The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Jun 13, 2006


The Troop - Part 3: Casey Parks - James and the Doctor - Push off, Heckler - The Doctor and Cameron - The Boys Join Up.


As it turned out, there were 2 no-shows, both high school students. The school didn't need to worry about explaining to the ones turned away why there were 41 boys, not that anyone would have noticed by the time the day was over.

The bus pulled up to the curb in front of Troop Headquarters at 8:15. The 3 men, Vice-principle Heckler, the gym teacher Jerry Fourts and a math teacher, David Geper filed out first, followed by the thirty-nine boys, who gathered by the main entrance, talking and laughing as they waited for instructions from the teachers.

"Guys!" Fourts yelled. The crowd hushed. "We are going to go in now. Follow us through the main lobby, they have a room set up for us with several couches and chairs. Just have a seat and we'll wait for our guides. I understand a couple of them are running late so we will probably have a 15 or 20 minute wait." A few grumbles at this.

Cameron looked up at the building.

Finally, he thought.

He couldn't wait.

Heckler was visibly shaking, but no one seemed to notice.

The men opened the main doors and the boys began to enter, mostly in twos but a couple groups of three or four.

The doctor grinned as the bus pulled up.

It begins, he thought.

His staff was ready, which included several young members, the three scout leaders and some older men, including a couple of men whose sons were visiting today.

The room was ready. The odorless gas had been flowing for a half hour now. After the boys entered, it would run for another five minutes and then be shut off.

John watched as the boys entered. The Stromer boy was among them.

The doctor grinned, wondering who would take young Cameron's clothes off. He hoped it was himself.

He went up to the observation room to watch the event unfold.

The room was huge, Cameron noticed, and this was just a waiting area.

The room echoed with the voices of boys. As promised, comfortable couches and chairs were everywhere. The boy's sat on the couches with their friends, or nearby in a chair.

"Just talk amongst yourselves for a bit." Heckler said, "Our guides should be here shortly."

Cameron thought his voice shook as he spoke. I suppose, being around so many boys has him excited, Cameron thought.

He took a few minutes to look around, as most of the guys he hung out with were already members here, Cameron didn't really have anyone to talk to. The ceilings were high, and up near them he saw mirrored glass, kind of like what you would see at a large discount store. Cameron wondered if there were people behind there, watching. He got the distinct feeling there were, but why would anyone be watching? It's not like there was anything to steal.

Ten minutes passed.

Casey Parks, a blond haired, blue eyed boy sat in a chair in a corner alone. He had few friends, none of them had made this trip....they pretty much thought he was an idiot for wanting to check the place out. Boy scouts, they said, you are too old to be a fucking Boy Scout. He had come anyway, mainly out of curiosity.

He was the first to feel the effects.

He thought he should probably stand up...he felt fucking strange. He stood, which seemed to take about ten minutes...he felt scared, but at the same time, it was really an ok feeling. A second later he noticed he was sitting.

"Whoa." He whispered.

He looked a few feet away and noticed another boy sitting alone, not talking to anyone. He was pretty sure this boy's name was Cameron, but he wasn't sure about his last name. The kid sure was good looking, though....fucking hot, really.

Why had he thought that?

Cause it's true, he answered himself, dude's fucking hot...looks like he works out. Man, I'd like to see him naked.

13 year old Casey had not noticed that his hand was in his lap.

17 minutes had passed, things began to happen in a hurry.

Cameron noticed that Duncan was now in the room. He was walking towards him, but it sure was taking him fucking ages to get to him...then suddenly, he was there, asking him how he felt.

"Damn....feel good dude." Cameron answered.

Duncan was shirtless, Cameron noticed for the first he was dressed only in an electric blue speedo.

Tom Payton was looking at the bulge in his best friend Jack Martin's jeans. He had seen his buddy naked in gym class and he knew his friend was hung...he was always just a bit jealous, not now though. He was wondering how big it got when he has a stiffy when it began to happen..damn! He was getting hard...he watched as his buddy's jeans swelled in front. He looked up, mainly to grin at his buddy and say Hey, dude, you're getting wood. That was when he noticed that Jack was checking him out. He looked back down to check his friend out again, but discovered that Jack was rubbing himself. He reached across and moved Jack's hand, replacing it with his own. Jack recipricated. Tom felt himself harden quickly at his friend's touch. The two moved closer together.

Roger and Shawn Adams, brothers at 13 and 14 respectively, had decided to check out the Troop with their friends Mark Steele and Doug Quinn. The four were sitting on a couch a few feet from where Casey sat alone. They watched as the 13 year old stood and removed his pants and underwear, completely unaware that anyone was watching. He sat again, taking his 5 inch prick in his right hand, stroking it up and down. Roger could not believe this. Nor could he believe it when he felt himself stand. He was wearing silk shorts with no underwear. His hard prick bulged rediculously, pointing his way to the boy he'd never met. He dropped to his knees, salivating, sucking all five inches of the kid into his mouth at once.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Casey sighed, pulling his shirt over his head. He realized he was naked and that people were watching, but decided that he didn't care.

Roger Adams sucked the new kid, unable to believe that he was doing this or how good it tasted. He knew the kid would cream eventually and couldn't wait to swallow it down.

"Man...what the fuck!" Shawn Adams said, turning to look at the reaction of his friends and was once again blown away. 13 year old Mark had his shirt off. 12 year old Doug was nursing on his right nipple like a newborn.

"Yeeeaaaahhhhhh....suck it." Mark sighed as he moved his hand onto the front of the younger boy's pants.

Shawn looked toward his little brother, watching his head bob up and down. He glanced over farther...vice principle Heckler's pants were down! His hand was gently stroking the head of a young boy he knew from his Math class, the kid was going down on the biggest cock he had ever seen! Shawn looked at his brother once again....he noticed for the first time that he could make out his butt-crack in the silky, his sweet little ass-crack, he thought, getting up slowly and crouching by his brother, his hand traveling down to the sweet butt-crack shadow. Before he knew what had happened, his brother's shorts were down, then he was licking his way down. Roger had not showered that morning and he tasted a bit bitter at first.

