The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Jun 8, 2006


The Troop - Part 2: Phase III - The Boy's Apartment - Isacc Joins Up - Troop Tour Signup


Dr. Williams sat in his office, watching the monitor of the guest room in his private quarters. Duncan and Roy were in the process of getting undressed between passionate kisses.

The intercom emmitted a soft tone.

Touching a small button on his beltline, the Doctor said "Yes?"

"Doug Underdall to see you sir."

"Thank you Timmy, send him in."

"Yes sir."

John switched off the monitor, giving the boys their privacy. The door opened.

"Hello, Doug. I assume you are here with news of Phase II?" said John, "I hope there is not a problem, we have a new recuit tomorrow that we are doing the main test on....of course, as always I will try it myself first."

Doug Underall was the head of the small research team that was currently working on a new version of the formula. Doug and John had attended Pensylvania State University's Biochemistry lab, where they had, on a evening of drinking together, discovered their mutual feeling about same sex partnerships.

"No, not at all sir....quite the opposite." Doug said, wringing his hands and grinning.

The man was visibly shaking, this had to be big as Doug was usually relatively calm.

"What is it?"

"It's Phase III sir, we've had a breakthrough!"

"What? I thought that was months off....perhaps even years...."

"Yes, us too sir...but we've got it."

John grinned. This would change his plans.

"How can you be sure, it hasn't been tested."

"We know, sir. The chemical composition is the same."

"How can it be distributed?"

"Well, now that it's a gas...pretty much any way we see fit...through a ventalation system, or on an individual basis, like this."

He reached into his lab coat and pulled out what appeared to be an asthma inhaler. He tossed it to the doctor.

"A couple shots of this has the same effect as the sports drink, only about 3 times quicker...where the sports drink took a little better than a hour, this should work in 20 minutes or less."

"We have to test this, and soon," said John, "How many of the men teachers and faculty at the middle and high school belong to us?"

"Right now about 95 percent."

John touched his beltline. "Timmy, get me vice-principal Heckler. I think he should still be at the school, but if you can't reach him, try his cell phone."

"Yes sir."

"I will be in touch. Good work, Doug. Please send me the details of this discovery in an email." John said with a smile.

Doug took his leave, grinning.

Turning the little inhaler over in his hand, John switched on the monitor.

He saw Duncan lying on the bed, his legs in the air and spread wide. Roy lay between them, his muscular young ass rose and fell as he fucked the younger boy. He watched, his cock growing stiff. He never tired of watching these two, no matter how many new recruits came through the door. John thought it was because the two were in love that made them so interesting, he wasn't sure.

The only other boy that excited him nearly as much was young Cameron Stromer, who had yet to join the fold. That would change this week. Cameron would join, of that he was certain....and he was also certain that the boy would be all his.

In his private quarters, Roy was now in a squatting position on the bed, impailed on the younger boy's cock, riding for all he was worth while jacking himself.

"Not long now." John said softly, reading the pleasure on the boy's faces.

As usual, he was right. With a couple of mouse clicks, John now had sound.

Duncan's mouth flew open as his eyes closed tightly, his head whipping back and forth as he let loose. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh....yeahhhhhh...., ride it....Uhhhh. Ahhh yeahhhhh! Uhhhh...Uhhh...ahhhh...ahhhh...AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!"

John hit the zoom on the camera, using a small joystick he adjusted the tiny camera, he watched as Roy's ass overflowed with the younger boy's semen.

Roy's hand flew up and down his stiff shaft, his head thrown back in pleasure, he cried out as thick sperm flew from his bright red cock, laying down several lines of the sticky fluid on Duncan's hairless chest.

Afterward, John let them have time to kiss and savor the moment before opening the intercom to the room.

"Hello, boys. I need to see you in my office when you are dressed."

"Hey, doc!" Duncan said, "No fair peeking! What did you think?"

"A splendid performance gentlemen! I am still hard just thinking about it." John said with a grin.

"We aim to please."

"I will see you soon, boys."

