The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Jun 4, 2006


This is my first shot at science-type fiction. I have read other stories and they have fascinated me. One of my favorites is "The Kovzland Sagas", by Kelvin Guard. My story is quite different. I got the idea for this from some CGI images I found online posted by someone who calls himself "Ghost". The images, created with CGI software called "Poser" or "Daz" deplict A scout-like organization where the members engage in sex play. At this sitting, I THINK I'm almost finished...I had originally intended for this to be a very short tale, but it keeps growing.

Before you read this, I must tell you that I do not know anything about genetics. I do not know why one man is gay and the next is straight. I DO know I like to make things up, like this story, for instance. So before you decide to write and tell me how much shit I am currently full of, let me save you the trouble and tell you that you are right....I didn't want to write this story for that very reason, but it's been dancing in my jack-off fantasies for months now and I have to get it out, ok? So, for those of you who just can't get past the plot, why not just skip that part? Get it out of your pants and read only the sexy parts.

Cool! We got that out of the way, now, for my newly enhanced disclaimer... although I don't know what for, it's not like this will get published in a major magazine....but, whatever, here goes:

I don't pretend to be a writer of any sort, all I know is that it brings me pleasure. If it brings you pleasure, gets you hard or whatever...I'd love to hear all about it. All flames cheerfully ignored.

This story is my property. © Copyright 2005 by Phangasm, all rights reserved, batteries not included.

The following contains sex between teen boys, prepubecent boys and men, including dads and sons. If this offends you, then it would be a good idea to simply leave and not read it.

Also, this may be illegal where you are, so you may want to think twice about downloading it and saving it on your drive....or even reading it for that matter.

If you are under legal age (depending where you are, the world can't seem to agree on an age of consent....hmmmmm) then you shouldn't be here in the first place.....on the other hand, if your parents are stupid enough to leave you alone in a room with an internet connection, then you may as well get naked and jack off.

Plus, I'm throwing this in just cuz: The story below is pure fantasy. I do not endorse this type of behavior, meaning sex with young teen boys and unprotected sex. I do not agree with Age of Consent laws, however I do follow those laws because I believe in the "majority rules" type of free society (plus I enjoy my own freedom). In the fantasy world of the story below, things like AIDS do not exist...why? cause AIDS sucks and I feel no need to add such a bummer into my plots. In the real world, however, shit like AIDS does happen. Practice safer sex with a consenting partner of legal age. This has been a public service announcement.

Ok! Let's take off our pants and get started.....


'gasm -

The Troop - Part 1: Cameron - The Doctor - Roy Initiated - Duncan Joins Up


The boy stood outside the large brick structure for quite some time. It was an dark structure, the bricks appeared to have been chipped out some type of black stone. The boy looked up. At four stories, the Troup building was the tallest in town. When it was built three years ago, it had been the talk of the town.

Cameron was a short lad for thirteen, but yet very good looking. He had brown hair, with deep brown eyes below dark eyebrows. He looked like an average 13 year old with his clothes on, too skinny, awkward, etc. However, when he removed his shirt his muscular young frame was reveiled, hard pecs, strong arms and hot teenage six-pack abs. Being very athletic, the boy had kept himself in shape and was not into the couch potato video game and internet craze that most boys his age couldn't get enough of. He thought, being the athletic boy that he is, that the Troop would be right up his alley.

He had a crooked grin that could melt any young lady near enough to see it....especially at the beach, with most of his tanned muscular body uncovered.

Girls would giggle and run into things when he walked by. Even older women would find themselves flustered when face to face with the boy in conversation. Cameron figured when the time was right, he wouldn't have any trouble getting his dick wet for the first time. He wasn't cocky about this, however. Sex was a complete mystery to him. He knew the mechanics of it all, and had even seen it performed many times from looking at his father's porn collection...but still, the whole mess of what to say and how to get started left him frustrated, so he decided not to worry about it, his right hand worked nicely for the time being.

Cameron wasn't grinning now, his brow was furrowed with worry.

He had wanted to join The Troop for quite some time...actually ever since the structure he was standing in front of had been erected. However, he was a shy lad and did not feel he would be accepted. He felt that he was not only too short, but not tough enough to make the cut. He in fact was probably tougher than most of the boys on campus here, but he was so self-conscience of his height that he could not bring himself to even try.

His friend Duncan, who has been a full-fleged member of the Troop for the past 3 months, had tried to convince him several times that he would fit in just fine, but to no avail.

Most towns had a local Boy Scout or Cub Scout troup, but not in Morehead. Morehead has The Troop, which, the locals joke is "Boy Scouts on Steroids". They did all the regular Boy Scout stuff (or so Cameron had heard, he never actually saw them heading out of town in a bus to a camp-out or anything), only more disiplined, tougher.