"Mmmmmmm....goood." Shawn moaned before burying his face in his little brother's butt-crack, licking his hot little hole clean. He knew that he would soon shove his cock up the tight little fucker, but when he reached down to take off his pants, someone was already doing that for him.

12 year old Brice Rosenburg was standing naked, practically in the middle of the room where everyone could see. He could hardly believe it. He had came here with two buddies, both were 13, Bob Purcell was currently sucking his cock, Larry Scott was standing behind him, his 5 incher buried up his ass. Brice could hear his own voice, as if from far away sighing "Yeahhhh....ohhhh yeaaahhhh....harder....yeaahhhhh."

Cameron looked around as his friend Duncan was taking off his pants for him.

The math teacher had a boy, Cameron didn't know his name, bent over the arm of a chair right across from him, he watched as the man's cock slipped in and out of the kid.

"Do it....yeahhhhhhh." the kid moaned, his face a picture of raw lust.

The gym teacher Jerry Fourts stood about ten feet away, naked and surrounded by four boys from his gym class. Two were on their knees, sucking and licking his cock and balls, the other two were on his nipples like young sucklings. Cameron noticed that one of them was the boy from the lunchroom who told him this place was a waste of time. Cameron wondered if the boy had changed his mind.

"Yeahhhh...that's it boys....ahhhhhhhhh." Fourts moaned.

Shawn Adams was kneeling behind his little brother, hammering his fat six inches into Roger, who cried out again and again.

Cameron felt the warm silky wetness of a mouth on his hard prick, sucking him up and down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." he sighed, his lust building by the second.

He smiled down, expecting to see his buddy Duncan.


"Hey, Stromer," Heckler said, "Having fun?"

Heckler was stroking his cock up and, it felt so fine.

"Yeah....oh God," Cameron sighed, not believing he was saying it, but his lust ruled the day for now, "Suck me, Heckler...Jesus...please suck me."

The words were music to Heckler, who was only too happy to oblige, taking the sexy young boy's fat cock deep, sucking it's curved length.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh God!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....suck it, man......" Cameron heard himself moan.

Clothes fell like rain. Everywhere the floor was littered with pants, shirts and underwear.

Eventually the room was filled with moaning, naked boys. Hidden doors slid open. The staff and members of the Troop decended on the room, naked. Over 20 men moved among the boys, taking and doing whatever they wanted. None of the boys minded these strange men joining in, as most were willing to spread their legs for anyone.

Strange, almost medieval equipment had found it's way into the room. One boy of about 17 found himself shackled to the wall, his arms and legs spread wide, his asshole open for whoever wandered by, several took the boy's utter delight. Another boy of about 12 had his head and hands in some kind stocks. He too was being abused at both ends. An 18 year old high school boy had his cock buried up the kid's ass, his hands gripped the boy's skinny hips as he fucked the tight little boyhole madly. An eighth grader stood by the 12-year-old's head, his hands on his hips, his head thrown back, moaning as the kid's hungry mouth slobbered up and down on his throbbing teenage cock..

Thomas Lee, a man of Asian decent and an lab employee here walked naked through the room. He spotted a nice looking boy of about 13 who was currently on his knees sucking a 17 year old high school boy.

"I'm going to borrow him from you," Thomas said, grabbing the boy by the shoulders and pulling him away from the older boy. The kid tried to move forward once again, moaning "Mmmmmmmm..sooo good."

"That's ok," the 17 year old said, "There's lot's more." He walked off,his 7 inch cock pointing the way.

"Here," Thomas told the boy, "Let's get you on your back...what's your name?"


"Ok, Evan," Thomas said, getting on his knees between the boy's legs, "Let's see if we can have some fun."

Evan grinned as he watched the man spit on his hand and stroke his huge cock. Thomas grabbed the boy's legs behind the knees and pushed upward, exposing the hottest little hairless crack he had ever seen. Thomas dove in, then burying his face in the kids moist hole, eating him hard and deep.

"Mmmmmm.....mmmmmmgghhhhhh." He grunted as his tongue flicked over the tight little sphincter.

"Ohhhhhhh....ohhh good." Evan moaned as he felt the man's warm tongue work it's way into him, wiggling inside him sending jolts of electric pleasure through his crotch. Then suddenly, Thomas was upright once again, aiming his fat cock at Evan's tiny hole.

He entered the boy rudely, to the hilt. Evan squeeled in pain.

Thomas began to hammer the boy. Thirty seconds later the boy's squeels turned to whimpers, another half minute and the kid was moaning. Thomas pushed the boy's feet practically up to his ears, assaulting his tight little hole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh Christ...tight little fucker...ahhhh fuck....gonna fuck ya so hard!" the man cried as he pistoned his fat cock in and out of Evan's dialated asshole.

Evan couldn't believe it. He was getting fucked....FUCKED!! a MAN! He could feel dude's fat prick stimulating every nerve ending along his slippery hole. Lust took control of him. He reached up and grabbed the mans neck, pulling himself up, then placing his open mouth on the man's. He could feel them man's razor stubble and smell his aftershave. He forced his tongue in his mouth. The man returned the kiss, taking the boy painfully by the hair. Evan didn't far as he was concerned, this man could do whatever he wanted to him.

Thomas could not believe how aggresive this kid was, but he LIKED it. The kid actually moaned when he grabbed his hair. Leaving that hand there, he put his free hand under the kid, squeezing his left buttock, pulling their sweaty bodies closer together as they continued to french.

Another panel slid aside, Doctor John Williams entered the room to what he figured was sweet music...the moans, sighs and cries of pleasure from almost 60 undressed young boys, most under the age of 14. He surveyed the scene in front of him, young sweaty bodies writhing, young faces twisted in pleasure, mouths engaged in endless kissing, sucking and licking. Wandering through the chaos, the doctor grinned as he watched young boys, boys who thought they were going on a tour a half hour ago, lying on their backs with their legs in the air, being fucked by grown men. Some were taking it in both ends at once. John was not naked, but wearing a terry cloth robe tied at his waist. He knew he wouldn't be wearing it for long. Soon he would join this orgy, as soon as he found the boy he would begin with, the athletic young Cameron Stromer.