John clicked off the mike.

"Vice principle Heckler on line one." Timmy announced on the intercom.

"Thank you Timmy." John said, "Heckler. There's been a change of plans. 3 is ready."

"THREE John? But I thought......"

"As did I, but it is ready now. Pending one last test, we should be able to pull off the gathering we spoke of a while back. Do you think you can put it together?"

"Sure....when is the last test?"

"Tomorrow. A friend of Duncan's is the subject...Isacc...uh, Harris I believe."

"Great...I will set it up."

"We'll shoot for Friday."

"Sounds good..I will get to be there for this one, right?"

"Yes, Carl."

"Thanks, doc."

"Good bye, Heckler." John said as he hung up the phone.

Roy and Duncan kissed as the hot water flowed down their smooth bodies, washing away the evidence of their lovemaking. Both boys found that they were becoming stiff once again.

"We can't do it any more," Duncan said, "Doc wants to see us."

"Yeah, I know." Roy breathed as he kissed the younger boy's neck. "I wish we could be together whenever we wanted."

Roy reluctantly shut the water off and pulled open the door to the shower.

The boys stepped out and began to dress in fresh clothing, which John kept in abundance at almost every size in a large closet in the guest room. Shirts and pants hung in rows with sizes labeled, just like at a clothing store. An area with labeled drawers held t-shirts and underwear.

Once dressed, they left the apartment. The door automatically locked behind them. They took the elevator down to 3, where John's main office was located.

"Hey, they hanging?" Duncan said.

"I'm cool," the 10 year old answered, "How about you?"

"Feeling good." Duncan said with a grin.

"Roy and Duncan to see you sir." Timmy announced.

"Thank you Timmy, send them in."

Timmy Pratt knew exactly what was happening at this facility, even though he had never taken a drop of the formula. Timmy's father was on the research team headed by Doug Underdall. While Timmy had never had sex with anyone at Troop headquarters, his father had broken in several young boys. Timmy didn't mind what was happening here. He thought he might someday sneak into the lab and try some of the formula for himself, just to see how it felt. In the meantime, he was the eyes, ears nose and throat of the most important man here, plus, the boy had a yearly salary that would be the envy of any businessman in town, the majority of which was being placed in a trust fund in his name. Timmy also had investments that even the doctor had no knowledge of. Tim figured if he behaved himself, he would retire from the Troop at age 21 a very rich young man.

Timmy reached under the lip of his desk and hit a small button. A pleasant tone sounded and the door swung inward.

"Thanks Timmy," said Roy, "Maybe we could get together for a drink sometime, what do you say?"

"In your dreams, dude." Timmy said, grinning as the two older boys passed.

Roy winked and wiggled his tongue at the little guy. Timmy rolled his eyes at the older boy, then the phone on his desk rang and he was instantly all-business.

"Doctor William's office." he said as the two boys entered the office and shut the door behind them.

"Hello boys." Said John.

"Hey doc," said Duncan, "Seen any good video lately?"

"My, yes," He said walking up to Duncan, placing his hand lovingly on his cheek, "It was all I could do to keep from jerking off....but alas, I didn't get to see all of your performance. I had company."

"Anyone we know?" Said Roy, winking at the doctor.

"No, it wasn't like was Doug. He told me that 3 is ready."

Everyone who was on more than just speaking terms with the doctor knew what 3 was....phase III of the formula.

"Jesus," Duncan said, "Has it been tested?"

"No, I will try it myself first, then we have your friend coming in tomorrow."

"You mean Isacc?...." Duncan started, "are you sure that will be ok? 3's a different composition."

"No, it's the same. The team stumbled onto it by accident while they were working on 2. I assure you that Issac will be fine." said John, "I simply wanted to let you know that if the test is successful, the planned gathering will happen on Friday. I need you and Roy to be here early Friday morning and to plan on missing school that day. Will that be a problem, cadet?"

"No, sir....I'm sorry sir."

