The True Love of My Father

By private Gruesome

Published on Jul 25, 2018


Hi Guys Hope you enjoy the next instalment, I'm trying to keep them short and get them out quickly.

Thanks to the guys who got in touch its nice to know people are reading it.

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Disclaimers The usual disclaimers and I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is fiction or not. FYI if you're looking to knock one out this isn't the story for you as its pretty light on sex but full on love xx. Once you stop throwing up at the "full on love" bullshit I hope you enjoy

  • The Truelove Of My Father, Chapter 3 *

Looking out the window I see Ben walking down the path to the front door, Dad and Steve both release me so I can go and open the front door for him. I'd gotten so used to Dad holding me the lack of his touch felt like I had lost a limb.

I open the front door and Ben flashes his killer smile, "Hey sweet stuff" he says quietly while looking up and down my bare chest.

I smile, "Hey, glad you could make it, heads up Dad ..." but before I can tell him about Dad listening on the call, Dad appears at the door.

"Hey Benjy, don't stand out there all day come in" Dad says

Only I call him Benjy and when we're alone, how did Dad guess that but before I can think to deeply about it we are heading back to the sitting room.

Dad introduces Ben & Steve, catching Ben off guard introducing him as my boyfriend.

Ben and I sit on the sofa, but strangely Dad and Steve opt for the coffee table.

"Don't they look sweet" Steve says

"Yeah but I'm a bit worried, they haven't kissed once" Dad replies as though we aren't there

Ben just looks at me sideways trying to work out whats going on and I reach out and hold his hand.

"Well kissing in front of your boyfriends Dad might be a bit intimidating" Steve continues again as if we aren't there

"really? I never had that with my girlfriends, at their age we'd kiss for hours no matter who was near. I even got a cheeky finger in her a few times. maybe we should show them, how its done" Dad says

Steve laughs as they both lean in and have a short but wet kiss, "Your turn" Steve says as they break apart and look at us.

I have never seen Ben so shocked as I look at him and lean over for a little peck on the lips, "that's all you pimps are getting" I say to Dad and Steve, I can feel how tense Ben is but he seems to be relaxing

"Spoilsport" Dad says laughing with Steve.

"So Ben, tell us how you two lovebirds got together" Dad asks.

"Err, well we have been friends for years, then we realised we both fancied each other and it just kind of happened" Ben answered clearly unsure what to say.

"So how long ago did it just happen" Dad asks.

"A few months" Ben replies.

"I wondered why you were having so many sleepovers" Dad says smiling "so how many times have you fucked his sweet ass?" Dad asked lowering the tone.

I thought I was having a heart attack and Ben didn't look any better.

Dad laughed and reached out holding both our hands, "hey it's ok we where your age once. I just hope you have somewhere better than the park Benches I used to use, besides the bed upstairs should be big enough for bean poles like you both"

We are both redder than I have seen anyone in my life

"Ok the boys get it, only fuck in the house" Steve says, "now tell us about your first date"

Between being so thankful for the conversation change and the beer going to my head I didn't catch it

"We went to pizza express in soho and just cuddled in the square", Ben replied equally thankful, "it was great but I think the second date was better, we went to southbank and had another pizza then went to see love Simon at BFI"

"That's really nice" Steve says looking at Dad.

I only catch on when Dad pulls me to my feet and holds me from behind saying "sounds like some amazing dates to me son"

Steve picks up the bowl of ice and water.

It's too late but I beg anyway "No, please, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie, Please!"

It's no use Steve pulls the waistband forward and tips the lot down my jeans

They laugh as I let out a loud grown, Ben looks confused and upset. Steve and Dad notice and stop laughing looking worried too, they sit down either side of Ben and apologise to him, telling him it was just a bit of fun as I hadn't told them about the dates when they asked

"I'm sorry Ben, I loved all our dates, I just didn't know what to say when Dad put me on the spot." between the cold, my shame at lying and the fact I look like I pissed myself, I know I look a state standing there

Dad gets up and hugs me, then pulls Ben up and into the hug "it's ok son, but there's no need to lie, I think you make a great couple. Now how about you both go up stairs and get out of those wet jeans and ready for bed. Maybe Ben will help warm you up a bit too."

He leans over and gives Ben a peck on the forehead, letting us know he's one of the family now. "You've got 20 minutes to put on some boxers and get into bed before the film starts, while I make the popcorn and get everything ready" he says smirking.

I surprise myself by saying, "Dad can't we make it 40 minutes as i'm very cold"

"How about 5 and you have a hot shower alone to warm up" Dad counters

"20 minutes is perfect." Ben jumps in and grabs my hand pulling me towards the door.

Both Dad and Steve laugh at us

As we are heading across the sitting room on our way to my bedroom, Steve says to Dad he better go and get himself some boxers to wear as he's currently commando

They follow us out of the room as Dad responds, "Why not just borrow some of mine, the clean ones are in the middle draw under the TV, or there are some dirty ones in the laundry basket if you prefer." winking at Steve who laughs but goes a little red

I don't hear if Steves says anything after that as we are on the stairs and they have gone into the kitchen.

I'm sorry but i'm not going into the details of what happened while my door was closed, beyond that as the door closed I was in jeans with a member smaller than a chantenay carrot. It reopened with Ben and I happy and in boxers with enlarged but not obscene bulges.

We had a great time watching random movies and I love laying between Ben and Dad. Dads arms wrapped around mine and Steve's shoulders while Ben and I hold hands. I don't remember falling asleep but I felt so contented laying there I'm not surprised I did.

I woke up in Ben's arms hearing Steve talking, sounding upset but wasn't awake enough to understand what he was saying. The first thing I understood was Dad whispering, "shhh, you'll wake the boys up, it's too early, get back in bed and we'll talk in the morning"

Next: Chapter 4

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