He continued to search the room. Finally, he spotted the boy, naked save for his t-shirt. He wasn't alone, however...that fucking pea-brain HECKLER was between the boy's legs, sucking him! John turned quickly and began to walk in their direction. There was no fucking way that Heckler was going to be young Cameron's first.

He was almost on the two when he heard the distinct sound of a boy sobbing.

14 year old James Baxtor could not figure out what was going on. He sat in the corner, weeping softly. He had attempted to find the door they came in, but discovered that somehow it was no longer there. Also, he felt funny. The scenes that were unfolding before him made his dick hard, which was another thing he couldn't figure out. He knew the bus driver was in here as well and went off to look for him, thinking that he could help...he eventually found him, lying naked over the 12 year old boy James had sat with on the bus.

"Ooooooooo gotta let him do this to you, man." The kid told him, "It feels fucking great!"

James turned and fled, finding the only empty corner in the room. He watched as a man approached a boy younger than himself, the boy was lying on his back, another kid, one of few who still had his underwear on, was sucking his dick. The man gently moved underwear-boy off to the side, then rolled the naked boy over. He aimed what looked like a tube of toothpaste at the kid's crack and squeezed out some clear fluid. Aiming his big cock at the boy's crack, the man slowly slid it inside. The boy grinned, his eyes closed, grunting pleasure as the man's cock slipped briskly in and out. The man looked at James and grinned, holding himself up with his left arm, he used his right to point his finger at James, then at himself, then he mouthed the word "later" cocking his head. James got the drift...."you and me later?" Underwear-boy now had them down around his knees, stroking his hard dick as he watched the man fuck his friend.

John moved toward the boy in the corner, on his way he spotted Duncan, who had been pissed off when Heckler had taken Cameron from him. He appeared to had gotten over it however as he gently stroked the blond hair of a skinny young thing that was servicing his stiff rod.

John knelt bedside the two, placing his hand in the blond boy's hair as well, stroking gently.

"Duncan," the doctor hissed, "I need you to go to Heckler and Stromer."

"Damn..." Duncan said, glancing down at the boy, he thought his name was Curt.

"Take the kid with you." said John, "Tell Heckler if he fucks the boy that he is finished here...stick with Stromer and keep him happy....except for screwing him. I will be back in a while."

John walked off. Duncan hated to interrupt, the dude was doing such a good job.


The boy looked up, grinning. "Craig...what, don't you like it? I like it....why are we all doing this anyway, I mean, it's awesome and all....." he trailed off, not sure where he was taking the conversation.

"Come with me, Craig." said Duncan, "I'm not finished with you yet, but there's something I gotta do."

"Cool, where we goin'? Are we gonna do it some more?"

" you talk a lot, dude."

"That's what my mom says...she thinks I never shut up, except maybe when I'm sleeping, but maybe I talk in my sleep too...Nobody sleeps with me, so I don't kn..."

"Jesus! ...just follow me. I'll give you something to keep that mouth busy when we get there."

Duncan crossed the room, stepping over moaning groups of men and boys.

John walked up to the boy.

"I don't want to." the kid mumbled.

"That's ok....we don't have to do anything."


"Nope." John said.

He noticed the boy had his hand in his lap, gently rubbing.

"What do you say we get out of here....I got an office right over there."

"I don't see a door."

"I have a special remote for that." John said, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a small black plastic object. It resembled a keyless lock for a car.

"Cool." The boy said, a hint of a smile on his handsome young face.

"Come with me....what is your name?"

"James...James Baxtor."

"Great, We'll just wander around the edge of the room, James, to keep from running into anyone."

"Why are they all.....doing that?"

"They're just having a bit of know what it is to get horny, right James?"


"Well that's all it we are."

John triggered the small device. A part of the wall slid aside, reveiling a door.

"Fuckin' cool!" James said.

The doctor opened a second door that looked like a mirror and the two stepped inside. The room had a small bed, a night stand and a loveseat that faced a window that looked out on the room they had just left.

"Have a seat." John said.

"People can see us sitting here watching them."

"No, they can't. This is one-way glass, we can see them, but they can't see us."

"That's good."

"You are still a little shaky, sport....I'd like to give you a mild sedative. It'll calm you down."

"So I don't report this, right?" said James.

"Not at all. I see you are upset and shaking, and I want to calm you....if you want I will call the PD for you. You know officer Jack Thomas, don't you?"


"I will call him in and you can make a statement."

"...and he could see for himself, too."

"Exactly." John said as he pulled the small inhaler out of his robe pocket.

James sat, looking out the window and rubbing the front of his jeans.

"So...the sedative?" John asked.

"I long as it doesn't knock me out."

"'s just a mild inhalant...just trigger it a couple of times and breathe deep."

James took the device and turned it over in his hands.

"There's no brand name on it."

"It's one of many samples I get from my's perfectly safe."

James placed the nozzel in his mouth and hit the trigger twice, breathing deeply as he did so.

"Hold it in a bit......little more....ok, exhale...excellent,, drink this, you must be thirsty too."

"What is it?"

"Just Gatorade."

Which was the truth, except there was a touch of phase II added as well.

James downed the glass in one swallow.

"Ok, call the cops." James said, grinning.

"You bet, sport."

John walked across the room and picked up the phone. He dialed in Jack Thomas' cell phone number. Jack answered on the first ring.

"Jack," John whispered, watching the boy closely. James was now standing in front of the one way glass as if obsessed with the scene on the other side. "Need you here, can you get away for an hour or so?"

"Yeah, half hour would work better...trouble?"

"No biggie, just a little hiccup...I almost have it solved already."

"I'll be there in 10 or so...entrance D?"

"Yeah, orientation room 7."

John broke the connection. "Yes officer," he said aloud, causing James to look his way, "I will see you in 10 minutes."

"Cool." James mumbled. He was looking out the window again, his hand lazily moving up and down on the front of his jeans.

8 minutes passed. With what he inhaled when he arrived, plus the added dose, young James' head was buzzing pleasantly. John moved in behind the boy, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"The sedative kicked in?" John asked.

"Ohhhhh, yeah." James answered, "You're going to kill me now, right...bury me in a shallow grave?" James giggled.

