The Truck Stop

By Timi Darlington

Published on Mar 16, 2023



Tranny Tales Stories of an amateur cross-dresser's fantasies and true adventures

The Truck Stop

I stayed out way too late and as often happens. I just didn't want to go home! My family was out of town allowing me a very rare opportunity to dress up and enjoy a night on the town, my home town! Of course I knew the bars, restaurants and sex shops from frequent day time visits. What made it even more fun was meeting up with some of my friends. They're platonic friends, but oh, so enjoyable to be with.

It was a cool spring evening and nearly perfect for cross-dressing, at least for me! Although I didn't anticipate having sex with anyone, I cleansed before trimming and shaving my body hair. I so enjoy that special delight of preparing for a man or, at least the possibility of being with a man! I usually dress up at a motel or at a friend's home. As a secret tranny, dressing up at home posed unique opportunities and challenges. While I could savor my feminine time in our relatively large home, I would need to leave and return driving through the neighborhood and dodging friendly but inquisitive neighbors. That required some stealth and very good timing. Fortunately, my outing would be later in the evening, after dusk, making it difficult for anyone to recognize me. Oh but the challenge was part of the fun of cross-dressing and I had done it several times before.

I did my usual make-up routine while deciding what to wear. I chose my favorite extra short and extra tight black mini-skirt with an equally tight beige sweater, the kind with a zipper in front. Underneath, I wore my usual black corset, matching black bra and violet panties. I wore one of my long, thick, brunette wigs and a colorful floral print scarf around my neck. With my 4-inch pumps on, I was ready! To be extra careful leaving my neighborhood, I raised the garage door from the wall switch and waited inside for the garage door opener light to go off, the kind that switch off after about five minutes. That way, I could get into my car without anyone seeing me at least very clearly. I quietly backed out of the garage onto the driveway. Thank goodness there were no neighbors outside. So, I promptly headed to the freeway!

My little outing was pretty routine, at least to the extent that any of my cross-dressing outings can be considered routine. I met up with a friend at our favorite bar. From there we went to a popular gay restaurant for something light to eat. I next visited other bars where the bartenders were both cute and friendly. For my final stop, I checked out a favorite sex shop to browse and be a little "tease" for any men that might be there! It was then that I discovered I was almost out of gas! Ordinarily, I fill up before going out. But, this time I forgot. Worse yet, I wasn't sure how much further I would get without filling up. Needless to say, being cross-dressed and out of gas on the freeway was not how I wanted to end the evening!

Fortunately, there was a large convenience store coming up on the next exit and still some distance from home. As I approached, I realized it also included full services for trucks. I've heard of such places where truckers could get all kinds of services including showers, meals and a lot more if they were discreet! Such places could even be termed "pickle parks" where hookers were known to hang out. But, my immediate attention was on filling up my tank and not getting some dick. Dressed as I was, I picked a service island away from the store and could pay at the pump. Whew! All went well until I went to put my gas cap back on. Ordinarily, the gas cap is attached to the lid covering the hole where the gas goes. However, at some point over the years it got disconnected. So, I had it resting on the trunk of the car. When I went to reach for it, it rolled off the trunk, bounced on the pavement and conveniently rolled under my car! I think this happens to all of us from time to time with tools, groceries and gas caps. If it falls, it rolls under the car. Back home, we call it "car suck".

And, ordinarily, it would have been a simple matter to bend over to reach under the car and retrieve it. But, there I stood, in an ultra-tight and short mini-skirt with my gas cap, "dead centered" under my car. So, dressed as I was, it was going to be very awkward and very revealing to anyone passing by to look up my skirt and realize there was something not quite feminine tucked under my panties! Nevertheless, I had to retrieve it before someone else pulled in behind me for gas! I was about to squat down on my hands and knees on the filthy pavement to reach under the car when someone came up behind me and said in a slow, southern drawl, "May I be of some assistance, miss?" From his vantage point, he couldn't avoid seeing that I was not anatomically a "miss"! Nevertheless, I responded as sweetly and as softly as I could "why, yes sir, my gas cap rolled under my car." In less than a second, this burly, masculine man deftly reached under and retrieved the cap and installed it where it belonged. We call it "car suck" where I come from" he said with an engaging and friendly smile. "My goodness!" I responded, "I was thinking the same term!" We both laughed.

