The Truth

By Jason

Published on Jan 6, 2001


Hey Guyz what's up? I am so sorry that this segment took forever to come is just school is like hell right now....well if there are a lot of puncuation errors i am truly sorry...well i am gonna get down to business...if you are under age of whatever don't read it and if you are over the rightful age please enjoy yourself!

The Truth 2001- 9 By: Toby


" Brian?" Justin search for brian face. " Promise me one thing"

" i promise..I will promise you anything. Just say it"

" Brian, I want you to go and love Nick!" justin cried out these words.

Brian heard this and dropped Justin's face and was in shock. Everyone in the room wa sin shock. As for Nick.

" Nick isn't like that Justin..." Brian told Justin.

" I beg to differ..." said the voice next to the door, NICK!

Justin can tell that was Nick Carter's voice. Justin's mind was full of crazy things.

" What? Nick what are you talking about?" Brian ask.

Nick got down to his knees and hung his head low.

" Brian, Justin, I know I have been the worst friend anyone can have for the past year or so. I am really sorry. when I first saw you two together, it got me sick. Then I realize that you two were truly happy. For the first time in my life I have wanted that sort of happiness. I look deep into myself and I realize I need a man. So what i am trying to tell you is that I am gay. Brian I am in love with you. I am sorry J, I know this is a bad time to be saying this shit..." Nick was cut short.

" NO! NICK! You are right you ned to be with someone as for Brian..." Justin said with those same tears coming down his angel eyes.

" NO! what are you both talking about? Justin I love you, give me one good reason I should stop that love," Brian was on his knees next to the hospital bed.

The rest of the guys just stood there watching this not daring to say a word. When Justin heard this request, he was stomp. He couldn't think of a good answer. He knew how much this means to Nick since Nick has known Brian so much longer than he has. There was only one thing, one good thing to say.

" Because I am not gay! I sm straight as a ruler," Justin bursted out, out of nowhere.

Brian heard this and was heart-broken. His first true love has just said he wasn't gay.

" But...very well...I am sorry...." Brian said these with a river of tears streaming down his face.

Brian was too ashamed to stay where he was. He felt really rejected. Brian got up and ran out of the room. Justin can hear the heavy running foot steps. Jusitn called out his name but he was gone. Justin say back and cried. Nick went after Brian. The rest of the guys were confused about what just happened. JC told everyone to go inside the waiting room and wait while he talks to Justin. Everyone slowly left while Justin laid there crying his blind eyes out.

" Justin? Justin? Are you ok? Listen it is for the better if you let him go," JC tried to comfort his friend.

Justin heard his friend voice and started to cry some more. JC told him everyone else went to the waiting room to wait for them. Justin turned around and JC could see Justin's red, puffed up eyes. Those eyes were used a lot today.

" JC...I..." Justin tried to get out those words.

" is is gonna be ok.." JC said in a very soothing voice.

" But...I want"

JC has known Justin for years. He knows when his best friend wants or need something. JC could tell Justin needed someone to hug and hold. JC got to Justin's bed and held him for hours. JC sat on Justin's bed and held the boy to sleep. JC fell asleep too. Lance came to see what was taking so long and saw this. He just smiled and felt that being gay is OK. he went back to the rest of the guys and told them to go back to the hotel and rest. These two are fine. So the guys left.

Nick chased after Brian from the room Justin was in all the way to down to the first floor. Nick was calling his name but Brian never looked back. Brian got into a taxi as Nick tried to get in but it drove off. Nick quickly got into one and told him to follow the front taxi. They drove from the hospital all the way to Hollywood. Then they reached there destination. Nick can see Brian sitting on the swing at the park where Brian found Justin on Christmas Eve. Nick got out and walked slowly to him. It was pouring rain outside and both Nick and Brian were wet. Brian just sat there looking at the puddle of mud and the ripples that formed. Nick stood there for a couple minutes not saying anything. Brian just sat there.

" It's over..." Brian said. " It is really over. I can't believe it is over. He is straight, htat was a good reason for me. It is really really over."

" is..."

" NO nothing is ok... nothing is going to be ok..I have lost him to Britney Spears..."

" Hey at aleast it wasn't Christina Aguilera...heheh.." Nick joked and laughed.

