The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Sep 1, 2007


The Troop - Part 6: Roy and Timmy Finish up - Rob's Paper Boy Delivers - The Viewing Room - Jake and The Mayor - Garry comes home.

Young Timmy felt as though he were floating on a cloud. Time seemed to hold still for long periods, then speed up to a lightning-fast pace. The feeling was unlike anything the boy had ever felt before. All bad feelings about Roy had left his mind. He could not remember why he was originally upset that the teenager had called him here. He felt so safe and warm in his strong arms.

Roy's fingertips gently glided over his naked flesh. He felt tingles that made his entire small frame shudder in delight. He heard moans escape his mouth that he couldn't have stopped if he tried, but at the same time he couldn't always tell if it was himself sounded like his voice, but he wasn't sure.

Roy hadn't taken the formula in several days, now he was once again floating on the stuff, damn near as good as his first time. He reminded himself to lay off the stuff for a while so he could experience this feeling again. The little boy was heaven in his arms, so soft and beautiful...he couldn't stop touching him if he tried. He brought his lips to the boys ear.

"Feel good?" he whispered.


"Such a handsome little man..." Roy whispered, gently brushing his lips against the boy's ear. His hands found the boy's chest once again, his fingers lightly gliding across Timmy's little nipples. Timmy writhed in the arms of the older boy, pleasure coursing though his skinny little body.

Roy knew it was time to take it to the next level. Scooting his butt backwards away from the edge of the pool, he pulled the boy after him. Then, he moved from behind the boy until he was beside him, gently pushing on his chest, making the kid lay down. In an instant he was kneeling over him.

"I've wanted you so long...." Roy whispered as he slowly lowered his head.

Timmy couldn't believe what was happening. Roy was kissing his lips gently...the boy was too shocked to do anything at first. The older boy's warm lips felt good. He finally closed his eyes and began to return his advances, puckering and kissing Roy's moist lips. When he felt Roy's mouth open and felt his tongue licking his lips, trying to push inside his mouth, he didn't hesitate and opened his own mouth.

Roy felt the little boy's arms wrap around his neck as their tongues swirled together. He lowered his body slowly until his throbbing cock felt the cold wet cotton of the kid's underwear.

Roy broke the kiss and began to move himself downward, his mouth moving over Timmy's narrow young chest, kissing. He discovered one of the kid's nipples and sucked it in. Delicious.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Timmy moaned, his slippery-wet little body writhing as the older boy licked at his chest.

Roy moved downward, licking as he went...his tongue gliding on the perfect, smooth young boy flesh. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he had arrived at the wet waist-band of Timmy's underwear. He moved down further to the little tent that had formed in the middle. He pulled the wet cotton into his mouth, sucking.

"Ahhhh God." Timmy sighed, his little rump raising off the floor.

Timmy could not believe the incredible pleasure he felt at the older boy's touch. Now he looked down, moaning as he watched Roy work his cock through the wet cotton of his briefs.

Roy slipped his fingers under the waistband of Timmy's underwear, slowly pulling them down to the boy's knees. Now, Roy's face was directly above the kid's pelvic area, watching the beautiful, hairless little 3 inch cocklet throb. He opened his mouth wide and placed it over the stiff little rod until his lips met the soft skin where hair would sprout in two or three years, closing his lips, he sucked slowly upward.

"Jesus." The boy whispered as he arched his back.

Roy began to move his lips up and down, flicking his tongue at the little cock-head as he worked. Timmy's legs parted, forcing his undies to slide down over one knee, as the older boy began to gently rub his smooth little thighs, working his fingertips up and down on the left side, then moving over to the right, occasionally stopping in the center to gently fondle his little balls. Roy reached down and pulled the kid's underwear off. He tossed them over his head, they landed in the pool where a grinning pool-boy would find them still floating the next day.

Timmy raised his head and watched as the older boy licked his little prick up and down, flicking his tongue at the head and then move downward. The little boy threw his head back and moaned as Roy placed his warm mouth over his little balls, sucking the entire sack gently in and out of his mouth. Timmy felt as though he could not spread his legs far enough, wanting to feel the older boy's tongue on his entire crotch, which is exactly what Roy did next, licking on either side of Timmy's little balls.

Roy's tongue glided over the smooth, completely hairless flesh. So delicious. Gotta eat his little hole, he thought and began to move downward, flicking his tongue, groping for the kid's ankles as he went.

Timmy felt the teenager's tongue move downward. He felt strong hands grab his ankles and push his little legs upward....he knew what was going to happen next but he still didn't believe it until he felt the older boy's hot breath on his butthole.

Roy plunged forward, his tongue stuck out, rigid. He speared the tight little sphincter as neat as you please, plunging in as far as he could go.

Timmy felt Roy's tongue slip inside him. "Uhhhhhhh....Jesus..." he whispered.

Roy was in heaven, slurping and licking the tight little fuck-hole as he listened to the music of the kid's cries. He raised his head.

"Flip over, cutie."

Timmy obeyed immediately, knowing exactly what Roy wanted.

"Yeah, that's it." Roy breathed, reaching for the boy's cute little buns, pulling them apart as he moved in with his tongue once again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhyeahhhhhhhh." Timmy moaned, "Jesus....lick it.....yeaahhhhh...fuckin' lick it man."

Timmy had never felt anything so fantastic in his life....he pushed up with his little butt, unable to get enough. He could not believe the endless string of profanities that poured from his mouth.

"Jesus, kid," Roy panted, "So fuckin' hot."

"Please....don't stop....more....please." Timmy begged.

Roy slipped his tongue back inside, feeling the kid push up, humping his tongue. He raised his head and quickly wet a finger, then began to gently massage.

Timmy was about to protest when the hot, wet mouth left his hole, then he felt the finger. Yes, this was what he wanted!

"Yeah......put it in me." He sighed.

Roy barely got the finger in to the first knuckle before the boy slammed his ass back, ramming the finger in to the hilt.

"Ahhhhhh yeah.....yeah.....oh God, more....more!" Timmy cried.

Roy twisted the finger while moving it in and out. The kid went nuts, moaning, pushing upward with his little ass. Roy spit on the kids ass, then quickly, rudely added a second finger, pushing both in deep, then began to hammer the kids ass, his hand smacking into the kid's spongy little butt as he finger banged him.

Timmy let out what was close to a scream, the fantastic "tickle" (that was the only word he could think of later to describe it) that hit his cock, balls...his entire crotch, caused him to lose his vision for an instant. Roy reached between his legs and grasped his little dick, causing the feeling to double, then triple as the teenager stroked quickly, his fingers continued to dig and plow the tight little hole.

It began for Brendon Roberts late that afternoon when he decided to finish off the Gatorade that his son, Garry had brought home for him. Brendon, or Rob, as his friends called him, was not a very good neighbor and didn't really socialize with the neighborhood families. His son, on the other hand was a friendly boy....he was currently being friendly with two of his neighborhood buddies and their dad in the motor home across the street.

Rob was feeling really fucked up from the 2 beers he had drank after he finished the he was really super horny. The wife was out...across town at a girlfriend's house. He was about to do something he hadn't done since he was 14, jack off in the bathroom over the toilet, when he looked out the window.

13 year old Steve Jenkins was coming up the walk.

Rob liked Steve. He didn't toss the paper in the yard like the other carriers. He came up on the steps like a civilized human being and placed it in the paper rack. Such a nice young man. He got up to greet the say "hi", maybe hang out for a few minutes....maybe offer the kid something to drink...

"Jesus." Rob mumbled. Looking out the window, Steve was still walking toward the house, even though it was only a few feet. Next thing he knew, he was opening the door. He hadn't recalled walking across the room.

"What's that mister Roberts?" Steve asked with a touch of a smile on his face.

"Nothing," Rob answered absently, "How are your today, Steve?"

"I'm's your paper."

Rob stared into space for what seemed like a hour, finally he remembered that the Jenkins kid was there.

"Yes! ...thanks Steve." He stammered, remembering that he had wanted to invite the kid in for a bit, but not remembering why...he did know that it was important. "Come on in for a sec....want a cookie?"

Want a COOKIE??? Rob thought, What the fuck, the kid isn't 5!! WANT A COOKIE? Geez....What the fuck is WRONG with me?

"Sure, mister Roberts." Steve answered and stepped past Rob.

Rob was about to say "Call me Rob", then decided that he liked the boy calling him "mister"...he was not sure why.

Steve walked in, Rob followed. "Take off your coat."

Steve obeyed immediately, taking off the light jacket with the funny "fist" logo on the back.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

" a beer?"

Rob looked at the boy, he was smiling, but didn't look like he was kidding.

"I don't think you should have a...."

"...I'd really like a beer, sir."

Rob was clearly not himself. There is no way that under ordinary circumstances would he ever give a 13 year old a beer. These were not ordinary circumstances. Rob was definately fucked up, making the boy's request for a beer seem almost like a normal thing for a 13 year old to do. The kid had asked for a beer, when Rob had started to protest, he had not taken no for an answer. The only logical thing to do, in his mind at the time, was to get the boy a beer.

Steve was sitting in the over-stuffed chair across from the couch when Rob returned.

Rob looked him over.

The kid was awesome looking, dark brown hair and eyes so dark brown they were almost black. Rob handed the boy his beer, gazing into those hypnotic, dark was almost like if you gazed into them long enough, you could get lost.....and not find your way out again. The kid was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt that didn't go all the way to his belt line. Smooth, tanned skin showed for about 3 inches, with a light dusting of dark hair that disappeared into the waistband of what appeared to be boxer shorts...3 inches further down, the boxers disappeared into loose fitting blue jeans cinched with a belt. Rob looked at the bare skin once appeared as though the kid worked out.

"Might wanna be careful of that beer....I got a funky buzz goin on from just two."

"What else did you have today?" Steve asked, that smile again, his brown eyes sparkled. Rob felt himself swoon and tried to gain control.

"Not much....oh! Garry gave me a bit of Gatorade..."

Steve said "Ohhhh. I think the beer will be fine," the boy said, popping the top and taking a large pull, probably finishing better than half. "Aren't you gonna join me?"

"Nah, it's like I said...I got this funny buzz." Rob said as he watched Steve tip the beer back again, finishing it easily. "I'm not sure...if it's not the beer then...."

