The Truth

By Jason

Published on Jan 18, 2000


This is the next part. The Truth 2000 part 2. So , how did you enjoy part 1? It is something new to me. Well, if you are under age please don't read but if not enjoy yourself.

The Truth 2000 Part 1

Justin's dream:

' Whooshp '

" Awww, awwww, please stop I can't take it anymore, awwww please stop" Justin begs this dark figure.

End of Dream.

Justin woke up crying and sweating like hell. He gazed around and saw Brian sleeping next to him. Justin got up and walked over to the bathroom, turned on the light and slid down from the wall. He put his knees up to his chest and hugged himself.

" It hurts so much, it hurts so much, I am sorry, it hurts so much," Justin kept on saying in whispers while tears came down from his eyes. Brian woke up and saw light coming from the bathroom. He quietly walked over to it. He heard someone say ' it hurts so much ' over and over. It was Justin.

" Justin what's wrong?" Brian asked still kinda asleep.

" Bri, it hurts so much," Justin kept on saying and hugged himself and kept on crying.

" What does?" Brian was confused.

" My chest and stomach," Justin told Brian.

" Come here let me see," Brian lifted Justin and slowly took off his shirt. After taking off his shirt, there reviled a huge ' X' mark in red across his chest and stomach. " OH MY GOD, SHIT, what happened?"

" I don't know, I have had this 'X' ever since... ummm... nothin, it doesn't hurt anymore, it is always a short, thing. I am fine"

" ever since what? What happen to you in LA? Tell me Damn it!" Brian is very concern for his boyfriend. Brian is angry at Justin for not telling Brian.

" OK! Justin please stop yelling at me, I am so scared right now, please don't hurt or hit me.. please," Justin was crying and going crazy. It seems like the entire world has just collapse on to him. Justin couldn' take this pressure anymore. " I was on the plane to LA. I had a dream that my... Mrs. Harliss... she tied me to a pole and started to whip me with a thin rope that they whip horses with. She kept on telling me to call her Mrs. Harliss, she doesn't have a gay son, she kept on lashing me, it hurs to much. I told her to look at me as I was jonathan, she told me Jonathon will have nothing to do with his faggot brother."

" Oh my poor Justin, come here, let me see it," Brian was now crying himself.

" Please Brian... please make it stop hurting... please," Brian has never seen Justin so hurt and scared. Justin moved over to Brian. Brian put some lotion on it and carried Justin to the bed.

" Justin Timberlake, you are my baby, my love, my life,my angel, I will never ever hurt you. I love to much to do that. Now that you are in my arms, nothing can harm you ever again. I had a dream too, you were in the bathroom cutting yourself. that scence kept on playing over and over again. I couldn't stop you from doing it. Now come on, lets get some rest," Brian suggested.

" Ok, good night baby, I love you so much," Justin and Brian went to sleep in each others arms.


" Justin, Justin baby, wake up come on," Brian tried to wake the sleeping angel. Brian gently touch Justin face then trailed down to his chest. justin soon popped up in a sitting position.

" Oh please don't hurt me, please..." Justin woke up and saw what was going on. " oh hey Bri, sorry,"

" No No No, don't be, I understand, are you ok? We are off for like a month, would you like to go anywhere? We can go.." Brian was interupted by the sound of the phone. " it must be Kevin.... Hello?"

" Hey Brian, how are you doing?"

" Oh hey Leann, I am doing good u?" Brian's attention was now fully on the phone with his conversation to Leann Wallace leaving Justin feeling alone.

" Brian I am wondering if you want to come down to our studio and have lunch with me and Matt,"

" Matt? Matt Thompson?" Brian sounded shocked.

" Yeah, bring your friend too, Matt is leaving again, back to LA so come n and we can chit-chat, tell Justin Britney is going to be here," Leann told Brian her plans.

" Ok, see you at noon, later" Brian hung up and went over to Justin. " Justin, we are going to have lunch with Leann and Britney and Matt ok? Is that ok with you?"