"Man, what an imagination you have!" John said, gently massaging the boy's shoulders. "We would never do anything to hurt a sexy young man such as yourself."

"Mmmmmmmmmmm..." the boy moaned.

John brought his mouth down to the boy's right ear. "Look at 'em out there...naked....fucking....sucking."

"Yeah....ooohh.. check that out....damn!" James said, pointing at a young red-head taking a cock in his ass as well as his mouth.

John's hands moved down to the boy's firm chest. "Imagine how that would feel, James....a big fucking dick poking your asshole."


John's hands slipped up under the boy's shirt, his fingertips seeking out his nipples, gently swirling in a circular motion.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." the boy sighed.

"Such a sexy little man you are, James."

"You want me, don't you?" James whispered.

"Yeah, I do," the doc whispered, "Will you give your body to me James? Willingly? ....and never tell a soul?"

"Yeaahhhhh.....yeahhh....I promise."

John grabbed the hem of the boy's t-shirt and pulled up. The boy raised his arms, still looking out, entranced, grinning. John carelessly tossed the shirt into the corner.

Quietly, a door opened behind them. John turned to see officer Thomas step into the room in full uniform.

"The police are here." John whispered to the boy.

"But I don't want to tell them now."

"That's ok...he's not here for that."

"Holy shit, John." Jack said, looking out of the window.

"Tell me about it. You should really hang around a while." John said, his hands rubbiing the boy's firm chest.

"This the problem?"

"Not should really get out of that uniform."

"Man, I can't stay long....maybe for a little bit, with this guy." Jack said, pointing at James.

"Your son's here, Jack."


"Your 15-year old....Walt. He's here. I didn't think he'd be the type to sign up for something like this, but he did."

" he ok?"

"Relax, Jack...he's having a ball."

"Really? ...where is he?"

John looked around. "Right over there."

Walt Thomas was bent over a couch. An older high-school boy knelt behind him, his face buried in the boy's ass. The older boy looked as though he were starving, working his tongue deep...the look on Walt's face was pure extasy.

"Damn....kid's gonna fuck 'em." Jack said, his hand falling to the front of his blue police pants.

"No doubt. Stay for a while....let's start right here." John was rubbing the boy's chest again. He dropped his head and began kissing his soft neck.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh." James sighed softly.

"Guess I could spare an hour." Jack said, kneeling in front of the handsome young man.

"Hey, cutie." Jack said to the 14 year old as he reached for the brass button on the boy's jeans, unfastening it.

"Officer Thompson.....hey." James said, his head rolling back as a wave of pleasure caused him to shudder. John had moved to the boy's side and was sucking his nipple, swirling his tongue around the hardening flesh.

Suddenly, his pants were gone. The man was squeezing his stiff cock through the soft white fabric of his briefs. Then his face was on his lap, buried in the fabric, his mouth working, his nostrils sucking in the scent of piss, sweat and fresh cotton.

"Holy fuck kid, you're beautiful." the man moaned as he grabbed the elastic band, pulling them down to the floor. 6 inches of hot teenage meat bounced before him. "Ohhh my fucking God..." the officer moaned, and swallowed it all, cupping the boy's sweet young balls in his hand, fondling them gently as he sucked up and down, his lips clamped tight around the fat teen cock.

"Ahhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuyeah!" James moaned as he felt the moist mouth take his cock all the way to his light brown pubes.

Next, he felt the doctor's warm hands on his butt-cheeks, spreading him, then hot breath...followed by the warm, wet tongue, licking his full ass-crack, then settling on his hole, wiggling. He relaxed, almost going limp, but the two men held him up. The tongue slipped inside him. Pleasure that beat the shit out of any of his jack-off sessions rocked his handsome frame.

Next, he felt himself being lifted up by strong arms and placed in some kind of swing which supported his back and spread legs, leaving his crotch open. Then the cop was sucking him again, his strong hands on the firm young chest, gently pinching and twisting his nipples. Then a noisy, buzzing sound, like an engraving tool makes....moist fingers on his hole, rubbing him. An instant later, he knew what the sound was....electric pleasure jolted his asshole, his young sphincter parted as the device slipped deep inside him. He arched his strong young back, crying out.

"You want to go first?" This was the doctor's voice, and he knew what it meant.

They were going to take turns fucking him.

Adrenaline poured into his system at the thought. Fear, excitement, lust all ran at the same level.

"Ahhhh God...fuck meeeeeeeeee....Jesus...fuck me!" The boy cried, his lithe young frame writhing in the sling.

"Yeah...I'll go first!" This was Officer Thompson.

He was going to be fucked by a cop....holy fuckin' shit!

James felt his body rise again. The wonderful sex toy was removed. James almost begged for more, but knew what it would be replaced with. He discovered that the swing was actually attached to him using wrist and ankle bands made of leather. These were disconnected from a device that hung from the ceiling (which he knew he didn't see when he walked in this room). Both hands were attached to a ring on the wall about a foot above his head. His ankles were attached to similar rings near the floor. His legs were spread wide.

He turned and saw the cop was now completely naked, stroking the biggest cock he had ever seen in his 14 years.

Man, he thought crazily, that's going up my butt.

The cop stood behind him. "Relax, buddy." The cop said as he pressed the fat head against his anus and began to push. "Ahhh God...Tight." He sighed.

James thought that this was proabably going to hurt, the dude was fuckin' huge! But as the fat head penetrated him, he felt only a slight twinge of pain, enough to make him gasp slightly. Slowly, the huge cock split his tight buns until finally he had all 8 inches inside. He didn't feel much at first, other than completely filled up, but when the man started to fuck him, nerve endings on his anus came to life as the thick veined pole glided past.

" fuckin' tight.." Jack moaned as he began to fuck.

"Yeahhhh....fuck my ass.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." James moaned as he watched the doctor drop his robe.

Naked, the doctor watched man and boy fuck, stroking his cock and waiting for his turn.

Duncan, with his horny new friend in tow, walked over to where Cameron lay. Heckler was in the process of getting the boy ready. Cameron's was now completely naked, his ripped chest heaving up and down, his legs in the air as Heckler licked ass.

"Ohhhh my God, kid....I've always wanted your fuckin' ass....Jesus...gonna fuck you raw!" He grunted, diving back in for more.

