The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Jul 19, 2006


The Troop - Part 4: Weekend in Morehead


Friday night was pretty uneventful. Most of the boys were too tired to get up to much mischief. Most simply jacked off while running the day's events in their heads. For most, since this was their first day, the effect was the same. They passed out, sperm drying on their chests.

Saturday night, however, was a different story.


"Do you know what I did to you after you blacked out?" Roger Adams whispered to his brother. "I fucked your face...creamed all over you!"

The boy was rubbing his jeans under the table. Their father, Clark, was a single dad, divorced over 2 years now. He was currently away from the table, his head in the refrigerator looking for something. Since the divorce, Clark has been a shadow of his former self, rarely spending time with his boys. Although he loved them dearly, the gap continually widened between them.

"Shhhhh, man....We need to have a sleepover or something...invite some of the guys." Shawn said.

"Dad's home all night."

"So..his room is down stairs...we would be fine. He doesn't even know we're here anymore, and..." Shawn grinned, "..he didn't hear us last night."

Clark walked back to the table.

"Ok, what's with the whispering guys?" he asked.

Roger brought his hand back to the table and began to eat his breakfast once again.

"Could we have a few guys over dad? A few of our friends from the Troop?" the 13 year old asked.

"Since when do you guys do anything together?"

"Well, we've been doing lots of things together lately." 14 year old Shawn answered, grinning at his brother.

Roger had to do everything in his power to keep from spraying milk out his nose. They HAD been doing lots of things together. Since they had gotten home the previous day, the two had been naked almost the entire time. Last night Shawn had fucked his little brother in every position he could think of. When the two woke up this morning, they went into a hot 69 that lasted almost 45 minutes.

"We'll stay out of your hair, just like always....we'll stay upstairs." Said Roger.

"I guess....whatever." Clark said.

Shawn went for the phone.


Walt was on his knees, shaking, not sure that he should do this, but yet he was so fucking horny, and dad was on duty until 4 AM Sunday morning. Walt was naked, and throbbing hard.

His 10 year old brother, Dylan, was sleeping soundly. Gentle snores came from the bed. Walt switched on the flashlight, shielding it.

Dylan was on his back, his mouth hanging open. His bare, hairless chest was partially uncovered. Walt knew that farther down, under the covers the boy was wearing white Hanes briefs. Walt had practically went nuts as he watched the boy strip for bed, something he had barely noticed before another life.

"My fucking cute." Walt breathed.

He had no choice. He held up the device. The boy breathed out, then began to inhale. Walt triggered the device, the boy sucked in air. Walt repeated this a second time...a third.

He sat and waited, thinking once again about his father, lying naked over him, ramming his thick man-dick into him over and over. He stroked himself as the memory ran through his head.

He waited, ten minutes, fifteen, twenty, not sure how long he should wait before waking the boy.

"Shit," he whispered aloud to himself, wondering HOW he would wake him. What would he say? Uh, I just gave you some stuff, do you feel like coming to my bed and having sex?

"Fuck!" he hissed.

Walt sat another ten minutes before it came to him.

Usually 3 or 4 times a month, Dylan was haunted by bad dreams. He would come to Walt's bed, covered in sweat and scared to death. Walt would permit him, stroking his hair and telling him that everything was ok. Once the boy slept, Walt would carry the boy back to his own bed.

Walt quickly paced the room, moving his arms. Then he did several sit ups, then a few push ups. He went to Dylan's bed, covered in sweat, panting.

"Dylan!" he hissed, grabbing the boy's shoulder, noticing how soft and warm it was, fighting the hard-on that threatened.

"Mmmmmmmmmm." the boy moaned, he was no longer snoring.

"Dylan!" Walt said desparately, "Wake up, man!"

"What....Jesus, butt-munch, what do you want?" the boy groaned.

"I just had a fuckin' killer bad to me a few minutes, ok?" Walt whined.

