The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 30, 1999


Hey guys, this is part 8 of my story. I have really enjoy writing this. Thank you to all my supporters, Myka, Scott, Tonny, Matt,and more. A special thanks to Scott who has been non-stop e-mailing with ideas. I used one of them in this segment. I thought it would be nice and short of touching. I hope by 2000 I can have my millieium chapters started. If you are under age please leave, if not, enjoy.

The Truth Part: 8

" What happened? What's up?" JC rushed into the room with the guys behind him. Bill and the BSB came in a little after.

" Justin left," Brian said.

" What do you mean ' Justin left '?" JC asked very confused. Brian handed JC the letter.

" I went to Kevin's room for a meeting, the meeting is about me and Justin. Either Justin and me are seperated or I leave BSB. I guess Justin heard or someone told him," Brian shot an eye at Nick. " I don't know what to do now. I don't know where he is... I am so clueless." Brian is now crying very hard.

" Ohhh...come on, don't worry, we will find him," JC tried to comfort him.

" It is all my fault," Brian was blaming himself for everything. " What will I do without him? Justin promised me he'd never leave me and turn his back on me, but now look at this, I can't find him when I need him. I HATE HIM!!! JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE, I HATE YOU," Brian shouted on the top of his lungs. Bill was in the room at this time and then just left.

" Come on you don't mean that, you are just mad, we all know you don't mean that," AJ told Brian. There was a long silience.

" Chris go call Lynn now!" Kevin ordered. Chris ran to his room and call the number.

" Hey Lynn, this is Chris, ummm... I am really sorry about this, but Justin is missing...but we are trying to find him," Chirs explained.

" Who is missing? I don't have a son. Who is Justin?" Lynn asked purposly.

" Is this Lynn?" Chis asked in a confused tone.

Back in Justin and Brian's room:

" Justin told Lynn about us... and she...she didn't accept him and dissowned him," Brian sputter it all out looking down at the ground.

" Lynn didn't accept Justin, her own son? Wow, that isn't the Lynn I knew," JC told everyone.

Back in Chris's room:

" Yeah Chris, how are you? How is JC, Joey, and Lance?" Lynn asked without mentioning Justin's name.

" Lynn did you hear me? Justin is missing, you freaking son is missing!" now Chris shouted over the phone.

" Excuse me, I don't have a son anymore," Lynn plainly told Chis.

" Anymore?" Chris sounded more confused then ever.

" I did have a sweet straight son until he met a faggot, Brian, now that faggot turn my kid into a fucking faggot as well, so now I don't have a son," Lynn explained to Chris over the phone and Chris can't believe this is still the nice and sweet Lynn he knew.

" Is this Lynn Harliss?" Chris asked again.

" Yes Chris it is," Lynn said.

" Ok Lynn see ya later gotta go bye," Chris hung up the phone quickly and was in shock. After sitting there for 5 minutes, he came back to reality and ran back to where everyone else was. " Guys, Lynn said she doesn't have a faggot son," Chris said while panting.

" I know, Brian told us," Joey explained.

" Well come on guys lets not wait anymore, lets start a search group, but we have a charity concert tonight so be back at 5 o'clock ok?" Kevin explained to BSB while JC did the same thing to SYNC, no N because Justin isn't here.

" OK let's go," Kevin and JC said in unison, all the guys groaned about thinking there are two bossy people now.

" Hi, I am Justin Timberlake, I called for an immediate flight out of Europe, Anyway is fine, the quicker the better, if anyone ask about me, say nothing ok? Thank you," Justin said. He walked to the window and said a small ' good-bye ' with a single roll of tear coming down his right eye. He went to immegration and went to another country leaving everything behind.