"Yeahhhh....oh God, yeah....fuck my ass, you prick."

Surprised, Heckler raised his head. "Don't like me, do you?"

"Fuck no." Cameron spat back, then he grinned, "But I'll let you fuck me."

"Atta boy."

"Heckler, we gotta talk." Duncan interupted.

"Fuck you, I told you before...fucker's get the fuck lost."

"No, you stupid fuck!" Duncan spat back, "Message from the fuck him and you are through here."


"That's tellin' 'em Duncan....but he really can fuck me if he wants." Cameron face was pleading, desperate. His fingers wandered to his moist hole, "I NEED it, dude."

Duncan remembered his first time on the juice. "I know buddy, trust me, you'll get it dude...just not from I'm telling you, Carl...push off."

"HE can't stop me! ...what's he gonna do...I know everything about this place!" Heckler spat, red faced.

"We would all stand up for him.....and you, well there is some video in the really want to push this over ONE boy?" Duncan said matter-of-factly, "Don't push him Carl, you know what he is capable of....look around you, you have multiple opportunities right now...."

Heckler looked around at the moaning, writhing multitude around him and rose, his fat cock now flacid.

"Easy there Carl," Cameron said, "Maybe someday next week I'll stop in your office...I have been a bad boy, you know. I could maybe...sit on your lap, what do you think?"

Heckler looked hopeful. "Perhaps" he said, and walked off in search of a new partner.

"Man, dude..." Duncan said.

"Hey, sorry...but I want it. Are YOU gonna do it? ...I hate that fucker, but he was gonna DO me." Cameron said, frustrated.

"But you'd also do Curt here."

It's CRAIG, damn it! Are we gonna do it or what?"

"Ok, CRAIG," Duncan said, pointing at Cameron's dick, "Suck."

Craig didn't need to be told twice, kneeling immediately between Camerons legs, he took the boy's cock into his mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhh." Cameron moaned as Duncan moved in beside him. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"What is this shit we're on?" Cameron asked suddenly.


"Don't play're a member here. I felt it after the first ten minutes...fought it pretty well for the next five. What is it?"

"I can't answer that, pal....maybe the doc will if you decide to ask."

Cameron didn't press the issue, he wasn't even sure he cared what they had done. He was going to be a member here, of that he was certain now. But not just for the sex, the place had tons of things to offer.

"Man, you're looking good pal....I hope you don't mind me saying...I've always wanted a shot at you." Duncan said, blushing.


"Oh yeah...since forever."

"Well now you have your shot....damn, this guy is good...Jesus." Cameron said, stroking Craig's soft hair.

"Well...I chased Heckler off cause the doc has had his eye on you too...he's seen you around."

"Where is he? ....maybe you could do it with me later."

"I'd really like to, if he lets me....he said he'd be back soon."

"Well, we can still meet up sometime..."


Duncan was unprepared as Cameron closed the distance between them quickly. Their lips met softly, tasting.

Cameron backed off, giggling at the surprised look on Duncan's face.

"Maybe we could try that again?" Duncan asked, returning his friend's grin.

"Sure." Cameron said, moving in.

They met again, Duncan tasting Cameron's full lips. Their mouths opened and their tongues met.

"Mmmmmm." Duncan moaned as their hungry mouths worked.

They broke after a full minute. Duncan tapped Craig on the shoulder.

"Mmmmmm." the boy moaned, still sucking.

"Dude...." Duncan said, tapping the boy a second time, "Do you mind." Duncan grinned and stuck out his thumb, aiming it behind him.

"Oh I get it...three's a crowd, right?"

",'re awesome..."

Craig smiled. "Hey...I GET it, ok? Have fun boys." the boy winked, Duncan returned it. The naked boy found a couple willing to take on one more just a few feet away.

Cameron grinned and rose above his friend, gently lowering his muscular body down until their skin touched.

They kissed, their young bodies writhing. Duncan became fully hard in an instant, wanting to take his friend right then and there.

Duncan's legs parted as he felt Cameron's hard penis rubbing against his leg. The kiss broke, the boys were breathing hard.

"Ohhhh God....fuck me, Cam."

"But the doc..."

"He wanted me to make sure no one fucks YOU."


Cameron rose up, holding his hand up to spit on it.

"Not necessary...I used vasoline before I came in here."

Cameron giggled. "You're PRE-lubed?"

Duncan flushed. Cameron shook his head, giggling as his friend raised his spread legs.

His smile dropped suddenly, "I don't wanna cum before the doc has a shot at me...."

"Don't worry, you can go a long time on the juice."

"Hey Dunc," Cameron said, his face suddenly serious.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"The doc....he's a good guy, right?"

"He's the best, Cam, trust me. He would never hurt a boy, he loves them too much." Duncan thought a moment, "I love him like a father."

"That's so cool." said Cameron, "As long as you say so, then it's gotta be true."

Cameron looked down at his friend's anus and took aim, then lowered himself, penetrating his friend easily. Their lips met yet again as they coupled, Cameron's ass gently rising and falling.

For the next half hour, Duncan was in heaven.

"Ahhhhhh sweet Jesus! Yeah!" James cried.

He was on the floor now on his hands and knees, the doctor mounting him from behind. He thought of the boy with the bus driver, how he had told James to let the man fuck him and how good it felt. James decided to try to find the driver again when he was finished here.

The doctor was not one to just experiment on others, he took the formula on a regular basis as well....he believed as Duncan did, that it gave him excellent longevity. He had now been fucking young James for better than twenty minutes, and while he always danced on the edge of tipping over, he always managed to hold out as long as he saw fit. He finally pulled out of the boy.

Jack was standing by the window, gently stroking himself as he watched a man in his thirties plow his young son.

"You like that, son?" the doctor asked, sitting down beside the boy.

"Damn, that was so good."

The doctor took the boy in his arms, they kissed.

They pulled apart finally. John said, "Why not go out there...join the party?"

James knew right were he was headed. "What about my clothes?"

"I don't think you'll need them. You'll have them on you when you leave late this afternoon, I promise."

The doctor swatted the boy's ass as he headed for the door.

"I should go." Jack said, still watching his son's angelic face as the boy moaned on and on.

