The Truth

By Jason

Published on Jun 24, 2000


Hey guys it has been the longest time since i wrote in this story. I am so sorry about this. After a couple more chapters, i think i either will go on a leave of absence or continue writing more. I really don't know right now. I would like to thank a lot of people for writing me and encouraging me. I love ya peeps for doing dat...i hear ya bratha... anways here is the latest on my story.

If you are under the rightful age please exit..if you are not...please go on and read the story.

The Truth 2000-7 By: Toby

Last Time:

" NOOOOOOO! JUSTIN!!!" BRian cried out in pain.

" I you... nothi.g will ...chnage... that... I am..going...t o die...happy..knowin..g i ..was..held by" Justin managed to get out.


" Don't..... ...yo...u c.a.n't ...k...eep....."

" NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"



" NOOOO!!! I WILL NOT LET YOU DIE..NOT RIGHT NOW AND NOT LIKE THIS!" Brian sceamed at the top of his lungs.

In the distance he can hear the ambulance coming toward him. the sound was hell for Brian. He just kneeled there holding a dying Justin in his arms crying and hugging Justin. Brian didn't know what to do. The ambulance came and took Justin timberlake to a near by hospital.

The rest of the guys were notify immediately. JC, AJ, Kevin, and Chris rused to St. Peterson's Medical Hospital only to find that Brian was in the emergency room. The guys entered to see Brian staring off to space. He just starred in the air. He just starred not knowing what to do or anything. The guys stood there looking at Brian. They could see the pain in Brian eyes.They could hear the hurtful cries. They could just picture what was in Brian's head. Poor Brian didn't even see them come in. The guys didn't want to disturbe him so they just sat down by themselves. The slience was there for half an hour. The silence was broken when a nurse came in.

" I am one of the nurses in the surgery room operating on Mr. Timberlake, he isn't doing all that well... " the nurse said in a sorry voice.

" What is going on tell us..please" Brian interupted her.

" Mr. Timberlake has some brain damage, a broken neck, arm, leg, and he also has a nerve problem. He wasn't on his usual weight so the impact was pretty tough on him. We are doing all we can on him right now.. all you guys can do is pray for the best and prepare for the wrost," with that the nurse turned back into the surgery room.

" GOD DAMN IT!!! This is all my fault! if i hadn't left him, let him go, none of this would happen. DAMN!" Brian knocked his head on the wall so hard it made a dent on the wall.

" HEY! We don't need you and Justin in the surgery room. Grab a hold of yourself. This isn't your fault. Just relax and calm down. HE is going to be fine!" JC said.

" I am scared man...I am so scared. I need him...I can't live without him. I NEED HIM DAMNIT I NEED HIM SO BAD!" Brian cried on JC's shoulders and hugged him very hard.

" I know, I know" JC soothed the grown man.

Everyone was silent. Everyone was scared for Justin. What to do? There were cups and cups of coffee stacked in front of the five guys but all was asleep besdies Brian. It has been over 6 hours since Justin was operated on.

The doctor finally came in.

" GUYS WAKE UP! THE DOCTOR IS HERE!" Brian shouted and the guys jumped up.

" Hi, my name is Dr. Ross. I have been operating on Mr. Timberlake for the past hours. HE is in ICU right now. Only family can see him. He isn't doing too good but we grab his life back from the devil. So if you want you can see him. In ICU room, 3. Thanks"

" I am going," Brian said.

" I will go with you," JC said.

The two guys walked intot he room together. Upon this entrance it was to find Just wrapped up! Justin was wrapped up everywhere and seen only to show his angelic face which was still that sweet. Brian and JC had tears coming down their faces. Justin just laid there so peacfully. The machine was beeping. BEEP BEEP and the IV machine dropped IV. Justin was a mess. The oxygen masked cover his nose for him to breathe.

" Ummm... JC..sniff can i please have a minute or two alone with Justin? PLease?"

" problem.."

" Thanks" Brian said and JC walked out.

Brian got down on his knees again and just held Justin's hand. He held his hand so tightly. Brian placed Justin's hand on to his face to feel it was cold as ice. HE rubbed them together with his own hand. Brian laid his head next to Justin's body. What he felt was bones.