The guys looked all over London, but no luck. The time has come for the concert. The guys met back at the hotel and went to the area where they had their make up and costumes. The opening was pretty fly, it was a claboration of 'Tearin up my Heart' and 'Larger Than Life' . The guys of SYNC was the BSB and the BSB was SYNC. After that, the crowd went wild. Chris went to the middle stage and said, " We are really sorry to report that Justin is sick, and we didn't think he should perform. He will be back next year and repay you guys, how bout that?" Now the crowd went nuts as soon as ' I Want You Back' came on and the four guys came out to dance. The rountine wasn't going as smooth as it did with Justin there. JC covered Justin's parts, this is killing JC's throat. Then in the middle of that song the area went black, wind started to swirl into the audience. Then five figures flew into the sky in space suits and the music to ' Got it Going On ' started. The show lasted for about two hours. At the end, SYNC and BSB did 'Music of the Heart' . SYNC sang altogether for JC and Justin's part. And BSB did Gloria's part. The crowd was all touch emotionally, especailly Brian. Almost closing, Brian went to the middle of the stage.

" I have this last song I wanted to sing as a solo. This is a short song but it reminds me of what I am feeling right now." Brian told the crowd. As the music started Brian walked around the entire stage.

SPOKEN: Well, I think I finally found me a sure-fire way to forget It's so simple, I'm surprised I hadn't done thought of it before yet It's foolproof - well, it's foolhardy, maybe - but, who knows Anyway, here I am walking t'ward where the cool dark water flows All it takes is:

CHORUS: One dying and a buryin' One dying and a buryin' Some cryin' Six carryin' me I wanna be free

SPOKEN: Oh...I wanna be free Free from all this heartache and regret And free from pining for the love I can't forget The love that once was warm and then just somehow turned to hate Made my life a prison from which there's only one escape

The crowd again was emotionally touch and some were even crying. Now the concert is over, Brian went back stage and saw the guys with tears in their eyes.

" What is wrong?" Brian asked looking confused.

" That was so sweet, I wish Justin could have heard that," JC added. Nick, Lance, Howie, and Joey were out of the room already.

" Umm... guys... I need to talk to you.... I ... can't.... take this.... any...more...I love..hiiiiimm...I.....need.. him wiiiitthh. me. I am leaving....the find.....him.." Brian stuterred out while crying.

" Ok you can go but we have a press confrence tomorrow, after the cofrence you can go," Kevin told his cuz.

" Thanks, I love ya," Brian was now crying happy tears. The guys went back to the hotel and ate dinner and watched a movie in Kevin's room. It is about 1:30 in the morning. Brian went back to his room and an hour later so did everyone else.

In the morning, evereyone went to JC's room for breakfast. About 10:30, the press-conference started.

REPORTER: WHEN IS THIS TOUR GOING TO END? KEVIN: It should end in a couple of weeks, a few days before Christmas.

REPORTER: WHERE IS JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE? JC: He is not feeling well, he didn't do the concert last night and this morning he had a fever so we thought it would be better for him to stay back at the hotel.

REPORTER: IS IT TRUE BRIAN FROM BSB IS HAVING AN AFFAIR? BRIAN: Yes, that is true. I am not going to mention any names. I feel my private life is none of other people's business besides me and that person.


Brian was stunned. He didn't know what to do. AJ: Like the brothera said ' I am not going to mention any names ' and if this is a yes or no question, the answer is no. Now does anyone have any serious questions?

REPORTER: WHY WAS BRIAN IN THE HOSPITAL AND WHY WAS JUSTIN THERE TOO? CHRIS: Brian wasn't feeling all that great at the time so we went to give hima check up and decided he should stay over night. Justin fell and cut his wrist and it was bleeding very saverally, so we went to the hospital.


" Ok that is all the time we have for today, please we will hold one later in the tour. Thank you all for coming and for your time." An hour later, Kevin and Brian was in their room talking.

" Oh, Kev, I am leaving, I will be back when I find him and thanks a lot.

" Ok, I will see ya, keep in touch and tell him we are sorry," Kevin said to Brian.

" Ok, I will, we love ya,"

" WE?" Kevin asked in confusion.

" Yeah me and..."

Well, there it is. I hope everyone enjoyed it. I thought it was boring but I wanted to go through this. The next segment is going to be short and the one after that as well because I would like to conclude this whole part of ' The Truth'. Part 2 will be about the year 200 and everything. Thanks for the idea Scott and Myka. Thanks for the support Tonny, Matt, and everyone else. Plase go ahead and read ' When You Say Nothing At All,' it is good, I cried. Well, see ya later. Please e-mail me.

Next: Chapter 10

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