John waived it away, "Do you think I would ever do anything if I thought I would hurt someone?" John stroked the boy's cheek once again. "I would sooner die than have anything bad happen, which is why I always test it on myself first."

"No sir."

"Ok. Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

The doctor walked toward the door, the boy's followed.

"Hold all my calls, Timmy. If it's something really hot you may page me."

"Yes sir." said Timmy.

"You may page ME anytime, little man." said Roy, winking.

Timmy once again rolled his eyes.

"You do know that it's a waste of time hitting on the boy, I hope." John said to Roy, grinning.

"Yeah, but it is fun...the way he puts me down." Roy said, actually wondering what the handsome little guy would look like naked. Roy supposed he would be completely hairless, which would be cool...but he also figured he'd never find out.

The three went to the elevators, once inside, John pushed 4. The elevator rose and the doors opened. John's private quarters, the place the two had came from were to the left, John took a right and started down the hallway.

He finally stopped at a door neither of the boys had seen before.

"What's this door?" Duncan asked.

"Yeah, I thought this hallway was a dead-end." said Roy.

John opened the door. Inside was a modest living area with a plasma screen TV, 2 comfortable looking chairs and a sofa. Off to the left was a small kitchenette.

" long has this been here. It's very nice." said Roy.

"I've just had it built...just finished last week. Walk this way, please."

Off to the right of the living area, John pulled open a door. Inside was a queen size bed. Another plasma screen, this one a bit smaller, hung from the wall at the foot of the bed. Another door reveiled a large bathroom, complete with toilet, sink, shower and a small whirlpool.

"Holy shit...this is nice, doc...who's it for?"

"You two."

"Huh?" the two said together.

"Duncan, I need your help tomorrow, and I will need both of you on Friday. After that, if you two just want to stick with each other, then that's fine by me. This room has no bugs or cameras. You can use it anytime you can bring other boys up here as long as they are members, or you two can just enjoy it."

"But why..."

"I know how you feel about each other. I can see it in your eyes."

Duncan looked as though he might cry. Roy put his arm around the younger boy.

"I do have to tell you though, I don't know if you will still feel the same if you go off the formula, Roy. Duncan here is a natural, but you are enhanced."

Roy looked into Duncan's eyes. "Well, after Friday, we will have to find out, won't we?"

"Yeah." Said Duncan, grinning.

"But I don't think it will make any difference." Roy said as their faces got closer.

Their lips touched and they began to kiss, eventually falling onto the bed.

Neither even noticed when the doctor left, closing the door behind him.


Isacc was exhausted, he had ran the quarter mile track 4 times now. He had no idea that joining up would be so tough.

"Hold up there, man." Duncan said.

"Whew! I'm sweating like a pig!" Isacc said.

Isacc was Duncan's age and light-skinned African-American. He was about five inches taller than Duncan, but the two weighed about the same as Isacc was much thinner.

Duncan was nervous. He didn't quite know how he would get his friend to use the inhaler. When he had asked the doctor, John had simply said "Be creative, it will come to you."

Duncan reached into his pocket and presented the inhaler.

"I've got some stuff here...I use it all the time. You won't get tired so fast."

Duncan wanted to roll his eyes, he couldn't believe how phony he sounded. He figured that Isacc, who was proud of his athletic ability and would not take something on a whim, would shut him down instantly....he'd say something like, "Nah, I'm pretty careful about what I put in my body."

"No shit...what is it?" Isacc asked, interested.

"Not really sure what's in it, but it works great." Said Duncan, wanting to roll his eyes once again at his performance. "The doc says there's nothing bad in it, and I trust him."

"How do you use it?" Isacc asked, turning the small container over in his hands.

"Well, you put this end," Duncan said, pointing to the one inch opening, "in your mouth, press down here, and inhale. Pretty simple really."

Duncan was still skeptical and was surprised when the boy placed the inhaler in his mouth and triggered it.

"Two works best."

Isacc triggered the device a second time.

"Kinda like menthol..."

"Yeah...let's sit over here a couple of minutes."

