The Truth

By Jason

Published on Aug 13, 2000


Hi guys...i am so sorry i haven not written in such a long time. I have been so busy and no one is sending any response so i thought no one liked it...hehe..well thank you Myka Holly for supporting meeh you have been one true friend and please go check out her is great! Remember Nominations are coming...if you like what you see.nominate me. well on with the story... If you are under the rightful age to read this please exit or other wise enjoy!

The Truth 2000-8 By: Toby

Last Time:

" Dr. Ross, why isn't he awake?" Chris wanted to know.

" Ummm guys...Justin has slipped into a coma. Comas are either a long or a short period of time. It all depeneds. He could be very well when he wakes up or even worst. PLease i am really sorry about this. But pray for the very Best..prepare for the very worst. It has been one week. Brian sits next to Justin all day and night. Finally one afternoon... Brian hears rustly sheets. He looks over to Justin...he sees movement!

Brian was very tired from sitting there just watching his love one. He was in a deep daze just wondering what will his life be like without Justin. Just wondering what will happen when justin really goes to the Heaven gates. His mind was in another world. Justin started to move a little and Brian looked over in daze...this is a miracle..

" Oh my gosh..." Brian whispered in a hoarsed voice.

Justin started to move.

" Doctor, Nurse, Someone, Justin is moving...he is out of his coma!" the voice the nurses heard was a joy.

They came running over to Justin's room and just watched the young male trying to open his eyes as if it was a bird being born. Justin flattered his eyes opened. The room was silent as they all observe Mr. Timberlake.

" Where am I?" Justin's voice was still weak.

" Hon... you are at the hospital. How are you feeling?" Brian dasked over to Justin and asked him questions.

" Who are you?" Justin asked in confusion.

" I...I...I am Brian, do you remember meeh?" Brian was at the verge of crying when he had heard this question.

" Can you get me some water?" Justin is still very weak.

Brian got up and went to get the water while the nurses checked Justin's vital signs and evrything seemed to be ok. By the time Brian came back with the fresh water, Justin had fell asleep again. Brian smiled at the scene as the nurses filed out and telling Brian that Justin had fell asleep. Brian decided to go and call Kevin and inform them that his one true love has awaken.

" Hello? Kevin?" Brian asked.

" Hey Bri, is there anything wrong?"

" Actually, no evrything is great. Justin has waken up.."

" Hey alright congraduation!" Kevin cheered and told evryone on the BSB and NSYNC.

" Yea...are you guys going to come over?"

" Of Course we will...we just have to go to the studio to pick up some lyrics and we will be there in a few."

" Okie then I guess i will see you guys later,"

" Bye Brian."

" Bye Kev,"

When Brian walked into the room...he could sense the coldness..he went and turned down the AC. He also sense that the light was on so he turned them off. Then Brian went to his seat and sat down just waiting for his love one. He noticed there was a radio in the room. He didn't know if he wanted to turn it or not becasue if he did he might wake Justin. Brian did it anyways but making syre he turned it down.

When I first saw you I already knew There was something inside of oyu Something I thought that I would never find Angel of Mine

I look at you looking at me Now I know why they the best things are free Gonna love you Boy you are so fine Angel of Mine

How you changed my world you'll never know I'm different now You helped me grow

You came into my life sent from above When I lost all hope You showed me love I'm checkin for you Boy you're right on time Angel of Mine

Nothing means more to me then what we share No one in this whole world can ever compare Last night the way you moved is still on my mind Angel of Mine

What you mean to me you'll never knmow Deep inside I need to show

I never knew I could feel each moment As if it were new Every breath that I take The love that we make I only share it with you... you, you, you When I first saw youI already knew There was somethin inside of you

Something i thought that I would never find Angel of Mine

How you changed my world you'll never know i 'm different now you helped me grow

I look at you looking at me Now i know why they say the best things are free checkin for you boy you're right in time Angel of Mine

After the song was over, Brian was in tears. Thinking how nice Justin was in the beginning to except him and his feelings. But how Brian just threw Justin out of his life when he saw Christina and Justin in bed. Brianm didn't hear the entire thing then this happens. Brian was in pain, deep pain. Justin slowly opened his eyes.