"What's it like?" Cameron had asked Duncan. "What's it like in that big brick building? What do you do in there? Do you go camping and stuff? Is there a gym?"

Duncan always laughed at this. "You'll have to join to find out, dude." He said, "I'm telling you, your height or weight will not matter. You'll fit right's pretty much just Boy Scout shit."

Still, Cameron worried. He had memorized all the pamplets, plus he even had one of the posters, the one with the picture of the handsome boy grinning, standing at attention, on his bedroom wall.

"Do You Have What It Takes?" the poster shouted in large block letters. Then, right below this was a picture of the handsome boy in uniform.

Below the picture, in smaller letters: "Are you that special boy? Come to Troop Headquarters and find out!"

Cameron, who finally let his shyness get to him, mumbled "Not today," as he walked away.


Dr. John Williams was looking out the window of his 3rd floor office, watching the boy standing in front of the building.

"Yes...come on in." He whispered.

The boy looked up....Dr. Williams had seen his handsome young face around town and wanted desparately to get to know him better. The man didn't bother to back away from the window, but continued to watch the boy, looking directly into his brown eyes. If the doctor had been watching him from the ground floor and the boy had decided to peer in, he would have seen only his own reflection, as the windows in the building were one way glass. Eventually, the boy wandered away.

The doctor touched a small device on his beltline. "Is Duncan Lawrence still on campus?" he said.

"Yes sir." a saprano boy voice answered

"Good, could you locate him and send him up please?."

"Yes sir."

"Thank you, Timmy."

"You're welcome, sir."

John sat at his desk and waited.

Things had progressed well, he thought. Better than he would have ever expected possible. Phase II of his formula would be ready this week, in which they had managed to get rid of much of the foul taste and odor. Many of the early subjects were told they were testing a new sports drink. Most had spit it out, even though it had been mixed with flavorings. Those who had managed to finish had not only been the breakthrough John had been hoping for, but had proven the doctor's theories about human nature as well.

A pleasant tone sounded.

"Duncan to see you, sir."

"Wonderful, send him in please." John said.

A handsome 13 year old blond boy in a blue uniform entered. He was slim, average height for his age. His blue eyes sparkled. He approached the desk and stood at attention.

"You sent for me sir!" the boy barked.

"At ease, son." said the doctor.

The boy made eye contact with John, then spread his feet and clasped his hands behind his back.

"The boy we spoke of, Cameron Stromer." said John, "I saw him outside a few minutes ago."

"Yes sir?"

Duncan's brow furrowed.

"None of that...nothing to be stressed out about son." Said John, seeing the tension on the boy's face.

"It's just that....well...I know you want him to join up...and I know he wants to...he just thinks he's not tough enough.I'm sorry sir...I will try harder." Said Duncan, breaking eye contact and hanging his head.

"That's ok. I think I just need another approach. He won't take the advice of a friend....perhaps he'd listen to an insider."

"You, sir?"

"No, one of the leaders. We need to arrange a 'chance meeting' with your young friend and Roy."


"I'll leave that to you." the doctor said as he rose from his chair and walked around his desk. "Just call me when you have a place arranged....not too many people."

John stood beside the young man, placing the back of his hand on the boy's cheek, stroking lovingly.

Duncan looked at him, his eyes pleading, his hand absently wandered to his crotch. "Can we sir...I mean....right now?"

John leaned in and kissed the boy's neck, feeling him shudder. "Not right now, buddy." He whispered. "Go down to the atrium and find Roy...use my private quarters on level 4 if you want."

Duncan grinned. "Thank you sir!"

"When you've finished, tell Roy I wish to see him."

"Yes sir."

"The new recruit, Isaac...?"

"Yes sir?"

"He is still set for orientation tomorrow?"

"Yes. He'll be here."

"Great, you're dismissed, Duncan."

"Thank you sir." Said Duncan as he turned to leave.

"Enjoy, son."

"I will, sir." Duncan said as he turned around, standing at attention, he placed his fist on his chest.

John returned the salute, grinning.

Another orientation tomorrow. You never knew if there would be trouble. John thought, Of course, it was always ok in the end.

John felt his cock stir and for a moment wished he hadn't given up young Duncan to Roy.

"Work to do...always work to do." he muttered as he switched on his computer.


Roy Winters was in the atrium, just as promised. Roy, at 16 was the youngest of the three scout leaders at the Troup. He was excited as he watched Duncan approach. The grin on Duncan's face said it all. Roy had been waiting all week for a chance at the younger appeared the wait was over.