" Justin...I love you so much. I want you to know I always loved you no matter what. I was such an idoit to let you go. I Hate myself for doing so. * SNIFF SNIFF* In this world, i would give up everything just to be with you. If you love me, you will not leave me on this earth all alone. IF you love me you will hold on and we will die together. I will not let you matter what. * SNIFF SNIFF* Please come back to me. Please!" Brian's word flew out naturally.

These words flew right into Justin's ears. These words flew right into Justin's heart. These words touched Justin deep inside. Justin's eyes started to have tears. He cried. The tears flew out of his eyes but he still couldn't move.



The nurse and the doctor ran in and started checking on him.

" PLease save him ! please save him!"

" Get him out of here!" a male nurse said.

A lady took out Brian from the room.

" Ok, we are going to start Code 1. CLEAR!" the doctor said and shocked Justin. " No pulse. CLEAR! Still No Pulse! CLEAR!"

" Ok i got a weak pulse!" a nurse said.

" Ok... check all vital signs and get him on antibiotics right now! Tracy, try to get one of his family membvers in here." the doctor ordered around things to be done.

" Yes doctor," Tracy went out to get Brian. " Mister, can you please follow me?"

Brian followed her into the halls again. Everyone was done and now Justin was on more wires than he was before.

" You can stay in here if you want," the nurse told Brian. Brian didn't answer, he went back to his deep stare.

Brian just stared at Justin. The angel was there lying there not moving.

What is going on? Why does Justin have to go through all these pain and by himself? Brian grabbed a chair and sat next to Justin until daylight was seen. The other guys just waited in the waiting room.

" Mister...Mister..." the nurse said to Brian.

" Wha... ohh how is he doing?" Brian's voice was filled with concern.

" Mister?"

" Just call me Brian,"

" Ok, Brian, what is your relationship with Mr. Timberlake?" the nurse asked

" I am his...i am hoping i am his..i was his...i was his fiancee'" Brian didn't look up at the nurse.

" Oh ok, Mr. Timberlake's heart beating is a little bit below normal but he should be fine. We are still running test and X-Rays though." the nurse really didn't care he and him was gay.

" Oh ok thanks!" Brian was happy to hear that Jsutin was doing ok. HE went out and told the other guys. " hey guys! Justin is doing fine!"

" Alright!" the guys all said in unison.

" Ummm..if you guys want you can go back to the hotel and hang and I will keep you updated. You guys must be tired." Brian said in a kind voice.

" Umm are you sure? I mean I can stay if you want," Chris said.

" No i want him to see me first when he wakes up,"

" Ok then... I will see you later. Call us every hour." KEvin told Brian. " We are going to be at JC's. Bye!"

The guys left brian at the hospital. Brian went back to sit with Justin.

It has been 5 hours and Justin hasn't waken up yet. He called the guys every hour. BRian is beginning to get worried.

" Dr. Ross, why hasn't Justin waken up yet?"

" Brian, he hasn't yet? I thought by now he should be fine," the doctor and Brian talked over the phone.

" He is still sleeping"

" I will be right there"

Later on:

" Hey doctor. HE hasn't been up. The nurse said it is normal."

" It was normal but his color isn't good. I don't know...i have to run one more test." the doctor stepped out of the room.

" Come on Jus, come on you can do it," Brian praed to himself.

" Ummm...Brian, he is fine, just calm down. He is doing very good from the surgery." said the doctor.

" Thanks!"

Three days has past! Justin is still asleep!

" Dr. Ross, why isn't he awake?" Chris wanted to know.

" Ummm guys...Justin has slipped into a coma. Comas are either a long or a short period of time. It all depeneds. He could be very well when he wakes up or even worst. PLease i am really sorry about this. But pray for the very Best..prepare for the very worst. It has been one week. Brian sits next to Justin all day and night. Finally one afternoon... Brian hears rustly sheets. He looks over to Justin...he sees movement!


Thanks for everyone that is reading this. Have a great summer adn please e-mail me! Send me comments, good or bad, both accepted. Send in ideas, goods ones get a advance copy of The Truth and gets your name mentioned into the story. I love comments. Thanks and Remember I love You!!!

Next: Chapter 19: The Truth 2000 8

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