As Walt had predicted, his little brother was immediately sympathetic, thinking of all the times his brother had chased away the cobwebs of one goblin or another. He couldn't just chase him off.

"Holy shit, you?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, freaky, huh."

"No shit." Dylan said, reaching for Walt's shoulder. "Jesus Christ, you're fucking soaked, dude!"

"Yeah..." Walt whined, shivering.

"Shit," Dylan said, throwing back the covers and sliding over like his brother had done so many times for him. "Come on."

Walt almost felt bad, taking advantage of his brother's hospitality.



Casey Parks had talked his eleven year old brother Seth into taking a mouthfull of the gas the very next morning.

The two were now having a campout, even though it was a bit chilly, in the motorhome parked behind the garage. They had invited the neighbor boy, Garry Roberts, who was twelve.

The two had forced young Garry to the floor almost immediately, forcing three hits of the gas into him.

An hour later, the three were naked. Casey had his brother on all fours, fucking his sweet little ass. Garry was kneeling in front of young Seth, feeling just fine with his dick in his neighbor's mouth.

The only one of the three to jump when Casey and Seth's dad, George, entered was Garry.

"Hey, it's cool," Casey said, not missing a stroke, "He's with us."

"You're Brendon Robert's boy, right?"

"Uhhh...yeah." Garry answered, his young cock still getting slobbered by Seth.

George undressed.

A while later, George had the little neighbor boy on his back in the bunk above the driver's seat, his little feet braced against the ceiling. George's fat dick glided in and out of the kid's tight ass.

"Oooooo...Geez, Mister Parks....feels so good....hmmmmmmmmmmmm." Garry moaned.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." George sighed in reply.

Damn, kid's fuckin' tight...George thought, I could get used to this. Maybe he could stay with us a few days....could hide him from the wife out here....keep him naked and ready....Brendon borrowed my hedge trimmer for two weeks before he returned it...maybe I could borrow his kid for a week or so.....


Marlin Gray was parked along side of the road. At 15, he had his learner's permit, but that was it. Now the cops had him and he would probably never get his license.

"Step out of the car, son." a young officer of about 25 said, "We have a report that this car is stolen."

Which was true.

Marlin did not get along well with his father. The two rarely had anything to say to each other. As far as Marlin was concernied, his father was a loser.

Tonight had been different. Dad was fucking weird, wanting to talk, all touchy-feely. Marlin had finally had enough. When he saw the keys on the table, it had been too much to resist.

"Am I going to jail?" Marlin asked.

"I don't think it will come to that." said the other officer, this guy was in his fourties.

"We just need to get you back to your dad and see if he wants to press charges."

Probably, Marlin thought.

"Why'd you take the car, been drinkin'? ...cause we might have to take you in if that's the case." said Young Cop.

"No....hell no!" exclaimed Marlin, "I'm not old enough to drink."

"Well you're not old enough to drive, either." The older cop said. "Why don't you come on back to the car with us, kid."

Marlin complied, knowing that he didn't have any choice. They put him in the back seat, strangely enough the young cop climbed in with him.

"We gotta give you a breathalizer." Said young cop.

Marlin did not worry, as he knew he had not been drinking, but when they gave him the test, something was fucked....they put the thing in his mouth and had him inhale twice, which was fucking weird. He'd seen the breathalizer on TV cop shows and it was nothing like this.


Walt started to get into his brother's bed.

"Shit, I'm undies are soaked with sweat, so I took 'em off and...."

"Don't worry about it....just get in here and warm up." Dylan said.

The flashlight was still on, Dylan could not help but catch a glimpse of his older brother's naked body as he climbed under the covers...and notice how handsome his body is. It was funny he'd never noticed that before.

Walt saw his little brother in his undies, noticing the nice little bump in the front. The covers were over them again, and just in time as Walt could no longer stop his organ from filling with blood.

"What was the nightmare about?" Dylan asked, and then thought better of it, "Wait, I don't wanna will be playing in MY fucking head tomorrow night if ya tell me."

