The Truth

By Jason

Published on Nov 23, 1999


Okay here is the second part of The Truth. I am so sorry it took so long. I had some personal matters to take care of but here it is. I hope y'all enjoyed the first part. Remember if you are under age or wutever, please leave, other wise, enjoy yourself.

Part 2 "The Truth" By: Jinray and Toby

It was a fresh start for everyone, everyone except Brian. Remembering the events that had happen to him last night was too much for him to handle. He manage to get some sleep but in peace. [ring, ring] The phone rang.

"Hey morning cuz, want to come to breakfast? It is in Howie's room." Kevin asked Brian cheerfully hoping Brian would go.

"Yeah I 'll be there in a bit," Brian replied.

"Ok later then" Kevin said.

Going to breakfast was hell for Brian because of seeing Nick. ********************* 15 minutes later:

[Knock, Knock]

Kevin went to open the door.

"Finally you showed up," Kevin said sarcasticly.

"Yeah," Brian replied in a low voice as soon as he saw Nick.

"Hey everybody," Brian greeted everyone.

"Morning," said AJ.

"Morning," said Howie.

Everyone else said hi besides Nick.

"Hey Nick, Brian said morning. Are you awake?" AJ asked laughing as well.

"I DON'T TALK TO FAGS!" Nick shouted. which caused an errie silence to the room.

"What are you talking about Nick? It is Brian." Kevin told Nick.

"I know, he is the fag!" Nick harshly replied. Brian had tears in his eyes as everyone stared at him.

"Brian, what is Nick telling us that you didn't say anything about?" Kevin asked with a slight angered voice. Brian didn't say anything.

"Well Kevin, let me tell you. Your wonderful cousin and our lead singer is also one of those fags that hang around the streets looking for someone's ass to fuck when they have nothing else better to do." Nick answered for Brian.

"Is this true? Brian are you um...?" Kevin didn't get to finish when Brian shouted,

"YES, I AM GAY. Are you happy now Nick? HUH? Everybody else knows, why don't you just announce it over to the whole fucking world?" Brian was now crying. His tears were flooding the room. The atmosphere wasn't all that cheery.

"Brian, why didn't you tell me earlier? I mean I don't mind and all but...?" Kevin stoped himself before saying what he was about to say. Brian couldn't take it anymore. He got up and started to walk back to his room.

"Owww... look at the faggots who is trying to run from all fears," Nick said aloud. No one not even Kevin stood up for Brian. Knowing this Brian hurted even more. His family and friends didn't help him in the time of need. He now changed the pace , he was running with tears just free falling from his eyes back to his room.

As soon as he got there, he locked himself away from the rest of the world. He sat in the bathroom crying and thinking what he had done to deserve this pain. Soon enough it was 2 o'clock. The BSB had to get pack and go to a different hotel and go the airport to pick up NSYNC. They are touring with BSB in this European tour. They all had their bags and started to go to the elevator, when Kevin notice his cousin wasn't there.

"Where is Brain?" asked Kevin in a concerned voice.

"Probably playing with himself in the bathroom," Nick said with a laugh. Everyone laughed with him besides Kevin. He headed towards Brian room's room. Just about when he was going to knock, the door opened.

"I remember Kevin," Brian said to his cousin in a unfriendly tone. Kevin was shocked by the way Brian just talked to him but he droped the case. Everyone piled into the limo. The ride to the airport seems like years since it was so quiet.

' Ladies and Getlemen, we are about to arrive at our destination. Please fasten all seat belts. And thank you for flying European Airs.' the captain said over the speakers.

"WOW! We are going to be touring with BSB. YAY!!!" Chris shouted sacasticaly.

"Yeah I know. bummer huh?" JC tried to joke with him.

"Guys stop, BSB is not all that bad," Lance tried to say, but ended up in a laughter.

"We are almost there and remember to be nice even though our record is topping their but still... be nice," JC warned everone with a big smile. Justin and joey were fasted asleep for the half of the trip. JC and Chris held Justin's and Joey's nose. Both of them jumped up.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" both of them said in unison. This casue the entire band to crack up laughing.

"GODDAMNIT JC! WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM YOU BASTARD?" Jutin yelled at JC while Joey did the same to Chris.

"We're sorry," JC and Chris both said. " It was fun though," JC said in a very low voice. Chris heard that and both of them giggled. Justin gave both of them a stare that can kill. Finally, NSYNC got out of the airplane and into the airport. By now the tesion was over.