The two sat and talked about their school day, Duncan carefully watched the time.

"I think I will run a couple with you...four more laps and you will have your two miles."

"Cool!" said Isacc.

Duncan looked at his watch. The formula had been in Isacc's body for fifteen minutes now.

Duncan peeled off his shirt. He had wanted to do his friend for so long now. He hoped that everything worked out. He also knew that Roy was waiting in the wings. The two would share his friend. The thought had Duncan half-hard already. He fought to keep it under control as he removed his sweats. Underneith, he was wearing skin-tight spandex with no jock.

"Holy cow, dude. That's some outfit." Isacc said, grinning.

"Yeah, helps me stay tends to get a bit hot in here. Maintenance is working on it, but until then I will work out in these." He said, pointing down at his shorts. Duncan had purposely turned up the heat before his friend showed up.

Isacc was looking at the shorts, noticing the nice lump in the front. Duncan simply let him look, remembering how time seemed to "jump around" the first few times on the formula. The boy was also growing hard.

After about two minutes, Isacc seemed to come around.

"Dude, why don't you take off your shirt too? It's really hot in here."

"uhhh....yeah, I guess I could." he answered, looking at Duncan's shorts once again.

Duncan noticed that his friend was now fully hard.

Man, fucker's big! He thought. Can't wait to get that up my ass!

These thought's were all it took for Duncan to get a full-on woody himself. He did nothing to hide this, Isacc watched, his hand moving toward his own dick.

Isacc had his shirt off now, his dark skin glistening with sweat.

"Maybe you should run in your fucking hot in here, don't you think?"

"Yeah....that would be much cooler." Isacc said, hooking his thumbs into the elastic band of his sweats and pushing them to the floor. His big dick lay in his white briefs, hard, needing attention.

Isacc looked up after stepping out of his sweats. His friend was naked, his six incher rock hard, his hand lazily moving up and down it's length.

"Jesus." Isacc whispered.

His young friend was beautiful, which was a little weird for Isacc as he had never looked at guys this way before. It was sort of like a door had opened in his mind, a big steel door with plenty of locks. It was like he always knew what was behind there, but he should't open it....but it was open now and it felt good. He also wondered for a while if he had "turned gay"...he had heard this phrase before in the movies and on TV. He took a second and thought about his favorite super models, and also his favorite Playboy centerfolds from the magazines hidden under his matress. The thoughts of these women still turned him on...this feeling was not replacing his current state, but simply ADDING TO it.

Bizarre... he thought.

"Maybe you could do this for me, buddy?" Duncan suggested.


"You know....." Duncan said, gesturing with his head down to his stiff rod.

Isacc was facinated, but he didn't want to appear anxious.

"Well.....maybe I could, a little bit." He said

Duncan watched as his friend closed the gap between them. He reached out, slipping his fingers around Duncan's aching cock.

"Yeahhhhhh. That's it buddy...feels good." Duncan sighed.

Behind the one way glass, Roy was grinning. He began to take off his clothes.

Isacc began to stoke his friend faster.

"What's wrong with me....I mean, this is cool, but...I feel all you drugged me or something."

"I did drug you, that ok?"

"I come?"

"I want to have sex with you."

"Oh...that's cool." Isacc grinned.

"Get on your knees." Duncan said, enjoying the thought of using his friend.

Isacc, on the other hand, did not think of it as being used. He was thinking he should get on his knees just as his friend mentioned it. He wanted his Duncan's dick in his mouth, to suck it, to lick his balls.

"Yeah.....mmmm." Isacc said as he dropped down, still stroking his friend.

"Suck it."


Duncan's prick disappeared into the other boy's warm mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...yeah, that's it. Suck me."

Across the large room, a door slammed.

"What's that?" Isacc asked.

"That's my boyfriend....we're going to share you, if that's ok."

" have a boyfriend? Are you gay, dude?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" Isacc said as he gently moved his fist up and down his friends dick.