"Probably, squirt." Dylan said, "I'll just lay here for a while."

"Just go to sleep, bro." Dylan replied, "If you start to crowd me, I will just go to your bed, ok?"

"Cool...thanks, buddy."

"No prob...I'm sure you'll return the favor one of these nights."

Geez, I fuckin' hope so, you little fuck. Walt thought, I hope I can have a few friends over, we can share your tight little ass.

Walt made a point of shivering, Dylan put his hand on his brother's chest, rubbing gently, moving his fingers across the older boy's nipples. Walt was sure the kid didn't realize he was doing it. His nipples hardened, it was all he could do to keep from moaning.

Dylan's hand moved with more purpose now, gliding across his chest, then down onto his belly, just inches away from where his hard teenage cock lay throbbing.

"Feels good, bud." Walt whispered.

"Yeah? ....I kinda like doin' it. too....not sure why."

"Don't stop, ok?"

"Sure...that's cool."

5 minutes passed, Walt was not sure how much more he could take. Dylan's fingers carressed him harder now.

Another 5 minutes passed, the boy still feeling his chest and belly. Walt remained quiet. His brother's had dipped a bit lower, brushing against the head of his hard cock. He quickly moved his hand back upward, but it didn't take long for him to move back down again, this time, his finger found his brother's hard cock, gently brushing it's length.

"Wow." Dylan whispered, "You awake, bro?"

Walt wasn't sure if he should answer, maybe he should just let the little guy explore on his own. Finally, he did answer.

"Yeah, buddy." he whispered.

"Man, you've got a fuckin' boner, dude."

"Yeah....." Walt answered, not sure what else to say.

Dylan's small fingers came in contact again, closing around the throbbing shaft.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Walt sighed.

"Feels good, huh?"

"Yeah.....please don't stop, with it."

Dylan threw back the covers, then lifted Walt's hard cock off his belly, examining it in the light. He stroked it up and down.

"Wow....fucker's big, bro...way bigger than mine."

Ah, music to my ears! Walt thought.

"Well, you've seen mine, how about I see yours?"

Dylan grinned. He was so fucking cute when he grinned like that. He immediately lifted his little rump off the bed and took off his underwear, tossing them carelessly to the floor. His little cocklet stood proudly, three and a half inches and throbbing.

Walt didn't hesitate and reached for it, taking between his thumb and index finger, gently stroking.

"mmmmmmm..." the boy sighed, "That feels good."

The little boy had always liked climbing into bed with his older brother, although he would never admit that in a million years. The warmth of his brother's bed, the feel of his strong hand on his forehead as he brushed away the cobwebs of the dream. He had never though of going THIS far, but this was so cool. His little pecker tingled. He also loved the feel of his brother's big dick in his hand. He enjoyed the sound of Walt's moans, thinking, I'm making him do that. He gripped harder and lengthened his strokes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh God, Dyl.....fuck that's so good, please don't stop, buddy."

"I won't...I like doing this." Dylan said, lying his head on his brother's muscular chest.

The feel of his little brother's soft head on his chest was great. He stroked his hair with his free hand.

Dylan noticed one of the older boy's nipples was right by his chin. He wondered what it would be like to put it in his mouth, then knew that he HAD to, that he couldn't help himself. He lifted his head and came down on it, sucking. It was so awesome, the way it got hard so fast.

"Ahhhhh Christ, buddy.....yeah....feels so good." Walt moaned.

Dylan beamed with pride, knowing he was pleasuring his older brother so well. The next thought had barely passed through his head before he acted on it. Moving his head off his brother's chest, he moved down quickly, this forced Walt's hand off his own dick, which was not good, but he was sure they would fix that soon enough. His mouth came to rest on Walt's throbbing teenage cock, sucking downward.

"AHHH! Jesus!" Walt cried.

"Shhhhhhh!" Dylan hissed, "Don't wanna wake mom!"