" Brian?" Justin's voice was still weak.

" Yea babe? What do you need?" Brian replied quickly

" Do you hate me?"

" What kind of question is that?" Brian asked in tears.

" Are you crying? Why are you crying? Just answer the question."

" Ummm...*sniff yea i am...i am just so happy you are awake. I don't hate...I love to you death!" Brian smiled a little.

" that is good to know..." justin said then smiled.

" Is there anything I can get you or do for you?" Brian asked in a concerned voice.

" Yea...can you turn on the light? It is dark in here..."

" Sure..." Brian went to the switch and turned it on. The light flickered. " There"

" There what?" Justin asked in confusion.

" There, I turned on the light."

" Brian you are the best. You always know how to make me smile." Justin had a big smile.

" Huh?" Brian was confused.

" Quit playing around and turn on the light..." Justin said again.

" It is turned on..."

" No it isn't you are lying..." Justin is now a little bit irritated.

" Justin the light is on."

" NO, NO the fucking light is not fucking on..."

" YEs it is..."

" NO! NO! it isn't! BRIAN TURN THEM ON...STOP PLAYING STOP PLAYING!" Justin is now in tears.

" JUSTIN! I AM NOT PLAYING...I would never play withy our mind in a time like this..."

" Then Then...if you are not playin? that means...that means my eyes..I am... NO I AM NOT! BRIAN TURNED THEM ON! TURN THEM ON!" Justin was now jumping and screaming.

The nurses and the guys of NSYNC AND BSB ran into the room. They can all hear Justin screaming about the light.

" Justin!" JC yelled.

" JC! Turn on the lights!" Justin yelled.

" They are on..."

" NO THEY ARE NOT! STOP LYING TO MEEH! STOP!" Justin screamed and tried to get off the bed and he fell from the bed to the cold hard ground. HE put his hands up in the air and search for nothing. His hand hit the IV pole and it fell and knocked Justin on the head. The nurse and guys ran to Justin's help. As soon as they got Justin settled down, the nurse called the doctor and the doctor came in. He checked all of Justin's signs and his eyes.

" Let's step outside to talk..." Dr. Ross said.

" NO! stay in here...I want to know I have a right to know...these are my eyes." Justin shouted.

" Ummm...when Mr. Timberlake hit his head againist the fire hydren...he knocked off a chunk of blood and it hit the eye vortex and that is why it is causing..his...his blindness."

" NO! NO! NO! I am going to be blinded for the rest of my life." Jsutin cried.

" NO! I will not let that happen! IF you can't see...I will be your eyes for you... do you understand?" Brian jumped in and hugged Justin tightly.

During Justin's long coma he dreamed a lot of dreams. He dreamed in one dream he was straight and lived a great life. In another dream it was him and Brian together in a great life and being open to the public. In another dream it was Nick and Brian together. HE didn't know what was going on. Justin and Brian was seperated after the Christina thing. Nick decided to jump in and take over. Nick took away all of Justin's happiness. Justin was left with no love and no one there for him. Now he is blind he can't do anything like he did before.

" Justin?" Brian asked.

" Brian?" Justin search for brian face. " Promise me one thing"

" i promise..I will promise you anything. Just say it"

" Brian, I want you to go and love Nick!" justin cried out these words.

Brian heard this and dropped Justin's face and was in shock. Everyone in the room wa sin shock. As for Nick.

" Nick isn't like that Justin..." Brian told Justin.

" I beg to differ..." said the voice next to the door, NICK!

Well that is it. That is the end of this segment. School has been really busy so I can't write as much. But thanks to all of you who have encourage me to write more. I hope you enjoyed it and see ya later. Send all comments good or bad to :

Next: Chapter 20: The Truth 2001 9

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