" another one?"


"Another beer, sir."

"You'd like another?"

"Yes sir."

Rob rose again, although he could not remember sitting. When he came back in the room, the boy was shirtless.

"Didn't you have a shirt?"

"Yeah...warm in here." Steve said, taking the beer from Rob's hand...Rob seemed to have forgotten it was there...his eyes were on the boy's smooth chest, and that trail of hair that disappeared.......

Jesus! What the fuck??

"Everything ok sir?" the boy asked, that smile yet again.

"I...I guess so...just..."

"Fucked up."


"You'll be fine, sir."

"Yeah? How do you...."

"It was the Gaterade. Your son's Gaterade."

"How do...."

"Don't worry about it...Garry called me, told me you would probably drink'll be fine after a nap." Steve said. He was now rubbing his hand across his smooth chest.

Rob didn't notice that his hand had fallen into his lap and was squirming there....he was sitting down again. Garry had spiked the Gatorade with something? Not possible.

"You don't normally deliver the paper today, do you?"

"Yeah...I am delivering today." Steve winked, then tipped his second beer a second time and it was gone. He tossed the can on the floor, Rob didn't seem to notice that either. Steve, now with both hands free began to feel himself up, rubbing his chest, his tight abs, pinching his nipples.

"Jesus, this feels good sir."

"Yeah...." Rob whispered.

"You are playing with yourself, sir." Steve said, grinning.

Rob looked down. "Oh, Jesus...I'm so sorry, son."

"'sokay...check it out, dude." Steve said. Taking a couple of steps forward, he began pinching his nipples again. "Ahhhhhhhhh.....I love my nips played with, don't you man?"

"Yes..." Rob whispered softly.

"Play with yourself, dude."

"Huh?" Barely a whisper.

"Rub your cock, sir."

Rob began to rub his throbbing meat once again. He watched as the boy's hands stopped at his beltline. A thin line of drool began to run from the man's mouth.

"Garry drugged you, mister Roberts." The boy said.


"The Gatorade, sir...The drug kinda takes the edge off."

"Why would he....."

"....he thought maybe you'd like to fuck me."

" mean...."

"....yeah, stick your cock up my asshole....fuck me."

Steve grinned devilishly, Rob swooned and thought for a second he might pass out...then the boy began to remove his belt. His baggy pants dropped almost immediately, reveiling red, white and blue stripped boxers.

"Very patriotic." Rob mumbled.

"Like 'em?" the boy said, grinning down at his boxers, ""Got 'em on sale."

They boy stepped out of his pants and stepped a bit closer. He placed his hands at his sides and grasped the waistband of the shorts. Slowly, ever so slowly, he began to push them down.

"Fuck said I'd like to..." Rob said in a daze, he looked up at the boy's smiling face.

"Yeah....fuck my ass." The boy repeated. "You'd like to, right?"

Rob watched, his heart pounding in his throat. The line of hair seemed like this would take forever. Now a larger patch of dark hair began to appear.

"God..." Rob whispered.

"You could bend me over the edge of the couch here," the boy gestured at the arm of the sofa, "You could lick my butthole...get me nice and wet."

Slowly, the shorts continued down. Rob noticed the tan line and the paler skin previously hidden by the boxers. The patch of hair the base of the boy's shaft surrounded by the black hair....still more...the kid had a lot of shaft for a 13 year old....did the kid mention that Rob could lick his ass hole? Rob wasn't sure.

5 inches later the beautiful velvet tip sprang free.

"Sweet Jesus.." Rob whined.

Young Steve let the boxers drop to the floor, his beautifully proportioned balls were now reveiled.

"You like it?" the boy asked.

"Jesus....yea....yeah." Rob stammered.

"I think you should probably check it out a bit closer."

Steve stepped forward, Rob leaned forward, taking the throbbing hard boy-cock into his mouth, sucking it like he had been sucking cock his whole life, sucking all 5 inches down to the balls, his nose buried in the musky, sweaty black hair.

"Ahhhhhh yeah sir.....yeaaahhhhhhhhh." the boy moaned as the man slobbered up and down his stiff boy-pole.

This is so fucking hot! Rob thought, This is my 13 year old paper boy!! His hands wandered, exploring the boy's naked body, moving in behind and squeezing the full globes of his hot young ass....then moving upwards over his ripped abs...he couldn't believe how soft and smooth the boy was.

"You must work out, son."

"Yeah...I do, don't talk....suck it."

Rob obeyed.

"Ahhhh God yeah...faster...ohhhhhh yeah, suck it, mister Roberts....yeah."

Rob felt as though he were starving, sucking like a crazy man. He loved the feel of the stiff, hot and throbbing flesh in his mouth. He couldn't get enough.

"You must do this alot, sir....mmmmmmm so good."

"Hmmm?" Rob question with his mouth full of teenage cock.

"Suck must suck a are so good at it."

Rob looked quickly up at the handsome young face. "First time." he said quickly, then swallowed the delicious, throbbing boy-dick once again.

" really know how to please a guy......ohhhh yeah...that's it...lick the head, sir...ahhhhhhhhh.

Rob pulled back and looked at the glistening-wet tool in his hand, then began to slurp on the head, sucking his way down the shaft....downward, taking the kid's balls into his mouth...their musky taste filled his mouth causing him to salivate...drool ran from the corner of his mouth as he slurped the teenager's sack. Licking his way upward again, he plunged back down on the throbbing young cock, sucking it up and down.

"I think I need another beer."

Rob took his mouth off the wonderful boy-tool for a second and said, "They're in the fridge." Then plunged back down again, as if he could continue while the boy went after a beer.

"Ya know, if I go get one, I have to take that with me." Steve said, grinning down at the man.

"Oh.....right." Rob said, looking at the beautiful cock before him, "Then don't go." He swallowed it once again, sucking deep and hard. His hands moved upward and found the boy's firm, smooth chest. His hands glided toward the kid's nipples and began to gently twist and pinch.

"Ohhhhhh yahhhhhhhhhhh.....Jesus! ....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, mister Roberts....fuck, thats so good."

Rob picked up speed, slurping and sucking, up and down....faster....faster.

"Ahhhhh yeah.....gonna cum soon....Jesus, yeah....don't wanna cum yet, sir...." The boy moaned, "Please stop sir.......ahhhhhh God yeahhhhh." The boy made no move to stop the man, but Rob wanted this to last a bit longer; to see what would happen next. He had to literally force himself to take his mouth off Steve's cock.

"You really know how to suck cock, mister Roberts." Steve said, turning away to get his beer. "You'll be a favorite down at headquarters."

Rob got his first look at the boy's sweet ass as he walked away....beautiful. Holy shit, was his fucking paperboy really naked in his house? He glanced out the window at the fading daylight, wondering when his wife would return, hoping it would not be soon. He had no clue what the boy meant that he would be a favorite, nor did he have any idea where "headquarters" were. He also had no clue that his entire life was about to change in a way he could have never predicted.

The boy returned, no less hard than when he left, with an open beer in his hand and the remainder of the 12-pack carton in the other. He sat in the large chair once again..

"Take off your clothes," he said, setting the 12-pack on the floor, then taking another large pull off his beer. "Man, I'm catching a fuckin' buzz."

"You want me to...."

"Take off your fucking clothes, wanna fuck my ass, right?" Steve said.

"I didn't think we were really gonna...."

"Hell yeah! I'm not leavin' till you do....think about it man, you can blow your fuckin' load inside me." The boy said with a beer in his left hand, his sweet young cock in his right, slowly stroking from tip to base.

Rob began to unbutton his shirt.

"Yeahhhh, that's it, sir!" Said the boy, grinning, "Yeah...wanna see your big cock, dude."

Rob looked up, the boy was grinning, still slowly stroking his prick with his free hand. "Yeaaaah....take 'em OFF, dude." He whispered.

Rob stood, shrugging out of his shirt, then nervously began fumbling with his belt.

"You gotta hairy chest, man...I like that." The boy said, then swallowed the rest of his third beer, that done, he cracked a fourth and took another large pull, belching loudly afterward.

Rob finally managed to undo his belt then worked the button and fly and dropped his pants. He quickly heal-toed out of his shoes and stepped out of his pants.

His boxers were a huge tent.

"Oh yeah...let's see it dude, stop fuckin' around...take 'em off." Steve said, tipping his beer once again. Once done, he tossed the can over his shoulder where it bounced off an end-table and onto the floor. The boy cracked a fifth one.

Rob said nothing about the beer can, but he was concerned about the number of beers the boy was consuming.

"I think you've had enough beer, Steve." Rob said shakily, unable to take his eyes off the naked boy and his still throbbing cock.

"I don't think you are in any position to tell me how much beer I can drink, mister Roberts." Steve said as he walked toward the man. "I think I can do pretty much anything I want." He was now face to face with the man. "C'mon, dude...I'm getting a buzz and having one will find out, I promise."

The boy smiled. Rob swooned, the kid was fucking beautiful.

"Now take off - Your FUCKING - Shorts." The boy giggled. "Sir."

Rob was shocked. This was his nice, polite, always smiling paperboy. This kid was completely in control, and Rob suddenly discovered that this excited him. He hooked his thumbs into his boxers and pushed them down. The small confrontation with the boy left him shaky and nervous, but it did nothing to his raging hardon. Rob could not remember the last time it stood up so far and was this stiff, he guessed that it was probably when he had been a teenager.

"Holy shit, mister nice.....yeaaahhh." The boy whispered as he slowly sunk to his knees. Rob felt the kid's hot breath on his chest....his abs....pubes....and finally on the head of his 7" of throbbing manhood - - right before it was swallowed completely. One second the boy was kneeling before him, the next his young lips were touching his pubes, he could feel the head of his cock in the boy's throat. The pleasure was so intense that it turned the man's knees to rubber. His legs began to shake.

"Easy there, big guy....sit down." Steve said.

Rob sat, the boy was on him again like a tiger, sucking him deep, fondling his big nuts.

"AhhhhhGod yeahhh....oh yeahhhh, kid....yeahhhh." He moaned as he placed his hand on the back of the boy's head, stroking his soft hair lovingly.

