The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 27, 1999


Hey everyone this is part 6. I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. If you are under age please leave but if not, enjoy yourself. Special thanks to Myka Holly and Gilbrik for all there support.

The Truth Part 6

The night was long for Justin Timberlake. This light shone through his room. The in bed laid a figure. Wide eyes opened. {click}

" Hey babe, how are you feeling," a female voice asked.

" Not so good, why did you have to tell him not to come see me?" Justin asked with sorrow in his voice.

" Justin, you are a straight kid. I know you are not gay. Brian is just one of those weird people who just wants a one night stand. when you get back to the hotel, JC and you are sharing a room and Brian has his own room. There is a doctor that is going to come in for oyu, a theropist," Lynn explained everything to Justin.

" Why mom? I am fine,"

" Just go with it, please, and I have something for you," Lynn told Justin. Justin is now very excited.

" Hey Justin!" shouted Britney Spears,Christina Agulieur, and Innosence.

" Wow, hey girls, watup, how are you?" Justin is now smiling.

" We will be fine as soon as you get out of this hospital, " the queen of pop said.

" Yeah I am leaving tomorrow," Justin is so glad he is leaving, he hates hospital.

" Maybe just you and me can do something like the old days," Britney suggested

" Yeah sure," Justin replied.

" Ok then we are staying at the same hotel, maybe we will drop by later but we need to get going,, rehersals," Christina told Justin.

" Ok, thanks for stopping by see ya later," Justin said his good byes. Two hours has past. Justin is sitting in an office for theropy. After one hour of talking it is over. Justin is leaving the hospital early. Before he left, he decided to drop by in room 520.

" Hey Brian, how are you feeling?" Brian heard someone say.

" Hey Jus, I am feeling fine, but I think you should go, remember what your mom said," Brian was trying to get Justin out of his room.

" Yeah, I am leaving the hospital today, I just wanted to tell you, the kiss was a mistake, i shouldn't have done that," Justin apolozize.

" I know, hope you feel better," Brian tries to comfort Jus.

" Ok, get out of this place early and see ya later, bye," Justin walked out of the room. From that day on, they never spoke to each other and alway stood 6 feet away.

" Thanks Justin, I had fun," Britney said while smiling. Then Britney gave Justin a kiss. " Does this mean we are back together?"

" I guess," Justin shrugged.

" OK see ya tomorrow bye," Britney then walked into her room.

" JC can I talk to you?" Lance asked with tears down his eyes.

" Yeah sure. What's up?" JC Questioned.

" I am um...... I am....... gay," Lance now eye very hard.

" Ahh, it is ok come here, it is ok," JC tries to comfort Lance.

" JC, I like Brian," Lance also told JC. JC is now very shocked.

" But does he know?" JC asked with curiously.

" Yes, we are going out," Lance said." I felt that you guys should know."

" Ok then, I am cool but you will have to tell the guys,"JC told Lance.

" Ok I will," Lance said with a smile. That night Lance told everyone, they alll acepted him.

Two weeks has past. They did their concert. The tour is about to end in three more weeks. Brian and Justin leaves each other alone. Lynn won't let Justin go near Brian. JC decided to go to see a movie, Everyone in the NSYNC group went besides Lance. The entire floor they were staying on was desserted. BSB was at the mall besides Brian.

Lance and Brian stayed in one of those empty room and had a quick fuck. They never really got along. It was always a quick fuck or a blowjob, never true love. Even though Lance and Brian are going out but their fire is burning out. After one of those quickies, Lance and Brian wanted to go to the restaurant down in the lobby, in the elevator, Lance was ahead of Brian, met an attractive young man,Philip. Lance and Brian never get to see each other anymore with them being in seperate groups. Lance begin to spend a lot of time with Philip. Philip is gay and has his own little crush. Lance being the bastard that he is, had sex with Philip and beging going out with Philip. Brian doesn't know.

Justin and Britney got seperated due to the different tour. All girls all went back to their own little tour. Justin is now very alone. The feeling of being alone he has experienced. Justin hates being alone but unfortunely he is feeling that right now.

" Brian I am going out with someone else right now, you and me are over," Lance said with no regret.

" You did what? Well I really don't care I like Justin," Brian said with his head hanging low and his voice was not as brave as Lance did his speech.

" Well, Justin is never going to go out with you," lance tried to blow out Brian's bubble.

" Yeah that is right, Justin is mine you little freak!" Philip heard every word exchanged by Lance and Brian. With a flah of an eye, KAM BAM! Philip started to beat the shit out of Brian. Lance didn't help Brian, he just stood there." Lance, I am just using you to get myself closer to my crush, Justin." After this was said Philip ran to a case of stairs and ran to the lobby and disapeared. Lance didn't help Brian but left the hotel. Brian was left in the hall unconsious.

