The Truth

By Jason

Published on Dec 31, 1999


Ok, this is part 9 of ' The Truth '. This part is going to be shorter than the other parts. Please bare with me. Thank you to all my supporters. Please if you are just starting to read please read the previses chapters. If you are under age, please don't read, if not please enjoy yourself.

The Truth Part:9

" Justin," Brian told Kevin.

" Yeah I love ya too, now get going," Kevin rushed Brian off.

" Hi, ummm... where is this plane going to?" Justin ask a flight attendent.

" This flight is going non-stop to Los Angeles, California, in the U.S.," the lady told Justin.

" All right, Beverly Hills here I come," Justin said. IN about 15 minutes, the plane took off. Justin decided to sleep.

Justin's Dream:

" Mom I am so sorry, I love you but I love him. Please be happy for me," Justin begged his mom.

" You get away from me you little freak," Lynn said while lashing Justin.

" Owww... please mom, stop," Justin cried from the pain, he tried to move but he couldn't. " Owww, please mom."

" I am not your mom, you will call me Mrs. Harliss. Jonathon will have nothin to do with you as well,"

" No please don't.... Mo.... Mrs. Harliss... please don't do this to me...Owwww...ahhh," Justin begged for his life.

Ended of Dream.

Justin shot his head up in the air. He felt pain on his front side and on his back. He went to the restroom and took off his shirt. He saw there was a large red mark ' X '. Justin now had tears in his eye. He missed being with Brian, he loved him so much but couldn't see him through away all of it for him. Justin exited the restroom and sat back down. Dinner was served but Justin wasn't hungry. Finally after the long flight Justin arrived at the L.A. International Airport. He checked out and hailed a cab to go to The Marriot.

Brian frantically looked all over Europe, He went from country to country. ' Where can he be?' Brian thought to himself. ' maybe he is back in the states and not in Europe anymore, I am going to Florida tomorrow.' Brian made his way to the airport to get a immediate flight to Orlando, Florida. The next morning, he took the flight to back home to Florida. During the flight Brian had a dream.

Brian's dream:

" Justin stop it, stop cutting yourself, stop it, you are hurting yourself, STOP." Brian screamed on the top of his lungs. The scence from the cutting just kept on playing back and back. Brian stood there helplessly looking at Justin cut himself. Brian had tears coming down his cheeks. Then he awoke. They were landing in Miami. The plane he was on didn't go straight to Orlando. He got on to another plane to get back to Orlando. He got off the plane and stood by the gates and in 20 minutes he was on his way to Orlando.

Justin checked in at the Marriot. He went to his room and watched TV and had room service for dinner. In the morning, Justin went to Beverly Hills to hop. He got reconized by a couple of people. That night he sat alone at Cast 'N' Cleaver, a fancy restaurnat in L.A.

Brian got on to the plane and was tired so he decided to sleep again.

Brian's dream:

A white light shoned through the framed door. A figure came out all in white with a gold stand on its head. " Brian, if you are worried about Justin, he is in the world's best place for movie stars and always Oscars, you will find him in a place where his mind can set free where sand and slide, in the city of Holly," The figure diapeared and Brian eyes shot open wide.

" Holly... best place for movie stars... Holly.. Hollywood," Brian mumbled to himself. " When I get off this plane I have to get to Cali.."

" Hi this is your captain speaking, we will be landing to Los Angeles, California in about 10 minutes, Please buckle up and thank you for flying United Air." then there was a click. Brian was shocked to hear this.

" Stuardiss, where are we leaving?" Brian asked.

" Sir, we will be landing in L.A., California.,"

" Thank you," Brian was shock on how he got on the plane going to California. " Wasn't this plane going to Orlando?"

" Yes it is," the young female replied.

" It is?" Brian sounded confuse.

" Yeah it is our next stop,"

" Ok thanks," Brian had the biggest smile on his face. Then in the 10 minutes, the plane landed in L.A. International Airport.

Well, there it is, told you it is short. the next segment it is short as well. I bet you know what happened already but still read it, it is fun. Thanks send all coments to

Thank you to my supporters.

Next: Chapter 11

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