The True Love of My Father

By private Gruesome

Published on Jul 24, 2018


Sorry for the weird formatting of the last chapter hopefully this will be better, Hope you enjoy this one and thanks to the guys who got in touch its nice to know people are reading it.


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The usual disclaimers and I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is fiction or not. FYI if you're looking to knock one out this isn't the story for you as its pretty light on sex but full on love xx. Once you stop throwing up at the "full on love" bullshit I hope you enjoy

  • The Truelove Of My Father, Chapter 2 *

Dads hand returns to my back allowing me to pull my head back and speak again but before I can think of anything to say, we hear the front door open and turning my head I see Steve looking flushed rushing in.

"Hey" dad says normally "you up for a beer?" while finally letting me go but putting his arm around my shoulder keeping contact all the time.

"Sure" Steve says looking confused still trying to take in the scene before him.

"Great, grab us both one and one for sprout too as he grew a pair today" dad says with a smile while grabbing my balls through my jeans and laughing, "oh and some ice" as he guided me to the sitting room.

Steve follows us in and I end up in the middle of the sofa with them either side. Steve looks at me and asks "so what's this about you having balls at last?"

"I told dad" I say, "and now he thinks he gets to touch me all the time and started smelling me like a werdo!"

"awwww" Steve says to me mockingly and looks at dad "so what's with the ice"

"Well, I think its time to find out what else he hasn't told me yet don't you?" dad says with a smirk while handing me one of the beers.

"Absolutely!" Steve says laughing

"Take a big swig, you're going to need the courage" dad instructs me while I sit confused about what's going on, I down a third of the beer in one go burping loudly immediately after causing both the others to laugh loudly

Dad and Steve start in on their beers too.

"So sprout, are you dating someone?" dad asks.

"No" I shoot back to quickly.

"Do you believe him?" dad asks Steve who shakes his head just as quickly.

Dad looks at me and says, "Son I hoped we could do this the easy way but obviously not, take your top off!"

"What!" I say but can already feel them both lifting up my t-shirt and naturally lift my arms, as soon as its off a flung across the room I feel dads arm back around my shoulder & he picks up some ice.

Dad holds it and asks again if I have a boyfriend this time I answer more truthfully "there's a guy but we haven't exactly gone on a date yet"

"But you've had sex" dad says as plainly as though he was asking if it was going to rain.

I start to deny it and Steve puts his arm across my chest as dad rubs the ice over my left nipple, the cold makes me grown and wriggle "YES!" I shout so he removes it.

"And!" Steve asks

"What do you mean?" I say.

"How many times?" dad asks.

"How was it" Steve adds.

"Are you monogamous?" dad continues.

"Do you need condoms?" Steve drops in making me go bright red

"I'm not answering any of that!" I say, "Really!" they both say together as Steve pulls my waistband forward and dad posts the ice cube through it. I shudder and moan as it slips down and rests on my shaft and right ball making my cock retreat quicker than the french army as they piss themselves with laughter.

"Is Ben you're not exactly boyfriend?" Dad asks once I stop wriggling.

Again I am bright red, with questions like this who needs central heating, He reaches for the ice but before he gets there I tell him Ben is.

Dad sits back and smiles at me then looks at Steve "Have you met Ben?"

"I think so, the blonde right?" Steve says looking at me.

I just nod.

"I think we need to celebrate Mikey's coming out and them dating properly don't you?" Dad asks looking at Steve as he puts his empty beer bottle down.

I start to panic "what are you thinking?" Steve asks

"Well, it's not a school night what about a sleepover?"

"Sleepover!!!" I burst out my eyes wide before Steve can say anything.

"Yeah, popcorn and movies in my room, the beds big enough for the 4 of us" Dad replies

"Four" Steve and I blurt out in unison.

"Yeah, if i'm going to interrogate the boy fucking my son all night i'm going to need help." Dad laughs

"And bodies are hard to carry alone I know." Steve quips and they both laugh again.

I'm starting to feel invisible until dad looks at me and I wish I really was. "So you gonna call ben and ask him over or should I?"

"I'm not sure he's free" I say trying to avoid it as long as possible

"Well, ask" dad replies pushing his right hand awkwardly into my right pocket to get my phone.

There's no avoiding it, I reach down and help him and taking the phone and as I unlock it and go to call Ben dad says the worst thing possible "use the speakerphone" the look in his eyes tell me there isn't any way out of this, my stomach is in my throat thinking about what Ben might say not knowing he's being overheard by Dad.

It starts to ring then all to soon I hear "Hey sexy"

"Hey G" I reply hoping using his standard nickname not our special one will give him a hint to our audience.

"Are you at Steve's" he asks with a slight concerned tone obviously fearing the worst from my subdued manner.

"No just with dad and Steve at home" hoping this will clue him in

"Dad's planning a movie night & sleepover if you want to come"

"Did you tell him" Ben asks

"Yeah it's all good, the sleepover is to celebrate me having the balls to tell him" I reply

"That's so sweet" I can hear the smile in ben's voice

"So you wanna" I ask

"Yeah give me 20, 10 if I get an uber. any chance we'll get some alone time, I can't wait to fuck your ass again" Ben has made my worst nightmare come true, I daren't look up knowing both their eyes were locked on me as I turned into a tomato between them, my mouth just hung open.