He sucked the delicious piece of flesh into his mouth once again, discovering that he couldn't get enough....he'd suck it all night if his brother let him! He sucked down as far as he could go without gagging, then press his lips tight on the way back up. His big brother went crazy with pleasure, causing little Dylan great joy.

The little fucker was sucking his cock! It was amazing how he worked it. Pressing with his lips, twisting and turning his head. Walt couldn't wait until he got him together with dad. He petted the boy's head as he worked, running his fingers through his soft hair. His hand then glided down the back of his kid brother's head, then his his soft back, down as far as he could reach....had to get farther. He repositioned himself as not to take away Dylan's new toy, and grabbed onto the globes of his ripe little ass.

"Mmmmmmmmmm....mmmmm" Dylan moaned, his mouth full of cock.

"Yeah, little bro....suck it...Jesus you're so fuckin' gooood.....ahhhhhhh yeaaaahhhhh."

Walt's fingers glided gently down the boy's crack until he found the warm spot.


"Easy...don't wanna wake mom, dude." Walt mocked.

Electric pleasure shot through Dylan...up to this point in his young life, he had no idea such pleasure was possible. Walt had his index finger on his anus, tracing small circles, massaging the tight little muscle.

Dylan was pretty sure he knew what came next....

He just wasn't sure if it would fit.


Shawn and Roger had four of their new Troop friends in their room. Their father had only witnessed two of them come in, the high-school boys had snuck in.

This was the first time Roger had hung out with a 17 year old. They lay on his bed together. Roger was shirtless, the older boy, Chris West, was shirtless as well and was rubbing the younger boy's bare chest as they kissed.

Shawn was with a buddy from school who was also fourteen. Shawn had managed to get Frank's shirt off, and was working on his pants when the commotion started.

The other two boys, Rick Ogden, 18 and Lyle Sheldon, 13 were already completely naked and noisily fucking on Shawn's bed. Young Lyle had his face buried in a pillow, his hot young ass in the air as the older boy slammed his prick into him.

Shawn, his buddies shirt now lying in the growing pile of clothes on the floor, reached for Frank. The two shirtless boys came together in a kiss.

Clark decided to have a dad moment and look in on his boys. He knew they would be pissed, but what the hell. When he started down the hallway to their room, he heard the unmistakable sounds of sex.....and fucking.

The little fuckers have girls in their room! He thought. Visions of angry father's of pregnant daughters came into his head...he though he might pass out. He hurried down the hallway.

He hesitated. Maybe it wasn't what he thought, no sense in going off half-cocked. Maybe they were simply watching porn, still a concern, but not nearly as bad. He listened, eventually his face went pale once again...there were no girls, he was listening to ass-fucking by guys. He definately heard Shawn, telling someone to take off their pants so he could see his hard dick... Clark slowly opened the door and stood there, dumbfounded. The boys didn't notice him right away, so for better than a minute, things went on as if he was not there.

His oldest was locked in a passionate embrace with Frank Godan, a boy Shawn had been friends with since the two were very small. Both were shirtless, his son worked at the other boy's beltline, trying to open his jeans as they kissed on and on.

Two boys he didn't know were in the act of sodomy on Shawn's twin bed. The boy on the receiving end was probably Roger's age, the other kid looked like a legal adult, probably 18 or 19.

As unbelievable as this was, what really threw him was what he saw next.

His other son was also in the heat of passion with an older boy that Clark did not know. These two were also shirtless and kissing, the older boy had managed to open Roger's fly and had his hand stuck inside.

Clark came out of his stupor. "What's going on, boys."

"'s Dad!" Shawn cried.

The boy lying over Roger pulled his hand out of the younger boy's pants.

"Dad?" Roger said, "What're you doing up here?"

"What's he doing to you, Roger...are you letting him?" Clark said, dazed.

"I......I..." Roger started, then stopped.