Steve's friend Duncan from The Troop had taught him how to take a cock deep without choking on it. Steve was so into being used...his favorite thing was to have one up his ass and another in his mouth, plowing him. He was having a he was drunk as hell.

Rob looked down at the young boy's bobbing head. "You said that GARRY said that I'd like to fuck you? ....I really can't see him saying anything like that."

Steve looked up, grinning. "Yeah....things have changed for you today."

"I don't understand."

Steve grinned again, then licked the head of the man's swollen cock. "Take a second and think about your kid, mister Roberts. When was the last time you walked into the can and he was naked, drying off from a shower? ...or maybe you saw him walking down the hallway in his undies? ....think about his room, shirtless, laying on his bed listening to his Ipod."

Rob looked dazed as he began to think about his son from an entirely different prospective.

"Now," Steve said softly, dropping his voice to almost a whisper, "Think about him naked....and you naked, with him laying on top of you, your hands squeezing his ass. Think about him bent over in his room, your cock inside him, FUCKING him, sir......he's telling you to do it harder, faster."

"My God...." Rob whined.

"I've fucked him, sir....he's un-fucking-believable."

Steve went down on the man once again, sucking him deep.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Rob moaned, thinking about the past week...the times he had seen Garry shirtless, in his tighty-whities...the lump of his developing boyhood visable under the tight cotton. It had been a while since he had been in the bathroom when Garry was drying off, but the memories flooded back. His little cock would swing back and forth as the boy dried his back. He though about his son's little ass, fresh out of the shower,shiny wet.....about how he could move up between his legs....spread those sweet little cheeks with his thumbs. "Ohhhhhh suck it, kid....suck my cock."

He pictured his son on his knees, worshiping his manhood, sucking daddy's thick cock.

Rob suddenly couldn't wait until his son came home.

Brandon awoke, it was like slowly climbing stairs leading out of a deep and dark celler.

As the ceiling came into view, he remembered where he was....and the strange dream that had haunted his sleep. He raised his head. He was laying on top of a sleeping bag, he saw that he was completely naked. He heard whispers and soft giggles...he turned his head to see his friend Willie, naked, his head resting on his dad's chest. Eddie was also completely nude. Willie's leg was drawn up, lying across his dad's pubic area, his arm was thrown across the man's chest. The two hadn't noticed that Brandon was now awake.

Panic hit Brandon like a hammer.

The previous night had not been a dream.

Am I gay? He thought. He took a second, took a shallow breath and then thought about it, running the events of the previous night through his head.

The answer was no, but he had definately changed, that was for certain. but how....and why?

He also noticed the bizzare stop-start, herky-jerky feeling had subsided. His feelings were still the same, however.

Brandon discovered that he was ok with that.

A couple feet away from him, father and son continued to whisper.

"She doesn't give a fuck about you, pop.....she's only here for the money."

"So now I'm pop?"

Giggles from Willie. "You don't like pop?"

"Pop is just fine, kiddo."

Brandon watched, smiling as Eddie kissed his boy on the forehead.

"I know that she's with other guys...I just didn't think I was up to the task of kicking her out, going through the nasty divorce, watching her take half of what I have worked for....including you."

"No fucking way I'd go with her!" Willie said, raising his voice a bit.

"Maybe you wouldn't want to, but you are only probably wouldn't have any would be up to the judge."

"I'm thinking she wouldn't want me around anyway....I'd just be in her way."

"You are probably right, kid."

"I think you should talk with her...tell her that it is over, maybe settle out of court for a small settlement. She'd jump at the chance to get paid a big lump sum and leave....I'm pretty sure of long as she don't hire a lawyer.

"Maybe....." Eddie said thoughtfully.

Will droned on. "You could tell her that you would give her this lump sum and she can leave...and if she takes you to court that you will fight her and she'll get nothing."

Eddie looked at his son like he was seeing him for the first time. "When did you get so smart? ...we have missed so much."

"Not anymore, pop."

Eddie began to tickle his boy, Willie squeeled and giggled.

"Man, you sound like a little girl when you squeel like that." Brandon said. He had rolled onto his side and had his head propped up on his hand, watching the two.

"Hey little man....finally awake! I thought you were dead for a while there." said Eddie with a grin.

"I slept like the fuckin' dead....after last night." Brandon said, flushing slightly and grinning.

"Last night...." Willie said, trailing off.

"Yeah..." Brandon said, "I mean...why do you think we....I mean....I STILL want to, ya know?"

"It's that Troop gas, right pop? What else could it be?"

"Huh?" Brandon said.

Will told him the story of the dude and the canister of gas.

"Pop said it's from that Troop place."

"Let's see it." Said Brandon.

Willie rose and retrieved the canister from it's hiding place, then handed it to Brandon.

"Yeah, it's their logo....wonder what it's all about? I can't figure that anyone Terry knows would have anything to do with that place, ya know?"

Willie nodded. "I know....doesn't make sense."

"I plan on going over there to discuss it sometime this week....but today I have other things I need to do, not so pleasant things." Said Eddie.

Willie joined his father once again on the sleeping bag.

"So you are gonna talk to her?" Willie asked.

" That is, if she comes home today."

"Cool." Said Willie, grinning.

"Can I take this home today?" Brandon asked, holding up the canister.

Willie grinned at his friend. "I'm not sure how much is left in it.....I ran it a couple of times yesterday."

"I think it would be ok." Eddie said, fairly sure he knew what the boy had in mind. "As long as you bring it back....I plan on taking it to the Troop to ask about it....I don't care if it's empty."

"Cool." Brandon said, turning the small tank over in his hands, already making plans in his head.

"Since it is going to be a rough day...I think we at least need to start it off right." Eddie said, placing his hand on his son's chest and rubbing back and forth, lazily down over his tummy to where his young cock was already begining to stiffen. Eddie took his boy's dick in his hand and began to stroke it slowly.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Willie moaned, placing his hands behind his head as he watched his dad go down on him. "Jesus......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Grinning, Brandon moved to join Willie and his father, his own hardon pointing the way.

Timmy had lost all sense of time.

The formula had reacted with his system like no other boy before him. They were currently in the small apartment that Roy and Duncan shared, although Timmy had no idea how he had gotten there...the time when he had walked into headquarters to discover that Roy had tricked him into coming seemed like a year ago.

Roy was almost frightened by the way lust had stolen the boy. They had been by the pool, Roy had begun some mild butt-play....rimming, and then fingering the kid deep. Timmy could not get enough of this, begging for more. Roy answered by inserting a second finger, sliding in deep and twisting gently, always adding fresh saliva as he didn't want to hurt the kid. When young Timmy asked the older boy to stick his dick inside him, Roy immediately said no.

"Why?" the boy sighed as the older boy moved his fingers in and out of the tight little hole.

Secretly, Roy wanted to fuck the little guy so badly that his cock ached for it....but he also knew that to hurt this kid would be big trouble, no sex was worth his stature here at the Troop.

"I can't risk hurting fucking way....just enjoy what I'm doing to you with my like that, don't you?"

"Yeaahhhh......but I want more....fuck meeeeeee."

Roy had spit twice more onto the boy's hole, then slowly added his ring finger. Timmy little sphincter expanded nicely, snugly grasping Roy's fingers. He tried to imagine how it would feel with his cock in there.

"Ahhhhh God, yeah....I like that...feels so good...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Roy reached between the boy's legs with his free hand, no sooner had he started playing with the stiff little cocklet, Timmy dry orgasmed again, crying out...begging once again - and quite loudly - to be fucked.

Roy had looked up at the cameras in all four corners of the room. All Doc had to do was flip a switch and they'd be seen. Roy couldn't be sure, but it was even possible that they were being recorded. He knew it was time to move to where it was safe, up to his apartment where no cameras existed.

He had gathered up what clothes he could find. Then the two had donned robes from the locker room and headed to the fourth floor by way of the freight elevator.

Once they were in the room, Roy felt safe.

As soon as he was on the bed between Timmy's legs, the idea of fucking the boy wandered into his mind and took a seat there.

Now, he knelt behind the boy, his huge cock, now dripping with lube, aimed at the boy's tiny little ass. He moved forward, the head penetrated easily, Timmy moaned, trying to push back.

"Easy there, cutie...." Roy said, placing a halting hand on the boy's little rear, "Let's take it nice and easy, ok? Let me do this."

"Yeahhhh....ok.....yeah...fuck me...."

Roy began to slowly slip his cock inside the kid. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." he sighed as the boy's tight sphincter gripped his hard cock.

"Jesus....yeaaahhh." Timmy moaned as the older boy's cock filled his ass.

"Ahhhhhh..God yeaaaahhhh," Roy moaned as his pubic area contacted soft boy flesh.

Roy was amazed at how easily the boy had taken him inside, never once indicating that he was in pain. Timmy began to plead once again to be fucked.

Roy didn't disappoint.

Grasping the skinny little hips, he began to fuck the boy, gliding easily in and out.

"Oh my God...yeah...oh yeahhhhhhhhh." Roy moaned as Timmy's tight little ass milked his thick teenage cock.

Roy quickly picked up speed, hammering his flesh into the boy. Timmy's pleads for Roy to fuck him had turned to soft whimpers as the teenager satisfied his urgent need. After about 3 minutes of this, Roy quickly pulled out, flipped the boy, raised his legs onto his shoulders and reentered. He lowered his head, placing his mouth over Timmy's soft lips.

Timmy wrapped his legs around the older boy's ass as they kissed. Roy's ass began to move once again, moving faster until it was almost a blur as he drilled the kid. Sloppy-wet kissing sounds, grunts moans and cries, as well as the unmistakable flesh meeting flesh sound of fucking filled the room as the two coupled.

They fucked in every position imaginable. With the boy laying on his side and Roy behind him, holding Timmy's leg high as he pistoned his cock in and out. Then Roy lay on his back, with the younger boy straddling, riding the thick pole. And finally with Timmy bent over the arm of a soft chair. It was at this point that Roy could take no more, he felt his thick cum boiling in his nuts, ready for release. He began to hammer harder, crying out as he fucked the sweet little ass. At the last second, he pulled free, jacking his thick meat rapidly, moving up to the boy's face.

Timmy didn't hesitate. He knew what was going to happen and he couldn't wait. He took the thick head into his mouth as Roy jacked and cried out.

