The Truth

By Jason

Published on Jan 24, 2000


Hey Everyone, how are you? I ma now planning on giving out one segment each week. I will try and do that, Scott thanks for your support, Myka, and Tonny. Thank you guys so much. Now, on with the story. If you are under age, please leave, other wise enjoy yourself.

The Truth 2000 Part: 3

" What does she mean by fun?" Matt asked justin in very confused tone.

" Who cares, lets go order that pizza," Justin was getting hungry.

" Ok you order the pizza and I will go get the movie, how about Pysco?" Matt has always wanted to see it.

" Ok please wait for me, I don't want to be alone in this studio. We are eating here right? Leann wanted us to stay here," Justin was scared of staying at the big studio alone.

" Come on then Just,"

" Ok I coming," Justin yelled from the closet.

" I am sorry, I don't do that kind of thing and besides I don't think Brian will be to happy if we were doing that kind of thing ya know?" Matt joked with Justin.

" Hey... I didn't mean that, I love Brian," Justin tried to explain himself.

" It is ok, I was kidding, lets go," Matt took Justin to Blockbuster and got the movie.

" You know if I get scared, you will probably going to have to hold me," Justin told Matt in a silly tone on the drive home.

" No problemo, just don't tell Brian, he might get mad at me for stealing...hehehe" Matt was now laughing his head off. " I am kidding,"

" So Brian, how long have you and Justin been going out?" Leann was curious about Brian's lovelife.

" We have been on and off for about one month," Brian told Leann. leann was happy with the answer. The two talked their way into mid-night. " I think we should go back to the studio now, I am tired."

" Ok lets go," Leann and Brian fought over the check, Leann won. They took the limo and went back to the studio.

" OH MY GOD!" Justin screeched. Matt and him finished the pizza and now watching the movie. Justin was so scared he put his arms around Matt and buried his face into matt's chest.

" Hey it is ok," Matt said this line for the humdredth time. Justin was real comfortable in this position, he fell asleep. As time passed and Leann and Brian stuck in traffic, Matt also fell asleep. The two looked real cute.

" Come this way ma'am, Leann Wallace invited you here," a British man said.

" Thank you and get my bags, where's my limo?" the female asked.

" Right this way ma'am,"

" Here I come Justin, I love you so much." this voice sounds real famliar.

" Hey Just, I am back, lets go back to the ho......" Brian saw the situation in front of him. He went up to Justin and tried to wake him up. " Jus, wake up, Just.."

" I love you so much Brian...... please don't take him from me, please Brian, BRIAN! Behind you Brian please NOOO!!" Justin's head shot up in the air and realize where he is. " Brian, I love you so much, please don't ever leave me," Justin saw Brian and run into his arms and held him so tight.

" Hey Hey Hey, I am here, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, come here," Brian held Justin and kissed his forehead. " I love you too."

" Hey, what the hell... oh your back, what happened?" Matt said in a groggily tone.

" Justin had a dream, but he is fine," Brian told his worried friend.

" Oh ok, he was so scared earlier in the night when we were watching Pysco.."

" Pysco? You guys were watching that.. Oh shit, come on lets go back to the hotel, are you ok?"

" Yeah I am fine, just a bit out of it, but I wil be fine, thanks Matt, you were great company," Justin and Brian headed for the door.

" Ok bye Brian, take care of him and don't let him get away, He is a great catch," Leann told Brian.

" Ok I will take care of him," Brian then was interupted by a female voice.

" Hey guys, how are you?"

" Christina?!" everyone said in unison besides Leann.

" SURPRISE!!!" Leann shouted outloud.

" Yeah boy are we surprise, this is going to be interesting." Matt said in a real low voice.

" and Justin have to go back... I will see you later, bye Leann," Brian ushered both of them out. brian drove the car back to the hotel.

" Umm, Christina this is Matt, Matt Christina," Leann introduce everyone.

" OK I am going to go back to the hotel, bye," Matt got up and left.

" Come on lets go too," Leann and Christina went to the Marriot, the same place Justin and Brian was staying.

" Hey Justin are you feeling ok?" Brian was realed worried about his boyfriend.

" Yeah but I have a headache,"

" Ok hun, I will get the asprin as soon as we get to the hotel," Brian drove as quick as he could to the Marriot. " here you go take this car and drive it to somewhere safe," Brian told the car valet. Brian carried Justin up to their room and gave Just the asprin. " come here, and go take a hot shower ok?" Brian took Justin to the shower, and striped him down to his boxers. When Brian was just about to move them.