"Are you guys in some sort of.....cult or something?" Clark said, a look of total confusion on his face, "I mean, I know I don't know a lot about your lives...but I didn't think you were....Jesus...I mean, how can both of you be...uh, gay?"

Clark moved into the room and sat on a chair, his head down as if deep in thought.

"Dad....Jesus..." Shawn said. "You never come up here! You usually don't give a shit what we do."

The other two were off Shawn's bed, the older boy had his pants on, the younger was pulling his on, he looked pale. Chris had moved against the wall by Roger's bed, watching.

"Jesus, Shawn," said Rick, pissed that his fuck had been interrupted, "I thought you said it was safe....doc says to ALWAYS make sure it's safe!"

"I Know....the other 364 days of the year it would have been...right, dad?" Shawn spat. "I mean, ordinarily you don't give a fuck, am I right?"

"This is my are doing this because I'm a shitty dad."

"Jesus, dad," Roger said, "You're not just kinda lost it when mom left." Roger said, going to his father and placing his arm around the man.

"Jesus....what now?" Clark said, "I wish I hadn't came up here...saw all this." The man dropped his head once again.

Roger was talking to his dad in hushed tones, leaning in by his ear, telling him that everything was cool, that HE was cool.

"We gotta fix this." Rick whispered as he moved over by Shawn. Lyle, Frank and Chris joined them. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small silver inhaler.

This is something Shawn had not thought of.

"We all gotta help." Rick continued.

"Yeah," Shawn said, he took the inhaler from Rick, holding it up for the rest of them to see. Clark was still looking down.

The six shirtless boys gathered around Clark.

"Now." Rick mouthed silently.

Six young bodies pounced at once.


Marlin was fucked up...he didn't know what the fuck the two cops had given him, but he was definately buzzing.

Marlin found out the younger cop's name was Aaron and his older partner was Mike. They said they were taking him in, so they had locked the doors on his dad's car and left it on the side of the road...funny thing was they gave HIM the keys. It was also weird that they were still not at the police station 20 minutes later, it was like they were just driving around killing time.

"It's been 20 minutes," Mike said from the front seat, "Should be ready, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but I can't tell..." Aaron replied. He slid over closer to the boy.

"How ya doin', buddy?" he asked.

"Good," Marlin replied, "A little dizzy maybe."

"Oh?" The cop said, interested. "You maybe commin' down with somethin'?"

Aaron placed his hand on Marlin's forehead. The man's touch made Marlin feel good, he was concerned about him. Cool.

"You don't feel warm." the man said, moving his hand up, through the boy's hair.

" ...mmmmm." Marlin replied.

"Nope," Aaron said, his hand on the back of his neck now, rubbing gently, "You feel just fine to me....nice n' soft."

What the hell did he mean by that? Marlin wondered, even though he did not care. The man's hand on his neck felt fine. It moved then, Marlin was almost disapointed until he felt it again on his chest. The younger cop was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Let's check here, can't be too careful, it is the cold and flu season." Aaron said.

The cold and flu season? Marlin thought, Are you even fucking kidding me? Wild laughter bubbled inside Marlin, he managed to bite it back.

The man slipped his soft hand under his shirt onto his that feels so fine, he thought.

"Not too warm here either," Aaron said, his hand gently rubbing back and forth on Marlin's chest.

"Mmmmmmmmmm." He sighed, unable to help himself.

The cop spoke to him again, almost in a whisper. "You're a fine looking young boy, Marlin." he said, his hand still under his shirt, rubbing. Man it felt so good.

"Ya...ya think?" Marlin replied, flattered.

The cop's free hand began undoing more buttons. Soon Marlin's shirt lay open, his young chest bare.

"Oh're a hot little little body."

Marlin couldn't believe this...he felt his prick growing hard fast.

"I think I'm gonna take off your pants, young man...would that be ok?" Aaron said. He could see by the streetlights they passed that the cop was smiling at him, his eyes sparkling. Marlin swooned.

"Yee...yeah. That would be cool."