He would have never approached Duncan before the Troop, now, his cock began to harden at the younger boy's approach. At the young age of 14 about a week before joining the Troop, Roy had received his first real blow job from the girl in the apartment next door. They had planned to get some condoms and experiment with fucking the following weekend, right after his orienation at the Troop building, but it never came to pass. Girls still turned Roy on sexually, but he no longer felt the need to approach them. He thought, why, when hot young guys like Duncan were there to do whatever he told them to? There was no risk of pregnancy and they didn't spend his money.

At first, Roy had been upset by what went on inside headquarters. He had spent the day here, and when it was over he wondered why he had made all the fuss.


Roy had came in on a Saturday to do, what he was told was, a "test of endurance", in which he would run on a track, then drink a special sports drink and run some more. The drink had tasted like shit, but he drank it all anyway.

Next, they took him into a dark room and instructed him to sit on a sofa and wait in the dark...a "test of patience" they called it. Roy thought this was pretty strange, but didn't see the harm.

Then things got really strange.

About an hour into this "test", a wall opened before him onto a window into a small room. The room contained a bed, a door and nothing else. Finally, the door opened. A man in his thirties and a boy of about 12 or 13 followed. They stood by the bed and began removing their clothes.

"Jesus", he remembered whispering, "What the fuck is this shit?"

The man's cock was huge, better than 8 inches and throbbing hard. The skinny boy's 5 inch, nearly hairless penis was hard as well. He'd stood by the bed absently stroking himself, waiting for the man to finish undressing. Roy had began looking for the door, but the place where he had entered was blank wall now.

"Hey!" he had yelled, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Meanwhile, the show behind the glass continued. The man had finished undressing and was now laying on the bed. The boy wasted no time getting on top of the man, his little ass began to pump and grind as the man's hands found the boy's little ass, kneeding and squeezing. Overhead speakers came to life, making Roy jump. The boy's heavy breathing and moaning now filled the dark room. Roy had then approached the glass and hammered on it.

"Hey!!" What is this? Let me out!"

The two appeared to not be able to hear him, or, which seamed more likely to Roy, were ignoring him. Roy, who was now scared as hell, had returned to the couch. He attempted trying not to watch at first, but could not escape the boy's moaning.

When the man began to moan and speak, Roy looked up.

"Ahhh yeah, little buddy...that's it yeeeaaaahhhh." the man moaned.

The boy was sucking the dude....kinda like what Janice had done last week.....only he looked like he was much better at it than her. Roy stood, slowly walking toward the glass.

"Ahhh God, kid....suck it...yeah...suck it baby...aaaaahhhhhhhhhyeah."

Roy was no longer thinking of escape....this still was strange, but man, that hot mouth, sliding up and down, up and down on that thick-veined, wet pole.

Roy had no idea how long he had been standing there. The boy was now face down, laying spread-eagle on the bed. The man moved up between the boy's legs. With his fingers he spread the little butt cheeks, reveiling his pink little anus.

"Mmmmmmmm" the man had moaned before beginning to lick the pink little hole.

"Ahhhh yeah." the boy sighed as the man began to lick him hard, probing with his tongue.

"Jesus" Roy whispered, his hand absently rubbing the front of his sweats.

After about 10 minutes of this, the boy was on his hands and knees on the edge of the bed. The man stood behind him, and Roy watched in amazement as the 8 inch monster slid up the impossibly tiny ass. The man began to fuck the kid, moving fluidly in and out as the young boy's face was a twisted picture of pure bliss. Roy attempted to move closer and almost fell, not realizing his sweats were now around his ankles and his own hand was gliding up and down his rock hard 6 incher.

He stepped out of his sweats and moved closer. The man was working hard now, ramming the kid's tight ass.

"Yeah," Roy heard himself say, as if from a distance, "Fuck 'em.....fuck that tight little ass!"

The man turned his head to look at Roy then. "You like this, dude?" he asked.

"Yeah." Roy heard someone that sounded exactly like him answer.

"You want some of this, kid? ...fucker's nice and tight."

"Jesus...yeah." Roy answered.

This was fucking weird. Roy figured that there must have been something in the drink they game him...he also discovered that he didn't care...whatever it was, he LIKED it.

A panel that Roy had not even noticed slid aside, granting him access to the room. Roy, his hard teenage cock pointing the way, entered the room. The man pulled his huge meat out of the kid. Roy moved forward quickly, looking at the kid's completely dialated fuck hole.

"Yeah, get in there, kid...that's it," the man said, stroking himself. Roy aimed his cock at the other boy's sphincter and pushed his hips forward, easily entering the kid. He wasted no time, moving in quick strokes. Fuck, it felt so fine! Janice's mouth could not compare.

"Yeah...fuck him." The man said, taking his hand off his own cock long enough to pull Roy's t-shirt over his head.

I'm naked, Roy thought, grinning. He began to fuck harder, grasping the younger boy's hips pounding his meat into the kid like he had been doing it his entire life. He also watched as the man stroked his huge meat, not realizing that he was salavating.

