The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 12, 1999


Ok, here is part 3 of " The Truth" sorry for the delay. I am on my own for now. So if anyone wants to co-write, e-mail me. This story is only fictional. If you are under age or whatever, don't read it, if not enjoy.

Part: 3 By: Toby "The Truth"

The restuarant downstairs of the hotel BSB and Nsync is staying was a real fancy dining area. When Brian and Justin arrived the hostess was shock to see two fine looking guys. She quickly assisited them to their seats. The area where Brian and Justin was a secluded area. There was a long part of silence. Brian was scared." Justin, what are you going to order?" asked brian.

"I don't know. Everything looks so good," Jusitn replied.

"Are you guys ready to order?" asked the waiter.

"Yes, I will have a house salad, Lobster tail with a sirlion steak medium please," Brian said.

"I will have the Caeser Salad with a Snow Crabs and Cocktail. Please add a Prime rib to that thank you," said Justin politely.

"Yes, thank you, your order will be right up," the waiter told Brian and Justin.

"Oh yes, give us the finest champange you guys have," demanded Justin.

"Yes sir," replied the waiter.

"Why the champange? Is it any special reason?" asked Brian.

"No just thought it be cool to drink with someone really special," said Justin.


"You, I mean this is suppose to be a happy dinner right? so lets make it happy," justin said in a silly voice.

"Yes sir," Brian said in a child like tone.

Half an hour pasted and finally their order came up. eating the food was fast. Now they finish eating their dinner it was 9 o'clock. Tomorrow nobody has rehearsals.

"Let's go to that club down on Effile Ave." Jsutin suggested.

"Are you sure? I mean it is late," Brian said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Oh ok I understand, let's just go back to our rooms it is ok, " Justin said in a sad depressed tone. This made Brian feel real bad.

"Oh ok, we can go," Brian said.

"YAYYYYYYY," Justin cheered like he just won the world series.

They got into their rented Mustang and drove for a couple of minutes. Finally they saw this crowd of people. Jsutin parked his car and he and brian went in to the club. Justin and Brian got a few beers and danced. they had 2 bottle of beer every hour. the clocks says 3 o'clock. Justin and Brian walked back to the hotel in a very drunk manner. When they reached the hotel, brian and justin went in the lobby shouting and jumping. They finally reached their rooms, and Brian and Jusitn laugh out loud and jumped onthe bed and bounced off the walls.

"Hey Justin, where did you come from?" asked brian.

"YOur closet," Justin said.

"hahahahahahaha," both of them laughed. Brian fell on to the bed and Justin fell on top of him.

"Wow, I feel something hard," said Justin.

"Yeah that is me, they don't call me B-rok of nothing," Brian replied.

"Well, you know what let me take care of that," Justin said in a very drunk tone.

"ok," Brian agreed. Slowy Justin took off Brian's shrit. Then he startd to undo Brian's pants. Now brian was left in his boxers, justin took off the boxers as well. Justin startd in a jack off pace. Rubbing it up and down on its shaft. With a blink of an eye, Justin started to suck on it. Slow at first then faster and faster.

"Uhh- yeah Uhh- yah, allllllllmooooooooosssst tttttt thereeeeee, ahhhhhhhhhhh I am cuming! Ahhhhhhhhhh," Shputed brian." Oh yeah oh yeah,"

"YOu taste so good," Justin said.

"oh no, now you have a pulge, let me return the favor," brian offered.

"Yes go on ahead," Justin Agreed openly.

"Man what was that?" asked JC.

"What was what?" Nick asked him back witha confused tone.

"Uh nothing, sorry man," JC apoligize.

"ok whatever," Nick said.

"Could it be? No it can't be. Can it?" Jc thought.

The openly sun shoned through the room. The certains were up. The sun ,ade the room very bright. There on the bed laid two naked boodies. both very well toned and shaped.

"Oh shit, what happened?" Brian said to himself in a very low voice." Oh shit," brian said a bit louder this time. He just realize both he and jsuitn were naked. How did this happen? He quickly got up and started to get dressed.

"Brian? Is that you? What time is it?" Jusitn asked in a groggly voice.

"It is 8:15 Just, go back to bed," Brian sadi trying cover up for himself.

"I have a headache.... OH SHIT!" Shouted Justin. " Why in the hell am I naked these blankets? Why am I all sticky? OH MY GOD! Brian how could you?

Why do you still have your clothes on? Brian what were you trying to do?" Justin shouted at Brian with all these questions.

"I don't know, I woke up this morning seeing both of us naked, this isn't what you think," Brian tried to explain.

"Ok what happened then? Tell me. I am waiting." Justin demanded for an answer.

"I don't know what happened. Please Justin you have to believe I will never try to rape you," Brian pleaded with tears coming down his eyes.

"Rape me? You tried to rape me?" Justin said in an angered tone. " Nick was right, you are a queer who trys to sick something that doesn't belong!!!" Jusitn shouted in Brian's face. After hearing this Brian collasped. Thinking Justin will be more then Nick. Hoping Justin was caring, understanding,and trusting." You little son of a bitch, I am out of here," Justin yelled with tears coming down from his eyes; drowning the entire room.

"No Justin please......... let me....... come on...," Brian begged. Justin got dressed and got out of the room. Brian laid there and then............ blackout.

***************************************************** Well, what did you think? This is my first story without any help from anybody. E-mail all your comments to me. Good or Bad? I still need a co-writer. please e-amil me if you want to co-write with someone. Any good ideas? Email them to me. the best idea will be put in my next section with your name in it. thanks to all the readers that has bared with me.

Next: Chapter 5

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