The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 26, 1999


Hey guys just wanted to tell you guys Merry Christmas and Happy 2000. This is part five of The Truth. If you guys are under age or whatever don't read it but if you aren't enjoy your self.

"The Truth" Part five By: Toby

The drive back to the hotel was in silence. Both guys had a lot on there mind. Finally after the long drive they were back at the hotel. Justin without saying anything ran into the lobby and took the steps to the 21st floor. Justin ran all the way up there. When he reached his room, he shut the door and lied on the bed and started to cry. The poor boy is so very confused. Is he gay? Justin broke down and just started to cry.

The next morning everyone had breakfast and was pretty much in a good mood. No one remember about Brian besides Justin.

" What kind of friends are you?" Justin asked abruptly.

" What are you talking about?" AJ asked with a lot of confusion in his tone.

" Brian is in the hospital and no one is going to go and see him? I mean come on you guys are like brothers to him and Kevin you are his cousin." Justin was now on the verge of another emotional break down.

" Ok chill we will go see him," Howie said, " after he pays us." Everyone laughed besides Justin and JC.

" Nevermind you guys!" Justin was now crying and through his plate on the ground and ran to his room.

" Dude, I never knew Brian had such an affect on Jus," Chris told JC and the rest of Nsync.

" Yeah I know," Lance added.

************************************************************ In Justin's room:

" Yeah hi, I would like to order 5 dozen roses. One dozen white roses, one dozen red roses, one dozen purple tulips, one dozen dandylions, and one dozen blue roses. I would like them sent at different times. Each witha card saying ' I am truly sorry I promise I will never turn my back on you'. I don't care what time they get sent but each dozen at a different time. At the hopital in room 520, my name is Justin to Brian. Ok,OK Thank you," Justin ended his conversasion.

" I am so sorry Brian," Justin whisper to himself. He went to the bathroom and took out a knife. He slowly took the knife and start to cut himself with it. He first slashed his wrist, then he cut his arm, then he took off his shirt and made an 'X' on his chest. Justin was now crying from the pain. On his leg he carved ' sorry' on it. by now he is bleeding very badly. then BOOM ..... he fell down to the ground and his eyes shut.

************************************************************ In Brian's room:

"WOW, Justin sent me all these flowers, I am so lucky to have him as a friend," Brian told the nurse was sending the flowers in. By now he has 4 dozen already. Brian is so excited. He decided to call Justin. The was no answer, he couldn't call anyone else so he decided to wait till tonight. They are probably rehearsing.

Six Hours Later:

Brian calls Justin again still no answer, this begun to worry Brian, he called JC. JC answered the phone.

" Hello? this JC "

" Hey JC this is Brian"

" Whats up? how are you feeling?" JC asked in a cheery voice.

" I am fine. IS justin with you guys, he isn't in his room, I tried calling him but he isn't there. Is he alright? Can you go check up on him? I know he is feeling down so just go and give him a little check up," Brian request.

" Sure, I think he is fine but I will go check up on him." JC said.

" Thanks, later"

" Bye get well soon"

By now there was a poodle of blood underneath Justin. Jc slowly walked down the hall to Justin's room.

" Hey J, you in here? Justin? OH SHIT!!!" JC shouted," Justin? Bro wake up. JUSTIN!" JC looked all over his body and found a knife with blood stains and Justin's chest with a 'X' and 'sorry' on his leg. Seeing this he rushed out to get the other guys. When the other guys saw this they were stunned.

" JC what happened?" Joey asked.

" I don't know, Brian told me to come and check up on Justin, I did and I found him like this, why does this happens to me all the time?" JC is now crying. When the ambulance arrived they took Justin to the hospital. All the guys were there, they all waited in the waiting room waiting for the doctor. Finally after the long wait the doctor comes in.

" Hey, you all know me, I am Dr. Luce. Brian is doing fine. He should be out of here tomorrow." he doctor explained.

" We don't care about him, what about Justin?" Nick interupted.

" Oh Justin is doing not so well, he is really shallow. He has a lot of pressure and has lost a lot of blood. He was cutting himself. He is in ICU right now, only family members." Dr. Luce said.

" OK some one go contact Lynn and tell her to come here right away," JC said," I am going to check on Brian and brake it down to him."

In Brian's room:

" Wow, finally someone came to visit me, what's up?" Brian was now very happy," where is Justin?"

" Brian........ I don't know how to........ Justin is in ICU right down the hall," JC said on the edge of crying.

" Why? How can this be? What Happened?" Brian through all these questions at JC.

" The doctor told us that he was cutting himself. On his chest it had a 'X' and on his leg it said ' sorry' I don't know why he did it," JC explained to Brian.

" Oh God.......," Brian said in a whisper,"it is all my fault, I want to see him."

" As he gets transfer to a private room I will tell you," JC trys to comfort Brian.

" Ok thanks," Brian says.

" Ok now you get some rest ok? I will see ya tomorrow, the doctor says you can go by tomorrow night," JC trys to take off some pressure from Brian.

" Thanks JC, you are a great friend," Brian's voice was cracking with a tear coming from his eyes.

" Hey you ain't so bad yourself," Jc smiled. Then he exited the room and sees everyone asleep.