The man seemed to understand and stood on the bed beside the kid. Roy wasted no time taking the big cock into his mouth.

"Mmmmmmm.." he moaned, thinking, Fuck! Totally delicious!

He sucked the man like a starving boy...he could not get enough, sucking the fat cock deeper, harder....trying not to gag on the huge fuck stick, but unable to prevent it.

"Aaaaaahhhhh Christ,'re gonna be real popular around here! ...suck it, boy...Jesus...I'm fucking cummin' that fuckin' dick...ahhhhhh....ahhhhhhh yeah, kid AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Roy was in sensory overload, feeling the hot young man's tight hole milking his hard prick as the man let loose, his musky sperm filling his mouth. He swallowed quickly, sucking like a baby on a bottle, not wanting to waste a drop. As soon as he had every drop drained, the cock pulled loose and was replaced by another. Roy glanced upward to see an older man, probably in his fifties, grinning down at him. The man was older, but looked ok for his age...he obviously kept in shape.

"Looks like we got another winner here, doc." The thirty-something man said.

Roy went to work on the guy called "Doc". After a while, he felt the boy pull free of him. Later, he looked over and noticed a boy his own age, one he recognized from school, fucking the younger kid.

He felt his butt-cheeks being spread by probing fingers...then a warm-wet tongue entered him.

"mmmmmmmmmmmm...." he moaned, still on someone's cock...the "doc" had came, and went....he had no idea how many men were in the room....he didn't care, he would suck them all!

Soon, he felt a hot probe at his tight ass. He tried to relax, but screamed as the big cock entered him. The man began to fuck immediately, not even allowing the pain to go. The first couple minutes were painful, but gradually this was replaced by pleasure the likes of which the kid had never experienced before.

Roy took 5 cocks up his ass that afternoon until someone began sucking him. Then he felt another tongue licking his balls, then another probing his asshole.....he couldn't believe it, three guys, licking his crotch...all at the same time!

"Ohhhh Jesus!!" He cried as he cock began to fire the first of six powerful jets of boy-cream. "Uhhhhhh!! Uhhhhhhgggh!!" he cried, his head whipping back and forth on the bed....his sweaty body writhing, his muscular young chest heaving. It was all too much. He raised his head and looked down towards his cock, which was still throbbing and oozing boy-goo. The kid he had fucked earlier look back at him, grinning, Roy's cum running down his chin.

Roy laid his spinning head back down, and passed out.

Later, he woke up and discovered he was in the same bed, covered with a light sheet, his gym clothes folded neatly on a night stand he had not seen earlier. The man they called "doc" was standing next to the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Ok, I guess...a bit tired."

"What do you think of The that you know what we are about?"

Although it now took on a dream-like quality, Roy thought of the man fucking the hot young boy, the huge cock in his mouth pumping him full, the hard fucking he had taken and the hot blow job. He grinned.

"You can never tell anyone....not even a hint."

"I won't." Roy said.

"Are you hungry?"

"Fucking starving."

"Well, we'll have to see if we can get you something to a little while."

The doctor began to take off his pants.

Roy grinned.


"Doc says we can have some fun if you want." Duncan said, grinning.

"Hell yeah!!" Exclaimed Roy.

"He also said," Duncan said with smug importance, "that we could use his place on 4."

"No shit?"


"Too cool!" said Roy.

Duncan grinned wide once again. He enjoyed the older boy's company, especially in bed, but they were good friends as well.

Duncan's experience in joining up was less tramatic than Roy's. He had an interest in other boys to begin with. As the doctor explained it to him, his homosexual tendencies were on the surface, not buried in his subconscience. The doctor also said that he didn't really need the formula. Duncan prefered to drink it anyway. It seemed to him that it helped him last longer in the sack.

"Let's go." Duncan said, clearly excited.

Together, the two left the atrium and headed for the elevator.


Duncan had also arrived at Troop headquarters on a Saturday.

After the endurance test, in which he was only able to drink a little better than half of the horrible tasting liquid, he was led to a room similar to the one Roy was taken to.

"To be a member of the Troop, a boy must have great patience. In this darkened room we will test your patience." the scout leader told him, "Please wait here on the sofa. I cannot tell you how long this will take. It could be minutes, or perhaps hours."

With that, the man turned and left. As the door closed, the lights went out. Duncan was left in pitch darkness, since this darkness was absolute, his eyes could not adjust to see anything. He lay thinking about how long he would be here and what would happen next.

After what seemed to Duncan was about an hour, his thoughts were interrupted when he realized he could see the arm of the sofa. He glanced up and noticed a rectangle of very dim light on the wall. He looked around and found that he could see the walls. Everything seemed to be getting clearer, brighter. He now recognized the light as a plasma screen, getting brighter slowly to allow his eyes to adjust.