"All ready." Aaron said to his partner as he went for the button and fly on Marlin's jeans, "I'm going first, cool?

"" Mike answered. "I'm gonna find a nice quiet place to pull over and watch. You strippin' 'em?"

"Yeah....little fucker's hot, man...can't fuckin' wait."

Marlin heard this exchange and knew exactly what it meant. The two men were going to take turns on him, the thought made his young cock harder still. Aaron was pulling down his pants, then stopped to remove his shoes.

" two gonna fuck my ass?" It felt as though the question was out of his mouth before the thought was complete in his head.

"What do you think?" the man asked him, he was smiling again.

"Yeah...I think you will....holy fuck, yeah." Marlin shrugged his shirt onto the seat as the man worked his underwear down his legs.

He was now naked in one of the town's police cruisers. He grinned at the thought.

"Damn, he's really fuckin' ready, man. We're gonna have some fun." Aaron said as he started to undress, "Are you gonna find us a nice safe place or are we gonna drive around all night?"

"We could go to your place..." Mike said, giggling.

" know my fuckin' wife is home, you shithead."

"We're coming up on the old Carter place....we'll take 'em out behind the barn."

"Whadaya say, kid? Fuck ya out behind the barn?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah...God yeah." Marlin said.

"Yeah," Aaron said, now shirtless as he moved his face toward Marlin, "Fuckin' sexy kid...Jesus."

He took the boy in his arms, loving the feel of his hot young body against his bare chest. Mouth open, he met Marlin's lips, immediately forcing his tongue inside. Marlin responded, opening his mouth. Both felt the car turn into a rough driveway. The came to a stop a few yards later.

"We gotta have the car out of sight, it back there. The ground's solid, we should be alright." Aaron said, then went back to kissing the boy, reaching his hand down under him, grabbing his soft rump and squeezing as they continued to french. His other hand found the boy's stiff cock.

"Man, nice prick, kid....gotta have some of that."

"Hang on back there, gonna get rough."

The car bounced as Aaron began working on getting out of the rest of his clothes, removing his gun belt and shoes.

The headlights shone on the back of the barn. There were tall weeds, but it looked like there was a clearing near the corner of the huge structure.

"We can spread a blanket right over there." Mike said, pointing.

"Well, you get to doing that...let us know when it's ready." Aaron said, dropping his underwear.

Mike drove the cruser closer so the lights shone where they would set up. When he opened the door, the dome light came on, reveiling for the first time Marlin's slim, tan body, his six-inch-plus, hard-as-stone cock.

" are a fuckin' hottie, kid."

Aaron moved his ass forward. "Lay down," he instructed.

Marlin did as he was told. Aaron quickly moved up between the boy's legs, taking his fine young dick into his mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." Marlin sighed as the young cop began to suck his prick, "Yeahhhhh....So gooood."

They heard the truck open as Mike retrieved the blanket.

He had been right about the corner, there was a nice clearing against the building where John could spread the large blanket. Afterward, he headed back to the car. He opened the back door. His partner and the kid were bare-assed, Aaron sucking the kid's tool.

"Holy fuck, man...what a little fuckin' stud."

"Tell me about it." Aaron raised his head. "Let's go, kid."


"And you may as well get naked, need to wait, you can have the other end." Aaron said, raising up.

Marlin sat, then swung his legs out of the car. Aaron followed.

"Damn! It's a bit chilly." Aaron said.

He really didn't think the chill in the air would matter much.


Little Dylan could not believe such pleasure existed. Walt had wet his finger and the little boy's anus was now slippery with spit. Walt's finger continued to trace in an circular motion, occasionally dipping in to the first knuckle. It was at this point that the tingles were the best. Not only was his little hole tingling with pleasure, he had Walt's big stiff rod in his mouth, sucking and licking. The kid could not figure it out, he was actually HUNGRY for this, bobbing his head up and down as he slurped. Saliva ran from the little boy's mouth, running in rivlets between the teenager's legs.