"Ahhh God....Uh. uh. uh. uh. UHH! UUUUHHH!! ...UUUUUHHH! UUUUUUUGGGGGG!!!" He cried.

The initial volley of hot cum hit the back of Timmy's throat and caught him by surprise. He gagged, spewing the cum back onto the teenagers cock. Roy grasped the back of the kid's head and pushed his cock back inside. More cream rocketed from his cock, filling the little boy's mouth. This time Timmy swallowed hungrily, only to have his mouth filled once again by the horny young teenager. Roy now had both hands on the back of the boy's head, fucking his sweet little mouth as his cock fired again and again.

Finally, exhausted, Roy collapsed into the chair. Timmy was immediately in his lap.

Roy giggled. The kid's mouth was surrounded by his thick spunk. As well as a couple small spurts on his cheeks.

"Could't take it all, huh?" Roy panted.

Timmy returned the older boy's smile, gazing into Roy's eyes with nothing less than adoration. "It came out so fast." he giggled.

Roy placed his finger on the boy's face, scooping up the remnants of their lovemaking. He then placed the finger at the boy's mouth.

Timmy opened willingly, unable to believe how delicious the thick white fluid tastes. He sucks the finger clean, then grins at the teenager.

Roy's heart swells.

For a second he thinks of Duncan and what this might do to him. Then he realizes that Duncan will not care, that this is the old way of thinking still stuck in his head. Things like jealousy over a lover no longer exist for him, and he's sure Duncan would feel the same. He has enough love in his heart for many.

"You are so beautiful, my little one." He whispers.

Their lips meet. Roy rose, his hands cupping the boy's sweet little ass as he moved to the bed. Roy lay the boy on the bed, still kissing, laying down on top of him. Eventually, Roy rolled off. The boy lay with his head on Roy's shoulder, his little arm hugging him tight across the chest and his leg across his midsection. Roy's hand gently rubs the little boy's back.

Laying just this way, the two eventually slept.

The room was amazing.

The Doc had told Cameron that only a handful of people had seen this room. The ceilings were 40 feet high. The wall before them was one huge projector screen. Behind them, about halfway up the wall was a projector. Using a large remote, the screen could be split into several views of headquarters, or one huge picture could be viewed.

On the opposite wall was the bed. It was not any ordinary bed, but as wide and as long as two king size matresses.

To the left of the bed was a full kitchen, fully stocked. To the right were several couches and chairs.

Cameron and the Doc lay naked in the center of the huge bed. The Doc held the remote in his hand. Cameron lay with his head on the man's shoulder, watching the various views.

The two have not yet had sex, and Cameron, being the horny teenager that he is was beginning to lose patience.

"C'mon, the building's EMPTY, dude! Let's do it!" Cameron pleaded.

The Doc grinned and turned toward the boy.

"Patience, my horny little specimen....I want to show you something."

"Specimen?" The boy said, grinning widely, "What, am I just another project to you?"

"Yes...but you are my favorite." The doc said, the abruptly dropped the remote and began to tickle the boy.

The boy squeeled, his voice cracking in pubecent glory. The Doc stopped abruptly and pulled the boy on top of him.

"You are so beautiful, my boy." he whispered.

Cameron lowered his head. The two kissed as Cameron's muscular butt rose and fell.

When they finally broke the kiss, Cameron gazed into his mentor's eyes. "What did you want to show me?" he whispered, grinning.

"I think you'll like it.....should get you nice and hot." The doc said, rubbing his nose against the boy's.

"I'm already nice and hot."

"Be that as it may, I still think you will like this....but you gotta get off me so I can run the remote."

"What if I don't wanna." The boy said, wiggling his hips from side to side.

"Mmmmmmmm..." The Doc sighed, "Well, you feel so good right where you are, so I guess I won't make you."

Curiosity finally got the better of Cameron, and he rolled off to the side, taking his previous position.

Doc picked up the remote and began to work it's many controls. Soon, the entire wall turned an odd shade of green.

"That's great Doc, but a paint brush and some ugly green paint would be cheaper than that screen."

"Smart ass. to the right."

The Doc made a few adjustments...the green got a bit brighter. Cameron finally saw that he was looking at a room, he also recognized the green tint - night-vision technology. Off to the right were two human figures, one tall and one short. Doc zoomed in on the taller subject. He appeared to be walking around the walls of room and patting the walls with his hands. Cameron realized that this person was looking for a door in the dark. Doc then moved in on the shorter subject, who was doing the same thing.

"Who are those people?"

"That, "the Doc said matter-of-factly, " the mayor of our fair city, Herb Williamson."

"No way!"

"Yes....and his 13 year old son. That room has been filled with the gas for about 25 minutes."

"Holy shit!" Cameron said, sitting up on the bed. "Now what?"

"Now," the doc said as he manipulated the remote, "We give them something to watch."

The green tint slowly disappeared from the screen as the Doc dialed back the night-vision and the room lit up with a screen of it's own. On it was video that Duncan and Roy would have recognized instantly, their meeting of a week ago in Doc's chambers. Roy was currently fucking his young friend. With a turn of a dial, Doc had audio. The moaning from the video filled the room.

Doc zoomed in on the mayor to get his reaction.

The look on his face was pure shock.

"What is this Williams?!" the mayor shouted, looking up and around for the cameras.

"Won't he see them?" Cameron asked, still grinnning, hot for what would happen next.

"No, not in that room...they're well hidden in there....15 different angles in that room."

"Cool!" Cameron said.

"Let us out, damn you!" The mayor shouted.

"Check out the boy." Said Doc.

Cameron glanced over at the other side of the screen, that was literally so huge that he had to turn his head. The boy had stopped looking for the door and was watching the screen.

"Cool...." Cameron whispered, taking his own stiff cock in his right hand. "He's into it."

"Oh yes," Doc said, "His father will be soon as well."

"What else can we do?"

"We can turn up the heat a bit."

"Yeah...let's do that! How fast can we make it hot in there?"

"I can raise the temperature from 72 degrees, which is what it is now, to over 85 in less than five minutes."

"Yeah! Do it!"

"You are so into this, my little man." The doc said. Grinning, he kissed the excited boy on the cheek and tossled his hair. Cameron appeared not to notice, his eyes fixed on the screen. Doc worked the remote once again. To Cameron's surprise, the number 72 appeared in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. The 2 changed to a 3 as he watched. Another twenty seconds went by and it was up to 74.

"Yeah." Cameron whispered.

"Jake....what are you doing?" the mayor asked his boy.

"Jake" was about as blond as blond could be. He was tan, muscular...built like Cameron himself actually, only taller.

Jake was currently standing in front of the large screen, mesmerized.

"Jesus, dad...they're fuckin'." Jake whispered.

"Just like you two will be in a few minutes." Cameron whispered.

Doc grinned.

"I don't know what John is up to.....but he's not going to get away...." the mayor started.

Jake's hand dropped to his crotch and began to play.

"Here we go!" Cameron shouted, turning and grinning at Doc.

"Jake....for Christ's sake...stop watching that...stop...stop playing with it!"

Jake pretended that he hadn't heard.

"Christ....fuckin' hot in here." The boy whispered, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it carelessly to the floor. The mayor didn't notice that his son was now naked from the waist up, he was busy watching the screen himself now, his hand threatening to grab at his own crotch, then backing off.

"Holy shit, man...look at 'em take it up the fuckin' ass." Jake said. Never taking his eyes off the screen, Jake worked the button and fly on his jeans, then pushed his pants and underwear down to his shoes.

"Oh...yeah!" Cameron exclaimed, "Man, I'd like to suck that!"

Doc zoomed in on the boy's cock, his hand was gently traveling up and down it's curved 5 inch length.

"Jake!" the mayor shouted.

Doc his a button and instantly had full screen again.

" God son." the mayor said, his voice trembling. He moved toward his boy. "Holy god..."

"My wife will be home soon." Rob stated, gently stroking the boy's soft hair.

Young Steve was still going down on him....the silky-warm wetness of his young mouth gliding slowly up and down, up and down, was unbelievable. Rob could not remember a better sexual experience in his entire life. Steve raised his head.

"Where's the last place she would look after she walks in?" Steve asked.

"The garage, I suppose....she doesn't park in..."

Steve was on his feet, taking Rob by the hand. "Let's go."

"...our clothes..."

"What the fuck will we need them for?" the boy giggled.

The world did a weird flip as Rob rose to his wasn't a sickening feeling, but rather pleasant. What seemed like a second later, they were standing in the garage.

Steve walked in front of Rob's car and immediately bent himself over the hood. "C'mon."

Rob moved to the boy.

"C'mon, get me wet...get your mouth down there."

"You want me to lick...?"

"Yeah...get me wet, man....let's fuck."

Rob dropped to his knees, slowly moving his head forward. Steve moved his left knee up onto the hood, spreading himself wide. Rob watched as Steve's butt-cheeks parted, reveiling his tight, pink hole.

Beautiful, he thought.

He closed the distance with his tongue out, completely unaware that he was drooling. Moving his hands to the boy's cheeks, Rob spread him open further. He began to eat, licking deep and hard.

"Ahhhhhh God, yeah....lick it, dude." Steve moaned, pulling his right knee even farther up onto the hood.

Rob couldn't believe he was doing this - or how much he was enjoying it. Not only was the taste fantastic, but the sounds of the boy's moans increased his lust by the minute.

He was actually going to fuck his paperboy up the ass.

Moving his fingers in further, he spread the boy even wider, opening the spasming little hole. He pushed his tongue inside as deep as he could, grunting and moaning, he could not get enough.

"Ahhhhh...Jesus Mister Roberts.." Steve moaned. The boy arched his back and reached back with his left hand, placing it on the back of the man's head and pulling forward. "Get it in there....ahhhhhhhh.....that feels SO good...yeahhhhhhh.....c'mon...suck my fuckin' hole!"

The kid was strong, Rob felt his head being forced further into the boy's crack. He pushed harder still with his tongue, moving it in and out. Steve went nuts, pushing up with his ass as he pulled on the man's head, crying out in pleasure as Rob tongue-fucked him.