Once the plasma unit had powered up fully, a picture appeared on the screen. It was a picture of a room not unlike the one Roy had saw years previous. Two young boys that Duncan had never seen before entered the room wearing only underwear. One boy had blond hair and blue eyes, his skin was deeply tanned, accented by the white briefs he wore. The other boy was just the opposite, with red hair and hazel eyes, his skin was milky white. He wore black boxers, which had the appearance of silk. The blond appeared to be the younger of the two, perhaps as young as twelve, while the red head appeared to be at least 14.

Looking at the smooth young bodies, Duncan felt the familiar tingle in his loins. Several times his hand traveled down, wanting to rest there as the two on the screen continued to make eye contact, but Duncan was sure they were watching him and didn't want video of him jacking off to surface on the internet. He would continue to watch the video, and store the information for jack-off material later.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the two boys moved toward one another. When they were close enough to touch, they did just that, running their fingertips gently over each other's nipples.

The camera focused on the front of the blond boy, zooming in close on the fly-front briefs. His young cock was visibly swelling. The camera then caressed the boys' firm young bodies as they moved in closer, their arms wrapping around each other. The camera moved up on their faces, already so close, they began to move closer, their eyes closing.

"No fuckin' way." Duncan whispered to himself, his voice shaky. Not completely in control of himself, he pulled his legs up on the sofa and lay down.

They met, mouths already open, in the longest, hottest kiss Duncan had ever seen...or heard, as the speaker volume was enhanced, building louder. Lips smacking, the wet sounds of tongues licking and grunts of pleasure filled the room.

"Holy shit." Duncan whispered, almost unaware that his hand was on the front of his sweats, squeezing his rock-hard pecker.

The kiss broke, the red head moved his mouth to the little blond boy's neck.

"Ahhhhhh." the younger boy sighed.

The camera then followed the red head's hands down his lover's back, only to plunge inside the white cotton briefs, squeezing, kneeding the flesh, pushing them slowly downward.

"Yes..." Duncan moaned, his hand moving up and down on the front of his sweats, "Take 'em off 'em....yeah."

The older boy slowly slipped to his knees, pulling the blond boy's tight undies with him. His perfect 4" penis sprang free of the fabric, bouncing like a tight spring. Duncan was able to observe it for only a second before it disappeared into the red-head's hungry mouth.

"Ahhh yeahh." The blond boy sighed as the older boy devoured his stiffy.

"My god." Duncan sighed.

Uanaware that he was even doing it, Duncan raised his rump off the sofa and dropped his sweats. His right hand went directly to his hard-on, slowly moving up and down as he watched the older boy's mouth move lower, sucking the younger boy's ball sack into his warm mouth.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh....suck my nuts, man." The blond boy sighed as the camera zoomed in on his face.

Suddenly, a small electric motor began to whir, bringing Duncan temporarily out of his stupor. A wall was opening off to his left. Duncan began looking for his sweats and undies....he spotted them across the room. He thought, I must have kicked off them off. Then, another thought: When did I take off my fucking pants?

The panel was open now. Duncan was stunned to see the two boys, the older still licking the young boy's balls. He looked at the screen, what he saw was duplicated there. It was not a video, it was live action. An older boy of about 16 stood in the corner of the room, a shoulder-type TV station quality video camera on his right shoulder.

Duncan stood. His cock, still rock-hard, pointed at the two lovers. He walked toward the two, it seemed like minutes before he stood beside them...he could not figure out why he felt so out of touch...the sports drink, perhaps? He decided he didn't care. He looked down and saw the red head grinning up at him, then watched as his boy-meat disappeared into the other boy's mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He heard himself moan, as if from far away, the disconnected sensation was so fucking cool. Silky warm-wetness enveloped his boyhood as the hot mouth sucked him up and down, the other boy's wet tongue sliding over his throbbing cock head.

The boy in the corner sat his camera on a tripod then moved to join them. He was handsome, wearing a skin-tight muscle shirt and gym shorts. The teen moved in behind Duncan. Duncan raised his arms as camera-boy pulled his shirt over his head.

"Hi," Camera-boy said as he placed his hands on Duncan's chest, rubbing gently, "I'm Roy."

"Duncan." He answered in that far-away voice.

"Yeah, we know. The dude suckin' your crank is Kirk...we call 'em Red. The little guy is Marky."


"How you feeling."

"Fuckin' awesome," he said to Roy, then looked down at Red "....Jesus...suck me, dude."

"Don't worry about him stoppin' anytime soon...Red fuckin' LOVES suckin' cock....are you feeling a little out of it?"

"'s cool though, I like it."