He came up behind me so quickly he startled me and I was a bit flushed. He seemed to notice my awkwardness saying "I didn't mean to scare you. I was watching you and saw what happened." I said, "That's all right, my attire just isn't conducive to retrieving gas caps from under cars!" He laughed and in that instant, I knew we would connect. Oh, he was devilishly handsome, well-built, but not heavy like some truckers. He had thick black hair, a little long, in need of some grooming and a little wet from a shower. He was tall, well over six feet wearing a western styled shirt, boots and tight blue jeans! From what I could tell, he was nicely endowed. He noticed me glancing at his crotch and I blushed even more catching myself in the act of looking!

He stepped away to pick up a duffle bag he had placed in front of my car before retrieving my gas cap and said "that shower sure felt good, almost as good as a good as....." He didn't complete the sentence and I was left to wonder about what "as good as....." might be. So, I asked. He looked directly in my eyes and said "sorry, I didn't mean to imply. It's just that a man gets lonely on the road." I asked "Would you like a little company?" His face lit up and was about to respond when a car pulled up and honked waiting for me to move. I turned to apologize and then said "let me move my car. Where are you parked?" He pointed to a lone tractor-trailer toward the back of the lot. "Let me give you a lift" and we got into my car and took off toward his truck. Ok, I'm generally on the shy side. But, I was hot for some cock and knew what he wanted and needed. It was a classic case of serendipity and I wasn't going to let him get away!

It didn't take any time for him to get acquainted with me, or at least with my legs as his left hand stroked my thigh. "My name is Todd," he said in a quiet but firm voice. "What's yours?" he asked. "Well," I responded, "for when I'm dressed like this, I go by Tricia!" He smiled telling me he liked that name as his hand continued stroking my thigh. We quickly arrived at his truck. He got out to unlock it while I parked my car a short, discreet distance away. I'm always practicing my "sexy" walk in a skirt and heels and I managed pretty well as he seemed to enjoy watching me! The next challenge would be scaling the cab to reach the door. He unlocked the truck and I reached up and grabbed the handle bars on each side of the door. He "assisted" me by grabbing or groping my rear supporting me just long enough to reach the door handle to open the door. With another push against my tush, I was safely in the cab. He walked around the front to the driver's side and soon joined me. He started the engine that would provide us a little light from the console, a little air circulation for some comfort and some country western music from the radio.

The cab was more spacious than I thought it would be and I glanced around noticing that there was a small sleeper in back, comfortable for one. But, sleeping wasn't on my mind! He must have followed my thoughts as he quickly pointed out the various features in the cab and pointing to the sleeper behind us. "Would you like to get a little more comfy?" he asked. "Yes!" I responded perhaps sounding a little more excited than I wanted to. "Look," he said, "I'm married with kids. I've never really done anything like this." I was a little skeptical with that as everything about him seemed to be so smooth, so easy. "Don't take this the wrong way," he went on, "but, if my wife asks me if I've been with another woman, I don't have to lie do I?" "Well, I guess not," I said, "and I won't take it the wrong way. But, when I'm with a man, I feel like a woman." "Well," he said, you certainly look, act and sound like one! Yes, You're plenty woman enough for me." "Our secret," I replied.