Finally, Steve could take no more, he had to have the man inside him. He brought his knee down off the hood and stood upright, turning to face Rob, who was also standing. Before the panting man had a chance to speak, Steve moved in, putting his arms around Rob's head and placing his mouth over his. The boy pushed his tongue inside, the man responded instantly, grabbing the kid's soft buns, feeling him up as they kissed desparately, passionately.

Steve finally backed off after a full two minutes. "Fuck me." He whispered, grinning.

"Yeah," Rob replied,

Lifting the boy into his arms, he placed him on the hood of his car. He grabbed the kid behind the knees and pushed. Steve allowed himself to be manipulated and lay on his back, his legs in the air as the man dove in once again, eating like a starving man...spitting on the tight little sphincter and pushing it in with his tongue. Then, after spitting in his hand two or three times, he rose, jacking himself.

Placing the boy's legs on his shoulders, he moved forward. He hit the mark easily, sliding in to the hilt on the first try...the feeling was incredible.

"AhhhhhGod!" Steve cried as he felt the man fill his ass. There was no pain, only pleasure. He was now used to this treatment from his own father and two older brothers. Over the course of the past two weeks, ever since they had forced the horrible-tasting juice down his throat, the three had used him on a regular basis. Often times Steve's father would invite others over to use his handsome young son.

"Jesus, kid." The man sighed as he began moving his cock in and out. "Ahhh my fuckin' tight.

Rob moved in closer. The kid's legs fell off his shoulders and off to the side. Their lips met as the man began to hump faster, slamming his hips into the boy with a slapping sound that could be heard across the street...that is if other households cared to listen.

The two whimpered and moaned as their tongues moved together. Rob found the boy's nipples and began to pinch and twist. The boy arched his back, breaking the kiss, moaning.

"Ahhhh God with my nips, man.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....fuck me....fuck me." He begged.

Rob raised up again, continuing the nipple play as he moved his hips faster, hammering his cock into the kid, who continued to cry out, his eyes shut tight, his head rocking back and forth.

Rob slowed his strokes slightly.

"Gonna cum soon, paperboy." He panted, grinning.

"We hafta go in the house, The boy said, "To your bed."

"No...I wanna finish up out here..."

"You can''re gonna pass out when you cum. You will need to be in your bed."


" have been's a side effect. If you cum out here you will be naked on your garage floor for 3 hours, maybe more."


"C' wanna cum, don't you?"

"Man....I HAVE to cum, kid."

What seemed like a second later, they were walking into the bedroom.

"Jesus...this shit is fuckin' weird." Rob said.

"'s a little intense at first." said Steve. "On the bed, dude....on your back."

Rob understood right away what this meant, he obeyed.

The kid climbed on, Rob aimed his cock upward, Steve lowered his muscular young frame.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." the kid moaned as Rob's thick pole entered him, sinking in deep.

He began to ride slowly, tightening his ass on each up-stroke. Rob was in heaven as he felt his load boiling in his nuts.

"Clean up....the beer cans...before you leave, and....bring my here." Rob panted.

"Shhhhh," Steve said, "I'll take care of it...don't worry about it."

"Ohhhh my God, kid....Yeahhhh..."

Rob grabbed the kid's hips, holding him steady as he took over, thrusting his stiff pole deep into the boy. The kid grasped his own cock and was jacking, his head thrown back, his young mouth forming an "O".

"AHHH GOD! Uggghhh! UHHHHHHHH!!! UUUUUUHHHHHYEAH!" Steve cried, arching his back, every muscle in his teenage body was defined.

As Rob felt his thick load travel the length of his own stiff rod, he watched as the first stream of cum rocketed from Steve's cherry-red cock, landing on his neck. Rob then arched his own back, raising the boy up as his hips continued to buck and spasm, his eyes squeezed shut tight, crying out as his cock began to fire over and over again. He could feel the boy still laying down lines on his chest as his own seed filled Steve's ass.

Some people passed out immediately after their first cum, some went slowly. Rob went slowly over the course of a minute. He opened his eyes and saw this beautiful teenage boy, still panting, Rob's now softening cock still inside him.

"Fantastic......fantastic." Rob whispered as the light slowly began to fade.

The boy lay forward, the man's cock came free of the little hole, followed by a flood of cum. Steve grinned, kissing Rob gently on his lips. "That was so fuckin' hot, dude." he whispered.

"Yeah....yeah...." Roy whispered, "Can I....see you again?"

"Count on it." Steve said as he watched the man's eyes roll to whites and then close. He kissed Rob on the forehead one last time before climbing off.

Moving quickly, he went to the adjoining bathroom and wet a wash cloth. He wiped the man down quickly, then covered him with a blanket. After rinsing the cloth and placing it in the hamper, he quickly moved through the house, still naked, his flacid penis swinging back and forth as he worked to pick up the man's clothes. After placing the clothes by Rob's bed, he returned to deal with the beer and cans, cracking a fresh one and swallowing deeply. He placed the remaining beer in the fridge and the cans in the trash, then proceded to get dressed. Just as he was pulling his boxers up over his well-fucked ass, Roy's wife pulled in the driveway.

"Man, talk about great timing!" Steve giggled to no one. Gathering his clothes and staying low, he made his way to the garage, where he finished dressing and drank the last swallow of his beer. He discovered that the garage had a door that led into the back yard. He quietly let himself out.

It was dusk and the lights in the neighboring houses had began to turn on.

As he walked through the yard to the alley in back, he heard the slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh, then a boy's voice - begging, no, pleading - to be fucked harder. Looking up, he knew the sounds were coming from the treehouse next door.

Steve grinned.

He reached the alley and turned right. Muffled cries of pleasure caught his attention. He looked to his left. Through the window two teenage boys close to his own age were standing naked, embracing, kissing as their hands stroked each other's young dicks. No one had bothered to close the shade. He found a similar scene off to the right where three boys of varying ages were having a good time, they were currently in the process of removing each others clothing. Steve watched until they were naked and then moved on.

Further down the alley, he heard the whimper of a young voice behind the bushes. He moved in closer and peeked. Between the bushes and a garage stood a handsome young lad of around 11, his pants and underwear were pooled at his feet as a man of about 40 serviced his little tool. Steve watched as the man worked, sucking the boy's stiff 4 incher up and down, then moving down and taking the kid's little sack in his mouth and sucking it gently.

When the boy opened his eyes to watch the man work, he gasped when he spotted Steve. The man turned his head quickly and turned white as a sheet.

"Oh Jesus....." he started.

"Hey," Steve said, holding up his hands and grinning, "It's's cool."

Color returned to the man's face. " scared the hell out of me." He looked Steve up and down. "Man, you are a good lookin' kid...."

Steve waved him off, "Just had some. I would like to watch you for a while though, if that's ok."


"Your kid?" Steve asked as the man began to fondle the boy.

"No...he's the neighbor's boy...I saw him wander back here, when I came back he had his fly open - playing with himself."


The man began sucking the kid once again. Steve watched and listened, he discovered that the man's name was Raymond, the boy was Sam.

The boy sighed, a dopey grin played at the corners of his mouth as the man sucked his little pecker and balls. Steve decided that even though he did not intend to participate, he could help out. He rose from his crouch. He grabbed Sam's dirty t-shirt at the bottom and pulled upward, the boy dutifully raised his arms. He then worked on the the kid's shoes, pants and underwear. Once Steve had the boy naked Raymond instructed the kid to put his hands on the garage wall and spread his legs....Sam promptly turned and did what he was told. Raymond moved in and began to rim the kid, spreading him wide with his fingers and licking deep.

"Ahhhh......ahhhhhhhh." the kid sighed as he bend over further.

"You've done this before." Steve said to the boy.

"Yeah," Sam said, "My big brother'n me do it."

As the man stood and dropped his pants, lubing his thick cock with saliva, Steve discovered that he was hard again. He watched as the man's thick cock slowly penetrated the lad.

Eventually dusk turned to evening. Steve was now bare-ass naked for the third time today. Eventually the man backed out and offered the little boy to Steve, who took his stance behind the boy immediately. The kid was the tightest little fuck the teenager had ever had. He fucked the kid hard, slapping his hips into the soft little buns. Just when he thought that it couldn't get any better, he felt Raymond's warm tongue on his crack. He spread his legs as far as he could, still pounding the boy, whose whimpers had now turned to soft cries.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm." said Raymond, "Whose cum am I eating, kid."

"My two older dads...and your neighbor's, Mr. Roberts." Steve panted. After all the fucking his young ass had endured this day, his asshole was no less sensitive...the man's tongue on his ass felt awesome. As far as Steve was concerned, the formula was the most fantastic stuff ever invented.

"Man, you've been a busy boy today." He said, then began licking once again.

Steve continued to fuck the boy, picking up speed as the man licked his asshole, then the man stood.

"Stop for a second," Said Raymond, placing a hand on the teenagers rapidly moving ass. "Keep your dick inside him."

Steve stopped and the man moved in behind him. He felt Raymonds fat cock at his hole, then pressure...the man entered him. Steve began to pump once again. Even with all the orgies he had attended, he had never been in the middle of a three-way-fuck. He slammed his pelvis between man and boy, groaning, sweat poured from his muscular body as he worked in and out...fucking, being fucked. The man reached around him and began to fondle his nipples, pinching, twisting gently.

"Ahhhhh!! God yes!" Steve cried as he moved his hips faster, feeling his load boiling in his swinging balls, which were slapping almost painfully against the perfect boy-butt before him. His nipples were now a very angry shade of red. The line between pleasure and pain was very thin, the sensation was a wonderful mix of extasy and agony.

"Ohh God, kid," the man moaned, "Hot little fuckin' ass....holy shit kid....gonna god YEAH! uhhhhgod....UUUUUHHHHH!" the man grunted as his throbbing pole boiled over, filling the teenager's sweet ass.

Steve comtinued to impale his ass on the man's thick cock as he penetrated the younger boy, he felt the hot load explode inside him, felt the man's cock get slick and begin to glide easier. This was all the teenage boy could take. Steve tipped his head skyward, his eyes squeezed shut tight as his tongue hung from his open mouth. Cum shot from his throbbing young cock, filling the little boy's bowels. Even though this was Steve's third cum of the afternoon, it was no less intense. He backed away from the boy, pulling his still-squirting cock free as he panted and gasped for breath.