"That's the formula, you drank some earlier. It does that the first few times."

"Can I have some more?" Duncan asked, as he felt electric pleasure shoot through his chest. He looked down to see young Mark licking his left nipple. "Christ, dude...that feels good."

"Can't have more right now....tomorrow if you want. Doc doesn't want to overload'll meet him soon." Roy said. "You like little Marky here?"


"You can fuck 'em if you want....he'd like you to."

"Yeah.....yeah, man."

Red stood and grinned. "Man, fuckin' tasty, dude."

"Thanks....Am I gonna fuck you too?"

"Nah....not much into that. But I will definately fuck you, one end or the other." Red said as he pulled off his boxers.

"Jesus!" Duncan said.

Red was close to 7 inches, and extremely thick for his age. Red pubes surrounded his stiff member.

Marky was on the bed lying on his back, his little legs in the air. Duncan knelt between the boy's legs and spit on his hand. He gently rubbed the saliva on the little hole, then smeared the rest on his cock.

He thought he might pass out with pleasure as he felt his hard cock slip inside the younger kid.

"Yeah....ahhh yeah..." Marky moaned as he felt the new kid's dick slip up inside him.

As Duncan began to fuck the boy, he saw Roy pick up the camera once again.

" this....going on tape.....somewhere?" Duncan panted.

"You well as on several monitors thoroughout the place." Roy said matter-of-factly, "Do you mind?"

Duncan discovered that he didn't.

"I guess not....Ahhhh fuck, dude...fuckin' ass feels goood.." he panted, "Anyone watchin'...the monitors you mentioned?"

"Oh yeah....guys you will meet soon. Including the doctor. He told me he's been hard ever since you showed up today."

"No shit...hey doc!" Duncan said to the camera, "How do you like me?"

Duncan began playing to the camera, feeling completely out of it, so completely juiced knowing that dirty old men were watching his young ass move up and down...also that his performance was being saved on tape. He felt like a porn star. He realized what this place was all about and he didn't care.

"...damn, are so fuckin' hot...Jesus.....aaaaaaaahhhhh yeaaahhhh."

Duncan began to fuck faster, slamming his hips into the younger boy, slap-slap-slap-slap. He loved the feel of the boy's tight flesh squeezing his dick, loved the feel of his nuts swinging between his legs and slapping against Marky's smooth buns. He worked himself to the point of almost being ready to blow, then back down, slowing his strokes, then start over again.

Duncan looked directly into the camera and stuck out his tongue, wiggling it. "Better get in here guys...not sure how much longer I can last." He then pulled out of young Mark, rubbing his hand up and down the boy's sweet little crack.

"You are one hot little fuck." He told Mark, "I have to stop now or this won't last much longer."

Mark grinned, "That was awesome....I hope we can do it again soon."

"Count on it, buddy." Duncan said. "Right now I need to have some of this."

He dropped to his knees before Red, taking his teen meat as far as he could manage. Red placed his hand on the back of Duncan's head.

"Yeah....suck.....ahhhhhhhhhhh...suck." Red moaned.

Duncan felt warm breath near his butt cheeks, warm little hands spread him, then the hot, wet little tongue began to lick his anus.

Duncan raised his head as he jacked on Red's saliva-slick cock. Marky's face was buried in his crack. "Mmmmmmmm yeahhhhh buddy....feels good, dude."

After a few minutes, he felt strong hands on his hips and the probing of something much bigger than little Mark had to offer. He turned to see the thirty-something man that had helped break in Roy. It was much easier for Duncan, who had an array of toys at home that he pleasured himself with on a regular basis.....he figured he wouldn't need them anymore.

The man slipped inside with ease.

"Ahhhhhhhh....yeahhhhh....fuckin' big, dude." Duncan moaned.

"Mmmmmm...tight little hole.....ohhh yeah." The man sighed as he began to ride the boy's ass.

"What's your name, dude." Duncan asked the man.


Red found Duncan's mouth once again, grabbing him by the back of the neck. He began to hump his face, shoving it in so deep that Duncan gagged every now and then even though he tried to swallow each time.

Roy moved the camera over the three, then backed off for a wide shot. "Jesus....use that fucker!" he said as he watched the two asses hump on each end of the new kid.

"Give the camera to the little guy and get your clothes off," Randy said to Roy, "You're up after me, and I'm not gonna last much little fuck-hole."

Roy gently lowered the camera onto the naked 12 year old's skinny shoulder. He whipped his shirt over his head and dropped his shorts. He was already hard. Spitting on his hand, he began stroking himself as he watched Randy finish.

Mark zoomed in on Randy's face as he threw his head back and moaned, filling the new kid's hole with his hot jiz. Marky, who had been taught well with the camera, moved in as Randy pulled his cock free. Hot cream ran from Duncan's ass, down between his legs and dripped from his balls.