" Oh yeah, just perfectly fine, I can do whatever you want!" Justin slammed the bathroom door. Brian went over to the bathroom and heard sniffles coming from inside.

" Just, Just? Open the door, please," Brian turned the knob and it was unlocked. " Justin if you don't want to go we don't have to,"

" No it is ok, I am sorry, I ... I.. I just wanted spend some time with you," Justin sobbed. Brian pulled him into a hug.

" Don't worry, we will, we will, We have a whole month to do that," Brian pick Justin up and got changed into a different set of clothes. They went to a car rental and rented a Mercades, Justin had one but since Lynn has it, justin doesn't have it any more. They drove down to Universal Studios. Justin didn't say anything. finally arriving at the studio.

" Hi I am Brian Littrell, Miss Wallace invited me," Brian was talking to the big security guard. The security guard led Brian and Justin go into the room where Leann and Matt was. The four people chatted. Brian and Leann talked about their past. Justin and Matt hit it off real good. Then Britney walks in. Britney joined Justin and Matt. The five of them went to an Italian restuarant for lunch. During lunch, Brian stood up and took Justin's hand. " Guys, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Justin Timberlake."

" Ohhh that is so sweet, good choice Justin!!!" Britney screamed in excitement.

" Thanks for your support," Justin said to the exciting girl.

" Congrats Brian, you are lucky to have someone as great as Justin," Matt was feeling not as well but didn't show.

" All right Brian, I am... ummm.. happy for you," Leann gave a fake smile." Will you excuse me, nature calls?" Leann get up and went to the restroom. " Set it up, NOW." She went back to the table as she left, happy. The five had a wonderful lunch. After the lunch, the five went to the mall and pick out some clothes. Time flew by pretty quickly. Leann decided to go back to the studio. On the way, Leann excused herself again because of the same excuse.

" Will you excuse me?" Leann walked over to an area where they can't hear what she was saying. " Is everything set up?"

" Yes Ma'am, everything is set according to order," A british man said from the other side.

" Good very good," Leann said in a evil voice.


" So you and Matt are hitting it good huh?" Brian asked.

" Yeah we are, he is very nice and we have a lot in common," Justin is glad he met Matt," I really enjoy his company."

" That is good I was hoping you two will get it off,"

" Ok people let go back to the studio, Brian do you mind if you and me go to dinner alone tonight?" Leann asked Brian.

" Ummm... Justin.."

" Yeah go on ahead, me, Britney, and Matt can hang out, go ahead and have a good time," Justin released Brian.

" Ok, let me go and change, meet you at the studio," Brian left for the hotel. justin stayed with Britney and caught up in their career.

" So Britney, how are you and that ' Broad in the Bottle' coming along. Have you heard that new song? ' What my Breast Wants'? I hate that song," Justin joked with Britney.

" We are good, she is a bitch but besides that and she is self-centered but besides that and besides the fact she is a worthless piece of shit, I would say we are doing just fine," Britney told Jusitn and Matt.

" Wow, thank God I am not in the music industry, with mean competitors, I would quit," Matt joked with the two singers.

" How about us get pizza for dinner?" matt suggested.

" Yeah sure, I was going to mention that anyway," Justin agreed. " Bout you Brit?"

" I can't, I have to go to do some late recording tonight, sorry. Wow it is already seven, I gotta go, Later" Britney gave her hugs and left.

" Well, I guess it is only you and me,"

" Yep, just you and me," Jusitn replied.

" How about that pizza?"

" Ok."

" Hey Matt how about a drink?" Leann walked in and served the two a glass of fine wine.

" Thanks, to everyone's fine career," Matt toasted.

" Ok," Leann and Justin said in unison. " Alright gotta go, see ya'll later,"

" Bye Leann" Justin and Matt said.

" Ok you two have fun now," Leann gave a wink.

Well, there it is. I hope you enjoy this. The next segment will be out in a week or so. I would like to thank everyone and Dave. Please I need a co-writer. Anyone who is interested please e-mail. till next time...

Next: Chapter 14: The Truth 2000 3

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