For a while they all sat naked in the grass, with the boy sitting in the man's lap. The man continued to fondle the kid's little cocklet as they talked. Steve promised to meet up with the man again soon as he stood to leave, gathering his clothes.

When he finally walked away, the man was kneeling between spread legs, once again going down on the kid. Steve was surprised to discover that his cock was still hard as stone.

He grined.

Wrapping his shoes and shirt in his jeans, he tucked the roll of clothing under his arm and once again heads for home, completely naked. He wonders who will be waiting for him in his bed at home.

He doesn't get far, maybe a block. He hears a deep male voice calling him from another back yard.

Steve walks toward the voice...he can see the man is big, but that is all. He wonders if this is the man who will satisfy his constant need....the man who will fuck him so hard that walking home will be difficult.

Steve finally reaches the man...he's huge. And naked. Steve sees that he is drinking a beer.

"Got another one of those?" Steve asks, dropping his clothes carelessly onto the ground.

The man reaches down and hands the boy a beer, then drops to his knees. Steve cracks his beer as the man engulfs his raging hard cock.

Steve tips his beer and swallows.

He begins to moan.

Mayor Williamson didn't know what to think. The lights had gone out about 10 minutes ago.

The Mayor's son, Jake, was doing the same thing as he was, searching for a door on the other side of the room.

"I told you this is a waste of fucking time! can't even keep the lights on!" Jake spat.

"Watch your mouth!" the mayor hissed.

"FUCK you!"

"Jesus." the mayor mumbled.

At only 13, Jake was one of the biggest troublemakers in town. This was a great embarrassment to the Mayor. The cops were at his home more often than his friends. Ever since Herb's wife had left him a little over a year ago, the boy was getting harder and harder to control. Herb felt he was a good father, but it was Doris who had kept their son's behavior in check. Once Jake had figured out that his father was all talk, he pretty much did as he pleased.

It was his good friend and pillar of the community Doc John Williams that had suggested they come down and look the place over, and that perhaps all that Jake needed was the comradery of a few different friends and the fellowship of The Troop. Herb was skeptical, and Jake had proved to be even more so.

"There is no fucking way," he told his father on that rainy Tuesday after school, "that I'm gonna hang out with a bunch of idiots playing camp-out."

When Herb went to John with this, John suggested that Herb do anything to get the boy there, even resort to bribery if necessary.

"I'll give you a hundred bucks," Herb told his son the very next day, "all for just one hour of your precious fucking time."

"Are you serious?" the boy had answered. "Ok...I'll take your money. We go there...AFTER dark. I don't want any of my friends to see me walk into that dorky place.....and we're there for one hour. ONE."

That was basically the only reason the boy was here now, the promise of money, paid in advance of course, and only an hour of his time wasted. Herb figured the kid was right.....what a waste of time and money. Herb remembered when he was a boy...the thought of getting a dollar from his Dad was great...such are the times we live in, Herb thought.

Herb didn't think the lights out-thing was a part of the Doc's plan, but who knew? All he really knew is that the pure-pitch-darkness was making him feel a bit woosey and disoriented. For one thing, he had sworn that the door was on this side of the room, but he could not find it now.

He was about to ask Jake if he was having any better luck when the lights came back on....well, not really, maybe it was the emergency lighting, as it was much dimmer than when they had been escorted in.

Herb looked down along the wall, there was no door. A door could not be found on the next wall either. Herb turned slowly in a circle.

There was no door.

Herb spun around again.


He went to the place that he thought the door was located when they came in.

Not so much as a crack in the wall.

He began to turn slowly again. That's when he noticed where the light was coming from. On the wall directly in from of the chairs was a large plasma screen. Right now it was pure white, but it was beginning to change, going out of focus. Then, suddenly, the picture was focused.

Herb's jaw dropped.

On the screen were two boys, one looked to be about Jake's age, the other was probably around 16. Now, the sounds of the scene before them was slowly increasing in volume.

The boys were completely naked.

The 16 year old was sodomizing the younger the youth's delight! The sound was louder now - moaning, panting, the wet sounds of sex.

"What is this Williams?!" Herb shouted as he looked up and around, figuring that there had to be a camera hidden somewhere. "Let us out, damn you!" He shouted, not wanting his son to see the images on the screen.

But that's exactly what Jake was doing...standing in the middle of the room, arms by his sides, mesmerized.

Herb knew now what this place was about...the secrecy, the one way glass.

"Jake....what are you doing?"

The boy said nothing, Herb thought he was being ignored as usual.

Then: "Jesus, dad...two boys....they're....they're fuckin'."

The boy's hand moved to the front of his jeans, squeezing, rubbing.

"I don't know what John is up to.....but he's not going to get away...." the mayor started as he looked around once again for the door. If only he could find the control for the lights, he wouldn't feel so damn disoriented. He looked at his son once again.

"Jake....for Christ's sake...stop watching that...stop...stop playing with it!"

Jake was totally involved, not paying any attention to him. Herb looked up again, looking for the camera the he knew was hidden somewhere.

Jake could not believe what he was seeing...and how he felt about it. His friends certainly wouldn't understand how he felt...they would probably beat him senseless if they had a clue what was going through his head right now. But all of a sudden, his friends didn't matter so much. As a matter of fact, who gives a fuck what they might think, the boy thought. All that really mattered was the beautiful scene unfolding right before his eyes.

"Hot in here." He whispered to no one as he pulled his shirt over his head, his hand then moved back to his stiff young meat.

"Holy shit, man...look at 'em....takin' it up the fuckin' ass."

His cock pushed against his jeans painfully, so hard...he had to touch it, stroke it. Not caring who saw him, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed them to the floor.

"Jake!" He heard his father shout.

Jake's hand moved up and down his stiff rod. It felt so fine. He watched the people on the screen, the young boy on the bottom, his head rocking back and forth on the pillow as his older friend fucked his ass. Jake wondered what that might feel fuck, to be fucked. He noticed his father, walking toward him, as if in slow motion.

I'm fuckin' stoned, he thought. There must be something in the air...something being piped in here.


" God son." Herb said, his voice was trembling, Jake had never seen him like this before. He moved closer. "Holy god..."

A tear slid down the man's cheek as he faced his son.

" ...what is it? What's wrong?" Jake stammered. His voice seemed to come from somewhere else in the room. This was so fucking cool.

Herb brought his hand to the boy's face, brushing his hair back from his forehead. Jake could not believe the feelings that rushed through him at such a simple gesture.

"It'''re so beautiful...I....I hadn't...I hadn't noticed....we've...." Another tear slipped down the man's cheek. "I...really don't understand what I'm feeling right now."

"I...I don't...I don' don't understand either."

Herb put his arms around his son, his hands came in contact with the beautiful, silky-soft skin of his back.

His father's hands touching him was the most intense sensation to date in his young life, far out-doing his nightly jack-off sessions. Imagine, Jake thought, if he touches me down there.

Jake shuddered.

Herb had no intention of touching Jake's ass as his hands slid slowly downward, but it was like they had a mind of their own...they slipped past the boy's lower back, coming to rest on the soft globes, feeling, squeezing.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh." He heard his son sigh, and then moan as he worked the spongy flesh of his son's sweet little butt.

Jake could not believe what was happening to him. His own father, the man he couldn't even speak to lately, was feeling him up. It felt so fucking good, he wanted more. Jake put his arms around his father and held him as the man moved in closer, kissing his neck. The boy shuddered as his father's hands squeezed his butt. He could feel the man's stubble on his neck as his father pulled him closer, kissing him, making love to him. All the anger, all the things he had done with his so called friends to get in trouble seemed distant now....rather stupid, in fact. He felt himself being lifted off his feet and moved, then placed on the sofa where they had been sitting when the lights went off, which seemed like ages ago.

Herb knelt down, slowly undoing the laces on his boy's sneakers and gently pulling them off. Then, slowly, his socks followed. After, he slipped the boy's bunched-up pants and underwear off. Then he looked up at his son, smiling.

Jake watched as his father slowly finished stripping him naked, knowing what was going to happen next. He returned his father's smile with a devilish grin of his own.

"I don't know why, but I gotta do this, son." Herb panted. His emotions were mixed right now, half lust, half disgust...that is until his son spoke.

"I know, dad...It''s ok....I...I want you to....please."

Herb moved up to the throbbing 5 inches of his son's hard little cock. He noticed the dusting of fine blond hair at it's base, the almost virtually hairless balls. He moved in, inhailing the musky sweet. He sucked the stiff boy-tool into his mouth. His boy's cock seemed to stiffen more and come alive in his mouth, hot and throbbing. Jake moaned and arched his back. Herb moved his hands up onto the boy's chest as he sucked the delicious little meat-stick up and down.

For Jake, it was like he had lost control of his lower body. His hips pushed up on their own as his father moved his hands up, brushing his fingertips gently across his nipples. The sensation was intense, electric. The boy's mouth opened and he moaned...something else that seemed to happen out of his control.

"Ahhhhhhhh my God, dad.....suck it....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Jake moaned as Herb began to work it faster.

Cameron watched, stroking his own hard cock, as the man sucked his son. Jake was watching his father suck him, his hands behind his head, his tanned, muscular young body writhing. Cameron lay back on the bed, his right hand stroking his stiff dick, his left fondling his balls as he watched the show unfold before him.

On the screen, Jake was now bent over the arm of the couch. His father was struggling to take off his belt as he licked his son's sweet little boy-pussy. Finally, frustrated, the man stood and worked his belt, then the clasp on his slacks. The mayor wasn't a good looking man, in fact he was quite overweight. This didn't seem to bother his handsome young son, for no sooner had the man dropped his pants and boxers, the boy was on him, sucking his fat cock as though he were starving. The mayor threw back his head and moaned while reaching down to stroke his boy's soft hair as he worked.

"Little fucker can suck a cock." Cameron observed.

The doc picked up a wireless microphone that had been laying on the night stand.

"Hello Mayor...having a good time?" Doc said.

"Williams." the Mayor said, raising his head as he searched once again for the cameras. "What's happening?"

"All in good time, Mayor....for right now, why don't you fuck him?"


The mayor looked stunned, but not completely shocked.