"I was afraid you wouldn't understand, didn't want to lose you."

"I'm would still have been your friend, doubt." Isacc said, and then swallowed his friend's cock once again.

"Mmmmmmmm yeah...suck me....oh God that feels so good."

"Hey." Said Roy, who appreared naked by Isacc's side.

"Hi," said Duncan, "This is my friend Isacc."

"Lookin' good." Roy said.

Isacc turned to look at Roy for a second, grinned and swallowed his friend's cock once again.

"Don't think you'll need these." Roy said as he worked the new boy's undies to the floor. Isacc lifted his knees one at a time and allowed the kid to take his underwear.

"Man...nice." Roy said, moving in behind the boy and reaching around front, grasping the stiff seven incher. His other hand moved over his smooth chest, tweaking his nipples.

"Mmmmmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmmm" Isacc moaned with his mouth full of dick.

"Who's on the camera tonight?" Roy asked.

"Camera?" Isacc asked.

Duncan grabbed the back of his friend's head, pushing him down on his dick once again.

"Nobody. Doc said he's not taping this one."

"Damn...nobody to perform for tonight."

"You can perform for me." Duncan said with a grin.

Roy grined and winked at his young lover as he began to mouth his way down the boy's back, licking and tasting. When he reached Isacc's ass, he wasted no time, licking down the crack to his tight anus.

Isacc moaned, moving his left leg forward.

"Here, let's do this." Said Duncan.

Duncan lay down. "C'mon, Isacc." He coaxed.

Isacc moved on his hands and knees between his friend's smooth thighs, taking Duncan's cock into his mouth once again as Roy moved in behind him. The older boy lowered his head and began to eat, licking Isacc deep.

"Ahhhh God....yeah." Isacc raised his head and moaned.

"Mmmmmmm...tight....tasty. Can't wait to get in there." Roy sighed, "You should know that I'm going to fuck your little ass hard, kid."

"Yes....oh yes." Isacc moaned as Roy lowered his head once again, flicking his tongue at the tight little circle, then plunging it inside.

Roy ate the boy until his tongue ached, then raised up on his knees. He spit in his right hand, then stroked his cock, all the while runnning the fingers of his left hand up and down Isacc's warm crack. Finally, he moved forward, placing the head on the tight little ring of muscle. He began to push. The kid cried out in pain as the head slipped past his tight sphincter.

"Oh Jesus!" Isacc cried, "Easy....easy."

"It's ok, man...we'll stay like this for a minute...until you get used to it." Roy said as he gently stroked the boy's back and ass with his fingertips.

After about a minute, Roy began to slide forward once again, inch, then two. The boy didn't cry out. Finally Roy's nuts rested against the kid's fine young ass.

Roy leaned forward. "Gonna fuck you."

"Yeah." Duncan whispered.

Roy started slowly, pulling almost free and then gliding back inside. It felt so awesome...Roy loved breaking in a new ass, the feel of the tight cavity squeezing his hard pole, milking it. He picked up the pace, loving the sound of his pelvis slapping against this kid's hot ass.

Isacc was whimpering, totally digging it. Roy pulled out all the stops, pounding hard, his nuts slapping painfully against the kid's ass.

"Fuck 'em." Duncan whispered as he fed his prick to Isacc. Rising up on his knees, he began fucking his buddy's warm mouth.

Isacc moaned and gurgled, hardly able to breathe. The feel of Roy's hard pole up his ass, combined with Duncan's tasty cock in his mouth was almost too much to bear, the boy nearly passed out as waves of pleasure took control of his teenage body. He never would have figured himself to be in a position like this, let alone how good it felt. He grabbed onto his own cock and began to jack it, working on what would be the first of three ejaculations.