Dad leaned in and whispered in my ear "Just say `who knows, dads got to sleep sometime, see you in 20"

"Ok, love you bye" Ben said, "love you bye" I replied and the phone beeps telling us he'd gone.

`Love you bye' dad and Steve said together smiling but not mockingly. I just sat there looking and the floor below the coffee table.

Dad nudged me but I still couldn't look at him my embarrassment eating me alive, "Hey it's sweet and who knew my sons a bottom" he chuckles.

"Or he's versatile like me" Steve dropped in.

I still couldn't look up and after a silence that felt like an eternity to me but probably less than a minute dad comes to my rescue at least kind of.

Dad says, "Bottom or versatile I'm sure your great in bed, your my son after all" and chuckles again.

I finally glance up to see him smiling at me, he leans in and gives me a little peck on the forehead.

This is why I love dad so much, even when he is teasing me his love and support is never in question.

I don't want you to get the wrong impression, I'm not embarrassed about bottoming and I don't buy into that real men don't take just give bullshit, & by the way real men are to busy being themselves to go on about being an alpha, in my view if you have to think it let alone say it you aren't!

My feelings are simply because I'm not ready to share intimate details about my sex life with anyone but Ben.

Anyway let's get out of my head and back to why it's not the full rescue I had hoped for;

After a moment of silent contentment between the 3 of us, dad looks directly at Steve and says, "So greg was telling me that you said he could stay with you if it went badly"

"Yeah, it was a billion to 1 that it would but it's always best to have a backup plan" Steve answers looking a touch wary.

"I'm glad he has someone else looking out for him if ever I cant" dad said and smiled, "so you don't think I have a problem with you being gay"

There it is that virtual gut punch I hoped for once he'd forgotten or at least moved on from it.

"No, why did you say that?" Steve asks looking very concerned now

Nodding towards me, "This one said i'm more distant with you than the other guys like i'm afraid to touch you or something" the joviality has gone from dads voice as he says this, I have never felt so ashamed or that something I said has obviously hurt him so much.

"Not at all and i'm sure it's not what he meant, yes you have a different friendship with me than the straight guys round here, but not for one second did you ever make me not feel welcome or accepted and I know Mikey feels the same way now he's told you, sometimes before you tell people your gay you get locked into replaying the worst case scenario, maybe that's what he meant" Steve jumps in and comes to my rescue.

"Dad, Steve's right I didn't mean you don't like or respect him. I'm so sorry that I didn't word it better and hurt you" my eyes watering again.

"Ok but let's put this to bed once and for all, what makes our friendship different?" dad asks

Steve's brow furrows as he thinks for a minute, "I suppose the only real difference is very little contact between us, I think this is the closest we've ever been for more than a few minutes" Steve pauses before the realisation of what he said occurs to him and he quickly continues, "not that you have to, get close or touch me I mean, I'm happy with things the way they are just you asked the difference", he's now obviously feeling as trapped by his own words as I had in the kitchen earlier

Dad looks Steve in the eye and says, "well we better fix that quick-sticks then" smiling he reaches up with his right hand and reaching the back of Steves neck, he pulls Steve in for a kiss, which rapidly escalates form closed lips to full tongue fight.

I know the lack of reaction or surprise might be hard to understand but i've seen dad kissing loads of guys over the years, at Christmas everyone kisses under the mistletoe, even Grant who makes Danny Dyer look as butch as Julian Clary kisses all the guys at the Christmas parties (Sorry I can't think of a more international example, maybe one of you readers can help me out here).

Admittedly it's never been with tongues before. Anyway, within a minute it's over, dad let's go of Steve as the both pull back.

"Better?" Dad asks.

"It's a step in the right direction I suppose" Steve says trying to look nonchalant.

"I give you the best kiss of your life and that's your response!" Dad says, the normal lighthearted mood finally back between us.

"Talk about big headed!" Steve throws back.

"Oh I see, so the next step is showing you my dick so you can see just how big its head is" Dad's obviously pulling out the big guns, and no that's not a pun.

"There's no point showing it to me as i've had far bigger than yours" Steve's not backing down either!

"Bigger maybe but none as beautiful as mine!" Dad continues

"Doesn't matter how beautiful a toy is if you can't play with it though", I've never seen Steve be this bold, he's normally folded by now

"So what you're saying is you want a facial for your birthday" Dad says, with all the emotion I would have asking if Steve if he wanted socks

Steve opens his mouth to throw back a retort but stutters and goes bright red before anything resembling a word is heard. Dad laughs so hard I swear the window pains are rattling.

Steve still red, unable to put a sentence together in the face of an offer for a facial, however jokingly made. As dad's laughing finally calms down, he looks at Steve sitting there sullenly, at this point I really must have been invisible, as neither seemed to notice me. Dad leaned over and gave Steve a peck on the lips, then apologised if he'd taken the joke too far. Steve just smiled saying it was ok.

Just then we heard the front gate open.

Next: Chapter 3

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