"Bend him over, stick your cock up his tight little asshole. Fuck him......I wanna watch you nail him."

The doc smiled at Cameron, who was grinning from ear to ear. The Doc moved in closer to his young lover, kissing his ear, his neck, his chest. Finally, his tongue settled on the boy's armpit, licking and flicking. This was something that drove Cameron wild. To him it felt like something in between intense pleasure and torturingly ticklish. He didn't know whether to giggle or moan. This time, the pleasure outweighed the other part...the boy moaned and picked up speed, his hand flying up and down his stiff prick. Doc slowly licked his way down the boy's tanned body.

Cameron arched his back in anticipation.

As Doc's warm mouth enveloped his prick, he watched as the Mayor, who had decided to take the doc's advice, slowly pushed his fat cock between his son's tight little puppy buns.

Mayor Herbert Williamson fucked the heir to the Williamson throne like an animal, grunting as he pistoned his hard flesh in and out his boy. For a period of 3 minutes straight, the man pulled completely out, and then would slam all 7 inches back in hard. Jake cried out each time, pushing up with his little butt and begging his father for more. Finally, the man could take no more and began to hammer the kid harder than ever...bringing his right hand down hard on the boy's ass cheeks over and over. He cried out as he came, his hands on the boy's skinny hips, pulling him onto his throbbing cock.

Wobbling on weak knees, the man backed off, pulling his cock free of the boy. Cum ran from Jake's dialated little sphincter in a flood....dripping from the kid's balls and steel-hard young cock. The mayor dropped to his knees on the carpeted floor, then fell forward, catching himself with his hands and lowering himself to the floor. His eye's rolled to whites and then went shut. He began to breathe the deep breath of a sleeping man.

Jake was on his feet, his young cock still jutting upward.

"Dad?... Dad! ...wake the fuck up! You can't sleep now!" The boy cried, his hand jacking on his hard prick.

Herb didn't move.

Jake grinned. In an instant, the boy mounted his father, placing his hard cock in the man's deep ass crack. Cameron had no doubt that he probably didn't come close to the man's hole, but it probably felt great anyway, buried between the two huge cheeks. The kid let his skinny legs fall onto either side of his father and began to hump, his little butthole opening and closing as he worked his cock in and out of his dad's buttcheeks.

Doc took a second away from the tasty cock he was working on to zoom in on Jake's hot little crotch as it moved up and down.

"Ohhhhhhhh God daddy....yeah.....Uhh...uhhh...uhhh...Uhhhhhh! UUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!" Jake cried as his cock began to squirt. "....Ahhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhyeahhhhhh." he sighed as he began to come down from the best orgasm of his life.

The boy moaned. He tried to raise up, then collapsed on top of his dad. "Yeahhhh," he whispered, and then was out cold as his thin spunk ran down his father's ass.

Doc placed the remote back on the end table and turned his attention back to the boy on the bed. Cameron placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He felt Doc's warm breath on his dick, then the blessed wet-warmth of his talented mouth.

When he opened his eyes again, he was getting close. He saw a group of young men on the screen gently lowering the young boy into a bed that had appeared out of nowhere, as things did here. They had obviously already muscled the town's mayor into bed. Father and son now lay together as the lights dimmed.

Cameron didn't know how things could get better.

The Doc slipped a wet finger up Cameron's asshole and suddenly the boy was cumming...he arched his back, grunting out his load into the Doc's hungry mouth. Electric pleasure surged through his entire was like every orgasm was better each time.

"Awesome." He whispered as the doc smiled up at him.

Brendon "Rob" Roberts woke up about three and a half hours later feeling just fine.

He remembered the events of the afternoon as if they were a vivid dream, yet he knew that they were real. Just to prove it to himself, he checked the fridge. Only 4 cans of the 12 pack remained/ He had drank 2, which meant the boy had consumed a six pack while he was here.

The boy. he thought, smiling. He had fucked his paperboy...simply cause his son had left him a spiked drink....spiked with what? Where did his son get this stuff?

His son.

Rob felt his cock stir in his pants.

"'bout time you got up."

A female voice behind him. Helen.

"Yeah," Rob said softly.

"10 beers Rob?" she said teasingly, "You could have saved a few for me."

He turned from the fridge, where he had been standing deep in thought for the last 10 minutes. She was smiling.

"I wish I would have." He said groggily, feining a massive hangover. He had actually never felt better in his life.

"Where is our son?"


"You know....very short person, 12 years old?"

"Oh! ....yeah...."

"I realize I'm asking the tough questions....."

"He's at Mark's.....overnight." Rob lied...he actually didn't have a clue where his boy was....he had a pretty good idea WHAT he was doing however. He felt his cock begin to stir once again and fought it back.

"Ok...well I'm going to bed. I had a couple of drinks at Margie's...I did manage to stop at a couple though..." She grinned.

"I love you too, dear." He said. "Think I'll watch some TV."


Rob headed for the living room and found the remote. He switched on the TV, not really watching it, playing over the events of the afternoon in his head. Evenually, he dozed.

He woke suddenly and looked at his watch. 2:00 didn't feel as though he had slept that long.

A noise at the front door...a key rattled in the lock.


Slowly, the door opened and his son crept inside.

It was like Rob was seeing the boy for the first time. He was adorable, even the surprised look on his face from seeing his dad was still up was cute as hell.

"'re still up..." Garry whispered, "Is mom..."

"Sleeping." Rob whispered. "Where you been?"


"You didn't tell me....I was a bit worried."


"'sokay....this time. I know things are gonna be different now, but you still gotta tell me where you're going and stuff, ok?"

"Sure dad." Garry said, then his expression became quizical. "Different?"

Rob acted as though he hadn't heard. "Come on over and watch some TV with your old man....or are you pretty wiped out?"

"Nah....I fell asleep at Mike's....when I woke up I realized that I hadn't told you where I was, so I thought I had better come home. What did mom say?"

"I told her you were sleeping over at Mike's."

Garry looked dumbfounded.

"Lucky guess." Rob said, grinning.

Garry sat beside his dad and returned his grin. Rob was instantly hard, his big cock pressing painfully against his pants. He crossed his legs. He handed the remote to his boy, who began channel surfing.

After close to 200 channels and nothing on, Rob said, "How about we go for a drive?"

"Now? Won't we wake mom?"

"We could be very quiet...there's nothing on TV and I'm not tired."

"Me either." Garry said. "We could go to the convenience store and get junk food." The boy grinned again, knowing that late night snaking was usually forbidden in the Robert's house.

The boy's grin was doing nothing to ease the man's excitement. "I think that's a great idea....we'll drive around and eat crap."

Garry giggled. "How we gonna get the car out."

"Well, for one thing, we won't take my car...we'll steal your mom's."



Garry grinned sheepishly, Rob ruffled his hair.

"Also, we will put it in neutral and back it out into the street before we start it."

"This is like an adventure."

"You got it, sport."

"Where are her keys?"

"Just so happens that I have a set....made especially for occasions like this one."

The boy grinned wide again. Rob pulled the keys out of his pocket.

The boy stood, anxious to get going. Rob crosssed the room and carefully opened the door. Garry went out and Rob closed the door quietly.

"Go ahead and get in." Rob said, "Close the door quietly, it's ok if you don't get it all the way shut, we'll take care of that down the street a ways."

The boy got in and closed the door, but not enough to make it latch. Rob hopped in quickly and did the same. He put the key in the ignition, but turned it only enough to unlock the steering wheel and gearshift. He put the car in neutral and the silently glided down the driveway.

Once they were on the street, Garry said, "She might still hear us."

"True....maybe we should push it a few feet?" His dad said, grinning.

Garry returned his smile and hopped out of the car, being careful not to slam the door. Rob got out as well. With his right hand on the steering wheel and the other pushing on the door frame. Garry pushed from behind. The two managed to push the small car quite easily, and once they were three houses down from their own, they got back in, both breathing hard.

"Good thing your mom drives a Neon." Rob said. The boy giggled. Rob turned the key and the two drove off.

After stopping for twinkies, chips, candy bars and soda, Rob headed out of town.

"Where're we goin?" asked the boy through a mouthful of junk food.

Rob stuffed an entire twinkie in his mouth and said "Who gives a shit?"

The boy had a fit of giggles, spraying chips everywhere.

"You know, we are going to have to clean that up or we are so busted."

"Yeah...she'd kill us...junk food at 3:00 AM!" said Garry.

Finally, Rob found the place he was looking for. The sign read: LEVEL B SERVICE ROAD - ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

"What's LEVEL B mean?" Garry asked.

"Just that they don't perform maintainance on this road much - mainly cause no one lives on this stretch."

Rob drove down the road a half a mile or so, then pulled over to the edge.

"Why're we stoppin'?"

"I just thought we could get out here....drink our sodas and look at the stars."


Rob stopped the engine and the two got out of the car. The man then hopped up on the hood and lay back against the windshield.

"C'mon up here, sport."

Garry handed his father his soda, then hopped up beside the man and began to lay back.

"No," Rob said, "Here." He patted the space between his legs. The boy climbed over his father's leg and sat between his legs. "Now lay back."

Garry obeyed, resting the back of his head against his dad's chest.

It was about all Rob could stand, feeling the warmth of his boy against him, but he wanted to move slowly.

"Wow." said Garry as he gazed up at the billions of stars. It was a clear night and the darkness was absolute. Looking at the stars in the city was hard to do with all the lights.

"Beautiful, huh kid."


They sat in silence just that way for a time. Then Rob finally placed his hand on the boy's head, gently gliding his finger's through his hair. Garry said nothing as he enjoyed the warmth of being close to his dad. Rob moved his hand down and touched the boy's warm. He loved the feel of his hard cock pressed against his boy's back...he knew that Garry must know that he was stiff, but he didn't say anything or try to pull away. Rob sat his soda on the car and used both hands, gently rubbing his son's shoulders.

"Mmmmmmmm...." Garry sighed, "I get a shoulder rub out of the deal too."

"Nothing but the best treatment for my boy tonight." Rob said.

Rob gently rubbed for the better part of three minutes, then began to move his hands down onto the boy's chest. He heard the boy whisper a sigh, his chest rose and fell faster and his dad's fingertips pleasured him through the soft cotton of his t-shirt. When Rob reached down to put his hands under the shirt, the young boy dutifully raised his arms. he had not intended to take the boy's shirt off, but since that was what Garry expected Rob smiled and complied, pulling his son's shirt over his head.