"I think you should stay just a bit should go over with him."

"I don't know what he'd think...."

"Trust me." The doc said, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "I gotta go find what I've been waiting for for weeks."

"The Stromer kid...."

"Yes. I will see you later Jack....go to your boy."

With that, John walked out into the orgy.

It didn't take John long, the boy was where he left him, with sweet Duncan watching over him. He watched the two couple, not wanting to pull them apart just yet...they were beautiful, their two lithe bodies, shiny with sweat, moving together so gracefully, the pleasure they were feeling etched in their young faces. John walked over, placing his hand gently on the tanned, muscular back of his dream-boy.

Cameron felt the warm hand on his back, he knew the doctor had arrived. He looked up and saw John's friendly, handsome face. He smiled, yet he didn't want to stop just yet. He loved hearing the sound of his friend, moaning, completely lost in pleasure. The doctor seemed to sense this.

"Don't stop," John said just loud enough to hear over the moans, "Fuck him."

Cameron went back to the task at hand, moving his rigid flesh in and out of his friend, listening to the music of his sighs. Their lips met yet again. To Cameron, it felt as though his body had merged with Duncan's.

John moved his hand over the boy's handsome body, feeling his muscles work under soft, tanned skin as he fucked his friend.

"Fuck him, Cameron...harder."

Cameron obeyed, his firm ass rose and fell faster, faster still. John lay down beside the two, reaching between them to find Duncan's cock, hard as steel. He began to jack him, gripping his hard cock tight.

"Yessss....fuck him, boy....harder. Come on...give it to him...faster....but don't that for me."

Cameron raised up on his arms, hammering his dick into his friend. John could tell Duncan was getting close as the boy's head began to rock, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Then, his body began to buck.

Ughhhh!-Ughhhh!-Ughhhh!-Ughhhh!-Uhhhhh!! - -AHHH!!! AHHHH YEAH!!" Duncan cried as his boy meat began to spurt.

Cameron slowed, pushing in to the hilt and grinding his hips as his friend began to cum.

"That's it, buddy," Cameron moaned. "Squirt it, man....yeahh."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhh." Duncan sighed as cock continued to spasm, his cream now running down the doctor's hand, "Sooo fuckin' goooooooood." Smiling up at his buddy.

Cameron rose up, pulling his cock free. "That was so good, buddy." He said.

Duncan sat, still breathing hard. "Thanks, doc." he panted.

"Anything for you, know that."

"Yeah, I do.....I love you, doc."

"And I, you." said John as he ran his fingers through the boy's sweaty hair. "Now go and shower, you'll have to help me clean up this mess in a while."

"Yes sir." said Duncan, rising and placing his fist on his bare chest.

As always, the doc returned the salute.

Duncan walked off, he turned and blew Cameron a kiss. The other boy returned it.

"See ya, pal." Cameron said, then, turning to the doc, "I can help you clean up, too..."

"You, my sexy young friend," said John, turning toward the boy and placing his hand in his hair, "will most likely pass out in a while."

"Really? How come?"

"Most boys do their first time on the formula, usually right after they's a side effect that I thought we'd figure out eventually."

The doctor turned and placed his back against the couch, Cameron joined him. John placed his arm around the boy.

"Is that what this buzz is?"

"Yes...wanna know more?"

"Yeah, but not right now...don't really wanna talk."

John grinned, turning and taking the boy's head in his hands. "I think I know what you want." he said softly.

Cameron's face took on that pleading look again. The two were almost nose to nose.

"Fuck me," he whispered, "Please."

John smiled. "I think we could do that."

After much searching, James found the man that had drove them here. He was still with the same boy. The man was lying on his back, the boy stradled his fat cock, riding, moaning. The boy spotted him.

"Change your mind?" He panted.

"Yes....yes, please." said James.

"I'm Tony." said the boy, rising up off the man's dick.


Tony turned around, promptly sitting on the man's face. Wet sucking sounds ensued. He reached down and held the man's prick straight up.

"Come on," said Tony, "I'll help."

James walked over stradled the man, facing toward his new friend. After the fucking he'd received from the two men in the room, he was ready for this. He squatted, barely slowing down. The fat cock split his buns perfectly, plowing into him.

"OOhhhhpppggghh." The man moaned as he penetrated this new boy, his mouth full of hot boy pussy.

James began to ride, impaling himself on the man's stiff pole over and over again.

"Ohhhh fuck this is soooo fuckin' good." Tony moaned, his back arched as he moaned. "He's got his fuckin' tongue inside me, man....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Jesus...yeahhhhh...he's so fuckin' big! Ahhhhh yeaaaaahhhhhh." James moaned.

Tony leaned forward, as did James. Their hands groped blindly as their mouths moved closer, each finally finding the other's prick, pulling and stroking.

They met, open mouthed.

Jack slowly approached the couch. The man smiled at him, not realizing that he was fucking Jack's son. Jack walked over to the man and whispered in his ear. The man grinned wide and clapped Jack on the shoulder. He pulled out and stood off to the side to watch.

Jack placed his hand on his oldest boy's sweet ass, rubbing gently.

"Walt...." he said softly, "....son."

The 15 year old recognized the voice immediately. He raised up on his arms and turned his head.

"Dad...." he started, looking at his father's naked body, " You're here?"

"Yes, son...I've been a member here for a few months."

"What's happening here....I mean, it's ok....but know?" The boy stammered.

"I will explain sometime, but not right now." He said.

Walt sat up on the loveseat, his better than six inches still hard. He flushed red, his father seeing him in this state.

Jack joined him on the seat, placing his arm around the boy.

"No need to be embarrased,'s alright." he said, his free hand reaching out, stroking the boy's sweaty hair, brushing it away from his forehead.

"It's just kinda.....kinda twisted, dad."

"Yeah...I know." Jack said, moving the back of his hand across the boy's cheek and around his ear. The boy closed his eyes.

" are so son." Jack whispered, his hand now moving down Walt's chest, gently stimulating the boy's nipples.

Walt sighed softly, his eyes still closed.

Jack's hand continued downward, finally finding the hardness there.

"Holy fuck." Walt sighed as his father's fingers wrapped around his stiff prick.