When Brian heard this he juss laughed. Brian giggled and then went back to a crying phase. Nick squatted down and looked into Brian's eyes.

" Brian, I am here. Give me a chance at this,"

" What?" Brian asked.

" I can be the next Justin Timberlake. Please Bri give me a chance."

Brian just sat there and cry silent tears. Nick knew that the answer was NO so he got up and started to leave. Brian sat there looking at Little Nicky while he left. Brian stood up shouted his name and ran toward Nick. Nick turned around and saw Brian coming toward him. They got into a sweet ingrace. They hugged each other at the park. Brian gave nick a litttle kiss on his forehead.

" Aww...Nicky...what happened to my little Nicky that followed me every where?" Brian asked in a humoress way.

" I am right here in the arms of the first man I fell in love with..." Nick said.

" Well come on lets go back to the hotel before we get sick."

Back at the hotel, the guys were in there rooms. Nick went to his room as Brian went to his room. The two smiled at each other before going to their rooms. During the taxi ride home, they promised to keep their small relationship a secret until later. Nick went into his room and popped in his new favorite CD. Nick saw this artist on the shelf of the new comers. Her name was CoCo Lee. ( she sang the theme song for the movie " Run Away Bride" )

Here we are Alone again In your arms again And it keeps on gettin better Well I don't need To read your mind Cause when I look in your eyes I can almost see forever

But before you go too far Before I fall too fast Baby you should know I need love that gonna last You gotta promise to be here Though the laughter and the tears Let me know that you're mine Every day, every night... ' Cause


There's just no other way to love me Take my heart Take my soul Baby never let me go No there's just no other way it should be If you're gonna fall in love with me No, there's just no other way to love me

Nick heard this and felt his throat beginging to tighten as his emotions over come him.

Let me show you How much I care And baby I swear I'll be right there when you need me But I gotta know That you'll always be true That you're gonna see this through And give your heart completely I wanna feel it when we kiss Believe it when we touch Don't just say you love 'Cause words are not enough I wanna see it in your eyes Believe it deep inside I gotta know you'll be here Every day, Every night


I will never ask for more than I'll give to you ( gonna give you my everything) But I gotta know that my heart is true Every day, Every night For the rest of my life

Nick was crying tears again. He got up and took this CD and placed it outside of Brian's door. He knocked and ran back to his room. Brian opened the door and saw the CD on the ground. He picked it up. On it had a note saying:

Please listen to track number: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10

I can't explain in words so just listen to these songs and then you will know what I

am feeling. Love you always.

Brian took it back to his room and popped it in and listne to the tracks.

  1. Do You Want My Love 2) Just No Other Way 5) Before I Fall In Love ( Theme Song to " Run Away Bride" ) 8) All Tied Up In You 9) Don't You Want My Love 10) Crazy Ridiculous

Brian insteadly feel in love with her voice and was crying as well. He knew this CD belonged to Nick. He can tell through the lyrics these were what Nick was feeling because he was feeling this to. Then someone knocked on the door. Brian quickly wiped off his tears and went to open the door.

" Oh hey Kevin. Come in" Brian said

" Are you ok Brian?"

" Yeah I am fine"

" Hey where is that music coming from? It is good!"

" Oh, it is a CD I bought, it is really good." Brian lied through his teeth. Then he turned it off.

" Well I wanna hear it too. Don't turn it off, turn it back on. I like it" Kevin said.

Brian turned it back on and took the note and put it in his pocket. Kevin really liked what he was hearing.

" What's her name?"

" CoCo Lee" Brian responded.

" I am calling management and asking them about her!" Kevin got up and called his manager and told him about CoCo Lee.

*********************************************************************** Author's note:

Hey guys! Yes that was CoCo Lee. CoCo Lee is really famous in Australia and the European countries. Go visit her site WWW.COCOLEE.ORG or go to WWW.AMAZON.COM and check out her CD. Her voice is absolutely wondeful! Her songs are soo good. Even for a gay guy like me! hehe...go listen to her tracks and download it off napster or something. Go buy her CD because it is good! The next segment probably won't be coming out till later. I mean really later...bye bye!

Next: Chapter 21: The Truth 2001 10

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