The cab offered more room for us to remove our clothing. So, while he pulled his jeans and shirt off, I wiggled out of my skirt, unzipped my sweater and unhooked my 38C bra releasing my real, A-cup breasts. No, I never pursued breast enhancement, but at least I could offer a man my small but nice tits complete with very perky nipples! Oh, but there was nothing small about Todd's "package". He had a very thick 7-incher that was already nicely erect! He saw me looking and maneuvered from the driver's seat over to the passage way into the sleeper where he stopped, turned and facing me and asked "Would you like to suck it?" Well, duh! Of course! So, I did my own maneuvering to where I could reach it with my lips. Oh, his dick and balls had the fresh scent of soap with just a hint of "man musk". I kissed the tip feeling the big, soft mushroom head on my lips. I then kissed and licked his balls feeling the course pubic hair on my tongue before taking his dick all the way into my mouth. With a little work and saliva, I managed to deep throat him enjoying the sensation of it sliding in and out of my mouth. Being so thick, I choked a bit. But, I wasn't going to be deterred from such a wonderful experience! While I continued to tease, suck and caress his dick and balls with my lips and tongue, I slipped off my panties and then explored his burly chest covered with thick, wiry hair, found his nipples and gave them a playful pinch. He seemed to enjoy my efforts saying "oh, thank you! That feels so good!" As I caught my breath, I responded, "Oh, baby, it feels good from my perspective as well".

Neither one of us wanted him to cum just yet. He suggested we crawl back into the sleeper saying "Ladies first." With that, I wiggled by him and as I did, he playfully slapped my rear. The sleeper was cramped but cozy with barely enough room for one person, much less two. He slid in behind me telling me to "ride him". So, as he stretched out, I crouched down to suck his dick once more being sure to apply lots of saliva to the head. I then straddled him, facing him and gently, oh so gently, guided his dick up my ass. "Ooooh, yes!" I whispered as his dick entered me, passing through the narrow opening of my sphincter and on into the wonderland of my rectum! I began to thrust up and down on him, wiggling and twisting and taking his dick deeper into me. My hands and fingers slowly caressed his hairy chest. Oh, how I love stroking a man's "fur" while we're fucking! His hands reached up to pinch my nipples and squeeze my little breasts! This was sheer delight for me as my moans were matched by his, each of us in our own special but shared bliss! I could do this for hours and often do with a dildo. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing like a real man!

After several minutes of "riding" him, he said "now, it's my turn to ride you!" So, we did some more maneuvering as I got on my back with him on top of me, his hands clutching my ass and his dick resting on top of my tummy. I put my hands around his neck in total surrender. He kissed me hard on the lips, parting them with his tongue that had the slightest taste of a recent cigar. Oh, I so love getting kissed by a He-Man cigar smoker. He then bit my neck, just above my scarf before moving down to kiss, nibble and lick my nipples. I was in paradise with this man making love to me. It felt so warm, so natural and so right to me! Oh, but he moved still lower until his face was between my legs. He started licking and biting my thighs just above my thigh tops before licking, kissing and ever so gently nibbling my dick (or clit as I prefer) and balls. His tongue was like a feather caressing, tickling and exciting me! Oh, but going still lower, he lifted my legs such that he could kiss, lick and tongue my "pussy"! Now, paradise became ecstasy as his tongue reached deeper and deeper into my sphincter! Oh, what a man! As he licked, tongued and nibbled, all I could think was how wonderful this was. I was instantly envious of any woman who gets her pussy and or ass eaten! Oh, but now it was my turn and I loved every second as I wiggled, squirmed and moaned. In the dim light I could see his handsome face between my legs as he switched back to sucking my dick bringing me very near orgasm! Oh, but I didn't want to cum just yet either! I just wanted him to fuck the hell out of me!

He was reading my mind as he lined up his dick, still moist from my saliva and mixed with some of his pre-cum, along the groove of my ass before placing it just inside my sphincter. Then he gradually yet intensely forced it into me. Oh, once again, I thrilled to the incredible sensation of having something so hard and thick penetrating me, invading me, taking me and causing me to scream. The sudden pain of his entry was almost instantly replaced by sheer pleasure! I wiggled my ass to take more of him into me feeling him fill my rectum with his massive cock. Slowly but effortlessly he fucked me harder and harder holding me at the waist fucking me continuously with no let up. Being on the road for days, perhaps weeks, left him with pent up sexual energy and drive and I was there for his release and his relief!

