The Truth

By Jason

Published on Jan 10, 2000


Hey guys, what has been happening? Happy New Years, I am sorry that this chapter is coming out so late. School is back and I have to go back to my studies. thank to all of you guys who has been there for me. Now the rest of the segment is brand new, it will continue on where we left off on The Truth.

Now this is The Truth-2000. so I hope it will be good as The Truth. I am going to start writing with Scott in another story. So with out any further adu, on with the story. If you are under age don't read, if not enjoy yourself.

The Truth-2000 Part:1

The taxi quickly drove out of the way.In front of the taxi, was a dog. The taxi driver was scared because of what Justin said.

" Driver please drive us to the airport and hurry," Brian reminded him. The rest of the way to the airport was pretty much in silence since they didn't want the driver to know who they are. Finally after 45 min. in the taxi, they arrived at LAX. Brian and Jsutin went up to the United Airline desk.

" Hi, we need two first class tickets on the next available flight ot the Ukcraine," Brian told the lady.

" Ukcranie?" Justin was confused. Brian didn't answer.

" Ok, is that two? And is it Non-stop?" this lady was really stupid. After spending 30 minutes explaining to the lady, they got their tickets. Brian and Justin stood apart from each other to avoid people like Brad Walters from National Equire. Walking to gate 47B. Brian found a seat and both of them sat together. Brian didn't say anything, either did Justin. Justin was too scared to say something. After sitting there for a large amount of time,

" Flight 757 arriving at the Kiev, Ukcraine is now boarding please come to gate 47B," the announcer said over the speakers. Brian got up first and walked by himself to the gate, leaving Justin behind. Justin quickly got up and tagged along with him. In their seats, Justin sat next to Brian, hanging his head really low, not looking at Brian.

" Bri, I am sorry," Justin said softly without looking up at Brian. Brian didn't respond. justin got up with tears in his eye and started to run out of the plane.

" SIT DOWN NOW JUSTIN!" Brian roared from his seat. Justin was so scared when he heard that. he quickly turned around and sat down in his seat. Everyone in first class heard too.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for traveling on United Airline, this is flight 757 flying Non-Stop to Kiev, Ukcranie. Thank you and enjoy your flight," the captain seemed to be very nice. the plane started to move faster, and faster, and faster, Soon enough they were up in the air.

" Brian, I am sorry, I didn't want to go, when I heard Bill say that either me or your career, I thought I would make it easier if I left," Justin was explaining his actions, while tears free falling from his eyes. Justin took off the ring Brian gave to him. " I can tell you regret giving my the ring, here... takee... it back," Justin stuttered everytime he cried.

" I love Justin, you should have come to me first before taking off like that," Brian took back the ring, justin was left dumbfounded that Brian actually took back the ring. Justin started to cry again. " I want to do this again and this time I want to do it right," Brian said. He took the ring and slip it on Justin's finger again and said the same thing. This made Justin make the widest smile in the world. Brian hugged Justin really tight.

" Bri, why are we going to the UK?" Justin asked Brian again.

" I called kevin, they were at the airport in Kiev when I called, they were in London but you know the tour doesn't go to other places, oh, you wouldn't know that now would you since you weren't there," Brian said sarcastically. Justin immediately hung his head low again.

" Do you think they will be mad at me?" Justin asked real quietly.

" No, but if they are, I am here to protect you, I will yell at them if they yell at you. Do you want to know way? Because I love you," Brian assured him.

" So tell me, how did you really find me?" Justin was really curious.

" Well, I was going to Orlando, thinking you might be there.."

" Why would I be there," Justin added.

" Sorry.. Well, I fell asleep and I had a dream. In this dream, I was sitting down and everything I saw was white. Then a door frame appeared, out came a figure in white. It was angel, it told where you were, then I knew I had to go to Los Angeles.I thought the plane was non-stop to Orlando, but it had to go to LA then back to Orlando, I got off when it arrived at LA, took a taxi and found ya," Brian told Justin

" WOW, I love you so much,"Justin was really lucky to have someone like Brian. After a couple of hours of talking, they both fell asleep. The ride was pretty smooth.