"There they are!" shouted AJ. Everyone greeted everyone witha friendly hug besides Brian. that might add to what nick is saying about him. Everyone headed toward the limo and everyone just chatted about old times and how fun it was being on MMC. Nsync was chatting and so was everyone else. Brian sat in the corner alone.

"Hey Brian, are you sick? You haven't been talking to us?" Joey asked in a caring voice.

"Oh sorry just have a lot on my mind that's all." Brian lie. Good thing Nick was too busy talking to JC to even remember about Brian.

"Oh ok , that's kewl," Joey replied. The rest of the way to the new hotel wasn't too long. When they got there, not a lot of fans were there because people had work and stuff. JC went to the front desk and immediately he got a note from their PR director. It was the list of names that people were bunking with. He brought it to the guys and read it off.

" Ok, Lance and Howie, Kevin and AJ, Joey and Chris, Me and Justin,and Nick and Brian," Jc finished. Before another word was spoken, Nick blusted out.


"Um... guys... Brian is um...he is gay," Kevin told everyone. Everyone in NSYNC was cool about it. Nick once again spoke up.

"Well someone else better double with him because I am not going to." No one said anything for about 10 seconds. Brian felt real left out; an outcast. He face expression was in pain. Justin saw this and said,

"I 'll bunk with him, that is if you don't mind Brian and JC?"

"Nah, I am cool. Are you Nick?" Jc turned to Nick who nodded quickly and happily.

"Ok then everybody lets get a move on," Kevin and JC said together.

"Oh no, we have another Kevin," AJ said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, we have another JC, just terrible," Justin said to everyone then poked Brian in the stomach trying to make him smile. Brian smiled one just for Justin. NSYNC went a confernece room to talk to thier alone.

"Why did you want to bunk with Brian? I mean you don't know the guy and plus, he's gay," Joey kindly asked Justin.

"Well, everyone desserted him. His friends and cousin wouldn't even speak up for him. I just felt sorry I guess. I mean if someone didn't want to bunk with you and no one else will either, wouldn't you feel really bad. He just came out to everyone about his sexuality don't you think if his band members won't be tolerant, don't you think we should?" Justin asked everyone.

"WOW, our little Justin just grew up. He isn't that little annoying brat no more," JC said with feelings to what Justin was saying.

"Hey, was I really that annoying?" Jsutin asked while he blushed to the comment JC made.

"You don't know half of it," Chris joked. The meeting was boring as hell. It lasted for an hour.

********************* After the boring meeting:

"Wow, is this place amazing or what?" AJ asked in amazement.

"Yeah, it is real nice here," Howie agree.

"Let's go to our rooms," Kevin ordered. ********************* "Let's go to our rooms," Jc ordered.

"Damn, I mean two JC, I don't know if I am going to live through this one," Chris joked.

"Hey Justin, becareful, he is gay and you ae very attractive," Lance said in a very concerning way.

"Yeah thanks, I know," Justin replied. *********************

When Justin got to his rom, Brian was already in there. Brian was wearing a blue shirt, black nylon pants, and white sneaks.

"Hey Bri. I hope you don't mind me calling you that?" Justin said trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey Jus, I don't mind, do you?" Brian asked.

" Nah, me fine,"


There was a long phase of silence before Brian broke it.

"Justin, I want to thank you for what you did down there. I appreciate it a lot," Brian told Justin in a very polite manner.

"Hey what are friends for?" Justin question with a smile until he just relize what he just said. " I am sorry."

"For what? I mean you weren't those bastards who turned on me," Brian declared in a anger tone." Can we just not talk about them right now please?"

Brian was about to brake down just remembering the pain.

"How about this? You and me have dinner together and lets not mention about any problems, just happiness. ok?" Justin suggested.

"OK, thanks, I wouldn't mind at all," Brian answered.

To be continue... ****************** Well, there it is, the second part. I know it is still boring but there is going to be some dirty stuff in there for all those horny readers. Just joking. Please keep e-mailing us and give us ideas and remeber the idea that is sent to us, they will get there name mention in our news letter and our author's note. There idea will be in the story as well. Thanks for all your support and thank you Nifty and Jinray. Be sure to read, 'Finding Love' by Jinray. Thanks again. Peace y'all.

Next: Chapter 3

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