The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 24, 1999


Hey, this is the fourth part. I am still working without a partner. I need one. anywayz, if you are under age, don't read it. If not, enjoy your self.

"The Truth" By: Toby

Part 4:

"JC!!! Open up!" yelled Justin.

"Yeah hold on," JC yelled back. When he opened the door, Jc could see Justin's red puffy eyes." What happened?" asked JC in a caring voice.

"I don't know, this morning when I woke up, I was naked with sticky stuff on my stomach and Brian was either putting on clothes or taking off his clothes. I think he was going to rape me," Justin answered JC's question.

"That BASTARD! I am going to kill him," JC said with rage. He ran out of his room and went to Brian's room. Justin quickly got everyone. When everyone was there, JC standing above Brian. Brian laid on the floor past out.

"JC? How could you?" Justin asked JC. " We weren't sure of what happened."

"JC? What happened why did you punch brian out? Quickly Nick go call 911," Kevin orderd. Nick didn't move." NICK!? why the hell aren't you moving?"

"I hopes that faggot dies," nick said while he exited the room. Nsync people just stood there. AJ and Howie helped Kevin while Chris dialed 911. The paramedics finally came with police and fire fighters.

"What happened MR. Chasez?" asked an officers.

"I went into his room because he was going to rape Justin....... I went in and saw him lying on the ground unconcious and that is the truth I swear to God," JC answered.

"Ok I will talk to you later," The officer said. The ambulance quickly took Brian to the near by hospital. Justin, JC, Lance,Chris,AJ,Kevin,and Howie was there in the waiting room. Nick stayed at the hotel so Joey decided to stayed with him. The doctor came in.

"Doc, how's he doing?" asked Kevin

"Hi, I am Doctor Luce. I am the one in charge of Brian Litterel. He had a alchol overdose. Tests have shown he did have an alcohol over-dose. With his heart problems and the over-dose, and probably some pressure or stress, made him pass-out." the doctor explained to the group.

"How did he get an alcohol over dose?" asked AJ

"We are not sure but he did. He has a headache and stomach ache. We have gave him some medicine for the pain. He has been asking to see Justin Timberlake?" the doctor gave more detail.

"Oh God....... last night we went to a restaurant, had some champage, and then we went to a club and had beer. What if that was what set him off?" Justin blabbed out nervously.

"The nurse was wondering what substance was on him, and the test showed that it was semen. Did Brian have any kind of sexual intercourse last night?" Dr. Luce asked curiously.

"Oh God........ I...... Oh no, it can't be........ I need to see him," Jusitn squremed out. " Where is he?"

"He is in room 548b, we will be transfering him into a private room in 10 hours," Dr. Luce added.

"OK thanks," Justin said while he ran to the room number.

"Brian? Brian are you in here?" Justin asked while he had tears coming down his eyes.

"Justin? Is that you?" Brian managered to say back.

"Brian, I am so sorry. I didn't let you explain. I am such an asshole.

I...... I am so sorry. I will understand if you never want to talk to me ever again. I am here to inform you that I am leaving the tour, that way you don't have to see me everyday. i am so ashamed of what I did last night, I remember. I hope you will forgive me someday. Deep.." Justin sobbed while he said all these emotions that he was feeling.

"But .... Justin..." Brian interupted.

"No Brian..... I need to get this out, I hope someday deep inside you will find the heart to forgive me. I am going to go tell the guys, you have been great, it is just I fucked up our friendship and I guess you are suffering for it I mean you are the one in the hospital and I am sorry," by now Justin was flooding the entire floor.

"But Justin you can't leave me, you are my true friend. When ever everyone else turns their backs on me, you were there. About last night, it took two of us for it to happen. I am not sure how it happened but I know I didn't want to happen, I would never in a million years rape you," Brian was also now in tears.

"I know that, I just didn't give you a chance, if I did give that chance to explain yourself, you wouldn't be here. I am the cause of it." Justin blamed himself for everything.

"No don't blame yourself, we both had the beers, if you are leaving the tour, so am I. Without you being there for me and incourage me, there is exactly no reason for me to stay on the tour," Brian told Justin in confindence.

"Oh Brian... how can you forgive me so soon? I am.... I can't stay though. Today you might say this but tomorrow you might realize you ddn't mean by what you said today," Justin asked Brian.

"I will never portray what I say, especially if it is being said to a person I really care for inside. Please tell me you will stay..." Brian begged.

"Ok I will," Justin obliged to Brian's request.

"All right, now come here and give me a hug," Brian sadi with the biggest smile ever. Justin gave Brian a hug.

"It is getting late, I will come back tomorrow k? They are probably worried about me," Justin told Brian.

"Yeah I think you are right, go on ahead back to the hotel. Thanks Justin, Love ya always"

"Same here to you , now take care and I will be back tomorrow. Bye" Justin left the hospital. On the way out, a nurse told Justin his friends went back to the hotel, Jsutin was now all alone. Instead of riding a cab, he decided to walk back. This would give him a chance to think things over; alone.

Justin's thoughts:

Am I gay? I can't be gay. I don't like Brian like that. I care for him like a brother. Do I like him in a different way? What happened last night was it all planned out? I am having doubts about my own sexuality, what an asshole I am.

End of thoughts.

"Hey what are you doing all by yourself walking in these cold streets? You know there are things such called ' cabs'?" a voice asked.

"Hey... I just needed to be alone and think," Justin answered.

"Wanna jump in? We can go to a Cafe' and talk if you want," the voice asked.

"Do you mind if we just talked in your car JC? Please?"

"Sure hop in" JC said and Justin did physically. " Hey about Brian I am sorry. I don't mean anything that I said this morning," JC explained his actions.

"Yeah I know. JC what if you were one of the BSB and you just found out some one in your group is gay? What would you do?" Justin asked the questions in such a weird way.

"I would support him 100%. Gay people are still people. You can't change that," JC made an intelligent remark.

"Wow, I wished Brian could have some friends like that ya know? Someone he can turn to," Justin's saddenest was coming back.

"Well he has you and me," JC tried his best to comfort the 18 year-old.

"He has you but not me, I really fucked up big time, I am the cause and look at this he is the on ein the hospital, if I hadn't mention about going to a club none of this would have had happened." Justin chazitize himself.

"How does this have to do with you?" JC questioned.

"I was the one who wanted to go to the club," Justin was now crying his heart out.

"Oh I see...." JC was interupted.

"Can we go back to the hotel? Please I need to be alone." Justin asked.

"Sure we can," JC drove Justin back to the hotel.

Well this is the fourth part. what did you think? e-mail comments to me and I need a co writer. Last I had an idea sent in and being the dumb ass I am I lost that person's name. Please e-mail me again and I will put your name into the next issue. PLease I need ideas, Sent in ideas and a week in advance issue of the next segment. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all!

Next: Chapter 6

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