Justin's Dream:

" No No Lynn, please don't do it," Brian shouted but was tied to a pole.

" Mom... no please don't hit me, look as Jonathon is the one hurting," Justin begged.

" You will call me Mrs. Harliss, Jonathon has nothin to do with faggots," Lynn said very harshly. She started to whip Justin's bare chest.

End of Dream

" Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to land in 20 minutes, please fasten all seat belts and thank you for flying United Airlines," this time the speakers were on real loud. Brian woke up but his angel is still asleep.

" Babe, baby, it is time to get up, come on," Brian shook Justin by his stomach.

" No, No please don't..." Justin was having a bad dream, he shot his head in the air. He looked around and relizes where he is.

" Hey it is ok, it is ok, it is just a dream," Brian tries his best to comfort Justin.

" Ouch," Justin started to touch his stomach and chest.

" What happened?" Brian is now very concerned for his boyfriend.

" I am fine nothihg, really, nothing, I am fine," Justin lied to Brian. " Are we about to land?"

" Yeah, we are landing soon, are you really ok?" Brian wouldn't let go of the subject.

" Yeah I am fine," Justin assured him.

" OK then fasten up," Brian told Justin. The plane landed safely without any problems. Inside the airport were police and security all over the place.

" I wonder what is going on?" Justin asked Brian.

" So do I," brian replied. Suddenly there was a crowd of people coming from one place. " It is coming from there," Brian and Justin walk quickly to where the crowd was. Brian saw a female. She was a lady with a figure. Brian knew her well.

" Who is that?" Justin asked Brian again with lots of confusion in his voice. The female approched Brian and Justin.

" O my God, Brian, hey how are you? Haven't seen ya in a long time," she gave Brian a hug and Brian gave her one too. This female and Brian just talked and talked. brian forgot to introduce Justin. Brian just talked with her and walked with her. Justin walked away by himself and sat in the food court in the terminal they were in.

" So Brian, are you in any sort of relationship?" the female asked.

" Yes, I am..." Brian's voice trailed off. He looked around searching for Justin, but doesn't see him. " ummm... can I have your number I will call you, I really have to go," Brian asked her.

" Yeah, here ya go," she gave Brian a card. Brian took off. Brian ran from the gate the female was at to the front door of the airport. He can't find Justin. Justin sat there with his face burried in his hands sitting at a table.

" Hey you," Justin heard someone say. He looked up and saw who it was.

" Hey Britney, how are you?" Justin stood up to hug her.She hugged him back.

" Are you like ok? Why are you like crying?" Britney asked with true concerns.

" I am fine, just a little stress, sit down, what are you doing here" Justin asked.

" I am here with Leann Wallace. We are staying for 3 days then back to Orlando," Britney told Justin. They chit-chatted for a minute or two when Brian came up to them.

" There you are, I looked all over for..." Brian looked at Britney. " Hey Britney, what are you doing here?"

" Hey Brian, I am here with Leann Wallace," Britney told Brian.

" Britney? What are you doing here? Come on we gotta go," Leann came running over to Britney.

" Leann hold on, Just, gotta run talk to you later, love ya," Britney took off with Leann.

" So why did you run off like that," Brian asked Justin.

" Oh, you do remember me," Justin said sacstically while getting up.

" Oh sorry, I...I..." Brian stuttered out.

" Don't say it," Justin kept walking. They went to hail a taxi. " Bri, I am not mad at you, I trust you and love and I know you won't do anything to hurt me."

" Thank you, I knew I made a choice with you," Brian said with a smile. The taxi drove them to the hotel to meet the guys. After arriving at the hotel, Justin and Brian went to find Kevin. The guys talked and Justin apolozize to JC for making for cover for him. It was late so everyone went to bed. Brian and Justin went to their room and got ready to go to bed. Brian and Justin hugged each other tightly through the night.

Well, there you go, no one got the answer right, it was a dog. This is the first segment to The Truth 2000. E-mail me ideas and comments. I hope to have the next part out will be out next week. Thank you to all you guys that have been there for me and supported me. Till next time....

Next: Chapter 13: The Truth 2000 2

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