"Ahhhh God buddy....suck my fuckin' cock...feels so goooood..." Walt moaned, "Dude...throw your leg over my head...straddle me. I want some of your's too."

Cool! Dylan thought...he's gonna suck mine too! He quickly raised up, throwing his leg over his big brother's head, taking his mouth off his all-day-sucker for only a second. He plunged back down as he felt his brother's hot breath between his legs....then silky wet-warmth enveloped his entire package as Walt sucked his cock and balls into his mouth, flicking his tongue over everything. Eventually he let the little boy's balls slip from his mouth and concentrated on the stiff little spike throbbing in his mouth, pressing his lips hard and sucking quickly up and down.

It was all too much for the little guy, he lifted his head, gasping.

"Ahhhhh God....Jesus, Walt....never felt like this before...God yes....My god...what the fuck!!" He hissed, trying to stay quiet as his skinny little body tightened, every muscle hard as stone. He thrust his pelvis forward as his little cock pulsed in Walt's mouth.

Walt knew exactly what was happening, the little fucker was having his first dry cum.

The kid collapsed, panting, his little butt just below Walt's chin. Walt giggled.

"Holy....shit!" He panted, "That was...fucking awesome! ....what the fuck was that?!"

"You just had an orgasm, dude."


"Come here."

Dylan lifted, Walt swatted at his cute little bottom playfully. The boy giggled and lay down beside his brother, snuggling, taking Walt's cock in his hand once again.

"That's what happens when you get older, you'll spurt fluid out when you get that's what makes babies...don't they teach you this in sex ed?"

"I don't get that class until next year."

"Yeah, I guess I was 11 when I had sex ed. Right now, you can do that a bunch of times, when you get older, like me, you squirt your juice and then you don't wanna do it again for a while."

"You can squirt?"

"Bucket loads" Walt said, grinning.

"Are you gonna do it tonight?"

"Well..." Walt said, turning and raising up over his kid brother. "I hope to." he lowered himself gently down on top of the soft little boy, lowering his head, moving his face toward Dylan's.

Dylan smiled, his eyes closing as Walt moved in. He felt their lips touch, then Walt's tongue was on his lips, tasting. He had heard about frenching and opened his mouth. His brother's tongue moved in, Dylan wrapped his arms around Walt as their bodies moved together.

Walt raised his head as his butt continued to gently rise and fall.

"I want to fuck you, Dylan..."

"You mean...."

"Yeah....put it in you."

"I was thinking about that when you were playing with me down there...that felt so good." Dylan answered. "Will it hurt?"

"Maybe a little at first...but I don't want to try if you don't want to."

"Yeah...I want to...I wanna make you feel good...and I wanna make you squirt."

Walt grinned. Their lips met again.


His boy's really DID belong to a cult, Clark was sure of that now. When he wasn't looking, all six had attacked, taking him down and pinning him to the floor. Clark was strong enough, but still was no match for six young boys.

This kicker was that his own son had drugged him. Clark was so bummed by this that he had stopped struggling over 10 minutes ago. He simply lay there, looking at the ceiling while Chris and Rick (he discovered their names through the conversation they were having) held his arms and Lyle and his own son, Roger sat on his legs.

"What are you going to do with me?" Clark finally asked, "Have you poisoned me? Is that it?"

"Jesus,, that's not it at all....damn, do you really think we'd do that?" Shawn asked. He was busy with Frank once again. The two were sitting on the edge of Roger's bed, their arms draped over one another's shoulders.

"Well, no...but to be fair, I never thought you'd have gay sex in my house either."

Roger giggled. "He's got us there."

"Speaking of sex...." Frank said, grinning, moving his head towards Shawn's.

Shawn stopped him with his hand. "Hold on a few minutes, ya hornball."

"You could get off me...I'm not going anywhere...I'm feeling kinda funky on whatever it is you gave me." Clark said.