The next morning Lynn was sitting next to JC, but everyone was still sleeping in the waiting room. Nick was the first to wake up.

" Good morning Mrs. Harliss," Nick said ina very polite tone.

" Good morning Nick, how are you oh and please call me Lynn," Lynn asked trying to start a conversasion.

" I am good but I will be better if Brian hadn't put so much pressure on Justin. If he didn't do that Justin wouldn't be here right now," Nick lied to Lynn.

" Oh is that so?" Lynn asked.

" Yep, Brian put so much pressure on Justin, Justin did this. Brian is gay and he tried to rape Justin. He tried to have sex with Justin please don't tell anyone I said this, I look at Justin as a brother. Seeing him being hurt like that just kills me," Nick explained.

" Brian tried to rape my son, OH HE IS GOING TO GET IT NOW!" Lynn shouted and the rest of the guys just woke up. Their head just popped up.

" Oh hey Lynn," all of the guys said in unison.

" Did you go see Justin yet?" JC asked.

" Yeah, he is so pale and he is in a coma," Lynn said with tears coming down her eyes.

" Good Morning, Justin is doing fine now, he is just having pains in the area where the stabbing was. All was infected so we placed antibioticals on it and it is clearing. The medicine to relive the pain is making Justin slip in and out, other than that he is good. i do have a doctor scheduled to give Justin theropy because of this," Dr. Luce explained.

" Thank you doctor, I am Lynn his mother,"

" Ok you guys can go see him, he is in room 560 all the way down the hall." the doctor allowed all of them to go see him. JC quickly went to Brian's room and told Brian he can go see Justin. Brian jumped on his feet and walked down to the other end of the hallway. Slowly he entered the room with JC behind him. He can see Justin is still in the coma. Lynn turned around and saw Brian, he went up to him and slapped him on the face.

" You little bastard, get the fuck away from my son, I never want you to ever come near him again. You got that?" Lynn yelled at Brian. Hearing this Brian almost died. he was about to fell down when JC caught him. JC didn't dare to say a word. Brian ran back to his room with tear free falling from his eyes. JC was about to go after him when Lynn said," JC stay, I don't want you near him either."

JC had to respect Lynn since she was like a second mom to him.

" Yes Lynn," JC said without looking at Lynn.

Everyone stood around Justin for another hour,nothing. Lynn decided to go back to the hotel and rest and to see Justin tomorrow morning. Brian was suppose to leave tonight but when the doctor came to do his check out, the doctor realize Brian's health status is really bad. Brian had to stay there for another night.

In the middle of the night, Brian snuck out of his room and into Justin. Seeing Justin there just teared Brian apart. Brian took Justin's cold hands.

" Justin, why did you have to do that? I thought you were never going to turn your back on me but look at you here in the hospital and in a coma. Please wake up, your mom and your friends are all here to see you, please.... well I gotta go back will come back to see you later," said not realizing he was crying. Just when he was about to leave, Brian heard Justin say," Brian, is that you? I am sorry."

" Yes Jus, this is me I am right here," Brian babbled out.

" Hey bri," Justin slowly begun to open his eyes." Hey there, I am sorry, how are you doing? Feeling better?" Justin asked with concern in his voice.

" Hey I am fine now that you are awake? Why did you do all this? Why? What if you died and I never saw you again?" Brian's tears were too much.

" I am sorry," Jusitn repeated again.

" Stop saying that, please, you shouldn't be sorry. I should for putting you through this. Why did you do this?"

" I know it was my fault and you were suffering for it. I wanted to kill myself." Justin was now crying.

" Why? What would I do if you were gone? Who would I run to?"

" It is ok, I am fine now, now go back and rest so you can get out of here and come stay with me bri," Justin suggested.

" I .......I....." Brian stumbled with the words.

" What?" Justin asked kind of confused.

" I ..... I can't... I can't come near you, your mom said. I don't know why. Today I came in here and your mom slapped me and said a couple of real mean things that I don't want to mention." Brian told Justin.

" Where? Come here, let me see your face, come here I won't bite," Justin tried to liten the atmosphere.

" No it is ok, I am fine it was just a slap, I am fine really," Brian tried to hold back his tears.

" Come here," Justin demanded and Brian obliged. Justin looked at it. There was a big red face shape on Brian's face and around the ear it was bleeding. When Justin touched it, Brian jumped and tears that Brian tried to hold back, fell out. " I am sorry."

" Hey didn't I tell you not to say that no more?" Brian said with a chuckle. Justin giggle. Justin was holding Brian's face with both of his hands. Justin used his thumb to wipe away Brian's tears. Then there was silence and Justin and Brian looked deep into each other's eyes. Both leaned in. The next thing you know they were kissing. Brian quickly pulled away. " Justin, you are not like that, I think it is better if I do stay away from you." Brian ran out of Justin's room leaving Justin emotionally confused and emotionally hurt. Justin couldn't handle it any more, he just fell back and his eye just shut.

Well, there it is. I think this one is kind of long. What did you think? I need some ideas for the New Years. Thanks to all the people who has been sending me e-mail. Merry Christmas and Happy 2OOO to everyone.

Next: Chapter 7

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