" Hey that was a cool movie," JC said.

" Yeah I really liked it," Joey and Chris said in unison.

" Hey I am going to the mall to pick up a few things anyone want to come?" JC asked.

" Me," Joey and Chris said in unison again.

" Man you gotta stop doing that," Justin said with a giggle. " Well I am going to go chill in my room, you go on ahead and go but get me something ," Justin said.

" Ok later," Chris and Joey and JC left the hotel while Justin took the elevator up to his floor. When he was almost to his door, he saw something laying on the ground. He quickly went to it. After examing the body, it was Brian Littrel. Jsutin doesn't know if he should help him or leave him alone.

" Oh, sorry mom," Justin whisipered. Justin took Brian to his room and cleaned him off and changed his clothes( which involves touching). Justin placed Brian on the bed after checking his pulse, Justin let Brian rest in his bed. Hours past and no one was back.

" Don't beat me.... please I want to go on...... sorry Jus... please don't... JUS!" Brian yelled in a weak voice.

" Hey I am here," Justin said with care in his tone.

" Water," Brian's throat was dry. Justin gave him some water." What am I doing here? What happened?" Brian was very confused.

" I don't know, when I came back from the movies, you were laying outside in the hall," Justin explained.

" Where's everyone else?" Brian asked with a head ache.

" They aren't back yet," Justin answered.

" Justin I am fine send me back to my room, remember what your mom said," Brian reminded Justin. There was a long silence.

" OK," Justin said with regret. Brian tried to stand up but failed. " Never mind what my mom said, you are staying until tomorrow.Remember what I wrote? I promise I will be your friend 4ever and never turn my back on you?" Justin questioned.

" But,"

" No buts"Justin asured him.

" Ok," moments later Brian had tears in his eye and just broke down.

" What happened?" Justin asked with lots of care.

" Lance cheated on me, his new boyfriend beat the shit out of me because.." Brian's voice trailed off.

" Because?..." Justin asked again.

" Never mind, can you call Kevin's cell?" Brian quickly changed the subject.

" Why?" Justin asked.

" I need him to hold me," Brian said almost in a whisiper. By now both of them were in couch next to the bed.

" I am here, remember I am your friend 4ever?" Justin had a lot of heart and care for Brian. " Come here, Brian wouldn't, Come here... hey I won't bite," Justin said with a smile. Brian remembered Justin said that that night at the hospital. Brian obliged. Brian was held by Justin's strong arms and Brian was warm. Justin himself was even comfortable in this position. Time past and Brian fell asleep but Justin didn't. JC walked in on them.

" Oh my God.. what is going on here,?" JC asked in a normal tone.

" Shhh, he is sleeping. He needed someone to hold him, Lance cheated on him and Lance's new boyfriend beat the shit of of Brian but he didn't tell me why?' Justin explained.

" Ohhh, I see," JC understood.

" JC, I think.. I said I think... I am gay," Justiun told JC. " But I am not sure,"

" Ahhh, that is so romantic, is it Brian?" JC asked with the biggest smile.

" Yeah, I feel so comfortable like this, I didn't feel so good with Britney," Justin said.

" Do you mean that? Are you sure?" Brian asked.

" Ummm.. Brian..." Justin stumble for his words.

" It is ok if you don't," Brian asured Justin.

" Yeah I do... wanna... wanna give it a shot?" Justin asked afraid his rejection.

" But what about your mom?" Brian is very scared of another slap on the face.

" I said no buts, I am sure she will understands," Justin comforts Brian.

" Ok then, but just don't cheat on me and have your new boyfriend beat me," Brian tried to lighten the mood.

" Ok I won't," Justin and Brian both had tears.

" Ahhh, that is so sweet," JC said. JC sat there and witness the entire thing. Justin gently kissed Brian's head.

" You don't know how long I have waited for that?" Brian told Justin.

" How about this?" Justin moved to Brian's lip and kissed it gently while their tougespraced intheir mouth.

" Was that for real? Did you mean that kiss?" Brian asked with tears.

" Yes I did," Justin wiped away all the tears from Brian's eyes and held each other through the night. JC went to the little room near the bedroom and stay there for the night.

Well there you go. Did you like it? Will Lynn accept or decline? what happened to everyone else? E-mail me ideas. Thanks to all that have e-mail. Thanks Myka Holly and Gilbrik thanks.

Next: Chapter 8

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