Across the track field in a small room with one-way glass, Doctor Williams stood watching the trio with binoculars. He had told Duncan that he would have his privacy for this one, but in the end he simply had to watch to be sure phase III worked, and it had, with flying colors. The kid had gotten naked and had a dick in his mouth in less than twenty minutes! He had planned to stay only for the beginning, but was now fully hard and could not pull away if he tried. He watched as Roy broke in the new kid's hot young ass...John knew he would have to fuck the kid himself soon. Then he watched as Duncan spread his ass....the look on his face was priceless as Isacc shoved his fat shaft inside his friend. John eventually held the binoculars with one hand, with the other he dropped his pants and began jacking off. He could not hear the boy's cries of pleasure, he could see it written on their faces as one by one, they began to cum. As Duncan leaned back, jacking hard, covering Isacc's upturned face with his jiz, John also came. His load flew from his cock, landing on the wall in front of him and running down. He stood, breathing heavily, watching as Roy's semen joined Duncan's on Isacc's face. Once this was done, the boys gathered their clothing. John assumed they would continue into the night in their new appartment, which was fine with him, he didn't need to see more.

As he stood there with his cock in his hand, gently milking out the last drops, he thought about Friday. Friday was the day. His men at the middle and high school would have it all set up tomorrow, Monday. The doctor had no doubt what that meant. Every boy over the age of twelve in this town, and even a few as young as ten, would eventually be a member of the Troop.

Which meant they would all be his.


".......lunch for today will be Meatloaf ...tomorrow, Lasagna....Wednesday...."

Cameron listened as the morning announcements droaned on. He wondered how much of the left-over meatloaf would end up in the Lasagna.

After a restless night, he had made a decision to go to Troop Headquarters right after school today. Duncan was right, he had nothing to fear. The best thing to do was to just go and get it over with, whether good or bad. The gym facilities at the school weren't bad, but he knew from Duncan that the Troop building had a full weight room, an olympic-size pool, a sauna and a quarter-mile running track...all indoors! When he was free at school, there was usually a gym class or some sort of training going on. He would be able to go to Troop Headquarters and work out any time he wanted, as long as he kept his grades up.

"....the Troop Headquarters, make sure you sign up by Wednesday. Only 40 boys will be able to attend....."

"Huh? What was that?" He asked the boy next to him.

"Tour of the Troop building....they must not be making enough money to pay for that big old place...I really don't know why anyone would want to join up with those over-grown cub-scouts any...."

"Thanks, dude." Cameron said, leaving his breakfast and heading out of the lunch room down the hallway.

This was his shot to check it all out! He'd be with lots of other guys, nothing to worry about!

He made his way to the office. Right outside the door was a large bulletin board. Most of the clubs and after-school activities hung their sign-up list here.

There was not a list, instead there was a sign:

Tour The Troop Headquarters! We're sure that once you see our state-of-the-art facility, you'll want to join us! The facility includes: A full weight training room, complete with training staff. An olympic-sized swimming pool. A sauna. Indoor tennis courts. A quarter-mile running track. On the football team? We'll set up a program that will complement your football training. Plus you'll be able to join the fun on the Troop's many camp-outs and other activities! The bus for this tour will leave the school grounds at 8:00 AM on Friday. Since this will last the entire day, it will be considered a field trip. Permission slips can be obtained in the office and must be signed by a parent or guardian by Wednesday.

Cool! Cameron thought.

Just as he was heading for the office door, the first warning bell rang. His first class was on the other end of the campus, so he turned and left. He would come back at lunch time.

"Full? Already?" Cameron asked the secretary. "How can it be full?"

"I'm sorry young man, but boys have been coming in here all morning." she said, "You can show up at the bus and if we have a no-show you can take his spot....would you like a slip?"

"No," Cameron said, hanging his head, clearly disapointed.

He turned to leave.

"Mister Stromer?" a voice Cameron recognized.

Vice-principal Heckler.

"Yes sir?"

"Do you have a moment?"

"Yeah, sure." Cameron answered, walking toward the man.

"Step in my office son."

Jesus, Cameron thought, now what the fuck?

Cameron was a friendly kid and didn't hate anyone, but he did dislike Heckler, not only was the man a first-class prick, but most guys were sure he was a major fruit as well. He would often find an excuse to visit the gym teacher just as most of the boys were naked, heading for the showers.

