The Truth

By Jason

Published on Apr 30, 2000


Hey guys! WoW! It has been A long time since I written in! how are all you guys doing? I am doing Fine! I am soo sorry about making this big delay! So on with the stroy! If you are under age please leave, if not enjoy!

The Truth 2000-6 By: Toby

Brian Knew Justin hung up on him and his love.Brian release the phone and sat on his bed in his dark room crying silent tears. Justin was doing hte sma ein his room/ BSB were staying at the Marriot while NSYNC stayed at the Sherlton. The night was cold and clouds were coming in. Brian slowy fell asleep.


Brain and Justin sat next to each other holding each other's hand while the wave crashed upon the rocks. Justin and Brian just kissed. They did nothing but kissed. Brian let Justin's tougue explore his mouth. Brian just swallowed loads of justin's saliva.

" I love you Brian," Justin said breaking the kiss.

" I love you too Justin abd i will never stop,"


Brian woke up with sweat covering his body. Brian felt confused, dizzy, and very uncomfortable. He rememebered giving Justin's his love and trust. He gave Justin a ring to symbolize his love for him. Justin was the only one that accepted Brian's sexuality and Brian is now treating Justin like shit.

Justin fell asleep in his room.


The images of Brian slapping him played over and over. The painful words brian spitted out came like knives cutting Justin's heart into a million pieces.

" I can never hate you," repeated itself with Brian's voice over and over.


Justin woke up crying. He rolled into a ball and cried. HE then turned on the lights and found in his back pack a picture of Brian and Justin in a goofy position. then at the bottom of his back pack was the necklace Brian gave Justin in 1999. Seeing all this Justin cried even harder. HE was going through a tough time. No one can comfort this pain besdies Brian.

Two weeks passed by. Justin lost 50 pounds. JC and the guys saw that Justin was getting thinner. JC asked Jsutin to eat but Justin didn't eat at all. The tour of Battle of The Band began. Everyone was booked on the same floor in the same hotel. Everyone was happy besides Brian and Justin.

One day BSB had a meeting and Brian was late. Justin wanted to go out. On their own ways. Justin saw Brian, he froze. Brian saw a man standing there but didn't reconizge him. Brain accidently bumped into this thin man. Knocking both onto the groud in the hotel.

" Oh I am so sorry..." Brian's vocie trailed off. This man looked familiar. Who is he? Brian couldn't remember. The two band are on the same tour but haven't seen each other for a couple weeks.

" Ummm. it is ...ok... Brian..."

" JUSTIN!!!"

Justin started to cry. Outside the rain fell heavly onto the earth's surface. Justin ran outside into that rain. Brian followed. Outside fog was heavy and you couldn't see anything...not even your own hand. Justin ran until he got to a corner of a strre and sat down and cried in the rain. Next to him was a fire hydron.

" Damn! I love him... I ...AHHH!!!" Justin screamed.

Brain ran in the heavy rain trying to find Justin in the rain. Nothing. Then he heard a scream. He went forward. A car was driving at the speed of 130 MPH on the wet road.

" SREEECHHHHHHHHH! CRASH" This driver lost its control and hit a fire hydron. Brian was just feets away. He saw the car and in the middle of the road was a body. a thin body. BRain hope for the best and ran over to that body.

" NOOOOOOO! JUSTIN!!!" BRian cried out in pain.

" I you... nothi.g will ...chnage... that... I am..going...t o die...happy..knowin..g i ..was..held by" Justin managed to get out.


" Don't..... ...yo...u c.a.n't ...k...eep....."

" NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

WOW a lot of things happened so quickly. I think I am going to end it soon but don't know when. BUt thanks to all you guys reading it. I will try to have it posted out soon. E-mail me comments...suggestions... and whatever. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 18: The Truth 2000 7

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