Walt opened his eyes and saw his father's face, he was so close.

Walt closed the distance between them. Their lips touched, then opened. They kissed. Jack gently pushed his boy back, manuvering above him. Walt automatically raised his legs, wrapping them around his dad. Jack reached for his cock. Since he had fucked better than 25 young boys multiple times each in the past three months, he aimed it expertly. He penetrated, gliding his eight inches into the boy easily. The boy arched his back and broke the kiss.

"Ahhhhhhh! My fucking god! .....ahhh dad." Walt cried.

" beautiful boy....aahhhhhhhhhh." Jack moaned, gently sawing his big dick in and out.

"Jesus.....Jesus." The man watching whispered, his hand flying up and down his rod. "Fuck 'em, buddy....yeah."

Jack and Walt were oblivious to this, and also to the fact that the moans and sighs began to change to cries and screams.

All around them, men and boys alike had began to cum.

It was everything John had expected when he had first spotted the boy on the street.

John sat on the couch, Cameron straddled his body, facing him, impaled on his stiff man-dick. John's hands wandered over the boy's soft muscular young frame. The boy was a work of art, his sparkling brown eyes, his smile, the way he moved and carried himself...the way he made love. John never wanted him to leave. He pulled the boy close to him, they kissed, the kid did not miss a stroke throughout as his tongue explored John's mouth.

They had been fucking for less than ten minutes, John already felt the familiar tingle in his crotch, he was losing control for the first time. It was like the boy had been doing this forever, expertly tightening his young anus, sometimes on the up-stroke, sometimes going back down. For the first time in a long time, John was losing control, he knew he was going to cum and there was nothing he could do about it.

He grabbed the kid's tight young buns, squeezing as the boy sensed his impending orgasm and picked up speed, rocking on his lap, moaning, whimpering.

John cried out, practically screaming as his balls let go.

Cameron watched as the man tensed and cried out, then felt the most wonderful burst of warmth inside him as the man filled his hole with his hot man juice. He smiled, pleased that he had been able to satisfy the man.

"Oh my God...ahhhhhhhhhh.....yeah..." The man sighed as he slowly started to come down from the best orgasmic high of his life. "Ohhhhh sooooo good, good my boy."

John pulled him close, his softening cock still inside the boy. They kissed again, lingering for a long time. When they broke, John moved Cameron off to the side, his flacid penis slipping from the boy's crotch, a flood of semen followed, running down the kid's leg.

John lay the boy on the couch and moved up between his soft thighs, taking his curved, steel-hard cock into his mouth.

So delicious. He sucked slowly up and down, savoring the musky boy taste. He picked up speed, his middle and index fingers finding the boy's cum-soaked hole, gliding inside easily.

"Ahhhh God!" Cameron cried, spreading his legs to allow better access.

John slipped in a third finger, that was all it took. The boy arched his back, spreading his legs further, somehow, his cock grew harder in John's mouth.

The wonderful sensations quadrupled for Cameron when John added a third finger to the two that were jammed up his hole. He felt every muscle in his body stiffen as his ass raised up high. The man followed it with his fantastic sucking mouth. His head shook back and forth rapidly, Cameron didn't want it to end.

The boy screamed. The first volley hit the back of John's throat, almost choking him. He swallowed quickly, then caught several subsequent spurts in his mouth, savoring the flavor of the warm boy-seed. He finally let the boy's dick go with a "pop", then swallowed his favorite treat. He moved up to where the boy's head lay, he was fading fast.

"You were fantastic, Cameron." The doctor whispered as he stroked the boy's hair.

"Mmmmmmmmmm..." Cameron moaned, still feeling the tingles from John's hot blow.

"I want you here with me...will you join us at the Troop?"

"Yessssssssssss." Cameron moaned, "Anything.....for you......" he trailed off.

His head rolled off to the side as he passed out cold. John gently kissed his forehead. He stood. Duncan appeared at his side.

"You want me to...."

"No," said John, "I will take care of him personally. Are any of the other original members finished?"

"Yes...most are on their way from the showers, some are still out here...they can help too."

"Yes," John said, looking around. He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, "Do you think I've gone too far...perhaps even mad?"

"You are asking the wrong person, doc."

The doctor cocked his head.

"I will love you forever, sir." The boy stated simply.

The doctor placed a fist on his chest. Duncan immediately came to attention and returned it, grinning.

"Time to go to work." Duncan said, and began to wander the room, looking for a situation where a boy might fall down.

He found such a situation right away.

His math teacher, David Geper, was lying on a small couch stroking his cock, grinning at the thought of the shower he was about to take. Four boys, ages 13 - 16 stood over him, young hands flying up and down on various size cocks. A black-haired sixteen year old was the first to begin to shake, bending at the knees, his young head falling back he began to spurt. The other younger boys watched this unfold, the boy's moaning, the look of pleasure on his angelic face. They tipped like dominoes, each shooting lines of fresh boy cum on their math teacher, hitting his crotch and torso, his face and some even landing in his mouth, which he swallowed eagerly. Soon after, he began to cum himself, his juice mingling with the cream of the four boys.

The sixteen year old, being the first to cum was the first to feel the dizziness. He slowly dropped to his knees.

"Whoa, easy there, buddy." Duncan said, easing the boy to the floor, where he lay, out cold, the trace of a smile still on his face.

The other three began to sway, all at the same time. Duncan caught a 14 year old just as he was about to topple, quickly lowering him to the floor. He knew the other two would fall together.....Jesus, which do I catch?

Then Roy was at his side. They took the last two down together. David also sat, boy cum running down his body. He began rubbing it all over himself.

"Jesus, that was hot!" he stated.

The two boys grinned. "We need your help, dude." Duncan said.

"Yes," Said David, not bothering to look for his clothes. He would have to find them later. Many boys will probably go home with the wrong underwear, he thought, grinning.

Everywhere boys were cumming. Shooting hot loads into best friends mouths and up complete stranger's assholes. Sweet cries of pleasure accompanied this.