Roy dropped to his knees behind the new kid. He aimed his cock carefully and pushed it in to the balls with one quick thrust.

"AHHHH YEAH!" Duncan cried.

"Sweet!" Red said, grabbing Duncan's head once again. "Suck!" he commanded.

Duncan began sucking again as young Roy assaulted his ass. Soon, sweet whimpering from the red-head told him he would soon be fed.

"Ohhh God! ....Suck....yeah!! Suck it!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah!!" Red cried as his nuts let loose.

Duncan could feel the boy's cock begin to throb just before the boy squirted. Delicious musky-tasting cream filled his mouth....he sucked it down his throat only to have his mouth filled again. "Mmmmmmmm" he gurgled as he swallowed again. Red pulled his cock free, jacking it, depositing the rest of his load on Duncan's upturned face.

No sooner had Red walked away, another boy of about 15 shoved a modest sized cock into his mouth. Duncan began to suck, barely hearing Roy's cries of release. Someone took his place. Duncan thought he might have glimpsed a black man, but he couldn't be sure. He knew the man was huge, but he didn't care...he couldn't get enough.

Over the next two hours, Duncan was abused again and again. Taking cock after cock up his willing hole and drinking buckets of cum until finally, someone rolled him over and began sucking his cock. Others began licking his nipples, his armpits and torso. He didn't know who the cocksucker was, but FUCK, he was good at it! He came with a scream, arching his strong, young back, his ass lifting off the floor as the tongues continued to caress his smooth, sweaty body. His cock continued to ejaculate even after his balls had no more to give. His body, every muscle tight as cable, finally relaxed.




" your eyes young man, you can sleep in a minute."

Duncan opened his eyes, they swam in and out of focus. An older man was hovering over him, gently stroking his sweaty hair.

"Doc?" he croaked.

"Yes, Duncan. Welcome. Did you enjoy your orientation?"

"Orienta...? ...yes...but they told me you would be didn't..."

"Yes, I're a fine young man. I will look forward to having you in my private chambers. Right now, sleep my friend."


Duncan awoke later. It was pitch dark and he didn't know where he was.

"Hey!" he said with a start and sat up.

"Whoa, easy're ok."

"Who's that?"

"It's're in the same room. We're alone now."

"Jesus, what time is it? I gotta get home! My folks'll be pissed!"

"No, don't worry, they know. Your dad knows."

"My dad! Jesus! You called him? He wouldn't possibly underst...."

"Your dad's a member here, Duncan."

"What the fuck...get out!! That's not true...." Duncan sat up further, wanting to get up, but he couldn't see.

"Easy, dude. Come on, lay back down."

A strong arm came across his bare chest, pushing him back down. The body next to him snuggled up to him, he realized they were both still naked.

"Jesus." Duncan whispered, enjoying the warmth of his new friend. "I didn't know he had it in him. I thought he loved mom."

"Don't worry about that, buddy." Roy said, kissing his friend on the cheek. "He still loves your mom very much, nothing can change that, but he is into the same things around here that everyone else is into."

"Did.....did he see me on the monitors....last night?"

Roy was silent.

"I knew it...he did, didn't he?"

"Dude," Roy said softly. "He was in here last night."

"Oh God..."

"He sucked you off, man."

"Oh....sweet Jesus..."

"Oh and man you were just DIGGIN' it too, dude. He was suckin' you like he was starving! Don't you remember that blow job? You came for a fuckin' hour, man!"

" was the best ever....this is just too weird...Jesus!"

"Don't worry about it. You need your sleep. Just relax." Roy began rubbing the younger boy's chest.

Duncan relaxed, enjoying the attention, feeling his nipples tingle at the gentle fondling. Then, Roy's mouth again, kissing his neck.

"Mmmmmmmm." Duncan sighed.

Roy's mouth finally found his new friend's. Duncan turned toward the other boy, their arms and legs intertwining as they kissed.

Slowly, gently they made love. Duncan rose above the older boy and entered him slowly. His hips rose and fell as their hungry mouths kissed on and on.

As Duncan fucked, he thought about earlier, when this room was filled with naked sweaty men and boys. He thought about the blow job...he remembered now, looking down and seeing his father...lovingly working his swolen teenage cock up and down. He came again now with that thought in his head, though not nearly as intense as earlier, crying out again and again as he filled the older boy.

After, they lay in each others arms and talked a while.

Eventually, they slept.

Duncan arrived home at about 8:00 AM the next morning.

"I'm home!" He shouted.

"Hi sweetie!" he heard his mother shout back. "Congratulations on making the Troop!"

Yeah, I "made" the Troop alright. Duncan thought, trying to hold back laughter.