Placing his hands on the boy's chest once again, Rob looked down at his son's angelic face, gazing in wonder at the stars. The two had never experienced a moment like this before. Rob was usually a pretty busy guy and spent very little quality time with his boy. That would change now.

Garry gazed at the stars....he had never really noticed how beautiful they were until now. He felt so warm and safe in his father's strong arms. He felt the man's rough hands return to his now-bared chest and begin to rub.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." he moaned, "That feels so good." Garry had been eating a Twinkie, it was still in his hand, completely forgotten. Rob took it from the boy, laying it on the hood.

Rob sat up a bit. Reaching under the boy's arms, he pulled him onto his lap. Garry's head now rested on the man's shoulder. Rob turned his head slightly and kissed his boy on the neck. Garry's sweet little ass pressed against Rob's hard on, driving the man crazy with lust. He felt he could no longer take it slow. His hands traveled down his boy's chest once again, this time they didn't stop, moving onto the front of Garry's jeans, rubbing, feeling the hardness there.

"Garry," Rob whispered, "I want to take off your pants....make you naked."

"Yeah...ok." Garry said, his voice shaking.

"Are you sure, sport? I don't wanna do anything you don't wanna do." Rob lied.

"I want to...really." Garry said, trying to control the tremor in his voice that he knew Rob was mistaking for fear. Garry's voice was actually shaking with excitement. He could not wait to feel his father's hands on his naked body. He moved forward, off his dad's lap and slid off the hood of the car. He immediately bent to untie his shoes. His dad was beside him seconds later, once Garry had his shoes off, the man moved in behind his son, taking him in his arms once again, rubbing his young chest roughly.

"Ahhhhhh yeahhh." Garry moaned. Rob's hands moved downward, moving to the button that held his son's jeans on, undoing it and quickly working the fly down....then did what he never would have imagined....he dropped his son's pants.

As Garry stepped out of his pants, he felt his dad's hand on the front of his briefs, gently rubbing his stiff little dick through the soft cotton fabric. Seconds later Rob was pulling those off. Garry had a bit of trouble getting them off his left foot, he finally kicked and they flew to the other side of the road, immediately forgotten for now. The boy stood naked, save for his socks. Rob's arms were around him once again...his right hand stroking the boy's 4 inch stiffy, the left fondling his little balls. Then the man's hands were everywhere, his chest, his belly, his smooth back, his cock and balls, his ass...his hand dipping into the crack...his fingers grazing his hole. Garry let his head fall back and moaned as tingling pleasure surged over his naked body. He begged for more, calling Rob "Daddy" for the first time in years.

"Ohhh my beautiful little boy." Rob moaned into Garry's ear, his voice shaking with excitement. Once again his hand dipped into the boy's butt-crack, this time aggresively seeking his asshole, roughly massaging the tight little orifice.

"Ahhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh....ahhhh yeah." Garry moaned as he bent at the knees, pushing up with his little ass. It wasn't enough. He turned toward the car and bent over, raising his right leg onto the hood. Garry's hole opened nicely and Rob felt the moisture there. He slipped a finger in easily then removed it, replacing it with the index finger of his other hand.

He smelled the first finger.



" are nice and wet." He said, moving his finger in and out.

"Uhhhhhh" Garry moaned.

"Who's been fuckin you, son?" Rob said, adding a second finger easily, his lust growing by the second. He took his free hand and began to undo his belt. Garry heard the jingle of his dad's belt and knew that soon, his dad would be humping his ass. He had been waiting for this since he had first tried Doc's juice, now it was finally fucking time! He answered his father.

"Today? Mike. Mike's dad, Mike's brother Terry....."

"Jesus Chr...."

" friend Jason, some older guy that Mike's dad invited over....didn't catch his name." Garry continued. "He fucked my ass while Mike's dad fucked my mouth."

"My God." Rob said, dropping to his knees and moving in. The bleach-like smell of spunk hit his nose. He could not remember a time in his life when he was ever so driven by raw lust.

He moved forward quickly, burying his tongue in the boy.

"Ahhhhhhyeahhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Garry moaned as he felt his dad's tongue lap at his hole.

"Mmmmmm....stay right here, just like you are." Rob said. He moved to the driver's door and opened it. Reaching inside, he clicked on the parking lights. He moved back to his boy and knelt. He could now see the boy's little crack perfectly. He poked at the puckered hole with his tongue. He watched as it spasmed....thick cum ran from his son's hole. Rob licked, unable to believe he was capable of such a thing. He could taste nothing foul, only cum.

"So nice and clean...."

"Mike's dad put a rubber tube in me and pumped me full of warm water....rinsed me out good....felt awesome." Garry said.

Rob pictured his boy naked in Mike's bathroom while Mike's father pushed a tube up his hole, giving him an enema.

Rob placed his mouth over the spasming little ring of muscle and began to suck greedily. Garry's little hole spasmed again and again, the thick fluid flowing freely now. As Rob sucked, he pictured his boy on all fours with two strange adult men using him...he could wait no longer.

He stood, his pants falling to the road. He dropped his underwear with his left hand while spitting in his right, then grabbed his raging horn on, stroking...all the while moving in and taking aim.

He split the boy's ass perfectly, sliding in deep in one smooth stroke, his cock gliding on a mixture of saliva and the cum of half a dozen men and boys.

"AhhhhGod!!" Garry cried as his father penetrated him.

Rob lifted his t-shirt over his head as be began to pump, his cock easily gliding in and out of the tight little hole. He tossed his shirt carelessly into the breeze and moved his hands down to his boy's skinny little hips, grasping them roughly as he fucked his child, pulling the boy onto his thick pole again and again, picking up speed...faster...faster, his hips slapping against the kid's little bubble butt. Garry's whimpers, moans and cries of pleasure fueled his lust. Rob then pulled free and easily flipped the boy, laying him on the hood, then moved in again, spearing him without the use of his hands and sinking in to the balls. He looked down at his son's stiff boyhood, then over at the forgotten Twinkie. He reached down and squished it against the car, then took some of the cream filling in his fingers. He took the 4 incher in his hand and began to stroke it, coating it's length with the smooth sweet filling, rubbing it down on his little balls.

Garry felt the tingles start to take him almost immediately as the man stroked his slippery little dick. He couldn't squirt just yet, but he knew he would be able to soon. A lot of his friends his age could let loose a few clear drops.

Rob felt his boy tense up and knew what was happening. He picked up speed, both with his hand and his cock, hammering it into the boy.

"Ugggghh! Uuuuuhhhhhh!!!" Garry cried as the orgasm took over his little body.

Rob felt his son's little hole tighten, squeezing his cock. The pleasure was so intense that he cried out.

"Ohhhh daddy......ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Garry cried, his little pecker growing impossibly hard in Rob's fingers. His little back arched as his son's dick came alive in his hand, throbbing, trying to spit the juice his little balls could not yet produce. Soon, his cries turned to whimpers as his body began to relax once again.

"Ohhh my God, Garryyy....yeahhhh....yeahhhh..." Rob moaned as he moved his hips faster. One moment, he was enjoying his balancing act on the edge, then just like that he was cumming....his cock jetting 7 or 8 big squirts up his son's sweet little ass. He rolled his head back and cried out into the night. He had never cum so much in his life, not even when he was a teen. His legs turned to rubber and his vision clouded....he wondered if he would black out once again. But the feeling passed as he began to come down from the incredible high.

Garry felt his father tense up, then felt the warmth burst inside him as his daddy's cum mingled with all the others that had used his butt today. He loved the way the drug made everything so intense.

Panting, Rob lifted his boy into his arms. Incredible pleasure threatened to drop him once again as his softening cock slipped gently out of Garry's hole. Cum immediately began to run, dripping onto the hood of the car as Rob held his son close.

Minutes passed as the two stayed just this way, catching their breath.

Finally, Garry pulled his head from his dad's shoulder and moved in on his face, his mouth opening as he quickly closed the space between them.

As Garry's lips covered his own, Rob opened his mouth and accepted his son's tongue. They kissed on and on, Rob's hands wandered over his boy's tight, naked little frame. When his hands moved down to the boy's sloppy-wet little hole, he wasn't surprised to find himself growing hard once again. He inserted two fingers, his boy broke the kiss, moaning.

"Fuck me.....fuck me." Garry panted.

Rob turned, still carrying his son, and sat on the hood of the car. He lay back and his son took over. Reaching down, Garry lifted his daddy's thick cock off his belly, then promptly sat on it, feeling every inch slip inside him.

Garry began to ride, slamming his ass down onto the man, moaning, unable to get enough....never able to get enough.

Cameron walked home that same dark evening.

Even after everything the boy had witnessed to date, he could not believe he had just watched the mayor fuck his own son.

The doc had finished up by fucking his ass, which was still tingling, aching for more. But alas, the doc had no more to give. He was now sleeping in the center of the huge bed...Cameron had decided to walk home.

Off to his right in the darkness, he heard quiet moaning.

He crept slowly into the yard, following the sound, then peaked around the corner of the house. By the small amount of light from the corner streetlamp, Cameron saw a boy that looked to be about 14. He was naked, his hands against the house. A middle aged man was plowing him from behind. The boy whimpered quietly while he pulled on a nice-sized teenage cock.

Cameron began to salivate.

The man turned to see Cameron, his hand on the front of his jeans. The man grinned, not speaking and motioned with his head for Cameron to come to him.

Cameron obeyed. The man reached out and grabbed the boy, squeezing him through his jeans without missing a stroke. Using only one hand, the man unbuttoned and unzipped him.

A warm hand slipped into his underwear.

Cameron grinned.

Hey guys! I know I said I was going to finish this up with part 6, but I am writing yet another this point I do not know where it will end. I would love to finish it up so I can write something else. Also, it took me forever to proof read this...after 4 times and several corrections I gave up. It still feels like I am missing something important and I really hate to upload it like this. So, if you found something a little out-of-whack, too bad. I do not care. :) If you are enjoying this story, please drop me a line....I would love to hear from you!



Next: Chapter 7

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