Young brothers Roger and Shawn Adams had not left each other during the entire meyley. 14 year old Shawn was once again fucking his younger brother, Roger was on his back, his skinny legs in the air. They had taken turns doing each other, fucking and sucking, the whole time. This time, however, the older boy was heading down the home stretch. With a cry, he began to fill his brother, hammering his dick home with each spurt. Roger was watching his brother, hardly able to wait...he was gonna cum too this time! Shawn finished up with a grunt, then his eyes clouded and he seemed to look through Roger. His eyes rolled up to whites and the boy passed out with his cock inside his brother.

"Shawn! ...wake up fuckin' turn!" Roger said, forcing his brother off of him.

Shawn ended up on his back, eyes closed and out cold.

Roger rubbed his stiff meat. "Jesus..." he whispered, "Gotta fuckin have it...Jesus!"

Not knowing what else to do, he had a sudden idea that made him so hot. He rose above his brother, laying his cock and balls on Shawn's face. He began to hump, his little butt moving up and down, his stiff little prick rubbing across his brother's face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He sighed, his butt humping, his legs spread wide, feeling his brother's warm breath on his balls. Shawn's thick white cum ran from his butthole as it moved rapidly up and down.

"Uhhh-Uhhh-Uhhh-Uhhh-uhhh!!!" he grunted in time with his humping as his own juices boiled from his cherry red little pecker, quickly covering his brother's face. "Ahhhhhhhhh....Ahhhhhhhh....Ahhhhhhhhh."

He raised his ass, looking at his brother's cum soaked face, grinning....and then quickly passed out, slumping onto his brother once again.

The sounds in the large room were becoming less and less by the second.

Jack knelt beside his son, who he had just sucked off, smiling, stroking his hair.

Tom Payton was passed out, still on top of his best friend, Jack Martin, who was also out like a light. Tom had the idea that they should rub their cocks together until they got off. Jack's last thought before he blacked out was "Man, that worked great!"

The doctor stood in the center of the room. One last gentle sigh cut the silence, then quiet prevailed. His people worked. Some had participated in the action and were wearing only boxers or briefs, others were not present at the orgy and were fully dressed as they loaded naked young boys onto gurneys.

The doctor watched for a bit, then knelt beside his dream-boy. Cameron was still out cold and would be for the next 2 - 3 hours. John looked at his watch. The boys had entered around 8:20, it was now 10:15. Most would sleep until 1:00 or so, some a bit later. He would serve lunch at 2:00 and send them all back to the school in time for dismissal.

He was confident that all would join up.

"Could I get a gurney over here please?" he asked a passing aid.

"Yes, sir." the boy replied.

When the boy returned, he asked John if he needed a hand.

"No thank you, son. Carry on."

"Yes sir."

John gently picked up the boy, placing him lovingly on the cart. He had made a special effort to see what the boy had been wearing when he came in. He picked up what he thought were the boy's underwear, then gathered his pants and shirt, laying them on the gurney.

The other boys would be taken to a large room were several dozen folding cots had been set up. The would be wiped down with a wet sponge, dressed in white boxers and put to bed. Most would want to go at it again when they woke, but this would be discouraged by Troop personnel stationed in the room. Shirts, pants and underwear would be laid out for them to look through, most would go home with the right clothing. The doctor would speak with the boys while they ate. John had decided if any of the boys did not want to join, he would live with the consequences. They would be encouraged not to tell anyone about the Troop's dark secret, but they would not be harmed. John or course could not do anything about members taking matters into their own hands, but that would be discouraged as well.

John wheeled the boy to the elevator. The door opened immediately when he pressed the up button.

They arrived at his private quarters. John lay the boy on the plush sofa, then wheeled the cart out into the hallway. Once this was done, he went to his bedroom and removed his clothing, he then went into the large bathrrom and laid a extra large terry cloth towel on the carpeted floor. Once this was done, he returned to the living room to retreive the sleeping boy.

He carried the boy into the bathroom and into the large, 5 -head shower. He touched a couple of buttons and two of the five heads turned on, the water already pre-adjusted to his comfort level. He sat on the floor of the shower, the boy between his legs. He lovingly washed him thoroughly, then carried him out, laying him on the towel he had set up. He gently dried him using a second towel, then carried him into his bedroom, placing him gently on fresh sheets and covering him. With this done, John went to speak with his people.


Five hours later, John sat in his office again. Timmy had came in for a bit after school, but had already left for the day. John was alone, reflecting on the day's events.

Most of the boys were awake two hours later. They searched through clothing, most with success and were then taken to the lunch room, all without incident. As John had predicted, some had wanted to continue where they left off, but this was gently discouraged with a pat on the butt and a promise of food.

During lunch, John had spoke. The start of the speech was about the gas and what had happened in the large room. Through this, all of the boys were grinning, none seemed to care that they had been doped. This out of the way, the doctor went right into the main theme, about how the Troop was a private organization, and stressed to all that just like Las Vegas, what happened here STAYED here...John noticed that all were nodding their heads at this part.

"This is YOUR place, your little slice of heaven...we don't need outsiders fucking it up for us, am I right?"

The boys voiced their agreement loudly.

The last bit was a warning about being careful when members gathered for fun "outside the safety of these walls", and to make sure that privacy was a concern every time. "Make sure you are alone, I can't stress this enough."

All were nodding once again.

All present joined the Troop today, just as John had thought, no worries. Uniforms were issued in neat white boxes, complete with dress shoes and a tie.

The boys, bellies full, had been escorted to back to the bus.

The driver grinned and winked as young James and Tony entered together, returning the man's smile.

Walt sat in the back of the bus, thinking about how his briefs were a bit too tight, and wondering, a bit excitedly, if they were someone elses. He was also thinking about his dad....doing so caused his young cock to stir once again as they pulled up to the school. Best not to think about that, he thought.

He gently opened the lid to the neat white box on his lap, running his fingers over the pressed fabric of the cool uniform. He noticed a lump in the shirt pocket, wondering, what could be in there? He unsnaped the flap in peeked inside. Although Walt or none of the other boys were told about this, he knew what it was immediately.

The boy grinned, running his finger over the little cylinder with the mouthpiece.

3 down, 2 two go! Hope you are enjoying this. Please write and let me know...would love to hear from you (all flames ignored). Cheers!

Next: Chapter 4

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