" home yet?" Duncan asked as his mother walked into the foyer.

"Yes, he's how was your campout?"

So that's what she was told?

"It was cool mom."

"That's nice, honey....go upstairs and wash up, I'm making waffles."


Duncan realized that he was starving. He ran up the steps two at a time. He washed his hands quickly, when he turned to leave, he almost ran into his father.

"Hi....son...." James Lawrence said.

"Hey dad." Duncan said, flushing red.

The silence was uncomfortable as hell, James finally broke it, along with the ice.

"Is everything...ok?"

Duncan looked up, flushed red once again, but this time he grinned.

James grinned back, and started to giggle. Duncan joined him. Soon the two were laughing so hard that tears fell.

"I never thought...that you know...." Duncan whispered between sniggers.

"Me either." James said, still smiling.

He looked his son in the eyes.

"We're really ok?"

"Yeah dad, we're fine....are you and mom, you know...still...ok?"

"It's fine, son...if you must know, we made love this morning. I haven't lost that and I never will...I've just gained something new."

At this Duncan felt a huge weight lift off of him. He grinned wide. His father returned the grin, placing his hand on his boy's face, stroking his cheek, moving into his soft brown hair.

"You are such a handsome young man." He said, moving in closer.

Duncan allowed his father to take him into his arms, his strong hands moving down his frame, finally coming to rest on his firm young butt, squeezing. Then, he felt the roughness of his one-day beard, his hot breath on his soft neck as he kissed and nipped.

"Ahhhh dad." he whispered, feeling himself getting hard.

"Ohhhh my God, son." James whispered, kicking the bathroom door shut with his foot as he kissed his way to the boy's face.

He moved in, Duncan met him open-mouthed, sucking his tongue as it entered his mouth, kissing passionately.

Duncan finally moved away, panting, grinning, his handsome young face flushed, dropping to his knees as he worked the button and fly on his dad's pants.

James grinned. His own son was going to blow him right here in his bathroom.

Duncan slipped his dad's pants down, boxers and all. He had seen his father naked in the past and knew he had a fat cock, but his old man was stiff this time...all eight inches of him. Duncan sucked it in as deep as he could go, loving the musky flavor.

"My God...ahhhhhh my God..." James sighed.

"Breakfast is about ready!" Joan Lawrence yelled.

"Just getting cleaned up...we'll be there in a sec!" James answered.

Duncan slobbered his father's fat cock, sucking up and down, then licking the entire width and girth, then sucking him in once again. He was so tasty and he knew it would get even better soon when he made his daddy cum...he couldn't wait for the sticky mess to fill his young mouth. He suddenly wished, (this thought brought on by his hunger combined with his lust), that he could save the thick white goo in a jar and spread it on his waffles.

"We gotta hurry...gotta have it now...ahhhhhh yeah, son....suck daddy....suck it....ohhhh Jesus, suck it." James sighed.

Duncan could not believe he was down on his knees sucking his dad....and shit it was SO good. He slurped him harder, faster...finally working his own fly down and fishing his cock out of his uniform, jacking it, his hand flying up and down, feeling his own juices getting ready to fly.

"Yeah....oh God yeahhh.....that's daddy's good boy.....suck..., my god, suck.....ohh Jesus!....I'm cumming!"

James threw back his head, biting his lower lip to keep from crying out....he thought about how he couldn't wait to someday get the boy alone, to hammer his skinny little ass in the same bed he had conceived him in! fuck his young-boy ass!!

His father's dick seemed to get thicker in his mouth, then gobs of thick sticky cum squirted out, filling Duncan's mouth. He began to swallow, unable to believe how much stuff his dad could shoot and how good it tasted. Duncan began to cream, grunting with his mouth full of fat cock, his load shot across the bathroom rug, three squirts, four, five...followed by several smaller shots.

Duncan removed his mouth from his dad's crank after slurping up every drop of his daddy's semen. Both of them stayed like that for a second, breathing hard.

"Jesus...we gotta get down for breakfast or she'll have a fit!" James said.

Duncan stood, pulling up his pants. James also put it away and was splashing water on his face. Duncan did the same, hoping he didn't look too flushed. The two exchanged several glances during this, knowing that this was only the beginning.

With the taste of his own father's cum in his mouth, Duncan grinned as the two walked down to breakfast.

Hello readers! This is the end of part one of a story I have been working on for a long time. There are 5 parts total (they are all complete except part five, I'm working on that now), I will post them all if the reaction to this first one is good. I mainly wrote this for my own entertainment, so it will not bother me in the least if it doesn't all get posted....I'm hoping you all liked it, if so, I'd love to hear about it. Drop me a line. All flames will be ignored, so don't waste your time. Later! 'gasm.

Next: Chapter 2

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