After what felt like an eternity, a delightful eternity, he suggested we get on our sides, in the spoon position. I eagerly agreed not wanting to lose the moment, or his erection! I turned on my left side with him behind me. I then snuggled up against him feeling his hardness invade me once again. There is something very special about "spooning", a closeness or perhaps oneness. His left arm was underneath me, holding me at the waist with his right arm was under mine, stroking and caressing my tits. Nothing felt more perfect than to have this man in me, fucking me with me pressed against him. With a little effort, we managed to kiss while he continued to pound my pussy and perhaps it was the kiss that set him off. He started to moan, and asked "may I cum in you?" It was so like him, this delightful man, to ask permission to take what he already possessed. I responded "YES, please, baby, please cum deep inside me!"

His right hand left my tits and grabbed my cock milking it until I started to moan. And then it happened, we had simultaneous orgasms as we continued to kiss. Oh, it felt so perfect, so natural for a man and woman ~ or at least a man and someone almost like a woman! Anyway, he continued to thrust into me, my ass an inviting receptacle for his eager dick long after he had cum. And then we rested, snuggled closely together with his arms holding me so tight and my arms securing his around me. Nothing, absolutely nothing could top this experience and I savored every second.

We must have slept for about an hour as His truck continued to idle. I was still in a fetal like position with him behind me, my knees up and his behind mine and his dick, still at least semi-erect resting inside my "pussy". I could feel his warm breath against my neck as he slept, quietly, peacefully. I gently pulled away from him just enough to turn and kiss him. He opened his eyes and said, "Thanks, baby! I needed that!" "Oh," I whispered, "I needed that too!" I started to work my way back to the cab, to retrieve my bra and panties. I slipped them on as he joined me as I put on my sweater and skirt. Once I was "re-assembled" I used a mirror behind the passenger side visor to touch up my make-up. With a little powder and fresh lipstick, I was once again presentable to the world outside. Oh, but I hated leaving this man's world for a gloomy night and future without him! But, once with him was far better than never experiencing him at all.

With a deep sigh, I gathered up my keys, purse and phone and grabbed the door handle. He reached over to grab my hand and started to speak. But, I spoke first saying "Please don't. Please don't say good-bye! I just don't think I can hear it. Just know that I will always think of you, this night and the few hours we had." With tears in his eyes, he whispered "I love you, baby!" With that, he let go of my hand. I opened the door and began my uncertain descent to the ground, this time assisted by gravity and not groping hands. I proceeded to my car, my heels clicking on the pavement, once again practicing my walk. I started my car and drove away, avoiding any bright lights.

It was after 3 am and I knew my neighborhood would be quiet. My only concern would be some bored policeman keeping a wary eye out for anyone driving in the small hours of the morning. Fortunately, I saw no one after I took my exit off the freeway. I slowly drove through the neighborhood, touched the garage door opener and touched it again after I was safely inside. I could still feel him, feel him next to me and feel his swollen cock inside my pussy. I could feel the cream that he deposited deep inside me and slowly leaking out and into my panties. My nipples burned with pleasant sensation of having been loved. I was spent but in a very delightful way. With my make-off removed, I slipped on some silky pajamas and snuggled into bed. Off in the distance I could hear the whining of tires, truck tires, on the freeway. I knew I would forever love truckers, but one trucker in particular. Wherever you are tonight, sugar, you are loved!

Greetings all!

While my tranny name is Tricia Louise i now go by Timi also. If You got this far, i hope you enjoyed my story. While i'm a little more into "retirement" these days, i still enjoy "femming up" a little and visiting friends, bars and sex shops occasionally.

I'm married. But, I have nice Daddy friends who enjoy my services. I do enjoy corresponding with Men who appreciate us along with other like-minded "demigirls". You'll find me very responsive, caring, and friendly. I love swapping photos and stories and enjoy writing about my adventures, thoughts, feelings and fantasies.

Please be safe! Love,


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