"Get off 'em, guys." Shawn said, looking at his watch. It had been fifteen minutes now.

The boys stood. Clark stayed where he was on the floor. Shawn reached behind him and threw his dad a pillow. Clark put it behind his head, felt like it took ten minutes to get it there.

"Get comfy, pop." Shawn said with a grin. "I think you should hang out with us tonight."

Clark said nothing, his head was buzzing pleasantly. He noticed that Frank had his hand on the front of his eldest son's jeans once again...judging by the bulge benieth the fabric, the boy had an erection.

Rick and Lyle were back on Shawn's bed, getting ready to take up where the left off. They giggled as the helped one another take off their clothes, once naked, Rick assumed the position once again.

"Ahhhhhhh yeah.....damn...fuck good." Lyle moaned as the older boy slipped his cock home.

Clark watched, fasinated that they were going to simply continue with him in the room. The older teen's prick moved in and out at an ever quickening pace, much to the delight of the younger boy, who continued to ask for it "harder" and "faster."

Roger and Chris were also close once again. His younger son's pants were now off, the older boy was gently stroking the front of his son's white briefs. The two were frenching.

Shawn and Frank were kissing as well, their heads moving, their hands gliding up and down each other's smooth backs.

Clark looked back and forth at his two sons. Roger was naked now, on his knees, sucking his older friend who was moaning, running his fingers through Roger's soft hair. Clark's eyes followed his younger son's body downward. He had never noticed how beautiful the boy was before, how slim, tan and sexy his young body is. He also was unaware that he had removed his man-dick from his pants and was stroking it slowly from tip to base.

Roger was now on all fours, moaning as the older boy tongued his hot little asshole, obviously getting him ready. Clark knew that he would have his turn with the boy tonight, that he would fuck his 13 year old son. Clark sat up and pulled his t-shirt over his head as Chris's teenage cock disapeared up his young son's ass. Clark layed back long enough to remove his pants and underwear, then joined Chris and Roger.

He knelt down by Chris and ran his hand down the teenager's muscular back, onto his humping young ass. "Fuck 'em..." he whispered. "Fuck that hot little ass."

" tight." Chris moaned, his eyes closed tightly, his young face a pained expression of pleasure.

Clark stood and walked over to the bed where his older son and his friend Frank now lie. Frank lay on his back, his legs in the air. Shawn's handsome young frame lay between his legs, his muscular rump moving rapidly up and down. Clark walked to the foot of the bed, looking up between the boy's legs, watching his son's prick move in and out of his buddy's asshole. Frank was moaning loudly, his eyes were closed, his mouth hung open as his head rocked back and forth.

Shawn glanced off to the side of the bed and noticed that his father was standing there, naked, watching him fuck his best friend. The teenager had never seen his father naked. Clark was a good looking man who kept in pretty good shape. Right now his pop had a boner, almost 8 inches and fat as hell. Shawn grinned. The fact that he was performing for his father made him hotter still, he pistoned his cock harder, slamming into his friend who in turn cried out, begging for more. By the time he'd finished with Frank and sat up in bed, he noticed that his dad was no longer a spectator. Roger was lying on the carpeted floor on his belly, spread eagle. Clark was on top of his youngest son, his chin on his chest as he watched his fat cock plow his boy.

Shawn figured that this was the end of their distant relationship with their father...from here on out they would spend much quality time together.

Hi Guys! At this point, chapter 5 is incomplete (probably 85% finished). I haven't had a lot of time, plus the response to this story has been luke-warm at best. (all comments have been positive, just very few comments).

To start with, I wanted Nifty to post this in the "Adult/Youth" section, which is much more popular, but they decided that it belonged in the "Sci-fi" section, which it does, but it could easily go in the "Incest" section as well.

Anyway, I will need some incentive to start pounding out (literally!) the conclusion. So email me...tell me how much you read before you finally could not stand anymore and just HAD to cum! In the meantime, stay hard.


Next: Chapter 5

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