He will probably just talk bullshit to me for a bit while he looks me over and wonders what I'd look like naked. Cameron grinned at the thought of standing naked before this pompous pervert. The boy walked into the office and sat down.

"Did I overhear you are wanting to take the Troop tour?"

All of a sudden Cameron was interested in what Heckler was saying.

"Yes sir, but it turns out that they are full."

"Oh? Nonsense." Heckler said.

"Yes, it's true sir," Cameron continued, "the secretary said that they have the 40-guy limit...and that I'm not the first they have turned away."

"No biggie...take a permission slip...I happen to have one here." Heckler said, "There's usually at least one no-show, and even if there isn't I'm sure we can squeeze you on."

"Cool!" Exclaimed Cameron.

"Make sure you have that back here signed by Wednesday."

"I sure will...thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it...the Troop is a great experience for a boy such as who likes to stay in such good...uh shape. You are an athelete, are you not?"

"Yes." Cameron answered.

He couldn't help but notice what part of his "shape" the VP was looking at right now. He stiffled a giggle. Barely.

"Great! I will see you on the bus on Friday. Better run along now and get something to eat."

"Yes sir...thanks again, sir."

Carl Heckler watched as Cameron turned to leave the office. The boy was wearing nice fitting jeans today, his hot little ass stuck out nicely, moving up and down as the boy walked. Heckler didn't need imagination to know what it looked like.

Once, Heckler had the opportunity to see it in the flesh.

It was during one of his many visits to see Jerry Fourts, the gym teacher. He and Jerry were good friends, mainly since Jerry also enjoyed the company of teenage boys. Neither had many opportunities to act on this, that is until they met John Williams. Heckler took the job on Jerry's advice...because he would be around young boys. Carl had wished he was more athletic, then he too would have taken a job as a gym teacher.

He had arrived at the locker room just at the right time, when the scenery was best. If the boys looked into the glass window of Jerry's office, it appeared that Carl and Jerry were talking about school stuff, when in fact they were discussing what they were seeing.

Young Cameron Stromer was facing away from the men as he dropped his gym shorts. Wearing just his jock, the boy turned and put his shorts in his locker, then turned away again and dropped the jock, which the boy got tangled in his foot. Cameron bent over further to remove his jock from his foot. His beautiful crack opened, reveiling his hairless asshole. The boy, much to Heckler's disapointment, did not turn. He simply tossed the jock into the locker and walked to the showers. He didn't have the chance to see the boy walk back since the office windows would steam up from the showers.

Carl had practically ran back to his office, fighting the hard-on that threatened. He stepped quickly into his office, turning the lock on his door. He had sat behind his desk, his cock in hand, running the piece of mind-video over and over in his head, the boy dropping the gym shorts, turning in slow-motion to reveil his muscular young chest and full jock-pouch, then dropping the jock, bending over farther to free the strap from his foot, his hole winking open, the boy standing and walking away, his sweet little butt swaying from side to side. Carl then added his imagination into the mix. He was now naked, standing behind the boy as he bent over, his hard dick sliding up inside him, fucking him hard as the kid moaned in pleasure. Jerry Fourts was beside the two, naked, stroking his fat cock, waiting for his turn, sloppy seconds. Heckler came all over his shirt and had to wait until the coast was clear before leaving the office and driving home to get a fresh one.

Coming out of the memory and back to the present, Carl noticed that he was hard now. Back in the old days, he would have probably locked his door and masturbated, being extra careful to lay a towel (kept in a drawer for the occasion) over his clean shirt. Now, he simply returned to work, although he was grinning.

He knew that this Friday, many of his wildest fantasies would come true.

Hi friends. I have received some positive emails, but I would sure love to know what more of you think. Do you want me to continue to post? Is it getting you hard? Sure would love to hear all about it. Email me. PLEASE do not waste your time sending flames.

Cheers! 'gasm

Next: Chapter 3

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