so, nestled under the hint of public hair that hadn't been shaved off. His balls were large and hung low. Zach found himself instantly attracted to Keith's body and even his cock. But he couldn't stifle his first instinct, which was to laugh. Keith laughed too but didn't speak. Neither of them spoke. Instead, waived into his room in the universal gesture for "come in."

Zach thought that he shouldn't for just a moment. But the blood was rapidly emptying out of his brain and into another part of his body, and he found himself stepping into Keith's room. "Keith, I..." Zach started only to have Keith shoosh him by putting his long, thin finger on Zach's lips. This touch excited Zach. Keith slowly pulled his hand away from Zach's mouth, allowing it to join his other hand at the lapels of Zach's jacket. In a shockingly intimate gesture, Keith pulled the oversized jacket down over Zach's shoulders. Once no longer on his shoulders, it fell in a heap behind Zach. Keith maintained intense eye contact as he slowly unbuttoned Zach's shirt, it meeting the jackets fate on the floor behind Zach. As Keith peeled up Zach's tight t-shirt, Zach realized that in all the time they had fooled around, not only had Keith never so much as had his cock out, Zach had never been completely nude. It had always just been Zach's pants around his ankles, shirt pulled up under his chin while Keith went to town on his junk. This was different. The whole mood was different.

The shirt tangled Zach's glasses out of place, with Keith gentle replaced on Zach's face with a smile. Keith's fingers lingered on Zach's face for a moment before going for Zach's jeans. In a quick and practiced move, Zach's jeans and undies were at his ankles, the cool hotel air chilly on Zach's exposed cock and balls. His cock was already hard and beginning to ooze precum. Keith smiled in approval, pausing long enough to dab the precum from the end of Zach's dick with the tip of his finger for sticking it greedily in his own mouth. Zach grunted quietly but still, neither spoke.

Keith knelt down and Zach expected to warm hotness of Keith's mouth on his cock. Instead, Keith futz with Zach's shoe laces before finally freeing Zach's feet from his boots. Keith then stood and the two men looked at each other. Keith was tall, almost hairless, and completely nude. Zach was short, slim, very hairy, and clad only in his purple socks (the left of which was rolled almost all the way down while the other was in its normal position). Keith gently grabbed Zach's hand in a gesture that again seemed almost bizarrely intimate. He led Zach to the bed where he didn't so much motion Zach to sit as he pushed him into a seated position. Keith knelt and took Zach's thickness into his mouth.

Zach was used to Keith's mouth but it seemed different this time. Hotter. As if Keith had a fever. He sucked Zach's cock with gusto, as if making up for all the times in the past month where he had been denied the privilege. After a minute or two, Keith grabbed Zach's ankle and gently moved it, motioning Zach from his seated position on the edge of the bed into once where Zach was seated in the bed, his back propped on the pillows at the headboard while his legs lay sprawled out wide in the bed (like someone who was about to eat breakfast in bed). Keith did this all while keeping Zach's cock in his mouth. Keith crawled into the bed over and Zach and took position on his belly between Zach's leg. When he did this, his soft cock brushed against Zach's left knee. Zach noticed this and it sent a shiver through him. He wondered what it would be like to touch Keith's cock. Maybe even to put it in his mouth. He also noticed that it was soft, which Zach didn't mind, but it did surprise him. Keith was so enthusiastic about the dick in his mouth, Zach thought that would have equated to Keith's own dick getting hard. But this and all other thoughts left his head as Keith continued to work on his erection.

Minutes went by, but oh, they were hours. The rest of the universe ceased to exist. There was no work, no Ned, no press released, no wives, no girlfriends. There was only the hot wetness at the meeting of his thighs where For about seven inches, he and Keith were the same person. Zach watched Keith for a while. His face was eager and hungry. He wanted to be watched, but as the feeling intensified, Zach was powerless to the feeling and had to shut his eyes. And so after a long time, Zach was so out of it that he almost didn't even notice when Keith finally removed his mouth from Zach's cock.

There was movement on the bed. Rustling. And then a different wetness, not as warm, as Keith gently rubbed something on Zach's cock. Zach probably realized in the back of his head that it was lube. Keith had never just stroked Zach before, but perhaps he needed to rest his mouth. He had been working very hard. No other possibility went through his head until he felt the tight pucker of Keith's asshole on the tip of his cock. Only in that very moment did Zach realize what was happening. His eyes popped open and he found Keith making intense eye contact once more. Zach opened his mouth to protest (even he didn't know if this was out of surprise or if he actually didn't want to do it) but instead, Zach uttered a quick and low moan as Keith allowed his full weight to push him down onto and over the defined ridge of the head of Zach's cock.