" PLease don't do this to me," Justin jerked away from Brian and started to cry. There on his front side still had 'X' on it.

" It is ok, it is me Brian, go take a shower ok?" Brian knew that Justin wasn't in a good condition.

" Ok I am sorry, I over reacted," Justin told Brian.

" Ok, good ahead, I will be outside." Brian left the bathrom." Hello, hi this Brian Littrell, can you send a nurse up to room 652 please, thank you." After a few minutes Justin cam eout of the shower. justin dried himself up and put on some clothes.


" Who is that?" Justin asked.

" A nurse, I wanted her to come and hive you a check up," Brian went to open the door.

" Hi I am Carrie,"

" Hi I am Brian, Justin my bo... my friend isn't feeling well can you please give him a check up?" Brian almost said something he would have regretted.

" Sure," Carrie gave Justin a though check up. Justin had a fever. Carrie told Brian that Justin has the flu. Carrie gave Brian a persciption to get some medicine at the local drug store. Carrie then left.

" Bri? I don't feel like I have the flu, I feel fine. Please don't worry,' Justin assured the worrying Brian.

" Hey, don't say that, I am going to worry about you because I love you to death," Brian comforted Justin.

" Ummm... Bri? I have a ummm... a.."

" What's wrong babe? Are you ok?" Brian stood up and had a very worried face on.

" Yeah umm.... I have a queston I would like to .... umm.. to ask you," Justin stutter out the sentence.

" Ok, Just, i would answer it if I knew. We aren't breaking up are we? you are not having doubt are you. Please Justin don't do this now!" Brian had tears in his eyes.

" No, no babe, I would never leave you, I just wanted to umm. know if you are still... a..a... vvvvvirrr........ggggiiiucou?" Justin coughed out his question.

" A what?" Brian was confused about what Justin was asking. " Come on Just, I want to answer you, what do you want to know?"

" Brian are a virgin!?" Justin said very quickly. Justin shoved his face into his hands.

" Hey there is nothing wrong asking that question. If you want to know, I am. I have been waiting for the special someone and that special time," Brian told Justin. Justin gave a sigh of relief. " what about you?"

" Yeah, I am waiting also, I am waiting for that special someone, I am waiting for you," Justin said in a very seductive way.

" Ohhh, I love you so much!" Brian pulled Justin into a passionate kiss. The two kissed for a long time. Justin rubbed his hands all over brian's back and Brian was lefting Justin's shirt. " Ummm.... Justin.... can we wait till we are at somewhere special?" Brian asked shyly.

" Oh sure, it is my fault, I am sorry," Justin wasn't disapointed, he was embarass. " What has come over me? Brian i am so sorry,"

" Just, hey hey calm down, don't be sorry, don't blame yourself for everything ok?"

" Ok' Justin gave a simple reply. " Umm. Brian since I have the flu, can you go to another room please? I don't want to get you sick. Please"

" Are you sure? Are you going to be ok?" Brian didn't want to lleave Justin in his time of needs.

" Yeah I will be fine," Brian called the front desk and told them he needed another room that is close 652. The only room available was 1021, the rest was filled. That room was four floors above Justin's. Brian didn't want to go but Justin lmade him.

" Ok I see how it is, trying to push me away so you can fool around in bed with matt or Christina," Brian was joking with Justin.

" How can you say that!? We just had a discusion about waiting and you being my first. Now you go ahead and say this kind of shit. Brian how could you? You know what? Maybe I will sleep with Matt or Christina," Justin cried while he said all that. What Brian said to Justin really got to him.

" I was only joking around, I know you won't do anything like that, I am sorry," Brian went to comfort his boyfriend.

" Yeah, Brian I need to rest, please go to your room," Justin didn't look at his boyfriend.

" Ok, I am truly sorry, you know I didn't mean that," Brian said again.

" Ok, please just.. just go, I am really tired," Justin told the sorry feeling Brian to go. Brian got a couple of things and left the room leaving the already sleeping Justin behind.

Well, here you go. this is the third part. I hoped all you guys enjoyed it. Thanks to the people who has sent in ideas and have have predications sent in. I hope you guys keep on reading. E-mail all comment to me

Next: Chapter 15: The Truth 2000 4

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