The True Love of My Father

By private Gruesome

Published on Oct 12, 2018


Hi Guys

Sorry for the delay in getting the next chapter out.

Now you know the story behind the title, I'm sure there is one major question you are waiting to be answered, if he is bi why was I concerned about telling him and if I didn't know then why didn't he say when I came out. Sit back and find out.

Sorry for the poor spelling in the last chapter and a special thanks to John for offering to proof-read future chapters starting with this one.

One other thing, If any of you have a suggestion on how to write dialogue without the constant Dad said, Steve said, I said, Dad said, I would be grateful as the majority of conversations are verbal tennis rather than long monologues but I feel like the constant 'saids' is getting in the way of the flow.

Ben is asleep during this chapter as well, no he doesn't have a problem he is just a deep sleeper but he does wake up at some point.

As always hope you enjoy and feel free to get in touch.

PG xx

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Disclaimers The usual disclaimers and I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is fiction or not. FYI if you're looking to knock one out this isn't the story for you, I hope you enjoy anyway.

  • The Truelove Of My Father, Chapter 5 *

The kissing subsided but just as I was dropping off to sleep the whispering started again and woke me right up.

"You know how long I wished for this! Why didn't you say something before?" Steve asked

"I tried but that's far too long a story to tell at this time in the morning" Dad replied

I turned so my back was pressed against Ben's chest causing them both to look at me, they obviously thought I was asleep. "Why didn't I know!"

Dad sighed "Come on, if were talking about this were not doing it here, let's go to the kitchen table."

"Why not the lounge?" I asked

"The chairs are too comfy, I'm hoping making you sit up will tire you out maybe then I can get some sleep!" Dad replied with pointed looks but obvious kindness behind them.

We walked down to the kitchen and sat with Dad opposite Steve and me between at the head of the table.

"So..." Steve said

"The reason you've never seen me with a guy?"


"It's a bit of a long story I never tried to hide it. I suppose the place to start is when sprout was a baby, Jackie came over for dinner one night and we got to talking about my plans to date, by which I mean she asked if I intended to be celibate for the next 20 years in that really direct glaswegian way of hers. The upside was she offered to babysit you every few weeks so I could get out and meet people. I thanked her and was about to turn her down when she surprised me by saying `Man or Woman and park bench or bed upstairs, I don't judge.' So I agreed and it worked great, I'd meet someone and every once in a while they'd spend the night."

Dad looks at me and continues. "But then when you were 5, this guy stayed for breakfast and you really hit it off. For the next 2 weeks you kept asking when he was coming over again. After that I stopped bringing people back. No five year old should know what a one night stand is and I didn't want you growing up with a string of people at the breakfast table."

Now looking directly at Steve he added. "I decided to only let people I was dating stay. Unfortunately that didn't go so well either, my relationship with Sandy was a disaster, I tried keeping it going long after it should have ended, Mikey started misbehaving and doing badly at school. So I knew I had to find someone who was also good for him." Dad inhaled "Tell me how many guys do you know who are looking for an instant family?."

"True" Steve said

"But dad, why didn't you say last night when I came out?" I asked

"I didn't want you to think I was trying to steal your thunder, and I knew I needed to tell you soon but honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be this soon"

"So you finally asked me out because I offered Mikey a place to stay, you know that I can be trusted with him?" Steve asked almost defensively

"No fool! I've known that for years, I asked you because I like you, a, LOT!" Dad said with a crooked smile

"So why didn't you say anything before?" Steve asked looking very serious.

"I did, do you remember the day you moved in?"

"Yeah, we met as I was carrying in the last box and you invited me round for dinner so I didn't starve hunting down a takeaway & could meet some of the neighbours It's why I loved it here instantly, but I hadn't met Mikey & you definitely didn't ask me out"

"Not then I didn't. There was no dinner planned, I invited the others after I walked indoors so I could get to know you. Sue then invited you to her BBQ where you both met." A big smile spread across dads face "I remember Mikey staring at you from across the garden then walking over and looking you in the eye with that cute hard serious look he had for like a minute."

"Yeah, I remember that look." laughed Steve

"Finnaly he asked `do you want to play with me?', God knows what you were playing but he had you all over that garden and seeing the two of you together told me it would work if we dated."

"You just broke up with the one who shan't be named, so I wasn't sure if you were ready to date but started dropping hints anyway Then after a couple of months, I just thought you weren't interested, so I stopped and stuck with being friends."

"What hints" Steve burst out with a furrowed brow

Dad just smiled rolling his eyes "loads, the most blatant ones where asking what kind of guys you like and leading you to describe me, then after we watched my best friend's wedding I asked you what if we make a pact that if we're both still single on your 35 birthday, we'd give it a go. As a last ditch, I even went for a kiss once and got pushed away. Oh and what about the first time I asked if you wanted a facial for your birthday!"

I have to say even though dad hasn't been shy when talking about sex, the talk of facials made me blush

"I thought you were just joking and the last was after Sue and I had been talking about booking a spa day for her birthday I thought you meant you'd pay for me to go!"

A devilish smile appeared on Steve's face "Come to think of it, that's five you owe me. The sooner you pay the debt, the better you'll feel." He said, laughing through the last few words.

It's nice to see the funny confident guy back, but this talk is well beyond the pale and proves they can still shock me as I loudly inhaled a `huh'.

Once again the looked at me and laughed

"Maybe this part is getting a little too adult for you son, why don't you head back to bed, you don't want Ben to wake up alone do you, especially the first night you can wake up in each other's arms."

I couldn't deny his reasoning, after I kissed them both and headed to the door, I couldn't help my parting shot "make sure you clean up anything that doesn't hit Steve's face, I don't want Ben wondering why the floors sticky in the morning.

They both bellowed with laughter.

I got back in bed and wrapped my arms around Ben looking at his gorgeous face I kissed his lips and tucked myself into him, this was the payoff that made all the stress and planning worth it. I finally get to hold the man I love without fear.

Next: Chapter 6

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