Zach's face showed the shock, even if the words didn't come out. He was on his knees, with one on either side of Zach's skinny, hairy torso. He was holding himself up as he had positioned himself down onto Zach's dick. But now that the alignment was right, Keith drew in a small breath before pushing himself deliberately but quickly all the way down onto Zach's cock. As Keith's ass came to rest on Zach's lap, Keith made an audible grunt, the first real noise he had made since Zach had come into the room. Keith continued the eye contact, and Zach, in shock and amazement finally uttered, "What the fuck, man!".

Keith, without moving, the fullness of Zach's thick cock now currently rearranging his insides, didn't look away, but matter-of-factly asked a quiet question. "Do you want me to stop?" Zach was confused. He wanted to look away. Part of him was ashamed. Part of him was shocked. But a part of him. Maybe the part that was currently residing inside Keith's guts, that part wanted to keep going. Zach finally managed to stutter, "nnn-no". Zach's look of dumbfounded confusion continued as Keith began to slowly slide up and down, never fully allowing Zach to fall out. Instead, Keith would lift up high, where the ridge of the head of Zach's cock was almost free, before quickly pushing himself back down. The thrusts were deliberate and controlled. It would have been easy for Keith to carelessly crush Zach's balls on the down thrust. But Keith had perfect control. An agility that one wouldn't expect from such a tall man. Zach would realize later that this obviously wasn't Keith's first time riding a dick.

As the rhythm built, Zach could finally comprehend a little better what was going on. The sensation on his cock was tight and intense. Zach had never fucked a girl in the ass and had never fucked a man at all. This new territory was surprising to him. He could hear the heater in the corner of the room cycle on. He could smell the laundry soap used to clean the hotel sheets. He watched a bead of sweat roll down Keith's forehead and felt it land on his own furry chest. He had an odd thought. He wished it would have fallen in his mouth.

And he noticed something else too. Keith's dick wasn't soft anymore. Apparently, all Keith needed to make his dick hard was to have Zach's shoved up his ass. Keith was fully engorged. Keith was easily 7, maybe 7.5, but it was long and slender. Not nearly as thick as Zach's. At its base, Zach's was easily twice and thick. But were he to have been brutally honest with himself, he found he was once again wondering what it must taste like.

Keith's cock also wasn't just hard. It was angry. Red. And Zach guess if he reached out and touched it, it would have been hot to the touch. He thought about reaching out and touching it, but had only raised his hand an inch off the bed when Keith made a loud moaning sound, almost a short scream, and as Zach watched, Keith's cock erupted, spurting his hot jizz directly into Zach's face. The first shot hit the right lens of Zach's glasses. Zach was shocked, and as he opened his mouth to gasp, the second and third shots fell almost entirely into his open mouth. Zach instinctually snapped his mouth shut and before he had time to think about it, he had swallowed hard. As Keith's jizz traveled down his throat, the last spurting and oozing of Keith's climax splattered and drippled down onto the furry mat of Zach's chest.

And even as he was cumming, even as Zach swallowed cum for the first time (not including that time he had tried his own at 13 and decided it wasn't for him), Keith had never stopped sliding deliberately up and down on Zach's cock. Keith's cum had not had time to cool on Zach's chest and face before Zach felt his own cum boiling at the base of his cock. Zach didn't think he had made a sound, but perhaps a micro-expression (or just intuition) had clued Keith in. Zach felt Keith's ass tighten even more around his cock and the speed with which Keith slid up and down increased. Zach had a moment when he thought he should pull out. He didn't really know why, but even as he was opening his mouth to protest, his own orgasm overtook him. He grunted and craned his neck forward as he felt his jizz rocket up and out of his body, disappearing into Keith's eager, hungry insides. Only as Zach shuddered, finishing inside, did Keith finally, slowly come to a stop, resting his ass on Zach's lap.

Keith kept Zach inside him as he leaned forward, and gently removed Zach's glasses from his face. They were sullied with spunk, and Zach couldn't even see out of the right eye because the cum stained glasses mad everything a milky blur. Zach laughed at this gesture and so did Keith, before he stuck out his huge tongue and gently licked the residual cum from Zach's forehead, then his right cheek, then finally around the edge of his mouth. Zach wished that Keith would kiss him. And before he had the chance to push that thought out of his head as crazy, Keith did kiss him. Keith's wide, probing tongue slipped inside Zach's mouth. As and they lay there, they were one being. Zach's cock, not yet softening, remained firmly and all the way inside Keith's ass. Keith's tongue gently penetrated Zach's mouth. Keith could taste his own cum in Zach's mouth. And as Zach looked into Keith's hungry, attentive eyes, Zach knew that they definitely weren't done fooling around. Definitely not.

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